Search Results: Whitney Garcia-Devers

7 Positive Self-Affirmations to Lift You Up Today
The importance of positivity is often underestimated. Having a positive attitude helps you overcome challenges in life and at the same time, make us more creative in being able to navigate a difficult situation.
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The importance of positivity is often underestimated. Having a positive attitude helps you overcome challenges in life and at the same time, make us more creative in being able to navigate a difficult situation. Not to forget, positivity attracts people and decreases your chances of feeling lonely.

Part of positivity is having an optimistic self-image. Because how can we expect to be loved by others if we do not love ourselves? In the past, I would carry around an extremely negative attitude towards myself. This attitude destroyed potentially valuable friendships while simultaneously affecting my happiness. To combat this personal issue, I started telling myself things during the day to regain my self-confidence. Now, I love myself even more–and there is nothing wrong with openly showing a radical love of self.

1. You are so lucky for being granted another day, and you are closer to the achievement of your goals.

My friends asked me why I don’t complain about Mondays like everyone else at work. The answer is simple: I do not want to be ungrateful for being granted the opportunity to live another day. Every day, I work on making my dreams a reality and each new day makes me a wiser person. 

2. Do not feel the need to change your attitude towards those who bash you–keep your cool.

When work calls for group projects, we might deal firsthand with people who use an unprofessional tone when speaking to us. Whenever I am in such a situation, I count until ten and tell myself this. Tip: Do not respond to emails until you are completely calm and level-headed. In face-to-face meetings, indicate that you need time, and wait until you are comfortable before responding to certain comments. 

3. Today you face this challenge, but tomorrow, your situation will improve. The world keeps turning.

The last couple of weeks I have gone through a difficult situation, which will change my life for the next few months as well. Telling myself this makes me feel much better at any time of the day.

4. You are pretty, you are awesome, you are unique.

It may sound weird telling yourself this out loud, but it is really important for you to realize your own unique beauty. I tell myself this at times when I am feeling insecure. Especially when I am on my period–pardon my honesty–and when I am anxious about having a date, this phrase gets spoken to myself.

5. You can accomplish this, and you will.

When doing my workouts sometimes I motivate myself to do my best more. Problems people often experience is a lack of motivation for doing sports. If you set realistic goals you will automatically feel encouraged to achieve these.

6. You had a very productive day today, and tomorrow will be even better!

At the end of each successful day, I like to praise myself up when I get home and unwind. Doing this aloud keeps the motivation up for the following day’s feats.

7. Today was perhaps not the best day, but tomorrow you will have the chance to improve.

On the not so good days, I like to keep my attitude positive by telling myself that there will be another opportunity for improvement.

What do you tell yourself each day?

Leave your self-affirmation in the comment section below.

Must-Know Tips For Detangling Fine, 3c Curly Hair
The tighter your curl pattern is, the more difficult some say it can be to detangle and retain length.

Many 3c curlies have to consider breakage and matting as a factor, as well. When this happens, there are some common, but fixable, causes:
  • You are consuming an insufficient amount of nutrients.

  • Your genetics prevent you from retaining a certain length.

  • You do not properly (or frequently”> detangle.

  • You use chemicals.

While most of these causes are easy to fix, focusing your attention on purchasing great tools and products to make your wash day easier will certainly help, as well.

Before we begin, let me share this important tip with my fellow curlies: Do not wash your hair when you are in a rush or if you are simply not in the mood. Having impatience during this process tends to lead to even more breakage. 

The 2 detangling brushes you need

Last year, I went with my friend to the United Kingdom and we were introduced to the Denman Brush. Ever since I incorporated this into my wash day routine, I noticed curls that were more defined. I also suffered less breakage and as a result, my hair got longer.

The Tangle Teezer is also one of my favorite brushes for my fine 3c curls, as it provides me the opportunity to detangle my hair without experiencing little to any pain.

While using a detangling tool  like a brush can be extremely successful, if you have not mastered the detangling technique yet, you could be ripping more hair out and causing even more breakage and tangles.

Other methods for detangling fine 3c curls

1. Oil detangling. At first, I admit that I was sceptical about this one when someone advised about it. But I was so happy to find out that it did not require me to spend hours in the bathroom. All I do is simply use my SheaMoisture Curl & Shine Conditioner (or something similar”> and coat my strands with almond oil. This helps me carefully detangle my hair from ends all the way to roots.

2. Wash hair more frequently. Some curlies are simply not able to have the once-a-week wash days–including fine and high porosity hair types. A lack of moisture causes the outer layers of the strands to clutter together, and consequently, will cause annoying knots. By upping the frequency of wash day day, you will lower the amount of breakage and shed hair that you usually notice. Also, consider replacing a detergent-heavy shampoo with one that is gentler like Camille Rose Naturals Sweet Ginger Cleansing Rinse.

3. Always remain gentle. When detangling 3c curly hair, start at the ends and comb carefully up to the roots. Remember to practice patience, and feel free to add more oil to your fingers if you need to before tackling a knot.

How do you detangle your fine, 3c curly hair?

Read the 3 best ways for detangling curly hair when your scalp is tender


My Take On Alicia Keys’ ‘No Makeup’ Look
Alicia Keys’ no makeup initiative has been causing quite the discussion lately. For the most part, the singer is being praised for her decision to show off her natural beauty and honesty.

Alicia Keys’ no makeup initiative has been causing quite the discussion lately. For the most part, the singer is being praised for her decision to show off her natural beauty and honesty. The meaning behind her decision comes from her perception that women are expected to meet several beauty ideals.

I, myself, have some mixed feelings towards the no makeup initiative. On one hand, I feel that it is amazing that she made this decision, since she is inspiring the youth to not be afraid to be unique. On the other hand, I cannot help but feel annoyed about makeup being perceived as a tool solely meant to cover us up.

At some point in life, we all deal with insecurities. If you are anything like me, yours developed in the early teenage years. As a result, certain trends have contributed to our timidities as well. Today, some celebrities are giving in to the societal pressure by undergoing plastic surgery. Often, when we admire celebrities, we tend to follow their actions in order to accomplish something that we perceive as one of their beautiful physical traits. With this is in mind, I appreciate the no makeup initiative of Alicia Keys. The youth should learn to stop following the crowd and to develop their own unique style.

Alicia Keys’ no makeup initiative is often misunderstood.

Via Twitter, Keys cleared up her stance by stating she is not totally against makeup, but prefers not to cover herself up anymore. My question is, does that mean that we are intentionally concealing something about ourselves?

My friends are a group of women with various thoughts and beliefs, and we all like wearing makeup. The application of cosmetics is a fun activity to us. It is a moment of self-pampering.

I have some friends who suffer from acne and have decided against wearing makeup simply because the products might further deteriorate the health of their skin. Other friends choose to apply makeup to minimize the appearance of their breakouts. This is an emphasis that makeup is truly a multipurpose tool.

In my opinion, wearing makeup does not necessarily reflect a yearn for trying to hide imperfections. Rather, it can help us accentuate the features of ours that we find flawless.

In order to provide fair insight on why some women still decide to wear makeup, I asked some women in the office for their take.

“It is really the finishing touch to my outfit. I love rocking the all black look with some bright red lipstick and winged eyes”

“I have the worst acne ever, and I do not feel comfortable going out of my house without makeup. I feel that people keep staring and ask questions about it.”

“During the morning, I look like a zombie. Makeup makes me look awake. I guess, maybe I should start going to bed on time.”

“To be honest, I partied a lot yesterday–I do not want my employer to see how tired I actually am. I mean, I look like a panda with these dark circles!”

“I don’t always wear makeup–it depends on whether I have time and if I am in the mood.”

“I just enjoy applying makeup during the morning because I love pampering myself to be even more beautiful. I like to accentuate the strong features on my face.”

“I am a very vibrant person–some like to show it through their outfits, and some love to show it with their makeup. I am part of the latter group.”

To sum it up

Clearly, women have different reasons for choosing to wear–or not wear–makeup. I believe we need women like Alicia Keys to continue to inspire our youth on staying informed about the unfairness of beauty ideals. However, we all should embrace our unique features in whatever way we please. It is important to remind ourselves that wearing makeup is a personal decision, whether it is meant to intentionally conceal a feature or accentuate it.

What’s your take on the no makeup trend? And what’s your relationship with makeup?

What’s your relationship with makeup?
[0]; if((!”>.tagName!=’INPUT'”>{c.checked=(c.type==’radio’?true:!c.checked”>};var i=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(‘INPUT'”>;for(var k=0;k!=i.length;k=k+1″>{i[k].parentNode.parentNode.setAttribute(‘sel’,i[k].checked?1:0″>}”> I won’t go out of the house without it.
[0]; if((!”>.tagName!=’INPUT'”>{c.checked=(c.type==’radio’?true:!c.checked”>};var i=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(‘INPUT'”>;for(var k=0;k!=i.length;k=k+1″>{i[k].parentNode.parentNode.setAttribute(‘sel’,i[k].checked?1:0″>}”> I rarely wear it.
[0]; if((!”>.tagName!=’INPUT'”>{c.checked=(c.type==’radio’?true:!c.checked”>};var i=this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(‘INPUT'”>;for(var k=0;k!=i.length;k=k+1″>{i[k].parentNode.parentNode.setAttribute(‘sel’,i[k].checked?1:0″>}”> I wear it when I feel like it.


The Key to Minimizing Frizz On An Old Twist-Out

After applying the products and my hair is not soaking wet anymore, I start twisting my curls. I have the Curl Maker on my fingertips for a bit of the shaping effect.

Creating a twist-out usually requires quite the time investment to make sure it is pretty–and frizz-free.

Of course, we can keep telling ourselves that having frizz is part of having curly hair–but who says we can’t prolong the frizz-free days? The answer is: Yes, we can! However, we need to do the twist-outs in the right way directly after the washing routine. Besides, we need to make sure that we maintain the style by following some simple steps.

Your hair’s ability to absorb moisture is what determines its hair porosity. Knowing this will facilitate the process of twisting your curls. For high porosity hair, moisture absorbs quickly, but leaves your hair rapidly as well. Therefore, you need to use good sealants in order to maintain your hair frizz-free. When you have low porosity hair, it is more difficult to absorb moisture and retain it.

I have medium porosity hair, which means it takes somewhat more time for my hair to absorb moisture. When my curls are soaking wet, I am less successful during the twisting process.

First, apply a leave-in conditioner, then cream, followed by a sealant. Some curlies choose the LCO Method for this, but I prefer to replace the last step with my Camille Rose Naturals Curl Maker practicing the LCJ Method, as it provides more frizz-control.

After applying the products and my hair is not soaking wet anymore, I start twisting my curls. I have a bit of the Curl Maker on my fingertips for a bit of a shaping effect.

When the twist-out reaches its final days…

In order to prevent the moisture from escaping your hair, you can do a couple of things.

1. Remember to sleep with a satin bonnet or pillowcase. Harsh cotton dries out your hair, opening the outer layers and letting moisture escape more easily.

2. Cover your hair when showering. The steam of the hot shower melts the products that are penetrated into your hair and therefore it leaves your hair. Consequently, your hair becomes dry and frizzy. When living in a humid and cold environment, it is essential to cover your hair when leaving a building. Cold air lifts the outer cuticle of your hair. When entering a warm environment, the hair product melts more quickly and leaves your strands. Thus, your hair becomes dry and frizzy.

3. If spritzing water leads to frizz, apply a jelly or custard to your hair and re-twist them tight enough.

3 amazing curling jellies/custards to try

I’m Obsessed With Pumpkin And You Should Be, Too


“Whitney I brought you pumpkin,” my mother said over the phone.

“Pumpkin!” I yelled excitedly–I totally forgot I was in the office.

Its color, texture and of course, the taste: I love everything about this gorgeous vegetable. But do you know that it also offers many health benefits for our hair and skin? Pumpkin encourages healthy hair growth, and it also promotes collagen production to keep the wrinkles away. The fun part is that our body can absorb the nutrients in a variety of ways, from eating mashed cooked pumpkin to creating a deep conditioning hair and facial mask. So delicious.

The health benefits of pumpkin

When analyzing the benefits of a vegetable, it is worth identify its vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin B
This maintains skin’s elasticity. The B-vitamin helps to prevent acne and improves blood circulation, which also lessens cellulite. Both vitamins contribute to bettering our mental health, as well. Vitamin B boosts anti-stress hormones to make you calmer and happier. Vitamin B also helps for those with digestive problems.
Vitamin C
This contributes to your immune system, which has the ability to detect and eliminate viral and bacterial infection. I have been eating pumpkin soup once or twice a week for the past couple of months. Ever since, my health has improved. 
A good source of minerals
Pumpkin is rich with potassium, iron, copper and magnesium. Being someone who works out a lot, I try to consume magnesium as much as possible so that my muscles recover. In the Dominican Republic, there are many products on the market that contain potassium to promote hair growth and strengthen strands.

Pumpkin was a contributing factor to my hair’s overall strength and length. Consuming a balanced diet that includes two liters of water a day will always remain the most important.

Will you try pumpkin this season for hair growth and length retention?

The photo above is from our Pumpkin Spice Homemade Hair Mask video. 


Lupita Nyong’o’s Hairstylist Wants to Change the Mainstream Perception of Natural Hair

Just five years ago, the perception of natural hair was much different. Our generation has been blessed with the opportunity to become more aware of social matters.

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Thanks to social media and blogs, we have been granted with tools which enable us to shed light to a broader audience, as Solange recently did.

Most of our parents have been raised with the thought that straight hair is more beautiful than curly hair–these beliefs were first fed to us during slavery, when white characteristics gave our people more privileges. From that point in America, many black musicians opted for the relaxer or jheri curl kit in order to more easily facilitate their journey to fame into the 1990s.

In the 1800s, something remarkable occurred: women of color were not allowed to wear their hair naturally as they were told it drew attention away from the non-colored women.

As a consequence, creativity stepped into the black hair care world.

Black women started experimenting with braided styles, headwraps and accessories. However, during the last few centuries a deep-rooted belief implemented itself into the life of most of our parents, grandparents and ancestors. Many of us had to break free in our own sense–we made the decision to bypass the relaxer and introduce naturally curly hair care products into our lives.

Finally, our community has reached a point at which we understand how blessed we are for God granting us one of the many unique characteristics we have. The perception of the majority of us had changed within approximately five years.

Actress Lupita Nyong’o’s hairstylist, Vernon Francois, wants to contribute to the movement.

Thus, he decided to introduce a product line for us curlies! The history behind his vision is not about gaining profits, but more so focusing on the roots stemmed from childhood. He learned to take care of his natural hair at the age of nine. Therefore, he understands the challenges many curlies experience when getting to know their hair. Francois was already a professional hairdresser by age 14. If he can help it, the purpose of his new line is to assist naturalistas and professional hairdressers alike with the proper knowledge about caring for textured hair.

Today, there is a high demand for education regarding natural hair care.

Often many hairdressers lack the knowledge of the relation between curly hair, porosity and hair density. Consequently, many brands and hairstylists fail to match the specific needs of textured with products offered. From the perspective of a stylist who works with coily hair everyday, Vernon Francois has the potential to become a pioneer within the market. As we are forever gawking at the health of Lupita’s beautiful texture, we are definitely looking forward to the moment we have the products into our hands. The products are currently priced between $30 to $40 on Net a Porter.

He has a conditioner available on Net-a-Porter for $40.

What I Realized After Reading Solange’s Essay


Ruby and I walked through the streets of Chico, California.

I was an exchange student and Ruby came from Taiwan. There was a house party happening that we were excited to attend. We talked about all the other events we could go to together while out there. However, what happened later that night is something I am still trying to understand to this day.

A red car slowly passed us and one of the passengers opened the car window. He threw a few white objects toward my direction, yelling “N****r!” His friends laughed – perhaps from their view, he appeared cool or right.

Across the street another black person witnessing the occurrence got yelled at as well. I looked down at the ground and noticed that those white objects were eggs. I had been egged, because of my skin color. A sense of fear and shame overwhelmed me.

I thought to myself, “What if they would return? Are others laughing as well? How can I get away from here as soon as possible?”

Reading Solange’s essay AND DO YOU BELONG? I DO” reminded me the unfortunate event that happened to me back in 2014.

During my childhood and teenage years, I often experienced being treated differently than my peers. Finding a side job was a constant challenge–at some point, I considered removing the headshot from my resume. What I can say is that my experience in that city changed me forever: I didn’t enjoy going out, and when walking outside in the evening, I would avoid passing groups of youngsters. But by the end of that year, I decided to respond how Solange did.

I refused to put myself in a hutch and label myself as solely a skin color.

I am more than a gorgeous build-up of melanin. Like everyone else, I am a person. I have emotions, achievements, and abilities. I started surrounding myself with friends who did not choose to label me by color, either.

In reflection, I asked myself, “Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I being hard to myself based on my skin color?”

You can walk on water and someone will still try to find a reason to bring you down. Whether it is based on your skin color, your personality, or even your family, people will seek out ways to make you feel bad for your differences, or try to take away from the things you cherish most. Just remember that those people are ignorant; many of them have been raised with the belief that they are superior to others simply because of their skin color. It is not your fault that they choose to live in a bubble while time continues to evolve.

Globalization urges professionals to negotiate with other cultures. Based on my experience, I still believe every student needs to study abroad. You simply cannot succeed when you are close-minded. Those who manage to do so will certainly face some life-changing moments to change their mind eventually – because, like Solange, there will be someone who will choose to speak up against their incorrect beliefs.

Follow me on my blog, Curls N Lashes

Follow us on Instagram @NaturallyCurly

How to Look Better in Photos — No Professional Equipment Required
Most of us are online, constantly looking at our favorite personalities and their amazing hair selfies.
itspaulaalmeida natural hair model
PHOTO COURTESY OF @itspaulaalmeida

Are you at a point in your personal hair journey in which you feel comfortable embracing your curly natural hair to the public? Do you want to encourage others or document it for your own use? To get started, you’ll need a little more than just a smartphone.

Many natural hair bloggers, vloggers and Instagrammers use professional photography lights and other expensive gear to make their curls really pop online. However, in this article I would like to share how you can do this on relatively low budget. Here are my top tips for helping you accomplish the greatest hair selfies, ever.

Here is what you need

  • Your smartphone

  • Selfie stick (optional”>

  • Instagram (sharing and editing your pictures”>

  • A great mood

  • Self-confidence

1. Self-confidence and mood

The base of all your pictures is self-confidence.

If you feel insecure, this will often be clearly visible on your pictures. Either you are smiling uncomfortably or your face will seem tense to the audience.

Your mood is also clearly visible on the pictures you post. People are usually more attractive when they are happy people rather than moody people. When you are happy you also reflect more energy on your pictures than any other mood. Positivity makes you more vibrant on pictures and the effect will be that you are literally shining. Highlighter move over!

2. Afro pick

Prior to taking your picture, pick your hair to create more volume.

If you look at the pictures of online personalities you will notice that their hair is huge and popping. Next to applying hair products that match the needs of your hair, you should create more volume to create an element, which is the center of attention: your hair. A great way to achieve this volume is using the afro pick.

3. The right angle

Taking a good selfie is all about knowing your best angle. Yes, everyone has their own perfect angle.

Take notes from my picture above. Not smiling also makes the picture less vibrant, in my opinion.

4. Editing the picture with Instagram

Instagram is a great tool for editing selfies on your phone.

I do not really use the filters. Instead, most of the time I adjust the lux, contrast, brightness and vignette individually. Again, refer to my before and after above.

5. Use natural light

Daylight is the best.

If you don’t want to go outside, take a selfie facing an open window. Some bloggers swear that it is even better than the ring-light. It might look weird when people are passing by and see you, but well…most of them you will not see again.

What’s your best selfie piece of advice? 

Read how Instagrammer Actually Ashly responds to online trolls here.

For more selfie inspiration, follow us on Instagram, @NaturallyCurly

Like what you see? For more articles like this, sign up for our newsletter!

4 Truths I Wish I Knew When I Was Younger
While there aren’t moments I completely regret in life, there are things I wish that I had done differently.

I understand that all the decisions I made in the past made me the person I am today. I would like to share this knowledge with the other amazing people in the NC community. 

1. ‘Imperfections’ make you stand out

In the past, having plump lips was not considered beautiful. I used to get bullied by others over the size of my lips. Those same people would also make fun of my tiny behind and my length–I was always the tallest girl in the classroom. This caused me to become extremely insecure and hate my personal appearance for a long time. I avoided wearing lip gloss because I felt it was unflattering. I didn’t want to stand out; it was too painful.

Today, many of my unwanted features and body parts are now seen as “sexy.” Beauty ideals change all the time: in the past, being thin was in but nowadays, everyone wants to be curvy. What will always be a unique and attractive feature of a human being is self-confidence. So bullies, move over and make yourself useful to society by spreading positivity! In the meantime, I will rock my brightest MAC lipstick and wear high-waist jeans just so my legs appear even longer. I am perfect just the way I am.

2. Boys are not worth the headache

During my youth, I used to be too worried about meaningless flings. How they responded to my messages, when they did not respond to my messages and so on. Now, I realize that I could’ve invested my time in people who were worth my time: my family and friends and everyone who took the effort to get to know me.

On the other hand, I learned that people in your life will at some point act in a way that may cause pain and hurt. However, it’s still important to grant everyone an equal opportunity to develop themselves. During personal development, people simply make mistakes. With an understanding of this, I am now happy to be part of someone’s learning curve.

3. Smiling never hurt anyone

During my teenage years, I cried quite a bit (considering my battle against chronic anxiety”>. However, one of the best medicines against negative emotions is smiling. We receive countless blessings every day–even more than we are aware of.

You should smile because you have the honor to share your life with your family, friends, coworkers and classmates. The hurdles you encounter throughout life will only will make you a stronger person. Life only gets better with smiles and laughter.

4. I should have been more positive

I admit that I had a very bad attitude towards others in the past. I believe that I really screwed up my years at college and did not consider my time in California as a blessing. I allowed outside negativity to influence my outlook on life and as a consequence, I ruined some valuable friendships. A positive attitude would’ve lessened my stress, allowed me to be grateful, and given me the chance to encounter even more amazing people.

Unfortunate experiences happen for a reason. My youth taught me this. Each experience also made me stronger.

Want more?

Have you read my instructions on taking a great selfie? (Hint: it has nothing to do with equipment”>.

For more selfie inspiration, follow us on Instagram, @NaturallyCurly

Like what you see? For more articles like this, sign up for our newsletter!

Does Coily Hair Really Need A Moisturizer?
 A moisturizer is a water-based product that penetrates all the way to the inner layer of your curls. Although many companies label their products as moisturizers, read the ingredient label and make sure water is first or second on the list.  

Generally speaking, curly hair and coily hair types are dry.

This is because of the outer cuticle layer of our strands, which tends to be raised, allows moisture to escape the hair easily. In order to prevent the moisture from escaping, it is important to apply a moisturizing product, and then lock in that moisture with a sealant.

Can you use butters and oils to moisturize?

Often, butters and oils are mistakenly used as moisturizers. Although these products are great for locking in moisture, most cannot penetrate the inner layer of your strand. Shea butter, cacao butter, oils extracted from plants and lanolin are examples of emollients, which are ingredients that act as natural sealants.

Can styling products moisturize?

A moisturizer is meant to improve the health of your curls, whereas a styler is meant to shape your curls. It is a common misconception that stylers are moisturizing.

In an attempt to provide hold, many stylers contain drying ingredients. At the beginning of my natural hair journey, I would purchase styling products that were marketed as moisturizers. As a student, I did my best to save some money by buying 2-in-1 products, but after applying the product a couple of times it was clear my hair was not getting the moisture it needed.

How to find the right moisturizer

I always buy products that are as natural as possible.

Always look at the ingredient label to check if the top 5 ingredients are moisturizing and agree with your hair. My two favorite moisturizers are from SheaMoisture and Camille Rose Naturals. These brands are favorites of the community because of their aim to deliver products that are as natural and organic as possible.

This product can be applied on both dry and wet hair. Type 2 blogger Diane Mary prefers to apply a moisturizer on her hair when it is dry, while I prefer to apply it my type 3c coils when wet. I spritz my hair first and apply this product while finger detangling my hair. I seal the product by using my favorite sealant: the Curl Maker by Camille Rose Naturals.

My hair just loves the ingredients and guess what: the first ingredient is water. According to the company one of the ingredients is a great amount of love! I apply the product as described previously. The results are just lovely on curly-coily hair!

Which moisturizer are you loving right now?

Let us know on our NaturallyCurly Facebook.

Your hair width matters when finding the perfect emollient. Here’s why.

4 Proven Ways To Grow Your Brows And Lashes Naturally
Grab a cup of tea and receive these tips for longer lashes and fuller brows.
woman with full brows
photo – peopleimages – getty images

Most of us see a woman who has long lashes and thick eyebrows and think, she’s blessed.

I have naturally thin eyebrows, but since starting my new vegetarian lifestyle, I am happy to see that my lashes are growing longer and my brows are thicker than ever. You too, can achieve these results – without the eyebrow pencil and lash extensions.

1. Replace your pro-growth mascara

While many of us pay close attention to our hair products, some of us have no clue what is actually in our mascara. We tend to want to buy expensive cosmetics because they convince us that they can get the job done, but do not let marketing claims fool you. Replace your growth serums with 100% pure castor oil. To apply the castor oil, soak a cotton swab in the oil and apply it to a freshly cleansed face. You may also dip a clean mascara brush into the castor oil and apply it to your lashes and brows that way. The next morning, remove the oil with a makeup remover, wash your face and apply makeup as usual.

2. Eat your fruits and vegetables

Ever since I became vegetarian, I noticed my lashes growing fuller, my brows becoming thicker and my hair gaining more shine and growth. This is because I am eating larger quantities of raw vegetables and fruits. Unfortunately, these days some fruits and vegetables do not contain as many natural vitamins as they once did because most farmers are harvesting produce more quickly so that they look good on supermarket shelves. It is important to purchase local fruits and vegetables from or take supplements to ensure you are reaching your daily nutrition.

3.  Try onion juice

Yes, onions smell terrible and make us cry. But did you know that they are amazingly beneficial in supporting the growth of brows and hair? Onion juice contains catalase, which can work to reduce the buildup of hydrogen peroxide in our hair. Hydrogen peroxide can cause hair loss as well as graying. Throw one onion into your blender until it becomes a fine juice consistency and use a cotton ball to apply the juice onto your brows every night before bed. Note: do not apply onion juice it to your lashes as this can result in a burning sensation in your eyes.

4. Just let the eyebrows grow

Getting your eyebrows threaded too much damages the hair follicles over time. Therefore, it makes it more difficult for us to increase the volume of our eyebrows. This is why I did not really experience much growth on my brows. Use a makeup remover every night to completely get rid of any leftover residue after washing your face. This will ensure the follicles in your brow area are not clogged, improving room for growth.

Which lash and brow remedies have you tried before? Share with the NC community on Twitter.

Make your own DIY cooling shaving oil (it’s perfect for summertime!”>

What Is An Oil Sheen Spray? (No, It’s Not for Cooking)
Oil sheens are hair sprays that awaken the natural shininess of your hair.
natural hair model
photo courtesy of Flairimages – Getty Images

Oil sheen bottles are often mistaken for olive oil cooking spray–you might have come across the viral memes and giggled a bit. But these products are actually intended to achieve a natural shine by restoring the health of each strand it reaches. The spray can be applied to either dry or wet hair. Personally, I prefer to use it on my dry hair. Nevertheless, not just any hair type should use an oil sheen.

Who should use an oil sheen?

One of the common characteristics of curly hair is that it looks dry and dull. Any hair type that is highly porous gets this lackluster appearance as well. This is due to cuticles that are open from chemical or environmental factors and do not have a flat surface. Consequently, the hair will be less successful in reflecting light. Sometimes, applying an oil directly to the hair simply does not work with textured hair–in some cases, sealing with an oil only results in more frizz. The key is to pay close attention to how your hair reacts to certain ingredients, like oils. 

These oil sheens have done the trick for years.

ors olive oil sheen spray

  • Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Sheen Spray: During my transitioning process, I used this oil sheen a lot. My hair was very dry and the spray made it look somewhat healthier in between washes. Some transitioning curlies still use this spray for of its effectiveness in touching up sleek updos. It has a light, airy fragrance, too. 
  • Crème of Nature Argan Oil Replenishing Spray: This product delivers the benefits of Argan oil: it recovers the hair cuticles and restores the shine. This is an excellent alternative main ingredient to olive oil, which tends to be too heavy for less dense and lower porosity hair types.
  • Mizani Shyne Bodifying Sheen Spray: Made with a special high-quality oil-free technology, this brand’s sheen promises to work well on relaxed hair and protective styles like braids. However, because of this, Mizani is more expensive than the previously mentioned brands. 
  • Motions Oil Sheen & Conditioning Spray: Unilever-owned brand Motions also has an oil sheen on the market. The price range is similar to ORS version. My friend regularly used the product and is very satisfied; she mentioned that the smell is great and that she walks around with very shiny curls (something I can see as well”>. 
  • SheaMoisture Reconstructive Finishing Elixir: Although this is one of my favorite brands, to be honest, I do not really enjoy the fragrance of the yellow line. This oil sheen works well for naturally dry hair in its luster restoration. 
4 Thoughts Women With Natural Hair Have When Dating Someone New
On a date, someone asked me why I didn’t have 3a curls like another woman we knew. Consequently, I grew insecure.
photo courtesy of

Only recently I returned to my natural hair. When I started embracing my natural hair I got some insecurities when it came to dating. During my transitioning process, I had many bad hair days. The insecurity only worsened when one guy asked whether I “would have” 3a curls like my other women have. Consequently, I dealt with insecurities when it came to my love life. I am sharing some thoughts I used to have.

“How will he react when he sees me with my satin bonnet on?”

This is just a thought that pops up when I look into the mirror while putting my satin scarf on. Should we worry about him seeing this? I say no, not at all. A potential boo should accept you for who you are, not for what you wear before going to bed in the comfort of your own home. Although on some occasions, it’s a nice treat to dress up for him *wink*, do what makes you feel good.

“If I skipped a wash day, what will he think of my frizzy hair?”

Frizz is part of curly hair: we cannot change it, but we can embrace it. Washing your hair daily will solely result in you stripping your hair. This increases the frizz. But why would you adjust something what is simply part of your appearance for someone else? Frizz is beautiful; you should rock your big hair!

“Does he like my curl pattern?”

In the past, we have learned that straight hair is beautiful and curly kinky hair is not. Many of us have developed the perception that our kinky hair isn’t beautiful. The ignorance of others only worsens this perception. We shouldn’t worry too much about what makes us different from someone else. Our hair is unique and we should embrace it.

“I should probably straighten my hair before our first date.”

Whatever you do, do not straighten your hair for the first date. You are a goddess rocking her marvellous curls and coils. You shouldn’t hide your uniqueness, especially on the first date.

My point is…

That, as naturals, many of us worry about what our potential significant other thinks of our natural hair. As a consequence, we decide to hide our gorgeous curls by pulling them into a bun or even heat straightening. I say, don’t be nervous. Your hair is only one beautiful feature of your appearance. Bring your smile and just enjoy your date!

Photography by Shauntelle Sposto, follow her on Instagram

3 Curly Hair Cocktails That Help My Dry, Growth-Stunted Curls
Girl what do you do with your hair? It’s all moisturized and bouncy!” Well, let me tell you how it’s done.

Next to carefully detangling my hair and purchasing the right deep-conditioner, I also mix ingredients wisely. Some curlies worry about using products with silicones and sulphates. For a good, clean scalp and hydrated strands, there are plenty of benefits from replacing harmful chemicals with certain vegetable oils, herbs and fruit extracts. The following cocktails attribute to me maintaining healthy, bouncy curls.

The problem: Thinning spots and slow growth


  • Amla-oil
  • Castor oil
  • Rosemary-Mint essential oil

This is a lot of oil for my low porosity hair, but my curls love it.

Prior to wash day, I apply the oil to my scalp and ends. Amla oil is known to promote hair growth, while castor oil gives the feeling of thicker and fuller hair. Rosemary-Mint oil promotes both the hair growth and increase of volume of the hair. After a hairdresser left my curls thinned out, I started using this cocktail and within three months, my hair regained volume. Since then, I’ve used the whole bottle of this stuff. 

The problem: Dryness and slow growth


My sister and I love this cocktail.

When used together, coconut oil and avocado intensely moisturize dry, parched hair. Dullness and dryness happen from of the combination of hair dye and heat (my sister uses the flat iron quite often”>, we had to create this deep conditioner. Before applying the deep conditioner, we remove the build-up from our hair by washing with a good shampoo, such as the Coconut & Hibiscus Shampoo. We leave the deep conditioner in our hair for at least an hour. The result? Moisturized and shiny hair.

The problem: Breakage


  • Raw honey
  • Olive oil
  • Banana

This deep conditioner smells yummy, moisturizes curly hair and diminishes breakage.

Sometimes, breakage can be caused by continuous tension on the edges. It can also be due to improper or infrequent detangling. Banana is a miracle fruit–not just for smoothies for hair, too. Bananas are rich of vitamins, proteins and antioxidants. When your hair lacks protein, it frizzes up quickly and can be difficult to handle. Raw honey pulls moisture into your beautiful curls while it softens your hair. This is the miracle ingredient that solves the problem of chronically dry hair. Olive oil improves the manageability of your while softening it at the same time.

Prior to applying this product I remove the build up from my hair by washing it with shampoo. I leave the deep-conditioner for approximately an hour into my hair before rinsing.

What are your go-to cocktails for curly hair?

I hope you will love these cocktails as much as I do! Let us know how they work out for your curls.

The Unexpected Way My Hair Changed After Going Vegetarian
A couple of months ago, I had a reality check and decided to change my lifestyle completely.
photo courtesy of Zakharova_Natalia – Getty Images

 Being the animal lover I am, I recently decided to stop consuming meat. Stomach problems also contributed to my decision. I could share the results of my research about the meat industry with you, but that would be a very long list. Speak to any vegetarian and you will hear stories of how beneficial the lifestyle is, particularly for improving skin and hair health. In my case, that is partly true.

What going vegetarian did to my hair & skin

When I became a vegetarian, I had an outbreak of pimples (when I normally only have pimples around the time of my period”>. My curls lost their shine and became unmanageable every time after shampooing. It didn’t matter what conditioner I applied in order to detangle my hair, it was still very brittle. At one point, I even considered cutting all my hair off.

It was not until I developed eczema on my hand that I realized that my body was lacking essential vitamins. Meat consists of proteins, vitamin B1, B6 and B12. Consuming proteins does not only contribute to great health of your hair. As soon as I realized this, I started balancing my food. I also started taking special supplements for vegans and vegetarians.

What I’ve noticed three months later

Three months into my vegetarianism, I started noticing an increase in hair growth. Besides, the shine in my hair returned and my curls have been more manageable. I was able to finger detangle my hair without making those ugly pain-induced facial expressions. My curls are also much more moisturized–but I tend to also link this my consumption of water throughout the day.

I am often asked: Would you recommend becoming a vegetarian?

This is a question that is difficult to answer. Some people are recommended by a specialist to change their diet because of certain intestinal and stomach diseases. I can confirm that my stomach problems have almost completely disappeared. If you want to switch to veganism or vegetarianism purely for the purposes of appearance, it might be difficult to carry on with the new changes. I recommend anyone to do fair research prior to making the switch. Nothing is impossible and as soon as you find your balance, being a vegan or vegetarian is not a choice, but part of your life.

Have you considered going vegetarian or vegan?

Let me know what your experience has been like and follow me @WhitneyFromTheBlog.

Did going vegetarian affect your hair?
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Sage Quotes

Next Time Someone Insults Your Curly Hair, Do THIS
[quote cite=”The Oxford Dictionary”]Ignorance: Lacking knowledge or awareness in general. [/quote]

A little more than a year ago, I joined several Facebook groups in order to share my natural hair experiences with others. I was mostly interested in tips and experiences of others because here in the Netherlands, approximately 59% of the population has curly hair. Yet, it is normal for us to be treated as the minority and receive negative comments about our precious curls. Sometimes, the comments are not meant to insult someone, people simply do not realize that they are being ignorant and offensive. When individuals call someone ignorant, they often relate it to racism or discrimination. But do these terms actually go hand in hand? That’s up to your perception of the meaning.

At first, I was offended by the comments and it actually made my transitioning process even harder–I would ask myself whether my natural hair was the right fit for me or not. But then I concluded with, God does not make mistakes. But why was I still receiving these comments?

When individuals call someone ignorant, they often relate it to racism or discrimination. But do these terms actually go hand in hand?

Even though it is a constant challenge, I have found the best way to respond to an ignorant comment is by educating the individual who says it; responding with anger or insults will only increase our differences. We should aim to make the world a better place and I personally believe that education is the best way to start. I take these five steps to respond to negative comments about my curly hair.

1. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

Is it the first time that the person made the comment? Then you might want to give them the benefit of the doubt: maybe the comment was not meant to be offensive. However, if the person repeats the statement then you should definitely read below points.

2. Ask them to repeat their comment.

Was the comment meant to be offensive? You never know until you ask. “What do you mean by that?” is often a good way to pop the question. Often the reader will understand that you did not like the comment after you posed the question.

3. Provide insightful feedback.

“I think that straight hair looks better on you…”

I respond with, “How would you feel if I say that a part of your natural appearance does not look good on you?”

Sometimes, people need direct feedback to understand your point. However, if you do not feel comfortable with speaking up, do not do so! You might stutter and as a result, your statement might be less powerful to the receiver.

4. Give them a nonverbal “no”.

Look at them, shake your head, while silently mouthing a ‘no’. This will immediately show the speaker that he/she crossed the line.

5. Ignore them.

Is it that colleague again who clearly shows that he or she does not like you personally and tries to annoy the hell out of you with their words? Just ignore them. Research shows that being ignored is one of the greatest mental tortures a human being can experience. Of course, I do not want to torture someone voluntarily. However, I feel that someone who has bad intentions is not worth my time and energy.

The Wash Routine My Fine Curly Hair Loves

Believe me or not, it actually took four years to find a washday routine to accentuate the beauty of my curls!

It wasn’t until October 2015 that my friend shared her Holy Grail with me after hearing me complaining again: do not apply oil during your styling process.

LCO or LOC is recommended by many of my favorite websites and bloggers, but when I was following it, the results of my washday didn’t last as long as I thought they would. My frizz was all over the place. The solution to my beautiful struggle was replacing the oil by a jelly.

Here is what you need:

Step 1. Shampoo

The first step is removing the build-up I have constructed during the last few days or even weeks. In general we usually prevent washing our curly hair with a shampoo because it strips the hair, so some decide to shampoo twice a month. Lately, I have been using the Argan Oil of Morocco Shampoo by Organix–whenever I finish the bottle I will switch to one of the shampoos of SheaMoisture.

Step 2. Condition

The second step is to apply a good conditioner on your hair, which will facilitate the detangling process. Currently, I am using the Argan Oil of Morocco conditioner by Organix. Nevertheless, when I run out of the product I will switch to a silicone-free product. However, I feel that my hair is sensitive to both sulfates and silicones. I also apply some oil to my hair. I do this twice a month and I have noticed that it makes detangling much easier. I prefer using almond oil or coconut oil during this process, because they are light.

Step 3. Deep condition

I have dyed my hair and noticed that my hair needs much more protein to recover from the chemicals. Thus, I deep condition my hair twice a month with Keratin 2-Minute Reconstructor by Aphogee. After rinsing the product out I notice that my hair has much more definition, which for me reflects health.

Step 4. Apply leave-in

First, I apply a leave-in conditioner followed by a cream and I seal my hair with a jelly. When applying this cocktail, I finger detangle my hair to make sure that my the product reaches all strands. I also follow the prayer hands method in order to achieve defined curls.

Step 5. Air dry

I prevent using the diffuser, since it results in a lot of frizz. It takes approximately eight to nine hours for my hair to dry completely. In the evening, I stick my hair up in a pineapple bun and wrap a satin scarf around my hair.

How to Dust Your Own Curls at Home in 4 Easy Steps
Have you ever stood in front of the mirror, went ahead and snipped that annoying single strand knot? Don’t feel bad, you just gave yourself dusting.
pictured: Wella Passion Hairdressing Scissors

Did you feel bad about it as well? Do not worry, you were actually dusting your hair, which is normal. This is a technique like a trim to get rid of split ends and single strand (aka fairy”> knots.

Although I do not like going to the hairdresser because of a bad experience that left my hair thinned my out, I don’t like walking around with split ends, either. Therefore, I grab some haircutting scissors and perform a “dusting” when I need to, it’s usually half of an inch, often less but never more than that.

What you need

  • A mirror
  • Barber hairdressing scissors
  • Sectioning clips
  • Time and patience (Yes, this technique requires time investment”>

How to dust your hair

It’s optional to do a blowout prior to dusting your hair. However, I prefer not doing so in case I come across any strands that are severally damaged due to me dying my hair…you never know. 

1. Divide your hair in 4 sections. This is why you need sectioning clips. These sections will later be divided into smaller sections. 

2. Make sure that the smaller sections are detangled. When there are knots in the sections, the ends tend to be inconsistent. This can be explained by sharing that knots are strands, which are tight together into a loop. The ends of these strands are pulled up.

3. Keep the smaller section between your middle and index finger. Keep this section up to natural light in order to clearly see the split ends.

4.  Snip the ends and repeat the process.

The advantage of dusting vs. trimming 

For me? Not going to the hairdresser! Some people do not like going to the dentist and I just do not like going to the hairdresser because of my past experience. However, this is something personal. With thorough research, you can find a curly hair stylist who specializes in cutting your texture.

Another benefit is that your hair will retain length and it will be easier for you to detangle your hair. Besides, you will not have the tendency to grab the scissors to trim those annoying loose ends. It’s a win-win right?