If you are a 2C, the NaturallyCurly Texture Typing system may confuse you a little bit. 2C’s generally have a mixture of different wavy and curly patterns on their head, and the look can vary greatly among ladies.
It’s impossible to pinpoint one exact model to show you, as there are many variations on a single curl pattern (hair can be fine, coarse, dense, or thin), so we’ve compiled 20 photos of lovely 2C (and mixed curl pattern) ladies to help you narrow down your type.
2C hair consists of S-shaped waves mixed with ringlets. These waves and curls begin at the roots, unlike their 2B wave sisters, which start around eye level. The biggest goal of wavies is to find products that fight frizz while giving the hair enough hold to keep the waves defined without making them crispy or weighing them down.
Image Source: @daniellathena
Curious about 2C hair? Check out these ladies rocking their waves!
1. @curlynfab
2. @cristinacleveland
3. @curlyfitmom
4. @mayurijaini
5. @jadafevzi
6. @curlieswithjulia
7. @curlykari.x
8. @deesimon
9. @gracefully.curly
10. @curlycomedynailart
11. @kats.kurlz
12. @siramadi_om1
13. @thesingingcurly
14. @evanjosephsalon
15. @littleredcurlhead
16. @ecoslay
17. @cavywurly_curls
18. @ursyymm
19. @welshiecurlgirl
20. @fitkatstyle
Naturally Curly’s very own Social Media Manager Leslie has a combination of 2C curls at her crown and 2B hair at her nape. Read up on how she practices self-care and check her out on ig for more curly #inspo.
Have 2C hair?
Share your pics with us on Facebook and let us know how you take care of your 2c waves!