Search Results: NaturallyCurly

Hair Envy: A Hard Day’s Work!

Hair envy is a costly concern that takes time, tools and products no matter what your hair type is! We asked a straight-haired woman and a curly-coily woman what it takes to transform into their alter egos.

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Take the Best of the Best Survey!

It’s time for NaturallyCurly’s annual Best of the Best survey. Your opinion is important to us and we’d like to know what you think about the products you use every day. What is the best curly conditioner out there? What’s your favorite gel? Tell us!

And of course, we’d like your suggestions and comments! What can we do in 2013 to make your curly world better?

top center no-repeat;”>

Tell us your favorite products for your curls, coils or waves in our 3rd annual Best of the Best Survey.

We want to hear about the products you use every day. What is your favorite conditioner? Your favorite gel? We want to know!


Take the survey and you could WIN a package of ALL the winning products! Plus every entry gets a sweet 20% off CurlMart discount.

The winners will be announced January 31, 2013 with a big splash! After the announcement we will post a Best of the Best seal on winning products throughout NaturallyCurly and CurlMart.

Real Texture Talk: Satin Addison

Satin Addison

The Diary of a Product Junkie

We take a look at the day by day trials and tribulations of a product junkie as she chronicles her addiction. Sound like anyone you know?

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How to Use Hot Tools on Curls

Hot Tools for Curls

Real Texture Talk: Kara Barcelo

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Kara Barcelo: My name is Kara Barcelo and I am a 3C curly girl. I enjoy sunbathing (when the weather is good, of course”>, singing and dancing, eating healthy and kicking butt in the gym.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

KB: I hated my hair as a child because my mom, who has a different hair type, didn’t really know how to style my hair. I would always end up with a ponytail braid or big, bushy hair. I hated it! It wasn’t until my early twenties that I started to truly embrace my curls. I found that with the right products for my hair type and a good haircut, I actually liked wearing my hair curly! I looked better just being me.

NC: What is your current routine?

KB: Shampoo, condition/detangle, apply product, and go!

NC: So from start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

KB: After shampooing, I rinse and apply conditioner. While the conditioner is still in my hair, I detangle with a wide tooth comb or use my fingers. I braid my hair back and tuck the braid into a ball as I finish showering, allowing the conditioner to do its work for a few minutes. After I rinse out the conditioner, I bend over and wrap my hair in a t-shirt to soak up excess water. From this point on, I NEVER run my fingers through my hair — I don’t want to mess up the curl pattern or cause frizziness. I like my curls to fall naturally.

After a few minutes, I apply product. I smooth it over my hair starting at the top. Then I work on the sides, the back, and finally flip my head over to apply product near the nape of my neck and at the ends. I may scrunch the ends a little, then flip back over and allow the curls to fall naturally.

MORE: Real Texture Talk: Brianna DeBoise

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

KB: Conditioner is my best friend. Right now, my favorite products is Paul Mitchell Sculpting Lotion, which I usually apply as a leave-in before my styling product. I find that this product gives me awesome curl definition, and it leaves my curls soft and shiny. I also use another awesome product called Aunt Jackie’s Curl La La Defining Curl Custard

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear with your curls?

KB: I love to wear my hair down. In the summer months, I often stick a flower on the side.

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

KB: At night, I pull all my hair to the top of my head, and I use a satin scarf to wrap around the sides most of the time.

NC: What about your hair stylists?

KB: My stylist is a Deva Curl certified stylist. I see her for maintenance about every six months or until the curls on top of my head start getting heavy and I need a cut.

NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

KB: I fell in love. I couldn’t believe that my natural hair could look so good on me!

NC: Did you big chop or transition and for how long? Did you ever have curly girl insecurities?

KB: I did a big chop the first time then just let it grow. It took about four years to get my hair the way that I wanted, but I learned so much about my hair during that process. I used to be majorly insecure about my natural hair because I didn’t know what I was doing. I learned by trial and error.

MORE: Real Texture Talk: Char Sillimon

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

KB: It’s being you. I have come to believe that it’s not about looking like someone else — it’s about looking our best as individuals. Learn to work whatever you have been born with! It’s about being and looking YOUR best not someone else’s best. I also found that going natural was freeing. I can sweat all I want at the gym, get in the water and sleep how I want, just being free!

NC: How do you think having curly hair impacts your everyday life?

KB: Not only do my curls look good, but I feel good about looking my best. It gives me confidence and people see that and give compliments. I’m secure in who I am, and that always looks good. NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

KB: It’s a freeing experience, AND it’s cheaper! With the right products, cut and color, your hair can look great! Others can and have done it — so can you. It’s a leap of faith for many, but I say try it! It’s just hair.

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects!

KB: Right now I am involved with my church’s play production for Christmas. It’s about the importance of family and about how love is the center of the family and Christ is the center of love. The Christmas season can be tough on families. Sometimes we can lose sight on what is really important because of all the parties and desire for presents but what really matters is family and being there with and for them. MORE: Real Texture Talk: Rhonda Lee
Food and Vitamins for Healthy Winter Curls
‘Tis the season for some dry winter weather. And with winter weather comes dry, cold and for some, less active times as well. This combination can take a toll on our hair. It’s important to instill a good winter regime that’s easy to follow and will help keep you motivated and healthy and also keep your hair healthy and shiny.

Food & Vitamins for Healthy Winter Curls

Real Texture Talk: Rhonda Lee

Rhonda Lee, the meteorologist whose response to a Facebook comment about her natural hair and subsequent termination is the subject of much debate has kindly shared with us her thoughts on her natural hair journey.

NaturallyCurly: How and when did you start embracing your natural hair?

Rhonda Lee: In 2000 after I cut it I fell in love with the FREEDOM being natural allows.  It started with a simple cut of my long hair for my birthday.  It was relaxed at the time and was still just long enough to put a few curls in it.  But as the summer went on that year, I kept asking my beautician to cut it shorter than the last time, until one day she said I was going to need a barber because she wasn’t licenced to cut hair.  That was the last time I sat in a beauty salon.  It was completely accidental.

NC:. What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

RL: My husband at the time was less than thrilled with my relaxed hair cut, and eventually got used to the natural.  He was under the impression that women were supposed to have long straight hair.  My mom has been natural since a bad jehri curl in the 1980’s.  So for me it wasn’t the world biggest deal to have short natural hair.  I really owe my comfort level to her example.

NC:. What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

RL: You are FREE! No more 6-7 hours in a salon.  No more running for cover in the rain. You can workout and have a healthy body underneath that healthy scalp. The money you save is worth every curl.  I hear women say they don’t have the head for their hair. God gave you your head and your hair too they were made for each other.

NC: How do you think having natural hair impacts your everyday life?

RL: It doesn’t.  That’s the beauty of my natural hair.  See #3!

NC: Thank you for your time Rhonda, we wish you the best!

Real Texture Talk: Raquel Ford

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Raquel Ford: My name is Raquel Ford. I’m 25 and a mother to two beautiful children and I live in Brooklyn, NY. I enjoy reading, writing, eating and enjoying time with my family.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

RF: I was on a different social networking site, I would log on and see threads about haircare, routines, and naturalists. I was curious as to what this “natural haircare” topic was all about.  After reading many posts and watching YouTube videos, I realized it was a journey that I wanted to embark on, but I didn’t know how. I was so accustomed to relaxers — I’d had them since age six or seven — so if I went four months without a relaxer, my roots were very difficult to work with. I always went back to using a relaxer, but I felt the urge to stop.

NC: What is your current routine?

RF: I twist my hair at least once a week. I also co-wash the majority of the time, when I allow my hair to be worked out. I love wash-n-gos.

NC: From start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

RF: On a wash-n-go day,  I co-wash with Herbal Essences Hello Hydration Conditioner. I leave the conditioner in my hair until right before I get out of the shower, when I rinse with cool water. Then I immediately add a leave-in conditioner (I’m currently using Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Leave-In Conditioning Cream“>. I follow that with Tropic Isle Jamaican Coconut Black Castor Oil or, on occasion, Ampro Pro Styl Olive Oil Gel.


NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

RF: My must-have products are SheaMoisture Retention Shampoo, SheaMoisture Restorative Conditioner, Tropic Isle Jamaican Coconut Black Castor Oil, Ampro Pro Styl Olive Oil Gel, and SheaMoisture Curl and Style Milk. My favorite tools are my Denman brush and my Conair wide tooth comb.

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear with your curls?

RF: I love wash-n-gos, twists, braid extensions, and twist outs.

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

RF: I spray my hair with water until it is damp, apply a leave-in conditioner and some oil, and then put my hair bonnet on. Other nights, I either apply a deep conditioner or conditioner, the Tropic Isle Jamaican Coconut Black Castor Oil, and a plastic cap. Then I wrap a scarf around my head.

NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

RF: My family thought I was joking. My boyfriend said, “No.” People I associated with thought that I was crazy!

NC: Did you big chop or transition, and for how long?

RF: I transitioned for about 3.5 months. I applied a relaxer in September 2011 and I big chopped in March 2012.


NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

RF: The best thing about being curly is the freedom to express myself however I want AND I can jump in and out of the shower and wet my hair. I love this!

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

RF: Being curly has impacted the decisions I make about hair products and how I’ve changed my lifestyle as a whole. I am not vegan or anything, but I do make thoughtful decisions before I try a new product.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

RF: I tell people that it feels better to know your hair than it does to have chemicals taking over your hair and your body. I explain my choice and my reasons for wanting my hair in its natural state. Natural hair is a blessing and if you take the time to get to know your natural hair, you can improve the health of your hair and you will have newfound freedom!

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects!

RF: I am currently taking classes online at The University of Phoenix for a Bachelor in Human Services. I thought the classes would be easy, but I found that they are much more extensive than I expected! I am also keeping a blog and using YouTube to document my hair journey.


Shea Moisture

Raquel’s Favorite Products

Why Water is Good for Curly Hair
Written by: Heidi Schmid

Founder of Q-Redew ·

Water and hair have a complicated relationship, and curlies are forever trying to figure it out.

Water is at the core of healthy hair. A healthy strand of hair can maintain an appropriate amount of water, presenting a smooth, bouncy curl pattern — neither flat nor frizzy — as the environment around the hair changes. But who has hair like that? Unfortunately, not most of us!

water and curly hair

Meet MopTop Founder Kelly Foreman

Kelly Foreman of MopTop

NaturallyCurly: Introduce yourself and your company!

Kelly Foreman: My name is Kelly Foreman. I believe we are all created beautifully, and my company is MopTop Hair.  My mission is inspiring millions to discover confidence and natural beauty one frizzy head at a time!

NC: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself and how you got started in the hair care business?

KF: I grew up with some LOVELY nick-names like Fuzzy, Brillo, MopTop and Poodle. When my middle daughter turned two, I realized she was going to have my hair, and I was devastated! It was fine for me to “deal with my hair,” but I could NOT allow my daughter to go through what I did growing up!

I have been scarred by REALLY BAD haircuts. I ask, why would ANY STYLIST think “that” hair cut looks good? REALLY?! I set out trying to find the “Holy Grail” and simplify my life. At the time, I used 12 different products a day and was constantly buying anything else that looked promising.  One day, I spilled one of the products on my counter-top and had a terrible time getting it off. It scared me to think about how it must be staying in my hair and on my scalp! I also had realized that my hair was not really “working right “ anymore.  I was having some hair loss and breakage too.

I dove in, researching everything under the sun — books, internet, chemistry 101, etc. After interviewing about 200 stylists, I realized that the problem was sulfates, traditional silicones, alcohol & waxes. Then I went straight to my kitchen and started mixing things up myself. They were curl defining and moisturizing, but smelled awful, so I got some help. Your skin is your largest organ, and it’s important to take care of it, which is why we use natural ingredients. I wanted my hair to feel soft to the touch, the way hair SHOULD feel. I also wanted movement, like in those hair commercials where the woman runs her hand behind her long luscious hair and it’s like a flowing curtain! I WANTED that, and I now have that. My hair is soft to the touch, and yet it has curl definition, hold and a nice natural sheen. Aloe is the oldest best moisturizer, then sea botanicals [for coating] and honey [for moisture again] The best part, and what makes it all work, is that all of these ingredients are water soluble!

NC: How do you wear your hair? Natural? Curly?

KF: Naturally curly, just the way I was created!

NC: Can you tell me about your curly hair story?

KF: My motivation is the girls out there with frizzy hair. We do Frizz Interventions where we do an event, usually in a salon, that carries our products. We invite clients to come in and learn how to manage their gorgeous texture! We teach them how to properly cleanse, condition and style. There are so many wonderful stories of people with all textures, all ages and all ethnicities…hair is hair! My favorite part is guiding people. There was a sweet teen girl, who was told by other kids when se was 13 that her hair was “Blank ugly” and that she had a hawk nose. When we finished teaching her, she looked in the mirror for the first time and said, “Oh, I look beautiful!” She had never felt beautiful before. She walked out the door two feet taller, and it was NOT because her hair was two feet taller. It was because her spirit was!

I could do this every day and NEVER get tired of it.  I wish I could draw, so I could show everyone what picture I see in my head before we create it. Every head is different and so beautiful! I am the luckiest woman in the WORLD!

NC: Let’s talk a bit about the line/products. Can you tell me about it, it’s ingredients etc.?

KF: I’m an ingredient geek! We are sulfate free and we use a surfactant from cocoa nut. Our shampoo is a low sudsing shampoo, and almost our entire line is paraben free. I am in the process of removing it from the last product. We do not use alcohols in any styling products because they are too drying! We use two water soluble silicones in our Leave-it in Conditioner, and it took me almost two years to get to the chemist that makes these ingredients! The Leave-it-in totally ROCKs for detangling ALL hair types! The bases of everything are aloe, sea botanicals and honey.

NC: Who was your product line developed for?

KF: Our products were developed for all hair types, all ages and all ethnicities! We have one shampoo, three levels of conditioners and four different stylers. We have an oil, a cream and a few others in development!

NC: How do your products work for curlies? What results can they expect?

KF: If you use the right amount of product for your hair type, you will have hair that is SOFT to the touch with MOVEMENT. If you are looking for stiff and a “producty” feel, that’s NOT us.

Kelly Foreman and familyNC: Do you have any tips for women who are considering going natural or new curlies?


  1. Growth: I have been growing my hair for 13 years! I have the Rapunzel complex until my emotional hair cut scars are healed! I have found that eating healthy, exercising (I run five days a week for  30 minutes”>, taking vitamins and using NATURAL products all help with hair growth. NOTE: traditional silicones can build-up and clog the follicle, leaving you with thinning hair that breaks more easily!
  2. Frizz: Traditional silicones work like a moisture block. Remember when we used to wax floors and would get that yellow gross build-up? Well, that happens with traditional silicones too. Get a good clarifier (I’m working on one!”> and occasionally clean that off your scalp and hair. Silicones work like laminates and prevent your hair from getting the necessary moisture you need to reduce frizz!
  3. Styling: Apply gel to wet hair, by sections, scrunch, then do NOT touch it until it is 80% dry. Release the “set” the first time after it is 80% dry, then let it dry completely and scrunch and touch all you want.  If you do NOT apply enough product and/or if you touch it before it has had enough time to set, it will frizz out on you. Voila! You are left with hair that is soft to the touch!
  4. Moisture: Leave in a good amount of conditioner. Your hair should feel slick, but you shouldn’t have so much in your hair that it looks “milky” in your hand. Slick or slimy and clear on your hands. Once you balance the moisture in your hair, you will actually use less product. Lay off the heat! Sometimes this one is hard for me when I’m rushing to get out the door and don’t want to leave with wet hair, so I will turn up the heat on my diffuser.
  5. Length: Do get the necessary trims to keep your ends looking and performing well! Silicone build-up is a huge issue for breakage. It took me a while to figure this one out. Heat stressed hair will also break more easily. Your hair is most fragile when its wet, so be gentle!

NC: Do you have a “suggested style” or a “featured style” to use wear with these products? What’s one of your favorite looks to do with your products? Can you tell us how to get this look with your products?

KF: My favorite is second and third day hair! Because of the time saver (I’ve got three kids and millions more to reach!”> I take an empty spray bottle and put  one part gel or leave-in and three parts water. I do my version of the pineapple at night and sleep on a satin pillow case. then I go do my work-out in the morning (not the hard workout”> and take a quick shower without wetting my hair. I then use the spray bottle to saturate the frizzy areas, use the Herbal Detangler & Refresher spray scrunch and go!

NC: Tell us where we can connect with your brand.

KF: FaceBook:

Twitter: @MopTopHair

YouTube Channel:

NC: Where are your products available?

KF: and You can also check out our site for local salons that carry our products.

Real Texture Talk: Brianna DeBoise

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Brianna DeBoise: My name is Brianna DeBoise and I am from Western Massachusetts, now living in Los Angeles. I work as an Educational Recruiter for MKC Beauty Academy, a Makeup and Hairstyling school.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

BD: I started truly embracing my curls after I did the last relaxing treatment I would ever do in my hair, a Brazilian Blowout. I loved the outcome at first because it was new to me. However, after about a year of it not coming out, I missed my curls and cut my length from the middle of my back to the middle of my ears! I also shaved one side off all together.

NC: What is your current routine?

BD: I use either DevaCurl Low-Poo or No-Poo to wash my hair, then condition with DevaCurl One Condition. After the shower, dabbing my hair dry with a paper towel, I comb through my hair with my fingers and apply DevaCurl Light Defining Gel. I spritz my hair with a little Aussie Sprunch Hair Spray and blow dry with the DevaFuser.

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

BD: DevaCurl DevaFuser and Moroccanoil Treatment. I have to have the Moroccanoil with me to “touch up” my curls through out the day.

MORE: Real Texture Talk: Char Sillimon 

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear with your curls?

BD: Most of the time I wear it down. I have one side shaved off, so it’s hard to have a different style, but sometimes I will wear it up in a small bun.

NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

BD: I have gotten compliments on my curls since I was a little girl, but I didn’t get it until they were gone. People that I met in the time that my hair had the Brazilian in it are shocked at my curls now. They can’t believe I would try to get rid of them in the first place!

NC: Did you big chop or transition and for how long? If you’ve always been natural, did you ever have any curly girl insecurities?

BD: I am a bi-racial child and my mother tried everything to relax my hair or find the right product and since their wasn’t a large selection of curly products out then like there are now, we just didn’t know what to do! I have some crazy hair school pictures.

MORE: Real Texture Talk: Bita Pourtavoosi

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

BD: I like being unique and most of my friends either have straight hair or have curly hair and like to straighten it, so I am always, “the one with the curly hair.”

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

BD: Most people think curly hair looks good on other people and not on themselves. I think it is really about finding the right product for your hair. All curls are different. After to talking to lots of other curly girls, I found that they just hadn’t found the right combination of products and were never educated on how to manage their hair. Since I have made the drastic change, about a year ago, I have only straightened my hair once and I didn’t feel like myself.

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects!

BD: I love the beauty industry and to be able to help people following their dreams to become a Makeup Artist is a rewarding job. I am enjoying the California lifestyle and I love to help fellow curly girls to embrace their curls, especially the young girls who are just like I was!

MORE: Real Texture Talk: Diana Martha

4 Essential Winter Hair Care Tips
Written by: Heidi Schmid

Founder of Q-Redew ·

Winter Hair Care

Holiday Hair Care for Curly Kids

The winter holidays can be a child’s favorite time of year — snow, days off from school, gifts, favorite foods, family. But it can also be a nightmare for snarls, knots and holiday accessories with kids’ curls and waves too!

If your child isn’t used to new styles and wears the same head band every day, the holidays are a great time to change things up a bit!

Curly Holiday Kids

Real Texture Talk: Char Sillimon
Char Sillimon

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Char Sillimon: Hi, my name is Char Sillimon, and I am 32 years old. I currently live in Orlando, FL.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls, or have you always enjoyed and embraced your curls?

CS: I started embracing my curls in high school after I saw the damaging effects that relaxers had on my hair. I still blow dried and straightened my hair with flat irons, but I didn’t use relaxers anymore. It would be a little over a decade before I started to realize that the products I was using were still doing damage to my hair.

NC: What is your current routine?

CS: I wash my hair once a week, with a co-wash at mid-week since I workout everyday. I also try to deep condition once a week, but I still haven’t found my holy grail DC, so I don’t always deep condition.

NC: From start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

CS: I have a very detailed process, but it’s not difficult. First, I wash and condition my hair in the shower. Once I get out, I section my hair, spraying each section with water as I go to make sure my hair has enough moisture — I don’t want to damage it as I style! Then I put a leave-in conditioner in my hair and detangle with a wide-toothed comb. Once I finish detangling a section, I seal that section with a natural oil blend, and then put gel in the section to hold the definition of my curls and keep the frizzies away. I repeat that process on each section of my hair, and when I am done, I pineapple my hair and put on a satin cap before I go to sleep, since I usually prep my hair the night before.

MORE: The Real Satin Bonnet

Char Sillimon

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear with your curls?

CS: I generally have two styles that I wear with my curls. More often than not, I wear my them in a loose ponytail, or I will wear them down. With the holidays coming up, I will try different styles. NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

CS: My must-have tools are a wide-toothed comb, a spray bottle of water, and a smoothing brush for my edges. As far as products, I love Curls Créme Brule Leave-In Conditioner, and I have a home blend of sweet almond, avocado, and jojoba oils that I can’t live without.

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair? CS: At night, I give my hair a quick spray of water, pineapple it and put on a satin cap. I don’t like my curls to be flat or without definition. NC: What about your hairstylists? CS: I don’t see a stylist very often. When I do, it is simply to have my ends trimmed.  I see Led at Ego Lab in Downtown Orlando; she is very good and she understands how to work with curly hair.

MORE: Curly Hair Salon Finder

Char Sillimon

NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

CS: I got lots of support, not only from friends and family, but also from co-workers and strangers who really liked my hair.

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

CS: The best thing about being curly is that I don’t have to worry about going to the salon every month, and I don’t have to spend forever getting my hair ready in the morning. Knowing that I am not damaging my hair is also a huge relief.

NC: How do you think having curly hair impacts your everyday life?

CS: I think that having curly hair, and actually embracing it, has helped my confidence over the years.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

CS: Don’t worry about what other are going to think or say. Do what you feel is best for you. If you are looking to embrace a more natural lifestyle, then do it! You will probably be surprised at how many people in your life will support you, and you might just inspire someone else!

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects!

CS: I have a few upcoming projects that I am working on not only independently, but with friends. A good friend from middle school has a Facebook page dedicated to helping people embrace and understand how to care for their curls called LoveMyCurlz that I contribute to. As far as individual projects, I recently became a Beachbody coach so that I can help others lead a more healthy lifestyle. You can check out my page here.

MORE: Real Texture Talk: Diana Martha

Winter Hair Colors for Your Curls

Winter Hair Colors

The Many Uses of Coconut Oil

You may know that coconut oil is a popular ingredient for natural hair care products, but do you know what makes it such a miracle oil? There are many ways you can use coconut oil for curly hair care, but its usefulness goes beyond that. Check out the infographic to find out more!

Click on the blue arrows for more information!

The Many Uses of Coconut Oil Infographic

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Curly Hair Growth Chart 3 Natural Oils That Will Transform Your Hair 3 Hair Oils for Healthy Hair DIY Pre-Poo Recipes Coconut Oil Base Hot Oil Treatment Hair Therapy Wrap Thermal Turban Heat Wrap How to Detangle Curly Hair
Real Texture Talk: Diana Martha
Diana Martha

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Diana Martha: Hello! My name is Diana and I’m 28 years old. I am from Alexandria, VA and my background is Colombian and Palestinian. I’m a social worker-turned-entrepreneur. I love dancing, fashion, cooking, traveling and anything cultural! I have type 3A curls.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls, or have you always enjoyed and embraced your curls?

DM: I slowly started embracing my curls when I was seventeen. I didn’t understand how to style my hair — before, I used to just slick my hair back with lots of gel and tie it in a tight bun. I was brave enough to start letting my hair down, but it just hung in a curtain around my face. I fully started enjoying my curls in my mid-twenties. NC: What is your current routine? 

DM: I switch up my routine about every five months because I have hair that adapts to products pretty quickly. My rule of thumb is to always opt for natural products. I avoid harsh chemicals and sulfates, especially because I have hair that’s genetically thin.

NC: From start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

DM: When I’m done showering, I always rinse with cooler water and then turn my head upside down and “shake” my head to loosen the curls and scrunch out excess water. I then use a soft towel to scrunch some more, and if needed, I’ll repeat my “upside down shake.” The upside down shake sounds silly, but it’s key for getting pretty coils! I don’t own a brush or comb — I only use my fingers to comb out my curls, and I spritz my leave-in conditioner mainly on the ends to avoid weighing down my hair.

I apply my gel/styling products almost immediately, while my hair is still damp. That part is key for me since my hair is thin and dries quickly. If I don’t put products in quickly I’m usually left with lots of frizz. I always apply styling products in sections so that I don’t miss any areas. Next, I bunch my hair in sections at the top and clip using Sally Beauty clips and let my hair air dry. I adapted this technique from watching a styling tutorial video by Curly Hair Solutions; I remove the clips once my hair is dried and it really creates nice volume without damaging heat and frizz.

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Diana Martha

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear with your curls?

DM: Half up, half down is my “go to” look. Other than that, I usually don’t have much variety in how I style my hair — but I never straighten it!

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

DM: I have three products that I swear by and have used throughout the years…

1. SheaMoisture Coconut and Hibiscus Hold and Shine Moisture Mist as a leave in conditioner;

2. Curly Hair Solutions Curl Keeper to style; and

3. Arbonne SeaSource Detox Spa Detoxifying Rescue Wash to deep cleanse my hair regularly. I always have a “good hair day” on the days I “detox” my hair. I also can’t live without the clips from Sally Beauty!

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

DM: I sleep on a “Sharmooz” satin pillowcase! I bought it about two years ago and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for my curls!

NC: What about your hairstylists?

DM: Believe it or not, I cut my own hair, and my stepsister’s too!  I don’t have any formal training, but I was frustrated with paying $80+ to get my hair butchered at salons time and time again. So I went out one day and bought professional shears. I’ve been cutting my own hair for about three years now, and I couldn’t be happier!

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Diana Martha

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

DM: The best things about being curly are the simplicity, versatility and the FUN factor!  Yes, the techniques can be more complicated, but the actual styling itself takes less than five minutes. And it doesn’t have to be perfect — in fact, it often looks better when it is tousled!

NC: How do you think having curly hair impacts your everyday life?

DM: I grew up very self-conscious about my hair; curly hair really does make you stand out, to the point where strangers would come up to me and start touching my hair out of the blue! I don’t mind their curiosity anymore, but sometimes the way it’s done is offensive and rude. I also think that sometimes people view curls as less “polished/professional.”

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

DM: I think people who don’t like their curly hair just have no idea how to manage it. It’s not easy at first, but just like with anything worthwhile, keep trying until you find what works. On, I was able to read a lot of articles about curly hair and I heard about products that others with similar curl patterns used.

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects!

DM: My life is currently in a transitional period! Things didn’t go as planned when I finished grad school, as far as finding meaningful employment goes, so I launched myself into entrepreneurship. I’ve currently got a lot on my plate with running two businesses in the beauty/wellness field and fashion field. I still have strong social work ties, and I always seek opportunities to give back to my community, whether it’s helping others achieve success, teaching belly dancing, or volunteering my creative skills, etc.

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