When it comes to caring for your hair, there are a lot of DIY recipes out there to combat every imaginable concern. If you’re a DIY-er then you may be familiar with the popular ACV rinse or flaxseed gel, but one of the lesser known options is a DIY cucumber hair rinse. Don’t let the lack of attention compared to other ingredients fool you because this is a powerful little veggie that packs a punch. Let’s take a closer look at this overlooked powerhouse.

What makes cucumber a great choice for a hair rinse?

If you have ever eaten a cucumber, you already know they are rich in water content. This makes them pretty hydrating for your scalp and strands. Aside from being hydrating, cucumbers are full of healthy nutrients like silica, vitamin A, and potassium. Aside from being super healthy and hydrating, the juice can soothe an irritated, dry scalp and since the scalp is the bedrock of great hair, this is especially important. According to research published in Fitoterapia, a leading medical research journal, “Fresh fruit juice is used for nourishing the skin. It gives a soothing effect against skin irritations and reduces swelling.” Cucumbers are great for giving your scalp and strands a little boost as needed.

How to make a DIY cucumber hair rinse

The steps are pretty easy. Here’s how you can make your own soothing rinse Here are the steps to take to create a soothing rinse.

Prepare the cucumbers
  • Peel a large cucumber or two medium cucumbers to remove the skin. Chop cucumbers into small cubes.
  • Place cubes in a food processor or blender.
  • Blend until it is a puree and then strain into a bowl to remove any chunks or seeds. If there are still seeds left over, don’t worry about it. You will still get the same effect with the rinse and you can rinse them out in the shower.
Apply to your hair
  • Wash your hair as normal and then apply the cucumber rinse to your scalp and strands. Massage the juice into the scalp in circular motions.
  • Rinse and condition as usual.

Tip: You can also add a little peeled lemon to the blender to add an antibacterial element to the rinse to help clear up any scalp issues.

Have you tried any DIY remedies for your scalp?

Let us know what’s worked for you in the comments.
