Search Results: NaturallyCurly

Bringing French Skin Care Luxury to the U.S.
Votre Vu

Earlier this year, Harold Zimmerman introduced the best of two beauty worlds to the American market with Votre Vu. Combining French traditions and American ingenuity, Votre Vu is a luxurious skin care brand bringing the best naturally-based skincare solutions to the U.S. market and beyond. “French women have different expectations of their skin care products than American women,” says Zimmerman, co-founder and CEO of Votre Vu. “The French philosophy on beauty is simply to make looking great and aging well a part of their daily lives. They take more time and invest more money in maintaining healthy skin, where Americans spend more time and money on covering up flaws. Votre Vu’s products utilize time-honored European methods, but are reintroduced to Americans through effective communications-based consumer selling.” Through its successful E-commerce and consultant opportunities, Votre Vu offers customers multiple channels of convenient shopping. The purpose is to create direct communication between the brand and consumers.

In a time when many consumers are giving up expensive spa and salon treatments, Votre Vu provides affordable at-home indulgences for even the most cost-conscious consumers. “With our products, beauty connoisseurs don’t have to trade in their luxury beauty routines for less effective alternatives,” says Zimmerman. “Votre Vu’s products are not only formulated with potent ingredients but with a high percentage of these power ingredients – and that’s a major differentiator between Votre Vu and most other skin care lines available today. We are raising the skin care bar with our high standards for quality and efficacy.”

With a complete range of products spanning everyday care, intensive care, at-home spa treatments, and even an anti-aging beverage, Votre Vu ensures that every area of a person’s skin care health regimen is tailored to her concerns and needs.

Deva Announces Deva Spa

SOHO, NEW YORK — Devachan Salon announces the opening of Deva•Spa, where every guest is a V.I.P. and every experience is customized. Guests descend into this peaceful sub-terrain and are guided to the “departure lounge,” to be soothed by the sounds of a waterfall while they relax and enjoy organic spa refreshments and “royal teas” before embarking on their customized Deva “day-cation.” “Come as you are, leave your worries behind and turn yourself over to our esteemed spa professionals,” says Candida Molina, Director of Deva•Spa. With over seventeen years experience in the spa and hospitality industry, Candida developed Deva•Spa as a place where guests can decompress from their frenzied pace and experience a sense of inner-calm and well being. Devachan co-owners, Denis daSilva and Lorraine Massey, add, “We created Deva•Spa to provide a getaway for those who need time away without actually having to leave the city.” Guests may begin their getaway in the “self-e-steam” room and sauna then continue their journey with an extensive selection of spa services that consider the specific needs of every age group.

Deva•Spa’s timeless, eco-friendly design features reclaimed wood from the original 1870’s loft building. The spa’s design also features coconut flooring, silk drapery, warm ambient lighting, and netted canopies that gently drape the treatment beds in a transparent cloud of luxury. Aside from locker room showers, additional showers are conveniently installed in many of the treatment rooms so that guests may enjoy multiple treatments in one room.

At Deva•Spa, there are no hidden service fees. Gratuities are not accepted to ensure a “stress-less” experience. Candida Molina says, “We compensate our staff for their exceptional service so that our guests don’t have to.” At Deva•Spa, guests will benefit from all of our therapeutic and advanced spa treatments, which nourish and replenish the body, mind and spirit. In addition, they can enjoy wellness education, yoga, and energy balancing classes. Deva•Spa’s specialized treatments include a detoxifying clay compress designed to draw out impurities during a pedicure, facial or massage, a patented “face shaper” implement to smooth the appearance of wrinkles, and a vitamin enriched honeycomb pad to soothe aching muscles. Other services include a poppy seed and golden mineral exfoliation treatment, an organic chocolate spray tan service and much more! All spa treatments use certified organic and naturally derived ingredients and are customized to meet each client’s specific needs.

TotalBeauty Lists Best/Worst Hair Cities

Beauty web site has identified the cities with the best worst conditions for hair.

Best Hair Cities

Santa Barbara Best hair city

Santa Barbara is a great city for hair.

Are you having a good hair day? You probably are if you’re living in one of these cities. (And, ahem, you’re probably not if you live in one of these 13 worst-hair cities”>. We looked at humidity levels, pollution, rainfall, average wind speeds, water hardness, demographics and the number of beauty salons per capita to find which cities have the best conditions for healthy, stylish hair.

1. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Why is this city the best in America for your hair? Because it has it all: clean air, near-constant weather, a young population and not much rain or wind. No wonder celebrities like Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi have homes here, on what’s been called the “American Riviera.”

2. Honolulu, Hawaii: Beach-y hair like the Victoria’s Secret models, anyone? This city has clean air, soft water, lots of salons and practically the same weather — a nicely un-sweaty 77 degrees — all year ’round. Come here and say “aloha” to gorgeous hair.

3. San Diego, Calif.: San Diego’s lack of seasons means it’s always 70 and sunny — hair doesn’t have to adjust to changing weather. Pair that with minimal wind and rain (it’s in the top 10 for least-rainy cities”>, and lots of salons per capita — pretty much should look just about perfect here.

4. Anchorage, Alaska: You may be freezing your butt off in the second-coldest city in the country (first is Fairbanks, Alaska”> — but your hair is in heaven. The city’s lack of pollution and wind, plus the soft water, keep hair healthy and looking fabulous.

5. San Francisco, Calif.: San Francisco is no stranger to rain, but it’s the No. 1 city in the country with least weather variety. So since the weather doesn’t change frequently, you’ll have great hair once you get used to the climate. The soft water, lack of wind and high number of salons also mean that the odds are strongly in your favor for having good hair days.

6. New York, NY: The summers can be hot and humid and therefore tough on hair, but New York’s perfect-for-hair water makes up for the three months of hair-challenged weather. Plus it holds six of the top 10 ZIP codes with the most beauty salons in the country.

7. Miami, Fla.: Miami is hot and humid, that’s for sure, but it’s also one of the least-polluted cities in the country (and we all know what pollution does to hair — it’s been linked to balding, gray hair and dullness”>. It also has very little wind and many salons to help keep your hair in control and stylish.

8. Los Angeles: Angelinos have the advantage of weather that hardly changes through the year, meaning their hair conditions stay constant and are easier to manage. The lack of rain means a very low likelihood of frizz, and low winds also keep hair easy to manage.

9. Denver: OK, so while the mile-high city may have hard water, the lack of wind and low humidity (just 67% — lower than desert cities Reno and Flagstaff”> — not to mention the large number of hair salons — help give residents an advantage in having healthy, stylish hair.

10. Boston: Boston also has a large number of salons per capita, plus it has soft water, which means your hair isn’t stripped of shine, color and moisture with every shampoo — all good news for your hair.

11. Chicago: Chicago has a young population with an average age of 22, plus an unusually high number of beauty salons per capita. So despite its wind and low temperatures (which can dry out hair”>, the odds are strongly in your favor here to have great hair.

Worst Hair Cities

Corpus Christi hair

While Corpus Christi, Texas, has its charms, it’s not the best place for hair, according to TotalBeauty.

There are a number of factors contributing to frustrating frizz and dried-out strands, but as it turns out it, they could all be due to the city you call home. From looking at national averages of humidity/wind/rain/sun, water-hardness, pollution levels and even the number of salons in the area, has located the worst cities for your ‘do. Did your city make the list?

1. Corpus Christi, Texas: Everything is bigger (and more humid”> in Texas … coming in at no. 7 for most humid cities, “The Sparkling City by the Sea,” also has hard water and only a handful of hair salons.

2. Olympia, Wash.: The rainy days and off-the-charts humidity will surely give your hair the blues in this capitol city. If you live here you are also most likely getting your hair cut by the neighbor’s kid, seeing as though there are only 25 listed hairstylists in the city.

3. Pittsburgh, Penn: It’s not called the “Pitts” for nothin’. As the most polluted city in on this list, your hair will be calling Green Peace on a daily basis. Pollution has been known to cause premature balding, graying and dullness.

4. Las Vegas, Nev.: While it may be a blast to have a debaucherous weekend in the “City of Sin,” it’s certainly no fun for your hair to live in this desert climate. Forget repenting for your gambling habit, you’ll be too busy praying for your sun-damaged hair. Take a cue form Nick Cage and LEAVE Las Vegas.

5. Phoenix, Ariz.: Phoenix has the most extreme climate in all of America and hard water to boot!

6. Pensacola, Fla.: White beaches might lure you to the peninsula but as one of the wettest cities, an umbrella will constantly cover your head. Not to mention it might be difficult to find hip style advice around town, seeing as it’s a top destination for retirees.

7. Fresno, Calif.: California dreamin’? Let’s just say FresNO. It’s the 7th sunniest city in the nation and is in the top ten for most polluted cities, which means a nightmare for your hair.

8. Houston, Texas: The biggest city in Texas does big damage to hair. Houston is hot, humid and has some of the hardest water. Frizz will be your BFF here.

9. Tucson, Ariz: Here is another “Sunshine Factory” city. If you haven’t noticed already, too much sun is a no-no for your hair. Don’t believe us? Stop by the University of Arizona for some basic math classes: sun damage + hard water = dry, brittle locks.

10. New Orleans, La: Ok, so Mardi Gras is worth a trip, but living here wouldn’t be a party for your hair, seeing as it ranks as the 9th most humid city and 8th wettest.

11. Cincinnati, Ohio: It’s the 7th most polluted city in the U.S., but here is the real kicker, Cincinnati has only eight hairstylists listed on … No comment necessary.

12. Albuquerque, NM: Dry, sunny and has hard water. Hop on a raft and take the Rio Grande out of town.

13. Eugene, Ore.: It’s nicknamed “The Emerald City,” and is also known for being extremely humid. No one wants frizzy pigtails, so pull a Dorothy and click your heels — hopefully you’ll find yourself in no place like Eugene.

My-Cherie: I Love My Man’s Mane

Last night, at dinner, I couldn’t help but notice my man’s mane. I thought to myself, “Boy, his hair looks so shiny, conditioned and way less frizzy. I wonder what he did differently?”

As the night progressed he asked, “So what do you think of my hair?” I replied, “I love it.” Then he confessed that he ran out of his conditioner and happened to stumble upon my Mixed Chicks leave-in conditioner in the cabinet. He said, “At first, I didn’t know what to expect, but I really like the way it makes my hair look and feel.”

I said, “I’m so proud of you, baby. Your hair looks awesome!” I thought to myself, “Wow, that’s so cool.” I’ve been trying to get him to use my naturally curly products forever and now he finally tried something, only because he ran out of his conditioner. Hooray for Mixed Chicks!


My-Cherie is proud of her husband for rockin’ his curls

I love my man’s mane. He really doesn’t have to do much to it and it makes me so jealous. I have never seen him comb or brush his hair — not one time. He just gives it a wash or rinse in the shower, rubs conditioner on with his hands, and then goes about his business. His hair just curls up into these adorable little spiral curls — bouncy, like a slinky. For his beard, he just smoothes it down with a little rosemary oil, which smells divine, and then he’s finito.

My hair, on the other hand, is a totally different story. When my hair was natural, I had to work for my well-coiffed ‘fro. It took time, dedication and a lot of products to make sure my hair was well-moisturized and healthy-looking.

Some people have it easy. Some of us don’t, but I can always appreciate and respect all hair types. When I was growing up, we called people with hair like my man’s “good hair”. People used to say, “Oh, she has good hair.” or, “Her hair is straight-up nappy.” I don’t think it was right to be categorized like that, but I do think we should be grateful for the hair we are blessed with, regardless of the type.

I’m so proud of my man for embracing his mane and choosing to be natural, curly and free for all the world to see. Now that he is loving the products, I think it’s time for him to start spreading the word to other men who are not as confident about their mane as he is. Why not?

Share Your Best of the Best
Sweet Leaf Tea

Sweet Leaf Tea will send out goodies to random entrants.

What is your Holy Grail stylist product? Who is your favorite curly musician? Do you have a favorite curly book?

Join us in our first-ever Best of the Best survey! The month of May is your chance to tout your favorites in the curly world. Answer any or all of the questions, and we’ll publish the results in July’s Best of the Best feature article.

Three lucky participants will win a $100 CurlMart gift certificate. Sweet Leaf Tea also will send out a case of tea and a t-shirt to five random entrants per week during the month of May.

One entry per reader, please.

Let’s get started!

Susan Boyle: The Newest Most-Famous Curly
Susan Boyle

Susan Boyle

Sure, her curls are less than perfect, but you can expect the styling team at “Britain’s Got Talent” to take care of that in no time flat.

We’re just proud to count Susan Boyle, the singing sensation from rural Scotland, among our own. The 47-year-old wunderkind — sporting somewhat unruly curls — took the world by storm Saturday night on the British show, which is similar to the U.S.’s “American Idol”.

An instant Internet sensation, Boyle stunned and thrilled the audience and judges with a heavenly voice that belied her nervous demeanor and frumpy exterior.

While a style makeover is most likely in the works for Susan, we hope they choose to enhance her curls rather than flatten them!

Tweezers Give Back

Japonesque, the leading brand for makeup professionals in the entertainment industry, is donating 5% of net sales from the Autism Tweezer to the Autism Society of America. While maintaining your brows, partake in giving back this month with Japonesque. Not only will a percentage of this purchase be donated, but Japonesque also offers a reconditioning program that will re-sharpen tweezers that may have lost their edge for free!

The Japonesque Patterned Artisan Tweezer is the professional choice for eliminating stray hairs and are precision-crafted for perfect balance and alignment. The patterned steel tool is finished with a deep, rich enamel coating for a great in-hand feel. Constructed with a hand-filed precision tip, this tweezer is designed for flawless extraction and expert hair removal.

Facts about Autism

  • 1 in 150 American children are Autistic
  • There are 1.5 million Americans living with the effects of autism spectrum disorder
  • There is no known single cause of autism
  • Estimated costs of a lifetime of caring for a child with autism is $3.5 million—$5 million

To learn more about Autism, please visit this web site.

Pantene Collects 1 Million Inches of Hair
Pantene hair drive

Participating donors from Londonderry High School in New Hampshire show off their hair donations at a pep rally donation drive.

Pantene Beautiful Lengths has reached its most impressive milestone since its hair donation campaign began nearly three years ago. This week marks the receipt of more than 1 million inches of hair donated to make free, real-hair wigs for women who have lost their hair due to cancer treatment.

That’s a lot of hair! In fact, it’s enough to:

  • Stretch beyond the height of 66 Empire State Buildings!
  • Cross the Golden Gate Bridge nearly 10 times!
  • And most importantly…it’s enough to help thousands of women get back something that cancer has taken from them and help them fight this devastating illness.

Pantene is grateful to the survivors, communities, families, schools and you for supporting this cause.

Hair loss can strike an especially crippling blow to women fighting cancer. In fact, a recent study revealed that nearly 60 percent of women consider hair loss the most dreaded side effect they face when undergoing chemotherapy. Eight percent of these women are at risk of avoiding potentially life-saving treatment. Real-hair wigs can cost as much as $1200 and are often only partially covered by health insurance.

Donating your hair is a heartfelt and life-changing act of women’s cancer and breast cancer support.

To fill this need and help people transform their healthy hair into a heartfelt gift, Pantene partnered with the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF”> to launch Pantene Beautiful Lengths, a campaign that encourages people to grow, cut and donate their hair to create free, real-hair wigs for women who’ve lost their hair due to cancer.

In addition to providing wigs for free to women in need, Pantene has donated more than one million dollars to the EIF’s Women’s Cancer Research Fund, a program committed to saving lives by raising funds and awareness for millions of women and their families affected by cancer.

Donating your hair is a heartfelt and life-changing act of women’s cancer and breast cancer support. To find out more, go to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths web site.

NaturallyCurly Named Top 5 Hair Site By Lucky
naturallycurly in lucky

Check out the May issue of “Lucky” magazine, where NaturallyCurly is named one of the Top 5 hair sites. The list appears in an article on “Sexy, Healthy, Shiny Hair!” Our favorite comment: “Fascinating even when they degenerate into surliness.” NaturallyCurly, it says, is “total curly hair validation.”

Lucky Names NaturallyCurly One of the Best

NaturallyCurly named one of the “Top Five Hair Websites” in May 2009’s “Lucky” magazine.

NaturallyCurly in Lucky magazine
Curly Julia = Box Office Magic
Julia Roberts

Julia Roberts’s fans have always had a theory about Julia Roberts’s movies. When her hair is red and long and curly, as it was in “Pretty Woman” and “My Best Friend’s Wedding,” she’s at her most delicious. When her hair is short (“Conspiracy Theory,” “Stepmom””> she’s playing someone serious, and the movie is seriously mediocre. When her hair is short and blonde and looks as though it were inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt (“Charlie Wilson’s War””>, get ready to hit the DVD eject button.

In “Duplicity,” a new romantic spy thriller costarring Clive Owen, Roberts is poised to make her triumphant return after essentially taking five years off to raise her three children. No, the studio hasn’t let us see “Duplicity” yet, but everything you need to know is on display in the trailer, starting with the curly red hair.

Source: Newsweek magazine
Curly: Glamour Magazine’s Curl Pride
The April “Glamour” magazine is a regular Curl Fest! On page 102, it gives tips for curly and kinky hair, mentioning some of our favorite curl experts: Miss Jessies’ Miko Branch, Deva’s Denis Da Silva and Hair Rules’ Anthony Dickey. On page 114, it says 97% of people survey say “Tons of Texture” is a definite “Do.” Finally, on page 288, next to a photo of women with beautiful tight curls, it says “Natural, carefree hair is always a Do. These guys look great.” Kudos to “Glamour” for promoting the gospel of curl pride!
Man Vlogs — Trevor McFedries
Trevor McFedries, aka DJ Skeet Skeet, is a professional DJ, blogger, syndicated radio show host, former Midwesterner, ex-collegiate football player and much, much more, Trevor also consults major music labels. He has been performing around the world for about 10 years. He’s one of our Top 10 Curly Men We Love, and he’s vlogging for us!

Man Vlogs — Wesley Faulkner
This lad eats, breaths and sleeps all things tech and social media. The 3c/4a curly currently rocks AMD on the Social Media Council and as a Product Development Engineer. His other addictions consist of board games and “Battlestar Galactica.” Check out his curly adventures in and out of the office.

Man Vlogs — Jordan Pacitti
Jordan Pacitti, aka CurlyBoy on CurlTalk, is professional dancer and professional product junkie. He has been dancing with the Pacific Northwest Ballet for the past 10 years. When not dancing, he runs Jordan Sumuel Fragrances, which sells room fragrance diffusers, bath and body oils and fragrances. Read more about Jordan here.

Man Vlogs — Michael Villarroel
Michael is a 3b curly personal assistant and father to a very energetic 5-year-old. The former stay-at-home dad of 2 years loves sports and plays NoJo Ball — a combination of kickball, dodge ball and tag. “It is a LOT of running.” Sounds like a LOT of sweating. Check out how he sports his curls on and off the field.

It’s Man Week!

For most of the year, NaturallyCurly’s articles focus on how gals can keep their waves, curls and kinks looking their best. But what about all the curly men out there? There are just as many of them, and they struggle with some of the same issues. So we designed “Man Week” to celebrate coily and kinky men. Every day, we will bring you a different article focusing on men, as well as video blogs by curly men around the country. We hope you enjoy it, whether you’re a curly man or a woman who loves curly men.

Our articles



Find out how Eric Benet gets his curlicious kinks

Curly Men Through the Ages


Top 10 in 10: Curly Men We Love


Style Strategies for Curly Men


How to Get Your Man to Rock his Curls


NYC Man Gets Perm to Raise Money

Check out our video bloggers


Wesley Faulkner from Austin, Texas, is slowly taking over social media one twit at a time.

Jordan Samuel
Jordan Pacitti is a Seattle dancer who is conceiving an interpretive dance inspired by NaturallyCurly.
Michael Villarroel is managing his curls while working up a sweat in Austin, Texas.
Trevor McFedries/DJ Skeet Skeetoriginally from Ohio and now in L.A., is still mystified by Twitter and loves his curls.

Stylists Responding to the Economy
Ted Gibson

Ted Gibson

New York City’s Ted Gibson, who offers the most expensive haircut in the country at $950, has taken note of the economy, and has launched his ‘Recessionista Tuesdays’ at his Fifth Avenue Salon — kicking off March 10th. Every Tuesday, anyone can come into the salon and the Ted Gibson team will offer haircuts, single color processing for $75 and blow-outs for $40.

Renowned hairstylist and salon owner Philip Pelusi said he, too, has seen the focus shift to more bang for the buck during the economic downturn.

Pelusi said clients are opting for money-saving tactics like extending time between visits, partial highlights or getting services on “training nights” for the salon, which can trim their bill up to 60 percent.

“We are doing everything we can to accommodate the clients,” said Pelusi, whose Tela Design Studio in Manhattan has only seen a slight decrease in business.

— CNN contributed to this article