Search Results: Whitney Garcia-Devers

An Open Letter to Self-Healing After Being Bullied #NCCelebratesBodyPositivity

I was a victim of bullying. I don’t remember when it all started, but I do recall that it lasted until I was 16 years old.

Writing this article to me almost feels like self-harm; however, I want to share my story because the importance of body positivity is underestimated.
Just after writing two paragraphs of this article I had to take a break because it felt like I was being dragged into that dark place where I had to face the broken souls I had to deal with.

As a child I was different and this is probably one of the reasons why the bullying started. To be honest, I don’t recall a specific reason why I was being bullied; however, I do remember that my insecurities started when I was a freshman in high school.

As a freshman, I hated wearing tight clothing and I ‘demanded’ my mother to purchase clothing in a bigger size. I did not want to wear jeans because I was afraid of love handles. I hated wearing lip gloss because I felt that having plump lips was not beautiful. More importantly, I wanted to prevent any kind of attention. Around the age of 13 years old, I had difficulties looking up and I started to feel uncomfortable when passing groups of youngsters because I was afraid that they would throw painful words at me. This is what bullying does: it drains your self-confidence, it makes you avoid situations as your body begs you to prevent receiving any harmful acts. To summarize, bullying makes the victim lose every single day and this is exhausting. It makes the sufferer doubt his/her self-worth and this is self-destructive. Bullying not only affects the victim but also their loved ones.

Photo Courtesy of @whitneyfromtheblog

Whenever someone commented on any of my features, I blamed myself, rather than blaming their impoliteness. Instead of refusing to give them the attention they sought for, I gave them a treasure by showing grief, pain, and anger. Most importantly, I did not realize that the opinion of others is valued less than a dime, as long I continued to embrace myself. When I was 16 years old, I started my journey to self- love, and embracement.

Even though the bullies left my life, the scars remained. They may have healed, but they never disappeared. It took years for me to look at someone straight in the face. It also took years for me to regain my self-confidence. I am still nervous when passing a group of youngsters and I do not trust people easily.

Currently, I appreciate the dark spots on my face, which is the residue of my acne. I love the thickness of my lips and I accentuate this pride by rocking bold lipstick colors. I am no longer insecure about my height. I dare to wear high heels in order to emphasize my long legs. Regardless of being called flat chested as a teenager, I do not care about the current size of my breasts. Not to forget, I appreciate the curve in my back, caused by my scoliosis.

I view my flaws as my own unique beauty features and I am aware that these do not define my personality.

If you have been bullied or are being bullied, please check out these resources with NoBullying. You are not alone, and we are here for you.

For more on how #NCCelebratesBodyPositivity, see Lauren’s story on why she takes selfies for self-love.

3 Fun Hairstyles for When You "Just Can’t…"

As a busy person who has implemented a serious gym routine into my life, there has definitely been a need to have an arsenal of easy and quick hairstyles at my disposal. I discovered that going to the gym four times a week was super taxing on my natural hair. When sweating, my hair becomes frizzy around the crown. After a few weeks of losing all of my natural hairstyles to sweat and cardio sessions, I just had to accept that I wouldn’t be wearing my hair down anymore. My hair is very thick and therefore I am not really tempted to washing my hair twice a week.

My new situation triggered my creativity when it comes to hairdos and I started to figure out what worked best for me. More importantly, I wanted hairdos that would really describe my personality. The hairdo needs to reflect my cheerful personality and my creative soul. These are my top 3 hairstyles for my gym days, and the days where I just can’t even with life.

1.  The Huge Bow

Photo Courtesy of @whitneyfromtheblog

My loved ones know how much I love bows – I even have a tattoo of one on my neck, so of course I had to recreate a bow into my look. I started playing around with my scarves and easily created this hairdo.

“So…how do you do it?”

Place the scarf on the back of your head and pull the ends of the scarf towards the front of your head and tie them into a knot. Fold the scarf until it creates an oversized bow. Hide the ends by tucking them behind the bow. Afterward, you can go ahead and rock your huge bow.

“How do you dress when wearing this hairdo?”

I love wearing dresses when I have this hairdo, it makes the look super feminine. Wearing this hairdo to the gym also allows me to showcase my creativity, while also proclaiming my love for bows.

2. The Two Buns

Photo Courtesy of @whitneyfromtheblog

One bun is cute, but two buns are way cuter right? When this trend started I was a bit skeptical. To be honest, I did not dare to wear them. However, I wanted to do something different than my standard bun so I gave it a try and ever since I have been hooked on this look.

“So…how do you do it?”

To achieve this style I did not part my hair with a comb or tool. Instead, I divided my hair with my fingers and created two buns on the top of my head. This is quite a sloppy way to do it, but I figured that this makes the hairdo more playful. On the other hand, my hair is quite thick and it is difficult to part my hair with a comb – when the curls are not wet.

“Hmm, I am afraid it is a bit too childish for me…How do you dress when wearing this hairdo?”

Many are quite reluctant to wear two buns, for fear of it looking silly or childish. However, I feel that this hairdo is great to dress up a more subdued outfit. For instance, due to my body shape and length, I have the tendency to look quite masculine when I want to rock a sporty look, and this hairdo makes the overall look more playful.

3.The Top Knot

Photo Courtesy of @whitneyfromtheblog

In the past – and currently – I admire women for how creative they can get with scarfs. I wanted to be one of these women, so I started adding scarf hairstyles to my hairdo regime.  I never knew how to create this hairdo before and up until a few weeks ago, I finally learned how to knot the end of the scarf without using a rubber band!

“So…how do you do it?”

You grab a scarf and place it on the back of your head. Then you bring the ends of the scarf towards the front of your head and you start twisting the ends. Once the ends are fully braided you need to turn the twist until you achieve a huge knot. Secure the end of the twist by pushing it in the center of the knot.

“How do you dress when wearing this hairdo?”

I really wear this hairdo with all kind of styles, to be honest. My favorite is to wear this hairdo when wearing vintage dresses because it is so classy, and it also the perfect style for days I don’t feel like messing with my hair at all.

So how do you style your hair on days you just cant deal? What’s your go-to?

Share your thoughts with us on Facebook, and follow me @whitneyfromtheblog for more of my fashion and hair styling looks! 

Here’s Why I Regret Not Going to the Hairdresser

Like many curly girls, I developed an anxiety for hairdresser visits after having a bad experience at a hairdresser.

During that visit, the hairdresser thinned my hair out and I lost my gorgeous, natural hair volume.
It took a while for me to gain the volume back and therefore I have been avoiding the hair dresser altogether because of this experience. Consequently, I started cutting or dying my hair myself, even though I was inexperienced.

I am blessed with thick hair and tiny curls. However, wash days are sometimes hell for me, because of the difficult detangling process which sometimes takes more than an hour. Consequently, I was postponing wash days and I was not detangling my hair as often as I was supposed to. Besides, if I would spend a lot of time in the shower I would give up on the detangling process. I also started wearing my hair down less often.

Photo Courtesy of @whitneyfromtheblog

During this time, I started considering going to the hairdresser in order for my hair to become strong again. After researching Morango Curls on the Internet, I called them to book an appointment. The owner of the hair salon is the only hairdresser who has a DevaCut certificate in the Netherlands. 

After waiting for two months, I finally went to visit Morango Curls. I was very nervous because I was afraid that she might thin my hair out. As soon as I sat down on the chair she indicated that my hair was damaged and matted. Her employee washed my hair with love and care. After a deep-conditioning treatment, two employees started detangling my hair and I received some great curly hair care tips.

The longer I was sitting in the chair the more I regretted not going to the hairdresser earlier. If I had gone earlier, I would have realized sooner that my hair needed much more time and effort. Even though I thought I was taking great care of my curls, I was definitely unconsciously neglecting them. I thought my hair care products were great because I had seen the results I wanted to “see,” but if I would have visited an experienced hairdresser earlier she would have informed me that the products I loved so much were causing a lot of build-up, and due to the build-up, I was having horrible knots in my hair which made the detangling process even more difficult. After visiting the hairdresser my hair became much more manageable.

Photo Courtesy of @whitneyfromtheblog

So how can you find an experienced hairdresser?

1. Use the NaturallyCurly Salon Finder, join Facebook groups, or look up hair blogs for women who have naturally curly hair. The members of these groups often share curly hair tips or great hairdressers. You can also ask the members if they know great hairdressers within your area.

2. Research the hairdresser online and go through their social media. Often they share before and afters of their customers. Some also tag their customers on the pictures and you can see how the customer’s cut looks a few weeks after the visit.

3. Do you like what you see? Call the hairdresser in order to make an appointment.

How do you feel about hairdressers now in your curl journey?

We would love to know! Share your thoughts with us on Facebook!

This is How I Do A Whole Milk Rinse In My Hair

Did you know that milk is great for your natural crown? Milk is a protein and during the last hundreds year or so milk has been used to infuse the hair with vitamins. All different kinds of milk can be used on hair, but being that I am vegetarian, I tend to use plant-based proteins or organic milk since the cows have been treated humanely.

But what exactly are the benefits of a whole milk rinse for your hair?

Photo Courtesy of @whitneyfromtheblog

For high porosity hair

The impact of a milk rinse is great, especially for high porosity hair. When having high porosity hair the outer layer of your hair is very open, and your hair’s natural oils escape very easily. Essentially, moisture leaves your hair faster than it stays in and therefore it causes dry hair. Moreover, when the cuticles are open light falls differently on your hair making it appear less shiny.

High porosity hair is often the result of damage and in order to restore the health of your hair, a milk rinse would be the perfect solution.

Photo Courtesy of @whitneyfromtheblog

Softer hair

Milk contributes to exfoliating and removing product build-up, therefore aiding in softer hair that can breathe. A few weeks ago, I visited the hairdresser and it turned out that I had a lot of product build-up at the roots. My hair was super matted and really hard around this area. This would have been the perfect time to use this treatment in order to remove the build-up and restore my roots.

Photo Courtesy of @whitneyfromtheblog

A great leave-in

Is your hair very brittle? Then you may be interested in a temporary leave-in treatment. Grab a cup and pour ½ cup of milk in it (any kind will do”>. Depending on your hair’s needs, you can also add in an oil. For instance if your need more moisture, you can add two tablespoons of coconut oil or almond oil. In order to improve the fragrance of the product, you can add a few drops of lavender oil as well. Shake the bottle and spritz on your hair as a leave-in conditioner.

Overall, the main benefits of a whole milk rinse are that it restores the shine and strength of your hair due to the infusion of vitamins.

What do you think about a milk rinse for your hair? Share your thoughts with us below!

5 Ways to Use Almond Oil In Your Self-Care Routine

Thinking of adding almond oil into your routine? I say you should try it out, because not only does it smell amazing, but it is loaded with all kinds of goodies for your hair and skin! Almond oil can be used an alternative to coconut oil, grapeseed oil, olive oil, and so forth, and makes a great contender as a new staple in your self-care process. Here are my 5 favorite ways I like to incorporate almond oil into my daily life.

Photo Courtesy of

1. Treat eczema or acne

Since I started using the birth control, I started having pimples on my face and chest. I started applying almond oil on my face and surprisingly the outbreaks started to disappear.

I have shared earlier that I have eczema on my hands. I figured that this is caused my washing my hands too often. Luckily, the state of my hands improved as soon as I started applying almond oil.

2. Moisturize those lips

We all know what happens to our lips during periods of stress or dry weather. Yes, if we do not use any moisturizer on our lips it becomes crusty. I was having the same and luckily I found a lovely recipe for a natural lip balm on a Dutch website. Mix these magical ingredients in order to create your own natural moisturizer:

  • 1 teaspoon of beeswax

  • 1 teaspoon of honey

  • 2 teaspoons of almond oil

Mix the beeswax and honey in a small cup; place it in a larger bowl with hot water. When the beeswax is melted you can at the almond oil. Mix until you have a smooth paste and let it cool down. Once the mixture is set you can place it into a small cupping glass. Now you have made your own natural moisturizer!

3. Dry skin

Is your skin super dry? Don’t panic! Apply a little almond oil on your skin prior to going to bed and the following morning your skin will be softer than a bunny. Just remember to wait for the oil to absorb before jumping in bed! Thank us later.

4.  Bye bye dry and frizzy hair

Is your hair dry and frizzy? Try applying a heated almond oil treatment on your hair and cover it with a plastic cap. Let it sit for a few hours or if your hair is very dry you can also leave it overnight.  Why heated almond oil? The heat will open the outer cuticles for your hair, making it easier for your hair to allow moisture penetrate into your strands.

Do not apply oil on your hair/scalp when it is too hot. Prior to applying drop a couple of droplets on your hand to determine whether it is too hot.

5. For preparation of food

To some this may sound a bit weird, but you can use almond oil when cooking. You can use it for instance, as a dressing in your salads. The advantage of almond oil is that it reduces your cholesterol, because it is loaded with unsaturated fats (the good kind”>.

So how do you use almond oil? Share your uses with us on Facebook!

Is it Cool to Be A Strong Woman?

There are so many perceptions describing the perfect, strong woman. Many of these views are conflicting with each other and when reviewing these we often realize that standards are just unrealistic. On one hand women are expected to be caring, to show empathy and to have a certain (soft”> appearance. On the other hand, it is often believed that a strong woman is:

    • Someone who does not cry – or show similar types of ‘negative’ feelings
    • Someone who is fit, but is not ‘too muscular’ and still maintains a curvy body figure
    • Someone who stays at home in order to take care of the household, but who is very independent from a salary point of view

However, the reality is that people will always have something to say, whenever they want to talk about someone else. So what is the point of trying to meet expectations set by others, if it does not make you happy? Why are many of us trying to meet the beauty ideals set by online magazines, while they often photo shop models in order to meet these unrealistic beauty ideals themselves? What truly defines a strong woman? 

When I lost my job last year, many thought that I wasn’t allowed to cry.  A few weeks later, I was feeling hurt and when I shared this feeling it was indicated that I should get over it. I was expected to be positive continuously and whenever I would get sad and overwhelmed,  the majority of the perceivers quickly put their fingers in their ears. Regardless of how bad I felt, I continued working somewhere else, even though I just wanted to process the loss. The day after I started my new position, I collapsed at the gym and could not help but let the feelings loose. I was speaking to a beloved one on the phone in order to ask for support. The response I received was “Are you seriously crying in public? You should be happy that you have a job, stop complaining.” At that point, I decided to share my feelings less with others and turn my complaints into action plans. I was sending approximately 10 job applications a day and started applying for positions I was not interested in. I decided to hide my emotions, since I felt that I was being weak. When I finally found a job I loved, I realized that I did not bother to share my happiness regarding the invitation for this job interview. At this point, I was trying to achieve the wrong expectations. I would be strong if I invested a little time in my search for someone I can talk to. It would be much easier for me to listen to my own needs rather than listening to people who have no idea what I have been going through, and at the end I would be happier.

In my view, a strong woman is someone who has a realistic viewpoint on life. She knows that it is ok to share all feelings she is experiencing: both the negative and positive ones, because this is a way for her to grow. A strong woman is someone who does what she wants, because those are the things she loves.  She finds her strength in the goals she has set and finds a way to meet those goals, regardless of how often she falls and need to stand up again. She is someone who dares to ask for help and/or a listener whenever she reaches rock bottom. A strong woman is someone who acknowledges her weaknesses and marks these as points of improvements. She admits that she is not perfect, but she knows that her imperfections are her drive to achieve the level of satisfaction. At the end she wants to be happy, because she met her goals.

How do you feel about the stereotypes of a strong woman? Share your thoughts in the comments!

To see what we’re talking about follow us on Facebook!

This is Where to Find Natural Hair Care Products in Europe

Until a few years ago it was quite challenging to find natural hair care products in Europe. The supply of the products was quite low and many naturals had to rely on mainstream brands. When I started the transitioning process,  I started visiting a hair care store in Rotterdam, one of the very few available. Slowly this store decreased its offerings for straight hair and increased its assortment of curly hair care products. However, for those who recently started embracing their natural hair texture it can still be challenging to find good hair care stores, so here are my top 6 stores for natural hair products in Europe.


Photo Courtesy of @WhitneyFromTheBlog

1. Yari

Yari is my go-to-hair care store in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. The owners manage to meet the demand of products and update their assortment frequently. During the last couple of years, they opened a few more stores and looked into goods other than curly hair care products that naturals may need, such as oils, accessories or tools for protective hairstyling.

2. Beauty by Zara

Products like Camille Rose Naturals are quite difficult to find in Europe: it is either sold out and/or pretty expensive. Thus, what I mostly like is that the shop offers products that are trending in the United States, but quite unknown in Europe. Beauty by Zara is a (online”> shop from the UK, but they have worldwide shipping.

3. Beauty Bay

I love this store! There is free shipping above 18 euros and the assortment is incredibly broad. They also carry products in different price ranges, so it is not only for those who have a high-income level.

4. My Natural Curls

My Natural Curls is a Dutch online shop that ships products to countries within Europe. The website offers products at different price ranges also, which makes it super accessible and perfect for naturals who want a lot of product variety, but don’t want to spend an arm and a leg. The delivery of products occurs quite quickly and they have received a ton of positive feedback on their customer service.

5. British Curlies

British curlies is another British website that offers worldwide shipping. The website is both a blog as well as online web shop.They provide you with a hair care typing system also, that helps you pick your products easily. Their website format is also a super clear lay-out and showcases their assortment of hair care products very well.

6. SHOP NaturallyCurly 

NaturallyCurly’s online shop is another outlet I use to look for some of my fave products. They offer international shipping, a huge plus for those of us who can’t find certain products. By joining their online marketplace, you can buy many American-made brands, and they even offer 15% off for new members. Check out their online shop as they are constantly updating their inventory with new brands!

Do you know any other natural hair care shops in Europe? What are your favorite places to buy your hair products abroad?

Share your favorite stores and lines with us on Facebook!

13 Photos of Shrinkage You Need to See

Shrinkage is one of the characteristics of curly hair that can also be a key characteristic in determining the health of the hair for tighter curly patterns. Not every curly loves it though, as it makes your hair appear shorter than it actually is often leading to the question of “Oh, did you get a haircut?”

It can also often triggers the curiosity of others, which leads to many questions and (unwanted”> touching. Yet, shrinkage is a sign of healthy hair natural, as it shows that your hair is properly moisturized and has good elasticity. Often coming with a bad rap though, shrinkage is definitely a positive. So here are 13 photos of unbelievable shrinkage that can shed some light on your healthy hair journey!


Photo Courtesy of @ShrinkageIsReal


Photo Courtesy of @Eclectic-Vibez


Photo Courtesy of @Eclectic-Vibez

Sometimes you may get the impression that your hair is not growing and this may contribute to you not appreciating what shrinkage is really reflects. The tighter your curl pattern, the more shrinkage you will experience. You probably heard a hairdresser saying that bouncy curls are happy curls, which is really a fact. Whenever, you have suffered ‘heat’ damage you will notice straight strands. Immediately, all alarm signs go off, because at this point you realize that the road to recovery is a long journey.

I was one of the girls who would hate shrinkage. I would spend hours searching for tips on how to prevent my hair from drawing up when it dried. I invested time and effort in hairstyles that would make my hair appear longer. At some point, I stopped trying to stretch my length and started embracing myself, tight curls and all. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what matters most to me is that I should be happy and proud of the characteristics of my hair.


Photo Courtesy of @ShrinkageIsReal


Photo Courtesy of @Eclectic-Vibez


Photo Courtesy of @ShrinkageIsReal


Photo Courtesy of @Eclectic-Vibez


Photo Courtesy of @WhtsUpLauren

In order to embrace my own hair (above”> I started wearing it naturally. Sometimes, I would apply fewer products to my hair, which would eventually lead to more shrinkage. Besides, I taught myself that accepting the shrinkage would lead to the best wash day results – manipulating my hair solely leads to a lot of frizz and awkward hairstyles. Nowadays, I enjoy my curls in all its shapes of shrinkage.


Photo Courtesy of @Eclectic-Vibez


Photo Courtesy of @ShrinkageIsReal


Photo Courtesy of @ShrinkageIsReal


Photo Courtesy of @ShrinkageIsReal


Photo Courtesy of @ShrinkageIsReal

So how do you feel about shrinkage? Love it? Hate it? We want to know your thoughts!

Follow us on Facebook, and share your shrinkage photos.

I’m a Vegetarian On a Budget – Here’s How I Do It
Tip: Prevent overspending and food waste from happening by planning your dinner and lunch for an entire week, watching sales going on at your local grocery store.  


You might be under the impression that a vegetarian lifestyle requires both time as well as capital investment. Of course it can be expensive, but this goes for any diet. Some people may encounter criticism when they even consider becoming a vegetarian; that, along with the costs involved, can be demotivating. I am a vegetarian on a budget–here’s how I do it.

How to do vegetarianism–on a budget

No matter your income you should spend your money wisely. Future events cannot be predicted and therefore it is useful to have some money on your savings account. However, you have worked hard for your income and therefore you deserve to invest in your health. It is all about finding the perfect balance.

1. Create a clear overview

Before budgeting, create a clear overview of your total income and expenses. Then, deduct the total expenses to decide how much money you are able to spend. When it comes to savings, set goals that are realistic; otherwise, you might end up running short on finances and may even have to dip into your savings account, which is one of the main reasons that people fail at saving money.

2. Actually allocate budget for your groceries

Keep an eye on your eating habits. Do you tend to throw away vegetables and fruits on your plate? This is a sign that you are overspending–and wasting food. Prevent this from happening by planning your dinner and lunch for an entire week. Write down the ingredients you need for each meal on a piece of paper (and do not deviate from this list while grocery shopping”>. Keep in mind that every additional thing you purchase might end up in the trash bin and that reflects the money you have wasted. Repeat this step and you will have better insight on exactly how much money you will need during a month for groceries. Leave enough wiggle room for, say, a day that you may have ran out a protein powder for your breakfast smoothies.
Tip: Freeze old fruit for a breakfast smoothie, and use leftover veggies to make a lasting soup.

3. Become a sale hunter   

Start watching for your local supermarket’s sales, making a comparison and shopping the deals that offer you the greatest cost advantage. Start setting a shopping schedule around those sales.

My food diary

Let me give you a better idea about a way that helps to implement the vegetarian lifestyle on a budget with a food diary.
  • Breakfast: I do not like wasting food and therefore, I will put old fruit in the freezer before I throw it away, which helps me save money. I use the frozen fruit to prepare a smoothie and include oatmeal, protein powder, a plant-based milk and half of a table spoon of peanut butter. I also make sure that I eat 20 to 30 grams of granola paired with plant-based milk too.
  • Mid-morning snack: Between breakfast and lunch I eat dried fruit and drink two cups of green tea.
  • Lunch: It really depends what I eat for lunch, but I usually eat a quinoa salad to keep a sustainable energy level throughout the day so that I remain productive at work and avoid crashing. If I do not eat enough, I may not have enough energy to participate in evening physical activities. Again, since I do not waste food, I use leftover vegetables to make a lasting soup. This frees up my budget for purchasing less things for the week, contributing to a cost-efficient diet. Currently, my favorites are pumpkin soup and carrot-coconut soup and broccoli soup. 
  • Evening snack: Between lunch and dinner I eat an apple and a protein bar.
  • Dinner: I often end up eating some simple dishes; I love making a vegan burger with oven-baked potatoes. Most of the time, I eat cooked vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.
  • Dessert: I usually eat mixed nuts and dried fruits. If I am going to participate in physical activity after work, I make sure to eat a banana with some peanut butter.

Remember to stay hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day!

Have you considered going vegetarian or vegan?

Read The Unexpected Way My Hair Changed After Going Vegetarian

Let me know what your experience has been like and follow me @WhitneyFromTheBlog.

What Having Low Porosity Hair Taught Me

A few years ago I did not realize how useful it would for me to get to know my hair porosity. I was wasting both time as well as money, which could have been utilized more efficiently if only I had known this one piece of information. I could have used the money for hair care products, which would be cheaper and meet the challenging needs of my hair.

I have low porosity hair, which I like to call my beautiful struggle. Low porosity hair has a bit of trouble absorbing moisture, but once your hair is moisturized your strands do not have difficulties retaining the moisture.

“How so?” You may wonder…

Well, your hair has three layers: the cuticle (the outer layer of your hair”>, the cortex and medulla. Yes, it does sounds like some dinosaur species, but we are definitely describing hair. When you have low porosity hair, the cuticles of your strands are pretty flat. By this layer being flat, it is quite challenging for the moisture to go through this very tiny gap and therefore you need to invest quite some time and effort during your washing days.


I know that curly hair can be very stubborn, but my hair was hitting rock bottom. It was dry, very difficult to detangle and the results of washday would not last for more than two days. I did the porosity hair test and realized that my hair was low porosity, and I realized I was taking care of it as if it was high porosity hair. Here are the things I learned about low hair porosity:

1. Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

Your hair wants moisture; it makes your curls come back alive. In the past I solely used a leave-in conditioner and oil. However, I learned that it would be better if I used a leave-in and a cream for extra moisture.

2. The Magic of Time

In the past, I tried to shorten the time I stood below the shower as much as possible. However, I learned that I should allow the water to really penetrate into my strands. I go through my hair section by section and imitate the praying hands method on my strands, as the water runs down my curls.

3. In love with the CoCo

My colleagues, friends and family often tell me that I remind them of a delicious, tropical cocktail. My hair often smells like coconut and I learned that this is one of the best ingredients for my hair. Coconut oil is a great moisturizer and penetrates deeply into your strands. Therefore, I use it as a hair mask or I use the coconut oil infused EDEN BodyWorks Curl Defining Cream.


Regardless of how stubborn your hair may be, there is always an opportunity for you to increase your knowledge of your hair care routine. Besides, curls are amazing and should definitely be enjoyed.

Need help figuring out your porosity level? Try out our porosity test!

Why I Relate to the Girls of Pretoria High School

In 2016, a number of students at Pretoria High school in South Africa protested against their school’s administration, because they were told that it was not acceptable to wear their hair in its natural state.

 These young girls standing their ground towards a senior organization impressed me more than these students can imagine.
Their actions proved that while history can repeat itself, it also shows that throughout the years the black community has and will consistently prove that western beauty ideals are wrong. Considering that the media has a big influence on the younger generation, it is great to see that these students are making a strong statement.

PHOTO COURTESY OF Daily Maverick/Greg Nicolson

Nothing hurts worse than the feeling you get when hearing that a natural feature of yours is not beautiful and that it needs to be “corrected.”  At the age of six years old, I received my first relaxer and this would continue to be done every 3 months or so. I remember the burn I felt and hating the times that I had to sit beneath the heat of a dryer, instead of playing outside with my friends.

Even though, my hair was “special” and “precious,” I wished I had straight hair like my peers. Sometimes I would even envy my classmates, because at least their hair was naturally straight, unlike mine. In my perception my hair was solely beautiful due to the extra efforts taken and my classmates did not have to go through the same struggles as me.

At some point a few classmates questioned whether my hair was naturally straight also.

“Yes,” I lied.

“Well, then you are lucky, because black hair is not beautiful” one of them responded. And there it was, the feeling of shame you have when your natural features is considered a negative trait.

Telling anyone that a natural feature of theirs is not beautiful is often very damaging. It affects not only their emotional state, but also their self confidence.

Especially during times like these – in which (social”> media portrays beauty ideals that do not reflect reality and diversity – schools should teach children to be positive, confident and realistic. Schools should be an example as well as safe-place to students. A school can be a safe-place by transmitting a feeling of acceptance to youngsters. This can be achieved by giving workshops about self-love, (body”> positivity etcetera. However, the attitude of the workers should also convey a feeling of acceptance and this starts with the education of staff members. The behavior of the Pretoria High School faculty is an act of ignorance. The students standing their ground does not only contribute to educating the staff of the school, but they are a strong example for many others who are struggling to accept their natural crown. Knowing how tough this is, I am very grateful and proud of these students.

What Dutch Guys REALLY Think of Your Curly Hair
Ten years ago it was quite rare to see women rocking their natural hair, but now it is a different story. 
random Dutch guy who loves curls
Photo courtesy of YakobchukOlena — Getty Images

A few weeks ago I shared my experience having curly hair in the Netherlands and due to the enthusiasm, I decided to expand the post to include what some Dutch guys I know actually think of curly hair. Of course, we will continue rocking our natural crown no matter the opinion of others, however, a little curiosity never killed anybody…

“Her curls make her the center of attention.”

“Ten years ago it was quite rare to see women rocking their natural hair, and now it is a different story. Why have these women been hiding this unique beauty feature? Whenever there is a woman with curly hair at a pub she is the center of attention.”

“I love to play with her curls while she sleeps.”

“For me curls are a turn-on because they are unique. I love the volume and the bounciness. When I saw my girlfriend, I fell for her appearance, hereby her curly afro was a real eye catcher. I love to play with her curls while she sleeps. It is difficult for me to describe why I like curls, so I describe her.”

“Her hair is beautiful–when she takes care of it.”

“Self-care is important regardless if their hair is straight or curly. Hair is only beautiful when a person takes care of it. I often see women wearing their hair curly, but then you can clearly see that it is not combed. For me this is unattractive–like women with chipped nail polish.”

“Her hair smells good.”

“For some reason, women with curly hair have this nice fragrance around them. The most attractive thing they can do is flip their hair and play a bit with the curls right after. However, it is also quite obvious when they have not washed their hair because some parts are quite cluttered together…”

“Her curls make her arrogant.”

“Women who have curly hair quite often make an arrogant impression. Of course, having curly hair is something that is unique and you should be proud of it. Nevertheless, anything looks better on you when you have a friendly appearance.”

“The way she plays with her curls is sexy.”

“My girlfriend’s curls perfectly describe her cheerfulness and her outgoing personality. She has the tendency to play with her curls when she is flirting with me and that is incredibly sexy. When I met her I was amazed by how well she rocked her curls no matter how she wore them that day. But admittedly, being a part of her wash days and combing tiny curls can be very tiring.”

“Her curly hair is gorgeous.”

“Do not touch her hair…I repeat, do NOT touch her hair without first asking for permission. I learned that this is something that is sensitive. In general, Dutch girls who wear their hair straight do not really care whether or not you touch it, although girls who wear their hair curly do not like it at all. It has something to do with frizz or something. Either way, curly hair is gorgeous.”

What do the guys in your hometown think of women with curly hair?

Let us know on Facebook.

Here’s What I Use to Style My Low Porosity Hair

Having low hair porosity is such a beautiful struggle.

Low porosity hair entails that it is difficult for your hair to absorb moisture. The outer layer of my hair is flat, which in turn makes my curls appear shiny. This type of hair porosity is usually considered to reflect healthy hair, although that is not necessarily true.

While it can be quite challenging due to the investment in time and money, I would argue that the results of our wash days last longer since moisture does not leave the hair as quickly as it does in medium to high porosity hair. Here are the products that help me maximize my low porosity.

1. A water-based leave-in conditioner

When using these types of leave-in conditioners I prevent my hair from becoming greasy. It also decreases product build-up, which allows me to have fewer wash days. My favorite water-based leave-in conditioners are DevaCurl B-Leave-In Conditioner and ApHogee Curlific! Moisture Rich Leave-in.

2. A moisturizing cream

Using a cream contributes beautifying my curls with moisture. For me, it also helps to shape and style my low porosity hair and contribute to the definition of your curls. My favorites are Camille Rose Naturals Curlaide Moisture Butter and the Eden BodyWorks Coconut Shea Curl Defining Cream.

3. A curly jelly

Curly hair is often drier than straight hair, but since it does not have the ability to absorb ingredients easily as medium or high porosity, it tends to get easily weighed down and look greasy. That is why I stopped sealing my hair with oils and instead, use a jelly to define my curls. My favorite from Camille Rose Naturals also adds a natural sheen and helps me hair retain moisture.

4. The Denman Brush

For me, the Denman Brush is close to being indestructible–I bought mine in April 2015 and it is still alive. This brush makes the detangling process much easier, because it grabs every knot and makes it disappear. Besides, it also makes your curls much more defined.


Follow more about Whitney’s low porosity regimen on Instagram.

5 Reasons Your Curls Fail On Wash Day
This is why your Wash Day might not be working…

During a Wash Day we invest time and money in order to make sure that our curls are popping. Many of us end up feeling disappointed when our results don’t meet our expectations. This lies at the root of many of the frustration and impatience we experience when it comes to our hair, but with a few minor changes you could transform the way you feel about Wash Day.

Here are a few reasons your curls might be “failing” on Wash Day, and how to fix them.

1. You are setting high expectations.

Curly hair is known to be quite stubborn and it lives its own life on our heads. A change in the humidity, your  Setting strict expectations for . Instead of looking at the smiling models on the packaging of your favorite hair care product, focus on healthy hair and try not to shape a vision of ‘perfect hair’.

2. You do not compare the similarities between ineffective products.

If product A, B and C are not working for you, take a look at the ingredient list and compare. Then, go on a search for a product that does not contain said ingredients. Many people realize that the health of their hair deteriorates as soon as they use products that contain certain sulfates and silicones. When switching to ‘chemical-free’ products, they notice that the health of their curls will improve with time and consistency. 

3. You are not using the right sealant.

Each hair type and porosity requires a different application method. Curly hair is complex, that is no secret, and oftentimes the LCO or LOC Method is recommended. However, for some hair types, oils simply do not work because it weighs the hair down. I noticed my curl definition lasting for days after replacing my oil with a jelly.

4. You are in a hurry.

Simply put: if you are in a hurry, you should not do Wash Day. First of all, you will not have the time or patience to carefully detangle your hair by section. This will only lead to more breakage, causing slowed growth. Secondly, hair care products should carefully be applied to your hair. On a proper Wash Day, you should first divide your hair in sections then apply your product.

5. You skip the Praying Hands Method.

The Praying Hands Method is a very effective hair care routine, which calls for smoothing a product onto your hair, from the roots and down the length to the ends. This results in less frizz and highly defined curls.

Read How I Refresh My Hair In Between Wash Days With Eye Catchers

Follow Whitney on Instagram @WhitneyFromtheBlog

3 Ways to Rock A Curly Hair Accessory This Weekend

Whether your weekend plans include parties or spending time with your family and friends, whatever we do we want to look fabulous! You don’t have to be intimidated by dressing up your curls with accessories, and they’re a quick way to take a simple style to the next level. Here are three ways to rock an accessory this weekend. 

1. The golden twist 

I showed this look earlier by wearing my natural hair down previously. This time, I divided my hair in three sections: two small ones in the front and a big one in the back. I pulled the big section in a bun and twisted the two smaller sections to the back, then pinned them down and covered my bun with a fake, voluminous ponytail. I finalized the look by accessorizing my twists by adding golden hair rings on top.

Although this look is very easy, each element of this hairdo is an eye-catcher!

2. Frida Kahlo Braids

Oh, how much I enjoyed creating this look. I have admired Frida Kahlo since 2014 because of her story and ability to translate her creativity into her fashion sense and hairdos. She was my source of inspiration for this look. Little known fact: for night out looks I love wearing golden and/or silver accessories from–believe it or not–the craft store. For this one, I used silver and gold ribbons. 

For the look, I divided my hair in two section. I tied the ribbons on my hair and did not cut the ends. I started braiding the ends of the ribbons along with my hair and pinned the end of each braid on top of my hair. I added golden rings on the braids and voila: a unique look!

3. The Angel Crown 

This look is actually an extension of the look described above. I grabbed a fake ponytail and pinned it down right behind the braids. However, you should keep in mind that for this look I have used an ponytail was thick. Chances are, a low density ponytail may appear obviously fake to everyone else at the party.

If you are wondering what to pay attention to when buying a fake ponytail. I personally prefer buying one with a natural curly texture. As you can see on the pictures I always had finger waves even though I smooth my hair down.

4. Bantu Knots With a Touch of Gold

For this look I, divided my hair in three sections: two small ones in the front and one in the back. I twisted the three sections into a bun, then finalized the look by decorated the smaller buns with golden and silver ribbons. I stuck a fake ponytail on the larger bun and that is it!

Which look is your fave?

For more curly hair inspiration, follow Whitney on Instagram 

What It’s Like Living In The Netherlands With Natural Hair
The straight hair community has mixed attitudes towards those of us with natural texture–some can be very curious and interested while others are more ignorant. 

Known for its tasty cheese, lenient marijuana-smoking policy, and the Red Light District, one thing I know is that I love The Netherlands for its diverse culture. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and learn more about their cultures and religions, as well. However, there is something else about the Netherlands which I find amazing: approximately 49% of the population here has naturally curly hair!

The hair care products

Prior to 2010 it was quite rare to see women rocking their natural hair. Finally, in 2011 the number starting increasing with relaxers and to embrace their natural crown, I was one of these women. I started the transitioning process with a happy feeling, but a few weeks after my decision I stumbled across the first hurdle. There were not many (chemical-free”> curly hair products. Luckily, this has changed and we have more access to great hair care than ever before. While I know that chemical-free products offered by popular brands sold here such as Camille Rose Naturals, SheaMoisture and CURLS require quite some investment, and sometimes, purchasing a product can cost more than having diner at a nice restaurant. When I heard about two women who decided to launch a black beauty box in order to provide us with with high quality hair care products at an affordable price, I fully supported their endeavor.

The weather

In The Netherlands it rains quite frequently throughout the year. Winters can get cold, with the temperature falling between -5°C/23°F to 5°C/41°F. The temperature is usually around 15°C/59°F during Spring, with quite weird summers. For instance, this past summer it was quite chilly and all of the sudden it turned hot and moggy. My curls love every season, but they aren’t always on fleek during the winter. It usually depends on my hair and cannot stand fog.

The natural hair community

I see now that the curly women here are trying to build a community in order to share tips and tricks, as well as reviews of hair products and salon experiences. A couple of years ago a few women decided to start a Facebook group in order to bring the community closer together. The Natural Hair Club grew up to more than 16k members because of the organization organizing yearly events for  curly beauties can come together and meet in person.

There are also other hair events organized by other popular events including The Pearl Event, which is organized twice a year and attended by many naturals across the country.

The non-natural perception

The straight hair community has mixed attitudes towards those of us with natural texture–some can be very curious and interested while others are more ignorant. In my personal encounters I have dealt with people touching my hair without asking for permission in addition to dropping annoying or offensive comments. Some non-curlies also believe in certain stereotypes, asking questions like “Is your mom or dad white? You have the soft, beautiful curls,” which often lead to a clash between sender and receiver. I always remind myself that ignorance will only disappear by education and therefore, I feedback to the one posing the question as to why his or her question was inappropriate or wrong.

Reactions on my hair

I receive many positive reactions on my hair. The Dutch can be pretty direct as I am oftentimes approached to compliment my hair or in order to ask questions. I enjoy having this type of interaction with people of different cultures.

What’s your natural hair experience been like where you live?

Follow Whitney on Instagram and her blog, Whitney From the Blog

The One Change I’m Going to Make in 2017
I cannot tell you how many times I have tried to write this article because honestly, it is hard for me to be open about this topic.

For many years I thought that the key to happiness lied in being successful from an educational and career point of view.

The year 2016 started off great; I had a full-time job, I graduated, and I became a vegetarian. With that certainty I moved into my own apartment and started decorating everything according to my own personal style. I invested most of my time in my job, making long working days the norm while neglecting my beloved friends and family. Anyone who knows me personally understood that I was passionate about my job.

Due to reorganization, unfortunately, I lost my position at work. The day I received the horrible news, I cried from the moment I left the building until the very moment I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up in tears asking myself:

What am I going to do with my apartment?

How am I going to pay my costs of living?

What about my close team members?

Will I ever find such a great job again?

Will I ever be as happy as I was just days ago?

Once you reach a difficult phase in life, you will get to know others and yourself.

My situation was comparable to a mirror being put in front of me continuously. At first I was doubting everything: my talent, my faith, and myself. It was almost art to remind myself of my self-worth and talents. On the other hand, I knew that God gave me this challenge for me to grow. The situation reminds me how selfish I was actually being. Even after someone would try to help or love me, I would only neglect them–and I am so sorry for that.

I pushed aside my passions in order to completely dedicate myself to my career.

Currently, I am doing the things I love–writing, photography and painting–with more passion. Each day I realize that I misunderstood the key to my happiness. One thing I did not realize is that whatever phase, hard or easy, we go through in life we should be grateful. When we rise in the morning we should be appreciative for the first breath we released, for the fact that we have a job, family and our passions. I should have taken the effort to meet up with people more often, to offer them the shoulder they needed when going through hard times and to share laughter whenever we want to share moments of joy. My key to happiness lies in me being surrounded by cheerful, creative colleagues, friends, and family members. People are one of the main sources of my energy.

I now realize that love is an act of giving and taking.

Therefore, I want to commit myself to volunteering activities and follow the footsteps of my mother who is a volunteer at an Alzheimer’s nursing organization. I want to start picking up the things I love and dedicate more of myself to it. I will stop regretting things because life’s too short to feel regret. From now on, I will allow myself the space to learn from my mistakes in order to become a better person. 2016 was a great year for me, regardless the difficulties I encounter–or have encountered. In the end, being successful entails doing what you love while being surrounded by great people.

What do you truly want to make better about yourself in 2017?

Let us know below in the comment section on the NC Facebook 

Follow me on Instagram @whitneyfromtheblog

Why Every Curly Girl Needs This Sea Plant Extract For Stronger Hair
Are you familiar with the uses of sea kelp? If not, you should be.

People tend to disguise the wonders of consuming sea plants. For example, when eating sushi, many of my friends leave the seaweed on their plates despite the many benefits it offers. What we consume directly impacts our hair either positively or negatively, not just what we put on it. 

Sea kelp is a type of seaweed that consists of vitamin A, B complex, C, and E. Additionally, it contains many valuable minerals. People are often not aware of the advantages of these cherished nutrients:

It diminishes hair loss

Vitamin A and B complex prevents and diminishes hair loss. There are different types of causes of this problem. It may be related to your genes–Alopecia Androgenetica–or you might have a vitamin deficiency. Your body needs vitamin A to develop epithelial cells, which are essential for the health of your skin and hair.

Vitamin B is one of the most important nutrients your body needs, because not only does it prevents stress and regulates the oxygen supply, it also contributes to the health of your skin and hair. Both vitamin types are needed to prevent and diminish hair loss. Already considering purchasing sea kelp?

It fights iron deficiency and anemia

Feeling tired lately? It might be worthwhile to visit the doctor. Women tend to suffer from iron deficiency more often than men due to our monthly visit. Iron contributes to your metabolism, which plays an important role on your weight. Metabolism defines the speed of rate at which your body burns calories. Having an iron deficiency can have a negative impact on this process.

It improves the strength of the hair

Lately, vitamin E has become more of a focal point in many hair and skin care products. This nutrient is known for his healing and strengthening benefit to the hair and skin. Vitamin E protects the cells, cell walls, your bloodstream, and your tissues.

It contributes to the development of keratin

Many people confuse the purpose of sea kelp with keratin and its purpose. Keratin is a type of protein necessary for healthy and strong hair. A rich source of the mineral magnesium, sea kelp contributes to the development of keratin. When you notice that your curls lost their elasticity and shine, use a keratin treatment.

If you do not like the idea of eating sea kelp, try a product that includes it as a key ingredient.

1. Kinky-Curly Come Clean Moisturizing Shampoo: I only need two washes every few days and my scalp stays clean throughout the week. This shampoo facilitates the detangling process for me, so it is definitely a winner.

2. SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Restorative Conditioner: When living in California, this product definitely saved my hair during the warmer months–my hair was much easier to detangle and moisturized.

3. SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo: This product is a keeper. It cleans my scalp and helps it much easier to detangle during the detangling process.

4. SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Reconstructive Finishing Elixir: This product restores the shine and health of your hair.
