Search Results: Sabrina Perkins

Is it healthy to get braids right after silk press? I have 3C type of hair and I just got a silk press. Should I get braids a week later?
Glad to hear you are inquiring about what to do with your hair before deciding to do it. A lot of what we do with or to our hair requires real thought before moving forward. That does not mean you cannot do anything with your strands; it just means it helps to treat our hair with “kid gloves.”
How to care for hair after a silk press
Direct heat is hard on our curly strands, and even if you do not experience heat damage, direct heat is drying to curly hair. For those reasons it is important that we do not aggravate breakage after direct heat applications. Follow this regimen to care for your hair after a silk press.
1. Cleanse with a clarifying shampoo
Cleansing with a gentle clarifying shampoo after you have finished using direct heat like a flat iron or blow-dryer is necessary because of the heat protectants and other products you have used on your hair. Most heat protectants use silicones, which cause buildup on the hair, and while they are essential for protecting the hair, they must be removed using sulfates. We love curly favorites Kinky-Curly Come Clean and Elucence Volume Clarifying Shampoo. For drugstore options try VO5 Herbal Escapes Clarifying Shampoo or Suave Naturals Daily Clarifying Shampoo.
2. Deep condition (use heat too!”>
This should be a wash day staple, but if it is not then it most definitely must be done after a silk press or use of direct heat. Use a deep moisturizing conditioner and adding heat also helps the nutrients and moisturizers fully penetrate the hair shaft and bring hydration back to the strands. Deep conditioners are heavier than regular conditioners and help to strengthen hair and restore hydration after damaging direct heat. If you need a deep conditioner for your product arsenal, try curly community favorites SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque or EDEN BodyWorks Coconut Shea All Natural Hair Masque, or drugstore options Aussie Moist Deeeep 3 Minute Miracle Moisture Treatment and Neutrogena Triple Moisture Daily Deep Conditioner. To achieve the benefits of heat, you can either microwave your deep conditioner before applying it to your hair, or when your hair is saturated in your deep conditioner you can place a shower cap or a warming Hair Therapy Wrap over your hair for 15-30 minutes, then rinse.
3. Give hair a two week break
We need to give curly hair a break from heat for a few reasons. Using a lot of sulfates can be hard on our delicate strands, so taking a break from using heat protectants means taking a break from sulfates. Another reason for the break is the fact that you just restored your hair with a moisturizing deep conditioner. This is not the time to deplete it again. Giving your hair at least two weeks is a great way to allow hair to build back its hydration. Hair needs a break in between heat sessions just like added hair.
You want hair as strong and as healthy as possible before placing hair in braids, so giving it two weeks, a serious deep conditioning, and a clarifying cleansing is a great way to prep hair for your braids, or any hairstyle you plan to wear your curls in.
How can I dry my hair quickly without a blow dryer? My hair takes around 8 hrs. to air dry when I plop it after styling. When I try blow-drying it with a diffuser it becomes really frizzy and stale. What can I do to make it dry faster?
Air-drying is optimal but it can take a long time to complete, especially if you have thick or dense curls. There are some tricks that actually work on cutting down your drying time and manage to do so without causing frizz.
Gently squeeze, shake, or wring your hair in the shower
You can do this prior to adding leave-in or after to get out as much water as possible prior to getting your hair towel. Dripping wet hair is going to take the longest amount of time to dry so losing some of that excess means a quicker dry time. Just be sure not to disturb your curl pattern as your wring and squeeze, as this will lead to frizz.
Focus on the roots
It takes the roots a lot longer to dry than the ends so when plopping or using a hair drying towel make sure to blot the roots several times to speed up the drying time. Again, take care to avoid breaking up your curls as you do this.
Use a hair towel (I love the Hair RePear”>
Towels specifically created for curly hair or hair drying actually works well at speeding up the air drying time. I was using cotton tees for years until I picked up the Hair RePear and I fell instantly in love. First off, it’s super big so I can create a cute bun in the front and rock that until I feel like taking it off. Secondly, it is super soft and thirdly it works better and faster than drying my hair with a cotton tee. Towels created for hair drying use technology to whisk away (without frizzing”> water and product without getting mildew, smelly or crusty from product.
Try a hooded dryer
A hooded dryer is using indirect heat and will not disturb the hair, especially if you use a low setting. They help dry the roots in 10-15 minutes. You can buy rolling hooded dryers that you see in the salon, but if you prefer not to make the investment or don’t have the space, we like the Curlformers SoftHood because it’s a small fabric hood that attaches to the end of your hair dryer and works much the same way. It’s smaller, folds into a small pouch, and is much cheaper!
Sit in the sun / Blast the heat in your car
This may sound silly but it really does work. One of my friends will blast the heat on the way to work in her car. This cuts down on her air-drying time. Being out in the sun is another way to speed up the drying process without adding the direct heat of a blow dryer.
Blot with with paper towels
They work like a charm, and many curlies swear by them! I use them whenever I remove my Hair RePear too early or if I feel water and product dripping on my neck. They are gentle and do not leave behind lent. Just blot, not scrunch, to soak up the excess water easily.
These tips will help to reduce frizz and dry your hair a lot quicker than without doing them. I’m sure you will be shaving off at least 25% of your drying time by incorporating just a couple of these tips.
What are your favorite air drying quick tips?
How do I preserve curls so they’ll last? So, I like to curl my hair by pin curling or by a curling wand and I want my curls to last a week or two without having to redo them.
For many curly girls, preserving curls is right up there with fighting frizz. Some just don’t want to refresh their hair nightly. I get it. The practice is not for every curly girl so we’ve got some tips that should help you.
Start with wash day
I find I get much better definition that lasts longer if my wash day routine is on point! Using moisturizing products from shampoos to conditioners to stylers allows for less frizz and more definition that lasts. Also, I treat my wash day like a styling day by completely styling my hair with gel and then crunching out the gel cast when dry. This allows for ideal curl definition and requires I only refresh with water or a leave-in and fluff. You can do the same with pin curls on wash day and use pin curls on the sections that have fallen flat or frizzy at night.
Opt for every other day or every few days
No one wants to redo their hair nightly. I know, I know. You do not want to be bothered but what if you did it every other night? If your hair is lasting a few days but you cannot get it to make the week then on night 3 or 4 just re twist, braid, or put it into pin curls to make it last longer. While, you will not get a full week without aid, this is a great way to up your moisture by redoing and applying a moisturizing leave-in to help your hair along, without completely washing and styling it. Our hair needs moisture and even if you are getting a full week out of your hair, you should be adding some moisture to it to keep it pliable, healthy, and looking stunning.
Try braiding or twisting
Sometimes we want that premium definition that lasts for beyond one or two days. That’s when braiding or twisting may need to come into play. Simply add some leave-in on old hair (or start out on wash day”> and divide hair into smaller sections. The smaller the better, and either twist or braid each section before wrapping into a Bantu knot. Leave in overnight or until completely dry and take down without sectioning too much as you do not want to disturb the curl. Not only will you have great definition but it will last for more than one day if placed in pineapple or in a bonnet at night. If you do not want to do a lot of restyling, then simply put in bigger Bantu knots if the smaller ones are too tedious at night.
Added hair protective styles
For styles that last even longer you may want to try some long-lasting protective styles like crochet braids or Senegalese twists. These styles will last weeks or even a few months and can be easily installed and by yourself if you choose. These styles are fun and keep your hair protected as long as you do not neglect them under the hair. They would be perfect for summer too.
While not everyone is a confrontational diva such as myself, the desire to change one’s aesthetics should never be an option to conform to an outdated and narrow perception of beauty and acceptability. There is something very wrong with sending a child home because her hair is “unkempt” or “does not meet dress guidelines.” It is just as bad as hearing from one’s boss that our fabulous fro is “unprofessional” for the workplace. Either scenario is disheartening and needs to stop, so if you find yourself in the unpleasant space of having someone tell you your hair is unprofessional, you can easily respond with one of these:
Why is it not professional? Why is my hair being discussed?
Make them explain why your hair is unprofessional. No need to go any further than this until you get them to define what professional hair looks or why your hair isn’t meeting their standards of professional hair. This is an uncomfortable subject and the person will more than likely stumble explaining why it is not but they need to do so if they are going to personally attack your hair. Make them sweat and explain.
In many situations your hair is not the problem but rather what it stands for and for many that means our brown and blackness. Some would prefer we assimilate with straighteners like perms or simply wearing natural hair straight. Hey, this is a heavy subject but a real one, and while our country is dealing with real racial tensions, the ideals of what is beautiful is being reconstructed to involve more than European standards and some just want no parts of it. While the person is not likely to dive into what may be their motives for personally attacking your hair, they must address why they feel the need to call your hair unprofessional.
I am not going to alter my hair for fear of damage
If you prefer to appeal to their care for people in general then you can opt for this response. While one must not have to explain why straightening or perming one’s hair may be damaging to our tresses, some find this way of responding as a way to work around the problem. This may or may not work, as I am sure they can share others who either do it or wear wigs, but if you feel there is no real malice, then try this approach.
Why is the hair I was born with unacceptable?
You are letting them explain why your natural self is not acceptable and honesty, no one wants to say that. Putting this in this context forces that person to address their own shortcoming or the shortcoming of the business, school, or just their own opinion. If they are accepting of hair others are born with, then by all means they need to do that with yours.
That is your opinion and I have mine.
Take back your power that the individual is trying to take away from you. No one has that right so by making them understand that this is their opinion and an opinion only, you are letting them know you have one as well and are entitled to it. While we cannot make others love our beautiful hair, we can make them understand we are not here for them nor their limited way of seeing the world. Look, no one has the time, energy, or the concern to make everyone love our hair, so putting them into opinion status and one you do not agree with will shut down the conversation and hopefully keep them from bringing it up again.
I do not appreciate your remarks and please keep them to yourself
While, I would say this to a supervisor, not everyone is comfortable with that but if a stranger, family member, friend, or even significant other feels the need to address your hair as unprofessional, then reply back in this manner to let them know they not only crossed a line but to not cross it again. You do not have to allow others to make you feel bad about your choices including how you choose to wear your hair. Never feel you have to change yourself because someone else feels you do. They have a problem, honey, not you.
You do everything at once
I often try and do everything at once and that can cause me to dread the entire process. I try and pre-poo, cleanse, condition, and style within a few hours and make for a longer than normal day that is dedicated to my hair. I’ve since decided to break it up by pre-pooing overnight or deep condition overnight (pre-poo in the beginning and deep conditioning at the end”> to relieve myself from feeling the entire day must be subject to my hair. I allow my sleep time to take on some of the work.
Your wash day is the wrong day
For me, Sunday is my desired day for wash day because theoretically it seems like the best day, but in reality it is a horrible day because this is always a family day for me. I work from home Monday through Friday so it would make more sense for me to wash my hair during the week but I have conditioned myself to do it on Sunday, which is super busy and family time. When I finally realized I was being counterproductive by doing it on Sunday I switched it up to Monday or Tuesday and the anxiety dwindled significantly.
Pick a night or morning where you have the least obligations and do it then. By making the effort to pick a day that fits into your schedule (no matter what others do”>, you maximize your chances of sticking to it and not putting it off.
Read more: How Often Should You Wash Your Hair?
You’re doing too much
I cannot believe I am saying this but when you just don’t have the time, energy, or wherewithal to do your lengthy wash day routine, you do not have to complete every single step. Skip your deep conditioning or full-fledge detangling just to get your hair clean and keep it moving. If you just need to get down to the basics without the frills then cleanse, get out the big tangles, and use regular conditioner to be done. Just remember to catch up on the deep conditioning and full detangling when you do have time. I allow myself that luxury a few times a year (deep conditioning freak over here”> and that helps with those times I just can’t bear to wash my hair but make sure to get it in anyway.
It’s boring
If your wash day is on the weekend or a week night, then all you want to do is relax and enjoy your break from work. To make wash day more enjoyable, watch a movie or catch up on your shows on Netflix or HULU while you detangle or deep condition, so you are taking your mind off of the task. We are all so busy that most of us watch our shows in sessions anyway, so make better use of it. You will find wash day is less of a hassle.
You forget how good clean hair feels
Each and every single solitary time I am finished with wash day I am overjoyed at my hair. It is clean, shiny and it feels amazing. I often decide to take selfies and just touch it more than usual as clean hair is the best. No product buildup, no frizz, and no tangles.
Have you got any tips for getting out of putting off wash day?
Is Hemp oil good for my hair?
Yes! Hemp seed oil is a remarkable oil that is nearly identical to our own lipids. It can penetrate cells and nourish dry skin. This is a powerhouse plant that contains 80% essential fatty acids, vitamin D, and anti-inflammatory properties. Hemp seed oil is anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and has skin regenerative properties. Hemp seed oil strengthens the hair’s structure, conditions, and improves hair’s elasticity while softening each strand.
Hemp seed oil internally
Taking hemp seed oil internally is a great way to help your hair and can be done so by taking supplements. It lessens hair shedding and stimulates hair growth. You can find supplements or you can create your own by buying empty gel capsules and filling them with the oil before ingesting (always consult your doctor before adding supplements to your regimen”>. You can also add the seeds or a few drops of oil to your smoothie.
Hemp seed oil externally
Whether using a few drops with your favorite conditioner for a moisturizing and softening cocktail or blended into a hair recipe, hemp seed oil is an asset to any hair care concoction. It is also excellent for eczema or dryness. The market is seeing a surge in products adding hemp seed oil to their formulas but many opt for DIY recipes to harness the benefits of hemp seed oil.
Hemp & argan hair treatment
- 2 parts hemp seed oil like Nutiva hemp oil (pictured”>
- 1 part argan oil
- Few drops of rosemary oil
- Dark bottle
Fill the oils in the dark bottle mixing slightly before adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil or 5 to 10 drops for every ¼ cup of oil blend. On clean hair apply to scalp. Gently massage into scalp using fingertips in a circular motion and carry down to your strands.
Hemp deed dry oil serum
- 1 ½ oz. hemp seed oil
- 1 ½ oz. jojoba oil
- 1 oz. coconut oil (or EEVO”>
- ¼ tsp. silk peptide powder
- 5-10 drops favorite fragrance essential oil (optional”>
- 4 oz. dark bottle
Mix oils in the bottle and store in a cool place although it is highly recommended to refrigerate your mixture. The concoction can be used as a pre-poo, sealant, or a hair revitalizer.
[prodmod]Hair grows in cycles
You will be interested to know that we are born with all the hair follicles we will ever have and that’s around 5 million. 100,000 follicles are on our scalp. Men grow hair faster than women. The only part of our bodies that grow faster than hair is bone marrow, but our hair grows on average about 6 in. per year depending on the person’s genetics, age, and health.
There is the anagen phase that is active and growing and can last anywhere from 2-6 years. The second phase is the catagen phase or transitional phase that lasts about 2-3 weeks and growth has stopped. The last phase is the telogen phase or resting phase where the follicle remains dormant anywhere from 1-4 months and eventually falls out. The process starts all over again and we lose around 50-100 hairs a day.
Does body hair grow as the same rate as the hair on our head?
Body hair and the hair on our head do go through the same process. The difference is cycles are less intense. They last only a month or so and that’s why hair body does not grow very long as the hairs on our head. The hair on our arms, legs, armpits, and pubic areas grow around 30-45 days in comparison to 2-6 years for the hair on our heads. So, while hair on our bodies outside of our heads go through the same cycle, their lengths are vastly different and the reason they at a relatively shorter length.
Why body hair has a shorter cycle
Researchers are not exactly certain why body hair growth has a shorter cycle but the general consensus is that hair gets its instructions from stem cells, which activate the hair growth. Despite that theory every person’s hair is different and the texture, color, or density is determined by genetics which influence follicle shape. As we grow older our hairs will grow with less melanin, appear gray, and those follicles stop growing hair, hence why older persons suffer from thinning hair or balding.
So, if you ever wondered why body hair stops at a shorter length it is because it has shorter growth cycle. For many of us that is good to know, because while we hunger for longer strands from our scalp, no one wants to have to shave their entire body or wants body hair that is long enough to braid or style.
Any bun hairstyles for curly hair that doesn’t stretch your curls out?
Hello there!! So I recently found out I have curls (long story short: I’m sixteen, always used a brush, only curly head in my family”> and I wear a hijab, a headscarf, so that means I nearly always have my hair in some sort of bun. The problem is though, that my curls get stretched out when put in a bun for a long period of time, and my hair is already in a fragile state as is (with my curl routine being new and all”> and frizzes really easily. Any idea of a curly bun that doesn’t stretch my hair out? Thanks for any help, in advance!!! <3
Welcome curly girl! Glad to have you and we most certainly can help you as you embrace your curly strands. We’ve got a simple style that will fix all your woes and keep your strands from feeling stretched. A messy bun! A messy bun is the ideal bun style that won’t stretch your hair to the point of disturbing your curls. The best part of a messy bun is that it can be placed anywhere and it looks better the messier it is. It also only requires you know how to place hair in a ponytail and secure with bobby pins (read: doesn’t get any easier”>. In addition to opting for a looser bun, there are a few more ways to care for your hair in its fragile state.
Give your hair a break from the tension
Don’t forget to give your hair a break when you can so when not wearing your Hijab remember to take your hair down to get a break from the tension of the bun.
Try protein for strength
Also, if you hair is fragile it may need a protein treatment from time to time. A couple of our favorite protein treatments are the ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment and Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair, or you could work a protein rich product into your regular routine. Here’s a full guide to figuring out which protein product is right for you.
Avoid the brush
I would also recommend laying off that brush as curly hair is more fragile than straight hair. Using a brush will increase the amount of breakage you experience. If possible use your fingers instead as they are the gentlest tool you have at your disposal. If you don’t like detangling with your fingers, then try using a wide tooth comb in the shower when your hair is drenched in conditioner, this will give you maximum slip and prevent a lot of the breakage you would get with dry hair.
Move the bun
Don’t forget to move that bun around so you are not adding tension to the same side over and over again, because even though it is less tight than a traditional bun, if you are wearing it for long periods of time tension is still occurring although there is less of it.
Protect your bun
Use ouchless ponytail holders (they are super cheap”> so you are not pulling out even more hair than is necessary. While scrunchies are not the most stylish (although they have had a brief resurgence thanks to the 90’s trends”> they are great at protecting your hair from the rub and tug of a ponytail holder. Many curlies use silk scrunchies, which you can find on eBay, to pineapple their hair. You can also bobby pin your curls to cover up the scrunchie if you don’t like the way it looks.
Find curlies with your hair type
Since you are the only curly in the house, it may be helpful to find out what your curl pattern is so that you can search for other curlies with your curl pattern online. According to our recent poll many of the curlies in our community favor our Texture Typing℠ system, and we have a helpful guide for finding your curl pattern here. Knowing this can help with figuring out what products and styles work best for other people with your curl pattern.
How to do a messy bun
Twirlerica shows how to create an easy messy bun without using a ton of tension. This style will not stretch your curls or cause further damage to your fragile strands. While Twirlerica naturally has “kinda straight, kinda wavy hair” as she describes it, she started out this style with curled hair and in our experience this style will definitely work for naturally curly hair (without the added effort of curling it first”>.
The reason we love this bun is does not follow the traditional formula of doing a high ponytail and then twisting the hair over and over and wrapping it around itself – this action stretches the curls which you are trying to avoid. Instead, this version helps keep the curls in tact.
Since every curly girl loves options, here is a second bun style from NaturallyCurly contributor Curly Penny, whose bun again avoids the typical twisting motion. Step one in her tutorial is to tie the hair into a very tight high ponytail, but as you have shared that you are dealing with fragile hair we would recommend you try not to go too tight.
My curls are not nice the day I wash them! I always shower at night and the day after. My hair is so stiff and fragile, I can’t style it, and my hair looks a lot better on the second or third day… I have type 3a/3b type hair. I already use sulfate and silicone free shampoo and conditioner and sometimes I don’t use shampoo. I’ve been struggling with this for year and I really want my hair to look good consistently and not have to wait 1-2 days to feel good about it. Please help!!
With your curl type you are doing well with the sulfate free products on wash day but remember clarifying or using a shampoo with sulfates may be needed occasionally for buildup. You didn’t really describe how your hair was better on days 2 or 3 but I used to hate my hair on wash day too because it was limp. It never acted right nor looked good so I completely understand what you mean by this. Are you wetting your hair in the shower day and night? I ask because if you are not then maybe the steam alone is rejuvenating your curls for better second and third day hair. If you are rewetting it then your after-wash day routine may be what your hair needs so there may be a need for some tweaking on wash day to mirror more of what you are using afterward. Either way it seems your hair needs more moisture and tweaking on wash day. Here are some tips.
Make sure your wash day is solid
That just means you are cleansing, conditioning, and styling like a champ. That’s where I was lacking. Since I was so used to just concentrating on the washing of my hair on wash day, I neglected to see how that process affected the rest of my styles until the next wash day. The wash day is the foundation that your hairstyles thereafter must grow upon. I began to pay more attention to deep condition and applied styler correctly so that all my coils were gaining the benefit of my gel. That led to better second and third day hair and in turn I had much better styled hair on the first day. I allowed my hair to fully dry or dry 90% of the way before touching and treated my hair like I was doing more than washing but styling it too. If styling is just as important as washing then you will apply the right styler and the right amount so that it builds the character your hair needs for second and third day hair and in turn wash day hair is perfect too.
The wash day is the foundation that your hairstyles thereafter must grow upon.
Try more moisturizing products
It may mean your hair is thirsty on wash day if it is benefiting from the steam of showers afterwards. If so, then try sticking to extra moisturizing shampoos, as your cleansing routine may be making your hair thirsty. Jessicurl Gentle Lather Shampoo and Elucence Moisture Benefits Shampoo are great shampoos that will up your hair’s moisture levels. If you are rewetting your hair after wash day then that routine (whatever it may be”> seems to be satisfying your hair’s needs so tweaking what you are using on washday may be all you need to do to get the hair you desire on washday.
Try new styles
Opt for updos, braids styles, and headpieces like headbands to get you through those first days if it is just a matter hair needs some time to feel like itself.
Give your hair back its character
Wash day means removing all the dirt, product, and (for some”> character for those first few days. You can try a texturizing product like Ouidad Wave Create Texture Taffy to add some texture to your hair if it needs some oomph from the wash day blues. You can even use DevaCurl No-Poo Quick Cleanser that will clean your hair (without water”> but add some texture to limp strands.
[prodmod]This plant has been used in traditional medicine in Russia, Scandinavia, and other countries for years and between 1725 and 1960 it appeared in scientific literature in France, Germany, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. Despite being extensively known for its health-promoting effects, it is still largely unknown in the West since the bulk of the research on Rhodiola rosea is in Slavic and Scandinavian languages.
What is the composition of Rhodiola Rosea?
It has five active biological compounds: rosin, rhodioloside, rosarin, salidroside, and tyrosol with tyrosol, rhodioloside, and salidroside as the most active, according to the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. Salidroside has antioxidant properties to help in anti-aging. Rhodiola rosea is one of a handful of plants that fall into the category of adaptogens or botanicals that possess anti-stress and fatigue-fighting properties.
What are the benefits of Rhodiola Rosea?
Rhodiola rosea is rich in phenolic compounds, which are known to have strong antioxidant properties. A study in 2010 found that male athletes, following an intense workout, were less sore when they received Rhodiola rosea supplements. This was believed to be a result of the herb reducing the lactic acid buildup and muscle damage that normally occurs after intense workouts and shows the potency of this herb as an adaptogen. Rhodiola rosea aids in physical and mental fatigue and in turn enhances energy. It can improve endurance, physical work, capacity, recovery from exertion, stamina, and strength.
With its antioxidant properties it is a great ingredient for fighting off free radicals and prevent cell damage from the sun and pollutants. Antioxidants neutralize the free radicals, leaving hair stronger and healthier. Adaptogenic herbs like Rhodiola rosea help the body adapt to stressors, whether emotional, mental, physical or even environmental. This helps to balance hormones and reduce cortisol (aging hormone”> levels. This is believed to help with hair loss or hair shedding, as stress can affect one’s hair. Anecdotally, I personally know this to be true because when I suffer stressors in my life I do notice excessive hair shedding in upcoming weeks. I may need to pick up some of these supplements myself!
Rhodiola rosea can be found in supplements online and in local stores, but if you prefer to use them in hair products, we have a few that harness the potency of this herb for fighting free radicals, slowing down the aging of your strands and de-stressing the body for a healthier head of hair.
I have hated my curls for my entire life. How do I love my curls? How can I get my desired look? This is extremely important to me. If anyone has the slightest bit of advice, please share. I really need help. I probably should have made an account asked this question to the Naturallycurly community a while ago. A long while ago. But I can’t do this any longer. So I ask for your help now. I am almost 20 years old and I have never loved my hair. I have tried everything for years. SO many different products and methods. SO many hours of shifting through curly articles. SO many hours of watching YouTube tutorials and information videos. SO many hours of just looking at pictures on Google images and wondering why I can’t have beautiful curls. And nothing works. I have attached some photos of my disgusting hair for reference. I think its 3B, but I can never really tell. I almost never shampoo it. I’ve currently been using Shea Moisture Curl and Shine conditioner. I use a hairbrush in the shower to brush it through. I put it up in a t-shirt for a while, then take it out, brush out the knots, and apply some sort of oil. I will put it up in a bun until I’m done getting ready/ready to leave the house. If I don’t, it turns into a giant, fuzzy, triangular afro. I am constantly switching brands to find the one that works for me, and none of them have. Don’t get me started on the way I part my hair. It’s hideous and it needs to be fixed. But I can never find the correct way of parting my hair. I almost always wear my hair in a bun because I am ashamed of how I look. That, or I am sick of people only knowing me as “the girl with the big hair.” I just want to be me. Not my big, fluffy hair. In the video I have attached is my DREAM HAIR. I have tried endless times to follow her styling instructions and my hair never turns out the same. I hate my hair. It makes me feel disgusting and ugly. It is taking a toll on my mental health; I can never stop thinking about it or being paranoid about what it looks like. It’s all I ever think about. I’m tired of hating the way I look. Someone please help!
xo, Kyra
Your hair is everything. I had to start off with that first because you need to hear it and really listen to what I said. I see you and your pain and I appreciate you reaching out to us to share what is bothering you as many other young women face the same challenges and concerns. Here are a few pointers that should ease your pain along with giving you the dream hair you desire.
Try a cut
No one is saying to chop it off but rather give some shape to your hair. Seeking a curl specialist will help you on several levels because not only can they help you with the perfect cut to give you less volume and less frizz but they can aid in styling and hair products you may enjoy. You can find a curl stylist here.
Try a cream styler and/or serum
You said you only add oil to your hair but it seems you need a styler to help tame the volume you do not care for. A cut will help with “debulking” or removing your hair’s pyramid shape, but a styler will also help to calm the frizz and volume. Take a look over at this year’s Editors’ Choice for our favorites. AG Hair Cosmetics Smoothing Balm and SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Reconstructive Finishing Elixir (I love this stuff”> may help in fighting the frizz you are seeing. Also make sure to use moisturizing products from shampoos to conditioners to styler to aid in calming down frizz. I know you’ve tried quite a few products so let the curl stylist help in finding some brands that will work for you.
The less you manipulate your hair after you wash it, the better. Make sure your hair is fully detangled before applying your moisturizer, leave-in conditioner, and/or oil. Brushing your hair after you wash it is only inducing frizz.
Don’t let hair envy make you hate your hair
Many of us have hair or curl envy but when it turns to hating your own hair then it is damaging to you. The video you shared is a popular one of a vlogger with amazing hair but you have amazing hair too. Don’t let someone else make you feel any less beautiful and know her routine and products may not fare well with you. We all have hair envy occasionally, but just as the grass isn’t always greener, your own grass will grow so much better if you tend to it more than worrying about someone’s else’s. Those just means focus less on others and more on your own tresses and begin to see a huge difference in the upcoming weeks.
Talk to someone
We do not want you hating your hair or yourself to the point of feeling hopeless, so talk to someone whether it is a friend, family member or even your curl stylist to fix the problem and move forward in a positive and productive way. Get out of your negative feeling and onto a path where you can make some real change in the right direction for your hair. Your hair is beyond gorgeous and with a few tweaks you will be out of that bun and into a freedom from frizz and volume in no time.
Do you sometimes hate your hair? Tell us below.
[prodmod]To see what it looks and feels like
What better way to determine what your texture is than when it is washed, conditioned, dried, and in its natural state, completely naked of product? This will also allow you to see if you have several textures and where, since you will be able to see the hair in its true natural light. It will be easier to assess what products you need to give you the style you prefer. Going naked was beneficial for Tiajonay to determine what her hair needed and that she had different textures.
Give your hair a break from the products
Sometimes we need to reboot from school, work, or even family and that goes double for our hair. You do not have to apply product every single day. Giving your hair a break from all the ingredients we add to it will be a nice reboot to your scalp and hair.
Assess what may be causing your hair issues
From time to time we suffer from hair issues like irritants to the scalp, dry ends, or even oiliness. There is no better way to determine what is going on than by removing all products from your hair and see what is causing the problem. You can start with naked hair and add a new product, whether it be a styler or conditioner, to see how it works with your hair. Remember, seeking the help of a professional like a dermatologist or a trichologist is always a good idea if suffering from hair and scalp issues.
Find your holy grail
Removing all products from your repertoire may help you see what is ailing you, and similarly adding them back one by one can help you discover the Holy Grails that are really making a difference. It is hard to see what actually works or what does not work when you have several products in your hair all at once, but adding them individually will allow you to determine which work well with your hair. This is also a great way to find out which products play well with one another too. Starting from fresh, naked hair allows for optimal conditions for a product testing outside of a lab since the environment is not completely controlled.
You might just like the naked look
Who says you need to have your hair covered in product all of the time? Our hair is beautiful. Every single coil, curl, and wave is lovely and while we slather tons of product (whether DIY or OTC”>, we never get to see what it looks like just au naturale. What if you love the way it looks or it gives you the style you have been hoping for all along? Dez Naomi did an experiment to see what her naked natural hair looked like and ended up not only surprised but excited to see her hair was not only softer but has the shape she thought she did not have.
So, have you gone naked?
Help I need ideas for how to wear my hair down. I’m 30 and would like to show off my curls by wearing them down but they look messy and unprofessional if I wear them down how can I tidy it up. I don’t like the part being visible and I don’t really like a quiff.
Curly hair is just as professional as straight hair but as we all have preferences, you may just need help maintaining curl definition. Quite often when hair does not have uniform curls it appears messy or out of control. I get it. Here are some tips on how to gain control of your curls and make you feel good about wearing it down.
Get a new haircut
A cut is a change many women love, as it gives them a new look and also cleans up any split ends, outgrown color, or damaged hair. While a cut is a real change, it offers many who suffer from too much volume a chance to calm things down and feel back in control of their hair. The Ouidad cut removes bulk, and if that is your problem then that may be the route to take. Discussing with a curly cutting specialist is the perfect way to determine if what you are seeking can be achieved by a cut, so check out curly salons and book a consultation to see if volume is your problem and how that can be fixed with the perfect cut. Also, make sure to tell the stylist you do not like a visible part as they should be able to help you find a style to eliminate that issue.
Try a trim
Not everyone is looking to drastically change their look or willing to cut off several inches to clean up their hair. Often a simple trim is all that is needed for the ends to curl appropriately. When you have raggedy or split ends there is frizz and a lack of curl uniformity, so if it is has been a long time since your last trim and your ends are looking haggard, book an appointment for one with a curly cutting specialist and see if that helps.
Calm down the messiness
What we perceive as messiness with curly hair is often just frizz or volume. Trying products that fight frizz like serums are a popular way to fight hair that is out of control, but the best ways to fight frizz is to thoroughly hydrate the hair, use a cotton tee or a microfiber towel to dry hair, protect hair at night, and use stylers specifically created for smoothing the hair.
Enhance your definition
Curls that are uniform always look better but quite often we have varying degrees of curls on our head. How to fix it? Well, you can do two-strand twists, braid-outs, Bantu knots, flexirods, or roller sets. They will all give your curls a uniform curl and make the hair appear more defined and tidy.
Hair typing systems were created to give women a uniform set of descriptors when discussing the many varieties of curls, coils, and waves.
Knowing your hair type can be beneficial when searching for products, understanding the hair concerns of a certain hair type, and to be honest, for some it is just to feel that they have a place in the hair type system.
There are many hair typing systems out there, but there are two that are used most commonly in our community, and while they both categorize hair by type or texture, they are not perfect.
The Texture Typing℠ System
The system that we use at NaturallyCurly is the Texture Typing℠ system, inspired by celebrity stylist Andre Walker’s hair types, and built upon by NaturallyCurly readers and hair professionals. This system describes wavy hair as Type 2, curly hair as Type 3, and coily hair as Type 4. And because “curly” is a pretty broad term, it drills down into Type 3A, Type 3B, Type 3C and does the same for the wavy and coily curl patterns. Some may find the letters and numbers overwhelming, while for others this system gives the tools and language to describe the size and shape of their curls in a way that others who use the system can relate to. The Texture Typing system only addresses the curl pattern of the hair, which is just one characteristic of your hair type. Others include porosity, density, width and length.
In our experience most women have several curl patterns on their head, so while the hair at their crown may be Type 3B, they may have looser Type 2 sections framing the face and tighter curls and coils at the nape of the neck. This is completely normal, but can also lead to confusion when women look at a photo example of Type 3B and don’t feel that it mirrors their curls. You can find out more about the Texture Typing system (and learn more about your curl pattern”> here.
The LOIS Hair Typing System
Another popular system is known as the LOIS Hair Typing System, which was originally published by former website The whole point of the LOIS Hair Typing System is to eliminate the need for labeling hair types by numbers. Most black women fall into the Type 4 category and there has been some stigma associated with black women being labeled as the lowest number.
How you or anyone perceives either system is completely up to each individual. With the assistance of NaturallyCurly Types 3C and 4C were added to the Andre Walker system to incorporate more women who felt their hair type was not represented. I mention this because this system is more widely known than the LOIS system. The LOIS system is easy to understand with the visual representation of the letters and it encompasses more than just the curl pattern by addressing hair width, sheen and shine.
How to use the LOIS System
The LOIS system is broken down by letters and incorporates all hair types for black women. L = Bend, O = Curl, I = Straight and S = Wave.
You should examine strands on freshly washed hair without any product. Allow hair to dry a tad before examining to see where your strands fall.
Next it is time to compare hair to a piece of thread to find your hair width. Hair that is thinner than a thread is fine, hair that is equal in size to thread is medium, and hair that is thicker than thread is thick.
Find your pattern
According to Susan Walker’s article on CurlyNikki, this is how to determine your pattern using the LOIS system:
- L – If the hair has all bends, right angles, and folds with little to no curve then you are daughter L.
- O – If the strand is rolled up into the shape of one or several zeros like a spiral, then you are daughter O.
- I – If the hair lies mostly flat with no distinctive curve or bend you are daughter I.
- S – If the strand looks like a wavy line with hills and valleys then you are daughter S.
You may have a combination of the L, O, I, S letters, possibly with one dominant.
Determine if your hair is
- Thready – Hair has a low sheen, with high shine if the hair is held taut (as in a braid”>, with low frizz. Wets easily but water dries out quickly.
- Wiry – Hair has a sparkly sheen, with low shine and low frizz. Water beads up or bounces off the hair strands. Hair never seems to get fully wet.
- Cottony – Hair has a low sheen, a high shine if the hair is held taut and has high frizz. Absorbs water quickly but does not get thoroughly wet very fast.
- Spongy – Hair has a high sheen with low shine with a compacted looking frizz. Absorbs water before it gets thoroughly wet.
- Silky – Hair has low sheen, a very high shine, with a lot or low frizz. Easily wets in water.
Can you use both?
I feel both systems give some understanding to different aspects of hair textures, but overlapping or comparing the two for your hair may lead to confusion. Take for example this question we received on Curly Q&A from our reader Ayitiana.
“If type 4A hair strands are “S” shaped, what 4 hair type has “O” shaped strands? I have both.”
My response? There are pros and cons to both systems so it may very well be beneficial for you to know your hair type in each system, but in my opinion, trying to incorporate two very different systems truly defeats the purpose of the LOIS system. They are both full systems that will aid in hair typing for products and styles, but I would not recommend combining them.
The curl community is made up of many multi-faceted women, each with her own unique hair type and a personal set of hair concerns, so it is no surprise that there are many opinions on this topic of hair typing. We’d love to know yours!
Usually consumed as a tea, it is often marketed in extract form and as a supplement that contains a more concentrated dose where the extraction method directly affects the potency of the extract. Lighting, the age of the leaves and drying methods all affect the quality of the yerba mate extract. Extract that contains significantly more caffeine when dried in lower light, younger leaves are richer in beneficial compounds and microwave drying yields a more nutritious extract than vacuum drying.
Benefits of yerba mate
Yerba mate extract is rich in antioxidants because of its high concentration of polyphenols and is comparable to red wine and even superior to green tea with its antioxidant composition. Yerba mate is a stimulant and diuretic with anti-cancer properties.
Benefits of yerba mate for hair
The caffeine and antioxidants alone gives reasons why this extract will be great for our hair. According to a study published by the International Journal of Dermatology, the higher than green tea composition of caffeine in yerba mate makes it ideal for targeting DHT, the hormone responsible for restricting the hair follicles ability to produce hair growth. Caffeine can restore hair growth or at the very least prevent abnormal hair loss. Caffeine has been known to give hair a natural sheen and make it more manageable.
Antioxidants prevent cell damage from the free radicals. The sun, smoke, and pollution causes oxidation and antioxidants simply neutralizes them to keep hair healthy. We are seeing more hair products using them, but many are simply found in nature like in fruits, plants, or herbs. Yerba mate has immune boosting properties, anti-aging properties, and helps to detoxify the blood and play a contributing roll in hair growth by providing nutrients that are necessary for normal health functions.
While drinking the tea will benefit your hair, to intensify the benefits, applying directly to your hair is more ideal. If you already use or are interested in tea rinses then simply steep some yerba tea and allow to cool. Shampoo hair and slowly pour over cooled tea over your head and follow with a deep conditioner.
Have you tried Yerba tea for your hair?
Is silicone good for chemically dyed/colored hair?
Yes and no. Sorry for being wishy-washy but let me explain. Silicones are excellent for many things but can be just as bad on others. As far as color-treated hair, we need to be cautious about the products we use as color often dries our hair and damages it. The ammonia or another chemical in hair dye causes the cuticles to swell and allows the dye molecules to pass into the hair and cause permanent coloring. This process can actually damage the hair strand so we must use moisturizing products specifically created for color-treated hair to ensure we stop the damage and hydrate the hair as much as possible. That’s why you should be using products specifically for color-treated hair once you color. So how do silicones factor into this equation? Many products we use after we have colored our hair may or may not have silicones and while we want to be cautious about what we use some products actually need those silicones to work properly.
Silicones are great for coating hair, right?
They seal the hair strand like a protective layer and that imparts shine as well as staving off frizz. They also make detangling easier so many curlies love them in their conditioners and some shampoos. The problem is the buildup they create that needs to be washed away and that usually means a clarifying shampoo or one with sulfates. Those types of shampoo are harsh on hair and detrimental to color-treated hair as they may cause fading or make already-weakened hair even weaker.
Silicones are great for protecting hair against heat, right?
Yes, they are one of the best ingredients in heat protectants for protecting the hair against the heat. The problem is that the coating of silicone will need to be cleansed by a clarifying shampoo or one with sulfates and you end up with the problem in the last point. Also, color-treated hair should be using limited heat as heat can be damaging to hair and couple that with the damaging effects of color and you may be creating even more damage and dryness. Add the silicone to the mix and you will be needing some serious moisture overload to combat all of that damage!
Are silicones good for color-treated hair at all?
Water-soluble silicones are fine for color-treated hair or curly hair in general as they do not cause buildup. If you are using heat then using a heat protectant with silicones is ideal to help protect your delicate, color-treated strands. Just limit your heat and try and stick to those water-soluble silicones like in the list below:
Water-soluble silicones
- PEG-8 (or higher”> Dimethicone
- Bis-PEG-8 (or higher”> Dimethicone
- Bis-PEG-8/PEG-8 Dimethicone
- Bis-PEG-18 methyl ether dimethyl silane
- PEG-8-PG-coco glucoside dimethicone
- Dimethicone PEG-X phosphate
- Dimethcione copolyol
Many of those same tender-headed women have learned to wear their hair in styles that allowed them to have less pulling, combing, and yanking. As more women go natural, there is the chore of detangling and some may feel they are reverted back to the days of sore scalps and tears. Asiapeters is one such woman and is looking for answers in our Curly Q&A section.
What is the best way to transition when you’re tender headed? I have been tender headed all my life even with a relaxer.
Wear styles that allow for less manipulation, tangles, and pain. I understand that transitioning poses some problems because you are working with more than one texture and in comparison to our relaxed ends, our natural hair is more prone to tangling and sort of going through an identity crisis. No worries as one does not have to big chop just because they are tender-headed and here are a few we love for our tender-headed transitioners.
Be gentle
The days of sitting between your mother’s legs and having her brush and comb your hair are over. What may have been the norm back while we were young is no longer the norm and all that harsh brushing and combing is actually detrimental to your hair, edges, and mood. We need to be gentler to our hair and actually, I mostly finger detangle, rarely use a comb, and would not be caught dead brushing my hair.
Take time during detangling sessions
Transitioners are working with more than one texture, and while that can be a hassle for some, it can be a pleasant experience if you do not try and rush it. Rushing through your detangling leads to yanking and yanking leads to more hairs lost and a sore scalp. You already know your plight so take out the time necessary to detangle patiently with some music, wine, and a good movie so you worry less about how long it is taking and more about how painless your wash day is going.
Use a great detangling product, tool, or conditioner
If you are prone to a tender scalp then make sure your detangler is everything! If you have to splurge on the product that works the best or use a lot then by all means do it since this is a touchy area for you. Not every detangling tool is ideal so you may have to give a few of them a try to see which ones work best with minimal pain.
Opt for stretched styles
A stretched style is not synonymous with a straight style but rather hair that is less likely to tangle. Tender-headed women should steer clear of styles that create more tangles like wash and go’s. Roller sets, two-strand twists, braids, and braid-outs are great for keeping tangles at bay. Make sure to get hair fully detangled so the styles remain less frizzy.
Opt for the wash and go
I may be contradicting myself but someone like my sister who is so tender-headed that braiding or twisting her hair requires screams, the wash and go is ideal for her. Even when she was transitioning she rocked it and she keeps it moisturized almost daily so her hair rarely tangles. If you are seriously tender-headed and the necessary twisting and braids of some styles is just too painful then a wash and go may work.
In 1716, a Jesuit priest in Canada found and identical herbs to Asian ginseng near Montreal and it soon became what we now call American ginseng. Soon after it was found to be all over deciduous forest in the eastern part of the United States and American ginseng is called Panax quinquefolis. 95% of American ginseng is grown in Wisconsin but the demand for it is so high that is has been declared a threatened or endangered species in some states.
Ginseng is found in rich, cool woods and the short plant grows three to seven compound leaves that drop in the fall and bear red or yellowish colored fruits during summer. Varieties of ginseng are determined by the shape of the roots and the roots contain the highest amounts of medicinal value. It can be consumed orally, in supplements, energy drinks, teas, beverages and still in other forms.
The benefits of ginseng leaf
Ginseng root is used more often than the leaf stem but extracts from the leaf also contains similar active ingredients with significant pharmacological functions. One of the best things about using the leaf is that it can be found at a cheaper price than the root. The leaves contain several active ingredients like flavonoids, ginsenosides, amino acids, fatty acids, polysaccharides, polyacethylenic alcohols, peptides, triterpenoids, and volatile oils. It also has anti-aging and anti-oxidant properties that may be overlooked as the root gets all the attention from consumers.
Benefits of ginseng leaf extract for hair
While hair is not living, the keratin-based structures can be susceptible to oxidative damage from broken hair, frizz, split ends and tangling according to curly-haired polymer scientist and cosmetic chemist, Tonya McKay. Antioxidants help to prevent damage to the cells and structures like the saponin extracted from the American ginseng leaf-stem and studies have shown that antioxidants extracted from panax ginseng leaf-stem help to restore free radical damaged cells.
Ginseng leaf extract also has anti-aging properties, which improve the immune and endocrinal functions of the body and in turn stimulate and activate the skin, scalp, and hair. This helps in the production of collagen while ridding the skin and scalp of free radicals. While not as popular as ginseng root, ginseng leaf is a cheaper and viable option and can be found in leaf or oil form.