Search Results: NaturallyCurly

The KG Lifestyle: Curly Hair Guru

Kala, or KG, is the Editor and Chief of She’s from San Diego, but now resides in Detroit, MI and she LOVES sharing her story to inspire and encourage women to embrace themselves and their natural hair. You may recognize her as a regular contributor here on NaturallyCurly, and the winner of our Fashion Week contest where she won a trip to NYC!

1. How long have you been natural?

My last relaxer was applied 12 years ago. I transitioned without knowing it because I flat ironed my hair constantly. I started transitioning from heat damage in 2009 and cut the remainder of my damage off last year (2012″>.

2. What’s your daily hair routine?

I wash my hair once a week into a wash n go (most times”>. I also try to deep condition every week, especially in the dry winter months. I fluff my wash n go in the mornings and rock it out each and every week!

3. What are your favorite products?

I absolutely love Ouidad’s Climate Control Gel right now. Also a fan of pretty much anything Shea Moisture makes and obsessed with TGIN’s Honey Miracle Hair Mask. You can check out my other favorites here.

4. What’s your nighttime routine?

I moisturize by patting a thick creamy water based leave-in onto my wash n go/fro and seal with coconut oil. I pineapple my hair and sleep on a satin pillowcase. 5 minute night-time routine tops!

5. How did you get your hair color, how do you maintain it?

I applied the color in my hair myself using the Shea Moisture Hair Color System in Dark Golden Blonde. I don’t touch up my roots because I like the “ombre type” look. I definitely deep condition more now than I did before I used color. I also don’t go a night without moisturizing my hair. Moisture is SO important for color treated hair!

6. Do you ever get tired of curly hair?

Girl yes, there are times I just put my hair in a bun every day of the week. I also, get frustrated with shedding (even though it’s natural”> and detangling. But I appreciate those good hair days. I wouldn’t trade my curly hair for anything because I love the versatility.

7. When did you start blogging?

I started blogging originally to document my experience in Sudan teaching English for a year. Eventually I started blogging about my hair journey, fashion and anything else I decided to write about that interested me. My hardest obstacle in blogging has been consistency. Keeping myself accountable with a calendar has really helped!

8. How did you become a successful blogger?

I started vlogging about my hair journey as well and some of my videos got really popular. The more followers I had the more views and hits I received. I also made sure to develop positive relationships with brands and as they shared my content my channel grew.

9. What do you like most about blogging?

I love how connected I feel when I post. I get an immediate response from my viewers. They don’t hold back on the feedback and are so positive about what I’ve posted. It makes my day when I hear that something I posted made a positive impact on someone’s life. It’s the best feeling in the world! Plus, I get to dress up and get glamed up! What more could a girly girl ask for?

10. What do you want to do beyond YouTube or your blog?

I absolutely love thrifted fashions so  I’m working on an online vintage store called I also am developing a non-profit organization with an international emphasis; a life-long dream of mine.

11. Do you have any advice for new natural hair bloggers?

Don’t be so hard on yourself! Just be you. People are attracted to authenticity and it’s okay to share things about yourself that you might initially think are boring. Believe me someone out there can relate. The beauty is that we live in an age now where you can actually connect with that person! Have fun!

You can find Kala on her blog TheKGLifestyle and her YouTube channel. And connect with Kala on InstagramFacebook and Twitter!

The Secret to Second Day Curly Hair

Refresh Your Curls

Do you style your hair upside down? Or cocktail your cream with your serum?

Every curly journey is one of trial and error, but when you finally find the routine that works for you it’s magic. It’s not just about the products that you use, but also the way you apply them. In this video Jamie shares her secret to second day curls.

You can see how shapeless they were looking on day two, but with a few quick steps she transformed her curls and was ready to start the day.

Then style as usual! Jamie likes to twist her hair up and out of her face with bobby pins.

Watch the Video 

DIY Bentonite Shampoo Bar

Coconite Cassia Bars

Shampoo can sometimes be a dirty word in the curly hair community. The mere mention of it can stir up negative emotions in the minds of many curlies. But this DIY hair mask may be the antidote to your hair cleansing woes. It’s cute, it’s natural, and it’s oh so healthy! What more could a girl ask for?

This recipe comes to us from NaturallyCurly community member Lola Zabeth. Thank you Lola for your informative ingredients list and your detailed directions!

If you try this recipe out at home, be sure to review it for other curlies to learn from your experience here.

What You’ll Need

  • 5 oz bentonite clay powder; draws out toxins, dirt, product build-up, and improves combability, defines curls
  • 2 oz unrefined melted cocoa butter; hydrating and high in vitamin E with emollient (smoothing”> properties
  • 2 oz extra virgin olive oil; penetrates the strands increasing strength and elasticity
  • 1 oz pure cocoa powder; antioxidants protect against free radicals
  • 2 tbs cassia obovata; conditions scalp and thickens the strands
  • 1/2 cup hot coconut water


  1. Melt cocoa butter using a double boiler, or improvised double boiler method
  2. Pour melted cocoa butter into bowl (non-metallic”>, and combine with remaining ingredients
  3. Mix thoroughly with a spoon (non-metallic”>
  4. Pour mixture into tart or dessert mold (non-metallic”>
  5. Place in freezer to set for 2 hours
Yields eight 1/2 oz Coconite Cassia Bars (using the mold shown”>. This is enough for shorter hair, but for hair that is shoulder length and longer, you may need to at least double the recipe. 

To Apply

  • Place bars in a heat resistant bowl (non-metallic”>
  • Add 1/2 cup hot coconut water
  • Let the bars sit for 5 minutes, then mash with a spoon (non-metallic”>
  • Mix for even consistency
  • Once mixture is cool, apply to dry hair and scalp and leave on for 30 minutes (plastic gloves will make the process less messy”>
  • Rinse well and moisturize generously

WATCH: DIY Olive Oil Deep Conditioner

For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.

8 Stylers We Are Eternally Grateful For

Throughout the year we remind ourselves of the many things for which we are grateful. For example, the support of our tight knit curly community! Then there are the products that have altered our curly hair journeys for the better. Those desert island products for which we are eternally grateful.

Here are the top eight curly and wavy hair products we found most curlies to be most grateful for year-round:

8 Curly Stylers For Which We Are Eternally Grateful

Wolfgang’s Curly Hair Journey

NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Wolfgang Lisborg: Good morning and afternoon to everyone my name is Wolfgang Lisborg. I’m from Denmark, Europe 21 a fashion/portrait photographer who loves natural hair. Some goals of mine are to become a natural hair model and be a voice for the males since not many guys speak on natural hair.

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

WL: Back when I use to live with my aunt, I always thought about growing out my hair. My aunt is a hairstylist and whenever my hair would seem to grow to a somewhat fro, she would always have the barber in the salon cut my hair. Now, every one of her clients would always say “your nephew has such good hair.” I never really understood what they meant but, it had me wanting to grow my hair out more. Moving to North Carolina I lived with my uncle, now he was more generous on the hair journey I was attempting to have. His only issue was if it look out of order it was getting cut off ASAP. Trying countless things with gel I realized it made my hair to flaky. I later moved in with my father up in Brockton, Massachusetts. School up there was very interesting because, it seemed the more hair a guy had the more respect they had. Already having a somewhat good amount of hair it gave me more of a drive to continue growing it out. As the school year went along I soon began to really embrace my hair a lot because, it showed off my character which many people seemed to enjoy. Making it an even more cool to have hair since they accepted quite well.

NC: What’s your current routine?

WL: Honestly, I’m doing a moisturizing phase where I’m just washing it adding coconut oil for shine/moisture.

My process for this crazy mane is actually quite simple. Since my hair acts thirsty beyond belief I’ve begun using “Cococare Coconut Oil” for moisture. With all this hair I primarily use a great deal of conditioner and brush through it with a vent brush. Brushing it backwards I put it in a ponytail(to me bunnytail”>. If I happen to decide to go for a blowout look I’ll do a method I’ve recently started doing, it’s called the “banding method”. After, my hair is in a ponytail(bunnytail”> I continue to brush it and band it a half an inch until it reaches the end. When it’s completely dry I then take off my bands and now my hair has a blowout look without receiving heat damage.

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear with your curls?

WL: Hairstyles that are my absolute favorite are: French Braids, Stretched out hair, Wet curls, and tight two strand twists.

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

WL: Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Conditioner, Garnier Fructis Leave-In-Conditioner, Vidal Sassoon Shampoo/Conditioner, Vidal Sassoon Combing Creme this is by far the sweetest thing you could put in your hair when it’s wet, Tresemme Shampoo/Conditioner, Coconut Oil, a vent brush, and a bunch of thick hair bands.

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

WL: Before going to sleep after taking a shower I’ll brush my hair back and leave it in a ponytail or band it up. When doing so, I’ll sometimes have a wave on for waves or just use my African scarf and a bandanna for my hair for not to frizz up. And sometimes if I feel that I’m pulling my hair back to much I just allow my hair to stay out.

NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

WL: It wasn’t too much of a reaction of being natural really, it was the texture of my hair that shocked everyone and myself. Apparently, I have a sleek type hair with an extremely tight spiral curl pattern that surprised everyone. I myself didn’t know I had sleek hair until I got it flat ironed correctly two weeks ago.

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

WL: That’s a funny question, the best thing about being a curly fry to me is it shows off character from within the person. Because, having a big curly fur ball on your head brings confidence to the person. The bigger the hair the harder they stare you know.

NC: How do you think having curly hair impacts your life?

WL: Having curly hair has definitely impacted my life very hard. It’s more than just hair to me honestly, it’s more of an extension of my culture. From back in the racial times having natural hair was looked at as a low-class type look. And, people would submit to the society and alter themselves forgetting their culture and beauty within themselves as an individual. That’s why whenever I wear my hair out I do it proudly because, natural hair isn’t a trend it’s who you are and your growth as in individual.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

WL: To anyone whose trying to grow your hair out, don’t do it because your friend may look awesome with it. When going natural make it your journey not a journey to be like someone else. Because, everyone has a different character and I’m pretty sure your character will work well with your hair. In addition to all of that you represent a culture that has a unique beauty don’t waste it embrace it.

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects! 

WL: So far I’m part of this African Student Union project for African Night at UNCG November 9th, on top of that a friend of mine doing a short film on African tribal culture that he has me helping him out with at UNCG as well. A major project I want to accomplish is to be natural hair model by getting my hair on every major natural hair blog and Instagrams.

Want to see more photos of Wolfgang? You can find him on Instagram

Video: Zoie’s Natural Hair Detangling Routine for Kids

Zoie’s Detangling Routine

Detangling natural hair is not always fun.

Not only is detangling a difficult process all on its own, but add an active child into the mix and you’ve got your hands full.

So the right products and routine can make a world of difference for both you and your kiddos. Follow this family on wash day as Zoie goes from bath time to styling without shedding a tear.

How does Mom do it? What advice does she have for other mothers? And will the Just For Me Hair Milk products pass the #5fingertest?

Watch the Video

DIY Alternative to Flaxseed Gel

Hate Flaxseed Gel? Try this

Years of curly expertise have taught us that there is no universal curly hair product. What works for your Type 3c, fine, porous hair won’t necessarily work for the next Type 3c, fine, porous curly girl.

There are so many factors that make your curls unique! So while many curlies wax poetic about the wonders of flaxseed gel, it just doesn’t work for others.

When NaturallyCurly user madalemon read The Curly Girl Handbook she decided to give flaxseed gel a try,  but she didn’t like the look or feel that it gave to her hair.

“I experimented and came up with this styling cream. It leaves my hair shiny, soft, defined, and frizz free. I love it! It also doesnt expire like flax seed gel, which is great! This makes a rather small batch, about 1/2 to 1 cup.”  Thank you madalemon for your recipe!

MORE: Flaxseed Gel vs. Aloe Vera Gel

What You’ll Need:

  • 6 tbsp of your favorite moisturizing conditioner
  • 12 tbsp aloe vera gel
  • 2 pinches cinnamon
  • 1/2 tea spoon of your favorite oil (I used EVOO”>
  • 2 tea spoons blue agave nectar
  • Your favorite essential oils (I used tea tree and jasmine”>


Mix all ingredients until the consistency is lighter than a gel but slightly thicker than your average styling cream. Store in a jar or tub for later use.

About the Ingredients:
  • Conditioner adds moisture and works as a nice base for the product 
  • Aloe vera gel seals moisture, adds hold, defines, strengthens damaged hair and fights frizz
  • Cinnamon prevents breakage, reduces fallout, adds a pleasant scent 
  • Essential oils moisturize and strengthen hair 
  • Agave nectar adds light hold, prevents frizz, moisturizes, strengthens and adds shine  

WATCH: DIY Olive Oil Deep Conditioner

For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.

You’ll Want to Pin This Braided Bun Tutorial

Braided Bun Tutorial

Happy Hafroween!

Every Halloween as I search for a costume, I always feel the need to straighten my hair or buy a wig in order for my costume to be a success. That, or I have to be Donna Summer, a bush or my grandmother’s wool ball. After all, a curly vampire is not something you come across every day. This year, I asked myself WHY?

MORE: 10 Curly Costume Ideas

Happy Hafroween

You Can Do Better: DIY Deep Conditioner

Transform Your Favorite Conditioner

Ever get the feeling that despite all of the store bought products out there, you can do better? We get you, and Curly Mixology is the answer. You can transform your favorite conditioner with two ingredients in what has come to be known in the curly community as SMT (Snowymoon’s Moisture Treatment”>. Snowymoon is a member of The Long Hair Community who submitted her favorite recipe and curlies have been using it ever since. 

What You’ll Need:

  • 4 parts conditioner (Snowymoon likes VO5-Sun Kissed Raspberry”>
  • 1 part honey
  • 1 part clear aloe vera gel (such as Fruit of the Earth“>
  • optional oil (such as coconut”>


  1. Mix all of the ingredients
  2. Heat in microwave for 10-15 seconds (just to warm”>
  3. Mix the ingredients again
  4. Apply to clean, wet hair in sections
  5. Leave on for 60 minutes with a shower cap on

What Curlies Say:

“I finger detangled each section–no comb. Detangling was a breeze! … As I rinsed it from my hair the next morning, I could see that my hair was plump and moisturized. I also noted that the treatment had absorbed well overnight.” – What the Kink

“I added about a teaspoon of coconut oil (optional”> … This has worked wonders for my hair and I already have all the ingredients at home! I also like to use Lustrasilk shea/mango cholesterol too. HTH.” – curlykey, Type 3b

“I helped it dry a little by lightly diffusing (mostly because I was afraid of having oil still in my hair”> and, boy, was I surprised to see my curls completely revitalized! They are soft, shiny and bouncy! This recipe is definitely a hit for me and I hope someone else will have similar results!” – cheeks1206, Type 3a

For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.

Curls on the Runway: Get the Look

Curly Bridal Inspiration

Photos Courtesy Of Badgley Mischka Fall 2014 Bridal Presentation

Hair by Felix Fischer for Moroccanoil

Photos by David Webber for Moroccanoil

Honey, You Need to Deep Condition

Honey Deep Conditioner

NaturallyCurly user curly-spirally uses this homemade deep conditioner to hydrate her curls. Our Curl Chemist Tonya McKay does not recommend using honey on your hair by itself, but one great way to obtain the beneficial properties of honey at home is “to combine honey with other oils, or to add just a small amount of it to your existing conditioner.”

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp olive oil


  1. Mix honey with olive oil
  2. Heat in microwave oven to melt
  3. Apply to wet or dry hair
  4. Cover head with a very warm towel for 30 minutes
  5. Wash out with shampoo


What Curlies Say:

“I use this all the time and it works great! It is one of my staple conditioners.” – NaturalG, Type 4c

“This recipe is awesome! My curls look amazing! I added vitamin E to it too but that’s my only modification.” – Samanthabatoul, Type 3b

“Great recipe! Did this today and modified some things, instead of using 1 tablespoons of honey and olive oil I used 2 tablespoons just to make sure it got everywhere, massaged everywhere. I’d recommend using a very hot (not scorching hot”> towel and leave for a nice hour. And instead of just shampooing out, I mixed my coconut-hibiscus Shea moisture shampoo and conditioner together and then conditioned again. Left my hair awesome and soft, not to mention it’s so easy to do. Give 4 out of 5 stars.” – smithnant Type 3b

Do your curls love honey? Then you might like these 6 Honey Hair Treatments!

Have you tried this recipe before? Let us know if it worked for you.

For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.

Vrushali’s Curly Hair Journey
NaturallyCurly: Please introduce yourself!

Vrushali Patil: My name is Vrushali. I am 23 years old and a pilot by profession. I completed my flight training in Sydney, Australia and did my schooling in India, Mumbai. I recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Aviation. My hobbies are painting and craft work. 

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

VP: I had a chemical relaxing treatment done in the year 2008, which permanently straightened my hair. Because of the harmful chemicals that were used, I started facing problems like hair loss, scalp itching, and dandruff. I decided that it was the first and last time I would try the treatment on my hair. One and a half year later, I got my beautiful curls back and I haven’t straightened them since. I love my curls, I feel confident, and I appreciate this natural gift more than I ever did before. 

NC: What’s your current routine?

VP: I don’t have any specific preference of product for my hair. I keep switching between Dove, L’Oreal and Garnier. My hair care routine consist of mostly natural products. I oil my hair after every 2 days and I consume 5-6 almonds, 4-5 dates, sometimes beetroot, and fruits like oranges, all of which are good for skin and hair quality. 

NC: From start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

VP: I oil my hair every 2nd or 3rd day in the morning two hours before washing my hair. I have started using olive oil, sweet almond oil and castor oil and I can definitely feel the difference (you can also add coconut oil to reduce the viscosity”>. I take 2 teaspoons of each oil, mix them well and gently apply the mixture to my scalp. Then I apply the oil from my roots the ends of my hair. Two hours later, I shampoo and condition my hair. I squeeze the excess water from my hair after rinsing and while my hair is still damp, I apply Kerastase Nutritive Oleo Curl, a curl definition cream for thick and curly hair. It give my curls a nice bouncy look and leaves my hair soft for the rest of the day. I let my hair air dry. 

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear?

VP: I love to put all my hair on one side to give a more voluminous and bouncy look. And if I am traveling or attending formal meetings, I simply tie my curls back with a banana clip. 

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

VP: As I mentioned before, I don’t use any specific brand of shampoo or other products. There are many products available in the market to help us keep our curls intact throughout the day, so that is not an issue anymore. The most important issue for us naturally curly girls is the tangling of our hair, which leads to breakage, frizziness, hair loss, etc. I believe that this can be brought under control by oil massage, natural hair spa therapies, consuming good diet and minerals. You’d be surprised to see how things fall into place for your beautiful curly hair. 

NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

VP: Everyone around me loved my hair. My friends and colleagues would come and touch my hair and play with the curls. I am often asked one common question: “Have you permed your hair?!” And I would proudly say ‘NO.’ It is hard for people to believe that someone can have such perfect curls naturally! I am sure the answer to this question is only known by naturally curly girls like us.

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

VP: Before going to bed, I comb my hair gently and get rid of all the tangles. Then I tie a plait. This prevents my hair tangling while I am sleeping.

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

VP: Naturally curly hair is a unique gift from God that few of us are blessed with and we must cherish it. It makes us stand out in the crowd, so go out there and flaunt them, girls! 

15 All-Time Favorite Curly Products – From Our Top Product Reviewer!

We have over 8,000 hair products in our Product Review section, all thoughtfully reviewed by our curly community (that’s you!”>. We wanted to hear from our top reviewer, Laurabeth!

She is a NaturallyCurly veteran and her valuable feedback has helped many of us make smarter, more informed purchase decisions. We asked Laurabeth how she got started reviewing products on NaturallyCurly, and she said she’d always had “a no stone left unturned method of analyzing data.” Her search for the best hair gel and later conditioner led her to create thorough lists on CurlTalk with her reviews, which have been a go-to resource for many curlies ever since!

She has also given us a guide to the types of frizz (spider weby frizz is very different to surface frizz”> and how to adjust your curl routine based on the season. She loves that NaturallyCurly’s “a network of like-minded and conversely-minded curlies with whom I can batter around ideas.”
With all of that knowledge, we were dying to know what Laurabeth’s all-time favorite curly hair products are.

Favorite Curly Products

2013 Best of the Best Winners

Thousands of NaturallyCurly community members have taken the time to share their favorite products, tools and necessities for curly, coily and wavy hair. We have compiled the votes and are excited to announce 2013’s list of holy grail, must have items that every curly girl should try out.

Favorite Oil

Sunny Isle Jamaican Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Favorite Product to Cocktail

Coconut Oil & Shea Butter

Favorite Wavy-Haired Celebrity

Sofia Vergara

Favorite Curly-Haired Celebrity


Favorite Coily-Haired Celebrity

Viola Davis

Favorite Trend for Wavy, Curly or Coily Hair

Natural!! Wash & wear, embrace your curls, air dry, natural-n-go, loose & wild

NaturallyCurly Yearbook: 1998

How old were you in 1998? Were you wearing your hair curly back then? Still relaxing? These are the questions that came up here at NaturallyCurly headquarters when we reflected on our launch 15 years ago.

Here’s a look at the NaturallyCurly team back in 1998, school photos, boy scouts, glamour shots and all! There’s even a classic banister pose.

NaturallyCurly in 1998

The Most Popular Curly Hair Products

Our NaturallyCurly community tries hundreds of products a year (for some of our Product Junkies, they achieve that on their own!”>.

Your thorough and thoughtful reviews help thousands of curlies make smart purchase decisions in their search for their Holy Grail products. We know wearing your hair naturally curly is a learning process of what works, what doesn’t, which ingredients are good or bad and how to use properly use them. It’s a big undertaking! So if you don’t have time to comb through the tens of thousands of product reviews we have on hand, we totally get you.

These are the most popular, thoroughly tested, loved, and reviewed products in NaturallyCurly’s 15 years, and here is what our curly community (you!”> has to say about them. 

15 Most Popular Products

Why Don’t Women Wear Their Hair Natural? This Man Wants to Know

Interview with Follicle Film Director

What’s the difference between “going natural” and “returning to your natural hair state” and what perspective does a man have on this women’s issue? We covered all of that and more in a live video stream on YouTube. We spoke to the director Rhadames Julian about his upcoming natural hair documentary Follicle. His hybrid documentary film is tackling the issues of hair and imagery and how they create barriers that limit people of the African Diaspora from reaching their true identity.

Julian is hoping to incite action with his film, “you’ve heard this all before so it feels mundane, right? The next step is finding out a way to tell the story that changes lives. It’s time to ACT on what we know” says Julian. Follicle is currently in pre-production now, and although their Indiegogo campaign has now ended you can still donate by emailing

Watch the Video

Stay Tuned

If you’d like to be in the loop about our upcoming Live YouTube Hangouts, then follow us on Facebook and Twitter! (Hint: Our next one is Monday, September 23rd at 3pm CST“>.