Search Results: Jen Hill

What You Need to Know About Anita Grant’s Babassu Shampoo Bars
Are you ready to use a shampoo that you can feel good about? How about a shampoo created in bar form that can provide you with the most natural, sustainable method to cleanse your curls?

Anita’s Babassu Shampoo bars are all vegetable-based and are crafted to be both conditioning and long-lasting. Her shampoo bars are created using only natural ingredients, providing a rich and fluffy lather while gently cleansing the scalp and hair without stripping its natural oils.


Anita Grant is Clean Beauty

Grant is the real deal; her small and sassy hair care start-up is based in the UK and is completely natural with a big emphasis on fresh, and she doesn’t include those nasty synthetic preservatives or ingredients in her products. Anita often shares her knowledge of what unique natural ingredients can do for our hair, as well as offering some very unique hair care “goodies.” Her hard work and dedication provides us all with a big batch of pure and wholesome hair goodness — always fresh, homemade, individually cut and packaged. To learn more about her, check out our feature on “Why Anita Grant’s the Brand to Try in 2017 (And Where to Find It!”>.

To be specific Anita explains that her shampoo bars are “conditioning “, which refers to the amount of emollient content in the soap. Because her bars are super-fatted with oils and butters, and work with our body’s natural oils, her soaps provide both a creamy, bubbly lather that provides a super-satisfying soothing cleanse for the hair and the body.

Super Yummy Add-Ins

Babassu Oil is the key ingredient that makes Anita’s shampoo bars super fatty! This oil is unique in that is highly prized as being beneficial for both dry and oily natural hair textures.

For both types, how can this be?

Possessing some similar qualities as Coconut oil, Babassu magically knows how to lend its moisture and work with our sebum, giving more or less as needed. Babassu oil is quickly absorbed, aiding in the conditioning of the hair and scalp while sealing in moisture and reducing frizz.

Nutrient-rich amla, kale and plantain, pair up with fragrant essential oils like lavender, rose, peppermint and ylang-ylang and are examples of some of the lovely add-ins you can choose from. Anita Grant’s Organic Bergamot Babassu Shampoo is the newest formula in the shampoo bar line-up, sweet and citrusy, bergamot awakens the senses and lifts your spirits.

Anita’s Babassu Shampoo bars are cured and pressed so they are long-lasting, however they must be properly stored and treated. She takes great care in sharing the details about the science and her methods in the saponification process and how she makes them. After the bars have been created, she explains that it takes several weeks of curing, allowing excess water to evaporate, before these bars are ready to be wrapped and available for use.

Babassu & Peppermint Shampoo Bar

Shampoo bar best practices

If you’re not used to using a shampoo bar, here are a couple of tips that can make it a much better experience.

  1. Allow it to fully dry after using.

“Absolutely do not place it in a soap dish that is a bowl. You know what happens then. You toss it in with wet hands and come back to a squishie soap with great globs of it wasted by being stuck to the holder. Get the type that has a grid which raises the soap so that it will dry out.”

2. Cut it into small pieces, perfect for traveling.

“I use the same exact soap. What I do is cut it into small slices (5-6 per bar”>. Put all the slices in a zip lock baggie. I use one at a time, easier to handle and less is wasted. I rinse the suds off the soap and place it on the top of my shower, and it stays nice and dry.”


Ready to try them out? Now’s your chance to win one of Anita Grant’s Babassu Shampoo Bars for yourself.

Three very lucky winners will receive a prize package including 3 of the following:

  • 1 x Babassu Amla Shampoo Bar 110g
  • 1 x Organic Kelp & Ylang Babassu Shampoo Bar 110g
  • 1 x Babassu Peppermint Shampoo Bar 110g
  • 1 x Lavender Rose Babassu Shampoo Bar 110g
  • 1 x Babassu Plantain, Spinach & Olive Shampoo Bar 110g
  • NEW! 1 x Organic Bergamot Babassu Shampoo / Shower Bar 110g

Comment below and tell us which shampoo bar you’re most excited to try and why!

Be sure to “like” NaturallyCurly on Facebook, so we can contact you if you’ve won!

This giveaway ends February 24th, 2017 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

*Editor’s note: This article is not sponsored.

Making Stress Our Friend – 5 Mind Tricks for your Wellness Journey

“Hey friend! It’s been a while since I’ve checked in with you. How are things?”

“Hey! Yeah it has, I’ve been sooo busy! To be honest, my energy has been off lately, I’m always waking up tired and having problems sleeping too. Ughh, it feel very lame saying this, but it seems like life never slows down.”

For women, stress levels across the board have never been higher – four times higher than our male counterparts.

“Sounds like you could use a break, anything I can do for you?” 

“Now that you mention it, the one thing I could really use right now is….less stress, please?” 

The unfriendly side of stress – wired & tired

Chronic stress elevates our cortisol levels (one’s fight and flight hormones”>, it also lowers a woman’s ability to produce estrogen and progesterone, and the super feel good hormone that we don’t value enough, oxytocin. Stress levels for women have been on the rise, and according to Dr. John Gray, author of “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,” reports that in response to stress, women’s cortisol levels today are four times higher than men. Our heightened stress levels over time have been linked to some pretty unfriendly stuff:

  • digestive issues
  • chronic inflammation
  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • and dare we say it, cancer

Stress and your hormones

While relevant for all stages of life, stress induced hormone fluctuations are particularly difficult for those women in mid-life who are transitioning into menopause. When stress levels are high and frequent, the adrenal glands, very small grape-sized endocrine glands located above the kidneys, work in overdrive, and when pushed too far, can respond by shutting off.  Without cortisol, our ability to cope with stress and our health can go downhill fast. Adrenal fatigue is linked with extreme fatigue particularly in the morning, depression, brain fogginess and other menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, dizziness, sleep issues, weight gain around the middle, visible hair thinning and hair loss.

Adrenal fatigue comes in stages, and it’s important to understand these signs and to take action sooner than later. The issues you may be experiencing will not get any better by ignoring them, and no you are not crazy — relief is available to us, but action is required.

While this article is meant to bring awareness to a very complicated issue, it is not meant to diagnose or treat a medical condition, so hear this now: taking time for self-care is critical in dealing with the negative side-effects of stress, to allow our minds and body to fully restore and heal, and bring things back into balance!

Stress and hair loss

My hair too? Yes indeed, your stress levels are taking a toll on that naturally curly head of yours. In the NaturallyCurly writer Janelle Sands explains:

“Stress increases the production of five hormones. Growth hormone from the pituitary gland, thyroxin from the thyroid gland, adrenaline from the adrenal medulla, glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortex, and glucagon from the pancreas. When these hormones increase, blood sugar levels increase taking the body to a diabetic state (hyperglycemia”>. When stress continues in the body for too long, all these hormones decrease. This takes the body to a hypoglycemic state, also known as low blood sugar. Both hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia cause diffuse hair loss.”

Why is our stress so high?

You would think with our modern conveniences and technology our stress levels as women would be lower than ever. Why are they four times higher than our male counterparts? In essence, we are taking on more responsibility, with a lot less support. Many of us are single parents, commuting and working long hours, we stress and worry about finances, relationships, health, going back to school, you name it, women have it all. With these advances, the best way to combat stress is to enlist and receive support from others, those with whom we can trust, who can listen and understand, not judge, not criticize.

How to make stress your friend

While most think of stress as a very negative “four-letter word,” let’s point out that it actually has five letters. Some well researched health care professionals and psychologists are challenging the ways we as humans think about stress, and believe it or not, stress, just like a good friend, is sending you a message, a very important one which you need to pay attention to. Health Psychologist, Kelly McGonigal proposes in her TED talk, “How to make stress your friend,” [link to:],  that stress is in essence a mind game, and by challenging and re-thinking our “I can’t deal with it” attitudes and negative feelings associated with our physical responses (heart palpitations, stomach issues, anger”>, stress can actually be used to our advantage. This can be achieved by viewing our stress response as a friend rather than a foe, and including stress reducing strategies to better cope with the bumps and sharp curves that life continually throws us. By making stress our friend, one can avert and even reverse the detrimental health damage that can be associated with it.

Read through these 5 stress-friendly tips and mind tricks that can help you along the way.

1. Start with a HUG!

Here’s a mind trick, Oxytocin or “the cuddle hormone” [link to:] is released when you hug someone, it’s a feel good neuro-hormone that fine tunes your social instincts, enhances empathy, and allows us to better help and support our friends and family, and guess what, it’s a stress hormone! As part of the stress response, the release of this hormone motivates us to seek support, share with someone, rather than bottling it up, or notice someone else struggling. This stress response is sending women a big positive message, it wants you to be surrounded by those to support you – listen to it!

2. Bench Press those Receiving Muscles

Ladies, just like the “oxygen mask speech” one hears flight attendants routinely recite before take-off, we need to supply ourselves with that life-sustaining air mask before attempting to help anyone else. Women are by nature supreme nurturers, and for some reason, we often forget that receiving is something we may not be good at, or feel worthy of.  Asking for support and allowing ourselves to receive self-care has not only a positive effect on stress, it can improve our relationships with others.

Receive this! To pamper and deter any stress-induced hormonal hair loss, how about taking time to give yourself an Indian Scalp Massage?

Combine a few drops of an essential oil into the palm of your hands with a quarter-sized portion of hair nourishing almond, castor or jojoba oil:

  • Peppermint oil – increases circulation, a natural cleanser, cooling and invigorating.
  • Tea tree oil – antiseptic, soothes a dry, itchy scalp
  • Lavender oil – calming, soothes sensitive scalp
  • Rosemary oil – treats dryness, stimulates hair growth

Get yourself comfy, dip your fingertips into the oil and massage in a circular pattern around your head, from roots to ends. Be sure to locate and massage the dimples around your skull, the base of the neck and behind the ears. Apply pressure and release, repeat.

3. Connection is Critical

According to Dr. Gray, while women reduce stress by talking things out, men reduce stress by relaxing. I like the relaxing idea too, but as a woman, it just doesn’t happen very often. We are not an island, those who seek out social contact recover faster, and are more able to heal from any stress related damage. Lissa Rankin, MD states that the #1 public health risk is loneliness, and goes as far as to say that, “Loneliness is as dangerous for our health as smoking cigarettes.” [link to:] In stressful times, sometimes we push others away from us. Dr. Rankin goes on to say that during stressful times if we can take our armor down, we can be courageous and open ourselves to love. Holding hold space for others and sharing promotes healing. Those healing exchanges come as a friend who with compassion says, “Hey girl, I’ve been there as well, you’ve totally got this.”

4. Self-care is not self-ish

Believe that you are loveable enough to make room in your life for some restorative “me-time.” While some responsibilities can’t be avoided nor should they be, asking ourselves what can be eliminated is key. Does our child need such an elaborate birthday party? Why do holidays have to be such a big production? Do we need another pet? A simpler approach may just be as fun. Saying no and challenging our way of being, so that one can make room to participate in something you love, or heaven forbid take a nap, can allow us to re-fuel so that we can better serve others. Self-care is not self-ish.

“A further sign of health is that we don’t become undone by fear and trembling, but we take it as a message that it’s time to stop struggling and look directly at what’s threatening us.” – Pema Chodron


Here’s a one-line tip you can save in your back pocket, for the next time you need to make room for yourself: 

“Ohhh, dang. I’d love to do that, I wish I could, but I can’t.”

On our personal journey, as quirky and stressed as you may feel, you are completely normal, and awesome, and you cannot do it alone. Addressing self-love, Kate Taylor takes a humorous view at being normal.

5. Treat Yourself to Boost Your Spirits

We often don’t give ourselves permission to take time for themselves, and even creating emergencies outside of ourselves to focus on, sound familiar? Exhausted and resentful, we can communicate in negative ways which results in more stress. One of the best ways to lowering stress levels and giving yourself some “me” time, the key is to do something you truly enjoy doing.

Getting your hair done, meeting up with a friend for lunch, or for a walk around the park, these are a modern woman’s way to increase oxytocin levels and blow off stress.  Giving ourselves permission to go have some fun, go ahead, and create your own self-love girl cave!

On a personal note:

A few years back, my life took a major turn (a divorce, going to work fulltime, big downsizing…”>. Being a single mom with five daughters with ages ranging from 3 to 15 years old, my stress responses were through the roof. I’d find myself coming home feeling completely overwhelmed and exhausted and was having a very difficult time finding the energy to keep up – my family was suffering. One day a co-worker invited me to a Pilates class after work – it kicked my butt! The exercises were challenging enough to capture my focus and take my mind off life for a moment, and still allowed me to interact and build friendships with the other participants. I loved it.

Jen today with her 5 daughters, granddaughter and new pup!

And, I often felt guilty for going to Pilates classes because it was taking time away my family, but the stress-relieving benefits were indisputable. The days I attended class, rather than driving straight home, I noticed more energy to prepare dinner, help girls with their homework, felt happier, and was better able to deal with all of the demands when I got there. Not only did I become stronger physically, the positive support gained from the interaction with others during this time was immeasurable. I eventually decided to work towards a Pilates Certification, and currently teach 4-6 classes a week, continuing to gain strength from this practice, with the hope of sharing the same stress-relieving benefits with others.

During this time, another ritual I added was receiving a spa pedicure every other week. This little bit of pampering boosted my oxytocin levels by receiving caring and physical touch. A $25 pedicure forced me to sit and let someone else take over, choosing trendy, fun shades that made me feel pretty, and from time to time even splurging on some nail art.

Like a dear friend, by realizing that our stress responses are sending us valuable messages for self-care, we are then better able to access our hearts, which we rely on for our strength and energy. Kelly McGonigal concludes that, “When you choose to view stress in this way, you’re not just getting better at stress, you’re actually making a pretty profound statement. You’re saying that you can trust yourself to handle life’s challenges. And you’re remembering that you don’t have to face them alone.” 

So the next time a friend, or even your own self starts asking you, “Is there anything I can do for you?

You might respond with:

  • a hug!
  • maybe a walk around the park?
  • would you be down for a pedicure?

That’s right — you’ve totally got this!

Hey Friend :”> I’d enjoy hearing from you, what’s your favorite way to practice self-care?

The Dos and Don’ts of Using Jessicurl Products

With many of the products you buy you may have no idea who owns the company that makes your products, how they got their start,  what went into them, or even the best way to use them. That’s not the case with the curly community. We love to get to know the founders of the brands we use, and in some cases they got their start here on NaturallyCurly. That’s the case with Jessicurl, and we got to talk to her about her products, and troubleshoot a few of the issues some people have had when they don’t use them correctly.

How did Jessicurl get started?

“Go brush your hair!” was often the parental charge given to a young teen Jessica McGunity from her mother. Without a doubt, she was receiving the absolute worst natural curl advice from her clueless, (but still trying to be helpful”> straight-haired mom. To be honest, Jessica was a bit clueless too, but it wasn’t her or her mother’s fault. Like many of us, we’ve been fed and convinced by an ongoing wave of bad hair information that using conventional sulfate, hair-stripping shampoos and silicone crap-junk conditioners are the ideal solutions when it comes to creating beautiful “straight” hair. If we could collectively obtain the staggering amount of money, time and frustration that has resulted due to the historic lack of good hair information, we’d be living on Mars, reversing Global warming, or something equally awesome by now.

Having curly hair is like playing a really scary guessing game, where you don’t know what it’s going to do until it does it and the only way to fix it is to take another shower.

To solve her big hair issues, Jessica needed information and inspiration, and she found it, from seeking, participating and sharing with the NaturallyCurly hair community on CurlTalk. The simple fact that you are NOW reading an article on the NaturallyCurly site, you are aware that the tides have shifted for the better. We now have accurate information available to us, from 2A to 4 triple-Z, we have guides to help us determine our specific hair types, community participation at CurlTalk continues, oodles of articles of every topic, mountains of DIY ideas, tutorials and reviewers featuring sulfate and silicone-free brands for those having natural textures. In celebrating one’s curls, proudly claims Jessica McGunity as one of its pioneers!

As a teen, Jess was struggling to know how to control the frizz and felt powerless in fighting her hair’s natural “bigness.” Often teased with mean spirited names and comments from her classmates, Jessica McGuinty had no idea then where her hair hardships would take her. Having a naturally brilliant mind, Jess remained strong, owned her power, and with confidence set out to share ideas, and ultimately create the unprecedented Jessicurl hair care line. Jessicurl products are made from pure, natural ingredients (no fillers!”> that create curls so gorgeous, those punk kids from high school are probably all kicking themselves for being such dimwits! I can’t even tell you how many times in high school I’d be half way out the door to school, check the mirror and be like, “Oh HECK no!”, and go stick my head in the sink to start over. I was late for school a lot …

I can’t even tell you how many times in high school I’d be half way out the door to school, check the mirror and be like, ” Oh HECK no!”, and go stick my head in the sink to start over. I was late for school a lot … 

 It all started with flaxseed (and NaturallyCurly!”>

Starting from scratch, Jess rolled up her sleeves and read up about creating a hair gel using the mucilage derived from flaxseed.

The hair care and styling benefits that come from utilizing Flaxseed are many. Flaxseed contains both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which generously nourishes and seals in moisture, aids in repairing and strengthening dry, damaged hair follicles and even encourages hair growth. In addition, Flaxseed carries an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to preserve and prevent hair loss, control dandruff, and mend other hair and scalp conditions.

While her first attempts were not as she had hoped, after messing around and adding a few other beneficial hair ingredients like jojoba oil and aloe vera, and loving her results, Jessicurl’s Rockin’ Ringlets was born! Sharing her success with the NaturallyCurly CurlTalk community, they offered a lot more than encouragement – they wanted to buy some for themselves, and you will too. This Flaxseed oil infused styling product was revolutionary, creating just the right amount of hold, soft definition, shine and it actually tamed the frizz!

The Jessicurl Rules: Do’s and a few Don’ts

While we always like to report the good, and there is a lot of good out there when it comes to the many positive reviews and experiences with Jessicurl. With that said, a lack of understanding of how to properly use this line can lead to disappointment. Let’s point out some of these concerns, and share a list of DO and DON’T solutions that will allow you and your gorgeous curls to fall in love with Jessicurl, if you haven’t already!

DO: Use the products best suited for your hair.

Being familiar with the hair typing system, Jessicurl provides a chart to help you determine which products are best suited for your unique needs.

Jessicurl's Product Chart

Thick and dry curlies, the Rich & Radiant Collection is for you. Along with the Jessicurl Hair Cleansing Cream, to restore and condition, Jess created Too Shea! Extra Moisturizing Conditioner, with you guessed it, pure Shea Butter, Jojoba and Avocado oil, a cult favorite, leaving those curls feeling soft and bouncy, never pulled down or heavy.

For those with coarse hair, the Confidence Collection has a similar hair care line up, including a top NaturallyCurly Editor’s Choice for 2016, Jessicurl Deep Conditioning Treatment, which can be used as a daily or a DT for those with high-porosity, thick and thirsty curls. Read about what this NaturallyCurly Reviewer had to say about it, “My hair is the coursest of course [sic] (4zz”> Lol. No my texture would be labeled as a 4C, and very fine. It’s doesn’t take my hair long to get dry after moisturizing it. However, Jessicurl Deep Conditioning Treatment is the #1 DC that I have found in my 5 yrs. natural to give me soft and manageable hair. This is a staple in my weekly hair regiment for sure.”

For those with fine waves and curls which tend to get weighed down easily, Jess didn’t forget you! Reach for Jessicurl’s Light & Luminous Collection. You’ve got some options here, but if losing volume is an issue, the Jessicurl Gentle Lather Shampoo another NC Editor’s Choice for 2016, pairs nicely with her lightweight Aloeba Conditioner, effectively detangles and controls frizzies.

DO: Apply Jessicurl styling products to dripping wet hair.

Once your hair is freshly cleansed, conditioned and dripping wet, it’s time to bring those curls to life! Flipping the head down, styling starts with the application of Jessicurl’s Rockin’ Ringlets Styling Potion which is a curl-enhancing leave-in lotion and a little goes a long way. To provide tighter definition and a bit more hold, follow up with her Confident Coils Styling Solution.

CurlTalk’s “Kddub3” with type 3a, low porosity, and protein sensitive hair explains her concern after using both Rockin’ Ringlets and Confident Coils on a conversation thread entitled, “Jessicurl defined hair well but…”

“I’m currently transitioning from straightening my hair for a period of time. Jessicurl products brought my curl back to life, but seemed almost too defined. I still don’t feel confident with my natural texture and never wear it down. It just seems so out of control!”

For this particular NC transitioner, the solution may simply be to leave off using Confident Coils Styling Solution altogether, and if she does choose to, using a lot less of it.

DO NOT: Apply too much styling product to avoid the crunchies. Easy does it, start small.

Watch in this “How to Apply Rockin’ Ringlets Styling Potion” video as Jess demonstrates how only a dime or quarter sized amount applied to soaking wet hair is needed for spectacular results. Too much product equals crunchy, over-defined, weighed down curls.

When it comes to styling, a few finer haired curlies have expressed that sometimes Jessicurl products can make their hair feel heavy or greasy. One NC reviewer asks a question about her experience while using Jessicurl Rockin’ Ringlets Styling Potion.

“I found this to make my hair kinda greasy/weighed down around the roots. I have low porosity hair, so maybe that’s why it makes my roots feel greasy…?”

And Gemma.Milbur on CurlTalk pleads for help,

“Whether my hair is dry or over moisturized, I ALWAYS struggle with frizz and lack of definition. Product wise, I have tried Jessicurl gelebration spray and Confident coils and really found no benefit from them, in fact I really don’t think gel works for me at all. I’ve actually gone back to a sulfate shampoo for the last couple of washes and my hair is much less limp and holding a curl better but STILL frizzy. Sigh”

For these two ladies, the problem may be build-up.

DO NOT: Avoid the use of sulfate shampoos, or silicone based products. Be aware of build-up issues, hard water included!

Avoiding alcohols, silicones and sulfates, Jess is not trying to create the ridiculous “strip, build-up and repeat” dependency issues with her products. Jessicurl’s pure ingredient conditioners, cleansers and styling products sculpt soft curls, breaking free from products that keep you on the downward sulfate/silicon cycle.

From time to time, creating a “clean slate” by clarifying one’s hair may be beneficial, and it doesn’t have to damage the hair, be overly complicated or expensive. For high-porosity hair types, simply create a slightly acidic 10:1 ratio ACV (apple cider vinegar”> with water, rinse through to clear residue. Low-porosity types will want to use a more alkaline solution, and a clarifying paste solution using baking soda combined with a sulfate-free shampoo or conditioner should do the trick. For coarser hair types, a clay-based detox treatment is a spectacular way to clear off residue, exfoliate the scalp and leave your hair feeling super manageable and soft!

Another solution may be they are using too much or the wrong type of styling product.

DO NOT: Again don’t use too much, a little goes a long way.

Along with buildup issues, it’s important to note that Jessicurl products are quite concentrated with no fillers added, unlike many other styling products, very little is needed. Usually less than a quarter sized portion is required to style and define decadent, humidity-resistant curls. For fine or low-porosity hair types, too much product will make for a not so happy outcome. If this sounds like it applies to your hair type, Jess suggests selecting her Gelebration Spray instead of using Rockin’ Ringlets as well.

DO: These styling and drying tips are a Must!

The last, and very important styling step is DRYING – with or without a hair dryer. For gorgeous, crunchless curls, how you choose to dry your hair is key. If you follow all of Jessicurl’s styling steps, but skip her hair drying advice, your results will be compromised – don’t cheat yourself!

    1. Hair Dryer Method – Diffusing helps to deter frizz, and gives your curls greater volume, especially if you diffuse upside down. Gently scrunch while diffusing, and until your hair is about 75% dry. To avoid frizz, do not touch your curls until your hair is completely dry!
    2. Air Drying – After scrunching (with a microfiber towel or t-shirt”>, carefully arranging your curls, avoid touching your hair until it’s totally dry, which can disturb your curl pattern and cause frizz.
    3. Plopping or “Plunking” – Recommended for longer hair styles, after application of styling solutions, drop head and “plunk” hair by folding one’s hair accordion style into a microfiber towel or t-shirt. Plunking protects the hair while you are getting ready, and reduces diffusing time with a hair dryer.  
4.  Scrunch out the crunch – After your hair is completely dry, use hands to gently lift and scrunch out any crunch, leaving you hair with soft, well-defined curls that hold up in any weather!

Choose your fragrance, or not!

If everything about Jessicurl wasn’t unique and phenomenal enough, she also created three fragrance options with every product. Using natural essential oil blends, Island Fantasy is a favorite with coconut and tropical fruity notes, Lavender Citrus is well, a soothing scent with a twist, and Unscented provides a thoughtful choice for those with sensitivities – your nose can do a happy dance!

Did we mention a Jessicurl Giveaway!? Enter to Win!

One winner will receive a Jessicurl hair care collection of their choice!

How to enter
      1. Comment right here, and tell us which Jessicurl Collection you want to try, and why!
      2. Be sure to “like” NaturallyCurly on Facebook, so you’ll receive a notification when you’ve won. 

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

This giveaway has now ended. 

Why Anita Grant’s the Brand to Try in 2017 (And Where to Find It!)

Sometimes one’s whole way of being can change in a very dramatic moment.  In 2005, Anita Grant made an attempt to straighten her natural hair by using a chemical hair relaxing kit, and instead of enjoying the results of that hair treatment, perhaps by sipping on a warm cup of tea or reading a good book, found herself in the hospital. Anita explains,

“My hands had been blistered by a lotion that contained propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol”>. This ingredient is used widely as a humectant in hair care products, car anti-freeze, and is generally referred to as safe, just not safe for me. With hands throbbing and scalp tingling my thoughts were clear, ‘No more off the shelf cosmetics, for me, ever!’ I stopped straightening my hair with harsh chemicals, and began my journey from bone-straight relaxed to natural fluffy Afro.”

Anti-freeze on your scalp, yikes! That just can’t be right. Anita Grant’s story is not fiction, her scary hairy-tale is painfully true, and resonates with many of us who have been “burned” countless times, and cross our fingers that the products we select to treat our hair will be effective and safe for our bodies, hair, and environment. With true resilience, her negative experience set Anita into positive action and ignited her quest to take an alternative approach with her hair. She dedicated time to learn, research, and play around with different natural ingredients. With a collaboration of fellow naturalistas, she experimented and developed her formulations, bringing us to all that Anita Grant can offer us today. With an elevated emphasis on the word care, Anita’s natural haircare provides products that will never, and let’s repeat NEVER, blister or burn one’s skin or scalp!  Anita Grant utilizes the power of Mother Nature, providing protective hair care and styling products that utilize a trove of treasure-filled ingredients, such as raw beneficial oils, butters and clays that lovingly restore and embrace your natural texture.

Anita Grant believes that natural hair should always be a joy, whatever your hair type, despite rain, humidity, or tropical wind gusts.

Anita Grant’s “Goodies”

The Anita Grant line is completely natural, with a big emphasis on fresh, and because she doesn’t include those nasty synthetic preservatives in her products, it just has to be that way. Succinctly, Anita shares her knowledge of what natural ingredients can do for our hair, as well as offering some very unique hair care “goodies.” Anita Grant’s hard work and dedication provides us all with a big batch of pure and wholesome hair goodness — always fresh, homemade, individually cut and packaged.

Let’s Play with Clay!

Bentonite clay, montmorillonite and rhassoul, are all mineral packed clays from around the globe, each has unique properties, and they are purely sourced from the Earth. These particular clays have been highly sought after and used throughout the ages for drawing out impurities and detoxification of the skin and hair. While it may sound a bit sketchy to use clay on one’s hair, clay-based hair treatments are amazing for cleansing and exfoliating the scalp, repairing damaged hair, removing build-up, as well as enhancing curl, shine and manageability.

Calling out rhassoul, or red Moroccan clay, this clay is mined from the eastern mountains of Morocco, and when translated into English means “washing.” This “washing clay” can be used gently and effectively to take the place of soap or a shampoo. Rhassoul clay is naturally rich in trace minerals such as boron, zinc, and iron, its negative charge attracts positively charged particles, drawing out built-up product and debris. High in silica and magnesium, rhassoul’s it’s softening properties make it ideal as a conditioner for the skin as well as the hair.

Let’s Wash & Fro!

Created to restore the moisture balance of extremely dry natural hair, Anita’s got two sweet treats for you! Best suited for those with natural Afro hair, Anita offers two unique Rhassoul clay based products which she enhances with other hair nourishing products that make them work even better.

Curl Condition Clay Hair Washes 
This clay is a cleanser and conditioner in one. Rich with all those amazing trace minerals, Anita combines her hair wash with coconut sap, chamomile, and panthenol to strengthen and restore elasticity to the hair. Do I smell chocolate? Yes indeed, fair trade cocoa powder and butter are in there as well.

How to use a cleansing clay

Anita explains how this cleansing with clay technique works:

  1. Break the Curl Conditioning Clay Hair Wash into 4 – 6 small pieces.
  2. Add 25 ml to 30 ml (0.84 oz to 1.01 oz”> of warm water (or liquid of choice”> per piece until you achieve the consistency of pancake batter
  3. Apply the mixture to hair, in sections.
  4. Let it sit on your hair for 10-15 minutes (do not allow it to dry”>
  5. Massage scalp as you thoroughly with warm water until water runs clear from your hair.
  6. Style as usual, done!

Rhassoul Deep Condish 
This is Anita’s signature DT, and is recommended to be used 1-2 times a month. Along with rhassoul clay, she adds murmura butter, Chilean honey and vitamin E for extra deep conditioning, oh yeah, and that beautifully rich cocoa butter and powder too! Along with the hair benefits, the Deep Condish protects the scalp, drawing out toxins and other unimaginable things from deep within your pores and hair shaft, leaving delectably soft, bouncy and light feeling curls.

To apply, the Deep Condish cubes are melted in with heated liquids (coconut milk preferred”>, and are applied similarly as the Curl Condition Clay Wash.

Chinyeloves offers an excellent tutorial and shares her experience when using this the Rhassoul treatment in, her tutorial and reviewabove. She reported that after applying this DT to her 4c hair, it felt extremely soft, released most of the tangles, noticed no residue, rinsed easily, didn’t weigh her hair down, and smelled like chocolate cake!

Here’s another NaturallyCurly review from Suburbanbushbabe:

“I’ve used coconut milk with Anita Grant’s rhassoul cube and it works great. I’m going to do a DT with it mixed with yogurt and maybe coconut oil. What it looks like it does is soften and hydrate the hair incredibly.”

Passion Fruit & Coconut Goodie

Whichever clay hair treatment you choose, passion goes along perfectly with the style of a true naturalista. Anita Grant’s Organic Bergamot Passion Fruit Coconut Pomade [link to:] is the frosting on top of all of it. Passionfruit and Bergamot Oils encourage scalp circulation and deter product build-up, while Coconut oil and beeswax beautifully seal in moisture, polish up those curls, and tame those silly flyaways without any crunch – mmhmm!

Go on have a lookie, cookie.

While you can purchase Anita Grant products globally on her site, Anita Grant. With international shipping rates and whatnot, it may take a little more time and cost a tad more. Below are the stockist sites that offer Anita Grant’s hair care goodies in the USA and the UK, and they’re sooo worth every bite!


United Kingdom

Want to try them out!?

Now’s your chance to win a generous collection of some of Anita Grant’s finest treats.

Three very lucky winners will receive a prize package including 3 of the following products:

  • 1 x Rhassoul Deep Condish Cuber (3 x 30g box”>
  • 1 x Vitamin Enriched Omega Concentrated Hair & Scalp Booster Serum 15ml
  • 1 x Petroleum Free Jelly 100g
  • 1 x Monoi de Tahiti Oil 100g
  • 1 x Japanese Camellia Kissi Oil 100ml
  • 1 x Creamy Cafe Latte Unscented 57g
  • 1 x Creamy Cafe Latte Vanilla 57g
  • 1 x Curl Conditioning Single Cream Damage Repair 57g
  • 1 x Organic Bergamot Passion Fruit Coconut Pomade 100g
How to enter

Comment right here, and tell us which product you’re most excited to try and why!

Be sure to “like” NaturallyCurly on Facebook, so we can contact you if you’ve won!

This giveaway ends January 10 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

*Editor’s note: This article is not sponsored.

Let it Grow! | Elasta QP Giveaway

Why is hair growth such a challenge for some, and not for others?

Hair growth is determined by many internal and external factors such as:  hormones, genetics, excessive damage from heat styling or chemical processes, certain medical conditions, lifestyle and nutrition. Many of us have attempted to grow out our hair, only to give up after not seeing visible results. We love curls, coils and waves of all lengths want to support you in achieving all of your healthy hair goals, and if one of yours is growth then we have a few “let it grow” techniques and products to try.

If you’re new to Elasta QP, let’s introduce. Elasta QP is a hair care line designed for women, and respects their busy lives and careers, knowing full well that they don’t have time to waste. With ease, Elasta QP’s unique growth and anti-breakage products enlist the help of olive oil & mango butter for those with texture, and assists one’s ability to create long, healthy hair that feels as amazing as it looks!

Is it possible to grow my hair?

Many of us ask ourselves this question, and it’s not that we haven’t tried. While we realize that obtaining long hair is a long-term commitment, gaining that length takes a lot more than just not “cutting” it.

Stimulating hair growth starts with your personal health, so it’s important that you eat a healthy diet, regulate your stress levels, and get enough sleep. Once you have a healthy lifestyle squared away, it’s important to understand that growth is just one half of the equation. Maintaining healthy ends, also known as length retention, is just as important.

Dry, damaged hair doesn’t help

Breakage is the mortal enemy of hair growth. According to Elasta QP’s stylists “The hair is always growing but with breakage and split ends, normal growth isn’t noticeable. Your primary objective should be to prevent hair breakage.” They recommend using products with plenty of slip to make detangling easier, minimizing heat styling whenever possible, “and don’t pull or stretch wet hair, which is more prone to ‘pop.'” Well-conditioned hair is more elastic and experiences less damage when detangling.” 

No wonder so many of us with good growing intentions stop short, no pun intended☺.

Olive oil & mango butter can help

Elasta QP uses two key ingredients to help you go the distance: olive oil and mango butter, which work together to lock in moisture, strengthen the hair and reduce breakage. For those who have attempted to grow out their hair in the past and have been disappointed,

 when styling taking specific hair breakage precautions along with adding the conditioning properties of Olive Oil and Mango Butter in one’s hair care regimen can help contribute to that growth.

“Let it Grow” Tip #1: Never brush wet hair without conditioner

While growing your hair, providing ample amounts of moisture to increase its elasticity and resiliency is an absolute must. Always saturate hair with conditioner first, as this helps fortify your hair against breakage and damage. Finding the right kind of conditioner that delivers without stealing volume or making the hair appear dull is ideal. NaturallyCurly reviewer, “kaylioness” gives Elasta’s QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Growth Moisturizer 5 stars, she “Used this as the final step in my LOC method for more moisturizing my curly hair in the cold, dry air. The product is very moisturizing but doesn’t weigh my fine hair down. The smell is awesome as well.”

To ensure your moisture levels, the use of a leave-in conditioner is another way to add slip, moisture and prevent breakage. Instagrammer @jodyannc_xo says that she uses Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Leave In Conditioner with the Olive Oil & Mango Butter Growth Moisturizer and they don’t build up or weigh her hair down:

“Now, I’m a huge fan of the moisturizer but found that the leave-in left my hair feeling a lot more moisturized and manageable. After washing, I usually struggle with getting a wide tooth comb through my hair but this product added a good about of slip without making it feel weighed down or goopy. It smells similar to the moisturizing cream but lighter and thinner in consistency.”

“Let it Grow” Tip #2: Use a satin pillowcase

Sleeping on a pillowcase made of cotton and polyester fabrics can tug and pull at your hair while you sleep, increasing breakage and impeding your growth goals.

Need a fabulous growth-promoting oil to add to your LOC lineup? To seal it in, Elasta QP Olive Oil & Mango Butter Growth Oil reduces breakage by capturing in moisture, protecting your hair from the elements, heat, sun, and styling tools, and promotes shine.

“Let it Grow” Tip #3

Try Vitamin A. Beauty gurus love Vitamin A because it’s a necessary component in preventing breakage and stimulating hair growth. Think deep orange veggies and dark leafy greens: sweet potatoes, carrots, lettuces, kale, and collards – yum!

Elasta QP guarantees that their Olive Oil & Mango Butter hair care products will help prevent and even stop breakage, split-ends and dryness, and wants you to put them to the test. This is your chance to win a whole collection of products to help you achieve your growth goals.

Who’s ready to put Elasta QP to the “let it grow” test?

5 Lucky Winners will receive a prize bundle from Elasta QP containing:

  • Olive Oil & Mango Butter Growth Oil

  • Olive Oil & Mango Butter Moisturizer

  • Olive Oil & Mango Butter Leave-in Conditioner

  • Olive Oil & Mango Butter Leave-in H2 Spray Conditioner

  • Olive Oil & Mango Butter Shampoo

  • Olive Oil & Mango Butter Curl Defining Pudding

  1. Comment right here, and tell us about your hopes to let it grow, or keep it growing!

  2. Be sure to “like” NaturallyCurly on Facebook, so we can contact you if you’ve won!

This giveaway ends December 15 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

This post is sponsored by Elasta QP. 

You Had Me at Monoi: Design Essentials Giveaway

Most of us curlies are well acquainted with the incredible hydrating and nourishing benefits when using coconut, avocado or almond oil. But what about the use of monoi oil? To introduce, monoi (pronounced mah-noy”>, is a superstar essential oil blend, derived from the infusion of gardenias and coconut oil. For generations, monoi oil has been highly prized by those in the South Pacific islands being valued for its miraculous health properties, and its ability to mend, repair and protect the hair. Envisioning fields of gardenias off the distant shores of a tropical island sounds heavenly, not to mention what all that loveliness could do for your hair!

Dry, brittle, thirsty hair demands a tropical treat. Design Essentials — please take me to paradise!

PICTURED: @bombshell_lay

The Healing Magic of Coconut & Monoi

Enhance your natural hair journey by combining these two island favorites together. The Design Essentials Coconut & Monoi Intense Shine Oil Mist mends split ends while protecting the hair from all forms of heat styling and the damaging, harsh elements. Quickly absorbed, it adds intense shine to the hair by enlisting natural conditioning agents such as sunflower, Vitamin E and Moroccan Argan oil. Design Essentials also added to the mix a lightweight formula  Coconut Water Curl Refresher, which does exactly that. Mist this monoi oil-infused refresher onto dry hair, the naturally-based botanicals help to soothe and re-define curls, add bounce, and restore frizz-free sanity.

A second or third day refresh is nice and all, but your curls may still need more hydration and styling. NaturallyCurly community member Annastacia said the Coconut Monoi Curl Enhancing Dual Hydration Milk quickly restored her hair’s vitality:

“This is a perfect product for low maintenance curlies! I don’t know how many times I’ve saved my curls from the horrible drought induced frizziness that comes with jumping into the shower too late and not having time to devote to the LOC method.

Not only does this work as a good low maintenance styler that defines curls and smells lovely; it also protects the hair for days to come. [It is] definitely a go to product for those of us who love waking up late and still looking good!”


Design Essentials Styling Treats – Perm Rod Sets

While a wash and go is a quick and straightforward way to let your gorgeous natural curl do its thing, for those who take the extra time to style their naturally curly hair using perm rods, we applaud you! The entire set process: detangling, sectioning off, applying product, methodically flipping and twisting the hair, and rolling up each so precisely, not to mention sleeping on those rods! When done right the results, are uh-mazing! Design Essential Natural products, like the Twist and Set Setting Lotion can help in achieving shiny, drop-dead gorgeous perm rod ringlets with a whole lotta bounce!

PICTURED: @heycurlie

Watch Design Essential in action:

JD Winters shares her beautifully defined perm rod set technique using the Coconut & Monoi Intense Oil Shine Mist and Coconut Water Curl Refresher in this step-by-step tutorial:

Capture a bit of Design Essentials paradise for yourself – Enter to Win!

5 winners will win a Design Essentials prize package containing:

  1. Comment right here, and tell us why your hair really deserves some paradise.

  2. Be sure to “like” NaturallyCurly on Facebook, so we can contact you if you’ve won!

This giveaway ends December 8 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.


This post is sponsored by Design Essentials. 

Win The Amazing Dream Curls Giveaway by Twisted Sista

Original and defiant, Twisted Sista was born in the UK, then merged with salons and stylists in NYC and LA, creating a hair care line that speaks to curls of all textures. Twisted Sista hair care and styling products provide beautiful, bold options for those who dare to be curly. Going full on natural, Corinne Bailey Rae boldly, yet sweetly sings to all of us:

Girl, put your records on, tell me your favorite song

You go ahead, let your hair down

Sapphire and faded jeans

I hope you get your dreams

Just go ahead, let your hair down!!

While we can share similar hair characteristics, as individuals, our hair ultimately should be a unique expression of who we are. Seeking shiny, healthy and full of life options for natural hair that are also effective and fun to work with is what Twisted Sista is all about. Salon certified, Twisted Sista products nourish and add moisture by using natural ingredients such as almond, avocado and coconut oils – enhancing the performance of every hair twist, braid, or blow out, and they smell fantastic!

With every twist and turn, Twisted Sista declares, “You are more than that, you’re my sista!”

First step, cleanse and moisturize.

Pamper that head of yours, their Luxurious Clarifying Shampoo maintains the perfect balance, being a sulfate-free shampoo which gently clarifies the hair and cleanses the scalp, it is ideal for those from 2A to 4C textures. Follow up with their creamy Intensive Leave-In Conditioner, from root to tip, adds the moisture your hair craves, and without worrying about weighing your waves down.

For my wavy and curly sistas, Twisted Sista’s 30 Second Curl Spray is so versatile, it activates, refreshes and sets your curls right. To create irresistibly soft ringlets or boost your sultry waves, in seconds this spray will bring your hair back to life.

The thicker, the better!

Don’t be afraid of Twisted Sista Curl Activator Crème super curly sistas, add generously after conditioning, lending intense moisture and definition, and is an ideal styling match up for double strand twisting or braiding.

Worried about frizz?

A styling cream gel with a light hold, hear what Instagram Sista @onmylevel_chey said about Twisted Sista Amazing Dream Curl Gel:

“I like it because it kind of gives a ‘wet’ look but still gives volume and definition. It actually was perfect because it’s really humid outside but the product already added a lot of moisture into my hair so the humidity barely changed it. If you’re looking for a new styling product I recommend this especially for wash n gos and styles that need something to help reduce frizz.”


Twisted Sista styling tip:

“Want to pull your curls back and get them out of your face sometimes? Use our nourishing sleek edge gel to pin down those fly- aways for the perfect bun!”

Enter the giveaway!

It’s time to throw a Twisted Sista Party – 5 will win! Enter now to win a Twisted Sista prize package containing:

  • Luxurious Clarifying Shampoo

  • Intensive Leave In Conditioner

  • 30 Second Curl Spray

  • Curl Activator Creme

  • Amazing Dream Curl Gel

  • Nourishing Sleek Edge Gel

Photo courtesy of @twistedsista_ut
How to Enter
  1. Comment right here, and dedicate it to your naturally curly sistas.

  2. Be sure to “like” NaturallyCurly on Facebook, so we can contact you if you’ve won!

This giveaway ends December 1 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

What’s Going On At DevaCurl?
old and new devacurl one condition
Pictured: DevaCurl One Condition old and new labeling

Once Upon a Time…

…20-something years ago, a NYC hair stylist Lorraine Massey brought about a revolutionary hair care handbook called “Curly Girl: The Handbook,” and along with it, created DevaCurl, a hair care line designed to make all those with different textures look and feel gorgeous. We credit Lorraine for many well-established curly terms like, “no-poo” (no lather shampoo”> and “co-poo” (washing hair using only a conditioner”>.

Wait — did I just read that correctly? No shampoo!? Isn’t a rich soapy lather what gets your hair clean?

Lorraine rocked our world by out-smarting traditional hair conventions, and challenged us to stick to the curly girl commandments, avoiding non-water soluble silicones, sulfates, wet haircuts, brushing and even blow-drying. Eagerly, we held onto the hope that her advice, tips and products would help us. In the dark for so long, it was high time for this liquid gold! It’s clear DevaCurl products have been Holy Grails for many members of the curly community for years, so when DevaCurl started changing things up with new labels and new products this year, the community had questions!

What’s going on at DevaCurl?

If you’ve seen any news from DevaCurl recently, you may be excited for new product additions or nervous about cha-cha-changes. Have no fear – many products just received a new look or a name change to better assist us in finding the best products for our needs. While the labels of your old favorites may be different, Dana Epstein, DevaCurl’s Director of Communications assured us the tried and true formulas are not. She told NaturallyCurly “All of our existing formulas have remained the same. The only thing that has changed is our packaging to provide an easier, more simple shopping experience. Our new user friendly labels feature specific details about each product including ingredients, benefits and usage to help consumers better navigate the selection process. ” So fear not, the original formulas have not changed, but they have added new products to their lineup. New products are now broken up into 3 categories: wavy, curly, and super curly.

new devacurl products wave maker, styling cream, supercream

Wavy — “Delight”

The Delight Low-Poo and Delight One Conditioner duo were created to provide volume and a degree of lighter moisture for those with wavy hair. Additionally, the Wave Maker (Touchable Texture Whip”> is a feather soft styling formula that keeps working for your hair. Check out one of our contributor’s thoughts on this set. NaturallyCurly contributor Diane Mary loves Wave Maker for its keen ability to create soft and shiny definition for her waves, and even added it to her Holy Grail list. NaturallyCurly editor Cristina agrees with Diane Mary, the Wave Maker is her new go-to for light, touchable definition that can be refreshed on day 3 and day 4 without looking weighed down. Read Diane Mary’s full review of the Delight Low-Poo, One Condition and Wave Maker here.

Curly — “Original”

DevaCurl’s classic One Condition set a new standard for curly girls everywhere. Lorraine’s intention was to keep her hair care line as simple as possible, she named this particular conditioner “ONE” because it was designed to do-it-all if necessary: co-wash, condition, deep condition, and leave-in.  And why is it known as a classic? With its numerous high mentions and 5-star reviews from stylists, beauty bloggers and magazines, the NaturallyCurly community has also awarded DevaCurl One Condition with a Best of the Best Award for the last two years running, and it received the Editor’s Choice Award for Best Multi-Use Product in 2016. The Styling Cream is added to this category which provides bounce and frizz control while banishing the crunch.

Super Curly — “Decadence”

The DevaCurl No-Poo Decadence is a zero-lathering cleanser while the One Condition Decadence is a mega-hydrating conditioner that understands the intense need for moisture from super curly curls. The Supercream Coconut Curl Styler is a styler that allows for defined curls no matter the style. NaturallyCurly editor Devri Velazquez loves Supercream, in her review she shared that Supercream created long-lasting, super soft, and frizz-free definition on her type 3c curls. NaturallyCurly’s Video Manager Evelyn says No-Poo Decadence is “probably the thickest cleanser I’ve ever used that actually cleanses my hair and scalp. The fact that I can finger detangle with it = game changer” for her type 4b coils. She also liked that the One Condition Decadence left her hair “so soft I don’t need a leave-in, which is great because the Supercream is so moisturizing, it doubles as a leave-in anyway. A+!” Read the NaturallyCurly’s team’s reviews of the whole Decadence line here.

We wanted to get to the bottom of the changes happening at DevaCurl, so we decided to chat with Megan Streeter, the Chief Marketing Officer of DevaCurl about the motivation behind these modifications.

DevaCurl’s curly hair care line seems to be more hair type specific now, tagging each product for use with wavy, curly and super curly textures. What brought about these changes?

MS: As a curly hair brand, our heritage has always been to cater to the traditional curly girl and to help women love their curls. Natural texture isn’t a trend, it’s a way of life, and we’re thrilled that so many women are continuing to embrace the hair they were born with. There’s no denying that the curl presence in so many variations is unapologetically here and stronger than ever before. In fact, 65% of the population has texture in their hair but texture doesn’t just mean curls. Texture also refers to wavy hair and super curly hair and we knew we were not servicing this part of the market.

Texture also refers to wavy hair and super curly hair and we knew we were not servicing this part of the market.

Both wavy and super curly consumers frequently misunderstand their own curl’s potential. Many girls with wavy hair do not identify as curly, but “just frizzy.” They need weightless moisture for more manageability, allowing them to wear a variety of styles that complement their individual pattern without being burdened by a huge time commitment. At the other end of the curl type is the super curly consumer—those with a tighter curl pattern. The super curly girl often has very dehydrated hair and needs products with even more moisture by way of super-charged formulas packed with intensely hydrating ingredients to create the foundation for healthy hair. While listening to our clients during our interaction at the salon and on our social platforms it became increasingly obvious that we had a major opportunity. One of our key tenets as a brand is to listen and cater to your needs first and foremost.

What sets DevaCurl apart from the rest?

MS: Our mission statement begins with “Ask a curly girl about her hair and she’ll tell you about her life.” DevaCurl is always at the heart of the curly conversation. We’re here to listen, support and celebrate curly girls every day, in every way. We do that in our salons with education and by teaching her how to care for her curls; we do that with our products that help her create beautiful curls she can count on; and we do that with our social platforms and our blog where we highlight beautiful curly girls who help other curly girls embrace their natural beauty. Across all fronts, being a brand that truly listens enables us to provide our expertise to help her find solutions.

What is your favorite new or classic DevaCurl product and why?

MS: The DevaCurl Celebrate Wavy Holiday Kit, which includes Delight Low-Poo, Delight One Condition and Wave Maker! Being a wavy girl myself these products are my new go-to hair care regimen. I love the scent and performance of all three. Like everyone, life is busy and these three products together allow me to walk out the door feeling great. My hair looks and feels moisturized and my natural wave is enhanced so that I don’t need to blow dry.

It’s giveaway time!

Do you like this more specific approach to DevaCurl products? Have you tried the products, and if so did you like them?

We want to know what you think so we’re giving away 6 DevaCurl Celebrate Curly Holiday Kits for either wavy, curly or super curly hair. Each kit contains one hairtype-specific cleanser, conditioner and styling product.

How to enter:

  1. Comment below on which DevaCurl Celebrate Curly Holiday Kit (“Delight” for wavy, “Classic” for curly, or “Decadence” for super curly”> you’d like to receive.
  2. Subscribe to DevaCurl on YouTube and watch the video: Winter Curly Hair Routines – Celebrate Curly Holiday Kits!
  3. Be sure to “like” NaturallyCurly on Facebook, so we can contact you if you’ve won!

This giveaway ends November 24 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

Editor’s note: This article is not sponsored. 

10 Minutes to “Get Your Glow” Giveaway – Bigen’s Got It!

Is it actually possible to capture a vibrant, lasting hair color, and at the same time keep its natural essence and glow from a do-it-yourself hair coloring kit? From sad experience, many of us would offer a troubling story about our attempts. Beginning with the guess work of choosing which brand, formula and color that suits us and our particular hair type. The process gets even messier, from getting those dang plastic gloves on, to mixing and applying a hair dye that stains everything it touches: around your hairline, top of ears, clothing, towels and random other dark “spatterings” around the shower and bathroom. After completing the task, the most difficult part can be the big color reveal after you rinse, condition and style your hair.

Often, color treatments with their harsh ingredients can damage the hair itself, leaving you with anything but the desired results. And get this, because it fades quickly, you’re going to have to repeat this process all over again in a few weeks – oh snap!

While you may have some grays to cover, why would you put yourself through all this?

Luckily, the team at Bigen have taken the fear out of hair coloring at home, making it easy, safer and even better, Bigen’s Easy Color formulations gently enhance your natural color while delivering vibrant, lasting tones to your gray hair. No more scary, messy or hair-stripping results like your mom’s drugstore hair coloring kits. And guess what? Bigen’s formulas give optimum results for those with gray, textured and curly hair!

What About Those Grays?

In a recent #curltalk post on our NaturallyCurly Instagram, “laurahasheart” shares with our community her earlier than expected transition from natural color to gray, and issues about managing it:

“I’m turning 32 at the end of the month and going prematurely gray. Not just like one patch or a few strands here and there, but like enough to have salt and pepper hair. I actually kinda like the way it looks but also don’t want people to assume I’m way older– when I dye my hair people assume I’m much younger than I am. The upkeep though is a pain. I’m not really sure what to do, whether I’m too young to embrace them, how to make them look nicer, etc.”

During this transitional stage, gray hair acquisition has both visual and structural differences that can make adding a chemical color challenging. Similar to low porosity hair, gray hair can be resistant to accepting a color, and holding onto that color, which can become time-consuming and expensive to maintain. Bigen understands how color-resistant hair works, and offers products that protect and nourish each strand, deleting all the harsh chemicals like ammonia, minimizing the use of peroxide and other damaging ingredients that are often found in conventional hair dyes. Bigen also adds nourishing ingredients like aloe vera and olive oil which condition and enhance the health and vibrancy of your hair.

Take a look: Inside of Bigen Easy Color!

At last, you can color your own hair without a worry! Bigen Easy Color can be done at home using a brilliantly simple “2-way brush” application system, providing a long-lasting vibrant color, which is safe for you and your hair – no stains, drips about it!

Enter Now – 5 Will Win!

If you are selected, five winners will receive a Bigen Easy Color in either Mocha Brown, Natural Black, Deep Espresso, or Intense Black – and we’ll help you choose! In addition, winners will also receive:

  • Bigen Polishing Serum
  • Shampoo Bigen Protect & Repair
  • Bigen Sheen Spray
  • Bigen Protect & Repair Deep Conditioner Samples

All you have to do is comment below telling us about how you’d like to glow!

This giveaway ends November 17 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

*Be sure to like NaturallyCurly on Facebook, so we can contact you if you’ve won!

This post is sponsored by Bigen.

WATCH: Wavy To Straight and Back Again with Cantu

NaturallyCurly was started to help women with naturally curly hair embrace their texture and love the hair that grows out of their heads. For some women that means going all-natural and mixing their own homemade products, for some women that means coloring their hair every color of the rainbow to express their personality, and for some women that means rocking their hair in whichever style matches their mood and outfit that day – whether that means, curly, coily, wavy or even straight.

Through our market research we know that our community wears their hair naturally curly most of the time, but not all of the time. Wavies wear their hair natural an average of 78% of the time, while curlies and coilies wear their hair natural over 90% of the time.

The risk of styling against the grain of our natural hair type is that it’s easy to damage our hair in the process. Cantu was created to keep your style options open, with the added benefits of protecting and nourishing your hair – without regrets later! 

When choosing what to eat for lunch, a health-packed, crunchy salad is a fabulous choice most days, but sometimes we crave a cheesy, hot slice of pizza. Respecting and understanding our need for fun and versatility, Cantu Beauty has created both wavy and straight hair care products that allow us to do just that. The products give us the option to rock our natural texture or go sleek and straight for a few days by adding nourishing and restorative ingredients like pure Shea butter. Style your hair exactly how you want to wear it that day, guilt-free! 

Play It Straight

University of Texas student and full-time yogi Isabella explains that she likes to straighten her naturally wavy hair often, and worries about the heat damage and breakage that can result with that repeated choice. Applying heat to the hair repeatedly is usually a big no-no when it comes to styling curly hair if you want to avoid heat damage. By applying the Cantu Thermal Heat Protectant to her clean, damp hair prior to blow-drying, the result is smooth, straight, and most importantly protected hair. After her blow-out session, she increases shine and fly-away control by smoothing on a few drops of Cantu Anti-Frizz Oil to the ends of her hair. Hair damage attributed to straight-styling has been successfully averted!

Rock It Wavy

Of course natural styles demand an extra boost of definition and shine too, and if that’s your preference, Cantu has it. Going back to her waves, Isabella washes and scrunches into her hair some Cantu Curling Wave Whip Mousse.  Moisture-packed, pure Shea butter in this formula adds weightless moisture and volume to the hair without leaving the bewildering crunch and stiffness of some styling mousses.

For second-day wavy hair styling, Cantu Comeback Curl assists to refresh vibrant bounce and shine. Simply spray on the hair and re-scrunch to freshen things up and keep those waves lively.

Cantu leaves out harsh ingredients such as mineral oil, sulfates, parabens, silicones, phthalates, gluten, paraffin, or propylene in these products so you can avoid extra dryness.

Isabella’s busy lifestyle and college-student budget require hair care products that can accommodate her styling choices and not slow her, or her hair, down. Cantu provides a no-excuses permission slip to style your hair however you may want it – wavy to straight and back again.

See Isabella’s waves in action below!

How do you feel like wearing your hair today? Let CANTU help you decide!


This post is sponsored by Cantu