Search Results: NaturallyCurly

New Year, New Braid: Try the Reverse Fishtail
Although it may look confusing, this hairstyle which YouTuber vloggers Bebexo and Luxy Hair call the “Reverse Fishtail,” isn’t actually that difficult to accomplish for medium-length to long wavy or curly hair. It cuts braiding time in half, since you are actually braiding both sides at once rather than focusing on one side of the braid at a a time.

This hairstyle is quick and simple yet elegant and sophisticated–perfect for a happy hour with the ladies after work.

How to Achieve the Look

  • Divide hair in two equal sections.
  • Use your index fingers to create a part on the outer edge of each half.
  • Take your thumbs, stick each of them into a part, and flip your wrists.
  • Switch each strand between your thumbs and index fingers.
  • Grab a piece of hair from the outer edge of one half.
  • Add that piece of hair under and into the other half.
  • Repeat this process.
  • Use a little finishing spray to tame fly-aways if you need to.

photos courtesy of: Bebexo & LuxyHair

NEXT: Love ‘Em Or Leave ‘Em: 6 Trends From 2013

Why We Love That Natural Girl from Beyonce’s Instagram

“Did you see that girl dancing to Yonce on Beyonce’s Instagram?”

If you haven’t been asked this question at least once this week, brace yourself. The name Charlizey1 (full name Charlize Glass”> is on the lips of Beyonce fans, naturalistas, and dancers alike right now. The post already has 436 thousand likes, and that’s only the beginning.

Here are the top 5 reasons WE love Charlize Glass.

5 Reasons to Love Charlizey1

Homemade Mayonnaise Deep Conditioner

One of our curly users, curlgirl3902, shows us how to achieve length, moisture, and volume with this recipe.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 3/4 cup of mayonnaise
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tbsp honey


Combine all ingredients in blender (or mix by hand”>. Cover with a shower cap. Leave in hair for 30 minutes – 1 hour. Rinse with cold water.

For more easy and awesome curly recipes, check out our Curly Mixology page.

WATCH: How to Style Curly Hair

For many curlies, it can take years (even decades”> to discover the right way to style their curls. Watch how Megan gives her naturally loose curls definition and body with just a light mousse and a touch of diffusing.

Megan starts by blotting excess moisture out of her very gently with an old t-shirt. Then she applies a leave-in conditioner by scrunching the product through the ends of her hair, avoiding the roots. She follows up with a light mousse and then wraps her hair in a turban made from an old t-shirt.

Being able to watch the styling routines of so many innovative curly-haired women on YouTube makes us wonder: how did we ever survive without it?

What You’ll Need

This video is sponsored by ORS Curls Unleashed

DIY Banana & Egg Hair Mask

On Living Almost Naturally, we saw this banana and egg recipe that can be used to give moisture to dry or damaged hair and just had to share it.

What You’ll Need

  • 2 ripe-overripe bananas
  • One egg
  • Bowl
  • Blender
  1. Take 2 ripe-overripe bananas and place in blender. Add in one egg into blender and mix until the bananas are completely smooth.  (You want to make sure that there are NO chunks left in your bananas because that will be difficult to remove from your hair.”>
  2. Pour into a bowl and then smooth over your hair making sure to cover your ends especially.  If you have a shower cap you can place that on but if not take a hair clip and pin hair on top of your head.
  3. Letsit for 10-15 minutes and then wash out in shower.
For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.
5 Winter Must-Haves for the Smart Curly Girl

‘Tis the season! And, as you prepare for a cold winter holiday, or a busy rush of friends and family or, even a relaxing vacation on the beach, chances are you’re time may be a bit limited. That’s why having a little “must have” kit for your curls can always be helpful. Picking out your favorite products may be a bit difficult, especially if you’re limited to just five. However, once you have your must haves kit together, you’ll see just how much time you can save.

Every curly varies in curl type, so finding the right product may take some experimenting at first. Here are a few suggestions to pick from for your top five:

The Must Haves List

Olive Oil & Honey Conditioner

Olive Oil & Honey Conditioner

We love olive oil, and we love honey – so this conditioner recipe was a natural progression! NaturallyCurly user parisienne_girl shared her simple recipe for an olive oil and honey conditioner anyone can enjoy. If your hair is fine or you don’t like the smell of olive oil, NC member IM1Curly1 substituted a light olive oil and said it worked a charm.

What You’ll Need

  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil


  1. Mix the ingredients into a bowl until they make a paste
  2. Lightly shampoo and use a light condition if you need to detangle knots
  3. Work the paste though your hair from roots to tips
  4. Wrap up in plastic and leave it for 10-15 minutes
  5. Rinse in the shower, never the bath, unless you want to get covered in oil!

For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.

Frizz Free Workout: At-Home Keratin Treatment

Time, gym fees, social engagements – we know there are a million reasons standing between you and your workout, but hair should never be one of them.

In this video Nikki demonstrates how she keeps her curls frizz-free all week long with regular work outs and a busy schedule. She uses the at-home You Be-Natural Keratin Strengthening & Conditioning System to fight frizz but KEEP her curls.

We know the Naturally Curly World had a lot of questions about the new You Be-Natural Keratin Strengthening & Conditioning System, so the folks at You Be-Natural sent us their products and we put them to the test. These products contain no formaldehyde, no hydroxide and no thioglycolate. They claim to make hair humidity resistant, so we put them to the test in Texas heat and a few rigorous workouts! Watch the video to see how Nikki’s curls held up against push-ups, squats and sit-ups.

This post is sponsored by You-Be Natural

Silky Smooth: 3 Ways to Protect Your Curls This Winter

The winter season may be a great reason to give yourself the gift of silk and satin – well, to give your hair the gift of silk or satin.

Sleep Well

The benefits of using these materials for curly hair are numerous, and most curlies agree that they notice less to no breakage when they use a satin or silk pillowcase at night. Satin and silk pillowcases help to retain the much needed moisture in your hair.

With the winter months being very dry, your curls will need as much moisture as they can get. These pillowcase will also help if you have problems with tangles and knots. (PS they also make great gifts for young curly girls! sating pillowcases in hot pink, purple and bright green are sure to “wow” a young one, and keep her curls in shape too!”>.

If you’re someone who loves natural fibers, try a silk pillowcase instead of satin. Though the satin pillowcases may be less costly and easier to find, you may want to try one of each and see which one works best for you, and your hair.

Once you start using a satin or silk pillowcase, you will certainly notice the difference and may just get addicted to the way it feels not only on your hair, but your skin as well.

Tie it Up

And you don’t have to limit yourself to silk and satin in the bedroom – try some silk scarves this winter too. They can be a curl’s best friend in dry, cold winter weather. Silk and satin scarves come in endless patterns, colors and lengths – you’re sure to find a few that work for you. Use scarves to tie your hair up at night and secure with some metal clips; wear out to work, or protect your hair from cold winter winds. You can change to wearing the same scarf around your neck, or even as a belt, once you get to work or a festive holiday party.

Put a Lid On It

Silk and satin bonnets are also a great way to protect your hair at night. If you’re trying out twists, braids or other styles, using a silk or satin bonnet can help keep your hair soft, defined and well moisturized as you sleep.

Give your locks the gift of silk and satin this winter, you’re sure to notice a difference in just a short time, and your curls will thank you.

Treat Yourself: It’s National Cocoa Day!

December 13th is National Cocoa Day! And what a perfect time of year to celebrate Cocoa. The warmth and delicious smells from hot cocoa are always a favorite around the holiday season.

Cocoa trees, it’s believed, first grew in South America, and today, cocoa trees can be found throughout the world. Like wine, cocoa varies on taste depending on where it comes from , therefore, you may just notice different flavors in certain favorite chocolates from time to time. And, take the time to appreciate that delicious cup of cocoa or chocolate bar because it takes about 300 to 600 cocoa beans to make two pounds of chocolate!

Cocoa & Your Curls

So what about cocoa and curls? Cocoa butter is the substance that is obtained from cocoa beans, it’s a by product of chocolate – and curlies know that cocoa butter is a must for cold weather, frizz and soft skin too!

What will you use cocoa butter for? Use it as a deep conditioning treatment once or twice a week, depending on your hair type. You’ll notice how much softer and easier to manage your hair will become. Cocoa butter won’t weigh your hair down and it will help to moisturize your hair and scalp. You can also use it as a pre-shampoo conditioning treatment.

Try it!

Put some cocoa butter (found online or in health food stores”> in a cup and melt it in your microwave until it’s a liquid. Apply the oil/liquid to your hair for about 15-20 minutes then shampoo.

You can use cocoa butter as a pomade to help style your hair and keep frizz away as well. Just rub a small amount of cocoa butter in your palms, and smooth over your hair. You can mix a bit of coconut oil or an essential oil with it to give it a scent as well.

For brunettes who want to add some sheen and a tint of color depth to their hair, a cocoa hair mask may be something to try out too:

Mix a cup of pure aloe gel, 1/2 cup of pure cocoa powder and 1/4 cup of honey, 1 tblspn of favorite conditioner (Suave coconut is a good one to try”>.  Mix the ingredients in a bowl and you’re left with a great smelling treatment for brunettes.

There are also a number of products on the market that feature cocoa butter blends for your hair and skin. Darcy’s Botanicals, Cocoa Curl, Shea Moisture and  Dr. Bronner’s are just a few.

A Curly Christmas Tale

This is a different kind of Christmas story, one you haven’t heard before. But we have a hunch you can relate to the heroine in this tale – and the monster!

NaturallyCurly’s resident curly comic Tall N Curly tells the tale of a princess, the queen and a familiar villain, the Abominable Frizz Monster.

Vanessa VanDyke: We Think Your Hair Is Awesome

Vanessa VanDyke natural hair

Dear Vanessa,
Our inbox is filled with messages from women outraged at how you’ve been treated at school.  We know what it is like to be bullied because of our naturally curly hair. We think it’s wrong that you have been singled out by classmates and worst of all, grown ups. School is a place where you should be safe to learn and grow as a young woman. It should be a place to learn about cultures different from your own. A place to embrace differences not expel them.
We are in awe of your bravery and maturity in this situation. We also admire your mother, who no doubt taught you to stand up for yourself.
Vanessa, your hair is not a distraction. You shouldn’t have to alter yourself to fit in. For what it is worth, the online community here at thinks your hair is beautiful however you decide to wear it.
If you ever need a daily dose of inspiration and encouragement, the NaturallyCurly crew is here for you.

 Twelve year old Vanessa VanDyke recently faced explusion from her school because the way she wore her natural hair did not comply with the school’s guidelines. As of  our letter’s publish date, the administration maintains that her hair must fit within the school’s guidelines. Read the full story here
UPDATE: Faith Christian Academy released a video statement on December 1, 2013 concerning the recent media coverage. Watch the video here

Baby It’s Cold Outside: Winter Routine for Curly Kids

The cooler temperatures are upon us and you may be noticing some changes in your child’s skin, bodies and hair too.

The effects of cooler weather and less humidity are usually welcomed by curls, but, they too may take some time to transition into a new pattern. Arranging for a healthy bed time routine can make it easier for you, and your child, to keep after their curls.

Adjusting your bed time routine for the change in weather can be a challenge, but keeping up with it will, in the long run, make thing easier for you and your child.

As you create your routine, if your child is old enough, talk to them about why you’re making a routine, or making changes to an existing one. Let them be part of your conversation and planning.

Steps for good night (easy morning”> curls:

  1. Clean your child’s hair up with a good cut or trim. Ask your stylist for suggestions if you need help with an easy to keep style for your child.

  2. Use a child-friendly shampoo and conditioner. Visit CurlMart for suggestions on natural, non-toxic products. Be sure not to “overwash” – you may only need to shampoo on every other night and continue to condition and add moisture to your child’s hair as you see needed.

  3. Detangle when your child is in the tub. Use a wide-tooth comb on their wet locks to make it easier and tear free. If your child is a little older, show them what to do as you work product into their hair and detangle.

  4. If you notice dry ends or scalp, try some leave in conditioner.  There may also be a favorite leave-in spray that can be easier to apply for younger ones.

  5. Once they’re out of the bath, add a favorite gel or styling product in moderation. Try a little less than you would normally use as there may be less humidity in the air and less need for heavier (or more”> products.

  6. Like you may do with your own curls, you the “plopping” method with a wet towel to slightly dry their hair afterwards.

  7. You may want to wrap their hair in a silk scarf to sleep, or try a satin pillow case for them to sleep on at night – there are some great colors and patterns for kids – they’ll love having a “special hair” pillow case!

Have patience. Routines are periods of time where patience is well tested. See what works for you, and what doesn’t. But within just a few short weeks you’ll have a routine that works for you and your child.

DIY All-In-One Styler

Make Your Own Styler

NaturallyCurly community member musica_al uses this recipe to condition and enhance her curls. She uses this all-in-one spray to refresh and revive her mid-day curls. As with all recipes, it’s best to experiment and find out what works for you. For example “in hot weather you can leave out oil and add a bit of honey and/or aloe.”

What You’ll Need

  • 1 cup hot water
  • 2 Tbsp conditioner
  • 2 tsp salt (epsom works well”>
  • 1 Tbsp oil (olive, jojoba, or your favorite”>
  • 1/3 cup gel


  1. Put all ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well, and refrigerate.
  2. Spray on wet hair to style or dry hair to refresh or revive hair mid-day.

If you try this recipe out for yourself, be sure to leave a reviewand let other curlies know how it worked for you.

WATCH: DIY Olive Oil Deep Conditioner

For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.

The Products Our Editors Are Thankful For

Did you ever go around the table on Thanksgiving day and share what you were most thankful for? A variation of that conversation happens in the NaturallyCurly kitchen most days of the week, except we like to dish about products, naturally.

These are the products that changed our lives, made high school easier to bear, and saved us in curly crises. 

Products We’re Thankful For

Tear-Free Detangling Tips For Kids

Caring for little ones with curls can be quite a chore!

Their highly active play habits combined with their natural curls and kinks can make for some big tangles, at times. Luckily, with the right tools and know-how, these tangled situations can be easy to avoid, and easy to repair.

4 Tear-Free Detangling Tips

DIY Peppermint Pre-poo

NaturallyCurly user CurlyConundrum shared her recipe for a DIY pre-poo, and it’s so simple we can’t believe we didn’t think of it ourselves! With just two ingredients, you can “deliver a blast of moisture to your scalp and hair.” She finds that it helps to detangle curls, while protecting hair from being stripped of its natural oils.

What You’ll Need

  • coconut oil 1 – 2 tbsp (olive oil works too”>
  • peppermint oil 5 – 10 drops


Thirty minutes prior to showering, wet your hands with the mixture and rub it into your scalp and hair from roots to end. You can also leave it on overnight for a conditioning treatment.

If you try this recipe out for yourself, be sure to leave a review and let other curlies know how it worked for you.

WATCH: DIY Olive Oil Deep Conditioner

Sarah’s Curly Hair Journey

NaturallyCurly : Please introduce yourself!

Sarah Odon: My name is Sarah. I am 23 years old, and I am from Reunion Island which is a small French island near Madagascar. I have been traveling a lot for the past few years and I am currently working in Dubai!

NC: How and when did you start embracing your curls?

SO: I actually had my hair straight for 3 years doing all sort of permanent treatments such as the Japanese straightening and the Brazilian blowout. Needless to say that these treatments are expensive on the long term and hard to keep up with. So in 2012 I decided to go natural, I cut the remaining straight ends (about 5 inches!!”> and tried to “embrace” my curls even though I truly wanted to go back to straight sometimes.

NC: What’s your current routine?

SO: My routine remains the same but the products change very often as I love to try new products. I usually wash my hair once to twice a week (the night prior I would apply pure coconut oil to all over my hair and sleep with it”>.

I dry it with a synthetic towel. If you want to reduce frizz invest in a synthetic towel, your hair will thank you and surprisingly it’s very affordable.

After that I detangle with a wide comb brush (but if I am feeling lazy I would use a normal brush”> and then it usually goes in this order:

1. Cream or leave-in : because I put a good quantity of leave-in I always look for products that have good quality/price ratio. The ones I found good are:

  • Fructis Sleek & Shine Leave-in
  • One ‘n Only Argan Oil Curl Cream
  • Curls Goddess Curl Gel

2. Mousse : I put a small quantity of mousse because it usually contains alcohol and can really dry your hair, but I find that it can also give a nice definition to the curl when you “crunch” it to your hair.

3. Serum: the final touch that makes all the difference in my opinion. The serum will leave my hair shiny and with no frizz (which I hate so much by the way!”>. One or two pumps and you are good to go!

After that I let it air dry, I never never never use a blow dryer and even in winter (call me crazy!”> I also used to let it air dry.

NC: From start to finish, on a curly day, what’s your process?

SO: On a working day my job requires that I tie back my hair in low bun so I don’t have to worry about 2nd nor 3rd hair day. Otherwise I just co-wash my hair with conditioner and repeat the routine above.

NC: What are your favorite hairstyles to wear?

SO: High buns definitely ! it’s so easy to make and very versatile. Messy for a beach day, very high for a sweaty work out at the gym or a clean version for a diner out. In warm countries such as here in Dubai, it’s very convenient as temperatures can reach the 110 degrees.

NC: What are your must-have products and tools?

SO: I could survive without all the products I have been using, but without a leave-in conditioner it would be very difficult!

NC: What about your hair stylist?

SO: As I travel often I’ve never had a fix hairdresser that I go all the time to. Actually I only go to hairdressers 2 or 3 times a year for trimming my hair or for a blow dry when I have a special event.

As I don’t do anything complicated to my hair I always try to look for school hairdresser in the city I am in, that’s my tip for girls on budget!

NC: What do you do at nighttime for your hair?

SO: I used to do the pineapple routine but I think my hair is too long for that now so I just sleep with a very high bun or braid it. My next purchase will be a satin pillow case to keep the hair frizz free.

NC: What reaction did you get when you first decided to go natural?

SO: Only positive! Most of the people like my hair curly rather than straight. They think it suits my personality and my mixed origins better. So my change was very well accepted and encouraged. It’s great to receive compliments because every time I am thinking of going back to straight I try to remember all the positive comments I received.

NC: What is the best thing about being curly?

SO: I think having a big curly head makes me stand out more and people tend to remember me more easily. Now that I think of it, I realize that I have almost never received a compliment about my hair when it was straight and now that it’s curly there is always someone asking whether it is my natural hair or telling me how they love it!

NC: How do you think having curly hair has impacted your everyday life?

SO: I used to not like my curly hair at all but I think that when trying to embrace it and live with it, and you receive positive feedback, it makes you realize that sometimes you put yourself down for nothing. It actually gave me back a bit of self confidence and taught me to turn a challenge into an advantage. And this can be applied to everything about us, not only hair !

NC: What would you tell others to encourage them to embrace their curls?

SO: I might not be the right person to speak about embracing your curls because it took me a while to do so, but what worked for me was to find a good routine that my hair responded well too and as I said before, I always kept in the back of my mind all the positive comments that I received from people (especially strangers because they have no reason to lie to me”> and tell myself that my curls are not that bad and somewhere in the world, some people wish they had it.

NC: Tell us about your current and upcoming projects.

SO: In terms of hairstyle, I would like to go for a lighter color such as caramel or golden brown, maybe even highlights but I am fearing the dye damage so maybe I would wait a little bit before that.

NC: Where can we find you on the web?

SO: You can follow me on Instagram, there is not much hair picture but from time to time you can sneak peak on how my hair is doing! Sarah97435