Search Results: NaturallyCurly

Texture Tales: Jackie Shares Her Curly Hair Journey & Styling Tips for Definition
Texture Tales Jackie Shares Her Curly Hair Journey & Styling Tips for Definition


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I grew up with blonde wavy, mildly curly hair. I had long hair my entire childhood that was fairly easy to take care of even though there has always been a lot of it. When I hit puberty things changed. My hair went dark and coarse quite quickly. I no longer had hair I recognized or knew how to take care of. I got a men’s inspired haircut, which only made my hair curlier. For years I struggled with accepting my hair’s coarse nature. I have always had people compare my hair to horse hair or fishing line. It’s texture is very strong and I felt like people pitied me for it. Also growing up blonde, people associated me with light tresses, so when it went dark people were always telling me they liked me blonde better. This led to several teen years full of hair dye and straightening.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

Somewhere in high school some classmates were seen scrunching their straight hair, trying to make it curly. I had spent years trying to not encourage my curls, so this was really perplexing to me. I decided I would see what I could do with my own curls if I encouraged them with scrunching. I unfortunately didn’t grow up with a lot of curly haired people around, so straight hair seemed like the norm. Even though I kept dyeing my hair for years, I started wearing my curls consistently from that day on. I didn’t know their full potential though for 20 plus more years!
Texture Tales Jackie Shares Her Curly Hair Journey & Styling Tips for Definition

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I didn’t grow up with curly hair knowledge. My hair wasn’t as curly as some and not as straight as others, so I felt somewhere in between, often feeling like a wannabe. Finding the curly community of Instagram truly changed that. I found the curly girl method one year ago and could never have seen how such simple changes could not only change my hair, but my self acceptance. The community has given me a great sense of belonging and is a constant source of knowledge for me. Knowledge I definitely had been longing for.

How do you protect your curls at night?

I have fallen in love with wearing a buff at night. I find that stuffing my curls into at night really helps keep them intact. I often don’t even need a refresh!

Who is your curl crush?

I have always loved Kerri Russell. Her hair during Felicity was a total dream for me. Even though she no longer wears her hair curly, she will always be my main curl crush!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My Wet Brush. I seriously cannot imagine my life without it.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I have been pretty low maintenance lately, but I always low poo, condition with Giovanni Smooth as Silk and then style with a leave-in Kinky-Curly Knot Today and a hard hold gel Aussie Instant Freeze Gel is my holy grail. Winter hair has been trickier for me, but I’ve been doing really well with adding a mousse before my gel lately.
Texture Tales Jackie Shares Her Curly Hair Journey & Styling Tips for Definition

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I think its easy to fall into what everyone else is using and trying. In the beginning I was desperate to find the one thing that would be game changing. I tried so many things that I kind of lost my own intuition. Once I really started listening to my hair and learning what it likes and doesn’t like, I started to really find my way.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

I do a modified rake and shake with my WetBrush that has been the single most impactful revelation for my coarse hair. My hair really appreciates being smoothed down before styling.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

My advice is to be kind to yourself. I love the self acceptance aspect of this journey, but that can come in many forms. Loving yourself as you are is multi-faceted and thankfully we are able to write that narrative as we see fit.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Loretta Shares Her Natural Hair Journey and CG Tips for Healthier Hair
Texture Tales Loretta Shares Her Natural Hair Journey and CG Tips for Healthier Hair

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

It was quite difficult growing up with curly/textured hair as there weren’t many products on the market that catered to my hair needs. My mum would generally apply my dad’s Ultra Sheen to my hair which was extremely greasy and left we with flat looking hair with no curl definition whatsoever. There were even times when no product was used at all and it was simply brushed. As I got older I would wash my hair daily using shampoos containing sulfates and other harmful chemicals that were constantly drying my hair out, although I didn’t realize it at the time”>.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

It was in the summer of 2016 when I really started to embrace my natural hair. I was seeing more and more curly girls on social media which really made me take a long hard look at my own hair which made me realize that after all this time, my curls had the potential to shine. I just needed to take care of my hair and adopt the healthiest methods andproducts to bring out my curls at their fullest potential. So I began documenting on Instagram my journey which was about embracing natural hair. This was also the year I discovered there were now so many curly hair products on the market and they were right on my doorstep!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment of my natural hair journey has been having the priviledge of being a part of the most amazing natural hair community. Seeing and hearing about others on the same journey as me, all supporting each other and to be able to share their very own tips, advice personal stories has just made this journey all the better for me.
Texture Tales Loretta Shares Her Natural Hair Journey and CG Tips for Healthier Hair

How do you protect your curls at night?

At night I protect my curls by always putting my hair up in a Pineapple hairstyle. This keeps my curls defined and prevents additional frizz from occurring.

Who is your curl crush?

I am a firm believer in being your own curl crush! We’re all on our own journey and I never compare my hair to others. But having said that, there are those who’s curls I just absolutely adore! @themestizamuse @curly_tanisha @ebony_natural_curls are just some of the most inspiring women with the most amazing curls!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My curly girl essential that I cannot live without would be my wide tooth shower comb! This tool is the absolute best for when detangling my hair and makes the whole process effortless.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My current hair regimen would consist of the following:
Weekly deep conditioning
Using a micro fiber towel
Cold water is your best friend as it helps to seal the cuticle
Picking and fluffing for more volume

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging moment of my natural hair journey has been accepting the fact that not all natural hair products (no matter how good/healthy the ingredients are”> are going to work for my hair. Everyone’s hair is different. It can be difficult to accept this especially when so many speak so highly of a particular product, but over time I’ve learnt to take my time and develop my own opinion on products based on my own experience. What works for some doesn’t work for others and this should always be kept in mind.
Texture Tales Loretta Shares Her Natural Hair Journey and CG Tips for Healthier Hair

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

The techniques and methods I now use compared to before my hair journey began have really made a huge impact on the health and appearance of my hair overall. These include:
Applying styling products using the “praying hands” method as this really helps to create more definition in my curls as well as prevent breakage during the application process.
Incorporating natural food products into my hair care routine has worked wonders! Nutritious ingredients such as lemon, banana, honey, avocado, olive oil have all contributed to the health of my hair.
Styling my hair while soaking wet as opposed to damp has made a big difference in how my hair looks and feels as this way, my hair is able to absorb more product as it dries.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

My advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture is to have patience and don’t ever give up! The challenges you encounter along the way are all part of the journey. Documenting your journey is also a great way to see how far you’ve come. There will be times when products don’t work for your hair. There will even be times when products do work for your hair in the beginning, but then several months down the line they may no longer work. This is to do with the changes your hair is going through and so it will sometimes react differently to products. This is why patience is key along with lots of trial and error, but you will get there if you persist. Good luck! x

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Marisa Shares Her Secret to Perfect Ringlets Without the Frizz
Texture Tales Marisa Shares Her Secret to Perfect Ringlets Without the Frizz

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

My mum and Aunt both had very curly hair which I always loved. Mine had been curly as a small child and my mum used to finger coil it into ringlets, but as it grew the weight of it seemed to pull the curls out and I was left with lots of frizzy long waves. It was neither curly nor straight. Once I hit my teens I had it cut to below my shoulders with layers and started blowing it out with a round brush (desperately trying to re-create ‘The Rachel’”> hairstyles, but it was always frizzy. Straighteners helped for a while, but I didn’t ever suit straight hair although that became the most fashionable look, and as every curly girl knows, any hint of moisture in the air and the painstakingly straightened locks would turn to a mass of frizz.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly wavy hair?

One day when I was about 17 I randomly decided to see what would happen if I scrunched in some mousse and diffused my hair and I was shocked to find I had some curls and proper waves! I started adding some barrel curls with a curling iron to the top layers and I received so many compliments on my ‘curly’ hair that it became my preferred style. From then on I only straightened occasionally.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

It wasn’t until I was in a bit of curl funk after having my second baby that I decided to do a bit of online research into curly hair. I literally had no idea there was so much information out there about curls and I discovered the Curly Girl Method and was very intrigued by the idea of co-washing. But there is so much conflicting information on the internet about The CG method and approved products etc that I inadvertently spent almost a year co-washing and styling with silicone-laden products. I had still seen some progress in my curls but once I joined the Facebook Group ‘Curly Girls! (Conditioner-Washing Group for Women”>’ I realized I had made a false start. Thanks to the goldmine of knowledge and information and all the stunning curl inspo in that group I started the method for real in December ‘16.

Texture Tales Marisa Shares Her Secret to Perfect Ringlets Without the Frizz

How do you protect your curls at night?

I swear by my Puff Cuff or Invisibobble to pineapple my curls right at my hairline, fondly referred to as a Unicorn Pineapple. Then I use a buff over for most nights. I also sleep on a silk pillowcase so if I don’t wear my buff or if any curls escape, they are still protected. I love the added bonus of the silk being good for my skin too!

Who is your curl crush? 

Oh, I have so many!! But one standout is Kelsey @lovelifecurls. She has the most gorgeous volume and shape to her hair #volumegoals. Also, I must mention Renee @brunettewithbounce for her beautiful ringlets, I’m a sucker for ringlets!!!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without? 

It’s really hard to keep it to just one, but probably my invisibobble because it can be used to protect my curls just by popping them up in a pineapple either for working out or for overnight and then when I take it back down again my curls look exactly how they did when I put them up. 

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share? 

My routine varies but my current favorite co-wash is the pocket-friendly Garnier Ultimate Blends Almond Crush Conditioner. It’s an amazingly moisturizing, protein-free little gem of a conditioner! I try to deep condition twice a month and my 2 favorite masks are at either end of the price spectrum, Garnier Ultimate Blends Almond Crush Yoghurt Mask is inexpensive, but a great little protein free mask. My other favorite is the Mahogany Naturals Coconut Water Restorative Hair Mask which does have protein and is absolutely stunning in smell, texture, and results. It deeply moisturizes and strengthens without weighing down my fine curls. My favorite styling products at the moment are Aussie Instant Freeze Gel and CurlSmith Hold Me Softly Style Balm, both are absolutely brilliant products! I can use the Balm, which is a curl cream, without any hard hold gel or mousse over it, which is amazing to me! Finally, Olew Original which is my favorite oil blend to SOTC (scrunch out the crunch”>.

Texture Tales Marisa Shares Her Secret to Perfect Ringlets Without the Frizz


What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I think being a CG beginner was extremely challenging. All the sciencey sounding ingredient names and the lists of good ones and bad ones are really overwhelming, to begin with, and it felt like I would never understand them or be able to know if a product was CG friendly without comparing every ingredient to a list. It takes time and effort, but learning to read ingredients is probably the most important thing you can do for your hair, and you’ll be amazed how quickly you learn what all the ingredient names mean.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Squish to Condish really has made a huge difference, taking the time to really work that conditioner and water into my hair and achieve that seaweed feel. I do find though that Squish to Condish can actually give me frizz because of all of the scrunching. But I realized that if I run a very wide tooth comb through my hair after I finish STC and then gently shake my head, it smooths away all the frizz and awesome clumps appear as if by magic.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Loving yourself in your natural state, whether that be your natural curls, makeup-free face or something else is one of the most liberating experiences. The transition period while your hair recovers and gets used to being looked after, can be just awful. But it is 100% worth it. Try and have bucket loads of patience, be consistent with your products rather than chopping and changing every week and try out some curly updo’s to get you through the transition period. Then be prepared for glorious waves and curls.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Lynda Shares Her Natural Hair Journey and Top Tips for Caring for Kinky Hair
Texture Tales Lynda Shares Her Natural Hair Journey and Top Tips for Caring for Kinky Hair

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up with textured hair was so exhausting and discouraging. I had to get a perm routinely every 3 months or so and never really got a chance to wear my natural hair free of any chemicals since like….middle school (I believe”>. Exhausting because of the routine perm, having to heal scabs after the perm, keeping my hair as “healthy” looking as possible, and endlessly searching for a way to prevent the everlasting breakage I experienced for years. Discouraging because my hair never grew past a certain length no matter what I did. I started to believe that “black hair” just didn’t grow.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally coily hair?

Watching natural hair YouTubers is what helped me to embrace my natural hair. Back in 2010, there weren’t many to look up to but the few who were out there helped me to keep fighting. I haven’t desired a perm since and now that I am a natural hair influencer myself my supporters help me to embrace it even more.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I think sharing my hair journey with my social media and YouTube channel is very empowering. I can’t say that I have had one moment, in particular, that was the most empowering, but I can definitely say that when another woman who looks like me expresses how much she appreciates what I am doing as an influencer I am so very encouraged.

Texture Tales Lynda Shares Her Natural Hair Journey and Top Tips for Caring for Kinky Hair

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share? 

I don’t really have a regimen per se. As a creative, I am always doing different things to my hair, but I think my night routine is the one consistent regimen that I have. It’s not only my night routine but something that I do when my hair is dry or when I feel that I can use some moisture.

How do you protect your curls at night? 

To protect my curls at night I add water, a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, and oil into my spray bottle, spray my hair (not too wet, but not too dry either”> and go to bed with a bonnet or silk head wrap.

Who is your curl crush? 


What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without? 

Haitian Castor Oil and Elasta QP Mango Butter Leave-In and Moisturizer.

Texture Tales Lynda Shares Her Natural Hair Journey and Top Tips for Caring for Kinky Hair

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

SHRINKAGE has got to be the most challenging AND annoying aspect of being natural, at least for me. My type 4 curls will shrivel up at the slightest hint of humidity and living in a humid state such as Florida makes the journey even more exhausting. I have refrained from straightening my hair for over 4 years because it would be an absolute waste. The minute I step outside my straight hair would revert right back to kinks and curls.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Deep conditioning and consistent moisturizing have impacted the health of my hair so much! When hair is dry and brittle it is prone to breakable, split ends and discourages growth. When I began to understand that I took deep conditioning and moisturizing more seriously and have honestly seen the fruit of my labor.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture? 

Although we, black and natural haired women, do not fit society’s standard of beauty, please be assured that their failure to realize the diverse beauty of hair does not and should not affect the way that you view your hair. Love yourself and if anyone cannot accept and embrace you at your most natural state then maybe they don’t deserve you, sis. Their loss.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Olivia Shares Her Routine for Effortless Voluminous Waves
Texture Tales Olivia Shares Her Routine for Effortless Voluminous Waves


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Looking back, I never realized I had curly hair. I’d wash, blow dry and heat-style curls into my hair or try with all my might to blow dry it straight as it was just so unruly and unpredictable. When the ceramic “ghd” straighteners came out, my prayers were answered. Finally, I could fix the frizz. I straightened my hair religiously for 20 years!

More recently, on lazy days I would leave my hair wet add some type of texture spray and let it air dry. This would leave me with some stringy, loose waves but even then I would get compliments on how nice it looked. I would always shrug it off and think nothing of it. On one occasion, after I spent hours styling it, a work colleague asked me why I went to so much effort when I had naturally curly hair anyway. I responded saying this looks better!

What made you decide to embrace your naturally wavy hair?

It started as an experiment after a mishap. I left a ton of conditioner in my hair to protect it from the chlorine-filled swimming pool but didn’t end up not going swimming and it ended up air drying and when it did and my waves looked amazing. I was really confused as to what had happened and how it could look so good with so much product in it and after some internet research came across the Curly Girl Method and since then, I have been hooked on getting the best I can from my natural hair rather than trying to force it to do something else.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

Embracing my natural texture has given me the healthiest, most gorgeous curls I’ve ever had. I spent so much time and effort trying to create “fake” curls that didn’t even look half as good as my natural ones and I never got half the compliments that I get now. I also love learning from other curly girls on social media. The curly community is such a supportive group who are all wanting to help everyone get their best hair! There’s no egos or nastiness — just love, support, and knowledge. I love how the curly movement is changing society’s mind that curly hair is untidy and should be hidden away. I inherited my curls from my nan who has hidden her natural curls for most of her life and I’d love for her to know that she is a natural beauty and doesn’t need to hide those beautiful, white curls anymore!

Texture Tales Olivia Shares Her Routine for Effortless Voluminous Waves

How do you protect your curls at night? 

I have a satin scarf tied around my pillow and I also wear my hair up in a pineapple secured with an invisibobble. On days when I need a little extra protection, I will also slip on a Guff but I’m a bit too vain to do it every night! It doesn’t always stay on either so sometimes it’s more hassle than it’s worth. I do have a silk pillowcase and sleep cap on my wish list though!

Who is your curl crush?

All from Instagram top 10 in no particular order

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without? 

My Denman brush! When I first started CG my hair always looked tangled and frizzy no matter how much smoothing and detangling I did with my hands. When I discovered the Denman brush to distribute the product, encourage clumping, and smooth out the curls, I was skeptical first go, but loved my results and have been using it and raving about it ever since.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share? 

Currently, I’m enjoying testing out products and techniques, but if I need a good curl day I’ll do the following budget routine:

Cowash – Goat Lemon Myrtle Conditioner
Condition – Garnier Hair Food Banana extract – STC (srunch out the crunch”> then rinse out.
I’ll squeeze out some water with just my hands and loosely plop to leave the bathroom.
Remove microfiber towel ASAP
Apply styling products in sections
Leave in – Macadamia hair food
Curl activator – AG Recoil
Gel – Organic care Hard Gel

When products are applied to each section I use my Denman brush. I start at the ends and smooth through the section then add a twist of the brush to encourage even more curl. I do this all over and when finished I then do lots of scrunching. I start with my hands then use the microfiber towel to remove moisture Before finishing with diffusing and root clipping. When 100% dry I SOTC with Argan oil and fluff the roots. 

Texture Tales Olivia Shares Her Routine for Effortless Voluminous Waves

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I’ve been really lucky and not really faced any challenges so far. I have a wonderfully supportive hairdresser who has been keen to learn about CG method and try it on her own wavy hair. I was worried about bleaching my hair for the first time since transitioning but with plenty of DC, support from social media groups and a hairdresser who listened to everything and it went really well. 

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health? 

The Curly Girl Method, in general, has been a revelation and learning about the protein needs and tolerance of my hair. Using a Denman brush and not using silicone that coats and weighs down the hair has really helped the natural texture thrive.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Be patient, CG isn’t a quick fix. Don’t compare yourself to others – we are our own worst critics – whether you’re 2a, 4c or everything in between you and your hair is beautiful. Keep a journal to document your hair journey, take pictures and make notes about what you used and your results at least every washday. So you can see patterns and learn what is or isn’t working for your hair. Talk to other curlies – we are all individuals but there is so much information and knowledge out there, and everyone is so willing to help. There’s no such thing as a stupid question!

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Arnell Shares the Holy Grails that Keep Her Kinky Coily Hair Moisturized
Texture Tales Arnell Shares the Holy Grails that Keep Her Kinky Coily Hair Moisturized

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up with textured hair in a predominately white area was hard. I wanted my hair to look just like my friend’s effortlessly silky straight hair but I never realized how much damage my curls were enduring in the process. I got my first relaxer when I was in 6th grade. Up until college, my hair was chemically straightened. Once I started school, I began to realize the versatility of my natural hair.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally coily hair?

I started my freshman year of college with weaves. I would straighten my leave out daily in between working out, going out, and forget to wrap my hair at night. I realized my hair was suffering. Leaving my hometown and growing into the person I’ve always wanted to be inspired me to embrace who I am wholeheartedly.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment in my natural hair journey so far has been witnessing how I inspire my nieces and other close friends to embrace their natural hair.

Texture Tales Arnell Shares the Holy Grails that Keep Her Kinky Coily Hair Moisturized

How do you protect your curls at night?

If I have time, I usually double-strand twist my hair using my favorite curl cream and oil and sit under my dryer to make sure my curls are dry for the next day. If I’m in a rush, I’ll just pineapple my curls with my scarf and use a bonnet top protect my ends.

Who is your curl crush? 

My curl crush would have to be Yara Shahidi or Tracee Ellis Ross.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without? 

Curls creams! I love a good cream that works as both a moisturizer and gel.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share? 

My current curl regimen includes pre-pooing with the DevaCurl Wash Day Wonder Pre-Cleanse Slip Detangler, washing with the Ajaá Naturals Lavender & Honey Coconut Moisturizing Shampoo, conditioning with The Mane Choice’s 3 in 1 Revitalize & Refresh Conditioner, using the Curly Chic’s Your Curls Conditioned Leave-in, Grape-seed oil, and then the Creme of Nature’s Hydrating Curling Creme.

Texture Tales Arnell Shares the Holy Grails that Keep Her Kinky Coily Hair Moisturized

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Finding the best products for my dry scalp. I’ve tried so many different oils and butters, but Grapeseed oil is the only product that works!

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health? 

DEEP CONDITIONING!!! This is what gets my hair through the dry and cold winters in New York. I’ve also purchased a small overhead dryer that helps with deep conditioning and hot oil treatments.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture? 

Be patient and take the time to learn about your hair. Don’t compare your hair type to what you see online and on TV. Your hair is unique so embrace it!

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Jackie Shares Her Curly Hair Journey and How Her Kids Inspired Her to Embrace Her Curls
Texture Tales Jackie Shares Her Curly Hair Journey and How Her Kids Inspired Her to Embrace Her Curls

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I didn’t know how to describe my hair growing up. I had frizzy, puffy, wavy hair that had a mind of its own. I envied every Herbal Essence commercial. I had my mom buy me their products wishing they would make my hair straight so that I could look “beautiful” as the women on the telenovelas. I kept my hair in ponytails and used a tub of dollar store gel to tame it. I was 12 when my mom had my hair straightened professionally for the first time. They used rollers, a blower, then an actual iron on my hair. An IRON! This direct heat left my hair laying lifeless, but I was hooked! I continued using heat because it was what I always wanted. I feared to get my hair wet because I didn’t want my hair to frizz up. I felt insecure whenever the humidity kicked up in Florida.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

My decision to embrace my natural curls was inspired by my kids. My two oldest girls would often see me straighten my hair, while at the same time, I was telling them their curls and coils were gorgeous. The blank stares they gave me in response told me they didn’t believe me. How could they? Here I was showing them I didn’t even like what grew out of my own head. I was scrolling through Instagram one day for inspiration on how to care for their curls and make them love their hair when I came across @hif3licia hair page full of tips and tricks on how she transformed her own heat-damaged hair into beautiful natural curls using the Curly Girl Method! It opened my mind to the idea that I could do this! I could inspire my kids to love their own curls by learning how to love my own!

Texture Tales Jackie Shares Her Curly Hair Journey and How Her Kids Inspired Her to Embrace Her Curls


What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I began the Curly Girl Method and studied everything I could find on the internet about how to restore my natural curls. It was a bit frustrating at first because my curls were non-existent. Heat-damaged, frizzy limp noodles is what I had and I had to accept that this would be a process and I could not rush it. After going to work for a few months with a halo frizz, half a head of somewhat wavy and straight pieces, I decided to get a Devacut. Afterward, I could not believe my ends were coiling, all my hair was curling; the hard work had paid off! I realized I didn’t need to yearn to have something that wasn’t naturally meant to be mine; I could be beautiful while fully accepting what God gave me!

How do you protect your curls at night?

I protect my curls at night by wrapping my hair in a satin scarf and sleeping on a satin pillowcase.

Who is your curl crush? 

It’s no secret that @Hif3licia, my curl crush, became one of my close friends and I am grateful that she decided to start her page and inspire others. It has helped my girls and I immensely!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without? 

My diffuser! It’s how I achieve so much volume!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My current hair regimen is to use a gentle Curly Girl-friendly cleanser, deep condition, then style with a curling cream and strong-hold gel. Some of my favorite products I keep in the rotation are DevaCurl Supercream, DevaCurl Heaven in Hair Moisture Treatment, Bounce Curl Gel, CURLS Blueberry Bliss Hairwash, and Innersense Organic I Create Hold Gel.

Texture Tales Jackie Shares Her Curly Hair Journey and How Her Kids Inspired Her to Embrace Her Curls

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

My most challenging moments have been the hair growth process. I want longer hair, but the longer it gets, the more time it takes to do my hair. As a busy working mom of three, I am not afforded as much time as I’d like so I try to keep my routine quick and simple.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Yes, deep conditioning one to two times a week made a BIG difference. I didn’t realize in the beginning that my hair was dehydrated. I never deep conditioned before or knew why it was needed. Dehydrated hair was the cause of my frizz I hated so much. Now I cannot skip this process because it has made a significant change in my hair health. 

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture? 

I would encourage them to push past their insecurities and give themselves a fair chance to know what it feels like to love your whole self from the inside out. It’s not just about hair — once you embrace that small piece of you, you will see how confident you can become because you realize you have broken out of society’s standards of beauty.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Loc Talk with Kris: 5 Things You Can’t Do Without
Loc Talk with Kris 5 Things You Cant Do Without

We were lucky enough to meet Kris Brooks coming out of private social club Soho House in New York. Brooks, a longtime NaturallyCurly community member, is a New York-based, world-touring professional musician, and has worked with performers such as Stevie Wonder, John Legend, and Mary J. Blige. She checked in from Australia, where she just finished up her second world tour with Sam Smith.

We checked in with her at the 13-month point to get an update on her loc journey. She shared the products and tools she can’t do without.

1. Essential oils

For the scalp and ends of hair. It’s always best to explore, to find the best one for your hair type/texture, but I find having a product with a handful of oils is easiest because you’re getting the great nutrients from a few different oils! My favorites are Alikay Naturals Essential 17 Hair Growth Oil and Tropic Isle Jamaican Black Castor Hair Growth Oil.

2. A gentle shampoo

My favorite shampoo — which doesn’t contain sulfates, parabens, or mineral oil – is Hair Rules Aloe Grapefruit Shampoo.

3. A good refreshing mist

When you’re on the go, it keeps your locs refreshed between washes, such as Jamaican Black Castor Oil Daily Hair Growth Leave-In Conditioning Mist. This product does have shea butter in it, which I’ve tried to stay away from (after this happened“>… But I find that this product is made so well, that the shea stays in liquid form, and actually melts in my hair, rather than building up.

4. A satin scarf

Not only does this help maintain my hair ‘do, but it also protects the actual fibers of my hair — especially those edges, ladies. The hair that frames your face is the most delicate. Unless you’re sleeping on satin and silk pillowcases every night, that cotton is gonna keep adding pressure to that delicate hair as you roll about in bed, and your hair will get weaker and weaker, and could eventually break off. We don’t want that. Protect ya edges! Here are some of my favs here, here, and here. And this leads into my last suggestion:

5. Lint-free towel

Lint can be a major and equally annoying problem in the loc community. It’s impossible to not get lint in yours locs — from the clothes we wear, to the drying cloths, and towels we use. However, you can prevent a lot of non-hair fibers from wrapping around your locs by using a towel fabric that has the least amount of shedding possible. Microfiber towels are AMAZING, yet not that great when it comes to the environment, in the way that they’re produced. If you want a more sustainable option, try bamboo towels, which are mold and mildew free, antibacterial, absorbent, and sustainable!

Do you have locs? What are some things that you’ve found you can’t go without? Share with us in the comments below! Embedded content:
Texture Tales: Amber Shares Her Curly Girl Essentials and Tips for Definition
Texture Tales Amber Shares Her Curly Girl Essentials and Tips for Definition


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

There were A LOT of tears! Tear shed started when I started getting bullied over my hair in elementary school. Then there were tears from getting a brush ripped through my curls, to the burn marks from trying to straighten out the curls. It was all incredibly frustrating. And in the end, I honed in my skills with a flat iron and very few people ended up knowing I had curly hair.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally wavy hair? 

I recently had a baby and two things happened. One, I noticed I was getting bald spots along my hairline from wearing my hair up EVERY SINGLE DAY. Two, my daughter was about to turn a year old and I saw one single curl pop up on the back of her head and knew I just couldn’t watch her go through the same frustration that I had experienced my whole life. So I set out to find an answer of how to embrace and properly take care of my natural curls.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

100% helping other curlies!! When I discovered the Curly Girl Method I was in SHOCK that this knowledge had been around my entire life and I was just now learning about it!!! So I decided to start an Instagram account as my own little way of “shouting from the rooftops” that there is a way to embrace and love your curls!! Getting to help others see the beauty in themselves in their natural state is by far the most empowering and important thing I’ve ever done.

Texture Tales Amber Shares Her Curly Girl Essentials and Tips for Definition

How do you protect your curls at night?

Most of the time I’m lazy and just pineapple it and sleep on my silk pillowcase. But if I’m really wanting my wash day to last I apply a bit of conditioner to my ends and tie it up in a silk scarf.

Who is your curl crush?

My first thought is to say Ayesha Malik, but the further I get in my journey the more I become my own curl crush! It may sound vain, but it has taken me my whole life to learn to love and embrace my curls and I’m not afraid to be prideful of them. 

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My Denman brush!!!! My hair never wants to clump and can really struggle with definition, but the Denman always comes to the rescue, giving me big juicy curls!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share? 

Currently, I have been on an experimental kick! I’ve been switching it up and trying out a bunch of new brands and techniques, but my tried and true go-to routine is very simple! I wash with Not Your Monther’s Pink Shampoo, condition with GVP Conditioning Balm (this is my holy grail, I’ll never quit it”>, squish to condish and rinse, add a bit more gvp conditioning balm as a leave-in, brush through with the Denman brush, plop for 5 min, apply Moptop Curly Custard, a tiny bit of Aussie instant freeze gel, diffuse, scrunch out the crunch, and fluff!

Texture Tales Amber Shares Her Curly Girl Essentials and Tips for Definition

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

100% figuring out my protein moisture balance, and that my hair hates coconut oil. I had about a month where I was in protein overload. My hair was so dry it felt like straw. It was brittle and breaking. Oh and the tangles!!! The tangles were the worst! I would spend about 45 minutes trying to detangle my hair in the shower. Most wash days would end in tears because I was so frustrated. I was on the verge of giving up, but then just at the right time, I read all about protein vs moisture and it completely changed the game for me! I figured out how to regain the balance and my hair sprang back to life! It was soft, defined, and most importantly…. not a tangled mess!

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Squish to condish!! I didn’t realize that it could be so hard to get moisture into my hair. When I learned this method, struggling with moisture became a thing of the past.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture? 

Give yourself grace. Learn to love yourself for who you are, and not who you think the world wants you to be. You are uniquely and beautifully made, and the world needs you just the way you are!

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Bethany on Her Liberating Big Chop Experience + Secret to Poppin’ Curls
Texture Tales Bethany on Her Liberating Big Chop Experience  Secret to Poppin Curls

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

It was always hard for me to style my hair. I struggled with maintaining a healthy luster and shine because it was very dry. I didn’t have much variety; it was always in a bun or ponytail. I often flat-ironed and pressed my hair, which caused major heat damage. This made me even more insecure about wearing my natural curls.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

I was introduced to the natural hair journey through social media and I was inspired to start learning more about curly hair. I made it my mission to learn how to rock my curls because I knew their potential and I wanted to be more proud of my roots. I was tired of the damage and breakage from heat and coloring.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment for me was when I did the big chop. I had wanted to do it for so long. I was finally courageous enough and I knew it would be more beneficial in the long run. The results were great; short hair was so fun and something ne. My curls were more defined. It was very liberating and rewarding.

Texture Tales Bethany on Her Liberating Big Chop Experience  Secret to Poppin Curls

How do you protect your curls at night? 

I put lots of castor oil all throughout my hair and I recently have begun braiding it as well and sleeping on a satin pillow or with a bonnet.

Who is your curl crush?

My curl crushes are @naturallyendia and @jewjewbee I absolute adore their hair pages.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

I cannot live without my Cantu Leave-In Conditioning Repair Cream and my Eco Styler Professional Styling Gel with Argan Oil.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share? 

I do a lot of wash and go’s on my hair, so my hair regimen begins with me applying water, then Cantu Argan Oil Leave-in, then castor oil or argan oil all over each strand from root to end, then I add Cantu’s Curling Creme for max definition and then I top it all off with Eco Styler Gel to my edges and at the top of my hair, starting from my roots, in order to secure loose strands and eliminate frizz.

Texture Tales Bethany on Her Liberating Big Chop Experience  Secret to Poppin Curls


What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

The most challenging moments for me were discovering I needed a regimen and learning how to prevent breakage.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Moisturizing! I cannot stress it enough. I think I had gotten used to my hair being dry so I didn’t try to do much to it. Then it started breaking off and I realized it was necessary for me to oil and deep condition it as much as possible. I oil my hair every night and I deep condition once a week.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture? 

I recommend to be patient, and to try to find a curly hair inspo on social media that will give you faith and also show you how to maintain your hair. The big chop is scary, but for so many, it has been worth it. Sometimes you just need the chance to start over. I would also recommend finding what works for your hair and not being afraid to try new things. Just because it works for them doesn’t mean it will work for you. Don’t lose faith just because it can get difficult, but understand it is possible for your hair to live up to its very potential.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

How I Avoid the "Wet Gelled Down" Look On My Wavy-Curly Hair
How I Avoid the Wet Gelled Down Look On My Wavy-Curly Hair

I use tons of conditioner and moisturizing products with ingredients like shea butter to seal so my hair isn’t dry. That way, it doesn’t need to reach up to the air for moisture and frizz.

My name is Raquel, but my nickname is Rocky, and my channel on YouTube is RockynCurls. I live near Nashville, TN, and I am a medical laboratory scientist. I perform blood work and molecular infectious disease testing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

My hair type: wavy-curly (type 2c/3a”>, high porosity

I never knew my hair was curly. It turned poofy and wavy when I was a pre-teen; my mom would brush and blow-dry it till it became frizzy and straight. I met a Panamanian lady who taught me it was wavy and curly, and how to use mousse and spray gel. I liked my hair much better, but not how the products made my hair feel sticky, and I had that “wet gelled down” look. I could not wait to wash them out. When I finally figured out how to flat iron it, I enjoyed that; but it always took over an hour to do, so I always had it in a bun.

One day, I styled it with mousse.

Then I went to the zoo with some friends, and after hitting the humidity, my hair no longer looked nice. It looked like a frizzy mess. Everyone else looked nice, but my hair looked terrible, even though it was fine when I had first left home.

I thought, you know what, I have read books on how to do lots of things, but never one about how to care for wavy and curly hair. It takes up so much time in my life styling it straight. I think I should research how to take care of it curly!

I went on Amazon and found Curly Girl: The Handbook by Lorraine Massey. I was so excited after seeing the five star reviews, I could not wait for the book to come! As soon as it did, I downloaded it onto my kindle app on my iPhone to read the whole thing right away. All the stories and problems in the book felt like they were my story. It took me several weeks to transition, and my hair was very oily and frizzy at first, but it started looking better. Slowly, my oily scalp calmed down; and I have never looked back.

My biggest hair issue: frizz

I use tons of conditioner. I also use moisturizing products with moisturizing oils in the ingredients, like shea butter, to seal so my hair isn’t dry. That way, it doesn’t need to reach up to the air for moisture and frizz. I use hard hold gel to keep the frizz at bay and help hold up my waves. I can use conditioner only, or leave-in and gel, and get good results. However, for the best results, I do the LCEG method from spring to fall, which is:

  • L- Leave-in conditioner
  • C- Cream
  • E- Enhancing gel
  • G- Hard hold gel

In the winter, I do the LOCG Method:

  • L- Leave-in
  • O- Oil
  • C- Cream
  • G- Hard hold gel

My hair is also curly, so I need the extra moisture from cream and leave-in. I cowash with silicone-free conditioner, or use sulfate-free shampoo, and then I condition with silicone-free conditioner. I rinse it off of the scalp (or else it gets oily and flat”>, but leave the rest in the length of my hair. I flip my head down, and re-apply conditioner as my leave-in with my ears down, and squish to condish with water in the shower until the curls are clumped nicely.

Sometimes, I apply more leave-in after getting out of the shower, and this is my leave-in step. I then use a cream, curl enhancing gel, then a hard hold gel. Next, I scrunch out the water with a microfiber towel, plop, then clip and diffuse, or sit in my hooded dryer. I also pineapple in my hooded dryer for extra volume.

Products/methods that have helped me embrace my texture

I have porous, coarse hair, so SheaMoisture Curl and Style Milk is my favorite leave in conditioner. SheaMoisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie is my favorite curl cream. Kinky Curly Curling Custard is my favorite curl enhancing gel, and LA Looks Extreme Spikes is my favorite hard hold gel. I love these so much! I use them for the LCEG method and always get good results. I can get away with a lot of different conditioners and co-washes, but I mostly love SheaMoisture. I love DevaCurl B’Leave-in and DevaCurl Supercream Coconut Styler as well. I do not use any more sulfates, silicones and drying alcohols, as recommended in the Curly Girl Method.

Since practicing The CG Method…

It is curlier, less frizzy, shinier, softer, healthier, more manageable, less oily, less tangled and easier to deal with. I only have to wash it every two to four days. Before my hair was so frizzy, and I had a very oily scalp. I had to wash my hair up to twice a day because it was so oily. Once I stopped the sulfates, it became less oily.

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Follow me on Instagram (@rockyncurls“> and subscribe to my channel on YouTube (@RockynCurls“> for more wavy-curly tips and product recommendations.

Have any tips to share that you know of or personally use to avoid the ‘wet gelled down’ look? Share them with us in the comments below!

This article was originally published in 2016 and has been updated for clarity.
How I Avoid The "Wet Gelled Down" Look On My Wavy-Curly Hair

My name is Raquel, but my nickname is Rocky, and my channel on YouTube is RockynCurls. I live near Nashville, TN, and I am a medical laboratory scientist. I perform blood work and molecular infectious disease testing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

My hair type: wavy-curly (type 2c/3a”>, high porosity

I never knew my hair was curly. It turned poofy and wavy when I was a pre-teen; my mom would brush and blow-dry it till it became frizzy and straight. I met a Panamanian woman who taught me it was wavy and curly and how to use mousse and spray gel. I liked my hair much better, but I didn’t like how the products made my hair feel sticky, and how I had that “wet gelled down” look. I could not wait to wash them out. When I finally figured out how to flat iron it, I enjoyed that; but it always took over an hour to do, so I always had it in a bun.

One day, I styled it with mousse.

Then I went to the zoo with some friends, and after hitting the humidity, my hair no longer looked nice. It looked like a frizzy mess. Everyone else looked nice, but my hair looked terrible, even though I thought it had looked nice when I left home.

I thought, you know what, I have read books on how to do lots of things, but never one about how to care for wavy and curly hair. It takes up so much time in my life styling it straight. I think I should research how to take care of it curly!

I went on Amazon and foundCurly Girl: The Handbook by Lorraine Massey. I was so excited after seeing the five-star reviews, I could not wait for the book to come, and downloaded it onto my Kindle app on my iPhone to read the whole thing right away. All the stories and problems in the book felt like she was writing about my story, and to me personally. It took me several weeks to transition, and my hair was very oily and frizzy at first, but it started looking better. Slowly, my oily scalp calmed down; and I have never looked back.

My biggest hair issue: frizz

I use tons of conditioner. I also use moisturizing products with moisturizing oils in the ingredients, like shea butter to seal so my hair isn’t dry. That way, it doesn’t need to reach up to the air for moisture and frizz. I use hard-hold gel to keep the frizz at bay and help hold up my waves. I can use conditioner only, or leave-in and gel, and get good results. However, for the best results, I do the LCEG method from spring to fall, which is:

L- Leave-in conditioner

C- Cream

E- Enhancing gel

G- hard hold gel

In the winter, I do the LOCG Method:

L- Leave-in

O- Oil

C- Cream

G- Hard hold gel

My hair is also curly, so I need the extra moisture from cream and leave-in. I cowash with silicone-free conditioner or use sulfate-free shampoo and then I condition with silicone free-conditioner. I rinse it off of the scalp (or it is oily and flat”> but leave the rest in the length of my hair. I flip my head down and re-apply conditioner as my leave-in and squish to condish with water in the shower until the curls are clumped nicely.

Sometimes I apply more leave-in after getting out of the shower, and this is my leave-in step. I then use a cream, curl enhancing gel, then a hard hold gel. I scrunch out water with a microfiber towel, plop, then clip and diffuse, or sit under my hooded dryer. I also pineapple in my hooded dryer for extra volume. I have a video on that as well.

Products/methods that have helped me embrace my texture

I have porous, coarse hair, so SheaMoisture Curl and Style Milk is my favorite leave-in conditioner. SheaMoisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie is my favorite curl cream. Kinky Curly Curling Custard is my favorite curl enhancing gel and LA Looks Extreme Spikes is my favorite hard hold gel. I love these so much! I use them for the LCEG method and always get good results. I can get away with a lot of different conditioners and co-washes, but I mostly love SheaMoisture. I love DevaCurl B’Leave-in and DevaCurl Supercream Coconut Styler as well. I do not use any more sulfates, silicones, or drying alcohols as recommended in Curly Girl Method.

Since practicing The CG Method…

My hair is curlier, less frizzy, shinier, softer, healthier, more manageable, less oily, less tangled and easier to deal with. I only have to wash it every two to four days. Before, my hair was so frizzy, and I had a very oily scalp. I had to wash my hair up to twice a day because it was so oily. Once I stopped the sulfates, it became less oily.

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Follow me on Instagram (@rockyncurls“> and subscribe to my channel on YouTube (@RockynCurls“> for more wavy-curly tips and product recommendations.

Have any tips to share that you know of or personally use to avoid the ‘wet gelled down’ look? Share them with us in the comments below!

Texture Tales: This is How Ligaya Styles Her Beautiful Voluminous Curls
Texture Tales This is How Ligaya Styles Her Beautiful Voluminous Curls

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

To be honest, growing up with textured hair was hard on me. Sadly, I started hating my hair at a very young age. I was in elementary school and I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in fourth grade and there were a lot of girls in my class with silky long straight hair so that made me feel like a complete outcast. Girls in my class would ask me why was my hair so big and bushy? They’d laugh and say I should straighten it immediately! It wasn’t until the 5th-grade year I begged my father if I could get a perm. Thinking to myself that would make my hair permanently straight forever. So he agreed and it wasn’t until the next day that I realized I had made a huge mistake and damaged my curls up big time.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally wavy hair?

I started embracing my naturally curly/wavy hair end of 2017. I honestly can’t remember the last time I straightened my hair. When I started realizing that it wasn’t my hair that was too much, but instead it was people’s opinions of my hair, that was too much. I knew I needed to embrace more of who I am — not anyone else’s opinions on my hair! So that’s when I decided to embrace my naturally curly/wavy hair. 

How have your family, friends, and co-workers reacted? What was your response to them? 

My family and friends have been super supportive of my natural hair. They were always curious about what I am using on my hair and how I apply and use the products. Never once have they ever made me feel different or judged me about my hair care journey. So I thank them for that because it was definitely hard growing up being known as the girl with big, bushy hair.

Texture Tales This is How Ligaya Styles Her Beautiful Voluminous Curls

How did you transition to wearing your natural texture?

Something I would always do around my birthday was give myself a big chop. Plus I love having short hair from time to time. So every year around May, whenever I would get my hair done, I would cut it then have the salon straighten it. That was also something that made me realize that I was wasting a lot of time and especially money on getting my hair done. So I learned how to cut my natural hair myself and from there I also stop putting heat on my hair and started wearing my hair in its natural state.

What is your current hair regimen?

I like to keep my hair care regimen really simple. I don’t like to shampoo my hair a lot, but when I do I like to use shampoos that are sulfate-free and paraben-free. I stick to shampoos that act like cleansers because I love the feeling of having clean hair without it being stripped of its natural oils. I shampoo once a week, on Monday just so I can start the week with fresh clean hair. During the week, I’ll use products to co-wash my hair and then move on to conditioners, deep conditioners, and mask. Some of my fave products to do all that are Aussie Miracle Curls Co-wash Conditioning Cleanser, DevaCurl Heaven In Hair Deep Conditioner and Shea moisture Manuka Honey and Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Hair Masque. I really love that mask, especially for days when my hair feels really dry.

Texture Tales This is How Ligaya Styles Her Beautiful Voluminous Curls

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a big impact on the way your hair looks? 

When it comes to some techniques and methods, I really only have one and that’s splitting my hair down the middle and working with one half and then the other. It helps me save a lot of time because I don’t section my hair in pieces. Then once I’m done applying all of my products, I either let my hair stay split down the middle so it can air dry or I’ll style it. It really depends on what look I want to go for that day. But when it’s split down the middle, I love how my hair turns out more voluminous. 

Any advice you’d like to give other women who may be in the transition phase or need some encouragement in their hair journey? 

For all the girls and women out there who are transitioning, please remember that it’s a process. Everything in life takes time and it won’t happen overnight. I’m still learning new things about my hair every day. So don’t be discouraged and give up, because with faith and dedication it will happen. I used to think my hair was damaged forever from all the heat I applied to it over the years, but I soon saw that wasn’t the case and decided to make a change. I gave up flat irons, curling irons, and salons 100% and never looked back and that’s what worked for me. I’m not saying to never go to a salon for haircuts or a trim, but in my past experiences when I went I was just doing more damage than good. Just know your hair journey will be an adventure for the better and it will be something you’ll want to share with everyone around the world.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Asea Shares Her Natural Hair Journey of Embracing Her Coily Hair & Conquering Curl Envy
Texture Tales Asea Shares Her Natural Hair Journey of Embracing Her Coily Hair & Conquering Curl Envy
Image: @aseamae

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up, my hair was always referred to as nappy. When I was 4, I got my first relaxer. My earliest memories of getting my hair done are of hot combs and the ”Just for Me” box. I never really knew much about my hair texture. I just came to understand that it was unacceptable.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally coily hair?

Initially I didn’t like my texture because it looked nothing like my favorite natural hair gurus. I did all the natural hair treatments (cherry lola treatments, coconut oil relaxer, and henna”> to try to loosen my curl pattern and get my hair to “hang”. It took time for me to fall in love with my texture and fully embrace the way it looks, but it all began with me learning the unique things I can do with my texture. At the time, I stopped trying to recreate styles from women with looser curl patterns than I have, and I found inspiration from women who had hair like mine. It really helped me to see the beauty in my hair texture and to stop envying the curl patterns that I do not have.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

The hardest times have been when my hair was in need of protein. Before I knew how to recognize it, I would be really frustrated with the fact that my hair is acting differently and that I wasn’t retaining length. I would end up having to cut 3-4 inches off of my hair simply because of the damage that occurred from me not balancing my hair with moisture and protein.

How do you protect your curls at night?

I sleep on a satin pillowcase or use a satin bonnet.

Texture Tales Asea Shares Her Natural Hair Journey of Embracing Her Coily Hair & Conquering Curl Envy

Who is your curl crush? 

I get inspired by a lot of natural hair queens, but Safiya Aisha really helped me to learn to love my natural hair texture. A few of my current faves are @IKnowLee, @Hazel_Goddesss, @SashaBasha2, and @JascoloredCurls.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without? 

Recently, my microwavable heat cap for deep conditioning. It’s been a lifesaver in the times I don’t feel like hooking up my steamer.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My current regimen is shampoo, deep condition with indirect heat or steam, leave-in conditioner, styler/gel, and then an oil. Recently I have been loving the Jane Carter Curls To Go line and the As I Am Dry and Itchy Scalp Cowash. Texture ID is also a favorite. I love their deep conditioner and it’s a really affordable brand.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

My most recent cut and color have been one of the most empowering experiences in my journey thus far. I decided to cut and color my hair for the first time to have fun and experience the freedom of being creative with my look. I was very caught up in having long hair and I believed that my influence, beauty, and value was solely rooted in the length of my hair. I was afraid to color my hair because I felt like I would lose value. Letting go of that ideology and realizing that I am more than just hair has been the most freeing and it also helped me to fall in love with the uniqueness of who I am in a whole new way. 

Texture Tales Asea Shares Her Natural Hair Journey of Embracing Her Coily Hair & Conquering Curl Envy

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Yes! Smoothing my hair has made a huge difference. I make sure to wash my hair in sections and smooth every product into my hair beginning with my wash routine. I utilize smoothing techniques to gently remove shed hair and also to assist the water in softening my hair. It has drastically impacted the amount of hair I lose on wash day and has also really helped my hair to be prepared for styling. I find handling my hair in sections to be the most effective for making sure it’s fully de-tangled and that every strand is moisturized.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

There is so much beauty in your unique texture. Though the hair typing system is available to help direct us as naturals to products that can benefit our hair growth, it is not the only factor to consider for healthy hair growth. Focus on learning your hair’s porosity level and density so that you can find products, routines, and healthy hair practices that promote optimum health for your hair. Healthy hair is good hair and as you begin to embrace your texture and accept it for it as it is, you can then nurture it according to its unique needs and achieve healthy hair that you love and rock confidently. Your hair is your canvas and no matter the texture there is so much versatility in natural hair.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: India Shares Her Curly Hair Journey and How She Has Grown to Embrace Her Waves
Texture Tales India Shares Her Curly Hair Journey and How She Has Grown to Embrace Her Waves
Image: @indiabatson

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair? 

Growing up, I straightened my hair daily because all the girls who looked like me had straight hair and what little girl doesn’t simply want to fit in?

What made you decide to embrace your naturally wavy hair?

I grew tired of straightening my hair. I had damaged it enough and was over it. I began doing research on the curly girl method and decided to drop sulfates and put my straightener down for good!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I will never forget one day in middle school, I didn’t have time to straighten my hair and just rolled out of bed in a panic. My middle school teacher told me, “I like your hair better when you don’t straighten it.” It changed my perspective completely forever. 

How do you protect your curls at night?


Texture Tales India Shares Her Curly Hair Journey and How She Has Grown to Embrace Her Waves

Who is your curl crush?

Spisha and Bianca Renee. I’m lucky enough to call them friends and talk on the phone with them way too much. 

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without? 


What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share? 

I’m obsessed with Not Your Mother’s Curl Talk line, honestly. It’s Curly Girl Method approved and it’s affordable… GAME CHANGER. I love DevaCurl’s Melt into Moisture Mask, SheaMoisture’s Manuka Honey and Yogurt Hydrate + Repair Protein Power Treatment is PERFECTION for after I highlight my hair to get my bounce back. Recently, I’m loving Prose shampoo and Amika’s curl corps gel, especially since they’re both sulfate & silicone free. 

Texture Tales India Shares Her Curly Hair Journey and How She Has Grown to Embrace Her Waves

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far? 

Having people tell me I don’t belong in the curly world, but I also don’t belong in the straight hair world, and this has left me feeling out of place as a wavy-hair girl. I hope one day the curly hair community will be more wavy-haired and welcoming of wavy haired men and women. Representation is something I’ve learned this past year is extremely important. In the curly world predominantly 3b/3c curls are shown the most, because they are the “most desired”. I’m ready to see an ad with 2a, 3b, and 4c women next to each other looking fabulous!

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health? 

I am the most chill “hair influencer” out there!! I put my product in and run out the door. I embrace the frizz and work with what I’ve got. 

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture? 

If you stop straightening your hair you can get back an hour of your day to eat pizza, watch Netflix or even watch my YouTube videos… if that isn’t encouraging I don’t know what is!?! No, but in all seriousness, stop comparing your hair to others and rock what the good Lord gave you. It will take time, but the journey is the best part. 

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Greeshma Shares her Curly Journey and the DIY Recipes that Saved Her Curls
Texture Tales Greeshma Shares her Curly Journey and the DIY Recipes that Saved Her Curls

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

It was never easy growing up with culy hair, especially without knowing how to properly take care of it. It was always a mess. This became the reason for straightening my hair for years until the actual light of knowledge was spread upon by the curly community.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

The inspiration that the curly community provided was extraordinary and led to the decision to go natural and embrace my curls.

How have your family, friends, and co-workers reacted? What was your response to them?

It came as a surprise to everyone. And there was no better response than to educate them with the truth.

How did you transition to wearing your natural texture?

Went for the big chop and started a routine that slowly led to the Curly Girl Method.

Texture Tales Greeshma Shares her Curly Journey and the DIY Recipes that Saved Her Curls

What is your current hair regimen?

  • Deep condition weekly.
  • Hot oil treatment every week.
  • Cleanse the hair with CG friendly shampoo, use CG friendly conditioner and stylers (DIY as well”>
  • Wash my hair twice a week.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a big impact on the way your hair looks?

Raking the products in small sections.

Any advice you’d like to give other women who may be in the transition phase or need some encouragement in their hair journey?

Get a trim — you can get rid of some damaged part of your hair if you are not ready to cut it off. But make sure to trim the damage regularly as you see natural growth (once every three months.”>

Avoid heat styling. Now, this is very important after all the heat and chemical treatment your hair has undergone in the past, at least for a pretty long period of time.

 Use natural ingredients – There is no better product than the mother nature. Try to use natural ingredients in your initial stages and minimize the use of expensive market-based products. You could try the following for each of your treatment and styling techniques. 

Deep condition – Moisture is what your hair needs due to all the dryness and damage. Make sure to deep condition your hair at least once a week if not more. Use natural ingredients as I have mentioned above such as honey, coconut milk, avocado, oils, shea butter, etc., in your deep conditioner to get extra that moisture. 

Texture Tales Greeshma Shares her Curly Journey and the DIY Recipes that Saved Her Curls

 Use natural ingredients – There is no better product than the mother nature. Try to use natural ingredients in your initial stages and minimize the use of expensive market-based products. You could try the following for each of your treatment and styling techniques. 

  • Apple cider vinegar – To clarify
  • Coconut oil, Avocado oil, Argan oil, Honey, Coconut milk, Shea butter, aloe vera juice – Deep treatment mask
  • Rice water, boiled tapioca water – Protein balance
  • Homemade Flaxseed gel – You could use this amazing gel to style your hair post hair wash. Click here for the recipe.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Mary Tells Us How Her Big Chop Gave Her the Confidence to Embrace Her Curls
Texture Tales Mary Tells Us How Her Big Chop Gave Her the Confidence to Embrace Her Curls


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up, I always had super thick hair even with a relaxer, and my hair was long so I always would get questions about if it was real or not. I loved my long hair and all the different styles I was able to do. I started getting away from regularly relaxing my hair and started trying to “stretch” my relaxer. I like, everyone else, discovered YouTube channels that focused on healthy “relaxed hair journeys”, and I started taking my hair care more seriously.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

Stretching my relaxers seemed silly and I felt like if I could go six months without a touch-up, why not just go without relaxers altogether? I tried transitioning, but that just got to be too much work so I figured if I was going to do this I should just go for it and I big chopped in 2012.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Big chopping was probably my most empowering moment because I really loved my curls and didn’t feel like I was less than even though I had way less length. I had always gotten compliments for having long straight hair so not having that as a crutch really put my self-confidence to the test, and to my surprise I loved how I looked and felt more confident than ever.

How do you protect your curls at night?

I sleep on a satin pillowcase or use a satin scarf. Every now and then I forget and do neither.

Texture Tales Mary Tells Us How Her Big Chop Gave Her the Confidence to Embrace Her Curls

Who is your curl crush? 

My original and forever curl crush is Jessica Lewis of Mahogany Curls. Her blog and YouTube channel were what inspired me when I first went natural and I still love her curls!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

Deep conditioner!!!!! I’m cheap, but I’ll drop good coins for a good conditioner. In my opinion, it makes the most difference in the health of my hair. If I’m not deep conditioning on the regular with heat, I can immediately tell a difference.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I cleanse with a really good shampoo and matching rinse out conditioner.

Deep condition with heat for at least 20 mins. 

Then I style, with either a gel or cream. 

I love Devacurl’s Heaven in Hair Intense Moisture Treatment and Camille Rose Aloe Whipped Butter Gel or Curl Milk.

Texture Tales Mary Tells Us How Her Big Chop Gave Her the Confidence to Embrace Her Curls

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Struggling with a hair setback. I am anemic and not taking an iron supplement really took a toll on my hair. Plus, the heat damage I got from a salon visit and I was just frustrated. I thankfully figured out what works for me and have since found a good stylist to help me maintain my hair health.

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Deep conditioning is huge! It makes such a difference and properly using protein treatments because sometimes we can forget we need both.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture? 

It isn’t always easy. Even now I have my days when I’m not looking my best, but all in all, I love my hair; it’s a part of me. I’m also aware of what I take in as far as media is concerned. I make sure I look at posts and follow brands that feature people who look like me. That messaging is powerful and can take a toll on you if you’re not careful.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Vicki on How She Overcame Heat Damage + a Bad Color Job to Loving Her Beautiful Curls
Texture Tales Vicki on How She Overcame Heat Damage  a Bad Color Job to Loving Her Beautiful Curls


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I grew up in Spain and was one of a few black kids in my school so my hair was always something that made me stand out from all my friends. I chemically straightened my hair to soften my curl texture for most of my teen years. I just wanted to blend in and had no idea how to care for my natural texture.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

I just got so tired of how unhealthy my hair looked and felt. A few of the more long-standing brands like Cantu and Sheamoisture were starting to pop up and I started slowly transitioning by using better products and lots of twist outs to grow my hair out.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Starting my blog has been an amazing journey for me. It allowed me to really connect with the curly community in London and across the world, giving and receiving so much useful information! My hair has really come into its full potential through the commitment I’ve made to it through having to create content.

Texture Tales Vicki on How She Overcame Heat Damage  a Bad Color Job to Loving Her Beautiful Curls

How do you protect your curls at night?

I sleep in a silk scarf — it’s done the trick or me for years and I’ve mastered the art of tying it so it doesn’t slip off at night!

Who is your curl crush?

I’d probably say Whitney White aka Naptural85 as she has an incredible head of hair and volumes of knowledge to back it!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

Deep conditioner — it literally saves my hair in the winter months!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I like to keep it simple. I cleanse, deep condition, style, moisturize, and define my wash and go once a week and try to make it last the entire week.

I especially love Curls, Jessicurl, Boucleme, Flora & Curl at the moment. They’re such good quality products!

Texture Tales Vicki on How She Overcame Heat Damage  a Bad Color Job to Loving Her Beautiful Curls

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

I’d grown a thick full head of hair from years of twisting and made the mistake of going to a bad hairstylist for highlights. My hair was really impacted by the bad color job and I’m currently growing it all out so it feels like I’m on a journey again!

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Deep conditioning with indirect heat works wonders for my low porosity curls. Learning to understand ingredients and figuring out which ones work well with my hair and which don’t has really made a huge difference (proteins can be touch and go for me”>. Also, finding a hair routine that works and sticking to it has really taken my hair to its full potential.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Embracing your natural hair can feel like such a burden with so much information, so many products, so many different styling methods out there. Trial and error is the way forward; have a little patience and stay committed to letting your hair truly shine and I promise you won’t regret it.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.