Search Results: Rocio Mora

Video: Método para Puntas Partidas
Si estás pasando por la transición de cabello desrizado a natural, luchando por el crecimiento de tu pelo, o simplemente tratando de mantener su pelo largo, intente el método de Buscar y Destruir. Yo hago este método cada dos semanas sólo para mantener puntos saludables sin el riesgo de que me cortan pulgadas innecesarias en el salón. Tenga en cuenta que si tu pelo es más corto, tratando de hacer este método se te va hacer difícil porque no vas a poder ver las puntas abiertas cercanamente. El propósito de este método es de cortar la punta de una sola hebra dañada, sin cortar el cabello sano.

Si quieren aprender como a hacer este método, ¡vean este video!

Watch my Search & Destroy video in English here.

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Watch: the Secret to Second Day Curls

rocia pineapple curls

If you’d like to maintain your curls the following day, this video might be helpful to you. Just a few steps can help you keep your favorite style protected over night. These tips can also help to revive your curls for the next day, prolonging your favorite styles! This is my sleep routine and what I do to protect and maintain my curls for the next day.

Pineapple to protect overnight

I gather all of the hair at the top of my head and wrap it only one time–I don’t want to put an indention in my curls.

Sleep on a satin pillowcase

This reduces frizz while tossing and turning during sleeping. You may also use a satin bonnet or scarf.

Scrunch and seal with coconut oil

This adds moisture. I only do this as needed.

Reactivate product from the day before

I take off my hair tie, fluff and shake out whatever stiffness was created overnight. I use a spray bottle with conditioner and water to reactivate any product that was already in my hair the day before.

Smooth with conditioner

Lately I have been using Andalou Naturals Conditioner. I take a dollop into the palm of my hand and smooth my ends with it.

Fluff to add volume

I use a pick and grab a bit more conditioner, smoothing it down to tame the flyaways. I give my curls a few scrunches, and then leave it alone. Rake the roots, and lift. Sometimes I even shake it out.

Now, I am good to go!


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The Rake & Shake Method for Softest Touchable Curls

rake and shake curly hair

The Rake and Shake Styling Technique

There are many styling techniques to achieve beautiful curls but one of my favorites is the Rake and Shake Method created by curly stylist, Ouidad. It’s the best method I’ve found that keeps your natural curl pattern in tact and hydrated, with very minimal frizz.

The key to doing this styling technique with no frizz is moisture, so you’ll want to do this on clean, wet hair and spray the hair with water regularly to make sure it doesn’t dry while you’re styling. Then apply a water-based leave-in conditioner throughout the hair and divide it into sections.

The Rake

Once you have sectioned your hair off, rub some light styling product between your fingers and take one small section of hair, running your fingers through the hair like a rake.

The Shake

Once you’ve evenly distributed the styling product, rake your fingers through the section one last time.  This time, smooth the hair through your fingers and when you reach the end, hold onto the ends and shake them back and forth. This ensures that your curls will be released in their natural pattern.

What you’ll need

products and tools for the rake and shake method

Watch my video tutorial

DIY Beer Rinse for Healthier, Stronger Hair

There are plenty of rinses known to help achieve healthier and stronger hair, but when you’ve got fragile curls like mine you would probably try just about anything to get your mane in the best shape possible. When I found out about a rinse that involved pouring beer into my hair, I was a bit grossed out. However, the benefits of a beer rinse for naturally curly hair made a lot of sense so I decided to give it a shot.

What’s in it?

Key ingredients to your typical beer are yeast, barley, water, and hops. There are essential oils in hops that are rich in antioxidants which can fortify and strengthen the hair.

Beer also contains B-vitamins and proteins which are great for conditioning. Maltose and sucrose sugars in beer help to swell and tighten the cuticle which add body as well as shine. I got satisfying results after trying this rinse! Surprisingly, my hair was softer, shinier and felt fuller to the touch even before it dried. Body is usually difficult to achieve with finer hair so this was impressive. The beer rinse is also said to improve elasticity and helps to revitalize the curl after heat damage so if this is an area that you are looking to fix, try the beer rinse!

beer rinse for hair

What you’ll need

All you need is one bottle of lukewarm, flat, non-alcoholic beer. It helps if you leave the beer uncovered overnight. Depending on the length and thickness of your hair, you might need two bottles.


1. I began by co-washing my hair in the sink rather than in the shower. (I wasn’t too excited at the thought of beer running down my back”>.

2. After co-washing, I poured the beer all over my hair, coating every strand from the root to the ends.

3. Once I poured all of the beer into my hair, I let it sit for about 3 to 5 minutes and rinsed it out with warm water before rinsing again with cooler water to help get rid of the smell.

4. I tried really hard to make sure my hair wouldn’t smell like a pub when I finished so I added a bit of conditioner after the beer rinse. Believe it or not, this step is actually optional and many people go without the conditioner! I’m not quite sold on that yet since this extra step helps to eliminate the scent of the beer I used.

I finally rinsed the conditioner out with cold water to lock in the moisture and scrunched my hair with an old t-shirt to safely dry my curls. At this point, you can style your hair like normal. I only added a small amount of leave in-conditioner because I wanted to be able to tell if there was any change in texture or body and I definitely noticed a difference.

I will absolutely try this rinse again soon and maybe next time I will be brave enough to go sans condish!


Have you ever used beer in your hair? What did it do for your hair?

Tips For Growing Longer, Healthier Naturally Curly Hair | VIDEO

hair growth tips by rocio moraI have 3B/C curls and I am all too familiar with the frustrations of transitioning while retaining length and healthy hair growth, so in this video I will let you know my best kept secrets for putting an end to terminal length and unhealthy, unkempt curls.

If you are beginning your Curl Journey or transition, or perhaps you are trying to grow your hair out, follow these tips to help promote hair growth. Remember that healthy hair aids in hair growth so be kind to your curls and pay attention to their needs! These are things that I have done to help reach my personal hair goals.

I personally don’t do the length check anymore because that only adds stress to the journey. Enjoy your curly hair journey and embrace the process!

1. Give yourself a scalp massage.

This will stimulate blood flow to the area. Using an essential oil will unlock the hair follicle, promoting hair growth. It will also channel nutrients to the roots.

2. Try to lay off the heat.

You will see and notice a major difference within 6 months to a year if you lessen your flat iron or blow drying usage. Heat causes breakage and split ends, which of course slows down hair growth.

3. Get hair trims often.

If your hair is severely damaged, a trim is necessary. You may either big chop your entire damaged hair off at once, or transition by slowly trimming off the damaged ends until eventually 100% of your hair is naturally curly.

4. Search and destroy method

You will be able to cut off fairy knots, random single-strand knots, individual breaking ends or split ends. This will maintain your length. Remember, the search and destroy method should not completely replace a trim. It is for maintenance purposes, only!

5. Deep condition!

I cannot stress the importance of this step to keep your hair at its strongest state. It will improve elasticity and overall health and moisture to your curls.

6. Protective style whenever you can.

This will prevent dryness, retain length–further promoting hair growth. Curly ends tend to latch onto fabrics like pillowcases, scarves, and shirts. A protective style will hide ends temporarily to lock in moisture and allow room for growth. It is low maintenance and requires low manipulation, too.

7. Have a balanced diet.

Not only is this vital for over hair health, eating healthy will also keep your skin and body beautiful, as well. Drink plenty of water. Taking supplements high in biotin will help you achieve hair growth at a faster rate. It helps prevents hair loss and breakage. But do note, biotin benefits hair, although it should not be toted as a “magic hair pill” that will rapidly give you hair growth. Have realistic expectations!

8. Take care of yourself.

Stress is probably one of the top factors of extra hair shed, so try breathing exercises, working out, and getting a good night’s rest. The growth hormone is released while you are sleeping.

9. Be patient.

I completely understand the frustrations of transitioning, but do not quit! It took me 14 months to completely get my curls back to their natural state. I personally don’t do the length check anymore because that only adds stress to the journey. Enjoy your curly hair journey and embrace the process!

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