Search Results: NaturallyCurly

9 Fashion Tips for Curly Hair

Curly girls know that your hair is only part of the equation. Once you’ve mastered moisturized, defined curls in the morning, you still need to style the rest of your look! Just as every curl is unique, our body shape and personal styles are just as diverse. Trust us, we know the struggle of getting dressed in the morning.

Luckily, Stitch Fix helped NaturallyCurly team members Nikki, Jamie and Cristina with personalized styling tips for their unique curl patterns. Stitch Fix is an online personal styling service. They get your style and size preferences, then send a package of stylish goodies to try on at home. Each item comes with styling tips on how to dress it up or down. Pay for what you like and send back what you don’t–free shipping both ways!

Find out how you can complement your curls with these nine easy fashion tips for curly hair.

Curly Fashion Tips

Top 5 Hair Growth FAQs

1. Q: How much does the average person’s hair grow each month?

Some people will grow a little more; some a little less. Factors such as heredity, nutrition, underlying health, medications, as well as follicle damage from hair-processing or styling, can all affect the rate of growth of an individual’s hair.

Average hair growth is about a half-inch per month.

2. Q: What are some of the things that can inhibit hair growth?

Factors that may inhibit hair growth or contribute to hair thinning and hair loss are many and varied, including: poor nutrition, stress, hormonal imbalances (including menopause, which is associated with increased dihydrotestosterone (DHT”>, the main cause of hair loss in both men and women”>, side effects of some medications or medical procedures (e.g., gastric bypass, chemo/radiation treatment”>, thyroid imbalances, immune dysfunction, and damage from hair-processing chemicals or styling practices.

3. Q: Can you actually do things to speed up hair growth?

The main thing you can do to encourage faster, stronger hair growth is to eat a healthy and balanced whole-foods diet, and ensure that you stay hydrated. Consume plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables along with adequate high-quality protein, healthy fats and oils, and liberal amounts of water and herbal tea or green tea. At the same time, minimize refined and processed foods and excess sugar, which promote inflammation in the body (including the hair follicles”>.

4. Q: What are some ingredients that can stimulate hair growth and how do they work?

Important hair-healthy nutrients that help stimulate hair growth include silica and sulfur; vitamins A, C, and biotin; minerals including iodine, zinc, and selenium; antioxidants; amino acids; essential fatty acids; and herbs which support healthy circulation, such as Bu Gu Zhi (Psoralea corylifolia”>. These key nutrients and many others are included in Hair Essentials, an all-natural dietary supplement for revitalizing follicles and stimulating healthy hair growth.

  • Silica is the most abundant mineral on earth, so it’s no surprise that nature’s ‘beauty mineral’ is also important for hair growth. Silica is renowned for its ability to strengthen hair and improve texture and sheen. Two of nature’s richest botanical sources of silica are Bamboo and Horsetail.
  • Sulfur is another element that is particularly beneficial for encouraging strong, luscious locks. Sulfur imparts structural integrity to the hair shaft and helps maintain hair shaft diameter and density of hair growth. The sulfur-rich amino acids cysteine and methionine, as well as foods from the Brassica family (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, collards”> and onions and garlic, are excellent sources of this important element.
  • B vitamin biotin is important for ensuring proper cell division within the matrix of the hair follicle, one of the most rapidly dividing areas of the body. A deficiency of this B vitamin, though rare, is associated with alopecia (hair loss”> and poor quality growth of new hair, including slower growth and thinner hair. Biotin also improves the metabolism of scalp oil (sebum”>, making the scalp a healthier environment for hair to grow in. Too much or too little oil on the scalp can impede or inhibit hair growth and also encourage infections and inflammation of the follicles.

5. Q: Breakage can be a huge issue for curly girls. Can these ingredients also strengthen the hair?

Absolutely! By nourishing the follicles from within with vital hair-healthy nutrients, the hair that is produced is stronger and more resilient. This helps reduce susceptibility to breakage from damage caused by physical stress (such as hairstyling or blowdrying”> or chemical stress from coloring, straightening, perming or other processes.

Writer Paulina Nelega is a registered clinical herbalist for Hair Essentials and has been assisting individuals facing hair loss for nearly two decades. This post is sponsored by Hair Essentials, a breakthrough proprietary blend of more than 20 herbs, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids and other nutrients. It can be purchased online or by calling 800-536-9353.

Texture Revolution Meetup | Vlog Video
Pictured: CharyJay with our Social Media Manager, Evelyn

This weekend we attended Texture Revolution: The Science event in Dallas, hosted by Naturally Divine Beauty. Audrey Davis-Sivasothy, author of the must-read book The Science of Black Hair, taught us about the hair growth equation, split ends, protein sensitivity, and of course, moisture! One of our favorite curlfriends CharyJay talked about coming out of her shell on YouTube. Stylist Karen Wilson showed us simple, new hairstyles to try at home. Betty Murray taught us about nutrition and eating for optimal hair growth. And one brave audience member even big chopped on stage!


Watch the Video

We put together this recap video to show you what our day was like!

Korrie Kelley’s Curly Hair Journey

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Korrie Kelley: My name is Korrie Kelley! I am a happy wife to my husband of 13 years (and my childhood sweetheart!”> and I am having the time of my life raising our two handsome, fun and energetic sons. 

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

KK: I’ve been natural for two years and two months…it’s the best decision that I’ve made concerning my hair. My husband had been begging me for ten years to go natural. It was a real struggle because I started getting relaxers when I was ten years old and I couldn’t remember what my natural hair looked like! I started transitioning from my relaxer to my natural hair and I loved what I was seeing. Beautiful curls!

NC: What’s your current routine? 

KK: My current routine mainly consists of wash-and-gos. I love them because I am a busy wife and mother…I don’t have time for a super elaborate routine! I do a wash-and-go every 3 or 4 days.

NC: So from start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

KK: I co-wash every 3 or 4 days with Tresemmé Naturals Conditioner for moisture, finger detangle in the shower and quickly rinse my hair with cool water, leaving some of the conditioner in my hair. When I get out of the shower, my hair is dripping wet. I use an old t-shirt to gently scrunch the bottom of my hair. Then I section my hair and work my SheaMoisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie, followed by Kinky-Curly Curling Custard. Pretty simple. 

I also deep condition with coconut oil every two weeks and shampoo about once a month with either Kinky-Curly Come Clean or Tresemmé Naturals Shampoo.

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear?

KK: I’m still learning about all the different ways to style my hair…my favorites are my wash-and-go wear out and up-dos. I also love to wear scarf headbands with pops of color! 

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

KK: My fingers and conditioner! 

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

KK: At nighttime, I pull my hair to the very top of my head with a satin scrunchie–this technique is known as “The Pineapple.” Then I cover my hair with a satin cap and I sleep on a satin pillowcase. 

NC: What about your hair stylist?

KK: I trim my own hair about every six months. My hair colorist is Jamie Ainsworth at K Salon and Spa…she is awesome! She is Caucasian but her dream hair is an afro! She was very influential in my decision to go natural. 

NC: What reaction did you get when you decided to go natural?

KK: It shocked some around me at first, but grew very quickly on them. Everywhere I go people approach me and tell me how much they love my hair. I’ve gotten so much attention that my older son asked if I was the only lady in Mississippi with natural hair! 

NC: Did you big chop or transition, and for how long?

KK: I transitioned using flexirods on the relaxed ends and I trimmed my hair every few months. I did that for about sixteen months, then trimmed the remaining straight pieces and did my first wash-and-go. I loved it! 

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

KK: I feel free being curly! I feel like myself. I also love being able to experiment with color without worrying about my hair breaking off and falling out because of the double processing.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

KK: Go for it! Be patient and to give their hair lots of love. It’s not about whether or not you have “good” hair. We all have good hair! Everyone is different and that is what I love. 

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects.

KK: My husband and I have always lived in Mississippi and for the first time, we are moving to another state! We’re really excited to be headed to South Carolina, in the Charleston area. Taking a leap of faith and seeing what God will do is exciting. 

You can find Korrie on Facebook and Instagram.

Juicing Recipe for Hair Growth

I started juicing vegetables this year initially to lose the last 5 pounds of baby weight. About one month into juicing, my husband started to complain about having to shave every day.

While listening to him mumble under his breathe, “I don’t why I’m having to shave so much…never had to shave this much before…” I had an aha moment—it was the juice!

I had just done the big chop three months prior to my juicing and had some phenomenal hair growth as well. Friends and family were commenting on how fast my hair was growing, but I had just attributed to the fact that I had stopped perming my hair.

My research hat went on and I started investigating juicing and hair growth! I came to find out that my favorite go to juice included two vegetables that were known for evoking hair growth—cucumbers and carrots!

Hair Growth Tonic

This is the very first juice in the 30-day plan, for the morning of Day 1, Week 1.

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 cup of alfalfa sprouts
  • 1 cup of spinach
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 large carrot or two medium carrots
  • 2 apples
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 inch piece of ginger

This juice is my go to hair amplifying juice. It serves as an energizing drink in the morning and has so much good stuff for your hair in it that it’s ridiculous! Many people, who are coffee drinkers, find that over time they can replace their coffee for green juice as their morning pick-up.

This juice contains cucumber which is great for hair growth because of its high silicon and sulfur content. Sulfur an essential mineral building block of the human body. It is often referred to as the “beauty mineral” because it necessary for healthy skin, hair, and nails. It also includes alfalfa sprouts. Alfalfa is a legume rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, zinc, silicon, vitamins A, B complex, C, E and K and other nutrients that are important for your hair.  The spinach is a vital vegetable in this recipe because it is rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which the body uses to produce oils in the scalp.

If these vitamin levels are up, hair is sure to grow quickly. Celery is a hair growth stimulator. It thickens the mane and can reduce hair loss. Carrots are a great source of vitamin A, which aids  general scalp health and will help thicken up your mane. This veggie is also high in beta-carotene. Your body transforms beta-carotene into vitamin A. This process not only helps keeps the hair you already have healthy but  promotes hair growth. Carrots are a great source of vitamin A, which aids general scalp health and will help thicken up your mane. This veggie is also high in beta-carotene. Your body transforms beta-carotene into vitamin A. This process not only helps keeps the hair you already have healthy but promotes hair growth.

I have several friends transitioning and shared with them my secret. Then I thought why not share with as many naturalistas as I can. Hence the creation of JuiceMyFro!


JuiceMyFro is my e-guide that explains what juicing is and shows you how to use juicing aide in your hair growth.  The guide includes a 30-day hair growth juicing plan with recipes and weekly shopping lists.

I have a confession to make though, although I wrote JuiceMyFro to help my natural sistas grow their hair faster, I also had another ulterior motive—to introduce green juicing to black women.  Let’s face it, we will try anything for our hair!

You will be surprised by how enjoyable the juices actually are. Some side effects to green juicing include weight loss, increased energy, and glowing skin! What have you got to lose! Join the community. Happy Juicing Your Fro!

Coconut Summer Smoothie for Curly Hair

Deep Conditioner for Summer

NaturallyCurly member Curly-Kinky shared her recipe for her hydrating coconut milk and honey deep conditioner. She says the coconut milk is rich moisturizer that hydrates, conditions and defrizzes your curls.

Avocado is natural source of protein, ideal in the summer when swimming and chlorine has been robbing your hair of protein. The olive oil provides protection, because hydrophobic oil acts as a barrier to chlorine and salt water. And lastly the honey conditions and adds a sheen to your curls.

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 can pure coconut milk
  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp pure honey


  1. Add all ingredients to blender
  2. Mix at high speed until it reaches a smoothie consistency
  3. Section hair into 4 segments
  4. Apply generously and evenly to hair, from root to ends concentrating on ends

 Curly-Kinky says you can store your smoothie in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. You can warm up your hair smoothie in the microwave before your next application.

Feel free to substitute the your favorite natural oil for the olive oil. Play with the amounts depending on your hair, for example you can add more oil for any extra moisture needed, or another tablespoon of honey if you need more shine.

One of our readers who tried this out said it is a “great mix for low porosity curls like; heaps of moisture without lots of oil and just enough protein to treat my curls to a lovely natural restructure.”

Have you tried this recipe before? Let us know if it worked for you.

For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.

The Pros & Cons of Curly Hair
We love our curls, but if we’re being honest there are a couple of cons to go with all those pros. Our resident curly comic Tall N Curly puts her comedic spin on these all-too-familiar curly conundrums.

Pros & Cons of Curly Hair

Save Your Do Gymwrap | Video

The product:

Save Your Do Gymwraps & Restorative Hair Serum

The claim:

The Gymwrap’s “Edge Control Technology” is meant to wick away moisture from your hair, allowing heat to escape and keeping your hair dry from sweat.

The test:

We’re always on the lookout for ways to stay healthy whether it’s our fitness or our curls. In this case, it’s both! NaturallyCurly Editors Nikki, Cristina and Evelyn tried out the gymwraps and the hair serum. Watch the video to see how the Gymwraps held up to a run in Austin’s 100 degree weather, and if Evelyn approves of Argan oil for her natural hair.

Watch the Video

Susonnah Gonzalez | Meet the NaturallyCurly Team!

We love getting to know our curly community every day, so we thought it’s only fitting that you to get to know our NaturallyCurly team too!

Introducing Susonnah Gonzalez, our bright and savvy SEO Strategist. Susonnah has been creating videos and articles for NaturallyCurly from way back, so you may already recognize her!

  1. You’re getting married soon, congratulations! Where are you going on your honeymoon? Susonnah: We’re going to Honolulu for our honeymoon! Hoping to sit on the beach all day, drink mai-tais and maybe try my hand at surfing. 
  2. Packing any hair products? Susonnah: I will definitely be packing lots of leave-in conditioner and cleansing conditioner. My favorites are Paul Mitchell’s Leave-In Conditioner for curls and the L’Oreal EverCurl Cleansing ConditionerI expect to be swimming every day so I’ll need the moisture. 
  3. Your all-time Holy. Grail. Product. Susonnah: It may sound silly, but I can’t live without my DevaCurl microfiber towel. I notice a complete difference in the amount of frizz when I don’t use it. 
  4. A project you’re working on right now Susonnah: My biggest project right now is my wedding, which is honestly like a second job. Once that’s done I hope to either start a blog or get back to writing stories. 
  5. Favorite Austin spot Susonnah: I love Mt. Bonnel. I’ve spent a lot of time there and it’s where my fiance proposed. It’s one of the best views in Austin. 
  6. Where do you go for wedding inspiration? Susonnah: When I need some wedding inspiration I go to It’s awesome! Tons of ideas for unique brides who want to do something different. When that doesn’t do it I take to good ol’ Pinterest. 
  7. Favorite book Susonnah: My favorite book changes frequently. Right now, it’s Fight Club. It altered the way I think and its a great psychological thriller. And by the way, it’s so much better than the movie.
  8. Favorite snack Susonnah: I love popcorn…it’s my weakness. I can’t watch a movie and not eat it. 
  9. Beauty/hair product you’d recommend to your friends Susonnah: I recommend The Oil by AG. I’ve been using it here at work and I love it. It smells awesome and it gets rid of my frizz. Yay for argan oil!
  10. Favorite part of working at NaturallyCurly Susonnah: I love the culture and feeling of community here at TextureMedia. Massages, snacks, movie days and happy hours is what makes working here fun. But there’s also this great sense of team work here that’s very addictive. When we’re all working towards the same goal it’s easy to feel connected and important to the company!


NaturallyCurly Reviews Suave Moroccan Argan Oil

Suave Argan Oil Review

Elsita’s Curly Hair Journey

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Elsie Loyola: My name is Elsie Loyola, but everyone calls me Elsita. I’m thirty four and from Puerto Rico, where it’s humid 24/7…day and night! 

I’m an aesthetician–a makeup artist–and a dog lover. I’m also the middle child in my family, and the only one with big, thick curly hair. I got my texture from my dad’s side of the family.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

EL: I hated my curly hair when I was younger. I got relaxers and perms through all of my childhood but my hair still looked like a mess. In my twenties, I saw an episode of “What Not to Wear” which featured an African American woman with short, thick natural hair. I thought, “How’s he going to straighten her hair?” The stylist, Nick Arrojo, didn’t blow dry her hair straight…instead he used a leave-in conditioner and hair gel, sectioned her hair and finger twisted it. Her hair, once frizzy and dry, was now beautiful and full of smooth ringlets! I washed my hair and tried the technique. I was immediately hooked! 

NC: What’s your current routine? 

EL: I recently learned about the “Curly Girl Handbook,” Devachan Hair Salon, and Lorraine Massie. Now my whole routine has changed. I stick to thick, creamy conditioners and I used curl custards and puddings. I co-wash once a week and style my hair in two-strand twists. I also shampoo once a month to remove any buildup. 

NC: So from start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

EL: I start with a mango/banana/coconut/olive oil pre-shampoo mask, which I leave in my hair for about an hour. Then I co-wash with conditioner, Pantene Co-Wash Cleansing Conditioner, or a sulfate-free shampoo. Next, I use Tresemmé Split Remedy Conditioner or an olive oil hair mask and leave the product for ten minutes before rinsing with cold water. I rinse with my head upside down so the product runs through the entirety of my hair. 

After showering, I don’t towel dry…I squeeze excess water out with my hands. Then I spray my curls with a mix of water and setting lotion, section my hair and use more leave-in conditioner. Finally, I use a final hair oil or thick curl custard and do two-strand twists. I usually leave my hair twisted for a day or two. Once I unravel them, my hair can last up to a week!

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear?

EL: I love wearing my hair loose and free. I only put my curls in a ponytail if I’m planning to wash them the next day. If I feel that my hair is too poofy in the front, I’ll put it in a barrette or a half-ponytail.

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

EL: I have so many favorites! VO5 Conditioner, Tresemmé for co-washing or Pantene Naturals Co-Wash, Beyond the Zone Noodle Head or Super Sexy Texturize & Distort…the list goes on! I tend to gravitate towards products for African American hair…they work better for my hair. 

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

EL: If my hair looks dry, I’ll moisturize with hair oil or leave-in conditioner and wear a silk scarf. Otherwise, I just sleep on it…it always looks nice the next day.

NC: What reaction did you get when you decided to go natural?

EL: Everyone loves my natural hair. It suits my personality and my lifestyle. I’m not the type of girl who enjoys spending time, energy and money on blow drying my hair. Now, my hair is super low maintenance and I get compliments on it every time I go out! People think that it’s a wig or a weave…they even ask to touch it! I worked at a girls summer camp last month and the girls loved to touch and style my hair. They would beg their moms for “Miss Elsie’s curls.” I styled their hair the same way that I style mine and they were so happy.

NC: Did you big chop or transition, and for how long?

EL: It took me almost six years to get back to my natural texture after the last relaxer. I just trimmed my hair every month or two.

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

EL: For several seasons, straight hair was on trend. Now everyone wants curly hair! And if you have naturally curly hair, you’re lucky because 90% of the work is already done…you just have to tweak a few things to really bring out your curls. I also think curly hair is the perfect texture if you’re active and like to play sports or work out.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

EL: Lose the blow dryers and flat irons! Try wearing your hair natural, even if it is just for one day. You will look younger and you will receive tons of compliments. You will also love how low maintenance curly hair can be. Educate yourself (I recommend watching YouTube videos”> on how to care for and style your curls, get the right products and use techniques that work for your hair type. Wear your curls proudly!

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects.

EL: I’m planning to make a Facebook account dedicated to curly hair—how to style it and the best products for each hair type and texture. It will have lots of pictures and tutorials.

Herb Infused Hot Oil Hair Treatment

NaturallyCurly member purplegirl shared her recipe for this light, herb infused essential oil.

What You’ll Need:

  • jojoba oil
  • fresh rosemary
  • fresh sage
  • horsetail herb


  1. Put 8 oz of jojoba oil in a glass jar
  2. Add the herbs to the oil and seal the jar tightly
  3. Place the jar on a window sill for 2 weeks
This essential oil can be used for hot oil treatments, daily moisturizing, and even as an additive to your favorite deep conditioner.  

For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.

Rocker Doug Ratner’s Curly Hair Routine

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Doug Ratner: My name is Doug Ratner. I’m the lead singer/guitarist for my band Doug Ratner & The Watchmen; we’re a country fried rock ‘n’ roll band from Springfield, MA. We’ve had some major independent success and I’m trying to revitalize rock ‘n’ roll for the 21st century because it’s lying dormant right now! I’m also a huge animal lover…I have two german shepherds named Oggy and Trudy.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

DR: In late 2009, I started growing my hair out for good after my sister helped me put it in a pony for the first time. I’m a rock ‘n’ roller, so my image is directly related to who I am as an artist. My long, curly hair is a reflection of who I am as an artist…wild, untamed and passionate!

NC: From start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

DR: I let genetics do most of the work (I’m Jewish”> along with a healthy diet of organic meat and fish, vegetables, berries, and lots of avocados and coconut oil! I only wash my hair about 2-3 times a week, usually with Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap. I also try to get 20 minutes of direct sunlight whenever possible and when I do wash my hair, I like to let it dry in the sun. I don’t use any artificial products on my skin or hair because I try to limit my body’s exposure to unwanted toxins/chemicals. Our skin is the largest organ in the body, and ensuring healthy skin is part of having healthy hair! What you put into your body directly impacts how you look and feel! And of course, adequate hydration is a must.

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear?

DR: I keep my hair in a ponytail if it’s really hot out, but I like it down and wild! Sometimes I put a bandana around it to keep the curls out of my face and when it was in its growing stages, I used a headband to keep it back.

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

DR: Dr. Bronner’s is great because I can bring it on the road to wash my hair, wash my body and brush my teeth. Other than that, my must-haves are sunshine, water, healthy food and a healthy mind.

NC: What about your hair stylists?

DR: I have a stylist in my hometown who cuts my hair. She’s always trying to get me to try new products, but I never do.

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair? DR: Sleep! Healthy sleep patterns are so important for a healthy immune system, which affects our bodies and therefore our appearance. I also sleep with my hair down, not in a ponytail. I like to let it breathe and restore itself while I do the same.

NC: What reaction did you get when you decided to go natural?

DR: I get a lot of looks and stares from people…and usually a lot of compliments from girls! 

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

DR: It’s a form of self-expression and it’s another way to let people know about my music and passion! And my heroes (Roger Daltrey, Eddie Vedder, Slash, to name a few”> all have long curly hair. When I’m up on stage I feel empowered in a way, like I’m paying homage to them.

NC: How do you think having curly hair impacts your life?

DR: I don’t want to say that it makes me unique because with or without my hair, I believe that I’m a unique individual. But it does make me very recognizable and it adds to the branding of my band and my look. A lot of people remember me because of my hair on stage and they’ll recognize me in a restaurant or even walking down the street. Fans will tell me that they noticed me crossing the road because they recognized my hair. It’s really cool! In our upcoming album, I write about my long hair in some of the songs.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

DR: If it’s who you are, embrace it 100% and never worry about other people’s negative opinions. Deep down, people are yearning for a way to express themselves and find happiness, and that takes truth and honesty. By letting your hair grow out and be curly, you’re making a statement and expressing yourself in the most natural way.

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects.

DR: We’re finishing up our third album—it will be released in the middle of August. We also start shooting our music video soon…for the same song that talks about my hair! Then we’re going on tour through the Midwest and the South from August 15th-25th. Lots of awesome stuff coming up.

Want to check out Doug’s band? You can find Doug Ratner & The Watchmen on their website, Facebook, or Twitter

DIY Olive Oil Deep Conditioner | Video

A weekly deep conditioning treatment (or a “DC””> is an essential step in a curly’s regimen. DCs can play a very important role in treating damage, preventing frizz, and moisturizing your curly hair. There’s no need to buy an extra product, simply mix your own DC with just two ingredients you already have!

What you need:

  • extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup
  • your favorite conditioner 1/2 cup


  1. Combine the olive oil and the conditioner in a bowl
  2. Mix
  3. Apply to your hair in sections
  4. Leave in at least 15 minutes
  5. Detangle your hair with a wide tooth comb, and rinse

Watch the Video

Want to share this recipe? Here’s the embed code

Priscilla Sodeke | Meet the NaturallyCurly Team!

We love getting to know our curly community every day, so we thought it’s only fitting that you to get to know our NaturallyCurly team too! Introducing Priscilla Sodeke, one of our talented and artistic Graphic Designers. Priscilla brings our hair tutorials to life, she puts together the newsletters so many of you subscribe to, she creates the Pin-worthy ads for CurlMart, and much, much more!

  1. You’re on a desert island (or a 3-day music festival”> and you can only have 3 hair products… Priscilla: Water (since that would be scarce in a desert”>, Kinky-Curly Knot Today, and Kinky-Curly Curling Custard, for the baddest (meaning good!”> twist-out that desert island has ever seen.
  2. Your favorite blog Priscilla: Garance Dore, although I have to admit that I don’t really read it. I just love the fashion photography and her illustration!
  3. Where do you go for inspiration Priscilla:  Pinterest or #2 (my fav blog”> and in real life: the public library, juvenile section. I always find the books there much more refreshing and interesting and of course, inspiring. I like to write and if I was a professional writer I think I would choose that audience.
  4. Your favorite Austin spot Priscilla: It used to be the “food truck mall” on SoCo before it closed, sadly. I enjoy trying new foods and just eating tasty food in general. I’ve been in Austin for about year and a half but I haven’t really gotten out and enjoyed it. Working on that!
  5. Favorite snack Priscilla: Chips and Salsa or Turkey Bacon.
  6. Your all-time Holy. Grail. Product. Priscilla: The one product I always go back to since first trying it 2 years ago would be Kinky-Curly Knot Today. I just like the slip and how it smooths over my hair.
  7. Book on your nightstand Priscilla:Holy Bible ESV and Writing a Great Movie: Key Tools for Successful Screenwriting. Not that I read the second one before bed or anything, ha!
  8. A project you’re working on Priscilla: Slowly but slowly I am trying to learn about screenwriting and film. Yeah, very slowly. Also, like most other K-pop fans, I am learning some Korean and desperately looking for a way to visit South Korea and meet my favorite artists in person. I’m only half kidding about that!
  9. Your style icon Priscilla: Oooh tough. It would be a combo of different people and influences. I’m definitely influenced by some of the style I see while enjoying one of my favorite pastimes: watching Korean dramas! I don’t always intentionally look at fashion mags or anything I just sort of pick up things I like here and there from people on the streets of Austin, my stylish coworkers (**winks**”>, my sister, and the casual airport fashion of Korean celebrities. One celebrity whose style I admire, but don’t necessarily directly imitate (because he’s a dude!”> is Kwon Ji-yong aka G-dragon of Big Bang. 
  10. Favorite part of working at NaturallyCurly Priscilla:The people and our purpose! It would not be half as much fun without those two things together.

sources: Kinky-Curly Knot Today / water bottle / Kinky-Curly Curling Custard / illustration Garance Dore / Pinterest / chips and salsa Thinkstock / Austin food trucks via Do512 / Writing a Great Movie / Kwon Ji-yong

Frizz Free Routine for Curly Hair

In the quest for gorgeous curl definition, frizz can be your number one enemy. We know it can be impossible to predict how your curls will behave from one day to the next, but with this frizz free regimen you can minimize your frizz forecast.

Lorraine Massey’s book “Curly Girl Handbook” is a good place to learn the Dos and Don’ts  of a frizz-free summer regime:


  1. Don’t blowdry or straighten
  2. Don’t shampoo
  3. Don’t brush


  1. Do use a sulfate free cleanser and conditioner
  2. Do use a LOT of conditioner
  3. Do use a leave-in
  4. Do use a good styling gel

Frizz Free Regimen

Step 1. Cleanse & Condition

Use products that are gentle enough for daily or bi-daily cleansing for the hot summer months.  Be sure to use the amount recommended for your hair length and type.

Wash cleansers into your hair gently with the pads of your fingers and use a wide tooth comb to distribute the products throughout your hair.

When applying conditioner, be sure to add a bit of extra water from your shower to add more slip, and leave your conditioner on for a few extra minutes while you shower.

Step 2. The Leave-In

A good leave-in conditioner will help keep frizz down and lock in shine and moisture.

Be sure to use ample amounts of leave in, as you may have to find what, and how much, works best for your hair in the hotter, more humid, summer months. A good leave-in will help protect your curls, fight frizz and maintain bounce and shine.

Some to try for the summer are JessiCurl, Curly Hair Solutions Curl Keeper, Oyin Handmade Go Tea Grooming Spray, As I Am, Curl Junkie, and Mixed Chicks.

Step 3. Styling Product

Follow up with a gel. The gel will also help to keep curl pattern as well as shine and bounce.

Step 4. Air Dry

Lastly, be sure to stay away from blowouts, straightener and even take a break from your diffuser. Hot air and tools will only add volume to the hair shaft, causing more frizz. Give your curly locks a summer “retreat” by allowing them to air dry as much as possible.

MORE: What is Frizz and How to Stop It

Wear Your Hair Curly Day!

Wear Your Hair Curly Day

Garnier Fructis is supporting Wear Your Hair Curly Day to give women the confidence to let their curls rock! Curly girls can unite by pledging to wear their hair curly on August 14th.

Rock your natural curls for a good cause! Pledge to wear your hair curly on August 14th to show your support for Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls. The Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls builds the self-esteem and creativity of young girls, giving them the confidence to form a band, write songs, and perform! The Girls Rock Camp program is dedicated to the empowerment of girls and women – and so are we!

Want to Join the Movement?

Pledge to wear your hair curly with just one click.

When you do, you can be entered to win a trip to New York City!

If you’re as pumped about this as we are, download your own “I Pledge!” and “#WearYourHairCurlyDay” signs to print and show in your Instagram photos, with the hashtag #WearYourHairCurlyDay. You can even create your own pledge video on YouTube!

Send your YouTube link to, and we’ll add your video to our playlist, send you Facebook and Twitter love.

Download “I Pledge!” and “#WearYourHairCurlyDay” signs here.

Meet the Fructis Style Lineup

On August 14, make sure your curls look their best with these exclusively curl care products.

Curl Shaping Spray Gel – Gives your natural curls a boost

Curl Sculpting Cream Gel – Controls like a gel, conditions like a cream

Curl Calm Down Anti-Frizz Cream – Defines and nourishes

Curl Construct Mousse – Defines and boosts curls

Petra’s Curly Hair Journey

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Petra Lovric: Hi, my name is Petra. I’m Croatian and in my final year as a Marketing and International Business student. I feel like I was born to travel—I can never get enough of seeing new places and meeting new people. I play the violin and the piano, and I’ve been a diehard fan of music for as long as I can remember. I’m also eager to learn new languages, I adore Mexican food, and I love visiting old antique shops. Last but not least, I’m very into hairdressing…and I have had a lot of practice!

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls

PL: I was born with frizzy hair. It was so thick that I couldn’t even put it in a ponytail! My mom took me to the hairdresser to thin out my hair a little…I still kind of regret it, but we didn’t know the first thing about taking care of my hair! 

My mom has big, heavy curls that were bigger and looser than mine are today—I inherited my dad and my grandparents’ different curl types too, so I have a mix. I’ve always loved my curly hair…I never wanted it to be straight. The only thing that I’ve never loved is frizz and occasional tangling. All the women in my family have taught me to be proud of and to cherish my curly hair as something beautiful and unique! All of us were teased in school for having it, told that curly hair was a physical “disorder.” That made us hold on to wearing it natural and curly even more, in spite of those evil, jealous, straight-haired people who secretly keep curling products hidden in their closets!

NC: What is your current routine?

PL: I tend to use products which don’t contain harmful ingredients, although it’s hard to find them as I don’t do much online shopping. I use shampoo mostly on the top of my head—the curls and ends are the conditioner area. You don’t want to fill your already dehydrated hair with too much soap! The conditioner goes first, because it helps me to detangle some parts of my curls. I only use a brush if it is impossible to detangle using my fingers. After rinsing, I use shampoo and then condition again. After I wash everything out, I gently squeeze excess water out of my hair and then hold my head down and scrunch my curls. Next, I put the whole bunch of my curls in a microfiber towel and wrap it tightly, like a turban. When it soaks the rest of the water out of my hair, I remove it, hold my head down, put in leave-in conditioner, and then dry my curls with a diffuser. After a minute of drying, I put in hair cream or some mousse, but not too much of it! I don’t want my curls to be too shiny or sticky! Finally, I finish the drying process, still holding my head down while scrunching the curls with my hands. 

NC: So from start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

PL: I never use brushes or combs. I don’t use anything other than a big hair clip during the day—I usually wear my curls in a side ponytail held with a big plastic hair clip. And at night, I put it in a snood so it doesn’t get tangled.

MORE: Giulia’s Real Texture Talk 

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

PL: These are the products which keep my hair looking defined and healthy…without them my hair would look frizzy and dry. I need a good leave-in conditioner, hair cream and oil for maintaining the ends. When it comes to tools, my must-haves are a diffuser and a hair snood to keep the frizz away. 

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear with your curls

PL: The classic: “simply let your hair down.” Sometimes I put my curls in a side ponytail.

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

PL: Put it in a “pineapple” and a hair snood to keep the frizz away!

NC: What about your hairstylist?

PL: I stopped visiting hair salons years ago! It was really hard to find someone who understood the fact that curly hair needs more attention and special routines that are different from those meant to be used for straight hair. Everything that I do with my hair, I do it myself. I know my hair really well and for now, I think I’ll keep our relationship intimate, without meeting anyone new on Saturdays.

NC: What reaction did you get when you went natural?

PL: I’ve always been a natural, but when I wanted a slight change, I flat ironed my hair and cut it into a bob. Some people liked it better straight, but most of them liked it curly. One of my cousins said that curly is more me. And I felt better when my hair was bigger and bouncy! I got bored of flat ironing my hair and quickly went back to being natural. 

MORE: Angela Delyani’s Real Texture Talk

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

PL: Having so much hair you can do anything you want with it. And the fact that women in ancient Greece used curlers on their hair to show off their “royal” image. Curly hair was considered to be a symbol of a high social status—take a look at the queen hairstyles throughout history! Not to mention all those curly wigs.

NC: How has having curly hair impacted your life? 

PL: I feel good while I’m standing in a crowd. I think all of us have something physical that visually defines us. Curly hair is a brand! It gives the impression of youth, no matter your real age, and it imposes a level of self-confidence. It’s like, “Hey, what do you think you’re doing with that on your head? That atmosphere is not all yours!” 

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

PL: Don’t listen to anyone that tries to involve you in a trend or a social custom about “bad hair.” I’ve heard that the term is used a lot and it’s quite shocking! Every individual can have beautiful hair if they discover how to maintain and treat it well. Curls are special and interesting, you can always flat iron your hair, but it’s not that easy to make a naturally sleek strand look (or for that matter, stay”> curly! Respect the fact that what you’ve been given is a work of art made by nature. 

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects.

PL: I’m about to graduate so I’m thinking about improving my work experience, travelling some more and doing more music. And I expect my curls to get even longer!

You can find Petra on Facebook.

MORE: Scarlett’s Curly Hair Journey