Search Results: NaturallyCurly

Texture Tales: Jessica on How the Curly Girl Method Helped Her Love and Embrace Her Curls
Texture Tales Jessica on How the Curly Girl Method Helped Her Love and Embrace Her Curls
Image of @naturalfrecklesandcurls

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Extremely challenging! Growing up I knew my hair was very different, but I just didn’t understand how or why. I had seen others with curly hair, but always just thought I was born with a textured tangled mess, and that my hair had missed the actual curl memo.

We kept my hair very short most of my life because of how tangled it always stayed and how I reacted to brushing it. I was even given a perm at some point while I was younger to try and help control it. Then as soon as I was old enough, I began bleaching and flat ironing it…every single day. Growing up, it was the main thing I wished I could change about myself on a daily basis.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/coily/wavy hair?

I have to give most of the credit to my husband. From day 1, he has always been partial to my curls. He encourages me to embrace my natural beauty and self daily and it finally rubbed off.

I began to research about caring for curls online and came across a few Facebook groups where I read about the Curly Girl Method. I had no idea something like this existed until this point. The transformations were so inspiring to me that I wanted to give the curly Journey a try for myself. I never dreamed the one thing I despised the most would transition over to something I love and now cannot imagine changing about myself.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Texture Tales Jessica on How the Curly Girl Method Helped Her Love and Embrace Her Curls
Image of @naturalfrecklesandcurls

Hands down it would be meeting my Curly stylist. I had never met anyone more knowledgeable about curls in my life and the moment I sat down in her chair I took on a whole new love and appreciation For my curls! For as long as I can remember I have held onto this attachment to length for my hair And the moment I finally let her shorten It , I have never looked back. That was like the biggest pivotal moment of my curl journey and a sense of relief for the unrealistic expectations I held onto so very tightly. She helped me understand more about my hair in that 2 hour span than I had in my 30 plus years of life.

How do you protect your curls at night?

My sleep routine is pretty simple! I don’t love having things on my head at night when it comes to fabric of any kind so I pineapple my hair with a PuffCuff and sleep on a silk pillowcase. I also try to do a scalp massage every night with a few drops of oil. A silk pillowcase alone was a major step towards improving my morning curls.

Who is your curl crush?

This is so tough because there are so many unique and beautiful curlies in the world that it’s hard to pick! But the curls that I have been mega inspired by since the first time I saw them are rocked by toni_macaroni ! The volume she can achieve will always be a major goal for me, and she is a huge promoter of loving yourself as you are, which I have always admired about her.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My brushes !! I have such a tangled texture that brushing multiple times during a wash day is imperative for me. This is one of those curly girl rules that I absolutely cannot follow.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

Texture Tales Jessica on How the Curly Girl Method Helped Her Love and Embrace Her Curls
Image of @naturalfrecklesandcurls

I detangle often each and every wash day. I like to dry brush before washing, then shampoo and detangle while I condition. To style I like to detangle again, rake in a cream, scrunch in mousse and a gel, and then I go straight to diffusing. I have a handful of products that I use consistently which include: 

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The constant trial and error. When I first started the Curly Girl Method I thought the only way to success was sticking to the rules exactly as they were spelled out in the book.

It took me some time to understand that these are just guidelines and that the Curly Girl Method isn’t a one-size-fits-all outline. Having very fine, mixed porosity, multi-textured hair, I had to learn to bend and break a few rules, and let go of the fact that my curl journey might look a little different than others.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

When I finally gave up on soaking wet styling and discovered damp styling, I began to have mega success in my wash days.

Other techniques that have got me to this point are upright side to side styling, brush styling to break up curl clumps, and micro-plopping. Styling upside down always spelled disaster for me, and I would get so frustrated thinking I was doing something wrong. Learning that there were other techniques to try out changed everything. You have to learn that it’s okay to try something new when you aren’t pleased with the results you are getting.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Texture Tales Jessica on How the Curly Girl Method Helped Her Love and Embrace Her Curls
Image of @naturalfrecklesandcurls

My biggest piece of advice would be to learn to love your hair in all of its moments and stages. Curls are like people, amazingly unique. No two curlies are exactly alike, so each journey will look a little different. I always tell people to think of it like a road trip. We all have the same destination programmed, but the routes and distances will all be different depending on where we’ve started. The key is to learn to love and embrace your texture where it’s at in this moment,

then the journey will come across a little more smoothly and become life-changing as you learn and grow. Letting go of perfection is a must, because it truly doesn’t exist; instead we must embrace and believe that all waves, curls and coils are equally exquisite.

Texture Tales: Jasmine on Loving Her Curls While Growing up in Nepal
Texture Tales Jasmine on Loving Her Curls While Growing up in Nepal

Image: @curlyhairnepal

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair? 

As a curly girl in Nepal it is difficult to get hands on good hair products, let alone “curly girl” products. I grew up chemically straightening/relaxing my hair for 15 times. Also multiple use of iron rods to smooth my hair was a norm for me. I never left my home with my bushy, curly hair because I feared being bullied for having hair like that. Getting names like “noodles”, “broom”, or anything bushy was kind of normal and still prevailed here. However, my perspective towards having good hair has changed and I’m more than happy to carry my curly hair wherever I want to. I am also encouraging my fellow curly girls in Nepal to accept their hair texture and be confident with what they have.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/wavy hair?

After constantly relaxing my hair in the name of making it look good, I had totally damaged its actual texture. Returning back to my homeland after completing my studies made me realize that there is much more than just “looking good” in your hair. I vowed not to chemically torture it again. That’s when I came across and learnt about hair types, texture, porosity and all. After almost 2 years of not manipulating my hair with any chemicals or heat, I followed tips to even take care and make it look good. My curly hair journey is not just a trend for me but it’s my lifestyle now.

Texture Tales Jasmine on Loving Her Curls While Growing up in Nepal

Image: @curlyhairnepal

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Almost 2 years of transitioning phase without knowing about how to take care of my curls is my most empowering movement. I had a mix of straight and curly (frizz ball”> hair on my crown, but still I did not hesitate to carry that with confidence. As I vowed not to straighten them ever, this 2 years long journey was a challenge for me. Especially being in a profession as a doctor, where I am supposed to look “put together” all day.

How do you protect your curls at night?

Satin bonnet, pillows and pineapple bun, all those methods help me.

Who is your curl crush?

Spisha, I love her confidence. She is the first person I saw on social media with perfect curly hair. Never thought my hair would look perfect too. She inspires me.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without? 

My satin scrunchie or invisibobble. This will sound funny but, good hair days don’t need any attention. However, bad hair days need “hair styles”.

Texture Tales Jasmine on Loving Her Curls While Growing up in Nepal

Image: @curlyhairnepal

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I am following CGM but modified according to my hair needs.

After shampoo and conditioner, I use ample amounts of Cantu Coconut Curling Cream (favorite”>, followed by diy flaxseed gel. Scrunch and microplop then air dry. Alternatively, I deep condition my hair.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Limited and expensive products available in my country made/ is making my curly hair journey difficult. I wish we have good products available so that I can explore and give my hair what it deserves.

Texture Tales Jasmine on Loving Her Curls While Growing up in Nepal

Image: @curlyhairnepal

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Deep conditioning regularly on each for around six months helped my hair health a lot. I was almost addicted to deep conditioning. I used the diy deep conditioning method mostly.

Texture Tales Jasmine on Loving Her Curls While Growing up in Nepal

Image: @curlyhairnepal

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Curly hair journey is not a trend, it’s a lifestyle. It’ll take time to embrace a certain lifestyle, that’s why patience is the key here.

Follow your favorite curly hair guru and be careful not to overdo anything.You will get there one day. Hugs and kisses, Curlyhairnepal.

Texture Tales: Mathu on Embracing Her Curly Hair to Redefine Cultural Beauty Standards
Texture Tales Mathu on Embracing Her Curly Hair to Redefine Cultural Beauty Standards
Image Source: @curlymathu

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I didn’t realize my hair was textured, I always thought it was straight with some waves. It was also always majorly frizzy and thick and predominantly braided. My hair was long and thick and my mum didn’t know what to do with the frizz so it was easier to brush it back than do anything else. I used to try to create Beyoncé like curls with my curling wand, not realizing I probably had them under there all along! 

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/wavy hair?

I just wanted my hair to be healthy. My postpartum hair loss was awful, my hair was thinning and I could see areas of my scalp that I had never seen. So for me, I just decided I would stop using heat and try the curly girl method for a year and see where it took me. After 6 months, I found myself trying a modified version of CGM due to product buildup and hard water impact on my hair. I had no expectations ever around my hair becoming as curly as it is now, and I couldn’t be happier with how much healthier it is.

Texture Tales Mathu on Embracing Her Curly Hair to Redefine Cultural Beauty Standards
Image Source: @curlymathu

What have been the most empowering moments of your curly hair journey so far?

The day I went out and it was raining and I didn’t care about what happened, I was just happy that my hair was washed, healthy and natural. My second most empowering moment was when my mum actually said how different my hair might have looked growing up if she had known it curly and if she knew how to style it.

What have been the most challenging moments of your curly hair journey?

When others have found the holy grail and I’m still wavering on wash day fails. I’ve learned to understand that learning your hair takes time and it’s changes can be temperamental like my kids! I think expecting consistent results which I don’t always achieve. I’ve now learnt that some of us need a bit more time learning a spit our hair and that’s ok, it’s wonderful to learn to love something we are lucky enough to have.

Texture Tales Mathu on Embracing Her Curly Hair to Redefine Cultural Beauty Standards
Image Source: @curlymathu

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I always pre-poo with a deep conditioner. I am currently out of a deep conditioner, so I often create DIY masks using eggs, yogurt and a bit of honey for shine and moisture. I currently use Innersense as my hair is quite fine now, lightweight products tend to work best for me. I love a rice water rinse as my hair always holds better after an injection of protein. I have also always used Pantene Mousse on refresh days or on wash day since the start of my CG journey. I am also experimenting with curl training which is massively helping.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

I can’t live without my Innersense conditioner, a little goes a long way and my hair loves it!

Tell us about #Bipoccurlies and what inspired you to create this series?

#Bipoccurlies is a showcase of Black, indigenous and people of colour curlies. It tells their stories of their journey with natural hair and it involves a weekly feature and live interview around topics that help shine a light on issues faced in our respective races. I created this because George Floyd and the aftermath of his death, awoke in me a sense of fear, a fear for the next generation. It also made me realise that the power to change that is in our hands and not just through words and a few protests here and there. It needed more. I didn’t know then that people would engage with it in the way that they did, but my passion for this is truly around racial equality, if stories like those featured showcases and highlights issues that a standard curly girl insta handle won’t show, then I don’t see why that’s anything, but good. Racial equality and diversity should be something social media algorithms favors, but actually that isn’t always the case.

What stereotypes and misconceptions do you hope to conquer through your platform?

I want those that feel uncomfortable to share what I’m doing to ask why? Is it because of your audience and you not wanting to upset the “norm”? I have been told “it’s too political”, I have had influencers not want to share this because I’ve asked them to; but this is the point. Until it becomes natural for a non BIPOC individual to want to share these features, for a non BIPOC individual to say actually you’ve changed my mind and for me not to have to find an acronym for marginalized voices, that is the dream. There are plenty of non BIPOC individuals who have massively supported this, but there are also a great many influencers out there who are still under the impression that featuring a couple of black brands and talking about it once in a blue moon is enough. It isn’t and I’m doing everything I can to change that narrative and for people to come to my page to find support, inclusion and a true ambassador for racial equality. Besides, the added benefit of meeting new curlies that you wouldn’t otherwise think to find if they don’t have the same curl texture as you.

Texture Tales Mathu on Embracing Her Curly Hair to Redefine Cultural Beauty Standards
Image Source: @curlymathu/

What advice do you have women striving to embrace their natural beauty?

Natural beauty is entwined in self esteem. In order to love your natural beauty, you need to love yourself and that can take time. Social media can show us heaps of people who personify beauty to us, but it can equally somehow leave us feeling alone. You are never alone, your thoughts make you. Just remember you are beautiful and it’s ok if you don’t see that every day but always try and say one thing good about yourself to yourself.

What can we expect from you in the future?

#Bipoccurlies is evolving rapidly, I am doing more philanthropic efforts through my voice on this, I will be speaking more on various topics and natural hair and there may even be some brands being featured so stay tuned!

Texture Tales: Julia on the Importance of Self-Love and Appreciating Her Curls
Texture Tales Julia on the Importance of Self-Love and Appreciating Her Curls


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair? 

Growing up, I possessed so much self hatred. I truly believed that my hair was the ugly and unattractive. I remember being about 6 years old and crying over how much I hated my hair. I would beg my mom to straighten my hair, and once I got older, I would straighten it daily. Smooth, pin straight hair was the ideal when I was growing up, so it was frustrating to see so many commercials shaming frizz and curls, and promoting straight hair. It took many years to learn to love what I already have.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/wavy hair?  

Going to therapy pushed me in the direction of self love, which also meant appreciating my naturally curly texture. In addition, I was sick of spending hours trying to tame my frizz, only for it to come back the minute I stepped outside. I began to do research on how to take care of curls, and found the curly girl method.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment in my hair journey was getting rid of all of my products that contained sulphates, silicones and parabens. It felt like I officially started to take care of myself by eliminating harmful ingredients from my routine.

How do you protect your curls at night? 

I sleep with a pineapple bun using a satin scrunchie. I also sleep with a silk pillowcase to prevent friction.

Texture Tales Julia on the Importance of Self-Love and Appreciating Her Curls


Who is your curl crush? 

Hands down Ayesha Malik. She’s one of the first people I started following after learning about the curly girl method, and we have a similar pattern so it’s easy to find products that I like through her. The way she uses her platform is admirable, and I am constantly blown away by her bravery.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?  

I constantly find myself reaching for Bounce Curl Super Smooth Cream Conditioner. The slip I get is amazing, and it’s always easy to detangle after applying it to soaking wet hair.

Texture Tales Julia on the Importance of Self-Love and Appreciating Her Curls


What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share? 

In the shower, I’ll start with a low-poo, typically Curls Blueberry Bliss Hair Wash, and I’ll scrub my scalp with my fingers for about 1-2 minutes. Then, I smooth on my conditioner, adding water occasionally for slip. I’m a big fan of Bounce Curl Cream Conditioner. I use a comb for detangling and scrunch in the conditioner with water once I finish detangling. I don’t rinse the conditioner out completely, allowing for extra moisture. I always rake in a cream or a leave in, usually Innersense Sweet Spirit Leave In Conditioner, or Curls Blueberry & Coconut Hair Milk. Finally, I’ll scrunch in a gel while flipping my head side to side for even distribution. For drying, I primarily diffuse on warm air, using the pixie diffusing technique.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging thing for me was learning not to become so annoyed if I have a “failed” wash day. It’s more important to live in the moment than to focus on how “bad” your hair looks on any given day!

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Oil treatments really sped up the growth of my hair. Once a week I apply Jamaican Black Castor Oil and Red Pimento Oil to my scalp, and let it sit for 15 minutes. My hair has grown rapidly because of this over the past 5 months, and my hair feels healthier too.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Don’t forget to deep condition once a week! I didn’t know about the wonders of deep conditioning until a year into my hair journey. Even now, my hair doesn’t quite feel the same when I forget to deep condition.

TextureTales: Sheila on Making a Commitment to Embrace Her Curls

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

TextureTales Sheila on Making a Commitment to Embrace Her Curls

I grew up in a traditional Puerto Rican home. My mother was never fond of curly hair. I clearly remember how many times I cried, as a child, while my mom or my older sister was untangling my hair. My hair was always frizzy and unmanageable. All efforts were in vain, my mom just didn’t know how to care for my thick, curly hair. Finally, at 9 years old, I was given my very first “Just for me” relaxer kit. I remember smelling the burn from my hair the next day while sitting in class. I had to leave my hair pin straight greasy for a few days before I was able to wash.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/coily/wavy hair?

At the end of 2018(entering 2019″>, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune deficiency disorder. This disorder triggered chronic eczema in my skin and scalp. I was told that applying heat to my scalp assisted in flare ups I was going through during that time. Nevertheless, I was stubborn and didn’t start my natural hair journey until March of 2019. It’s very hard for someone that has been raised with the mindset that curly hair makes you look “dirty or untidy” to break free from that mentality. When I made the commitment to embrace my natural hair I had to mentally prepare myself for the negativity I knew I would get. Although my biggest supporters were my 5 sisters, my mother was not thrilled about my decision to embrace my natural curly hair.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

TextureTales Sheila on Making a Commitment to Embrace Her Curls

My most empowering moment of my natural hair journey was when the last of my damaged hair was removed. When I first started my journey, I went to a curly specialist that told me I had to get a pixie cut in order to move forward. I remember walking out sad and disillusioned, the one person I thought for sure will help me , crushed my hopes of transitioning to natural (because I knew I will not get a pixie cut”>. Finally I ran into a curl specialist profile and decided to message her, from that moment on everything changed for me. Coming to the realization that I had accomplished my goal and had a new appreciation and love for myself was my most empowering moment.

How do you protect your curls at night?

I protect my curls at night with an extra large satin handkerchief or bonnet.

Who is your curl crush? 

TextureTales Sheila on Making a Commitment to Embrace Her Curls

My curl crush is the influencer kats.curls. She literally took me under her wing from the very beginning of my healthy hair journey.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My curly girl essential I can’t live without is my extra large satin handkerchiefs. I use them for working out, sleeping, protective styling from the sun, and even when I do a pineapple to clean around the house.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

TextureTales Sheila on Making a Commitment to Embrace Her Curls

My current regimen is Enummi Shampoo and conditioner. I am a huge believer in having a good balanced routine to meet all the needs of your hair. In order to achieve this I use curlygenny_ hair masks weekly, Shea Moisture Deep conditioning hair masks 2x/ month and also use Olaplex 3 every 4 weeks. My current “go to” leave-in product is Curlsmith weightless air dry cream and in-shower styler fixer. I also make sure to take multivitamins and collagen to maintain optimal results with new hair growth. In addition to this, I scalp massage daily with righteous roots oil. I know…it’s a lot!! But it is SO WORTH IT!!!

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?  

My most challenging moment was 5 months into my journey. When you’ve reached the halfway point of the journey, you get into a very awkward stage where everything inside of you screams to fall back into old habits. I remember being invited to a wedding and almost straightening my hair. At that moment, I removed all my accumulated hot tools (worth over $700″> and gave them away, otherwise I knew I would fall back into old habits. When I decided to take this step, I knew that I was fully committed to the process.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

TextureTales Sheila on Making a Commitment to Embrace Her Curls

One of the techniques that I believe has made a huge impact on my hair health is scalp massaging daily for a minimum of 5 minutes. Scalp massage has many benefits, hair growth being one of them. Another technique I adopted during my transition was finger coiling. Finger coiling encouraged my curls to take the form in which they have today. Yes, in the beginning it looks very unnatural, but when you get to the place where you no longer have to manipulate your curls to take form, it makes the process all worth it.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

TextureTales Sheila on Making a Commitment to Embrace Her Curls

My advice for women struggling to love their natural texture is to give it time. It’s worth it! And the satisfaction you get from reaching your goal is priceless. As a mother of 3 curly girls, having them be active members of my process and journey of loving and embracing me for myself made a world of difference. I am raising 3 curly girls that love and embrace their natural curly hair.

Texture Tales: Kristy on Learning to Let Go of Perfection and Embracing her Curls
Texture Tales Kristy on Learning to Let Go of Perfection and Embracing her Curls
Image Source: @curlyloveclub

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

My earliest memory of having curly hair takes place circa 1995. My mother, who’s hair was silky soft and straight as an arrow, was bewildered with how to style my naturally curly hair. In an [unsuccessful] attempt to control its shape and provide some definition, I sat in a booster seat in our kitchen, listening to her hum as she wound my curls one by one into papers and perm rods. This was the first of many attempts throughout my youth to try and control my hair into something it was not. I was so unhappy with my hair as I had no idea how to style it without the use of heat tools or an actual iron —for clothes! Yikes!

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/wavy hair?

Texture Tales Kristy on Learning to Let Go of Perfection and Embracing her Curls
Image Source: @curlyloveclub

2018 was a hard year. Little did we know 2020 was coming! I was having a hard time loving where I was at in life. I was stressed, tired and my hair was beginning to grey— at 27. In an attempt to conceal the inevitable process of aging, I turned to my now toxic ex-girlfriend, bleach. I lightened. I balayage’d. I half-headed and I went full-headed. What ended up happening is my hair began to literally snap off in protest. At the end of the summer, with hair akin to straw, I looked into the mirror and I said to myself out loud “enough.” I decided right then I would quit fighting to be something I am not. I wanted to love me for ‘me.’ So I began my research and nursing my curly hair back to life.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

As I began to learn about and embrace my curls, I knew very quickly I was going to have to let go of a couple things. First up was some length. I cut off as much hair as I could reasonably tolerate in order to have a healthy clean slate. Second, I had to let go my expectations of perfection. This was going to be about the journey, not the destination! Learning to care for my curly hair was like taking myself on a first date with a lifelong acquaintance. Awkward at first, uncomfortable getting to know one another but soon flourished into something magical. Somewhere along the bumpy road I stopped liking how I looked better with straight hair and truly felt more beautiful wearing my hair naturally curly. Or as I now prefer it, being “me”.

How do you protect your curls at night? 

At night I put my hair up in a pineapple on the top of my head and sleep on a silk pillowcase. Occasionally I will use a Buff.

Texture Tales Kristy on Learning to Let Go of Perfection and Embracing her Curls
Image Source: @curlyloveclub

Who is your curl crush?  

I have too many curl crushes! So much pressure! But I’m going to have to say Hannah (@hanzcurls“> for her dreamy red headed curly-rapunzel vibes. She’s a stunner and sugary sweet!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without? 

I love my wet brush. Great for detangling and styling. Affordable, accessible and works wonders for my hair.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

Currently my regimen is Shampoo + condition, leave in, curl activating cream and a mousse or gel! My HG products are Ag Recoil and the underrated Herbal Essences Totally Twisted Mousse!

Texture Tales Kristy on Learning to Let Go of Perfection and Embracing her Curls
Image Source: @curlyloveclub

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The time. Wanting results yesterday! I’m super impatient so growing my hair out has felt more marathon, less sprint. I’m trying to learn how to be patient in the process and be grateful for the & lows.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Cutting out heat styling would be my most important contribution to my hair’s health. I used to straighten every day *gasps* only to then re-curl with a curling wand because it looked fried straight! Gently detangling, deep conditioning, Olaplex No. 3 and ditching terry cloth towels for a softer alternative are a close second.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

It takes time but hang in there. You got this. Please know that nothing on the surface can define your worth, only you have the power to do that. You are the perfect ____ [mother, daughter, friend, mama, etc.] to someone regardless of how your hair looks, remember that.

Dr. Kari Williams Takes a Deep Dive Into Protective Styling to Achieve Healthy Hair

Dr. Kari Williams is an L.A. native who juggles multiple glorious roles as a doctor of trichology, educator, and entrepreneur. As the creator of the Goddess Locs, she has continued to be an hair innovator in Hollywood working with celebs like Megan Good, Jennifer Hudson, and Chloe x Halle and behind the scenes teaching stylists how to be empowered in their craft. Managing Editor Alexandra Wilson chatted with Dr. Kari about the origin of her infamous goddess locs, her hair journey, and addresses the misconceptions of protective styling, and more!

Dr. Kari Williams Takes a Deep Dive Into Protective Styling to Achieve Healthy Hair
Image: Dr. Kari Williams

Tell us about yourself and how you got involved in haircare:

I am a specialist in natural hair care and braiding. I have been doing it for over 20 years. I have always loved natural hair and the art of braiding and began to pursue it professionally when I was in college. I am a licensed barber and cosmetologist and I use that skill set to help men and women celebrate their hair in their natural state. Because of my natural gift as a braider I really focused on natural hair care and then combined that with my background in trichology which focuses on scalp and hair disorders. When I decided to develop an expertise in trichology, it was motivated by the fact that I wanted to help people who deal with hair issues like itchy scalp, hair loss, and breakage.

You have done so many different styles with various celebrities, how did you get into that industry and what inspired you to create the goddess locs?

There are so many stylists who aspire to be a celebrity stylist, but it was never a personal goal for me. I wanted to own a salon and serve as many people as possible. What I learned on my journey is that celebrities are people like you, who typically want services by people who reflect their values. Their values are professional, consistency, and having respect for their time. I was focused on being the best stylist I could be to serve any of my clients…and some happened to be celebrities. When I am training or working with a new stylist, it’s important that they feel empowered in whatever their craft may be and that they continue to reflect the values of the type of client they want to serve.

About five years ago we were in an era where faux locs were making comebacks and Megan Good’s stylist had contacted me saying she wanted faux locs but wanted them to resemble Lisa Bonet. This proved to be a challenge because Lisa Bonet’s locs are styled with her natural hair and not faux locs, but Megan really believed I could help her achieve this style. When it came time for me to have a final call with Megan I was asking God to give me the word to tell her I couldn’t do it and within that prayer God gave me the wisdom and insight to do it. After she hit the red carpet everyone was calling them faux locs and I decided it was time to brand this new hairstyle and then I came up with the name “Goddess Locs.” I love sharing this story with stylists because many of them don’t know that a young woman from South Central created them in addition to encouraging them to value their ideas. The biggest lesson I learned from this experience was learning to protect my ideas and not undervalue them.

Dr. Kari Williams Takes a Deep Dive Into Protective Styling to Achieve Healthy Hair

It’s so important to own and brand your ideas, what was the trademark process like?

I don’t own the trademark which is why the origin of how they were created is such an important part of my journey. I underestimated the value of my creativity. As soon as I had created it I was teaching it to people and as it grew in popularity I realized that I needed to trademark it and protect it. However; alot of larger Asian hair manufacturers had already filed trademarks for the name. I currently have a patent pending regarding the technique. That inspired me to create a training platform that would allow me to teach other stylists how to protect their ideas and develop a sense of ownership within the hair space.

Tell us about your method and technique Goddess locs and what makes them unique

One of the defining characteristics of the goddess locs is the soft wavy ends and the original version of them was created with all human hair which keeps it lightweight and healthy. A lot of people who choose to wear loc extensions want longevity and the older they get the better they look. Using human hair allows for the natural hair to still remain healthy once the locs are removed after a 3-4 month period. Within the course I go into how to properly install the base. The goddess locs themselves are really two styles in one, you have a base that is created with a loc or twist and then you wrap it. The beautiful aspect of locs is that they are never the same so I teach stylists how to consult with their client on that process and make it unique to their natural hair texture. There are proper ways to wrap the locs so aren’t too heavy and then when removing them you won’t damage the hair.

Tell us more about Beauty By Dr. K and what was the process like?

The process was really fun! I’ve been working within hair care with other product lines for years and what I discovered in working with my clients is that they wanted products that were easy, simple, and would provide daily moisture. I started with listing the essential oils and ingredients that I knew would be beneficial hair with an emphasis on moisture. I approached my line from my trichology background and really just started to assess identifying the needs of my clients which came down to moisture and simplicity. I wanted to create a simple hair care system that helped build a foundation for healthy hair. We’ve gotten away from the simplicity of a good hair care routine.

I’m keeping it simple for you! We’ll be releasing my hair oil, then two shampoos (cleanse and clarifying”> and then a conditioner.

Dr. Kari Williams Takes a Deep Dive Into Protective Styling to Achieve Healthy Hair

Let’s talk protective styles, what are the biggest misconceptions of wearing protective styles?

The biggest misconception I want to address is that because you have a protective style you don’t have to do anything, which is wrong, you need to wash your hair. Don’t neglect your hair or get rid of your hair care routine, you want to maintain it while in the protective style. I would also say don’t leave your protective style in too long because many protective styles are used with extensions. A protective style doesn’t require extensions, I define it as a style that gives you a break from daily manipulation like twists, cornrows, or braids with our own hair. Wearing extensions can increase the longevity of the style, but if you wear them too long it can cause alopecia or hair loss, particularly around the hairline.

What would you say is a good time frame for wearing a protective style like a passion twists, box braids, etc.

I would say 8 weeks, but around 4-5 weeks you want to get a touch up. A lot of the tension takes place around the hairline and over time as the hair grows out of the extension it becomes a weight and it pulls around the scalp. If you aren’t getting a touch-up I would say 6-8 weeks and anything longer than that should be discussed with your stylist.

We saw you participated in the campaign “Pretty Shouldn’t Hurt.” What are some myths of protective styles?

It’s a huge myth that in order for a braid to last it needs to be tight. I know many women who suffer through pain and tension and convince themselves that it’s necessary for a good style. There are so many Black girls and young women who are experiencing permanent hair loss. There are plenty of ways to create braids and use proper braiding techniques that keep a client’s hair healthy and void of tension.

Dr. Kari Williams Takes a Deep Dive Into Protective Styling to Achieve Healthy Hair

There’s a misconception that by wearing protective styles that equates to hair growth, can you shed some light on this?

When it comes to tighter texture hair types, the hair is naturally fragile. When people are wearing protective styles they aren’t manipulating their hair for 4-8 weeks so it allows your hair underneath to grow which helps for length retention. I highly recommend protective styles for people with tightly coiled hair patterns have finer hair strands and wearing protective styles can help with lengthening the strand.

What are some easy protective hairstyles that people can do at home right now?

Cornrows, flat twists, two-strand twists, braids and bantu knots, are all great that are versatile and provide a combination two-in-one style. When you undo any of these styles you can take them out and rock a whole different style with added definition. It’s a great time to get to know your hair and love it so when you do get back in the stylist chair you can communicate what you want.

What do you recommend for dealing with an itchy scalp?

First it’s trying to determine what is the cause of the itchy scalp. I always counter this question with when did you last wash your hair? You may need to increase the amount of washing depending on your activity or hair thickness. If you have really thick hair make sure you are parting through and directly applying the shampoo to your scalp. If you are experiencing an allergic reaction or constant flaking make sure you are using a medicated shampoo and combining that with a deep conditioner.

Could you define some key indicators of someone having a scalp disorder vs. an itchy scalp?

If you experience thick flakes around the hairline that are scaling or that sit in the hair, redness, scalp texture changes, or inflammation that’s an indication you have a scalp disorder. Dandruff (powdery flakes”> are different because those can be a reaction from a shampoo or product you used.

What are your recommendations for building a scalp care routine?

It’s about making sure you are getting to the scalp. The biggest part of scalp care is keeping it clean and if it’s dry you want to use a light oil to keep it lubricated.

Can you clarify what’s a good lightweight oil for the scalp?

Jojoba oil is one of my favorite oils for dry scalp or flaking. Any of your essential oils are going to penetrate really well into the skin.

What’s your advice, to grease or not grease the scalp?

You don’t want to grease the scalp, I recommend using light-weight oils on the scalp because they will absorb into the scalp. Grease should be used on the ends of the hair to protect from the elements and friction.

Reading ingredients can be hard, what are some moisturizing ingredients we should look for when purchasing products?

The easiest moisturizing ingredients are water-based products, natural oils like jojoba, butters, and glycerin. These are all nice and hydrating ingredients that will absorb into the hair and scalp.

What are your recommendations for combing out locs?

If you want to comb out your locs you are going to go through a long process where you may experience some hair loss. The length of your locs won’t reflect the length of your natural hair because locs are an accumulation of hair that has shed from your scalp and is no longer attached. You also have to consider the amount of friction that will occur from combing your hair, you may need to consider getting a haircut afterward to get rid of any frayed or damaged hair. I recommend letting the locs grow out without retightening and then once the loc gets to a length you are comfortable with then cut them and start styling your own hair.

What are your tips for detangling matted hair?

You have to first determine how matted the hair is. The Dr. K Comb Out Cream is magic in a bottle! I have detangled a lot of hair and the key is patience and products. The Comb Out Creme is specifically formualated for that process to help make it easier. The longer you allow the product to saturate in the matted hair, it will be easier to comb through. Also, tools are key! Be sure you have a good comb, like a rat tail comb. Then, you will gently start seperating the hair from the ends and working your way up. Tangled and matted hair usually creates like a webbing, so if you’re patient enough and have the right product and tools you can get through the process.

Texture Tales: Gabi on Putting Her Straightener Away to Embrace Her Curly Hair
Texture Tales Gabi on Putting Her Straightener Away to Embrace Her Curly Hair


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up curly in a country where all girls had long straight and often blonde, my hair was challenging. I always felt that I was different. The beauty standard is so rooted into the culture that a straightener is everyone’s best friend. There are quite a lot of curly people there, but you will never see us represented anywhere. Google ‘Lithuanian girl’ – you will see the standard of beauty. However, even though I felt that I am not pretty by the standards (curly dark hair and bushy eyebrows were not very trendy”>, I did not want to comply. I had straightened my hair occasionally and eventually dyed it blonde, however, growing up everyone knew I am curly. I was proud to be curly and saw that as a part of my personality, I liked being different and it made an impact to the way I am now.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/wavy hair? 

When I bleached and straightened my hair, my dad used to always say ‘stop torturing your hair’. Did I listen? I was a teenager, of course not. Later, at some point a couple of years ago my hair was so terribly bleached that it was barely wavy. It was dry and awful. To be honest, I am surprised I still had some hair. I am not sure when exactly it happened but I remember my friend Laura, who has a beautiful massive afro, introduced me to some products and somehow I started finding all of these beautiful curly hair instagram accounts and started reading. I did not stop straightening my hair straight away but I made my final decision to truly commit to CGM around Christmas time in 2018 and it was definitely one of the best decisions of my life!

Texture Tales Gabi on Putting Her Straightener Away to Embrace Her Curly Hair


What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I think I will never forget when I went to see my specialist curly hair stylist Erika for the first time. At that time I was already practicing CGM for over 6months but I needed a specialist to really do something with it. For the first time in my life I did not straighten my hair in a hair salon. The moment she finished diffusing, fluffed my hair and I saw my shiny shiny ringlets I CRIED! Out of joy of course! She said I am the only one who had ever cried in her chair like this but I could not be happier to see my hair finally coming back!

How do you protect your curls at night?

I have a silk pillow and a satin bonnet. Sometimes I sleep in a pineapple but the bonnet proved to be the best solution!

Who is your curl crush? I cannot name one! I learned most from:

There are so many more, I really cannot name one!

Texture Tales Gabi on Putting Her Straightener Away to Embrace Her Curly Hair


What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

If I have to choose one – CurlSmith Curl Defining Styling Soufflé. There are other great products out there but this was my first favourite that never ever fails my hair!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share? 

I wash my hair only once a week and I always deep condition! I try to not overload my hair with products and refresh with water only at first. My KEY to good volume is drying my roots with a cotton t-shirt before applying any stylers and only then diffusing. This discovery was a real game changer for me!

Texture Tales Gabi on Putting Her Straightener Away to Embrace Her Curly Hair


What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

In the beginning of my journey, the hardest thing was finding a sulphate free shampoo that would wash my scalp but also not irritate it. It sounds weird but my scalp really really didn’t like any natural shampoo. I used to wash my hair and on the first day feel so itchy like I had lice! Trust me, not a nice feeling. Now I stick to one shampoo that I know and don’t play around.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

I always say that deep conditioning is key to healthy hair!

For me personally the real game changer was drying my roots before diffusing, kind of modified damp styling. If I style it wet, I get the shine but water weighs the hair down and doesn’t really let it show its best. I only discovered this method back in April and nothing worked better than that ever since.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

I know it is hard to say goodbye to a straightener, but you will only ever feel like the real YOU when you will finally embrace what nature gave you. Do not compare yourself to others, but there are so many great examples of successes that people have achieved, so trust me, its worth it!

Texture Tales: Marissa on Discovering Her Naturally Curly and Wavy Hair
Texture Tales Marissa on Discovering Her Naturally Curly and Wavy Hair

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I didn’t even know I had curly hair growing up! My dad has really thick, coarse hair from his Puerto Rican roots and my mom’s hair was as straight as a board.

My mom was the one that always styled my hair, but it was mostly in braids or ponytails.

Once I was old enough to start doing my own hair I reached straight for a straightener because I had no idea how to tame the frizz.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally wavy hair?

I started embracing my naturally wavy/curly hair in college. For some reason I really wanted to see what my hair would look like without straightening it. I was so surprised when my hair started having some shape and wave and from there I just wanted to see how curly it would get!

Texture Tales Marissa on Discovering Her Naturally Curly and Wavy Hair

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment was when I wore my hair curly to a formal event. I don’t remember what event it was, but it was a big deal for me because that was when I was like “okay, this is my hair and it’s good enough for any occasion”. After that I stopped straightening it for good.

How do you protect your curls at night?

My night time routine is fairly simple. I usually tie it up in a pineapple with a silk scrunchie and sleep on a silk pillowcase.

Who is your curl crush? 

Kelly Shahbazian! She was the first curly girl I found on Youtube after I wanted to dive into wearing my hair curly. She has a slightly tighter curl pattern than I do but her hair was the closest to my own at the time.

Texture Tales Marissa on Discovering Her Naturally Curly and Wavy Hair

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

Gel! My hair loves gel and I don’t know what I would do without it!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I usually style with a cream, gel, and define my curls with a Denman brush.

My favorite products right now are the defining cream and gel from the Not Your Mother’s Curl Talk line.

I also love Ouidad’s Climate Control Heat + Humidity Gel and the Honey Whip Hydrating Mousse from TGIN.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Dealing with how much curly hair can change! Sometimes I find a product that my hair loves and then one random day my hair hates it.

Dealing with trial and error was super frustrating in the beginning but now I just go with the flow and try not to get worked up about bad hair days.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Once I stopped using a bath towel to dry my hair I could feel my hair thanking me!

There was a lot less frizz and split end once I started drying my hair with a cotton t-shirt.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Texture Tales Marissa on Discovering Her Naturally Curly and Wavy Hair

Don’t compare your hair journey to anyone else’s. We all have different patterns and textures and that’s what makes our curls extra special.

Texture Tales: Savannah on Her Journey to Loving Her Natural Hair
Texture Tales Savannah on Her Journey to Loving Her Natural Hair
Image Source:@spstyled

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up, I wanted nothing to do with my natural hair. I did everything to try and permanently straighten it. From relaxers, to keratin smoothing treatments, I did it. Not only was it too hard and thick to manage, but I loved the look of bone straight hair.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

I no longer had patience to sit through relaxers, so I decided to start rocking my damaged hair. Although I gave up chemicals, I still would occasionally flat iron my hair. It wasn’t until I was 17 that I decided to go fully natural. I had frequent haircuts to gradually get rid of all the damage. It wasn’t until I was 18 that I really started to experiment with different products to see what benefited my hair the most. Not only did rocking my natural hair become important to me, but having healthy hair became a main priority.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment of my natural hair journey has been being able to share it with others through my social media platforms like instagram and youtube. Being able to help others has changed my whole perspective of my natural hair. It has brought me to learn more than I ever knew about my hair and all different curl types.

How do you protect your curls at night?

I typically like to leave my hair down and wrap a satin scarf around it. This works best for me because I don’t wake up with a stiff ponytail or anything like that.

Who is your curl crush?

Joyjah’s hair is drool worthy! There are honestly so many of curl friends with beautiful textures, the list goes on!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

I can’t live without these super thick giant size hair elastics (Goody ouchless hair elastics”> that I picked up from Target. Doesn’t rip my hair and keeps it all up without a problem

Texture Tales Savannah on Her Journey to Loving Her Natural Hair
Image Source:@spstyled

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I’m currently loving the Naturalicious line, TreLuxe Gel, and I can never go wrong with My African Pride Moisture Miracle Curling Creme.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I think the most challenging part of my journey has been the beginning when transitioning, which I know a lot of people can relate to. I tried to embrace it as much as possible, you have to fight through the damage to get to the beautiful!

Texture Tales Savannah on Her Journey to Loving Her Natural Hair
Image Source:@spstyled

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

One of the biggest things that have made a huge difference with my hair has been scalp massages! Not only are they so relaxing, but they help with growth. I typically like to use beneficial oils alone or with my deep conditioner. I use my fingers or scalp stimulating brushes.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Embrace who you are and love everything about you. Most importantly don’t let anyone tell you different. If you’re struggling with styles, try protective styling and let your hair grow while it’s being protected. Remember to not be too tight and harsh on your head and still apply oils and massage your scalp.

Texture Tales: Karina on Encouraging Others to Love their Natural Hair
Texture Tales Karina on Encouraging Others to Love their Natural Hair
Image Source: @dr.karinab

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I got my first relaxer when I was in 3rd grade, so, I don’t have too many memories of my natural hair as a kid. I do remember getting my hair done in chiney bumps aka bantu knots for my passport picture and I was LIVID. Cute, but livid. I remember there was a boy in my class that used to call me medusa because of all the plaits I used to wear. I also remember all the adults in my life always commenting about how much hair I had and how it was a lot to manage.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally coily hair?

I had been playing with the idea for some time but when I finally decided to big chop in 2015, I was 2 years into my doctoral program and I was fed-up with trying to manage my hair on my own. I had a lot of support from my friend who had been natural for many years, she encouraged me everyday to go natural. In HS, I used to love how I looked when I did braid outs & Flexi-rod sets; I loved the volume, and the added texture made me feel more beautiful. It was also 2009, so Naptural85 and the other gurus were definitely influencing that decision as well.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Texture Tales Karina on Encouraging Others to Love their Natural Hair
Image Source: @dr.karinab

Once I started my journey and realized the positive impact it had on my self-esteem, and how I viewed myself, I wanted to share that with everyone. Ever since I returned to natural I have been convincing everyone in my life to do the same. I have two younger sisters and I want them to love themselves fully. I want all of us to feel good about ourselves and for many of us it starts or ends with our hair. Knowing that just by wearing my hair naturally others may feel inspired and encouraged to do the same is what empowers me.

How do you protect your curls at night?

The standard: pineapple, bonnet and satin pillowcase.

Who is your curl crush?

There isn’t anyone who’s curls I crush on, but my favorite natural hair beauties are:

  1. @KandidKinks
  2. @Iamromnyakia
  3. @candicesabidura
  4. @paging.dr.dre
Texture Tales Karina on Encouraging Others to Love their Natural Hair
Image Source: @dr.karinab

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My deep conditioners and my Kazmaleje Kurls Plus Paddle comb. Both save me so much time and effort with detangling.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My current regimen includes weekly(ish lol”> deep conditioning, monthly clarifying, weekly cleansing and re-wetting my hair at least 2-3 times a week.The only product I ever really care about is deep conditioners; My favorite deep conditioner right now is from Omalicha Naturals.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging moment of my journey was the beginning. I had to get to know the new version of myself. I big chopped after 6 months of growing out my relaxer and it was the first time I ever had short hair. It took months for me to get used to my reflection and I felt very exposed and naked without my hair. Of course, learning how to manage my hair was a task in itself, but getting used to all the newness of it was the greatest challenge.

Texture Tales Karina on Encouraging Others to Love their Natural Hair
Image Source: @dr.karinab

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

The best thing I ever did for my hair was learn how to properly condition my hair and understand the importance of water in my regimen.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

I want everyone who is having trouble loving their hair to first spend some time trying to understand why. If you ask yourself “why” enough you’ll probably realize that the “why” has very little to do with how YOU personally feel about your hair, and instead that someone or some experience planted that weed in your head. Explore that.

Texture Tales: Candace Shares Her Tips on How She Repaired Her Heat Damaged Wavy Hair
Texture Tales Candace Shares Her Tips on How She Repaired Her Heat Damaged Wavy Hair
Image Source: @curly_candace

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I was actually born with straight hair! My hair changed sometime between the 3rd and 5th grade and became frizzy, curly, and BIG! All of my friends had straight hair, and I had no idea how to care for mine. I wore it up every day for 3 years until high school when I got my first straightener. I straightened almost daily for over 10 years!

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/coily/wavy hair?

I had just given birth to my second son, and had to adjust my time to get ready for work in the morning. I wanted to start working out regularly, and didn’t have time to spend blow drying and straightening. Most mornings I left the house with wet hair. I still straightened occasionally for the next two years before officially giving up the heat.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Starting the CG Method. Ditching the sulphates, silicones, and harsh alcohols was a big improvement for my hair. But above all, committing to getting rid of my straightener.

How do you protect your curls at night? 

I wear my hair up in a pineapple and sleep on a silk pillowcase.

Texture Tales Candace Shares Her Tips on How She Repaired Her Heat Damaged Wavy Hair
Image Source: @curly_candace

Who is your curl crush? 

Ohh I have LOTS! But, I found Ayesha Malik on YouTube three years ago when I first started researching how to care for my hair. I watched her videos on how she cares for her hair and, slowly, started.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

I can’t live without Kinky Curly Curling Custard. I like to try other things, but I always go back to this styler. I know it’ll give me consistent results even as the seasons change.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I stick to low-poo for every wash, then clarify every 3-4 washes. I always wash, apply conditioner, and let the conditioner sit on my hair while I do everything else I need to do. Before rinsing, I squish to condish and finger comb to detangle. Typically style with one styler: Kinky Curly Curling Custard or Ecoslay Orange Marmalade. I also avoid oils/butters as much as possible for my fine strands!

Texture Tales Candace Shares Her Tips on How She Repaired Her Heat Damaged Wavy Hair
Image Source: @curly_candace

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

At first, it was going to special events for the first time. Not having consistent results on wash day and wondering how my hair would look. Also, learning to do updos that work for wavy hair! I think this is why I held onto my straightener for so long.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Just basically starting the CG Method and avoiding heat. My hair is easily heat damaged, I can go longer between trims and my hair doesn’t break off at the ends.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Don’t COMPARE! Your journey will be different from others’. Take the time to experiment with styling techniques and application methods. Even if you’re just using one product to style with! Have patience and trust the process!

Texture Tales: Stephanie on How She Learned to Embrace Her Curly Hair with Confidence
Texture Tales Stephanie on How She Learned to Embrace Her Curly Hair with Confidence

Image: @littlewithbigcurls_

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up in a Dominican household my thick curly hair was considered a “Pajon”, which means wild, untamed afro, and that was not a good thing to have. My grandmother would keep my hair in two braided pigtails at all times because she did not want to deal with my “Pajon”. Every other week I would go over my aunt’s house and she would blow dry my hair pin straight. In our culture straight hair meant beautiful hair, so when I turned 10 I was allowed to relax my hair and I was so excited because I was finally going to look pretty.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

To be honest I was tired of relaxing my hair every time. If my hair wasn’t straight I didn’t like how I looked, and I know that stemmed from always hearing that having a “Pajon isn’t pretty”. Also I grew up with women who also relaxed their hair religiously. So around the same time I was trying to figure out what to do with my hair, my cousin Yanil had transitioned from relaxed to natural and I fell in love with her curls. I remember her telling me “Steph you have beautiful curls underneath all those chemicals, you should really embrace them”. Her words resonated with me for several weeks and then I came across a picture of me at the beach (I believe I was 8/9 years old”> I saw how pretty my natural curls were and at that moment was when I said to myself “No more relaxers!”

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

When I received a message from a complete stranger saying “You inspired me to embrace my curls”, I literally burst into tears. Throughout my journey I’ve helped several family members and friends on their natural hair journey and I do it because I just want everyone to love their natural hair. But knowing that because I share my journey on my platform I’ve inspired people I’ve never met. It’s just an amazing feeling and I wish I can hug each and every one of them :”>

Texture Tales Stephanie on How She Learned to Embrace Her Curly Hair with Confidence

Image: @littlewithbigcurls_

How do you protect your curls at night?

Hair up in a high ponytail (pineapple”> wrapped up in a satin scarf. I also sleep on a satin pillowcase because I sleep pretty wild so if my scarf comes off (which it has”> my curls are protected.

Who is your curl crush?

OMG I have so many! But since I have to choose, my hair crush is @brandirell. She was one of the first naturals I followed to help me through my journey. Her curls are just amazing to me and I just love her.

Texture Tales Stephanie on How She Learned to Embrace Her Curly Hair with Confidence

Image: @littlewithbigcurls_

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My hair pick! Volume to me is essential and I use my pick to achieve the perfect volume. I have a pick in every bag I own, there’s a pick in my bathroom, by my bed, on my vanity, pretty much everywhere around my house and car.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I wash my hair once a week, and I ALWAYS deep condition. I cannot stress enough the importance of deep conditioning. I style my curls with a cream or light butter styler, and sometimes I’ll add a gel. As of recently I’ve started using mousse after the cream/butter and I am loving my results.

I air dry my hair till about 70% dry then I diffuse. Once my hair is completely dry I pick at my roots and fluff with my hands for volume.

Texture Tales Stephanie on How She Learned to Embrace Her Curly Hair with Confidence

Image: @littlewithbigcurls_

A few of my favorite products are:

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I would have to say staying consistent. I struggled with washing my hair weekly and going through my entire wash day routine. I use to be very impatient and wanted my hair to grow over night lol. But thankfully I overcame that when I saw what being consistent was doing to my hair.

Texture Tales Stephanie on How She Learned to Embrace Her Curly Hair with Confidence

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Scalp massages!! They’re amazing and promote hair growth & thickness. Every night before bed I mix a few drops of my two favorite essential oils (Jojoba and Black Jamaican Castor Oil”> I warm them up in my hands and massage the oils into my scalp for about 4 minutes. I began doing this about 3 years ago because I suffer from itchy/flaky scalp and since then the health of my scalp has improved so much, and if your scalp is healthy your hair is healthy.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Be patient. Take your time with learning your hair, what it likes and doesn’t like. Consistency is very in achieving healthy hair, but most importantly love and embrace YOUR texture.

Texture Tales: Nicole on How the Curly Girl Method Transformed Her Curls

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Texture Tales Nicole on How the Curly Girl Method Transformed Her Curls
Image Source: @curliecolee

I had loose waves when I was a toddler, and mostly straight hair from K-5th grade. Then, in middle school: hello, puberty! My hair started getting curly and poofy and FRIZZY. I remember classmates constantly commenting on my frizz, so I started wearing a low bun every single day to hide my hair. I recall a specific day where I wore my hair down to go on a field trip: we were on the bus, and I overheard a boy say I looked like a poodle. I was mortified and immediately put my hair up. After that, I begged to get a straightener. I exclusively straightened my hair in high school. During the summers when it was too hot to sit with the heat of the straightener, I wore my hair crunchy (covered in mousse and hairspray”> to avoid the frizz, or just put it up.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/wavy hair?

I was tired of frying my hair. It was frustrating that with just a tiny bit of rain or sweat my straightened hair would start to poof and frizz up — so much work for nothing! I started researching curly hair and stumbled across some YouTube channels: Curly Susie, India Batson, real life+curly girl, and Jannelle O’Shaughnessy. I couldn’t believe I had never heard of the curly girl method before! Those Youtubers led me to the curly community on Instagram, and I was sold! It was uplifting to see so many people embracing their natural hair texture, and it made me feel less alone on the journey.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Texture Tales Nicole on How the Curly Girl Method Transformed Her Curls
Image Source: @curliecolee

The whole experience of learning how to care for and love what naturally grows out of my head has been so empowering! I love being able to share that care and love with others to help them find their own way!

How do you protect your curls at night?

I use a buff! It holds my hair in place, so I usually don’t need to refresh it. My tip for keeping them on your head at night: pull it down over your eyes!

Who is your curl crush? 

I have way too many! @mymanecurls,@hif3licia, @beccasindle, @1falnangl, and @sydnieslittleworld, to name a few!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

A hard hold gel! Or a custard and gel combo. I’m an air-dryer, so having a good cast is the key to keeping my curls intact while I go about my day.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

Texture Tales Nicole on How the Curly Girl Method Transformed Her Curls
Image Source: @curliecolee

I usually cowash. Every 4 or so washes I low-poo, and every 4 weeks I clarify (followed by a deep condition”>. After the wash, I condition, squish to condish, rinse, then apply my leave-in and stylers with my #glazeflipglazescrunch method. It combines upright and upside-down styling and helps me evenly apply products to my thick hair. After that, I plop for 10-30 minutes, then take my hair out to air dry for the rest of my day, then scrunch out the crunch when it’s fully dry.

My favorite product combinations are #serumcustardgel and #moussecustardgel. For whatever reason, my hair loves it when I sandwich a custard!

Three of my favorite custards are made by Kinky Curly, Moptop, and Inahsi! Love them!! And I have to mention how much I love Jessicurl’s Spiralicious Gel! I’ve been using it to top off almost every wash lately.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Getting started was the hardest part! Learning about my hair, figuring out what my hair liked, and successfully refreshing. I ended up giving up on refreshing, and now I just make sure my curls are extra protected at night!

A more recent challenge was making the CGM work with my job. I’m a cook, so I have to have my hair up with a hat on my head. I used to stress about how to keep my hair looking nice, but realizing that it’s simply not a big deal was freeing. Now I keep it in a low ponytail for work, and it stretches out my curls a bit, but I don’t mind. That’s what headbands are for! I think it’s important to realize that it’s just hair! I save good washes for the weekend. 

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health? 

Texture Tales Nicole on How the Curly Girl Method Transformed Her Curls
Image Source: @curliecolee

The curly girl method is the start of it all! Cutting out sulfates, silicones, and heat has really helped my curls come back to life!

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

  1. Do some research. Look into the Curly Girl Method. Find out your hair type and learn what that can mean for styling your hair.
  2. Try different application methods before buying 1,000 different products. Sometimes the problem is not the product — you just haven’t found your hair’s favorite technique yet.
  3. Don’t be afraid to switch up your routine. I get a lot of questions on whether this method or this product will work on different people’s hair. Everyone’s hair is different, so the only real way to find out if something works for you is to try it yourself!
  4. Don’t take your hair too seriously! If a wash doesn’t turn out as well as you hoped, roll with it! Embrace the frizz or the wonky curls. It’s what makes curly hair so interesting!
  5. Give it time! Time is the biggest factor that will help you regain hair health!
Texture Tales: Laura on How Her Natural Hair Journey is Rooted in Self-love
Texture Tales Laura on How Her Natural Hair Journey is Rooted in Self-love
Image Source: @naturallyellae

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Well, there was always a feeling of wanting to fit in like the rest. Everyone in school had a perm or their hair straightened and so I know I wanted the same. My mom never shamed me for having textured hair, if anything it was becoming hard to manage and so when I entered 5th grade, I got my first perm.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly/coily/wavy hair?

My sister was my inspiration to go back to my natural coily hair when she embarked her natural hair journey. There’s nothing like having someone with you on your journey who can help you and cheer you on! She was the first one to do my very first big chop.

Texture Tales Laura on How Her Natural Hair Journey is Rooted in Self-love
Image Source: @naturallyellae

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment of my journey was back on February 17, 2017 when I needed to embark on a different journey, self-love. It may seem so cliche but I felt hair care is self care. I never took the time to take care of myself for myself, big chopping my hair for ME. Granted I wondered what others would think but I was in a place of contentment and learned to love myself in the deepest way ever.

How do you protect your curls at night? 

Two words: Satin Bonnet. Everyone that knows me, knows I live in my satin bonnet. Using that has been a big game changer in retaining moisture and length while also preserving my styles. Also using satin scrunchies to stretch my hair throughout the week.

Texture Tales Laura on How Her Natural Hair Journey is Rooted in Self-love
Image Source: @naturallyellae

Who is your curl crush? 

Hmm, that’s a hard one. I have two: Mini Marley and Naptural85. Those two helped me so much in my natural hair journey.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

I would have to say my bonnet. That is a must wherever I go. I feel its essential to preserve your hair.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I wash my hair every week, deep condition every week and add some herbs to it to enhance my conditioning session, I dust my vends every week and trim every 6 weeks and also make sure to incorporate a clay mask reset for my curls using Moroccan Rhassoul Clay. My favorite hair care brands are Natures Little Secret, Taura Amore, Curls Dynasty, Uniqurl, Earthborn Organics, Moisture Love. (I can go on lol”>

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

When I saw how damaged it was back in 2016. I’ve been natural for 8 years and big chopped 3x but not until the third time did I really take it seriously. I had to let go and start new. It was a challenge at first but liberating in the end.

Texture Tales Laura on How Her Natural Hair Journey is Rooted in Self-love
Image Source: @naturallyellae

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

I would say stretching my hair has helped to decrease the amount of tangles I have. For my thicker texture and low porosity hair, doing twists really help to maintain my hair throughout the week. Also incorporating steam in my DC sessions during wash week.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

My advice would be to search behind your coils and texture and see the woman you TRULY are. When you’ve discovered the real you, you will be able to invest in yourself and your journey and it’ll reflect on how your hair will flourish. Invite opinions but don’t let them define you!

Natural Hair Expert, Felicia Leatherwood, Shares her Top Tips for Healthy Hair

Natural hair expert and celebrity hair stylist Felicia Leatherwood shares her top tips for healthy hair and how to properly detangle curly and coily hair using her signature Brush With The Best Brush that was named the BEST detangling tool for natural hair in the 2020 Best of the Best Awards . Plus, she shared her experience styling Issa Rae for the past 6 years and what inspires all the amazing hairstyles we see on Insecure.

Natural Hair Expert Felicia Leatherwood Shares her Top Tips for Healthy Hair

NC: Can you share how you got started and any career highlights?

Felicia: Some people know from me doing educational talks around the world, others may know me from doing “Love Your Hair” from natural care workshops internationally or I’m recognized for being a celebrity hair stylist. I’ve gotten to work with Jill Scott, Will Smith, Ava Duvernay, and Anthony Anderson just to name a few. Now I work with two clients, Issa Rae from Insecure and I’ve been styling her hair for six years in addition to Lenny Kravtiz who has the most amazing dreadlocks.

Natural Hair Expert Felicia Leatherwood Shares her Top Tips for Healthy Hair
Image Source: @lovingyourhair

NC: How do you come up with the hairstyles we see on Insecure? Can you describe what that process is like?

Felicia: To be honest, my influence comes from the natural hair community. When I’m creating a hairstyle, I want it to represent women that have curly, coily, or kinky hair. I want them to feel like they are beautiful, inspired, empowered, and confident. Everything that is created on Issa is meant to shed a light on the beauty of who we are naturally. Most of the hairstyles I’ve made organically and others have been taken from influencers and then I put my own spin on it. I’ll also go look at old school hairstyles from back in the day or from Africa and add to it. I will also talk to Issa and consult with her on what her opinion is of my vision. What most people don’t know is that at times I may have to create five hairstyles a day and I have fifteen minutes to execute and that is the challenge.

NC: What’s your top technique for a quick turnaround between styles?

Felicia: A Lot of what we do in the natural hair community is doing our hair overnight, but that’s not possible for me because I have to execute on the spot. Issa has to have her hair shampooed every few days to prevent product buildup. Some people have too much product on the scalp and that creates product buildup which makes it difficult for your hair to grow. You know when you have buildup from scratching your hair and residue appears under your nails or even when you develop white bumps under the skin and it’s tender. All of that creates blockage which prevents the hair from growing. With Issa I have to start fresh with her and that’s how I’m able to manipulate her hair throughout the day.

NC: Has Issa always been natural? When you introduced these hairstyles to her was she in the process of transitioning or was she already familiar with the styles?

Felicia: Issa is so amazing in the way she’s no fuss. She’s honestly the best out of everyone that I’ve worked with because she doesn’t trip, her hair is her hair. She’s truly no nonsense and doesn’t care about shrinkage, length, none of it. I don’t have to convince her to love her hair. It’s a different experience from me as a hairstylist to not have to coach her to like a certain style.

Natural Hair Expert Felicia Leatherwood Shares her Top Tips for Healthy Hair
Image Source: @lovingyourhair

NC: Let’s talk about your detangling brush that won the 2020 BOB Awards here at NaturallyCurly, how did you come up with that tool and what made you choose that type of tool in particular?

Felicia: Growing up I had 4c hair and it always looked like “nappy” though nowadays I prefer to call it kinky or coily and it was torture having to style our hair with a pick or the toothbrush comb. I used to notice that some women had “webbing” which prevented me from detangling the hair properly and releasing the hair to open the scalp and get air for exfoliation. I wanted to create a tool that would help go into the hair, define it, detangle it, and really just make women with kinky/coily hair feel comfortable as they are styling. I had found a tool that was similar but I was inspired to create a tool that could easily be used on wash days.

What’s great about the brush is that it opens up and moves with the hair and flexes. When a brush is stationary it can snap if you haven’t had your hair trimmed. This brush pauses to let you know that you need a trim and then it releases it into your natural texture. Most of us as kids dreaded having our parents comb our hair, I wanted kids to be motivated to brush their own hair and enjoy that process. I’ve even had men using the brush to detangle their beards. It’s just been an amazing process and I’ve been in business with the brush since 2013.

NC: What is one of your biggest accomplishments in creating this brush?

Felicia: It’s helping people realize what their texture is because it helps with clumping and definition. When your hair is wet you begin to see what your hair texture is which can help determine the best products for your hair. When I’m teaching women I always emphasize that texture 3 hair uses gels/creams and texture 4 hair uses creams, butters, and oils. I want women to feel the ease of natural hair.

NC: We noticed you had a travel-sized version of the brush, what inspired the smaller version?

Felicia: The travel size mini is perfect for being on-the-go. Sometimes you’re at the gym and you need to detangle or do your hair. Our travel size is made for easy styling on-the-go in addition to working well with a blowdryer. You can also take out protective styles with the brush! There is versatility with this brush that is specially formulated to help you achieve your desired look. If you brush your hair vertically you get ringlets, if you want big hair you brush horizontally.

NC: How can I maintain moisture in my hair? Should I take the hair porosity test?

Felicia: When it comes to porosity and dry hair there are few things to consider and knowing your hair texture is the first step. A Lot of women have worn braids for years which means the synthetic hair that is used in their weave cuts into the cuticle and opens up the hair if their stylist wasn’t coating the synthetic hair with a butter or cream. When it’s open, it’s hard to close which then prevents you from maintaining moisture. There are so many factors that come into play as it pertains to moisture and one big method is L.O.C.(Liquid Oil Cream”> which is better in a spray bottle. I recommend half a teaspoon of jojoba or argan oil, two tablespoons of your favorite conditioner or leave-in, the rest is water. You can spray it on at night, cover it with a plastic cap which will allow it to steam inside the bag and get moisture on the scalp.

NC: You mentioned jojoba and argan oils earlier, there is an ongoing myth about what types of oils are good for your scalp. Can you recommend your favorite types of oils?

Felicia: Jojoba, Argan, Almond, and Black castor oil for the scalp. Oil is not for everybody. If you sweat a lot or if your diet consists of foods with alot of oil, it’s an overload on your scalp. It can start to go rancid and your hair will smell. You have to test oil out and it’s okay if it doesn’t work in your hair.

Everything starts with your digestive system. Your scalp and skin are the first alarms that something isn’t right in your body. You have to be able to exfoliate the scalp so your hair can grow. For those of you who have super thick hair, we often forget to work our shampoo into the scalp. Massage your shampoo into your scalp and that can cleanse your hair and scalp simultaneously.

NC: How do you moisturize cornrows?

Felicia: I recommend doing the L.O.C. method and then tie it back to make the frizzy hair laydown. What I notice is that when people get braids or cornrows they always negate their scalp when in reality that’s the most important time to give your scalp some love.

NC: What are your thoughts on trimming our own hair?

Felicia: features webinars that show you how to trim your own hair at home and my recommended products. I advise trimming the hair 2-3 times a year and if you are gonna trim it yourself then twist it up and you only want to take the hair off the bottom, don’t go crazy. For texture 3 you can spray it and stretch it out to see what needs to be cut. Texture 4 hair requires a blowout because of the shrinkage that occurs for you to see the ends in full form.

Natural Hair Expert Felicia Leatherwood Shares her Top Tips for Healthy Hair
Image Source: @lovingyourhair

NC: What are your tips for prepping for a protective style?

Felicia: The best thing to do is deep condition your hair for about 20-30 minutes. Get your flaxseed or TGIN honey miracle mask and always use a cream or butter when you are styling your protective style. You never want to use a gel because the alcohol content can dry out your hair.

NC: What is the best way to detangle 4c hair? Soaking wet, detangled or dry?

Felicia: This truly depends on how much work you wanna do. To me you have less work with the conditioner on your hair. Section your hairs into fours after you shampoo it, put the conditioner on, split that first piece in half, get your brush (brush from the bottom and not the top”> and then twist it up. Keep moving to the other sections, wash the product out while your hair is twisted then insulate with a t-shirt.

NC: What’s the difference between moisturized and hydrated hair?

Felicia: Moisturized hair is temporary. As a stylist I want to hydrate your hair because it gets into the body of the hair. Hydration means you give it water, when you moisturize the water sits on top.

NC: Does color-treated hair need more moisture or protein?

Moisture because some people are protein sensitive. If you feel that dry, brittly feeling that means your hair is protein sensitive. Color-treated hair is already dry so you want to add as much moisture as possible.

Thank you so much for speaking with us Felicia! We look forward to seeing all the new tools and products that will continue to inspire amazing styles from the natural hair community.

The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

No matter if you’re a wavy, curly or coily — finding the right products to care for your hair can be overwhelming, especially when you’re still learning how to properly care for your natural texture. We know the struggle all too well and want to help narrow down the list so we asked our NaturallyCurly community to vote on their holy grails that never fail. 

From the best conditioners, curl creams, gels, and tools, these are worth giving a try according to thousands of women with curly, coily and wavy hair. Keep reading to find out this year’s Best of the Best products for all hair types. 


The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen & Restore Shampoo: A clarifying, sulfate-free shampoo that removes product build-up, while infusing hair with moisture. Formulated with Jamaican Black Castor Oil , Shea Butter and Apple Cider Vinegar to regulate and balance pH levels on the scalp and strengthen your hair.

“Love this product and have been using it for over 3 years. I have 2c type curls, frizz and colored hair. This shampoo helps keep moisture and cleans the hair very well.” -Lisa

Co Wash

The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

As I Am Coconut Co Wash: This cleansing conditioner is a holy grail for all hair types and for good reason! It gently removes product buildup, adds moisture to your hair to maintain your curls until your next wash day.

“I love this cowash because it gets my hair super clean and I can even detangle my hair while I have the cowash in still. It also has a nice clean scent to it. By far the best cowash I have come across!” -Savannah


SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Shine Conditioner:This lightweight, daily conditioner restores moisture and smoothes dry hair cuticles. No more knots, snarls and tangles. Formulated with Coconut Oil that hydrates and protects hair while reducing breakage and silk protein that smoothes hair for a soft, silky feel and neem oil to add a brilliant shine.

“I picked this up and FELL IN LOVE. I got the cleanser to match – I love how it feels as I work it through my hair, it leaves my hair feeling clean and SOOO SOFT, and my husband loves the scent just as much as I do!” – Sarah

Deep Conditioner

The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Masque: This intense conditioning deep treatment infuses hair with a powerful dose of moisture and nutrients. Certified organic Shea Butter, Honey, Mafura and Baobab Oils are blended with antioxidant-rich African Rock Fig to restore and lock in moisture. 

“My 2c thick, medium to coarse hair with some 2A/B and 3A curls LOVES this deep conditioner. Keeps my hair moisturized for days. After years of trying all kinds of deep conditioners and adding oils to them, this one is the very best!” -Marta

Leave-in Conditioner

The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

Kinky-Curly Knot Today: A leave-in conditioner and detangler designed to smooth the cuticle and remove knots, snarls and tangles from wavy, curly and coils hair, not to mention the slip is out of this world!

“If I could only recommend one hair product to everyone – this would be it. I’ve been using it on my daughters hair for 8 years! We never, and I mean never, let our supply run out!” – Rebecca


The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

Design Essentials Almond & Avocado Curl Enhancing Mousse : This unique formula infused with Almond and Avocado oil has a soft-pliable hold, dries quickly, and reduces frizz while giving off a gorgeous, natural sheen.

“I use this as a second day curl booster on wet hair and I love it. It does not make my hair crunchy at all like some mousses. It’s bouncy and light on my 3a/b curls. No frizz at all. This will be a staple in my curl care! Love it!” -Lisa

Curl Cream

The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

Bounce Curl Avocado & Rose Oil Clump and Define Cream: The Define Cream is a multi-purpose luxurious leave-in cream that will leave your curls soft, bouncy and defined. It includes 10 exotic oils such as Organic Black Seed Oil, Avocado, Egyptian Abyssinian oil, Moroccan Rose, Argan oil & more! 

” I have tried dozens and dozens of curl enhancers. Nothing compares to how soft this leaves my hair with curl definition and frizz control. UNBELIEVABLE!!” -Ericka

Hair Gel

The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

Ecoco Eco Styler Professional Styling Gel with Argan Oil: This gel is formulated with Argan oil to define and revitalize your hair while adding brilliant shine. It has superior hold for a great wash and go, plus cam be used for keeping your edges laid for your sleek ponytail and bun.

“I love this gel so much it’s a must have. I love how the smell isn’t that overpowering and it doesn’t dry my hair out. I use this gel for my braid outs and my curls become so defined I’m in love!” -YinYang

Hair Butter & Best Product for Braids + Twists

 Camille Rose Almond Jai Twisting Butter: This botanical blend of oils and butters will aid in managing thick hair, leaving a soft and smoother feel. Softens and moisturizes hair while nourishing the scalp and stimulating growth.

“This is my all time favorite and I NEVER have less than 2 jars in my possession at a time. This product is the standard by which I rate all other products! It feels good to my fingers and to my hair. My hair never cops an attitude with me and never misbehaves with this. My hair does exactly what I want it to do when this product is used. Whether a wavy ponytail, curly ponytail, or loose curl my hair shines. It is moisturized, soft and light feeing. No flakes and no build up.”

Edge Control

The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

Ecoco Ecostyler Professional Styling Gel with Olive Oil: Made with 100% pure olive oil which helps attract moisture to your scalp and holds it in. This weightless gel will leave your hair with a healthy shine and a superior hold.

“This has been a “go to” product for me since I went natural in 2012. This gel is good for wash n gos, ponytails and speaking the edges of my 4a natural hair type!” -Tabitha


Alikay Naturals Wake Me Up Daily Curl Refresher: Why not make your second day hair style better than the first? This lovely mango scented combination will define and refresh your curls in one simple step. A special blend of natural ingredients reduces frizz, enhances natural shine and locks in moisture all day.

“I’ve tried many curl refreshers on the market and this is the BEST!!!! First of all, it has great ingredients with aloe Vera listed second on the list. I find this product to be moisturizing and definitely not drying at all! Best of all, this curl refresh isn’t watery like the “others” and hence it doesn’t frizz my hair. For best results on second day wash and go’s, twist outs, etc, I lightly spray product into my hands and then distribute into my hair, fluff and go!!! for reference, I’ve been transitioning for 11 months and have a combo of hair texture, but mainly coily, and kinky at crown.. I love this stuff!” -Pastel


Innersense I Create Lift Volumizing Foam: Create beautiful hair from roots to ends with this lightweight styler. Use to add texture, boost volume, define curls, shape and sculpt wet or dry hair or enjoy as a root refresher between washes.

“I would recommend this product to everyone! The way it makes my curls look and feel is amazing. I’ve always used mousse and hairspray until I was introduced to the Innersense product. I will never go back! My curls have never looked so good. I am truly in love with my hair again.” -Linda

New Collection

The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

Melanin Haircare: Officially founded in 2015 by two sisters, Whitney and Taffeta White, Melanin Haircare is rooted in passion for natural hair care, healthy scalp care, natural and safe ingredients as well as high quality products and unique merchandise that benefits the community it serves.

“I wanted to share my love for natural, homemade and safe hair products on a larger scale so that everyone, regardless of time or budget, could benefit from real nutrient-rich products for healthy hair, thriving hair and scalp.” – Whitney White, Co-founder

Hair Oil + Hair Growth Product + Scalp Treatment

Righteous Roots Rx: Righteous Roots Rx is a hair rejuvenating growth serum packed with 11 essential oils featuring both anti-frizz and detangling properties like olive oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil and peppermint oil. It can be used for hot oil treatments, deep conditioning, pre-poo pre wash detangling, scalp massages, anti itch scalp oil, and to scrunch out the crunch.

“This product is my holy Grail! It has helped me grow my hair back not once but TWICE. The first time was due to weight loss surgery and I had very thin edges and the second time which you see in the photos are from my recent post partum hair loss. My hair is growing back SO incredibly fast and it is definitely thickening up again! The key is to use only 2-3 drops Of oil, a little goes a LONG way trust me. You can scalp massage nightly or pick your days but definitely do so at least 2-3 times a week! Also, give the product at least 3-4 months of consistent use and you will see results….it’s an amazing product.” -Amanda

Hair Treatment

Olaplex No.3 Hair Perfector : Whether you have color treated curls or in need of a professional at home treatment to repair your hair, this treatment will revive your hair. No.3 is a bond builder that strengthens, repairs and restores damaged hair back to healthy bouncy curls in no time.

“I bleach my hair periodically, and had noticeable damage that was present about 6 months ago. After using this 2x a week for the first probably 2 months, then moving to 1x a week, I can say with all honesty that my hair is in the BEST spot it has ever been as far as hair health is concerned. Don’t even contemplate, just hit Add to Cart. You’ll thank yourself later.”- Heather


Bounce Curl Alcohol-Free HairSpray: This is a medium-to-strong hold hairspray. It is infused with Organic Black Seed Oil, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Sage Extract & Boswellia Carterii Oil. The ultra-fine mister distributes hair spray evenly to provide you with maximum hod and combats frizz in the humid seasons. 

“I love this hairspray! I use this as the last step in my styling routine. Once my hair is about 50% dry, instead of using gel, I spray this in sections (2-3 sprays on the back and 2-3 on the top”>. I can see my curls tighten up as soon as I spray this on my hair! It pairs so well with the light creme gel and clump and defining cream. I also use it when I want to slick my hair back in a pony/updo. Amazing stuff!”-Jess

Heat Protectant

The Best Curly Hair Products for All Hair Types That You Need on Your Must-Try List of 2020

Tresemme Thermal Creations Heat Protectant: Professional, affordable salon-quality heat protectant hair spray without the salon price tag. Thermal Creations heat protection spray for hair is heat-activated to help guard against harsh styling damage and hold your hair shape. 

“I love this product. It smells fantastic! And the scent is long lasting. It is lightweight and it is certainly not sticky. My hair is soft and fine and this product did not weigh my hair down in any way whatsoever. I love the lock/unlock feature on the handle of the nozzle. That is a great selling point for moms that have little ones with them while getting ready.” -Sage

Kids Line

Cantu Care for Kids: Cantu Care for Kids is the perfect blend of 100% pure shea butter, coconut oil and honey. Nurture and nourish fragile coils, curls and waves with Cantu’s gentle care for textured hair.

Hair Tool

Denman Classic Styling Brush – D3 : The Denman D3 Classic Styling Brush is a great brush for detangling knots and snarls. The D3 is a medium styling brush with 7 rows of nylon pins to clump your curls, coils and waves to achieve maximum definition.

Value brand

SheaMoisture:  For all the shea butter lovers–you’ll find your new treasured hair or skin product with SheaMoisture. Inspired by natural recipes from his Sierra Leonean grandmother, SheaMoisture, founder Richelieu Dennis and his family are sustaining her legacy through their immensely popular hair and skin care brand that was created four generations ago to empower generations to come.

Holy Grail

Curl Keeper Original: Curl Keeper contains the highest quality ingredients, provides frizz control and curl definition.The water-based formula is key which means you can use it every day without product buildup. Not to mention your curly hairstyle will last for days as its unique formula re-activates with water making Curl Keeper Original 100% effective in all weather conditions, especially humidity to combat frizz. 

“This stuff is amazing! I use it in conjunction with kinky curly curling custard. I love how it makes my hair shiny and smooths frizz. For some reason it also helps my hair dry faster. So I need to work quickly when styling my hair once I put this in, but I suggest to use caution because a little goes a long way!”

Have you tried any of these products? Let us know which one is your favorite in the comment.

The Best Hair Treatments for Dry Damaged Curly Hair of 2020

Curls are prone to breakage and they thrive off a healthy balance of protein and moisture. Whether your hair is dry, damaged or even thinning, it’s nothing the right at home treatment can’t fix. Each year we poll our NC community on the products they love and thousands of our community members vote! Keep reading to find out the most recommended hair treatments to bring your curls back to life, from nourishing hair oils to repairative overnight treatments these are the best hair treatments of 2020!

Righteous Roots Rx Oil

Best Hair & Scalp Oil + Hair Growth Product + Best Scalp Treatment for ALL Hair Types

The Best Hair Treatments for Dry Damaged Curly Hair of 2020

Righteous Roots Rx is a hair rejuvenating growth serum packed with 12 essential oils featuring both anti-frizz and detangling properties like olive oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil and peppermint oil. It can be used for hot oil treatments, deep conditioning, pre-poo pre wash detangling, scalp massages, anti itch scalp oil, and to scrunch out the crunch.

Curlsmith Full Lengths Density Elixir

Best Hair Growth Product for Wavy Hair

The Best Hair Treatments for Dry Damaged Curly Hair of 2020

Full Lengths Density Elixir is great as an overnight treatment for those with fine, thinning, or damaged hair. Formulated with follicle stimulating ingredients like Castor Oil, Green Tea, Cedar Wood, Soybean, Thyme, Clover and Pea Sprout, as well as scalp soothing remedies such as Lavender and Witch Hazel.

Olaplex No.3 Hair Perfector

Best Treatment for ALL Hair Types

The Best Hair Treatments for Dry Damaged Curly Hair of 2020

Whether you have color treated curls or in need of a professional at home treatment to repair your hair, this treatment will revive your hair. No.3 is a bond builder that strengthens, repairs and restores damaged hair back to healthy bouncy curls in no time.

Alikay Naturals Essential 17 Hair Growth Oil

Best Hair Growth Product for Coily Hair

The Best Hair Treatments for Dry Damaged Curly Hair of 2020

An oil blend of 17 of the best natural ingredients including Emu oil, Rosemary oil, Olive oil and Sweet Almond oil. This oil blend stimulates, nourishes and strengthens the hair follicles and reduces dandruff, while helping to reduce scalp infections and inflammation.

ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment

Best Treatment for Coily Hair

The Best Hair Treatments for Dry Damaged Curly Hair of 2020

This unique treatment is formulated with magnesium and modified proteins which fuse into the hair with the application of heat. The result is that breakage is drastically reduced. During the process, ApHogee treatment hardens into the hair, dramatic evidence that something special is occurring.

EDEN BodyWorks Papaya Castor Scalp Cleanser

Best Scalp Treatment for Coily Hair

The Best Hair Treatments for Dry Damaged Curly Hair of 2020

Specially crafted to remove build-up and restore the pH level of your scalp, this cleanser is great for those needing a bit of love for their scalp. Formulated with papaya extract, castor seed oil and apple cider vinegar, it’s sure to get your scalp clean, and leave it smelling great as well!

See your favorite on the list? Let us know which one you love and any other hair treatments you always reach for.