Search Results: NaturallyCurly

Can Fish Oil Really Make Your Hair Grow?

There are many reported remedies that supposedly help with the process of growing out your hair. Many people are intent on the idea that there are certain vitamins that are useful for different hair goals, and one of the most popular notions is the idea that fish oil specifically, can aid in hair growth.

Salmon and eggs

There is a lot to consider when adding a new element to your health or haircare routine, so let’s take a closer look.

What is fish oil?

This essential vitamin can be found in either liquid form or soft gels and the several healthy benefits come from the high levels of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Foods like salmon, brussel sprouts, and eggs are naturally filled with this nutrient, but if you are not eating a diet with fish oil regularly, supplememts are a great alternative. Omega-3 fatty acids are not naturally occurring or produced by the human body, so outside sources, such as fish and certain vegetables, are the only way to get them.

What are the benefits of fish oil?

The Omega-3 nutrients found in fish oil can have a ton of health benefits that make it worth adding to your lifestyle. According to Harvard Health, “Omega-3 fatty acids play important roles in brain function, normal growth and development, and inflammation. Deficiencies have been linked to a variety of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, some cancers, mood disorders, arthritis, and more.” The most prominent and researched of this area is the cardiovascular benefit. In fact, the University of Maryland Medical Center claims, “Fish oil has been shown to lower levels of triglycerides (fats in the blood”>, and to lower the risk of death, heart attack, stroke, and abnormal heart rhythms in people who have already had a heart attack. Fish oil also appears to help prevent and treat atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries”> by slowing the development of plaque and blood clots, which can clog arteries.”

Will fish oil help hair grow?

While taking fish oil for your heart makes sense, let’s get back to the hair growth part. Hair growth is a result of healthy hair. Fish oil won’t make hair grow instantly since hair growth is more complicated than that. However, fish oil can help improve the overall hair cycle balance while also helping to lessen the effects of hair loss. The Omega-3 fatty acids can also aid in making the scalp healthier which will help with growth. All new growth starts with a healthy scalp! It is important to note that healthy hair and thereby hair growth aren’t affected by just one factor. For instance, if you incorporate fish oil into your routine, but don’t give your hair the proper daily care it needs, your hair growth goals might still be unachievable. Adding fish oil is a good start to a well-balanced approach to maintaining the overall health of your hair!

How to add fish oil?

Your hair will get the most benefit from eating 2-3 servings of lean fish a week. The body does a much better job of absorbing any type of nutrient, such as Omeg-3 fatty acids, though the natural course of digestion. If you do not enjoy eating fish, supplements of fish oil are an alternative that will still offer most of the same benefits. You can also apply fish oil directly to your strands for a quick fix, but you will want to mix it with something else to cut the smell, such as olive oil or coconut oil, and wash your hair thoroughly to remove that fishy smell. If you aren’t a fan of the smell or taste, your best bet will inevitably be adding fish oil in the form of a soft gel.

How to Get the Wet Look for Mermaid Vibes All Day
Model: Makayla Taylor Photographer: Gabby Arevalo

While there’s something to be said for simple-chic ‘dos, sometimes you want your curls to convey a whole lifestyle vibe instead of just a style. And giving them the wet look is a great example.

Imagine: Mermaid vibes all day? We’re here for it. And here’s how to do the “dew” without damage.

First things first, determine what your porosity is!

Depending on whether you have higher or lower porosity, this look might vary in levels of difficulty. Lower porosity hair will have the glossy products sit on top of it much more easily, but if your curls are thirstier, have no fear! You can still look freshly splashed. Give your hair a spritz of real water beforehand so your strands fill up on the appetizers… so to speak.

Are you coily?

As long as you’re not yet loc-ed, this look still isn’t out of reach! Finger coils,roller or braid stretched hair, or even blown out hair can take to the waves with the wet look with no problem! Just grab a heat protectant serum that also touts shine as one of its main qualities, especially if your hair is higher porosity! Smooth n’ Shine and Creme of Nature are a couple of brands that can help you out with offerings on that front.

Once you’ve lain the foundation, you’re going to want to grab a strong hold, high-shine gel to start the look.

How strong should you go?

How strong of a gel you’ll use is going to depend on your hair type AND hair density though! If you’ve got finer and/or wavier hair, look for the products that coilies swear by to give them light definition, like Oyin Handmade’s Shine and Define Serum. If your hair is tighter coiled and/or more dense, reach for something with maximum hold like Ecostyler with Argan Oil.

As you’re going over your curls, rub the gel in your hands first so you don’t end up with clumps. The amount you use is going to depend on your own hair length, type, and density, but the goal here is to get everything nice and saturated.

Since you don’t want just one wet looking lump though, you’re going to want to scrunch, roll, or twirl your curls from roots to tips in order to get some good definition. Once you’re all gelled, take a deep breath in and hold it while you add some medium-hold hairspray like Eluence’s All Day Hold to set the look. Remember, the gel is for the ‘wetness’! Your spray here is going to be what locks that slick shine in.

A word of caution about the wet look!

This isn’t exactly a style for every day, curl friends. Saturating your hair with gel on the regular is going to weigh down your strands with a lot of layers of buildup that’s going to be less sea goddess and more polluted ocean. Make sure you’re using a clarifying shampoo the next washday, and you’ll be good to go!

Are you ready to have the motion of the ocean in your curls? Tag us @naturallycurly if you try this splashy style!

Does Eating Meat Affect Hair Growth?
Photo Courtesy of Micah Schure. Instagram @micahschure Photo by: Benjamin Askinas

Ever heard the term “Garbage in, garbage out?” Well curlies, despite the fact that a mystery meat McRib here and there isn’t going to send you into an ashy malnutritious spiral, the phrase still holds very true as far as nutrition and your hair.

Although it’s very possible to have too much of a good thing when it comes to monitoring what you consume, it’s no surprise that with so much emphasis put on eating right for beautiful hair, people have been experimenting just as much with the ingredients in their diet as they have with ingredients in their hair products. And one of the most controversial inclusion concerns as far as healthful meals has been with meat.

So, let’s bottom line it. Does eating meat affect hair growth?

The quick answer to this question is yes; but, as with all nutrition concerns, it’s more complicated than a yes or no answer. Meat is high in protein which is one of the most essential nutrients needed for healthy hair. Your hair is literally made up of a protein after all, even if keratin is a considerably less appetizing one. Hair growth is one of many bodily functions directly impacted by how much protein you can absorb so it’s easy to see why there is so much emphasis put on including it in a complete diet. According to Lisa Caddy, a certified trichologist with Philip Kingsley, a top expert in hair and scalp health from London, eating meat is about more than just the protein. Red meat in particular is essential because it is rich in sources of a substance called ferritin. This stored iron compound helps the body to produce hair cell proteins. “If you have a [ferritin] deficiency, the growth of hair cells can be badly affected … vegans, vegetarians, and those who choose not to eat red meats are most susceptible. This is especially true of menstruating women,” says Caddy, who also asserts that ferritin deficiency is often the most common cause of hair loss in women.

Should vegetarians be concerned?

If you’re a newly minted vegetarian or vegan, you might be pretty concerned right about now. But as your fellow herbivores can tell you, there’s no need! While meat is an important, and readily available source of protein, it’s hardly the only one! Beef, poultry, and seafood have the highest protein concentration, but other sources for this essential nutrient include vegetarian-friendly options like beans, lentils, peanut butter, almonds, edamame, and more. As long as your cooking (or ordering”> techniques are up to par, you don’t have to sacrifice flavor or hair-healthy nutrient load if you’re keeping the animal kingdom off of your menu.

Of course that raises the question: Are certain proteins better than others?

When it comes to your overall health, it has been suggested that lean proteins such as salmon and chicken breast are healthier than red meat varieties like steak. And of course, cutting other food types from your diet in favor of all meat, all the time might lead to overconsumption of animal fats, and circulatory issues that will definitely halt hair growth. Then again, the ferritin content we mentioned is higher in red meats…so what’s the answer? As with every aspect of health, balance is the key.

It would be incorrect to say meat is the only thing that affects hair growth, there are other elements as well, such as vitamin D and iron which both help scalp circulation and properly caring for the scalp to encourage follicle health, that also play a role in hair growth.

Remember to take a holistic approach with your curls rather than zeroing in on any one aspect, and you’ll be your best textured self!

What Kiwi Can Do For Hair Loss

It seems like every time you turn around, a new superfood is being praised.

From coconut oil to avocados, the curly hair world has a ton of tried and true natural remedies for those taking a DIY approach, or anyone taking care to read the ingredient lists (hint, that should be everyone”>. It’s kiwi on deck this time around, but do keep this in mind: not everything works for every hair type! Sometimes we have to go through a few different trending ingredients to find what works for us, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Every curly has different needs! And now, for those of us with worries about premature signs of aging hair, it’s kiwi’s turn to shine, and help your curls do the same!

Take a look at what this tangy tropical treatment can do for you!

Preventing Early Graying

One of the biggest benefits of kiwi for hair is that it can help prevent premature color loss and graying. Kiwi flesh contains copper, one of the trace elements our bodies need to function properly. While graying is an inevitable, and beautiful, part of maturing curls, graying at an early age can be indicative of not getting enough of those smaller concentrations of metals and minerals in your diet. Slice some kiwifruit into your breakfast smoothie and get your pennies’ worth!

Fighting Hair Loss

Nothing encourages growth like getting all your fruits and veggies, right? Right. Kiwi can help you with hair loss and slow growth because it’s packed with essential vitamins, such as vitamins C and E, as important trace minerals like zinc, magnesium, and phosphorous—all of which work together to fight hair loss. How, you ask? It’s all on the inside. These nutrients are known to stimulate blood circulation, which is essential for a healthy scalp and hair growth (as well as life in general”>. Think of it as a way to massage your scalp from the inside! And as we know, the healthier your scalp is, the less likely you are to lose strands at an accelerated rate. In fact, having the right amount of vitamin C in your diet specifically can make a difference in a major way! According to Progressive Health, “When you have enough vitamin C in your system, you will have the nutrients you need to help produce collagen, which is necessary for healthy skin, bones, ligaments, muscles and blood tissues.” We’re not arguing with that.

Combating Dryness

So you’re eating kiwi. Great! They’re delicious. But what if you’re looking for a more topical solution? Grab your juicer, you can do that too! Because kiwifruit is acidic (that’s the vitamin C”>, you’ll want to keep metals away from your mixture, so break out the plastic juicers and wooden forks. And unless you feel like being the bees’ best friends the rest of the day, you’ll want to make sure any DIY treatment with kiwi is a rinse-out one. Just because we all want to save them doesn’t mean they can’t be a little distracting after all. Strain (and eat!”> any chunky bits with a cheesecloth, funnel the juice into a spray bottle, and use as a moisture boosting pre-poo!

If you aren’t interested in a DIY approach, you can still get in on the action. You can opt for hair care products that have kiwi as part of their formula such as Creme of Nature’s Kiwi & Citrus Ultra Moisturizing Shampoo, or ORS’ Curls Unleashed Sage & Kiwi Intense Hair Conditioner, to add it to your washing and conditioning routine. You can even get it in styling products like SoCozy Behave Medium Hold Peachy-Keen Styling Mousse!

Are you ready to try this fuzzy powerhouse in your curls? Have you already? Let us know in the comments!

GIVEAWAY: Win a 1-Year Supply of FORM Beauty!

Get What You Deserve: A 1-Year Supply of FORM!

Tired of spending hours scouring retail shelves for products made for your texture? Disappointed by leave-ins and cleansers and stylers that do literally nothing for your curls?

Get the moisture, softness, strength, and hydration you deserve with a year supply of FORM!

From October 23rd to December 22nd, NaturallyCurly and FORM will be accepting entries from those of you that want to WIN a 1-year supply of 5 FORM products! This giveaway will award 1 lucky Grand Prize Winner with a curl and texture consultation to determine which FORM products are most suitable to their curls. ($700 value”>

50 Runners Up will receive 1 full-size bottle of Multitask 3-in-1 Leave-In Lotion. ($32 value”>

The giveaway closes on Friday, December 22, 2017.

How to Enter the Giveaway:

Use the FORM Beauty Giveaway email entry (see form below”> for a chance to WIN!

Thanks for entering the giveaway! If you already follow @NaturallyCurly on Twitter or Instagram, you won’t get an extra entry. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

Could You Ever Give Up Your Heat Tools?

Photo Courtesy of Leilani Lealaimatafao. Instagram: leilaniorange

As curlies, we all know that using heat tools is playing with fire.

Almost literally at that. When used the right way, higher temperatures can help with deep conditioning to open up the cuticle for better penetration and help set your style when you’re ready to change things up. But when used the wrong way, it can lead to brittle, breakable strands lightening the load of your curls by having them fall off your head completely.

If you’re finding that your heating wrongs aren’t making anything right, it might be a good time to consider going without them for a bit.

Obviously using heat post-wash, has the potential for a drying effect—yes, even when you’re not using an actual blowdryer. Chicago-based hairstylist, Anna Jackson, told DailyMakeover “Heat rapidly dries out hair, and if your hair is already colored or just naturally dry, then you will have to trim your hair more often and use masque conditioners to help keep the moisture in. Hot tools can also make hair look crispy and create split ends if overused.”

No thanks to all of that.

If you’re ready to start saving time on heat styling, saving money on split end treatments, and saving your curls’ integrity, the alternatives couldn’t be easier!

Take air drying for example. When we say some curl methods are quick, natural, and easy, we can’t get much more into those pluses than we do with this. If you have time, ie, not before bed or work, wring your curls out once your last rinse is done, and either leave them be, or put them in detangled twists depending on your personal curl concentration. Check out how NaturallyCurly’s own Amanda does it!

If you have high porosity or chemically lightened hair, and you’re worried that air drying is going to introduce more frizz in your life, you’re not wrong to! But before you reach for the dryer again, try investing in microfiber towels or turbans! Not only are they better for your hair than your typical terrycloth, they also absorb water even faster. Bonus, you won’t have to worry about getting your cute graphic tees all soggy. Try out DevaCurl’s Anti-Frizz Microfiber Towel if you’re a toussler with time to sit and air out, or the Aquis Essentials Turban if you’re more into multitasking while the excess water soaks on up! If you’re a coily that needs to twist those locks immediately to prevent knotting, consider patting or turbaning those twists after they’re formed to help the core of those twists dry a little faster.

Don’t think you can quit?

If your curls aren’t color treated, or otherwise fragile, heat tools don’t necessarily have to be the enemy. But that doesn’t mean you can just put your hair on blast! Use medium heat instead of instantly flipping the switch to the highest setting, and focus on drying and straightening your roots rather than giving all your attention to the older, weaker strands. Make sure you’re up on your deep conditioning, leave-in, and heat protectant game to keep those curls healthy!

Are you ready to take the heat off your hair? Let us know in the comments if you have, or even if you can’t!

This Bad Diet Habit is Hurting Your Hair Growth
Photo Courtesy of @mominatu Instagram

We all know that achieving healthy and beautiful hair is not an overnight process and is affected by several factors – some of which we have control over. One of those factors that we can control is our diet. Most discourse about hair health focuses on hair products and regimen, but what we consume is actually just as important. We often forget to acknowledge how our diet contributes to our hair health, and how our addiction to sugar specifically, can negatively impact hair growth. Sugar may make life sweeter, but too much artificial or added sugars may be affecting your hair journey.

So, how do sugar and hair growth relate to one another? It has become an accepted concept in the beauty industry that too much sugar is bad for your skin. It can leave your skin prone to breakouts, premature aging, and discoloration. Research has found these effects for your skin and they are widely accepted now, but the relationship between sugar and our hair is not as commonly understood. Sugar has been proven to have negative impacts on the scalp and hair, but the good thing is, you have complete control over how much you consume. Not only that, but changing your eating habits can help your curls reach their full potential directly AND indirectly! April went over the disciplinary aspects of cutting out sugars, and the unexpected bonus effects mindful shopping and consuming will have on your hair.

norbit cake

We have all heard of a sugar rush. This rush gets the name from the way humans have blood sugar spikes after consuming sugar faster than the body can metabolize it, which causes insulin and steroid levels to rise rapidly. Inflammation is also a result of a blood sugar spike.

“When inflammation is constantly driven by high glycemic and high sugar diets, it messes with the immune system and that is where the high sugar diets are coming more into play with hair health,” Dr. Apple Bodemer, an assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, told The Today Show. This process creates a rise in insulin and androgens which bind with follicles to cause hair loss.

When inflammation is constantly driven by high glycemic and high sugar diets, it messes with the immune system and that is where the high sugar diets are coming more into play with hair health

According to Dr. Batra’s, a homeopathy clinic that specializes in hair loss, “One study published in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Risk found that women with some markers of insulin resistance have a greater risk for androgenic alopecia (AGA”>, or female pattern baldness.”

Consuming too much sugar will leave you with thinning hair and may be why you aren’t experiencing any new growth.

If you are wondering how sugar relates to growth, aside from thinning hair, it is important to note a few things. Excessive sugar consumption can throw off the chemicals inside your body that create hair growth. Remember, healthy hair capable of growing starts with the foods you eat. It should also be noted that there are healthy sugars that are preferred over artificial ones. Any whole food, such as fruits, that have naturally occurring sugar are actually good for your health and hair since they aren’t processed. The goal is to avoid artificial sugars, as well as foods or drinks that add extra sugar to the recipe. Gerilyn detailed the hidden sugar issue a little further, and it’s a real eye-opener!

The goal is to avoid artificial sugars, as well as foods or drinks that add extra sugar to the recipe.

So, the next time that sweet tooth starts talking, try to satisfy it with a bowl of fruit instead of strawberry syrup on top of ice cream! Here at NaturallyCurly headquarters, a handful of our editors and staff are doing the exact same thing in our No Sugar Challenge.Alex detailed the expected results!.

But don’t think restricting sweetners and starches means you’ll starve!

Lauren hooked us all up with a list of recipies that are both filling AND compliant in our 2-week challenge! Devri also went into what to expect when you’re expecting those sugar withdrawals, and how best to keep your head up in all the sweet sweet madness (and among the friends and family that can and will wave pastries in your face”>.

Have you tried cutting artifical sugars from your diet? Let us know in the comments.

The Gorgeous Braided Style Anyone Can DIY

While new looks are always fun to try out, there is a reason some have remained staples. If you’re rocking box braids right now you may be looking for ways to change them up or just get them off your neck, and this DIY high bun with box braids is a protective style anyone can do.

Lesley @freshlengths
Photo courtesy of @freshlengths

This style is perfect for a day-time professional look at the office, a dinner date after work, or a night out with friends, which makes it a go-to for many natural women. If you regularly wear your hair in box braids, you probably know the few setbacks that come with these long braids, like whipping your face when you go for a run, making your neck too warm, or rubbing against your clothes or seat and causing your braids to frizz. Switching up your style into a high bun box braid however, can alleviate these setbacks in an instant. Its simple application and intricate look has made this look a classic for generations, with curly and natural women rocking the style for all sorts of occasions.

Since the weather and an active lifestyle can make wearing long hair more difficult, you might be searching for an alternative to wearing your braids down. This DIY high bun with box braids is just what you, and your sweaty neck have been searching for. Follow these 5 simple steps to achieve your own classic high bun with box braids look.

Step 1. Hang your box braids over your head and gather them into a ponytail where you want your bun to be. For a higher bun, you want to place your gathered hair as near to the top of your crown as you can, depending on your preference of placement.

Step 2. Once you have the base of the ponytail where you want your bun to sit, secure your hair into a ponytail with a hair tie. If your braids are thick or you want a way to do this without taking on damage, a good trick is to use a bandanna or scarf in place of a hair tie to secure your ponytail.

Step 3. Begin twisting the braids to wrap them around the ponytail. Make sure you pulled up on the braids gently before this step or check now to make sure you don’t have any braids that aren’t flat against your head below the bun. Keep twisting the braids until they are wrapped all the way around.

Step 4. Tuck the ends of the braids under the bun and secure them either by tucking them into the hair tie or with the use of bobby pins.

Step 5. Adjust the bun to the position and shape you desire. Make sure you secure any loose areas with bobby pins to keep it in place.

And that’s all there is to it! With these 5 simple steps, creating a DIY high bun with box braids is fast and easy. To see this look created in minutes, watch the full tutorial!

Chelsea Clinton’s new do

From, January 2002:

Surly icon

Reader Meghan says of this Chelsea Clinton photo from, ‘I really don’t like her hair like this. I know people who say that it makes her look more sophisticated and that makes me mad…does that mean that she looked childish with curly hair???’ We agree, Meghan! Shame on you, Chelsea! And shame on for intimating Chelsea is hipper and more attractive with straight hair. The caption People ran: ‘CHIC CHELSEA: A barely recognizable Chelsea Clinton shows off her straight coif and hip look …’

We’re Soft and Sensual

“Painters from the Renaissance to the Pre-Raphaelites celebrated curly hair. It’s soft and sensual.”

New York City hairstylist MenelaosFebruary 2004 In Style
Redken Spring 2004 Hair Trends

How we wear our hair says a lot about who we are. It’s the most worn accessory and one of the first things people look at when they first meet you. Basically, aside from plastic surgery, it is the one part of our bodies that when altered, can create a huge impact on how we look…and feel! Asking the advice of your stylist can help to keep your style current. As the official hair sponsor of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, Redken is the leading resource for hair trends. Here’s what the pros are saying for Spring 2004.


“The stronger frames of last season will still be popular, but with a new twist — transparent overlays,” says Kris Sorbie for Redken. Lots of heavy fringe veiled with airy layers. The look can be worn straight or with added volume. For exaggerated fullness, Sorbie recommends using Full Frame 07 protective volumizing mousse on wet hair before blowdrying.

Sorbie also predicts a resurrection of “The Fro” – natural or mock. The contemporary version has sections pulled out creating an asymmetrical shape.

Natural: Rodney Cutler of Cutler NYC suggests working a light-weight product like Redken Lush Whip 04 styling cream through naturally curly hair to create a separated, matte, airy finish.

Mock: For those with straight hair, try Spray Starch 15 heat memory styler and a teensy weensy curling iron to set spiral curls. Introduce the iron near the scalp, wind hair around the barrel and leave ends out.


To style the bolder shapes of the S04 season, Leon Gorman for Streeters and Joseph b. for Frame have a technique they call Saturation. Starting at the nape of the neck, roots are layered with a multitude of products creating incredible shine, strong hold and defined shape. Try layering Concrete 22 cement paste which hardens for a long-lasting rock-solid finish with Full Frame 07 protective volumizing mousse and Spray Starch 15 heat memory styler for the ultimate in Saturation!


Razor sharp cuts with faux hawks cut and colored to be worn up or lay down – either way, to stand out!

Punk’d Up: Use Spray Starch 15 heat memory styler on damp hair and force hair to stand up by using your hands and a brush, pulling up on sections of hair while directing hot air upwards at the root.

Classic Dandy: Work Rough Paste 12 working material through wet or dry hair for clean definition and control.

The most popular product sold to men at Cutler NYC: Rough Paste 12 working material. Why? It delivers separation without stickiness.

Redken Styling: Hi-tech formulas, inspiring textures, street-smart looks and creativity with a fashion edge – essential for backstage. Staying ahead of the ever-changing demands of style while setting the pace for what’s new and what’s next.

Editorials: Anchor’s Curls Make Waves
natalie jacobson

When curly-haired Boston TV anchor Natalie Jacobson recently allowed her hair to do its thing rather than straightening it, Channel 5 was flooded with calls from distressed viewers. Ms. Jacobson was looking for a way to deal with her curly hair and – heaven forbid – gave the natural look a try.

This is disturbing to us at on several levels. Why does it matter what an anchor’s hair looks like? Straight or curly, she still delivers the news. She’s the same smart person you’ve trusted for years to tell you what’s happening in the world. Why does her hairstyle matter?

And, despite all the strides curlyheads have made in the media, it sends a message that when it comes to the world of TV journalism, curly hair is not acceptable. You better fight those ringlets into submission so you can look like Paula Zahn or Katie Couric.

We hope that this won’t discourage others in the world of television journalism from letting their hair do what it does naturally. Viewers will become comfortable with a wide range of looks rather than the homogenous, generic anchorwomen that now flood the airwaves. And isn’t that really what being fair and balanced is all about?

Protecting Your Hair from UV

When you’re slathering on your sunscreen this summer, don’t forget to protect your ringlets.

Unlike skin, hair will not become red and painful when it is overexposed to the sun so it’s more difficult to measure UV damage in hair. But UV exposure can sap the hair of strength and elasticity and cause photooxidation, which triggers discoloration and fading in both natural and color-treated hair. According to a study by the René Furterer Research Center, after just three days of sun exposure, the scale-like cells that cover each individual hair shaft begin to pull off, making the hair dry, dull, and brittle.

And while a hat is always an option for protecting our curls, we all know that hats and curls don’t always get along well, and sometimes we just want to rock our locks, right?

“Hair does not get sunburned,” says Stephanie Sprankle, manager of education and development for Redken. “But it will fade. If you put a couch in front of a window, the side against the window becomes really faded. It’s the same with the hair. You don’t want to spend all that money coloring your hair and have it wash away.”

A growing awareness of the sun’s damaging rays along with technological advances in the hair-care industry have led to a boom in the number of summer hair products — products with names like Coola, Sun Shield, Swim Cap, Sun Veil, and Canopy. These products are designed to protect the hair during summertime activities like swimming and sunning, as they moisturize and repair parched locks.

In addition to products specifically designed for use in summer conditions, many companies have added UV protection to their products. Color-treated hair, especially, has been treated to a robust selection of UV-protectant products: Paul Mitchell Color Protect Locking Spray, Aveda Color Conserve Sun Protector, Cantu Anti-Fade Color Protecting Oil, and Pureology UV Colour Defense, for example.

Summer Hair Care Tips
  • Always protect hair when in the sun.
  • Use a UV protection product, a hat or scarf.
  • Reapply UV protection throughout the day.
  • Wear a swim cap.
  • Use a deep conditioner once a week.
  • Wet hair before going into a pool.
  • Rinse hair well after swimming.
  • Limit shampooing to once or twice a week.

Unlike skin products, hair products typically are not rated on their sun protection factor (SPF”>. But the UV filters in hair products protect against the same things as skin products — UVA and UVB rays, says Jennifer Volpi, senior manager of marketing for Biolage.

Rene Furterer has created a KPF (keratin protection factor”> protection measurement rating for its Sun products, the first hair protection rating system. The L’Anza Swim & Sun line uses the HPF (hair protection factor”> measurement system for its products.

Hair can be best protected from UV damage by treating it with a leave-in product that contains UV filters such as ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, methoxydibenz-oylmethane, or Parsol SLX.

“I love to spend time in the sun, but I see firsthand the damaging effects of the sun on hair,” says stylist Frederic Fekkai. “That’s why I expanded my summer hair collection to help keep hair looking healthy and luxurious all summer long.”

Fekkai’s summer hair line includes sun-safe formulas designed to protect, hydrate, and replenish the hair. They contain ingredients such as Solarshield technology, humectants, sunflower seed extract, and moringa seed extract to condition and protect the hair from UV damage, pollutants and environmental stressors.

Davines Su Suncare System for Hair consists of products that protect hair from sun, sea water and chlorine. Philip Kingsley has developed Swim Cap, a leave-in conditioner with UV protection to protect against the sun as well as ingredients to repair damage caused by chlorine, saltwater, and wind. The Phytoplage line by Phyto includes protective treatments with UV filters and moisturizing and repair treatments for after-sun care. And Kerastase offers its Soleil UV Defense Active line of products designed to protect, repair and enhance sun-exposed hair.

Redken’s UV Rescue line — After Sun Shampoo and Conditioner, Shimmering Defense Daily Care Protective Lotion, Protective Oil and Sun Milk — is designed for sun-exposed hair and scalp. The products contain an exclusive Interbond Conditioning System and C2Solar Complex to help combat UV damage, dryness and discoloration, with special ingredients to reconstruct the hair’s internal structure and soothe and replenish the hair and scalp.

“The line offers more than just UV protection,” Sprankle says. “It’s used to help fight against environmental issues that could damage the hair.”

Fairy Tales’ Lemon-Aid Conditioner removes chlorine green from kids’ hair (Also check out their Coco Cabana Leave-in Sun Spray”>. And many sun lines include shampoos that remove chlorine and salt from the hair without stripping color.

But don’t shampoo too often, says Veronique Morrison, director of education for Mizani. And when you do shampoo, make sure the shampoo isn’t too alkaline. Consider Mizani’s PuripHying Shampoo and BotaniFying Conditioning Shampoo, which remove chlorine, salt and sweat without stripping the hair of its natural moisture.

Moisture is key during the summer, says Morrison. She recommends putting on a product like Mizani Moisturefuse Moisturizing Conditioner and leaving it on while you’re out in the sun. It moisturizes while protecting the hair from the elements. Deep conditioning is a must during the summer, especially if you are often outdoor.

“The harshest part of summer is the lack of moisture,” Morrison says.

How do you protect your hair from the summer sun? Tell us in the comments section below. And If you’re looking for a natural sunscreen, read up on rice bran oil.

5 Reasons You Should Pre-Poo


What’s a Pre-poo?

A “pre-poo” is usually an oil treatment applied to hair prior to shampooing or conditioning. While most of these treatments can be oils of your choice, some women create other treatments from household pantry items.

Popular Pre-poos

For DIY naturals:

  1. olive oil
  2. coconut oil
  3. honey
  4. yogurt
  5. bananas

If you’re not into DIY:

  1. Mielle Organics Mongongo Oil Pre-Shampoo Treatment
  2. The Mane Choice Heavenly Halo Herbal Hair Tonic & Soy Milk Deep Hydration Pre-Poo
  3. African Pride Moisture Miracle Aloe & Coconut Water Pre-Shampoo

For fine hair:

You can also use a deep conditioner before shampooing if you have fine hair and you find that pre-poo products leave your hair weighed down

  1. Alikay Naturals Avocado Cream Moisture Repairing Hair Mask
  2. Mop Top Daily Conditioner
  3. Curl Junkie Repair Me! Reconstructive Hair Treatment

5 Reasons to Pre-Poo

Whichever treatment you decide to use for your hair type is, of course, what works for you. And though this may take some extra time, here are five good reasons as to why pre-pooing does wonders for your hair:

  1. Moisture

    Curls and waves are always in need of moisture – and a prepoo treatment is sure to give us added, extra moisture when applied. Seasonal stress on hair such as heat, humidity, wind, salt water, etc, can leave curls extra dry. Adding a prepoo treatment to hair helps to restore lost moisture.

  2. Avoiding “over clean” hair

    Though we all want our hair to be clean, sometimes, “squeaky” clean can be too much. Shampoos and other products can often strip the necessary oils that our curls need for shape, shine and definition –  prepoo treatments help restore those oils and protect hair follicles.

  3. Get the tangles out!

    When using a prepoo treatment, you can take care of detangling hair a lot easier than after it’s washed. Breakage occurs much more often with wet hair, than dry. Therefore, applying the prepoo treatment and allowing it to sit on your hair for 15-30 mins, will help detangle locks  and lessen breakage.

  4. Make the most of your conditioner

    We often use our favorite conditioners a bit too much. So much so that after time, they start to not have as great as an effect as they had some time ago – because they lack a place to “hang on to.” As your hair is stripped of oils, the conditioner you follow up with will simply be washed away before it leaves you any benefits. A prepoo treatment will allow your conditioner to find it’s place back in your regiment and treat your curls to more moisture.

  5. Say “ahhhh”…

    After a pre-poo treatment you should notice soft locks, shiny ones too. Your hair and scalp will be ever so grateful for helping restore some moisture and restorative oils that have been lacking. Making prepoo a part of your regular routine will show great improvements to your hair’s texture and sheen.

Ready to get started?

3 Ways to Figure Out Your Hair Density, Once And For All

What is hair density?

If you have been told “Your hair is so thick!”, your complimenter may actually have been alluding to hair density, not thickness. “Thick” hair technically refers to the width of a single strand of hair, whereas hair density refers to the number of strands on your head, and how closely those strands are packed together on your head. 

So if you want to know, quantifiably, the density of your hair, we’ve outlined three ways of determining that.

1. Count them

One way is by actually counting the number of hairs on your head. The best way to do this is to count the number of hairs in one square inch of your scalp (or a half square inch”>, and then extrapolate from there.

On average, each person has approximately 2,200 strands of hair per square inch on their scalp, so counting can be a tedious task. But it is one option.

2. Can you see your scalp?

Alternatively, you can judge your hair density by taking a look at it in its natural state. Start with dry hair, not wet, and do not part it—let it hang loose. Take a look in the mirror, can you see your scalp without moving any hair? If you can, you most likely have low hair density. If you can see your scalp with a little effort then you most likely have medium density. If it’s difficult or impossible to see your scalp, you have high hair density.

3. Measure your ponytail

Another way to measure approximate density is to put your hair in a ponytail and measure the circumference of the ponytail or puff. Low density hair will be less than two inches, Medium density will measure between two to three inches, and high density will be at least four inches. The width of your individual strands will also factor into the size of your ponytail.

Why does density matter?

Knowing your hair density will help you make smarter choices, not only in the styles you wear, but also with the products you use when putting together a healthy hair regimen. Using light products in low density hair is helpful so as not to weigh hair down and make it look greasy or lifeless. Medium density hair does well with light leave-ins and spray-in leave-in conditioners. Thicker gels and creams are usually ideal for high density curly hair. 

Knowing your hair density also helps to identify what type of hairstyles and haircuts are best suited for you. If you already know your hair density, it’s easier to pick out styles that will suit you well. Understanding your density is critical to preventing disappointment when you bring photos into your hair stylist and the resulting cut doesn’t match your expectations – we’ve all been there! Getting to know your hair density will help you identify curl crushes who have similar density and hair width, and find haircuts that are going to work on your unique hair texture. For example, thicker hair tends to style easier with longer layers and thinner hair with blunt cuts. 

Talk to your stylist about your density and how that is going to affect your haircut and hair styling next time you head into the salon!

This article was originally posted in 2016 and has been updated for clarity.

8 Best Pre-Poo Treatments for Curly Hair

What is a pre-poo?

A pre-poo is usually an oil treatment applied to hair prior to shampooing or conditioning. While most of these treatments can be oils of your choice, some women create other treatments from household pantry items. If you have tried treating your curly hair to an olive oil, mayo, or yogurt pre-poo, you may realize that some of these tend to weigh them down. While nourishing your waves before wash day is important, make sure you are using the oil or treatment you use is appropriate for your specific hair type. The typical pre-poos include coconut oil, olive oil, bananas, and honey. When used alone, these are ideal for high porosity curly or kinky hair. For your waves, try one of these products for optimal scalp hydration prior to washing your hair.

INSPIRE by made beautiful Pre-Poo Detangler, 8.99

This softening detangler, helps prep precious strands for shampoo time! A unique blend of shea, honey and coconut help detangle and minimize breakage.

Mielle Organics Mongongo Oil Pre-Shampoo Treatment , $13.99

The Mongongo Oil Pre-Shampoo treatment is the first step to shampooing your hair. We’ve combined the perfect ingredients to ensure additional moisture is added prior to shampooing.

DevaCurl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler, $22.50

If you have tangles, knots or matted curls, this silky, lightweight pre-cleanse detangler will help you sail through your No-Poo and One Condition routine with ease! The end result is soft detangled curls. Suitable for all curl types.

African Pride Moisture Miracle Aloe & Coconut Water Pre-Shampoo , $5.49

The African Pride Moisture Miracle Aloe & Coconut Water Pre-Shampoo uses the natural benefits of Aloe Vera and Coconut Water to condition, protect and remove tangles from natural coils and curls; leaving hair soft and easy to manage during cleansing and styling.

The Mane Choice Proceed With Caution Killer Curls & Brutal Bounce Stop The Damage Pre or Post Poo Mask, $17.99

Rich in antioxidants to improve elasticity & boost shine, hydrates strands, and seals cuticle to lock in more moisture for frizz-free definition. Add this to your regimen to add moisture and restore hair’s ideal pH for noticeably shinier, smoother, bouncier hair.

Soultanicals Knot Dressing Oil Rinse, $17.99

This Nappilicious Oil Rinse is designed to reduce single strand knots, eliminate frizz & breakage and make detangling time easy breezy in the midst of your hair wash routine. Coconut Oil penetrates, Extra Virgin Olive Oil conditions while Pracaxi Oil retains moisture. The Proof is in the Dressing! 100 % Afroliciously Vegan & Cuticle Friendly!

Darshana Natural Indian Hair Oil, $18

Inspired by the natural beauty of Indian hair, Darshana Natural Hair Oil is made the most quality ingredients for hair care found in the world. This smaller bottle will allow you to test this product without committing to a full size. Users around the world are raving about how this natural hair oil has changed the way they treat their hair. Perfect for all hair types, including damaged or frizzy hair.

The Mane Choice Heavenly Halo Herbal Hair Tonic & Soy Milk Deep Hydration Pre-Poo, $14.99

This herbal hair tonic and soy milk deep hydration pre-poo melts away tangles, softens, and minimizes moisture loss. Gentle enough for daily use and potent enough to drastically improve your tresses. Add this pre-poo to your healthy hair regimen and notice your hair become touchably soft, hydrated, shinier and healthier.

What do you use to pre-poo?

These are the Best Parts for Natural Hair

When it comes to natural hair, there are lots of ways to style your strands in a way that stands out.

A part is a great way to draw attention to your hair, and it can also affect the way your face looks in terms of shape. However, while some naturals have a natural part, what we’re born with might not always be what we want to present on the daily. And other naturals don’t have a visible part to begin with! So when you want to change things up and section your hair into a new style, here are a few of the best parts out there.

No Part? No Problem!

We know, we know, this is cheating a little bit. But for lots of naturals, their hair looks best when they have no part! With bouncy curls just falling wherever they fall, you can create a full-bodied look that is natural and effortless. If you don’t want a part, just let things fall and rest however they do on their own.

These are the Best Parts for Natural Hair
Photo by @mominatu
Photo courtesy of @actually_ashly
Photo courtesy of @_iamsimplyk
Photo courtesy of @daynabolden

Straight Down The Middle

This is one of the best parts for natural hair because of how universal it is—this type of part works well with several different hair textures and styles. Middle parts create a neat look that is perfect for sleek styles that call for your hair to be pulled back in a bun or ponytail, or into classically cute pigtails! If you have a heart-shaped face since that you’re looking to elongate, these parts are going to be extra effective, especially when you have longer hair.

Photo courtesy of @claire_most
Photo courtesy of @freshlengths
Photo courtesy of @curlsbyclaribel

Off to the Side

This slightly sassy part is great for those with a round face shape since it serves to lengthen you out. For all our baby-faced curlies, this will be the ‘Take me seriously‘ part that will age you up, no special effects required. If you have a lovely square shaped face that you want to soften up on ocaision, this will be the part that’s going to round off some of your sharper angles. To determine which side you need your side part to be on examine your facial features! If you have one side of your face where the features are stronger or point more upwards, that’s the side you want to get your part on.

Photo courtesy of @sunitav_
Photo courtesy of @freddieharrel
Photo courtesy of @authentically.b


Looking to pump up the volume on your curls? This is one of the best parts for natural hair as far as adding fullness to the floof. The zigzag part helps create a lifted appearance to the roots as it serpentines over your scalp, and itt’s also just plain fun! If you have lower density hair and an extra visible part, this method is going to be just a little extra time that will instantly make any look seem extra special!

Photo courtesy of @jd_winters
Photo courtesy of @rhyliebriana

What parts have you tried, curlies? Be sure to keep up with the best tips in hair sectioning with us, and don’t forget to share your photos with @naturallycurly tagged!

These are the Best Clips for Curly Hair

When it comes to your curls, there are a few tools that are an absolute necessity.

From sectioning hair for working through tangles to crafting your curls into the latest style, these little tools just make life easier. However, they’re certainly not all created equal! Just like, shampoos, pillowcases, and websites (hi!”>, some are actually better for curly hair than others. According to the reviews we’ve scoured, these are some of the best clips for curly hair, both for providing the hold you need, and preventing the damage you don’t!

Devacurl Clips

This brand is the obvious top choice for naturally curly hair since the whole Devacurl brand specializes in textured locks! These little hair-helpers are specially designed to provide maximum root lift when applied to close to your scalp for adding an extra volumizing step to your style routine. This is due to their being wider and longer than most of their clip brethren—bigger hair means bigger hairstyling accessories!

Soft ‘n Style Pin Curl Clips

Need some good metal hair dividers that won’t succumb to the rust fairies in your bathroom? These are a reliable solution, especially if you tend to wash your face like they do in commercials. Can we say “Splash Zone?” They are made of metal that is rust resistant and stain proof for a lasting hair accessory. Made without a crossbar in the design—the better to slip the tops in and out of your curls— these are ideal for a firm hold that’s perfect for styling hair. Whether you have thinner type 2 hair or thicker type 4 hair, this brand will work to give you control and hold when you need it most! Just be sure to section your hair out in accordance with your strands’ thickness and density!

Spilo Duckbill Clips

While smaller separators are ideal for working with shorter hair to get a great hold, when you have a lot of hair to deal with, you may need something longer. Go figure, right? These Spilo duckbills are extra long so they can hold your extra hair in place. All of our Rapunzel-like curlfriends out there will be glad to know you can use them to raise your roots or position styles away from your face with confidence!

OneDor Transparent Plastic and Metal Duckbill Salon Hair Clips

While metal clips are great for getting maximum hold, plastic clips can be a gentler option. With these guys, you can get the hold of metal with an outer plastic design. Four our finer-haired curlistas looking for a gentle way to hold their strands without pulling them out, these are a must-have item! These brightly colored separators come in different colors, which makes them perfect for color-coding your sections for things like multi-stage hair dyeing—seeing as you might need certain sections to ‘marinade’ longer than others. That trendy unicorn hair can take various times for different colors after all. And even if you don’t necessarily have to put your hair into time zones, honestly? This neon is just plain fun. Channel your inner Lisa Frank!

Did any of these clips happent to strike a chord?

Don’t be afraid to @us (@naturallycurly”> whether you’re channeling Solange or taking a daring ‘In Progress’ pic!