Search Results: Susonnah Gonzalez

Make a Banana Hair Mask for Radiant Hair

Add eggs to your banana smoothie hair mask

With all the right ingredients, you can make your very own homemade hair mask! Enjoy the natural moisturizing effect of bananas with this banana smoothie hair mask.

Banana Smoothie Hair Mask: Quench dry or overworked hair with this fruity concoction that will leave your strands sparkling.

  • • 1 mashed banana
  • • 1 egg
  • • 3 tablespoons honey
  • • 3 tablespoons milk
  • • 5 tablespoons olive oil

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Using a wide-toothed comb, apply the mask to your hair from the roots to the ends.

Let the mask soak into your hair for about fifteen to thirty minutes. The more damaged your hair is, the longer you want to wait.

Rinse out the mask with cold water, then shampoo and condition your hair as usual.

Keratin Treatments: A Dangerous Price for Beauty
Brazilian blowout results.

Burning eyes, nosebleeds and chest pain—these are just some of the symptoms that stylists experience when they perform certain Brazilian keratin treatments on clients. When Brazilian keratin treatments first appeared in salons, they took consumers by storm. Everyone wanted to try the revolutionary treatment from Brazil that worked miracles, transforming even the tightest curls into loose, silky strands.

The Brazilian Blowout, one of the biggest name brands for Brazilian Keratin Treatments, is a 90-minute long procedure aimed at smoothing the hair with a “Brazilian super nutrient complex.” Using keratin, the blowout is supposed to build a protein layer around the hair, leaving it frizz-free and in healthier condition than before the treatment. The effects of Brazilian keratin treatments are supposed to last about twelve weeks, but the glamour lasted only till 2007, when “Allure” magazine released an article exposing the presence of formaldehyde (a human carcinogen”> in the Brazilian Blowout treatments. Ever since, more and more stylists and consumers have been skeptical of Brazilian keratin treatments, specifically the Brazilian Blowout products.

Read More: Keratin Treatment Goes Formaldehyde-Free

Valerie Martin

Valerie Martin, master stylist at Ritual Salon in Austin, Texas, is one of the stylists who is saying no to Brazilian blowout treatments. Martin and some of her fellow stylists grew weary of the product after experiencing shortness of breath and watery eyes while performing the treatment. But after watching a feature on “Good Morning America,” Martin put her foot down. The report showed that air samples of two separate salons using Brazilian Blowout contained 8-10% formaldehyde, an alarming result, considering any hair solution containing more than .1% of formaldehyde is considered potentially hazardous and must be reported to stylists by the manufacturer.

Prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can cause cancer, but more immediately, it causes eye and lung irritation.

“I could taste it in my mouth,” says Martin about the treatment. “All my clients had watery eyes, and I even had an air purifier next to them!” Martin no longer offers the Brazilian blowout, and is very skeptical about Brazilian keratin treatments in general. “There are a lot of keratin treatments that say they don’t have formaldehyde, but if you look at the ingredients it says aldehyde. They can call it something else because they changed the ingredient a little bit. But it’s pretty much formaldehyde,” says Martin.

Formaldehyde takes on many names, including methylene glycol and formalin, which is a liquid form of formaldehyde. Many companies are hiding the presence of formaldehyde by substituting it for other names, the most commonly used name being methylene glycol. It is released into the air as formaldehyde once it comes into contact with heat. It’s ironic, considering that the most important step in the Brazilian keratin treatment, the application of heat to seal in the keratin, is in fact the most dangerous one.

Read More: Keratin Treatments: Danger or Delight?

Anna Craig

Anna Craig from Trashy Roots Salon in Round Rock, Texas, avoids the danger altogether. Craig used the Brazilian Blowout products until it created thick smog that lingered in her salon. When Craig and her employees tried to take a picture of the smog, a thin film veiled the lens. The smog was unbearable, and so were the side effects.

“Our stylists started talking about the smog, and how it was affecting us. One of the stylists got sick. It was bothering her eyes, and she wasn’t feeling well.”

Before banning the Brazilian Blowout in her salon, Craig and her stylists attended a class aimed at teaching stylists how to properly use the product. The instructors urged the use of ventilators and air purifiers, but Craig protested. “We don’t want clients seeing that we need air purifiers to provide a service.” After doing some research, Craig decided against using the product at all. Trashy Roots Salon strives to be environmentally friendly by providing all natural, organic products. “We decided that it is totally against everything that we stand for.”

Anna Craig isn’t the only one standing up to the Brazilian blowout and other Brazilian keratin treatments with formaldehyde. Most European countries have banned the sale of Brazilian Blowout products, and Australia has banned the use of the Keratin Complex Treatment by Coppola. Even closer to home, Health Canada has banned the Brazilian blowout and is stopping product distribution to Canadian salons. Efforts to ban the Brazilian blowout treatment in the U.S. are limited to movements within individual states. In November of 2010, the Attorney General of California filed a lawsuit against Brazilian Blowout, claiming that the company failed to warn consumers of the presence of formaldehyde in their product. Not only did they fail to warn consumers, but the president of Brazilian Blowout repeatedly told the press that their product is formaldehyde-free.

Read More: Is the Brazilian Blowout Over?

Mark Garrison

Mark Garrison, owner of the Mark Garrison salon in New York City, doesn’t take any chances in his salon. Garrison offered the Brazilian blowout treatment in his salon until the Oregon OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Division”> issued an alert about the presence of formaldehyde in the treatment. Before then, Garrison designated the entire fourth floor of his townhouse sized salon to providing Brazilian keratin treatments. Garrison was ahead of the game, and in 2006 he built his very own keratin treatment room. Spending $7,000 on a ventilation system and masks, Garrison built the room because of the particular controversy that surrounds the Brazilian keratin treatments.

“I do everything by the book to make sure that my client and stylist are safe,” says Mark Garrison. The salon provides both the client and the technician with a mask equipped with special canisters rated for formaldehyde gas. For further protection, the client is placed under a hood that collects the vapor and ventilates the room. But building the room alone did not reassure Garrison. Taking matters into his own hands, Garrison conducted an independent study testing the amount of formaldehyde in Brazilian keratin treatments.

“I did a vapor test with Brazilian Blowout. We had a pump pumping the air and registering how much formaldehyde is in the air,” explains Garrison. “My test proved that it has formaldehyde.” After completing the study, Garrison brought it to the attention of the CEO of Brazilian Blowout, who insisted that their product was free of formaldehyde or any of its derivatives. “In the end, it was a lie,” says Garrison. “Very few companies have been straightforward with their consumers.” However, after testing the level of formaldehyde in several products, Garrison favors the Lasio and M&M Marcia Teixeira keratin treatments. Garrison still requires that every keratin treatment be given in his keratin treatment room. “Just to be safe, we take that extra step.”

However, most salon owners do not have the resources Mark Garrison has to take such precautions. Instead, many stylists are limiting the keratin treatments they offer to brands they know and trust. Anna Craig from Trashy Roots offers Pravana Keratin Fusion Texture Control, while Valerie Martin from Ritual Salon instead offers Dikson Keratin Treatment, both products being formaldehyde-free. Unfortunately, this is one of the only measures that stylists can take in order to protect their health, as FDA regulations make it very difficult to ban keratin treatments with formaldehyde in the U.S. However, consumers can take part in the movement to stop sale distribution of harmful hair treatments by educating themselves. “Do your homework and be aware of what is in your keratin treatment before you get it done,” says Martin. “At what cost do people want to look good?”

Read More: Brazilian Keratin Treatments Revealed What is your take on Brazilian keratin treatments?
Curly Girl: The Handbook is Here!
Curly Girl: The Handbook

Curly hair advocate Lorraine Massey is back with a new edition of her book, “Curly Girl: The Handbook”. Considered the “Original Curly Girl,” Massey is a curly hair expert and pioneer of the movement to embrace one’s natural curls. She is the owner of the Devachan Salon in New York City and creator of the DevaCurl line, proposing the shampoo free sensation to curly haired women around the world. But perhaps her most appreciated contribution to the curly community is the compilation of her knowledge and wisdom into her book, which has been revised and updated for release in 2011.

What’s New

The latest edition — co-authored by NaturallyCurly blogger Michele Bender — is more than a third new material, including a DVD with hair care tutorials for all curl types. A combination of inspirational words and advice, the book consists of hair care methods, how-tos, and recipes for homemade hair lotions and potions. It’s the go-to book for women looking for daily routines for all hair types, information on Lorraine’s very own curl classification system, and facts on the shampoo free method.

Also new to the book is a section dedicated to caring for wavy hair, information on green, all-natural products, and even a “Down-and-Dirty Curly Boy Routine.” But that’s not all: this updated version has an entire chapter on multicultural hair, written by an African-American hair specialist from Devachan salon. The book is a perfect blend of entertainment and instructional reading. Not only does it provide a step by step illustration of how to trim curly hair, but the book offers a section filled with humorous “Curly Girl Confessions.”

To get your own copy of “Curly Girl: The Handbook,” simply visit CurlMart where you can buy it for only $13.95.

5 Diet Myths Refuted by Nutritionists

If you’re trying to lose weight, you’re probably suffering from an overload of information. Frustration inevitably occurs when diets left and right contradict each other, telling you to eat this when another diet tells you not to. Here to expose and disprove common diet misconceptions is Jackie Keller, nutrition expert and founder of NutriFit.

Diet Myth #1: Don’t Eat After Dinner

According to Jackie, it really doesn’t matter when you eat, it matters what you eat. It is true that people tend to be more metabolically active earlier in the day, which is where this myth stemmed from. However, it is not entirely disadvantageous to eat later in the day. Weight loss does not exclusively occur early in the day; your body does not know what time your watch reads. Weight loss is more a function of what you eat and how much of it versus when you decide to eat.

Diet Myth #2: Detox Diets are the Only Way to Jump Start your Weight Loss

Detox diets sound like a great way to cleanse your body, but Jackie strongly advises against them. Detox diets trigger your body to go into starvation mode, which can actually slow down your metabolism. When your body believes it is starving, it protects you by slowing down metabolism in order to conserve energy. People on starvation diets will find that they regain the weight once they start eating again. So instead of going straight to the detox diet, examine what you eat on a daily basis and work to eliminate processed foods by replacing them with nutrient rich foods.

Diet Myth #3: Cutting Carbs will help the Pounds Come Off

This myth is easy to believe after seeing so many no-carb dieters shed pounds right away. But the weight loss that low-carb dieters achieve in the first two weeks is not surprising, Jackie says. Carb cutting will cause the body to shed water weight, since carbohydrates are stored in the body with water. The problem is that water weight is easily regained after you have stopped your diet. A yo-yo weight loss such as this is counterproductive and bad for overall metabolism. Jackie says what makes weight loss possible is not the amount of carbs that you cut but the amount of calories. The ultimate goal is to consume healthy proportions of calories and burn more than you consume through physical activity.

Diet Myth #4: You Can’t eat any Dessert when you’re on a Diet

There’s nothing wrong with eating dessert if it is healthy and restricted to healthy proportions. Chocolate lovers, rejoice: Dark chocolate is actually very healthy for you. High in heart-healthy flavonoids, dark chocolate is a healthy option for those of you who crave something sweet after dinner. “A one-ounce serving daily can be a delicious way to obtain the health benefits and a bite of pure enjoyment,” says Jackie.

Diet Myth #5: Fat is the Enemy

Not all fats are created equal, suggests Jackie. Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats can actually improve levels of good cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. These healthy fats can be found in fish, walnuts, avocado, and olive oil. According to Jackie, they can aid the diet by delaying hunger pangs when consumed in appropriate amounts. A diet that contains a balance of favorable carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is ultimately the healthiest option for achieving long term weight loss goals.

The Frizz-Ease Experience by John Frieda
John Frieda Collection

John Frieda is one of the most trusted names in the hair care industry, but I never knew why until gave me the collection to try for myself. I am a natural wavy, but I like to flat iron my hair for special occasions. I wasn’t aware of any John Frieda products other than their famous serum, so I was really curious to try out their shampoo and conditioners as well as an interesting cream called “Straight Fixation.” I decided to try all of the Frizz Ease collection at once, and called it my very own “Frizz Ease Experience.”

First, I washed my hair with the Frizz-Ease Smooth Start Shampoo for repairing the hair. The shampoo is really milky and made a nice lather that wasn’t too thick. Then I conditioned with the Smooth Start Repairing Conditioner, letting it sit in my hair for about five minutes. After I rinsed, I noticed how amazingly smooth my hair felt already.

Then, I let my hair air dry for about ten minutes. The Straight Fixation Cream is supposed to smooth out the hair and block frizz, and should be applied before you style your hair. I applied only a dime-size amount onto the palms of my hands and rubbed it into my damp hair. The consistency is smooth but slightly thick, much like lotion feels. I suggest using a wide-toothed comb to brush it in if you have thick hair. My hair is thin, so I simply brushed it through my hair with my fingers. Then, using the blow dryer, I dried my hair, using only my fingers to guide it.

I noticed a difference right away! Usually when I blow my hair dry, the result is a jungle of frizz. Heat makes my hair a big mass of fuzz that a comb can get lost in. But this time, my hair was smooth and already straight! I was very pleased at how much the Straight Fixation Smoothing Crème worked. I didn’t even need to pull my hair down with a brush to make it straight.

After blow drying my hair, I usually spend about thirty minutes laboriously flat ironing my hair to perfection. But this time I was equipped with John Frieda, and only used my flat iron for touch ups. I applied a dime-size amount of serum, specifically the Frizz-Ease Extra Strength formula, and ran it through the ends of my hair. Then I went through my hair with the flat iron for only two minutes! My hair, which once required thirty minutes of straightening, now required only two minutes of touch ups.

The finishing touch was a glossy spray called Frizz-Ease 100% Shine Glossing Mist. I sprayed the top, which tends to be a mess of flyaways and frizz. Then I smoothed it through my hair, from top to bottom. Only a very small amount of the spray is needed; the spray is so thin that it easily runs through the hair. Applying too much could make your hair greasy. I loved the way my hair looked. It was so silky, and I had to try hard to keep my hands off it! Was my hair frizz free for 24 hours? Yes, it was. The silky smooth texture of my hair lasted for two days, and probably could have lasted longer if I wanted.

My conclusion? These products are awesome, and I will definitely be using them again. They shorten the amount of time that I flat iron my hair, so less heat is used on my hair overall. Even when I don’t flat iron my hair, I can still use the frizz-ease on my waves. The shampoo and conditioner, serum, and gloss mist is great for anyone who wants to eliminate frizz and have silky smooth hair.

Viva Vitamin Angels!

Did you know that one third of all childhood deaths are caused by lack of nutrition, and that an estimated 190 million children suffer from vitamin A deficiency worldwide? A simple, cost-effective vitamin A capsule each six months can prevent blindness and reduce under-five mortality by 23 percent. Yet, so many children go without such vitamins.

Vitamin Angels is an organization that is profoundly changing the lives of children around the world by connecting children under the age of five with vital nutrients they need to not only survive but thrive. Whole Foods Market’s current podcast, Viva Vitamin Angels, shares the story of this remarkable effort for all to hear. In order to raise awareness, Whole Foods Market will donate $1 for the first 5,000 people to share their thoughts in response to the podcast.

To listen to the podcast and share your thoughts, visit the official Whole Foods Market Blog, Whole Story.

You can help by simply leaving a comment! It’s that easy. Just one quick comment will help four children in need.

The Bewitching Waves of Hermione Granger
emma thompson

Emma Watson as a young Hermoine

From encounters with a three-headed dog to combating villainous Death Eaters, Hermione Granger has taken on seven years of challenges that the wizard world has thrown upon her. Being one of the most beloved characters in young adult literature, this young witch is now an icon for female heroism and bravery. Best of all, she sports curly, wavy hair.

Fans of the Harry Potter series are gathering at movie theaters left and right to watch the first part of the final film, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows”. Fans have been following Harry and his two best friends, Ron and Hermione, since they were first years taking their first steps into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Since then, the trio has been in all kinds of trouble, from being out after hours to coming face to face with murderous villains. But perhaps what is most remarkable about the films is the way they capture the experience of growing up. Hermione Granger has certainly grown before our eyes, and her hair shows how she blossomed from a child eager to learn to a young woman ready to fight for mankind.

Hermione’s hair has seen many changes from the first film. She first appeared on the silver screen with a bushy head of hair that’s reminiscent of classic storybook witches. Its great volume and tangled state served as Hermione’s signature hairstyle. Fans of the books claim that this image of Hermione is most true to the novels, and expressed disappointment when they saw it change in the second film. In “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” she is first seen on Diagon Alley with long, shiny curls. Now well-groomed, her hair has corkscrew curls that seem to resemble the refined girl that Hermione is becoming. In the third film, Hermione’s hair is shorter and has less of a twist. Now shoulder length, her hair has a cute wave that is much more casual. It seems fitting, given that we begin see the students in jeans and casual attire.

emma watson

Emma Watson’s Hermoine begins to mature.

The fourth film is where Hermione’s hair is the most diverse. She begins to play with braids and clips that keep her hair out of her face, but doesn’t fail to wear her hair wavy as she makes her daily trips to the library. And of course, who could forget that elegant updo she wore for the Yule Ball? Lovely curls trail the side of her neck as she dances proudly next to Durmstrang Champion Victor Krum. In the fifth film, Hermione’s hair maintains its wavy texture. She parts it to the side, creating feminine looking bangs that sweep across her forehead as she fights alongside her classmates in Dumbledore’s Army. In “Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince”, Hermione seems to be returning to twists and curls. Her hair looks as if it receives more attention than her books!
emma watson

Emma Watson in “Dealthy Hallows.”

In the first part of “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” Hermione’s hair is starkly different. It is much lighter than any of the previous films, and appears to be blond. But the biggest difference in her hair is the lack of wave or curl. Roaming the wilderness with her best friends who are trying to avoid capture, Hermione hardly has time or the hair products to maintain her curls. She is immersed in the elements, and is constantly on the run from Death Eaters and Snatchers (followers of the evil Lord Voldemort”>. Her hair shows it; it remains uncombed, windblown, and messy. So near to the end, we begin to see a rugged side of Hermione and her hair.

emma watson

Emma Watson in “Dealthy Hallows.”

Apparently Hermione isn’t the only one whose hair is representative of her blossoming character. Emma Watson, who has portrayed Hermione since she was ten years old, said goodbye to her role as Hermione by cutting off all her hair, leaving behind a fresh new pixie cut. Inspired by Mia Farrow in Rosemary’s Baby, Watson went to New York Stylist Rodney Cutler for that change she craved. Her new haircut has received all kinds of reactions, but many agree that it’s symbolic for Watson. As she moves on to the next stage in her life, this young star leaves behind the waves and curls that represent Hermione, and says hello to college life at Brown University.
Deck Your Nails with a Holiday Manicure

Tinsel isn’t the only thing with sparkle this holiday season, as suggested by Robbie Schaeffer. Celebrity manicurist and owner of ROB|B, Schaeffer shares his tips for a perfect manicure this holiday season.

Nail Polish


“Glitter and shimmer are the hottest trends in nails this winter, as seen in OPI’s new Burlesque collection,” says Schaeffer. “Perfect for women of all ages, the bold textures add instant holiday sparkle to any look and bring glamour to many different occasions.”

Another trend this holiday season is shimmering nail lacquers. Whether it stands alone or is used with layering accents, the lacquer will leave a festive pop of color. However, Schaeffer warns that there is more to a manicure than selecting the right shade of Nail Lacquer. Moisturizing the skin is crucial in maintaining healthy, beautiful hands.

“With winter in full force, nails and hands are in dire need of intense hydration to look and feel their best,” explains Schaeffer. “It’s critical to maintain each manicure with a high intensity cream to deliver essential moisture and soothing relief from the cold weather, harsh winds, and dry indoor heat. Cuticle oil like OPI Avoplex Cuticle Oil to-go is perfect to throw in any purse and reduces dry, flaky skin and hangnails with Vitamin E, avocado, sunflower, sesame and kukui nut oils.”So don’t forget to pack the cuticle oil and lotion this winter season.

Redken Releases Its Very Own Hairstyling Video Game
busy scissors

Redken, one of the nation’s leading companies in providing salons and consumers with professional products, cuts the way for a whole new style of video game just in time for the holidays. Get ready to add this to your wish list!

Through the video game ‘Busy Scissors,’ consumers can sharpen their professional edge and virtually experience the life of a salon professional! An industry first, Redken teamed up with game publisher, Little Orbit LLC, for this hairstyling and simulation video game. Busy Scissors is now available in stores for both the Nintendo Wii and DS.

Get ready to color, shampoo, cut, blow dry, and style hair with your Wii remote. Players can earn a positive reputation and advance their career in a Hollywood based salon by meeting the demands of their glamorous and eccentric clientele. From movie stars to musicians, each client has their own personality that players need to match with their hairstyle. The game progresses as they help unlock each client’s inner potential by finding their unique style. The game features over 25 hairstyles, 20 mini-games, six career levels, and four game modes, which provide a dynamic combination of realistic gameplay, humor and entertainment for all ages.

Now consumers have a whole new way to engage with Redken by using actual professional Redken products in a virtual salon, as well as get a behind the scenes look at what it’s like to be a professional hair stylist. Game developers spent months working with industry experts to emulate real hairstyles used in the game. Each salon technique was demonstrated and filmed by the team before it was re-created in 3D as a game, so consumers are able to imitate actual hair styling techniques used by professionals. What a fun way to learn how to professionally style your hair!

Busy Scissors is now available for $19.99 at your local Gamestop, Wal-Mart, or K-Mart. Or, visit the Busy Scissors website to purchase the game online!

Hair Relaxers: What You Should Know

By definition, a hair relaxer is a lotion or cream that makes the hair easier to straighten and manage. It reduces the curl by breaking down the hair strand and chemically altering the texture.  Most women who decide to get their hair relaxed have curly hair who want it to be stick straight without any frizz. The results vary depending on your hair type, but usually a hair relaxer will leave your hair straight for about six to eight weeks. Unlike other permanent straightening methods, relaxing your hair will require touch-ups from time to time.  You can go to a professional stylist, or you can purchase a hair relaxing kit to be used at home.

What are the benefits of going to a professional?

While getting your hair relaxed by a professional is expensive, it is the best option if you decide to relax at all. Putting any sort of chemicals in your hair is very damaging, and it requires careful attention that a professional can give. First off, a professional can perform a “strand test,” which will test the strength of your hair in order to further assess which type of relaxer is best for you. Apart from their years of experience, some professionals actually keep records of what treatments you have had or what procedures other clients had that will help them determine the best type of relaxer for you.

What are the different types of hair relaxers?

Hair relaxers, most commonly, are available in two types: Lye relaxers and No-Lye relaxers. Opinions on the two vary, but as with everything, it depends on your hair type and texture. Lye relaxers are known to work quickly on the hair, but as a result they might also rinse out of your hair easily. Their main ingredient is sodium hydroxide, and they are also known as “alkali” relaxers. No-lye, on the other hand, is mostly made of calcium hydroxide, which can dry out the hair. However, no-lye is better for people with sensitive scalps. When using no-lye, it is imperative that you use a “de-calcifying” shampoo to prevent calcium buildup.

What are some disadvantages of using a hair relaxer?

Hair relaxers are very powerful chemicals; they have to be if you want your hair’s texture altered so drastically. Depending on your hair type, hair relaxers might cause breakage, hair thinning, and stunt your hair growth. Some women have also complained of scalp irritation, scalp damage or hair loss. Remember that hair relaxers are stripping your hair of its natural oils, so be very attentive to your hair if you decide to relax it.

Depending on your hair type, hair relaxers might cause breakage, hair thinning, and stunt your hair growth. 
Should I get my hair relaxed?

Many people praise the magical abilities of hair relaxers, and return to their stylist over and over for it. However, achieving manageable, straight hair cannot be done without proper care. If you decide to get your hair relaxed, be prepared to pay special attention to it. Keep your hair properly moisturized, as hair relaxers are very drying to the hair overall. Use deep conditioners weekly, drink plenty of water, and utilize leave-in conditioners.  Be sure to use a reconstructing shampoo and conditioner the week following your hair relaxing, and stay away from heat that will further dry your hair. And of course, understand that if you get a relaxer, your hair will be damaged in the long run and will require special care to repair it.

Top 10 Curly Celebrities to Look Up To

With the season of giving approaching, what’s more appropriate than giving thanks to our curly celebrities for being so amazing? These women are beautiful, successful, and great role models for curlies everywhere. They are an inspiration for all of us to embrace our curls and give back to the community.

Mariah Carey

1. Mariah Carey

Loving her curls and her curves, singer/songwriter Mariah is also heavily involved in The Fresh Air Fund, a non-profit agency committed to providing underprivileged children with a free summer experience. The Fresh Air Fund believes in the transformative power of outdoor physical activity, as well as any activity that will help children develop into successful adults. Mariah Carey is not only a board member but has her very own Camp Mariah. Camp Mariah serves as the fund’s “Career Awareness Camp,” helping youths explore career possibilities and educational paths available to them. Coming from a humble background as well, Mariah knows all about what these children need to succeed.

Taylor Swift

2. Taylor Swift

This country music artist always rocks her amazing twists on the stage, and she supports a number of different causes. Alarmed by the growing amount of Internet sex crimes, in 2007 she launched a campaign to protect young adults from online predators. Partnering with the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police, Taylor Swift worked to distribute information about internet safety to parents and young adults so that they might be more aware of the growing threat. Earlier in the year, Swift helped with the “Hope for Haiti” benefit by singing and answering telephone calls from people donating to the relief fund. Still a very young star, it will be interesting to see how this young philanthropist will give back in the future.


3. Mýa

Hailing from Washington, D.C, this hip-hop singer and dancer is involved in more ways than one, and is a cute curly by nature. Since 1998, she has been all over the entertainment industry, releasing albums, creating her own label, and appearing in movies as both a singer and actress. But Mýa doesn’t only sing for movies and shows, she also has a variety of causes that she supports. Using her talent to benefit others, she recently performed for the Africare Health Jam in Washington, D.C, and joined Wyclef Jean in the remake of “We are the World,” an effort to raise money for the victims in Haiti. In 2005, she started her own non-profit organization called TMATF, or, The Mýa Arts and Tech Foundation. She acts as both a director and teacher, working to provide education in technology and the arts to disadvantaged children. Is there anything that Mýa cannot do?


4. Shakira

This curly she-wolf serves as an inspiration to Latinas everywhere. After failed attempts with local producers, she decided to do things her own way. The result? International fame, and a title as one of the most successful Latinas in entertainment. Sure, she’s got the hips and the curls, but did you know she is also an involved humanitarian? Shakira is passionate about a child’s right to quality education. At age 18, she created the Barefoot Foundation, a U.S non-profit and non-governmental organization partnered with the Pies Descalzos Foundation in Colombia, her native country. Named after her first album, the Barefoot Foundation not only works to spread awareness, but to provide children who are subjected to violence and poverty with education and nutritious meals. Already they have built six schools and have aided over 6,000 children. On top of that, Shakira is constantly meeting with world leaders to promote universal education, and she still has time to release a new album!

Beyonce Knowles

5. Beyonce Knowles

From Destiny’s Child to the unforgettable “Single Ladies,” Beyonce has graced the entertainment industry with her various talents. Singing, dancing, and acting her way into the hearts of many, this natural curly is a great model to young ladies who want to make a difference. Beyonce and her fellow band mate Kelly Rowland created the Survivor Foundation in order to help her fellow Houstonites in Texas receive housing while recovering from Hurricane Katrina. The Survivor Foundation works to aid displaced families who have been affected by any disaster, as well as help individuals suffering from AIDS/HIV and homelessness. Beyond providing housing, Beyonce has taken her efforts to Ethiopia, supported the Global Food Banking Network, and the tree planting campaign called “Two Trees for 2000.”

Tyra Banks

6. Tyra Banks

So maybe her hair has seen many phases, but so has her career. She began to model when she was only eleven years old, and proudly stands as the first African American woman to appear on the cover of GQ and the Victoria’s Secret Catalog. Moving on to television, Tyra has become a major TV personality, from “America’s Next Top Model” to her very own “The Tyra Show,” where she rocks her natural curls. Also a published author, Tyra wrote a book titled “Tyra’s Beauty, Inside and Out,” a book about helping women discover their natural beauty. She has reached out to women everywhere not only with her book, but with the TZONE Foundation. The foundation empowers young girls by donating money to non-profit organizations that serve girls in low-income communities, and offering programs that help girls learn who they are and what they can do for a successful future. The TZONE Foundation stands for everything Tyra believes in: beauty, confidence, and empowering women.


7. Madonna

She’s bold, she’s beautiful, and she’s got the waves. Being internationally recognized, no biography bit is needed; this pop superstar has done it all. She shocked the world with “Like a Prayer,” and now she’s changing the world with Raising Malawi. Raising Malawi, an effort to end poverty in southeast Africa, was founded by this pop star only four years ago. Malawi has over 2 million orphans suffering from lack of food, clean water, or proper medical care. Madonna works with Raising Malawi to support community-based organizations in providing these orphans and impoverished families with basic care. Madonna is passionate about ending poverty in Malawi, and helping these children get access to a quality education, healthcare, and nourishing food. Her belief in helping others is perfectly represented by the Ubuntu saying “I am because we are” or “without you there is no me.”

Maria Shriver

8. Maria Shriver

Success runs in her family, and so do curls. As a member of the Kennedy family, Maria was born with a drive to change the world. A journalist, author, and wife of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, she has transformed the role of First Lady of California. Shriver is active in a number of causes and movements to better California, especially those focusing on practical ways to end poverty. By launching the WE Connect Program, Shriver has extended her efforts across the nation, reaching out to families with resources and information that could help them live fulfilled lives. Recently, she rocked her natural curls at the Women’s Conference in Long Beach, California. One of the largest conferences devoted to women, this three-day long conference has some of the most inspirational speakers, all working to influence women to change the world and make a difference. Check out her curls at the conference!.

Angelina Jolie

9. Angelina Jolie

You can say what you want about Jolie, but her success as an actress and humanitarian is beyond admirable. She’s taken on many roles, been awarded a Golden Globe and an Oscar, and is a loving mother of six! After being in Cambodia while filming “Lara Croft: Tomb Raider,” she was moved by the amount of poverty and underlying beauty of the native Cambodians. Since then she has visited many countries, and spoken to many heads of state about the plight of refugees. Turning to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR”>, Jolie has become a major activist to protect refugees globally. As a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR, she now works to spread awareness. The Jolie-Pitt Foundation , established in 2006, is constantly donating to humanitarian organizations in an effort to eliminate extreme poverty, protect natural resources, and conserve wildlife. Angelina Jolie’s role as humanitarian is slowly outshining her role as an actress, and one can only praise her for her grace, charity and natural waves.

Oprah Winfrey

10. Oprah Winfrey

How could we forget Oprah? She has amazing twists, and she is undoubtedly one of the most powerful and influential women in the world. Oprah came from a troubling background in a small farm town in Mississippi, from which she grew and became stronger. Since then she has reached out to women everywhere through her talk show, and held onto its wholesome, meaningful material despite the trash talk shows that took over the ’90s. With the creation of Oprah’s Book Club, Oxygen Media, and her magazine, Oprah has extended her influence even further. Oprah’s Angel Network has raised over $50 million for non-profits, awarded hundreds of grants to women, children and families in need, and continues to fight for a person’s basic rights. That’s not all: Oprah has various charities and foundations, all dedicated to helping others. As an individual, she is always one of the nation’s top philanthropists. What can we say? Oprah has integrity, amazing curls, and a passion for giving.

Working with Fine Hair
sam villa

Sam Villa

For those of you with fine hair, Sam Villa is your man. Sam Villa, founding partner and chairman of Allvus, LLC and Education Artistic Director for Redken 5th Avenue, teaches not only his stylist students, but also consumers how to give volume to fine hair.

Fine hair is divided into two categories: low density (hair shaft is thin and grows far apart”> and high density (hair shaft is thin and grows close together”>.  For some stylists, the characteristics of this medium can make styling a challenge. Villa shares inside tips on finishing fine hair.

Products for Fine Hair

    redken body full products

  • Villa recommends Redken Body Full Shampoo and Body Full Light Conditioner. Both contain wheat extract to plump the hair, cotton to soften and detangle, and soy protein to repair and prevent breakage.
  • Use a treatment product to condition, protect and style your hair.
  • For extra plumping, try Body Full Volume Amplifier, a thickening lift spray.
  • For baby fine hair, try Body Full Instant Bodifier, a volumizing foam that provides structural support.

Many stylists (and consumers for that matter”> have a personal preference on using a lotion, gel or mousse.  Villa offers his top picks for fine hair.

  • Lotion: Redken thickening lotion 06 adds thickness to each strand, it’s great on fine to medium hair.
  • Gel: Redken rootful 06 root lifting spray is great for getting lift at the roots, target the root area with application.
  • Mousse: For really fine hair that lacks life, Redken full frame 07 protective volumizing mousse can be used to increase body and volume.

About heat: It’s not the temp so much as the time; it’s okay to use high-temperature tools to create texture, just mind the amount of exposure to the heat. Use only as much as needed for as long as needed. Use a brick lay pattern to avoid seeing separation lines.


  • Try the Updry: After shampooing, apply desired styling product and comb hair straight up into a bunch on top of the head, let it buckle back and secure with a butterfly clip (or something that won’t leave a mark”>. Let hair dry naturally or use a diffuser. When hair is taken down, there is immense volume created by directing hair against the natural fall pattern.
  • The 80% Trick: Dry hair until 80% of the moisture is out of it, apply desired styling product and finish drying – the style will have incredible volume and hold better. When hair is less wet, it’s easier to feel where to put the product, and product adherer’s to the hairshaft better because it’s not diluted by moisture.
  • Avoid: Waxes, polishes, molding gels and heavy gels should be avoided – they gather hair together and make it too transparent, limp and greasy.
Tabatha’s Salon Takeover Returns to Bravo

As part of Bravo’s previously announced five nights of original programming lineup, “Tabatha’s Salon Takeover” returns with a brand new season on Monday, December 6, at 10 p.m. ET with the no-nonsense and smartly styled Tabatha Coffey, as she transforms the lives and businesses of salon owners across the country. In season three, Coffey hits the road and visits struggling salons in California, Massachusetts and Texas. For one week, she confiscates the keys to the establishments and takes over as boss, bringing her unapologetic, brutally honest approach to the salon owners and stylists who are in dire need of her skilled business direction.

Tabatha Coffey

Tabatha Coffey is qualified for the job like no other. Working since she was 14 years old, Coffey began her career in Surfer’s Paradise, Australia. Since then, she has been working with the salon industry’s top dogs in the United States, Great Britain, and Australia. Over the years, the edgy and energetic Coffey has sharpened her skills as a hairstylist and business owner, but she now finds her passion in educating others about the field. For ten years she has represented the company Artistic Team, traveling around the world to various hair and fashion shows, including Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. Apart from being a hairstyling expert, she also holds a position as an editorial stylist for fashion and beauty publications. But when she isn’t rushing across the country aiding desperate salon owners, editing, or making it to fashion shows, Coffey manages her salon in New Jersey or works with clients in West Hollywood. Be on the lookout for her new memoir titled “It’s Not Really About the Hair: The Honest Truth about Life, Love, and the Business of Beauty.” The wisdom and charisma that Coffey illustrates in the show is sure to project through her book.

This season, no task is too big for Tabatha. Whether it’s moving into a salon owner’s house for the night to stage a family intervention, tackling five slacking owners in one salon, turning around a downtrodden children’s salon with stylists who don’t like kids or even doing hair, renovating a gay salon with questionable taste, or trekking a salon’s staff to the middle of the Mohave Desert to learn to survive as a team— Tabatha gives these struggling salons the major push they need to get back on track.

The salons Coffey will makeover in the California, Massachusetts and Texas areas include:

  • Mia Bella – San Bruno, CA

  • Christopher Hill – Brentwood, CA

  • Vendome – Houston, TX

  • West End – Provincetown, MA

  • Avanti – Boston, MA

  • Touch of Elegance – Tewkesbury, MA

  • Bqute – Palmdale, CA

  • A Star Is Born – Mission Viejo, CA

  • Concerto – Valencia, CA

Tune in December 6th to get some hairstyling tips of your own!  For more information about the show, visit Bravo’s website at

12 Step Recovery for Flat Iron Addicts

Your hair is friend, and you know the problem: you use that flat iron daily, as if your life depended on it.  Here’s the thing: it doesn’t depend on it! There are plenty of things you can do with your natural hair to stay away from damaging hot irons. The key is feeling beautiful and doing what’s best for your hair!

12 Step Recovery

10 Tricks and Treats for your Hair

This Halloween, you don’t have to go door to door asking for treats for your hair. We have compiled some of the best tricks and our favorite products that will help your hair look awesome and anything but frightening this Halloween season.

Carol’s Daughter Black Vanilla Leave-In Conditioner

TREAT:  Leave-in Conditioner

Leave-in conditioners are an essential part of hair care. Your hair can become damaged with too much sun, heat, or dry weather.  A good leave-in conditioner will protect and hydrate your hair. Try this one for starters!

Carol’s Daughter Black Vanilla Leave-In Conditioner

This is a favorite among naturally curlies. It’s a great way to detangle and detoxify your hair with all natural ingredients. Using lavender, rosemary, marigolds, and vanilla, this leave-in restores moisture and leaves your hair smelling like flowers.

Jane Carter Solution Wrap and Roll

TRICK: Awesome Mousse

A good mousse will help your curls retain their shape without that flaky texture that hair spray often gives.  Here’s a suggestion:

Jane Carter Solution Wrap and Roll

This mousse is soft and versatile for your hair styling needs. It is free of silicones and parabens, but the natural glycerides and oils will leave your hair soft and shiny. As the name suggests, this product is great for styling your hair in a wrap. Or, simply apply this solution to your hair and let it dry naturally.

Cricket Ultraclean Big Time Comb

TREAT:  Wide-toothed comb

Wide-toothed combs are the best for detangling your hair without breaking or damaging it.  You can use a wide-toothed comb for your weekly deep conditioning or your daily comb-through. Here’s a great example of a good quality comb:

Cricket Ultraclean Big Time Comb

Why is it ultraclean? This magical comb offers microban antimicrobial technology that keeps bacteria from growing on plastic. It comes in a variety of colors and has a slip-resistant finish.

Aubrey Organics NuStyle Organic Hair Smoothing Serum

TRICK: Frizz Fighter Serum

If your hair is prone to frizz, it’s crucial that you fight it off with a serum or spray. There are lots of serums and sprays out there, but here’s a suggestion:

Aubrey Organics NuStyle Organic Hair Smoothing Serum

This serum is rich in nutrients that are healthy for your hair. It works to smooth the cuticle and repair damaged ends, while reducing frizz. Simply apply this serum to your hair after you shampoo and see immediate results—shiny, beautiful and frizz-free hair.

Charmeuse Satin Pillowcases by Scent-Sation

TREAT: A Satin Pillowcase

Why is satin better than cotton? Cotton pillowcases have a rougher surface than satin, creating friction that is damaging to your hair. Try switching over to a satin pillowcase to preserve your hair and protect it. Here’s a great brand to try:

Charmeuse Satin Pillowcases by Scent-Sation

Charmeuse is the finest woven satin on the market. It has a lingerie quality, so you know it’s top-of-the-line satin.  Scent-Sation’s pillowcases are incredibly smooth, and will have you sleeping like a baby and protecting your hair!

Oyin Handmade Burnt Sugar Pomade

TRICK: A Good Pomade

Pomade is a thick styling agent made of mostly oils. It’s great for styling if your hair is thicker, and it leaves the hair nice and shiny. If you want control over your hair, try this pomade:

Oyin Handmade Burnt Sugar Pomade

Sounds tasty, doesn’t it? Your hair will love it. This pomade is made entirely of vegetables, and resembles thick, creamy caramel. Not only does this pomade style, but it acts as a humectant, locking in moisture and giving your hair shine.

Hair Therapy Wrap

TREAT:  Hair Therapy Wrap

If your hair is dry and damaged, and in need of desperate repair, try using a hair therapy wrap. With the combination of heat and your favorite deep conditioner, hair therapy wraps work to restore your hair to healthy, shiny locks. You can purchase one on our very own CurlMart, which conveniently has directions on how to prepare your Hair Therapy Wrap.

Hair Therapy Wrap

This hair wrap can be heated through the microwave or the stove top. One size fits all, and it is reusable for your hair repair needs. Check it out!

Curl Junkie: Curl Fuel Curl Enhancing Spray

TRICK: Second-Day Curl Enhancing Spray

Do your curls lose their bounce on the second day? A great trick to put the spring back in them is to spray them with an enhancing spray or rejuvenating mist.  It helps your second day hair to look fresh without having to restyle it again. Try this one:

Curl Junkie: Curl Fuel Curl Enhancing Spray

This spray is a great curl enhancer, and it’s healthy for your hair. It’s protein-free, paraben-free, and silicone-free, so you know this spray doesn’t have any ingredients that are harmful for your hair.

Mixed Chicks Deep Conditioner

TREAT: Deep Conditioner

Every girl needs to deep conditioner her hair once in a while. Depending on how damaged or dry your hair is, you might want to deep condition more frequently. Deep conditioning every week will help your hair stay fresh and healthy by locking in moisture.  Here’s a great deep conditioner that curlies love:

Mixed Chicks Deep Conditioner

This deep conditioner works to moisturize and detangle your hair.  Simply comb the conditioner through your hair, working from the root to the tip. Pile your hair on top of your head and wait about 30 minutes for your hair to drink in all the moisture. As soon as you rinse you will notice the difference!

Curly Hair Solutions Gel

TRICK: Thin Gel

Gels may be notorious for leaving your hair with a crunchy texture, but if you find the right kind of gel, it could aid your curls in amazing ways. A good thin gel that you can easily work through your locks will give it the hold and support curls need.  Here’s our suggestion:

Curly Hair Solutions Gel

One of the most favored brands, Curly Hair Solutions does not disappoint! Try their styling gel, which is free of silicone, parabens, and protein. This gel is great for styling, and it won’t leave your hair crunchy. Simply apply the gel to your hair, wet or dry, and style as usual. I recommend scrunching your hair to give your curls that extra bounce.

Date Hair Forecast—Clueless With a Chance of Frizz

You’ve got a date that you’ve been looking forward to all week, but bad luck breezed in with the weather. You can’t call and cancel just because your hair isn’t working! Here’s how to wear your hair for that hot date, in maybe not-so-hot weather:

Rainy Days

Rainy Weather

Get your bun on! Buns are so versatile; they can be elegant and chic, or sexy and messy. It doesn’t have to be a plain, out of the face, pinned up bun. Get creative! Use decorative hair pins, chopsticks or a cute flower pin that will grab his attention.

  • Infinity Bun.  This bun, also known as the figure eight, is chic and elegant.
  • Messy Bun. The messy bun screams sexy. Let your bangs hang loose, or dress it up with a head band.
  • Low Side Bun. A low bun that is off to the side can be very feminine. Tie it with a flower hair clip for a flirty look.

Humid Days

Humid Weather

The key to beating humidity is to moisturize your hair and be honest with it. Don’t use a flat iron if you know it will frizz up as soon as you walk out the door.  Stick to your natural hair.  After all, you want him to see the real you, don’t you?

  • Don’t work against your texture. Instead, use leave ins, mousse and hair spray to control frizz.
  • Clip it up away from the face. In humid weather, the hair around the face tends to shrivel up the most.
  • Try a half ponytail. Half ponytails are a great way to keep hair out of your face but around the neck.

Windy Days

Windy Weather

You know the wind is going to blow your hair away, so don’t try anything too slick or composed. Instead, go for that tousled look that the wind will only aid!

  • Get out the curling iron. Use a large-barrel curling iron to give you wide twists that the wind can blow around and increase the messy-sexy factor.
  • Use the ponytail to your advantage. When you are on your way to your date, tie up your hair in a ponytail to keep the wind from tangling it too much. When you reach your destination, undo the ponytail and run through your waves with your fingertips for a quick brush through. If done right, it could give you a sexy entrance.
  • Try a scarf! Tie it around your head like a head band, leaving the end to twirl in the wind with your locks.

Dry, Arid Days

Arid Weather

Dry days can be a nightmare for curlies and wavies alike. Dry weather sucks the moisture out of our hair, leaving it flat and without volume.

  • Stay away from the blow dryer. Blowing your hair dry might sound like an easy way to achieve volume, but your hair is dry enough without adding a blast of heat to it. Instead, allow your hair to dry naturally. This may mean you have to prepare ahead of time for your date, but it could be worth it!
  • Seal in moisture with coconut oil. It will keep your curls or waves looking fresh for your big date.
Top 10 Curly Cuties in Major League Baseball

Root, root, root for the cuties out on the field this postseason—especially the curlies. Even if our lineup didn’t all make the playoffs, we still like their curls! Whether or not you’re a fan, be on the lookout for these top ten curly cuties.

Matt Joyce

Tampa Bay Rays: Matt Joyce

A native from Tampa, Matt is an outfielder who made his debut only two years ago. Check out that hair flip!

Chad Durbin

Philidelphia Phillies: Chad Durbin

Maybe he’s an oldie, but a goodie! Chad not only pitches for the Phillies but has some cute crinkly curls to top it off.

Omar Infante

Atlanta Braves: Omar Infante

For all you Latino lovers out there, check out this curly Omar Infante.  Second baseman and shortstop for the Braves, Omar rocks the crinkles like no other.

Pat Burrell

San Francisco Giants: Pat Burrell

Keep your eyes peeled on the left field, because that’s where Pat is most likely to be! “Pat the Bat” not only plays left field, he also wears his waves proudly.

Armando Galarrga

Detroit Tigers: Armando Galarrga

Looks like he’ll be sitting out during the playoffs, but why not admire that hair flip? Armando not only looks great in a uniform but in this sharp suit.

Neftali Feliz

Texas Rangers: Neftali Feliz

Far from his home in the Dominican Republic, Neftali pitches for the Texas Rangers and made his debut only a year ago. It’s hard to keep your eyes on the ball with those juicy arms pitching!

Sam Fuld

Chicago Cubs: Sam Fuld

Check out those curls! Sam, a left fielder for the Cubs, has everything: blue eyes, awesome hair, and a degree from Stanford!

Robinson Cano

New York Yankees: Robinson Cano

He has a smile that any girl could spot in a crowded stadium. Robinson is a natural curly and second baseman for the New York Yankees.

Andre Ethier

Los Angeles Dodgers: Andre Ethier

You can’t miss those adorable curls coming out from under that batting helmet! Andre is a right fielder for the Dodgers whose curls won’t let him steal all the glory.

Ian Kinsler

Texas Rangers: Ian Kinsler

Ian is a second baseman for the Rangers, and rockin’ the playoffs with his full head of hair. Check out those thick, lustrous locks!

How to Get Rose Byrne’s Red Carpet Look
rose byrne

John Frieda International Creative Consultant Harry Josh offers these tips for getting actress Rose Byrne’s Emmy look.

How to get Rose’s Emmy Look

  • Josh prepped Byrne’s hair for one week before the red carpet by prescribing John Frieda’s Root Awakening Health Infusing Shampoo and Conditioner.
  • Luxurious Volume Bountiful Body Mousse was applied to Byrne’s wet hair and then blown out using a boar-bristle brush. The mousse helped Josh achieve high-volume hair that would easily mold into the curls he was about to create—and the product gave a great texturized base, which Josh needed to create the look.
  • Josh used a 3/4-inch curling iron throughout her hair and pulled a portion of the curls into a ponytail at the crown of her head. He then pulled her hair into a high bun, pulling out individual curls for a Grecian-inspired style with a modern twist.
  • Josh secured the style by spraying Luxurious Volume All-Out Hold Hairspray to maintain volume and hold.