Search Results: NaturallyCurly

Texture Tales: Crystal Shares her Natural Journey to Loving Her Coily Hair
Texture Tales Crystal Shares her Natural Journey to Loving Her Coily Hair


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up, I had relaxed hair until I was 20 years old. Growing up with relaxed hair felt “normal” because my hair’s texture mirrored almost everyone around me (white and black”> since it was straight. Although, I knew having my hair in that state could not be “natural” because unlike other races, I had to regularly go to a beautician to keep my hair straight while it came natural to other races. However, I never looked too much into the reason why until I began college. Additionally, while growing up, having natural hair wasn’t as relevant as it is today since the “embrace your natural hair era” didn’t truly begin until recent years.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally coily hair?

The decision to embrace my natural hair came about when I entered college because I became curious to see how my hair would naturally grow from my scalp if I did not regularly get perms. Around this time, many people on my social media and around me began to wear their natural hair, which moved me to do research and begin my journey although I was extremely hesitant and told by many (including my mother”> that I was making a mistake. What I had to realize was that many people who viewed it as a mistake weren’t trying to be downgrading, but they were just innocently ignorant of the process since being natural was not very common around that time. In 2016, I made the decision to begin transitioning, scared out of my mind to see what would naturally grow from my scalp, but I took the leap!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment of my natural hair journey so far is the amount of people I am able to motivate and educate by sticking true to my decision, including my mother. By creating my platform “CurlieCrys”, I am able to reach thousands of people to help them along their journey and reassure them that embracing the natural you is beautiful. Yes, it may require more work, tbut nothing worthwhile is easy. I also empower myself because I made an appearance-altering decision 3 years ago without knowing what the outcome would be and from that, I have developed an increasing love for myself.

Texture Tales Crystal Shares her Natural Journey to Loving Her Coily Hair


How do you protect your curls at night?

At night, I either sleep on a satin pillowcase or put my hair in a bonnet. It depends on the style. However, I always make sure my hair is on satin while sleeping to eliminate breakage.

Who is your curl crush?

My curl crushes are Naptural85 and MiniMarley.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

I cannot live without a moisturizing butter! All of my family (aka my followers”> know how much I am a die hard for a good thick butter/cream because it adds so much lasting moisture to my thick hair!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My current regimen is shampoo/cowash, deep condition (with heat or steam”>, leave in conditioner, styler (preferable cream”>, and oil to seal. My favorite cowash is the As I Am Coconut Cowash. My favorite cream is either Glammed NaturallyOil Mango Cream or Qhemet Biologics Aethiopika Cream. Both are bomb and leave me with lasting moisture for my twistouts.

Texture Tales Crystal Shares her Natural Journey to Loving Her Coily Hair


What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging moment would be finding the right products that worked for my hair. Everyone’s hair is different, which means what works for one naturalista will not always work for you. The trial and error process of finding what techniques, regimens, products, and what your hair likes is so challenging. However, once you find it, you’re basically unstoppable ;”>

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Making sure to style my hair while wet and keeping it extremely moisturized with regular trims have given me the best results. Getting regular trims is the most challenging routine I feel most naturalistas have a hard time staying consistent with because not many like trimming their hair, but they fail to realize its the best way to see growth because it keeps your ends healthy, which prevents them from splitting up the hair shaft.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Embrace you 100%! Once you wholeheartedly accept who you are, you are unstoppable and other people’s opinions only become just that, OPINIONS! Not facts! The fact is you are beautiful just the way you were created! No additives, no adjustments, no chemicals…just you!

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us [here](″> to be featured in our [Texture Tales series](/texture-tales”>.
Texture Tales: Kat Shares Her Curly Girl Essentials for Voluminous Defined Curls
Texture Tales Kat Shares Her Curly Girl Essentials for Voluminous Defined Curls

Image: @kats.curls

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up I was surrounded by other little girls with straight hair. From 1st grade all the way up until high school. In high school girls I know with curly hair wanted their hair straight too! I always wanted my hair straight and never learned to treat my curly hair up until I was forced to learn. I never loved my curls like I do now and honestly, I never ever knew my hair was even this curly.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

I was kind of forced to embrace my curls. After about 5 years of intense heat damage and two years of chemical damage, my hair was fried and dead. Product wouldn’t even stick to my hair and I had no choice, but to learn to care for my hair because at that point I realized (and my mom did too”> that my hair was getting ready to fall out. The damage and breakage was REAL!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Letting go of all the heat I was so addicted to has been the more empowering moment for me. I literally don’t even remember how to straighten my hair anymore and I’m PROUD of that. Additionally, I have empowering moments every day helping women embrace and learn about their unique natural hair.

Texture Tales Kat Shares Her Curly Girl Essentials for Voluminous Defined Curls

Image: @kats.curls

How do you protect your curls at night?

At night time I use a silk wrap and a silk pillow case to protect my curls. Honestly, I’ve tried the pineapple and the double pineapple and other methods but in my opinion silk always works best.

Who is your curl crush?

My curl crush is Amanda Walker @amandarrwalker. Her hair is beautiful and I love all the looks and content she puts out.

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

Something I can’t live without is a scalp scrub! This is something that truly changed my wash day for the better! My scalp drives me insane and the scalp scrub I have clarifies it exactly how I like it, leaves my scalp feeling clean and itch free! It’s from Rawkyn, it’s called Gold. This is something I use every single wash day no matter what other products I use.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

To keep my hair consistently healthy I deep condition once a week, wash once a week (sometimes I will co-wash in the middle of my hair week”>, I do a protein treatment every 3-4 weeks, and I protect my curls at night. My routine is simple and I try to limit myself to 2 products every wash day. Some of my favorite go-to’s are, Breahni Leave-in Conditioner, BounceCurl Light Creme Gel, DevaCurl Supercream, and Rizos Curls Curl Defining Cream. These products are consistent, reliable, and healthy.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging moment of my journey was also super depressing for me. It was going through postpartum hair loss. It’s sad because no woman wants to see chunks of her hair coming out. Sometimes I postpone washing my hair just so I wouldn’t have to see that. Nothing I tried helped or would work, but now I am working to gain all my hair back again.

Texture Tales Kat Shares Her Curly Girl Essentials for Voluminous Defined Curls

Image: @kats.curls

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Deep conditioning and avoiding heat made a huge differences in my hair health. My hair has always been extremely dry, you would think I bleached it 10 times but deep conditioning changed that and added so much definition to my hair. Even without product my hair looks defined. Avoiding breakage got rid of a lot of my frizz and also made my hair a little thicker. I didn’t realize the damage I was doing and how much I was breaking my hair until I stopped.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

My advice to women who are struggling with loving their natural texture is….it’s not going anywhere. Your hair is not going to up and leave you. That’s what you were born with, that’s what you were BLESSED with. There are people who would die to have the hair you have. Learn to love it because it’s a part of you. Damaging your hair is not going to help. In the end, you might even end up with no hair! The sooner you go back to your natural hair state and learn to love your natural hair, the sooner you will realize what you’ve been missing out on this whole time.

Texture Tales: Leah Shares Her Curly Girl Journey to Embracing her Wavy Hair
Texture Tales Leah Shares Her Curly Girl Journey to Embracing her Wavy Hair


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up my hair was always short and full of loose curls. I remember my mom teaching me to be gracious about receiving compliments on my hair, even on the days I didn’t like it. As a little kid I was a goldilocks blonde which eventually changed to a darker and darker brunette just like my mom.
I think the hardest part of growing up with curly and short hair, was getting mistaken for a boy sometimes. That was sometimes a more difficult comment for me to get past. It’s not a comment most little girls want to hear.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally wavy hair?

I’ve always embraced my waves and curls on some level. I’ve only straightened my hair maybe a dozen times. I was always an extreme minimalist spending no more than a minute or two on my hair in the morning. But at the beginning of 2018, my hair was a disaster. It was greasy and limp and I had no idea what was wrong. This led me to discover the curly girl method which saved my hair! In hindsight, I now know that I had tons of buildup on my hair which was causing a good amount of my problems.
By embracing the curly girl method I have learned so much about my hair and met such a great community of women (and men”>! In particular the Instagram curly community has just been so warm and welcoming.

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

One of the empowering things for me on this journey is learning to love to nurture my hair. For the first time in my life, I think about what I put in my hair, how I do it and what my hair needs. It’s a total 180 flip from before I started the curly girl method. Spending time on my hair has become a hobby. I of course still have days (or weeks”> were I do the bare basics because I need a break, or have other things happening in my life.
This journey has also helped empower me to take on other changes in my life, by being more proactive about my health, wellness and household management. Its funny to say that doing my hair started it all, but it really has!

How do you protect your curls at night?

I always sleep on a silk or bamboo pillowcase. Most of the time I also wear a buff to give my curls extra protection.
On nights when I sleep with a gel cast, or sleep in the crunch, I use a silk scarf. I tip my head upside down and tie the scarf on my head. I find this protects my curls and the cast the best, plus I get to pretend to be a fifties housewife when I go look in the mirror before bed.
Texture Tales Leah Shares Her Curly Girl Journey to Embracing her Wavy Hair


Who is your curl crush?

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

A blow-dryer with a diffuser. It helps my hair dry faster, have less frizz and be even bouncier!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My number one favorite product is my Hair Repear Ultimate Hair Towel! It helps speed up my dry time without causing frizz. Seriously this towel is magic and better than any other microfiber towel or t shirt I’ve tried. Some of my other favorite go to’s are SheaMoisture’s Manuka Honey Mask, As I Am’s leave-in conditioner, Dippity-do’s Girls with Curls Mousse, my Thermal Haircare Hot Head, and Bouncecurl Light Creme Gel to name a few.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

About four months in I overloaded my hair with protein and then over corrected resulting in my hair being over-conditioned. Fixing each of those problems was a challenge and having them happen back to back meant I suffered through a long string of not great hair days. I found it difficult to find the correct information about over-conditioning since it is often misdiagnosed as hygral fatigue in the curly community. The two conditions are extremely similar, but over-conditioning means you didn’t damage you hair which I found very comforting to know.
Cutting out as much moisture from my hair as I could was tough, but I was able to get my hair back on track. I ended up sharing lots of the information I had learned and hope its been able to help other curlies avoid the same situation.
Texture Tales Leah Shares Her Curly Girl Journey to Embracing her Wavy Hair


Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Doing regular deep conditioning treatments helps give my hair such amazing bounce. This combined wit the “squish to condish” method had really helped me make sure my hair stays well hydrated. I also love adding a rice water rinse to my wash routine every few weeks for a nice kick of protein!
It took me a while to understand that all hair, regardless of porosity needs both protein and moisture. Learning the best way to maintain that balance is still a journey for me, but being conscious of having some protein and some moisture worked into my routine has made a world of difference!

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

On days I am frustrated with my hair, I find it helpful to remember all the ways it connects me to the people I love. My mom has the same curls as me and it has always made me feel close to her. Plus, I’ve had many people remark that my curls remind them of my paternal grandmother’s hair. This is especially meaningful to me since she passed.
So think of all the wonderful men and women in your life connected to your natural texture. And find other people with the same hair! Having a community to share your struggles and frustrations is so valuable, whether its in person, through social media like Instagram or Facebook, or even through A supportive community will help you accept other people’s textures and hopefully accept your own.
What’s your hair story? Share your story with us [here](″> to be featured in our [Texture Tales series](/texture-tales”>.
Texture Tales: Chazz on Why It’s Important to Advocate for Type 4 Hair
Texture Tales Chazz on Why Its Important to Advocate for Type 4 Hair


What is your hair type?


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

I actually grew up with relaxed hair but once I went natural in high school everyone loved it! I was like a kinky headed unicorn. I couldn’t go a day without getting compliments on my wooly texture. HOWEVER, my grandmother was the only one I can remember who didn’t like it. She gave me the hardest time about my hair because she was so used to seeing me with relaxers. Plus, she comes from a time period where black woman HAD to wear straight hair in order to get by in life, so mentally she struggled when I let go of straight hair.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally coily hair?

Natural hair blogger, @Naptural85. In middle school I used to watch her videos religiously. Then, when I got to high school I got so fed up with not living my best life I begged my mom to cut my hair off. It was never really a matter of embracing my texture, it was just a matter of when could I get rid of this ugly limp and lifeless hair. I wanted big fluffy hair like Whitney and by any means necessary I was going to get it!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Being able to be an advocate for kinky hair. I love telling black women with the kinkiest hair how gorgeous their hair is. I feel empowered when I can show black women that our hair is easy to maintain and its simply gorgeous no matter the texture.
Texture Tales Chazz on Why Its Important to Advocate for Type 4 Hair


How do you protect your curls at night?

Honestly I don’t. The best I do is tie a silk scarf on her or sleep on a satin pillow case, but other than that, most of the time I fall asleep and wake up like a wild woman. I moisturize my hair daily so it never really matters how I go to sleep. I’m a low maintenance/simple routine kinda girl.

Who is your curl crush?


What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

My inexpensive black Annie shampoo brush from Walmart. Since they are only a dollar I have a bunch of them, and I use them to detangle my hair. It’s the only tool that cuts my detangling time to 5-10 min.

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My current regimen is extremely simple. Ive been taking care of my hair like an Egyptian queen! LOL I’ve been washing her and then sealing with a bunch of delicious oils. If I do use a product its most likely going to be CurlMix and their hair softeners.

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Nothing really. Ive been natural for going on 7 or 8 years now. I’ve shaved my head a few times during this process, but nothing is ever challenging because I genuinely love my hair. I work with her and I love her for what she is, so we never really bump heads.
Texture Tales Chazz on Why Its Important to Advocate for Type 4 Hair


Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Yes! Using that shampoo brush I was telling you about, along with hair softeners, has made doing my hair a breeze. Since I’m a YouTuber I will always try out new products because ya never know what’s going to work, but those are my staples.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

Separate your feelings about your hair. If you dislike your texture as a type 4 lady, that is a deep rooted insecurity within you because your hair is not ACTUALLY ugly or unmanageable. I say this because I’ve met ladies who have my EXACT hair, identical texture, porosity, etc., tell me to my face… their hair is ugly, but they absolutely love my hair. How is it possible that you hate your hair but love mine? We have the same hair! You disliking your hair can stem from insecurities that your family or the media put on you, so work on yourself and never take those insecurities out on your hair. If you understand what I’m saying, by separating your feelings your hair will flourish and your mental view on your hair will slowly start to shift. Drink water, mind ya business, work on your insecurities, and moisturize your hair…Do that and watch how you will flourish.

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Lizzy Shares Her CG Secrets on How She Styles Her 3b Curls
Texture Tales Lizzy Shares Her CG Secrets on How She Styles Her 3b Curls


What is your hair type?


What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

Growing up with textured hair was difficult in many ways. By elementary school I started realizing my hair wasn’t like everyone else’s, and I felt a bit out of place. My parents had no clue how to style or care for my hair, so it was typically just very big and frizzy. And the pain of my mom ripping through my curls is something I will never forget!! I was bullied multiple times for having textured hair when I was growing up, and it got to the point where I started straightening my bangs to try to fit in.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

After realizing I couldn’t straighten all of my hair on a regular basis because it takes so long, so just started using a hair mousse to take the frizz. It worked well at first and then the silicones built up. Over the next few years my hair got more and more stringy and thin, my curls were just waves. It wasn’t until a traumatic event occurred in my life that I started caring for my curls out of a need for a form of self care. That’s when I found the curly girl method, and I started to fall in love with my hair!

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most empowering moment of my curly hair journey has been the fact that starting the CG Method and embracing my hair has boosted my self confidence. It is so freeing and healing to completely embrace your natural hair. My curls are a part of who I am and I couldn’t imagine myself without them!
Texture Tales Lizzy Shares Her CG Secrets on How She Styles Her 3b Curls

Image: @lizzys_curlycare

How do you protect your curls at night?

Sleeping with a silk or satin pillowcase has given me the best results for protecting my curls overnight. I wake up to far less frizz when sleeping on a satin pillowcase!

Who is your curl crush?

How do I choose just one?! I have always been inspired by Felicia (@hif3licia“>, her curls are so beautiful and her transformation has always been goals!

What’s your curly girl essential you can’t live without?

I cannot live without conditioner. Without that hydration my curls would just be a hot mess!! Whenever my curls are starting to look dull or frizzy I know it’s tome to get some conditioner on it, and once I do, my curls come back to life!

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

I start off by cleansing with a co-wash or shampoo, focusing on the scalp!
To condition I usually use the DevaCurl Original One Conditioner and I leave this on for 5-10 minutes while I’m showering. I rinse most of it out, leaving just a little in my hair. To style I always start on soaking wet hair and separate into 3 or more sections to work with. I rake a leave in conditioner through my curls from root to tip. I then smooth and shingle a gel over the leave in conditioner, working one section at a time. I gently scrunch.I use a t-shirt to scrunch our excess product and water, then air dry.
Texture Tales Lizzy Shares Her CG Secrets on How She Styles Her 3b Curls

Image: @lizzys_curlycare

What has been the most challenging moment of your natural hair journey so far?

The most challenging moment of my natural hair journey has been the amount of time it takes to care for my curls. It does consume a lot of time, but in my opinion it is completely worth it!

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Using a heat cap on my hair while deep conditioning really helps my hair!
Also using the shingling technique during styling really gives me the definition I love so much!

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

It’s a journey, it doesn’t happen overnight. Those of us who are loving our hair have struggled and some days we still struggle! You are not alone, and always reach out to other curly girls for support!!

What’s your hair story? Share your story with us here to be featured in our Texture Tales series.

Texture Tales: Aurelia on How Curly Hair is Linked to Her Identity

This month, Naturally Curly and The Curl Talk Project are partnering to explore the link between natural hair and the notions of identity, femininity, diversity, race and representation.

Six ladies will share their experiences, from Germany to the UK these women reveal what it means to be a curly-haired woman in a society where beauty standards are otherwise. Discover their stories below.

Texture Tales Aurelia on How Curly Hair is Linked to Her Identity

Image: @4ur3lia

You are French and live in Copenhagen, tell us how curls are perceived over there?

I am not sure how they are perceived but what I know is that there are not represented at all. It started to change last year and not because brands are now aware of the importance of diversity but because it’s a trend. Therefore, it’s difficult for me to find this very authentic.

Interestingly, my hair will be perceived differently when I am out with my black friends rather than when I am hanging out with my white friends. Often, the black group that we form leads people to be very interested in us and curious about the way we look, especially our hair.

What was it like growing up with curly hair?

I never really experienced life with my curly hair until now as I got it relaxed from a young age to prevent people to tease me at school. I remember classmates throwing things in it for fun, which was very frustrating for the younger me. It simply made me feel too different from them. 

Do you feel there is a connection between femininity and how you feel about your hair?

There is a connection but I don’t believe femininity only comes from our hair. Some men will have long hair and look very masculine, some women will have very short hair which doesn’t make them less feminine. For me the connection to femininity is more linked to what’s inside of us, our personality and character.

Texture Tales Aurelia on How Curly Hair is Linked to Her Identity

Image: @4ur3lia

Why is natural hair so strongly linked to identity?

Our hair, the way we take care of it, what we create with it is deeply ingrained in our culture as black women. It’s part of us and therefore is a clear representation of our cultural heritage. It’s through my hair that I progressively became connected to my mother’s ethnicity.

What has your experience been like wearing your natural hair to work?

I am an artist/freelance designer which means that I am not evolving in a corporate environment at all. I am free to wear my hair however I like and never had to face any issue because of it.

What has been the most challenging moments of your hair journey?

The big chop was a very hard thing for me to experience. I couldn’t do much with my hair, couldn’t put it in a bun… However my hair grew quite quickly so I didn’t have to experience it for too long. I progressively gained my confidence back.

Texture Tales Aurelia on How Curly Hair is Linked to Her Identity

Image: @4ur3lia

What advice would you give to women struggling to embrace their curls?

Work on yourself and try to accept who you are as a person first. The hair acceptance will come afterwards. Once you reached that point, experimenting with a diverse range of products is important too as it helps you understand what your hair does and doesn’t like and what routine is appropriate.

What does your natural hair represent?

Pride. My afro hair is versatile and is something I inherited from my mother. I couldn’t be prouder to have this on my head. The number of things we can do with it is very broad, I wouldn’t change this for the world.

Read more stories of The Curl Talk Project here.

Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

Conditioners are the cornerstone of any healthy-hair regimen. Besides providing moisture, they are used for detangling, co-washing, refreshing, and for frizz-control. Conditioners help to strengthen the hair shaft, enhance curl definition, and impart sheen to your strands. We asked you to vote for your favorite cleansing conditioners, daily conditioners, leave-ins, and deep conditioners for our 2019 Best of the Best Awards, these are the winners.

Cleansing Conditioner:

Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

As I am Coconut Cowash

Best for Wavies

There are several reasons that wavies love As I am Coconut Cowash. It provides a lot of moisture to parched waves without weighing them down. It helps reduce frizz and encourages texture. Lastly, it has a wonderful coconut scent. You can pair this with other conditioners if you like or use it as a stand-alone product to keep your waves healthy and bouncy.

Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

DevaCurl No-Poo Original

Best for: Curlies

No-poo Original has Holy Grail status for so many curlies. It’s a reliable, tried-and-true cowash that leaves your hair fresh and clean without washing away beneficial oils and precious moisture. For springy, luscious curls, start your washday with the no-poo that everybody loves.

Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

As I Am Long and Luxe GroWash Cleansing Creme Conditioner

Best for: Coilies

Fans of this creamy cowash tout its moisturizing and slip properties as reasons for its favorite status (you can even detangle with it”>. It’s also loaded with ingredients to strengthen and moisturize strands such as aloe, cetyl alcohol, coconut oil, biotin, and shea. It cleanses your hair while keeping it hydrated.

Daily Conditioner

Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

DevaCurl One Condition Delight

Best for: Wavies

As the lightest of the One Condition line, One Condition Delight will give your hair all the moisture it needs without weighing it down or making it look greasy. With its citrusy scent, it will keep your hair smelling lovely.

Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

DevaCurl One Condition Original Creamy Daily Conditioner

Best for: Curlies

The original is still the best for curlies. It moisturizes those curls and keeps them looking fresh and frizz-free all day long.

Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

DevaCurl One Condition Decadence Ultra Moisturizing Milk Conditioner

Best for: Coilies

The most moisturizing of the One Condition line, Decadence is as rich and luxurious as you would expect it to be. It gives good slip to aid in detangling, and envelopes coils in all the hydration they need to keep them looking radiant.


Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

Kinky-Curly Knot Today

Best for: Wavies, Curlies and Coilies

This is a much-loved leave-in for all the texture types. It is the perfect addition to everyone’s regimen. Knot Today is an excellent detangler, moisturizer, and daily refresher (just mix it with water at a 1:4 ratio and spritz with a fine mist sprayer to perk up those waves, curls, and coils”>.

Deep Conditioner:

Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

DevaCurl Melt Into Moisture Matcha Green Tea Butter Conditioning Mask

Best for: Wavies and Curlies

Brittle, fragile, dry hair is instantly transformed with this buttery treat that smells like almonds and green tea. Banish the winter blahs with the mask that wavies and curlies are raving about.

Top 9 Moisturizing Conditioners for Every Curl Type

TGIN Honey Miracle Hair Mask

Best for: Coilies

This hair mask contains a blend of raw honey and olive and jojoba oils to hydrate hair and give it major shine. It will also help soothe irritated scalps and reduce dryness and flaking.

What is your favorite conditioner on this list? Let us know in the comments below.

Texture Tales: Penny on Growing up as a Bi-Racial Curly Girl in The Uk

This month, Naturally Curly and The Curl Talk Project are partnering to explore the link between natural hair and the notions of identity, femininity, diversity, race and representation.
Six ladies will share their experiences, from Germany to the UK these women reveal what it means to be a curly-haired woman in a society where beauty standards are otherwise. Discover their stories below.

Texture Tales Penny on Growing up as a Bi-Racial Curly Girl in The Uk
Image Source: @pennyfroreal

You are from the UK, tell us how curls are perceived over there?

Quite well, but it also depends on the type of curls we are talking about.Being mixed-race, my curls are quite loose which I believe makes my hair be perceived as more acceptable than the tighter type.

What was it like growing up with curly hair?

My mother was good at taking care of my hair so it didn’t appear as an issue for me. I also had a lot of black friends in school who had similar hairstyles as me so I didn’t really think anything of it. This changed when I moved to a predominantly white school and started competitive swimming. This new life made me realize how different from other people, my hair was. It became difficult for me to fit in an environment where something that naturally grew out of my head was being highlighted as uncommon.

Do you feel there is a connection between femininity and how you feel about your hair?

In people’s minds length is strongly linked to femininity, which I don’t think is quite right. Women with kinky short hair can be as beautiful and feminine as women with long loose curls. It’s time to accept this and understand that society has simply imposed beauty standards for us to aspire to.

Texture Tales Penny on Growing up as a Bi-Racial Curly Girl in The Uk

Why is natural hair so strongly linked to identity?

Your hair can be an indication of your ethnicity. I am mixed-race, juggling between two ethnicities and struggling to fit into each of them.

What has your experience been like wearing your natural hair to work?

Generally, it’s been good. I received a lot of compliments, but also a lot of ignorant questions in regards to my routine and to what it looks like (noodles seem to be a plausible option for some people”>. Random hands touching it can also be quite common.

What has been the most challenging moments of your hair journey?

It’s hard not to compare your hair to other women’s especially in this social media age where some people will inspire you, but will also make you feel quite bad about your achievements during your natural hair journey. It’s also difficult to unlearn what has been taught to us and embrace our hair as it is. People tend to underestimate the courage it takes to go out with your natural hair from one day to another!

What are your holy grails?

Texture Tales Penny on Growing up as a Bi-Racial Curly Girl in The Uk

What advice would you give to women struggling to embrace their curls?

Don’t compare yourself to other people. Each journey is different and needs to be.

What does your natural hair represent?

It is representative of my personality. I struggled so much to like my curls that I am now in a position where I can make up for all this time spent hating it.

Read more stories of The Curl Talk Project here!

Janibell on Finding Her Power After the Big Chop
Janibell on Finding Her Power After the Big Chop
Image Source: @janibellrosanne

What was it like for you growing up with textured hair?

It was a real hassle to be honest. My grandma would usually do my hair and although she finessed a pigtail look, she didn’t exactly know what products to use in my hair when it was curly. I think because of that my mom made it a habit to take me to the salon every two weeks. Straight hair was just ‘easier’ to deal with. Don’t even get me started on how hard it was to keep it sleek and straight on a rainy day! A total nightmare.

What made you decide to embrace your naturally curly hair?

I decided to go natural back in 2011 because I was TIYAD. Tired of having to flat iron my hair every morning, tired of spending $40 at the salon and tired of the overall maintenance that came with going against my natural texture. My scalp was so dry that it would take 3-4 weeks for my natural oils to come through!

Janibell on Finding Her Power After the Big Chop
Image Source: @janibellrosanne

What has been the most empowering moment of your natural hair journey so far?

Definitely when I cut all my hair off March 2018 I had let myself be defined by my giant afro that I didn’t know who I was outside of my hair. Truth is, I thought my hair was what made me beautiful. If I didn’t get any compliments on it I felt less than and I couldn’t live like that anymore. I’ve never had my hair this short so it’s nice to experience the growing process. Every month it looks different and now I feel like people see me in a different way as well!

How do you maintain your color? Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

I bleached my hair twice last year and keep my hair healthy by deep conditioning 2-3 times a week. I’m currently using the Tropic Isle Living Jamaican Strong Roots Red Pimento Moisture Retention Deep Conditioner and add JBCO to ensure I seal in all of that moisture with the steam from the shower.

Janibell on Finding Her Power After the Big Chop
Image Source: @janibellrosanne

What is your current hair regimen? Any favorite products you’d like to share?

My favorite styling combo right now is the Palmer’s Natural Fusions Style Hold and The Good Stuff Frizz Control Oil. It’s the perfect combination for soft, yet defined curls!

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

My advice would be to find other women in the natural community! Whether you find them online or in person, it’s important to develop that system of support so that you don’t feel alone in your hair journey. Plus, this way you get to pick their brains about their favorite hair products and protective styles!

Have you done a big chop? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!

Texture Tales: Axelle on How the Natural Hair Movement has Impacted Martinique

This month, Naturally Curly and The Curl Talk Project are partnering to explore the link between natural hair and the notions of identity, femininity, diversity, race and representation.
Six ladies will share their experiences, from Germany to the UK these women reveal what it means to be a curly-haired woman in a society where beauty standards are otherwise. Discover their stories below.

Texture Tales Axelle on How the Natural Hair Movement has Impacted Martinique
Image Source: @axounn.p

You are from Martinique, tell us how curls are perceived over there?
Having straight hair has always been seen more positively in Martinique. It’s always been like that, but for the past few years I started to witness some change. Women have been experimenting more and have become proud natural hair advocates. I believe this is linked to the increased number of products that are now available, which help them during their journey and hair education.

What was it like growing up with curly hair?

I used to struggle to do my hair and always found it difficult and painful. I saw chemical relaxers as the best alternative for me, which is something that my mother eventually accepted to put on my hair. In addition to an easier styling process, having straight hair was also about looking like other black girls surrounding me and fitting in.

Do you feel there is a connection between femininity and how you feel about your hair?

Texture Tales Axelle on How the Natural Hair Movement has Impacted Martinique

Certainly. Hair contributes to our femininity whether it’s short, long, curly or straight. It’s like an accessory that needs constant nurturing and love.

Why is natural hair so strongly linked to identity?

Hair is a clear representation of who I am. I am a black woman and my curls are highlighting my cultural heritage.

What has your experience been like wearing your natural hair to work?

I work in finance which is a very strict and corporate environment. This means that I will generally go to work with a sleek bun. Not because I don’t embrace my natural hair in the workplace but I am aware that some codes are omnipresent within the corporate world. I am progressively thinking of letting my hair be in the office and when this will happen, people will have no choice than to embrace it as much as I do.

What has been the most challenging moments of your hair journey?

Transitioning was tough! Dealing with the different textures wasn’t easy, but I was really excited about the positive results I was expecting to see. Step by step I tried different products, styling techniques, and tried to stay positive even though seeing other girls going through an easier transitioning process was frustrating.

What advice would you give to women struggling to embrace their curls?

We should all be proud of our hair. In my opinion, the first step is to accept what we naturally have on our heads. Your hair is unique and shouldn’t be compared to anyone else’s. The idea is to experiment and accept that what works on others won’t necessarily work for you. You’ll go through bad phases and that’s ok. The more you try the more results you will get!

Texture Tales Axelle on How the Natural Hair Movement has Impacted Martinique

What are your holy grails?

I mainly use Cantu products in addition to As I am and Activilong. My favorite to define my curls is As I Am Coil Defining Jelly.

What does your natural hair represent?

Pride. The versatility linked to it is undeniable. Natural hair is an asset!

Read more stories of The Curl Talk Project here.

Alyssa’s Wash Day Routine for her Type 4 Low Porosity Curls

Hi, NaturallyCurly world!

Alyssas Wash Day Routine for her Type 4 Low Porosity Curls

My name is Alyssa and I’m a video editor here at NaturallyCurly. I have 4B curls with low porosity. I did the big chop in 2015 and it’s been a wild ride figuring out what my hair likes or wants. After all these years, it’s been a journey in itself figuring out what routine, products, and tools to use to get there. Even before the big chop, I only washed my chemically relaxed hair once a week. It works even better for me now. If anything, now I’ll try to go two weeks without washing. It all depends on if my curls are still when I refresh and my scalp issues aren’t flaring up. In order to do that, I have to tackle build up, detangling, and retaining moisture. I test out a lot of products for my hair’s happiness but these were the best ones I used this past year!

Washing Routine

Step 1: Clarify with Elucence Volume Clarifying Shampoo
An important first step, I use this shampoo to get rid of the build up on my scalp. I don’t think my hair had truly known “clean” until my first scalp massage with this. The shampoo is designed to make a little amount of product go along way which is really nice. My scalp feels truly refreshed whenever I us this. It gets every bit of dirt out of my hair and all without drying it out.

Step 2: Condition with The Doux’s Fresh Rinse Moisturizing Conditioner
My new trusty conditioner! Not only is it organic and free of any harsh parabens but it leaves my hair feeling silky smooth every time!

Step 3: Deep Condition with SASHAPURE Restorative Conditioning Masque
All week, as I wait for wash day, I’m really dreaming about the moment I get to use this amazing concoction to bring back all of the curls I lost to frizz and manipulation. The second I slather this stuff on, my curls pop back into place so fast and tight that I think this stuff might be magic. The way it saturates my low porosity hair gives it the best slip I’ve ever encountered. It also feels like its nourishing my hair in the long term. I can actually see and feel this mask repairing my hair with every use.

Step 4: Leave In Condition with Dark & Lovely’s Au Naturale Anti Shrinkage Slick Slip Leave In
Now because I’m both lazy and want maximum hydration, I slather this in my hair while I’m still in the shower and let the steam do its thing. The steam helps the product penetrate my strands easier while also locking in hydration. From here, I toss my hair up in an AQUIIS hair towel until all the water is squeezed out and I let my curls air dry. I use this as my daily leave in when styling as well. I love that it helps elongate my curls and fight off tangles!

Styling Routine

Step 5: Refresh with Curly Hair Solutions H20 Water Bottle
Between washes, I keep my curls going by refreshing them daily. That entails lightly spritzing my hair to make it easier for it to absorb product. When I first big chopped, I would dunk my head in the shower every morning. It was a massive mistake to soak it like that and I’m very glad I know better know. Finding the perfect spray bottle is a surprisingly hard task. My personal favorite and the hardest to find is the mister. Misting spray bottles cover more ground than any other type and with the perfect amount of water. This water bottle is probably the Queen of all misting spray bottles. It is the most advanced spray bottle I’ve ever come across and it is a hydration beast.

Step 6: Oil with Jamaican Mango & Lime Black Castor Lavender Oil
I use the LOC Method so, after I use the Dark & Lovely’s Au Naturale Anti Shrinkage Slick Slip Leave In, I use a quarter sized amount of this castor oil. It is pretty heavy so a little goes a long way. I focus on mid shaft to the ends of my hair with this oil since that’s where I need the most TLC. Most times when I try out a lighter oil, it basically evaporates off of my head. The thickness of this oil has a longer moisturizing effect that I thoroughly appreciate. Not to mention it comes in a variety of scents with different beneficial properties!

Step 7: Condition with Eden Body Works Coconut Shea Curl Defining Creme
After my leave in and oil, I use this curl defining creme to lock in moisture and make my afro more malleable. Its humidity-resistant which means nothing can rain on this parade! It also refines and separates curls pretty well. I love the definition it gives me and the price point isn’t too bad either.

Alyssas Wash Day Routine for her Type 4 Low Porosity Curls

Step 8: Texturize with the Denman Brush
If you’re having a particularly fluffy hair day with no curl definition, this brush is the tool you need. Using the H20 Water Bottle a bit more, I make sure the undefined parts of my hair are wet just enough for malleability. I then take the Denman brush to my ends and gently comb up to my mid shafts. It redefines the curls that have a harder time forming with just product alone. I have to create my bangs everyday and it wouldn’t be possible without this baby.

Twist Routine

Step 9: Twist Out with Shea Moisture’s Raw Shea Butter Heatless Curl Stretch Gel
I have always been terrible at twist outs. My family has been trying to get me to do them consistently for years but I always turned out looking like Shirley Temple “gone wrong”. The first time I tried this cream gel, I fell deeply in love. This was the missing key to my twist outs! Paired with a Denman brush, my curls felt unstoppable! For once I didn’t have dry and rigid curls from my twist out. My hair also didn’t come out in a funny shape and shrink up into oblivion. This cream gel hydrated, stretched, and nurtured my curls. Now I do twist outs between washes, the day before important events, and I am a huge fan!

Do you have 4b coily hair? Let me know your favorites in the comments below. Check out the full list to see the winners from this years Best of the Best.

Texture Tales: Kim on Living in Germany as a Curly Girl

This month, Naturally Curly and The Curl Talk Project are partnering to explore the link between natural hair and the notions of identity, femininity, diversity, race and representation.

Six ladies will share their experiences, from Puerto Rico to the UK these women reveal what it means to be a curly-haired woman in a society where beauty standards are otherwise. Discover their stories below.

Texture Tales Kim on Living in Germany as a Curly Girl

Image: @locken_lieben_lernen

You are from Germany, tell us how curls are perceived over there?

Curls aren’t perceived negatively at all but there is no such thing as a natural hair movement here in Germany. This makes it very difficult for us to have access to curly girl approved products! Most of the time you see women with curls in the streets you can tell that they don’t know how to take care of it or don’t use the right products.

What was it like growing up with curly hair?

Being a curly kid was fine to me because I had a hair type that was very similar to my mother’s. I felt represented in my own house, which really helped.However, I started struggling in my teenage years. I was the only girl with natural curls in school, and looking different when you actually want to fit in isn’t ideal. Looking like my mother wasn’t something I was enthusiastic about anymore.

Texture Tales Kim on Living in Germany as a Curly Girl

Image: @locken_lieben_lernen

Do you feel there is a connection between femininity and how you feel about your hair?

I used to wear my hair very short for a while and still considered myself feminine, my husband has much longer hair than I do and I still find him masculine. I don’t believe there is a link between femininity and hair. Femininity is more than just having long, straight hair, it’s about who you are and how you see yourself as a person. That’s all that matters.

Why is natural hair so strongly linked to identity?

I am aware that as a white woman my hair might not be as strongly linked to identity than for women from other ethnicities. However, it’s clear that this hair is part of me, I inherited it from my mother so it’s essential for me to worship it and be as proud as I can of it.

What has your experience been like wearing your natural hair to work?

I never received negative comments, but heard a lot of questions about my hair. People tend to question the fact that this is my hair in its natural state.

What has been the most challenging moments of your hair journey?

Giving up heat and control. Before my transition, I used to put a lot of heat on my hair until it could look as perfectly straight and sleek as I desired. Letting this go and learning to embrace the natural version of myself was the difficult part, but I am glad I took this decision. It helped me to feel more relaxed about the way I look.

What are your holy grails?

Texture Tales Kim on Living in Germany as a Curly Girl

Image: @locken_lieben_lernen

My holy grail is the Bouncecurl light Creme Gel. I love it because it works as a single styler as well as together with most of my other favorite products. It gives me the best results on washdays and is also perfect for refresh. Plus the smell is amazing. It is really hyped on instagram, but for me it is definitely worth the hype and I will always rebuy.

What advice would you give to women struggling to embrace their curls?

Keep on going. It’s worth the struggle. Make sure to add some fun to the process as well. Transitioning is tough but you have to learn to appreciate the journey, and have fun while you experiment and try new ways of styling your natural curls.

What does your natural hair represent?

Self-love and acceptance.

Read more stories of The Curl Talk Project here.

Bianca Shares Her Simple Wash Day Routine for her 3a Curls

Hey curlfriends! I’m Bianca; I lead the NaturallyCurly social media team. My hair is mostly 3a curls with some 2b waves that like to terrorize me around my hairline (mostly at the nape and around my ears”>. It’s medium porosity, medium density and about as average as curls can get, and I’ve always loved them! Last year I thought it’d be fun to dye my hair fantasy colors, a deep purple and blue. But, I realized very quickly how much I missed my natural color (and how badly damaged my hair could get after dyeing it a single time”>. So, I chopped off the majority of my length and opted for a fun little bob.

Now, I’m growing my hair back out and am happy to see how healthy it is with a fairly minimal regimen. I’ve learned minimalism is key when it comes to my hair and my lifestyle. I wash my hair about three times a week, sometimes only twice (especially during the winter”>. Here’s my full regimen featuring the 2019 Best of the Best picks to get my defined springy curls.

Bianca Shares Her Simple Wash Day Routine for her 3a Curls

Wash Routine

Step 1: Shampoo with Sashapure Healing Shampoo

 This is such a nice moisturizing shampoo. It’s gentle on the scalp, cleanses really well and doesn’t strip the hair. That said, I typically do rinse and repeat because of the sheer volume of hair that I have.

Step 2: Condition with Sashapure Healing Conditioner

This is my favorite conditioner. It’s silky smooth and allows me to easily detangle my hair with my fingers. Once I’ve finished detangling, I rinse out most of the conditioner by cupping my hands into a bowl shape and squeezing the water into my hair from my hands (with my head upside down”>. This technique helps keep my curls clumped.

Step 3: Apply a few drops of Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal + Tea Tree Scalp Treatment

This is the perfect scalp treatment to keep your scalp hydrated and feeling refreshed. I use a few drops on my scalp and take some nice deep breaths in while it gently cools. Sooo good!

Styling Routine

Step 4: Squish to Condish Mielle Pomegranate & Honey Leave-In Conditioner

 While my hair is still soaking wet, I add my leave-in conditioner. It’s pretty luxurious and adds to that fresh from the spa feeling. I use a nickel-size amount to cover all of my hair. The squish to condish technique helps me begin to get rid of the excess water in my hair without creating frizz.

Step 5: Combine the Kevin Murphy Killer Curls & DevaCurl Ultra Defining Gel

These products are both great on their own, but they make a killer combo… at least, for my hair. I use about a quarter size of each product and swirl them together in my hands. They blend together like they were made to do just that. The scent from the Kevin Murphy Killer Curls takes over a bit, but I actually love it. I scrunch the product from the ends up keeping it away from my roots. I can use this combo any time of the year, and whether it’s dry or humid out I know my hair is going to be moisturized and frizz-free.

Step 6: Plop with AQUIS Hair Turban Chevron Weave

If wet hair on the back of my neck didn’t bother me so much, I’d probably air dry completely. But, it’s one of those things that drives me crazy. So, I use this towel to plop my hair in and leave it on anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. I let my hair air dry the rest of the way and this takes the longest. Once I know it’s completely dry I give my head a shake side to side (doing my best not to get dizzy”> to break up any crunch from the gel and give it the volume I want.

Bianca Shares Her Simple Wash Day Routine for her 3a Curls


Step 8: Flora & Curl Jasmine Oasis Hydrating Hair Mist
This mist is great for lazy naturals. And, when I say lazy, I really mean it. I keep a travel size bottle of this in my car because sometimes I forget to refresh my curls in the morning. Give my hair a few spritzes and a little tousle and I’m good to go!

Do you have Type 3a? Let me know what your regimen must-haves are, or if you like to keep your regimen as minimal as mine!

To see the rest of the Best of the Best winners of 2019, check out the full list here.

Whitney White aka @Naptural85 Named Best Natural Hair Blogger of 2019

Whether you’re a new natural or natural hair veteran, you’ve probably come across Whitney White’s (also known as @Naptural85“> youtube videos. Since 2009 Whitney has been sharing her natural hair journey with the world to share the importance of natural ingredients, DIY recipes and styling methods to educate and inspire women to live a holistic lifestyle through simple hair care. 10 years and 1 million subscribers later, the naturalista has helped empower women to embrace their natural hair with confidence and pride. No wonder she’s been voted the Best Natural Hair Blogger for this years Best of the Best. Here’s more on her natural hair journey, what’s made the biggest impact on her hair health and what you can expect from her latest hair care brand, Melanin Haircare.

Whitney White aka Naptural85 Named Best Natural Hair Blogger of 2019

Image: @naptural85

Tell us about your hair journey . . .

I’ve been natural, including the transition, for over ten years now! It’s wild to think how fast that time has flown by. I decided to transition to natural during my last semester of college, back in 2008. I was really busy with my studies and hated the salon process of spending the whole day waiting, and coming home with straight, chemical-scented hair. I would literally just wash it as soon as I got home and wear it in its curly state, as curly as my hair could get while relaxed. So I just decided to stop the madness since I wasn’t enjoying it, and try to go natural!

At first I was using whatever products I already owned for my relaxed hair, as well as a few homemade concoctions. Then once I became more comfortable, I started branching out into buying new products in stores and online that were popular in the natural hair community at the time, to see how they worked on my own hair. At this time I was starting to post about my natural hair journey on Youtube, and began reading material about the FDA and living a natural lifestyle. I became really focused on ingredient labels and living a more natural lifestyle to support good health. I began mixing more of my own hair products to save money and to control what I put on my body, and decided to also share those recipes online!

My hair was thriving and I was having a ball styling it, and sharing my journey online! I became complacent with my routine and wanted a change around 2014. I decided to go to a stylist that was recommended to me, to get my hair colored and shaped. At first I loved my results, but as the style aged, my hair became extremely weak and it became a chore to do my hair. I think it was a mix of my stylist going way too light with my color – too much bleach – and also not setting me up for success at home after the visit. She never told me what to use on my hair now that it was chemically-altered, and I just went home and continued to use my all-natural hair products as if my hair had the same properties. Now that I’ve learned more about hair in general, hair products, and the different processes, I know that as your hair changes, so should your hair products. I really should have been using products that would help support and fill those new weak spots created within my hair shaft from the chemicals, to help strengthen and stabilize my new hair structure. But at the time, I didn’t know that. And my hair just started to fall apart.

I became really depressed about how my new hair looked and couldn’t take it anymore, so I decided to color my hair black to hide that old hair color that I now hated… so I wouldn’t be reminded of it very time I looked in the mirror. I also started to trim the damage off, little by little. I trim my own hair at home, so as it came time for my scraggly ends to be removed, I took that opportunity to cut off large amounts of the color damage. I could see and feel exactly where my healthy hair from the root ended and my color-damage began. It was a long process to remove all the damage, it took about 3 or more years to completely see all the color-damage gone, but once it was gone, I was ecstatic! My hair was definitely super short after all the damage was finally removed, but if you’ve ever experienced color or heat damage, you know that the desire to have happy healthy hair again outweighs any sadness regarding lack of length. Having unhealthy hair really helps you to evaluate what it most important in your hair journey, and hair health is definitely it!

So fast forward to 2019, my hair is now the healthiest it has ever been! I am so blessed to have gone through the experiences of damaged hair because it helped me learn more about the hair structure, why my hair was behaving in certain ways, as well as methods to help improve and strengthen my hair. I am currently dealing with some internal issues that required me to take medication that, of course, affected my hair again *sigh* but that’s why they call it a “hair journey” not a “hair destination,” it doesn’t end! There’s always going to be triumphs and setbacks because that is life. Your hair is one of the least important organs on your body, as far as functionality is concerned, and it requires a lot of nutrients in order to grow to it’s peak. That means that if you are going through any situation when your health is compromised in any way, expect your hair to be affected. The body will immediately redirect nutrients away from the least important organ – your hair – to support the other more important organs needed to survive. And that is why you can always expect to continue having to learn about your hair, because it is always changing – fluctuating back and forth with the health of your body.

Whitney White aka Naptural85 Named Best Natural Hair Blogger of 2019

Image: @naptural85

Are there any techniques or methods that have made a huge impact on your hair health?

Yes! Pre-pooing and weekly deep conditioning were game changers for me! I pre-poo with aloe vera and vitamin E, and that is like a powerhouse SNACK for my hair and scalp. It helps to heal any scalp issues and rejuvenate my hair follicles to help repair damage and allow new hair to grow in healthy and strong. Deep conditioning has really helped my hair retain more moisture. It’s a clear difference between my photos from before 2014 and the photos of my hair now, in 2019. My hair just looks shinier and more moisturized overall.

What’s your advice to women who are still struggling with loving their natural texture?

My advice is to give it some time. It’s easy to dislike something that is new. Why? Because the learning curve it takes to master your natural hair might give you the impression that natural hair is too hard, or that your hair texture is not ideal. But that’s not the case. It takes time to master anything in life, your natural hair is no different. Once you figure out the best methods to styling and caring for your own natural hair texture, you will begin to feel more comfortable and move more towards loving your texture. I have been natural for ten years and I still have more to learn. Like I said before, your hair is ever-evolving, you cannot have a one-size-fits-all mentality when it comes to caring for your hair. You have to take the time, the months, the years – however long it takes, to figure out what your hair needs in order to thrive. If you are someone who loves playing in hair, this is going to be a fun time for you. If you’re someone who hates playing in hair, you’re going to have some challenges here, but there are plenty of patient, skilled natural hair stylists who can help walk you through the process. Utilize their expertise if you think you can’t go the journey alone. It’s always helpful to have mentors along the way who can make your process easier.

What are your top curly girl tips?

My top tips for curly, coily, kinky girls and guys is to try to be diligent in maintaining a moisture balance for your hair. If that means moisturizing two times per week, instead of one, do that. Take the time to baby your hair and give it what it needs in order to thrive and to get the most out of your texture. I’ve found that my moisturized hair behaves much better than when I let it dry out and weaken. So even if it adds an extra thirty minutes to your styling routine during the week, over time you’ll notice your hair will become more elastic, healthier and stronger, making your overall hair care and styling routine easier and more enjoyable in the long-run.

Share your career journey. What led you to create a career in hair care?

I really fell into this organically. I’ve always loved talking about hair with my family and friends, and when I went natural in 2008, I found myself completely alone in my real world. I came across the small natural hair community on the web, and loved sharing my knowledge and new experiences online, with those who were new to this too. It became my hobby and a way to destress after work as a freelance and contract graphic designer. I decided to start monetizing my videos in 2010, under the recommendation of a fellow vlogger-friend, and I am so happy that I did, because as life became unpredictable career-wise, Youtube was always something I had to fall back on. I’m really lucky to have fallen into this. I obviously didn’t know what would become of my then, awkward hobby of posting my haircare trials online, but that’s really the beauty of following your heart in certain circumstances.

Whitney White aka Naptural85 Named Best Natural Hair Blogger of 2019

Image: @photosbyrome

You’ve been working on Melanin Haircare for 6 years. What are some obstacles you’ve overcome as an entrepreneur and businesswoman?

As an entrepreneur, I’ve definitely learned to be more scrappy and not give in. I think a lot of people think that because I’m a youtuber, this process was probably easy or handed to me. It was not. In fact, being on social media lent me no advantages in this circumstance of starting completely from the bottom-up. Melanin Haircare is a completely self-funded venture, and so funding this project alone was a huge obstacle we had to overcome. Trying to secure loans with organizations that don’t understand what you do, or how you make money was a huge roadblock we had to overcome. So it was an uphill battle every step of the way.

What are the key ingredients found in Melanin Haircare?

At Melanin Haircare, we work with all-natural and safe-synthetic ingredients which all work equally together to create a balanced, healthy and effective hair product. We use simple, yet luxurious natural butters such as kokum, cocoa, cupuacu, shea, and mango butter, along with vitamin E, aloe vera, and essential extracts of sage and geranium. We’re obsessed with rich avocado, jojoba and sweet almond oils to soften and penetrate the hair shaft, providing it with the necessary nutrients needed to maintain strong, healthy, thriving hair.

One thing that I personally learned after coloring my hair is how wonderful synthetic ingredients can be. I probably could have avoided a lot of heartache if I had known to support my hair using the correct hair products needed to repair and strengthen my damaged hair shaft. But through that process I learned so much about the safe-synthetics on the market, and I definitely wanted my hair product line to be enhanced with them so that our customers could have the best of both worlds as well. So we made a point of including safe synthetics, such as the fatty, conditioning stearyl, cetearyl and cetyl alcohols, along with stearamidopropyl dimethylamine, which is a little hard to pronounce but is an amazing hair conditioning, detangling and smoothing agent derived from vegetable oils. I used to be someone who was afraid of synthetic ingredients, but I’ve learned through my years that all synthetic ingredients are not created equally. It took me a long time to learn that, but having gone through all my trials, I feel that I now have a beneficial and healthy balance between my desire for natural ingredients and naturally-derived synthetics, which I definitely wanted represented in my own hair product line.

Whitney White aka Naptural85 Named Best Natural Hair Blogger of 2019

Image: @melaninhaircare

How is Melanin Haircare different from other natural hair care lines and products?

Melanin Haircare is an extension of me and my commitment to the natural hair community. The products we sell come directly from my own personal homemade hair product recipes that I’ve shared over the years, and that have been proven to support my natural hair health, growth, and length retention. We provide rich, high-quality ingredients that you would expect from an exclusive, expensive boutique, at affordable, drugstore prices.

What legacy do you strive to leave?

I just want to leave this world having helped in some way. When I graduated high school, I wrote in my scrapbook that I didn’t know what I wanted to be, but as long as I was happy and was helping others, than I would have been successful. So I’ve followed my heart and it turns out that helping women and men find their confidence through their hair is what makes me happy! I would love to leave my mark on the natural hair world as someone who helped to make a difference, because this community means so much to me. I didn’t grow up with many significant cultural traditions. My mother has obscure American slavery roots and my father is second-generation from Jamaican immigrants, but he wasn’t taught all of the customs, seeing that he was the youngest boy out of five children. So it has always been a struggle for me to find my roots and where I belong as an American black woman. My confidence wasn’t always there. My love of natural hair became my biggest root connecting me back to my culture, and I think that it is one of the reasons why it is so important to me today.

I also want my kids to remember me with pride, and to be able to master the lessons that I’ve struggled to learn over the years. My parents gave me so much knowledge to get me to where I am now, and it is my responsibility to take the next steps and build upon that knowledge to pass down to my children so that they can then do the same for theirs.

What can we expect from Melanin Haircare in the future?

You can definitely expect more product launches, so look out for that soon!

Thanks Whitney for sharing your journey of natural hair and entrepreneurship with us. You’re an inspiration to us all! We can’t wait to see what the future holds for you, we know it will be nothing short of amazing.

You can stay connected with Whitney on Instagram, plus she will be speaking at the ultimate celebration of black beauty in NY at Beauty Carnival April 27-28th. Grab your tickets, you don’t want to miss out!

This is How Fran Styles Her Fine 3b Curls

Hi y’all! It’s Fran and I’m the Senior Graphic Designer at NaturallyCurly. I have fine, high-porosity 3b curls. I like to keep things simple in most aspects of my life and that same mantra applies definitely with my hair. I find something that works and I stick with that, but don’t get me wrong I love trying new products… but I love products that I know – without a doubt work – for me and my hair. Here are my holy grails from this years Best of the Best, that never let me down.

This is How Fran Styles Her Fine 3b Curls

Image: Brio Photography

Wash & Condition

Step 1: Cleanse with DevaCurl No-Poo Decadence.
I’m a DevaCurl loyalist, their products never fail me! Because I have high porosity hair, I use the DevaCurl Decadence line. It provides that extra moisture, strength, and nourishment my hair needs. I use cleansing conditioners most wash days, but on the days I chose to shampoo (about once a week”> I use Camille Rose Naturals Sweet Ginger Cleansing Rinse and follow with DevaCurl One Condition Decadence.


Step 2: Apply Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair! Strength + Moisture Leave-In Mask.
This leave-in creates the perfect balance that’s moisturizing, but not heavy on my curls.

This is How Fran Styles Her Fine 3b Curls

Image: Brio Photography

Step 3: Apply TwistedSista Amazing Dream Curls Cream Gel.
This cream gel gives me perfect definition without the crunch. I’ll take a small drop of that and distribute through my fingers and apply evenly using a combined prayer hands + raking method then gently scrunch.

Step 4: Air dry!
I’m one of the few that can go to sleep with her hair wet and wake up to perfectly dry and defined curls. So on the nights that I do wash my hair, I place a towel on my pillow and plop my hair on top of that while I sleep. Thankfully I’m a pretty contained sleeper so I’m always aware of making sure that I’m not sleeping “on” my hair so that I can get the best results.


Step 5: Water + Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair! Strength + Moisture Leave-In Mask.
I’m pretty simple with this. Water and a little bit of a leave-in will always get the job done for a day 2 or 3 refresher.

This is How Fran Styles Her Fine 3b Curls

Image: Brio Photography

How do you style your 3b curls? Let me know your holy grails in the comments below.

Texture Tales: Chelsea is Redefining How Surfers are Represented by Rocking Her Curly Hair

This month, Naturally Curly and The Curl Talk Project are partnering to explore the link between natural hair and the notions of identity, femininity, diversity, race and representation.

Six ladies will share their experiences, from France to the UK these women reveal what it means to be a curly-haired woman in a society where beauty standards are otherwise. Discover their stories below.

Texture Tales Chelsea is Redefining How Surfers are Represented by Rocking Her Curly Hair

Image: @chel.bythe.sea

You love surfing and practice regularly, tell us how curls are perceived in the surf world?

I don’t think people actually have a perception of curls simply because there aren’t many women with textured hair in the surf industry. It is just not on their radar. The images that dominate mainstream surf media continue to be women with straight, blonde long hair. I think sometimes people think I can’t surf because I don’t fit that stereotype. There is a strong lack of representation in the surf world, of curls, but also of women of colour in general. When I am in the water I still hear questions such as: “Does your hair get wet?”

What was it like growing up with curly hair?

I am mixed-race, black and Asian and grew up in a predominantly white area where people were incredibly curious about what my hair was doing! I would change my hair often which generated a lot of comments and looks which made me feel uncomfortable. Growing up, getting in the water was something that wasn’t really encouraged, mainly because of the impact it would have on my hair. I ended up internalizing these ideas, but I am glad this didn’t stop me from eventually discovering surfing. I always wanted to surf, but I had this fear of the ocean and was often thinking about what it would mean for my hair.

Do you feel there is a connection between femininity and how you feel about your hair?

For sure. However growing up in a place where you don’t see people with natural hair portrayed as beautiful is what led me and many other girls to think that we weren’t good enough! This is why the natural hair movement is so important, as it showcases diversity and beauty in all its forms!

Texture Tales Chelsea is Redefining How Surfers are Represented by Rocking Her Curly Hair

Image: @chel.bythe.sea

Why is natural hair so strongly linked to identity?

Hair has always been part of our culture as black women. Like many parts of black culture, we took something perceived as negative by society and created beautiful and versatile styles. It represents hours in the beauty shop forming community and for me a bond I share with my mother in the kitchen as she did my hair. Learning to care for my hair is something my mother passed down to me and that I will pass down to my daughters.

What has your experience been like wearing your natural hair to work?

People are very curious about it. I’ve been mistaken for co-workers I don’t look like at all sometimes, simply because of the hair type we have.I would say that in general people accept my hair but I am aware that I will most of the time hear comments about the way it looks, whether I want it or not. I am learning to get used to it.

What has been the most challenging moments of your hair journey?

Finding a hairdresser who was able to understand my hair texture, my curl pattern and not chastise me for surfing everyday. Living in a small coastal beach town makes it hard because there aren’t many stylist that truly understand textured hair. Finding someone who listened to my needs and wasn’t a two hour drive away was very important. I can’t count the number of bad haircuts I’ve had!

Texture Tales Chelsea is Redefining How Surfers are Represented by Rocking Her Curly Hair

Image: @chel.bythe.sea

What advice would you give to women struggling to embrace their curls?

Have patience and try not to compare yourself to other women you see on the internet. Your journey is different from anyone else’s. You will create your own routine and your hair will thank you for that.

What does your natural hair represent?

Freedom, peace of mind, and self-acceptance.

What are your holy grails?

Surfing has really forced me to simplify my hair routine I also found a hairstylist @kiafaystyles that helped me do that and recommends great products. Traveling with a board bag and one backpack limits what you can bring on a trip and I wanted to fuss less over my hair and have more time in the ocean!

In the shower I use Wash Day Wonder by DevaCurl to get those salty tangles out. Deep Sea Repair by DevaCurl, it’s really a mask but since I have daily exposure to salt water which tends to be dehydrating this helps keep my hair moisturized. If I wash my hair I use AG Balance Shampoo and lastly I use a leave in to style and my ultimate holy grail Uncle Funky’s Daughter Curly Magic.

Read more stories of The Curl Talk Project here.

You Voted: The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them

Curly girls have a reputation for being Product Junkies. According to our research, they continue trying new products long after they find their Holy Grail. So every year we poll our NaturallyCurly community in our Best of the Best survey to find out their favorite curly products. You voted and we voted, here are the best curly hair products according to over 3,000 curlies.

You Voted The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them


DevaCurl No-Poo Quick Cleanser

A botanically infused conditioning spray that cleanses without water, instantly refreshing hair while adding texture to curls and invigorating the scalp.

Shampoo Bar:

OBIA Naturals Hair Care Neem & Tea Tree Shampoo Bar

This invigorating shampoo soothes dry scalp and helps remove unwanted buildup. Neem Oil and Tea Tree Oil are excellent astringents that will leave your scalp refreshed.

“Love the smell. Love the way my EXTREMELY dry, low porosity coily hair feels after washing. Even the suds are velvety soft!” –mrpt912

Dry Shampoo:

Batiste Original Dry Shampoo

Need an instant refresh? You’ll want to try the classic dry shampoo that instantly makes your hair feel clean, fresh and full of body and texture.

“I absolutely love this dry shampoo and use it all the time! It leaves hair smelling great and actually absorbs the oil unlike some dry shampoos.”-Katie

You Voted The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them

Cleansing Conditioner:

DevaCurl No-Poo Original

The moisturizing, non-lathering formula with peppermint and grapeseed oil, stimulates and cleans the scalp and hair without stripping away the natural oils your curls need. No-Poo leaves you with shiny, bouncy curls that are just plain gorgeous.

“I’ve dealt with an itchy, sensitive scalp for almost a decade. No-Poo leaves enough oil to moisturize my skin and travel through my hair. It’s hard to adjust to spreading it without lather, but adding some water helps. The scent if light, and the peppermint soothes my head. My curls and scalp are happy!”-Gillian

Daily Conditioner:

DevaCurl One Condition Original Creamy Daily Conditioner

This rich, creamy conditioner is made with moisturizing olive oil and nourishing botanicals to deliver softness and hydration.

“In the past, I would use a lot of conditioner because my hair was so knotty, and this weighed down my curls. Also, I would spend so much time detangling in the shower. But, when I started using one condition, my hair was way easier and faster to detangle. Now my hair has less knots, feels so soft and i don’t have to use so much conditioner.” -Betty


Kinky-Curly Knot Today

This leave-in conditioner and detangler is designed to smooth the cuticle and remove knots, snarls and tangles from wavy, curly and kinky-textured hair. It’s been on the holy list for years for its reliability and multi-purposeful use. It can be used as a regular rinse out conditioner for wavy hair or as a leave-in for thicker curlier hair types. Plus, it’s an excellent product to use after removing braids and extensions.

“I have 3a/3b curls and I love this product. No crunch, lots of slip, and leaves my hair super soft and moisturized.”- Erica S.

You Voted The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them

Deep conditioner:

DevaCurl Melt Into Moisture Matcha Green Tea Butter Conditioning Mask

This nourishing treatment mask is like a magical elixir for dehydrated waves or curls. This nutrient-rich, buttery formula effortlessly melts into hair without feeling heavy. All curl types are left feeling shiny, silky-soft and completely transformed.

“This has to be the best deep conditioner ever! Leaves my curls looking fantastic!.” -Paula P.

Hair Treatment:

Olaplex Hair Perfector No 3

A home hair repairing treatment, this treatment relinks the broken bonds in every type of hair providing real, structural repair that works from within. Leaves hair stronger than ever.

“HOLY GRAIL. This is the best purchase I have ever made in regards to my hairs health. In one use, this stuff totally transformed my hair into shiny, manageable, smooth, frizz free gorgeousness! Will never stop buying for as long as I live!”-chels1101

You Voted The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them

Hair Oil:

Righteous Roots 11 Essential Oils Hair RX

Righteous Roots Rx is a hair rejuvenating growth serum with 11 essential oils featuring both anti-frizz and detangling properties, blended to transform your hair into the best that it can be. It can be used as a hot oil to deep condition, pre-poo, scalp oil and finishing oil to scrunch out the crunch.

“I started my curly hair journey and heard so much about this so oil, I ordered some and I can’t wait to order more!! I’ve had 7 children and was losing hair at my hairline like CRAZY. I have serious heat damage from heating tools from straightening my hair for YEARS So my hair needed some TLC! I’ve definitely noticed a huge difference since using Righteous Roots oil. My hair is growing back where I barely had any and overall my hair is getting thicker. I can really see and feel the difference in my thickness around my ears. I can’t say enough good things about it.”- Tiffany

Hair Color:

Creme of Nature Moisture-Rich Hair Color with Shea Butter Conditioner

Ultra-Moisturizing Mango & Shea Butter Conditioner, for multi-dimensional color with radiant shine. Ammonia Free. 100% Grey Coverage. Liquid Permanent Hair Color.

“I only use Creme of Nature when it comes to my hair color! It doesn’t strip my hair of moisture. The ingredients infused in the hair color I know are good for my hair type.”-Jessica Petaway

You Voted The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them

Curl Cream:

DevaCurl Supercream Coconut Curl Styler

This rich, coconut oil infused styler gives you total freedom to express yourself with your curls. Whether you want to smooth, soften, shape, stretch, moisturize, define, control, boost volume, twist-out, tame frizz, add shine or switch up your look, SuperCream helps you do it all.

“An absolute favorite and staple in my routine. Smells amazing. Gives my curls such definition and shine and hold. LOVE LOVE LOVE. 3A and Thick.” -Phoebe93


DevaCurl Ultra Defining Gel

An ultra hold moisturizing and defining gel. Dissolves instantly when applied to wet hair and dries forming a moisture-protective cast to enhance curls.

“I love love love this gel!!! I normally use store bought gels that have unnatural ingredients and wonder why my hair looks odd. However, with the devacurl ultra defining gel, it makes my curls pop and does not dry my hair out!!! my hair is 4a so keeping moisture in my hair is a challenge. If you’re looking for a good smell and moisture this gel will do it.” -anonymous


DevaCurl Frizz-Free Volumizing Foam

If you want fullness, plus frizz protection, make this airy, boosting foam your new go-to. An alcohol free, humidity resistant conditioning foam for volume, curl retention and shine. Provides long lasting, incredibly soft, frizz-free curls.

“I absolutely LOVE this mousse! At the suggestion of my hairdresser, I started using DevaCurl products. This is by far my favorite mousse. Keep in mind, a little goes a long way! I have thick, medium-length hair and only use 4 pumps.”-M.J.

Stretch Product:

DevaCurl Super Stretch Coconut Curl Elongator

Do you have super curly hair that craves moisture, definition and curl elongation? Then this cream styler is for you! This coconut infused cream weightlessly elongates curls and maintains definition. Coconut oil delivers nourishing moisture and shine while shea butter conditions for long lasting softness. Versatile and lightweight, this styler has a rich velvety texture that the provides the moisture and softness of a cream with the hold of a gel.

“This product does exactly what it says it will. It elongates curls and leaves them super defined and manageable. The product itself is very thick and creamy. You can feel it moisturizing your hair the minute you put it on. Worth the $30 and I didn’t have to use much product, although I have very thick curly hair.” -Tish

You Voted The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them

Hair Butter:

Camille Rose Naturals Curlaide Moisture Butter

An oil-enriched softening hair butter with sweet notes of vanilla and macadamia, crafted to deliver intense everyday moisture.

“This product is the most moisturizing product I’ve ever had, has a butter it is thick but it melts into my hair and provides great moisture and semi-hold. It smells like cake batter (very sweet”> and it’s just amazing, it lasts me three months (a little goes a long way and it’s simply amazing”>” -Nia

Product to Cocktail & Frizz Fighter:

Curly hair solutions Curl Keeper Original

Curl Keeper Original is a water-based formula, which means you can use it every day without product buildup. Your curly hairstyle will last for days as its unique formula re-activates with water making Curl Keeper Original 100% effective in all weather conditions, especially humidity.

“This product has turned me into a curly girl. I have 3a curls and for the first time in my life I have chunky, pretty, evenly defined curls. My hair is no longer a frizzy tangly mess. And the amazing thing is, my hair feels completely soft and clean.” -travelnlite

You Voted The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them

Tool/ Accessory:

Denman Brush

The D3 is a medium styling brush with 7 rows of nylon pins. The famous Denman anti-static rubber pad provides maximum grip and control during blow-drying for shaping hair. The most famous styling brush in the world!

“The curl definition I get with the Denman brush is amazing!” -Brooke T.

Product for Twist/Locs/Braids:

Camille Rose Naturals Almond Jai Twisting Butter

Botanical blend of oils and butters will aid in managing coarse/thick hair, leaving a soft and smoother feel. Softens and moisturizes hair while nourishing the scalp and stimulating growth.

“I love using this product along with the Camille Rose Curlaide Moisture Butter as a leave-in first and then the Almond Jai twisting butter as my styler. My 3b/3c/4a high porosity Hair stays moisturized, shiny, and defined. When using this on wet/damp hair and in sections is key to flake free and defined curls. This a great styler for the fall/ winter time.” -Tamara


Bounce Curl Alcohol-Free HairSpray

Medium-to-strong hold hairspray. It is perfect for any time of year, and works well in the humid environments of summer. Our ultra-fine mister distributes hair spray evenly, but remember that you only need two or three spritzes (sprayed 6 inches from your hair”> to get a good result.

“I’ve never used a hair spray and I will admit I was scared but I absolutely loved it. I love how it sprays out and that it doesn’t take much and my curls stay beautiful all day.” -Ginuwine

Finishing oil:

DevaCurl Set It Free Moisture Lock Finishing Spray

The lightweight, nourishing formula, made with olive oil and beeswax, zaps frizz and brings back softness. Set it Free blasts curls with essential moisture and adds bounce and shine.

“This spray will kill frizz in an instant. The moisture it provides is just so good and it’s incredibly lightweight on my curls. And the smell omg!” -Jan


DevaCurl Mist-er Right

This lavender oil-infused formula is the perfect secret weapon when you’re in no mood to get your hair wet. The hydrating spray brings curls back to life and refreshes the scalp and curls, saving you time in-between wash days.

“Honestly this product is life changing. I go into work at 7am and get off at 7pm. On nights when I have plans after work I use this product and my curls come right back to life!! No joke this is awesome.” -WeezyFTaylor

You Voted The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them


Mielle Organics Avocado Hair Milk

Infused with a hydrating extract blend and filled with botanicals and certified organic ingredients, it smooths and softens your hair, providing moisture, manageability, and shine.

“This product is an all rounder. You can use as a leave in, a moisturizer, or a twisting cream. I get beautiful twist outs with this cream.” -Latoya

Heat Protectant:

CHI Keratin K-Trix 5 Smoothing Treatment

Thermally activated smoothing treatment combines with the heat of a styling iron to smooth the hair cuticle, lock in moisture and seal out humidity.

You Voted The Best Curly Hair Products & Why You Love Them

Edge Control:

Creme of Nature Argan Oil Perfect Edges

Maximum hold, non-flaking edge gel for long-lasting wear. Perfect for taming stubborn edges and creating sleek, smooth styles. Great for sculpting, ponytails, high buns and natural up-dos.

“I have been using this edge control for about 6 months now. It is my favorite. No, it does not work miracles. If you sweat, live in a humid climate or are extremely active, it will not hold all day. Even when the hair starts to come up a bit, it still looks soft, moisturizing and flattering. I love the smell.” -SSmall


Deva Curl B’Leave-In Curl Boost and Volumizer

This lightweight gelée contains a conditioning and strengthening blend of wheat protein, lemongrass and chamomile. The moisturizing formula adds instant shine, volume and plumpness to curls.

“This product is nothing shy of incredible. I have really curly hair and have tried for years to find a product that makes my top layer not so frizzy and that keeps my curls together.” -Alexis

Did your holy grail(s”> make the cut? Let us know your favorites in the comments below. See the list of the winners here.

Here’s How Keturah Cares for Her 3c Curly Hair

I’m Keturah, NaturallyCurly’s E-Commerce Manager. I have medium porosity, 3C curls. I am a natural girl that enjoys my hair straight from time to time. The one thing I struggle most with is scalp care. Creating a regimen that favors a healthy scalp is key. In my past life I wouldn’t dare rock my curls because I didn’t know how to manage them. Not to give away my age, but I grew up in the era of Creamy Crack (aka relaxers”>. I wasn’t allowed to get one, so my focus was always to achieve that look the best way I knew how. That was constant flat ironing and a TON of Blue Magic. I am older and wiser now, so I have discovered a better way to care for my curls. They are strong and grow like crazy! I LOVE my curls because I figured how to take care of them. Check out my regimen using the 2019 Best of the Best Editor’s Choice picks!

Heres How Keturah Cares for Her 3c Curly Hair

Pre- Wash:

I use the Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal + Tea Tree Scalp Treatment the night before wash day. I also use it after washing.


I love to use a combination of shampoos. I use the SheaMoisture 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Daily Hydration Shampoo on my hair, but the Briogeo Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Micro-Exfoliating Shampoo on my scalp.

For conditioning I prefer to use the SheaMoisture 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Daily Hydration Conditioner.

Depending on what my hair needs I will use either the Ouidad Curl Immersion Triple Treat Deep Conditioner or Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair! Deep Conditioning Hair Cap System. My hair is usually pretty hydrated so if I over condition then my curls are weighed down.

My favorite tools are the Hair Remedie Frizz Eliminating Towel and the Curly Hair Solutions Flexy Brush.

CG Tip: I love the Cantu for Natural Hair Curl Stretcher Cream Rinse. I experience shrinkage with my 3C curls, but this gives me some length back.

Heres How Keturah Cares for Her 3c Curly Hair


My favorite mousse of all time is Design Essentials Almond & Avocado Curl Enhancing Mousse. I use mousse to help give me definition.

I love cocktailing the Camille Rose Naturals Curl Love Moisture Milk and Camille Rose Naturals Curl Maker.

I finish off with the Darshana Natural Indian Hair Oil.

For refreshing my curls between wash days, I like to use a combination of the steam from my shower, Curly Hair Solutions H20 Water Bottle, Design Essentials Almond & Avocado Curl Enhancing Mousse, and Moroccan Oil Curl Re-energizing Spray. Plus, I use Creme of Nature Pure Honey Moisture Infusion Edge Control to help smooth my buns and ponytails!

Heres How Keturah Cares for Her 3c Curly Hair

Did your wash day essentials make the list? Let us know in the comments and see the full list here.