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My Hair Was Curly as a Kid, But Now It’s Straight

I once met an older woman with slightly wavy hair who looked at my 2c/3a curls wistfully and said, “Before I had kids, I had beautiful curly hair like yours.”

I didn’t know how to respond because I had no idea that could happen!

Sure, I knew that many mothers dread their baby’s first haircut because often, once cut, the adorable ringlets are never quite the same. But I hadn’t heard of someone who lived their whole life with luscious curls only to lose them postpartum.
Image Source: @lifeascelestel

Over on CurlTalk, we’ve heard from community members who lost the curl pattern they had as a child. Why does this happen?

Curl patterns depend on genetics, hormones, and environmental factors and your hair care regimen. If that sounds like many factors — that’s because it is!

Folks with curly hair know that experimentation and technique are essential to getting your curl pattern to be its healthiest. The good news is that if you had curly hair as a child, chances are good that you can implement certain changes to help your hair get curlier again.

In this article, I hope to discuss some factors that determine the curliness of your hair and suggest some ways to unlock your untapped curl potential.

My Hair Was Curly as a Kid But Now Its Straight


Curl pattern is genetically programmed just like eye color, height, and most other aspects of phenotype. Throughout our lives, however, we experience biological changes to our hair texture. By diameter, our hair tends to become gradually thicker into adulthood, thinning again in middle and old age. These changes can impact the curl pattern.

Science has proved that the shape of the hair follicle determines curliness, but it’s unclear what determines the shape. The more perfectly round the follicle, the straighter the hair. When follicles are less symmetrical, exciting things like curls, waves, kinks, and coils happen!


And YES it’s all naturallllllllll

♬ –
Image Source: @rissakathryn

In a paper by Westgate et. al. in 2017, the scientists note that “The strongest evidence for the control of shape comes from the evidence of the role of the inner root sheath [a part of the follicle] which appears to structurally mould hair fibre shape, including curl—but we are still a very long way from understanding the complete biological/biophysical mechanisms that produce such a wide range of curled, coiled, kinked and wavy hair fibres.”

But the plot thickens, as DNA alone doesn’t tell the whole story.


In 2017, one of our co-founders, Michelle Breyer, wrote a helpful article entitled, “Why Does Hair Texture Change Throughout Life?” In it, Michelle writes about the three major hormones that affect hair:

  • Thyroxine and triiodothyronine from the thyroid — too little causes brittleness and hair loss
  • Androgen from the adrenal glands — too little can cause hair thinning
  • Insulin from the pancreas — too much or too little can cause hair loss and/or changes in the way your hair looks or feels

Drastic hormonal changes or medical treatments like chemotherapy can also change the muscles in your hair follicles and cause new hair patterns to emerge. Hormonal changes around puberty can also affect your hair’s texture.

So what can I do?

Reverse Damage

If you’ve had long hair in the past twenty years or so, there’s a high chance you have chemical or heat damage. Even years of using products with sulfates can wreak havoc on naturally curly hair. Repeated use of a straightening iron can cause curly roots but straight, damaged ends. You might look into protein treatments if you’ve bleached your hair frequently in recent years.


Hey guys! Just wanted to show you guys what my hair usually looks like whenever I do a protein treatment and as you can see it strips my hair colour a little. Even though it does that my curls look much more moisturizer and more bouncy! I have a step by step protein treatment video coming next week! • For more content follow @briscurls on tiktok and insta! • All products I use are linked in my Amazon storefront in my bio! #briiscurls #naturalhair #type3curls #curlyhair #curltutorial #type4curls #natural #washngo #curly #curls #curlyhairstyles #detanglehair #detangling #proteintreatment

♬ Nicki For the Money verse – pink friday 2
Image Source: @brisscurls

Some of this damage is reversible, but sometimes you may have to get a big chop to restart.

Consider a Cut

Another way to unlock your curls is to talk to a stylist specializing in curly hair. Most haircuts are done while your hair is wet, which makes it almost impossible to see your curl pattern in its natural state. A professional might be able to help you think differently about your hair and suggest some personalized products or practices to help you regain your former locks.
Image Source: @mahoganyaa

Daily Care

If there’s something that people with healthy curly hair know that the rest of the world does not, it’s the Curly Girl Method. This regimen will feel completely foreign to anyone who has straight hair. I used this method to “train” my hair to be curly in high school after I did a big chop — and my hair has been curly ever since.

Are you ready for our secret? Here it is: the Curly Girl Method.

Good luck! Let us know if you start to see changes in your curl pattern after implementing any of the suggestions above.

The Quick Way to Make Your Hair Oil Work Better
The Quick Way to Make Your Hair Oil Work Better

Several years ago, I decided that I was going to use coconut oil as my daily lotion. I thought it was working great until one day when I approached a co-worker’s desk and she exclaimed, “WHO MADE POPCORN?”

In this moment, I learned that less is more when it comes to oil. With hair, conventional wisdom says there’s a time and place for oil: at-home treatments.

The search for natural products that give you shiny, healthy hair without making you smell (or look”> like a walking popcorn dispenser? It’s never ending.


Though it may seem like our current surroundings conspire to dry hair out, amplify damage, increase buildup, and elevate frizz, there are some great ways to fight against the elements.

The Quick Way to Make Your Hair Oil Work Better

Using oil for hair conditioning and care has a long history in ayurvedic tradition. For many people, using oil can be daunting because it can end up making your hair look super greasy — particularly those with fine hair.

Though a deep oil treatment can work wonders, it can also be very messy and time-consuming. Many recommended hot oil treatments involve things like sleeping all night with tons of coconut oil in your hair — resulting in oily towels, scarves, and/or old t-shirts.

Most of these treatments involve washing and resetting your curls before you can finally head out of the house. It’s a commitment to say the least, but one many curlistas swear by.

But this led us to wonder: is there a simpler and easier way to use natural oils in your day-to-day curly hair regimen?


Dull to Shiny: Quick Tip for Using Oils in Your Curly Hair Regime

You can use expensive products specifically made for hair, but after some research we learned that almost any kind of oil will work. Oils made from natural ingredients like coconut, grapeseed, almond, or avocado oil might be worth trying.

Try this quick oil application at home with a bit of argan oil or vitamin E oil — or any oil that doesn’t have an unpleasant scent:

Start with dry hair. The key is to use a small amount of oil and rub it vigorously in your palms so it will heat up before you apply it.

The added heat from the friction between your hands will change the molecules of the oil to increase absorption instead of it sitting on top of your hair. Work the oil gently into the end of your hair and scrunch between palms as work up the hair shaft.

Consider twisting your hair in sections or wrapping pieces around a finger to encourage your curl pattern as you add the oil. This boost of moisture is great for your hair and doesn’t require hours of at-home confinement before you can leave the house.


Wondering which oils to try? Here’s a list of the five best oils for fine hair with the benefits of each type. Remember just to use a couple drops — you don’t want to lose volume by weighing down your hair.

Let us know if you give it a try! We’re curious to hear if this quick oil treatment works for you.