Search Results: Devri Velazquez

DIY Bentonite Clay Cleanse for Your Hair

Bentonite clay, an impure mud discovered in Rock River, Wyoming, was once thought to have healing powers. In addition to medicinal purposes, this mud attracts impurities like toxins, bacteria, and viruses, and draws them out of hair.

Blogger HippieChicChick shared her recipe for a simple bentonite clay hair cleanser.

What You’ll Need

  • Bentonite Clay (found in vitamin stores or here on Amazon“>
  •  Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Aloe Vera Juice (optional”>


  1. Combine Bentonite Clay and equal parts Apple Cider Vinegar( and/ or “> Aloe Vera Juice, and a few drops of essential oils of your choice ( I like to add lavender, sweet orange, and rosemary”>.  Mix to the consistency of batter.  Be sure to only use plastic or wooden utensils when mixing, as the metal will lessen the effect of the clay.  Each batch will vary from person to person, mix enough ingredients to cover the thickness and length for your hair. 
  2. Section hair in 4-6 sections( this helps to ensure all of my strands get attention”> and apply mixture to damp unclean hair.
  3.  Allow the mixture to sit on the hair for 15-20 minutes (apply a plastic conditioning cap so mixture does not dry”>.
  4. Massage mixture into hair (one section at a time”> gently pulling downward on strands smoothing the cuticle for about 2 minutes.
  5. Rinse mixture with lukewarm water until all clay is rinsed from the hair.  It is important to rinse thoroughly! If clay is left on the hair it will continue to work and cause hair to become dry.
Follow up this process with a deep conditioner, seal in moisture, and style as usual.

What cool hair and skin recipes do you have? Visit our Recipes Section and share with us!

At-Home Hair Removal with Homemade Honey

Ever found yourself in need of a major hair removing makeover, but without the time to make a trip to the beauty bar? It’s okay, you can be your own hero because there’s a very simple recipe that can save you in cases like these.

Halawah was invented by the Egyptians back in the day, gaining popularity across the world, and is widely used in Saudi Arabia, too! It’s made up of key natural ingredients and is evidently very effective. All you need to do is master the skill of using it along the direction of hair growth and soon you will know how to tackle stubborn hair. gives us this fun, beautifully homemade way of removing unwanted hair.

What You’ll Need

  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 10ml”>
  • Metal saucepan
  1. Take the metal saucepan and pour the sugar in, heating it on low flame. Let the sugar melt.
  2. Add lemon juice and stir. When the mixture turns slightly brown, add the water and let it boil.
  3. Once it starts boiling, lower the flame and observe the color change to a darker brown.
  4. Remove from heat and let it cool.
  5. While it lets off heat, take a spoon and check its consistency: it should be hard enough to spread and sticky enough to pull. Try your finger first.

This kind of wax is used with your fingers, not wax strips. If you’d like to make the wax that requires wax strips, follow the same procedure, however, instead of adding 2 tablespoons of water, add 3, and remove from heat before it turns a dark shade of brown. If it seems thick, just add some water on low heat. Let it cool slightly and apply on your skin hot, but don’t burn yourself and strip away!

For best results, have someone do it for you and then return the favor!

READ: Henna Your Way to Healthy Hair

For more curly mixology recipes, or to share your own favorite at-home treatments, go to our Recipes section.

Healthy Scalp Leads to Healthy Hair

” src=””>Developing healthy hair and scalp starts from within

There is no such thing as “bad hair,” only unhealthy hair. Some of the causes that gives us less than desirable tresses are out of our control, but the vast majority can be controlled by changes in our lifestyle. If you are ready to have a head of hair that anyone would envy, you can start on it today, but be forewarned that the process is a life-long commitment, not a once-a-month afterthought.

Just as the condition of the soil affects how a plant grows, the condition of your scalp establishes the health of your hair. A healthy scalp has clean, open pores with good blood flow. A healthy scalp is characterized as being loose and thick.  An unhealthy scalp can be characterized by a dry and itchy scalp, flaking, or tenderness. An unhealthy scalp is either too dry or too oily. An oily scalp reflects the sebaceous glands in overdrive, meaning the glands in the hair follicle are producing too much oil. This creates a haven for bacteria to breed. Dandruff, which is a characteristic of dry scalp, it’s also caused by an over growth of yeast.  Dry scalp can be caused by products leaving a buildup on the scalp. Conditions such as Eczema or Psoriasis may also be to blame for a persistent dry and itchy scalp, as well as poor circulation or poor diet. One ingredient, laboratory tests have found to be effective at combating the growth of bacteria is Tea Tree Oil, so adding products that contains this natural healer will be beneficial to any healthy hair regimen.

However, after hair grows out of your scalp, harmful environmental conditions and styling routines can undo all of the nurturing you put into your hair’s initial “bloom.” It is important to remember, that each person’s hair naturally grows at different rates, so if you are comparing your hair growth to someone else’s, you are setting yourself up for a big disappointment. In general, curly hair types grow at a slower rate than naturally straight hair types.  But in order to keep your hair looking the best it can be, long after it has grown out of your scalp, treat it with TLC. This means, wearing it in loose, protective styles, keeping it moisturized, and refrain from thermal styling, which can lead to hair breakage due to excessive heat.

Top 10 lifestyle choices to promote healthy scalp and hair:

1.     Massage your entire scalp daily by placing all 10 fingertips on your scalp and massage the same way you would knead dough, working from the front of your head to the back.

2.     Do not scratch your scalp with your fingernails and do not use plastic bristle brushes, but do brush your hair daily to evenly distribute the natural oils.

3.     Eat a well-balanced diet, avoiding overly-processed, fried, and sugary foods & drinks as often as possible.  Drink plenty of water each day to keep the body hydrated.

4.     Develop a regular workout routine (and stick with it!”>.

5.     Avoid temperature extremes, including wearing a hat during winter and avoid washing your hair with extremely hot water.

6.     Choose hair care products that leaves your hair free from product buildup and provides the right amount of moisture for your hair to prevent dryness that leads to breakage.   Try PARNEVU Extra Dry products.

7.    Include hair care products, in your daily regime, that contains Tea Tree Oil and essential vitamins to keep your scalp moisturized and free of bacteria such as PARNEVU T-Tree products.

8.     Choose hairstyles that nurture, rather than torture your hair, including limiting tight up-dos, heat styling, and chemical processing. Use a protein conditioning treatment at least once a month to help repair damaged hair, such as PARNEVU Hair Mayonnaise.

9.     Cut off split and damaged ends regularly to avoid further breakage.

10.  Sleep on a satin pillowcase or use a satin head scarf or cap (other pillow cases absorb natural oil from your hair, which can dry it out”>.


Thanks for Sharing Your Time with Parnevu T-Tree!  Until the Next Time…

11 Insights into the Curly Girl

As NaturallyCurly celebrates our 15th Anniversary we’re reflecting on all of the special curly women that we’ve met along the way. Take for example Marsha! Did you know that Curl Junkie founder Marsha Coulton traded in a job on Wall Street to become a beautician? She is an invaluable part of the curly industry, so we were thrilled that she agreed to share her insights into our unique community. And we have to say it’s refreshing to hear a business owner admit that people buy from different brands, and negative feedback keeps you honest!

Marsha Coulton: NaturallyCurly has helped me grow my business astronomically. Without NaturallyCurly as a resource, I couldn’t have developed my products as effectively. CurlMart was our first retailer, which was incredibly important. And NaturallyCurly suggested I send products to Essence, and an article in Essence helped take the brand to the next level. I might still exist without NaturallyCurly, but I wouldn’t be at this level.
  1. There’s no right way

    Some people like silicones. Some people don’t. Some people like proteins. Others don’t. Don’t pass judgment.

  2. People like to buy products from multiple brands

    If people can find two or three products in my line they like, I’m good. There is no one who will stick with one line. I buy products from other brands.

  3. Product rotation is key

    When products are formulated, they’re only looking at how it works on hair a week at a time. But there are a lot of variables. If you use a product with protein every day, your hair might get dry and hard. If you use too much moisture every day, your hair may get weighed down. The weather and humidity changes from day to day and season to season.

  4. Keep an open mind

    Customers have taught me that they may use a product for a completely different purpose than I developed it for. My good friend uses our Curl Junkie Hibiscus & Banana Deep Fix for her twist out. When you’re developing a product, it may be used as a leave-in, rinse-out, deep conditioner and styling product. I’ve changed labels based on customer feedback on how they’re using it.

  5. Listen to the drum beat of your customers

    I’m always on discussion boards and reading emails to see if there is a lot of noise for certain types of products. That’s why I developed Repair Me! Reconstructive Hair Treatment. People were saying they needed a deep conditioning protein product that didn’t make the hair rock hard and didn’t contain silicones but strengthened the hair.

  6. Smell is completely subjective

    I always try to stay with neutral or lightly fragranced products. I never find people clamoring for strong smells.

  7. If something isn’t working, don’t bang your head against the wall

    Try something else. But before you throw it away, try using it in a different way.

  8. Negative feedback is as important as positive feedback

    It keeps you honest. If they don’t like it, you need to figure out how to develop a better product. I’m tweaking Curl Junkie Pattern Pusha to make sure it works more consistently over a range of textures. Right now, people either love it or they hate it.

  9. Conditioners are what set you apart

    Across the board, conditioners are our anchor.

  10. There are no rules when it comes to what products work for what textures

    I used to develop products for wavy, curly and kinky hair – heavier products for coilier hair and lighter products for wavier hair. But I found it wasn’t necessarily how my customers were buying products. I developed Curl Assurance Aloe Fix was for coily hair, but I have a lot of wavy customers. I try my products on every texture now.

  11. There is no shame in mixing expensive products with drugstore brands

    I find some people like to mix my Curls in a Bottle with a drugstore gel to enhance the performance. You can mix and match.

"Real Hair Talk" With Karen’s Body Beautiful

Visit any major natural hair show or event, and you’ll most likely spot the big, bold afro and beautiful smile of Karen Tappin. Karen, founder and CEO of Karen’s Body Beautiful, is a walking advertisement for her successful hair care line.

Her brand has grown by leaps and bounds this year, including launching in Target stores and earning awards from media outlets like and Jones Magazine. Karen was named as one of‘s “10 Most Influential Women in Beauty,” alongside such luminaries as Estée Lauder, Coco Chanel,  Mary Kay Ash, Madame C.J. Walker and Bobbi Brown.

We sat down with Karen to find out how it all started and learn about the conversation she’s having with women everywhere, “Real Hair Talk,” for her “Real Hair Talk Jamaica Getaway Contest”.

NaturallyCurly: Tell us how Karen’s Body Beautiful began!

Karen Tappin: KBB started in 2003.  I was a high school history teacher at the time and I would get home from work and research and experiment with natural ingredients. Back then, I just worked on candle and body product recipes. As teacher, I heard a lot of stories about young girls and women facing challenges around hair care.  I started reading product labels and realized that many of the ingredients used in hair products had questionable value and made the decision to create better alternatives.

NC: Your afro has become quite iconic! You’re featured in the new book “AFROS – A Celebration of Natural Hair” and upcoming documentary on natural hair, “Follicle.” Tell us about why you went natural, and why a ‘fro?

KT: My husband helped me make the decision.  One day when I told him I was going to my hair ‘done,’ he asked me “why?” I realized he was really asking why I felt the need to change my hair by relaxing it.  In his eyes it was unnecessary. That made me stop and think about why I was straightening my hair.  That moment marked the beginning of my transition.

I wear a ‘fro because it makes a bold and powerful statement. It says I’m happy with myself, I accept myself. It’s liberating. I walk the walk, I don’t just talk the talk. 

Watch Karen Talk About Loving Your Texture

NC: Tell us about how you create products. What’s your process?

KT: In the beginning, it was about what my hair needed because I was searching for solutions to my personal issues. Now the process is customer-centered. We’re dedicated to meeting the needs of our customers, so we have focus groups and interact directly with them at meet-ups, shows and events. I strive to give KBB users the most effective products for all of their hair styling and maintenance needs. Ingredients really matter — that’s my mantra — so I have built KBB around products that contain natural ingredients that I take the time to extensively research and test.

NC: Why do you think KBB products are so popular in the community?

KT: Our products appeal to many women because we meticulously research the best natural ingredients for skin and hair. Our research has also helped me dispense advice to our consumers when I met them face to face.  I think those conversations help people feel even more confident about the brand because they realize I’m passionate and knowledgeable about textured hair.   Our products also smell really great! They come in thirteen different fragrances, so there’s something for everyone.

NC: You’re starting a “Real Hair Talk” conversation? Why is this important to women?

KT: As women, we are bombarded by a beauty standard that basically declares only specific type attractive, which is maddening. So, regardless of your race or ethnicity, you almost certainly start out thinking that you need to have the same hair color, eye color, body type, skin tone and hair type you’re seeing in magazines and movies. It’s especially challenging for Black women because we are naturally furthest from that standard.

Hair is just a small part of the “beauty equation”, but hopefully this discussion helps women feel more comfortable with themselves. We want to make them aware of the ways they may be compromising their health with harmful practices and synthetic chemicals, in the name of beauty. We need to change the perception of coily hair. Our goal is eliminating myths and spreading the truth about what our hair can and cannot do. Our hair is not bad, frizz is NOT a four letter word. It’s normal and natural. Our textures shouldn’t be vilified or given any kind of negative label.

Watch Karen Talk Frizz

NC: Tell us about the “Real Hair Talk Jamaica Getaway Contest.”

KT: We’re having a contest in which customers purchase Karen’s Body Beautiful products at Target stores from now until October 5, and email their receipts to or enter here for a chance to win the grand prize of an all-expenses paid five day trip for two to the beautiful island of Jamaica. We’ll be having the “Real Hair Talk” Meet-up in Jamaica where we’ll celebrate our natural hair, dispel the myths and motivate women to empower themselves.

NC: What are the most common questions women ask you about their hair?

KT: Probably the most frequently asked question is how to keep hair moisturized and soft while supporting healthy growth. I let women know that finding products that work for their hair is process of trial and error and I advise them not to get frustrated. Don’t give in to hype, give products a chance to work, and seek advice, reviews and tutorials from bloggers and natural hair advocates with your hair type.

NC: What advice do you have for women who are thinking about going natural but think natural hair is difficult to manage?

KT: Going natural will mean learning new hair care techniques. It’s a lot easier once you accept that natural hair will not behave like relaxed hair. Once you use the right products and find a couple of go-to styles that work for your lifestyle, it becomes so much easier. Have fun with it! It’s a personal journey, so focus on you during your transition. Focus on accepting and loving your unique self.

15 Years of NaturallyCurly & Curly Hair Solutions

We’re celebrating 15 years since the launch of NaturallyCurly, and who better reminisce with than our very first advertiser, Curly Hair Solutions! They purchased a tiny little ad on the original version of, and we’ve been curlfriends ever since. Steve and Jonathan Torch shared their thoughts on these 15 years with us.

1.   How has NaturallyCurly influenced you?

Jonathan Torch – When I first started to do Internet research on curly hair, I was fascinated at the curl forum I found on I understand how hard it is to moderate a forum and I was impressed with the professionalism of the moderation. There was a wealth of information from curly heads from all over the world in harmony helping each other, offering tips and pointers. I see it as the birthplace for the underground movement of curly hair. As a huge fan I participated regularly and followed the questions and answers religiously. That forum is still a great place to hear honest feedback.  We have been able to learn so much from Curltalk and transfer that into our day-to-day operations to help create the right formulas, tools and techniques for all types of curly hair.

Steve Torch – The support and love we have felt from Michelle and the entire team at Naturallycurly has been a major factor in our success here at Curly Hair Solutions and  As the authority on curly hair for the last 15 years, Naturallycurly has provided so many ideas, platforms and innovating breakthroughs which have paved the way for many new and major brands to emerge.  Although this has created a fiercely competitive industry, it has also made Curly Hair hugely popular and propelled the industry into the mainstream spotlight.  We look forward to our continued partnership and common goal of making every curly head out there proud to be curly, and realize that naturally curly hair is something to embrace.  

2.   What’s one curl lesson you’ve learned?

Jonathan Torch – One of the first lessons I learned that has stuck with me forever and I believe to be very true is “Curly Hair is Moody.”  This statement is only appreciated by curly heads as they know how unpredictable a head of curly hair can be from day to day. What this means is that there are no two curls that are the same.  Curls can feel like either being difficult or easy to manage, and it is important that someone knows how to manage their curls no matter what the condition is.  Factors that can affect your curls are different climates, hormonal changes, products used, styling techniques used and many other varying factors.

I respect all the curlies out there for wearing their curls natural and for embracing their individuality. Lastly, I believe that “you don’t have to cut your hair to keep it healthy.”

‘Fro Fashion Week

Fro FashionWeek, the premier celebration for the natural hair experience created by Naturally Me! Media, announces its New York debut taking place September 5-8th, 2013. Now in its 6th cycle, this Atlanta-based event will take to the streets of New York City, along with its crowd of ‘curly and proud’ fashionistas, to make its mark on the nation’s fashion scene during New YorkFashion Week (NYFW”>. The Sheraton Brooklyn New York Hotel is where it all goes down from Sept. 5-8th.  ‘Fro FashionWeek has reserved a block of discounted hotel rooms for attendees to enjoy the full roster of planned festivities. The much anticipated NYC ‘Fro Fashion Show, themed GOTHIX, takes place at Brooklyn’s posh and fashionable Kai Studio on Sept. 7th. 


Tickets are available online at FroFashionWeek.

  • Use coupon code naturallycurly1 for 15% off the Saturday NYC Package.
  • Use coupon code naturallycurly2 for 15% off the Weekend Curlfriends Package.
‘Fro Fashion Week highlights planned for New York:
‘Fro Fashion’s Night Out (Sept. 5th”>: 
‘Fro Fashion Week attendees will explore NYC’s most divine shopping destinations as a part of ‘FroFashion’s Night Out.  This boutique crawl offers attendees the ultimate girls-night out experience filled with fashion steals, delectable bites, swanky cocktails, amazing giveaways and lots of memorable moments with the gals. and designated fashion and beauty bloggers will host attendees at each location along the crawl, providing real-time social media updates and spotlights on the most sought after fashion must-haves.

‘Fro Fashion Pop-Up Salons (Sept. 6th & 7th”>: 

Aspiring, newbie and veteran naturally-curlies will enjoy full, complimentary hair and make-up services at the ‘Fro Fashion Pop-up Salons hosted by BASIC Hair CareORS and Motives for LaLa to name a few brands.  Beyond comprehensive hair and make-up services, branded pop-up salons will also treat attendees to one-on-one consultations, product sampling, in-salon presentations, and meet & greet socials with specially invited celebs and beauty bloggers.
JessiCurl presents My Favorite Things product giveaways at ‘Fro Fashion Week 2012

‘Fro Fashion Main Stage Attractions (Sept. 7th”>: 

From hair and fashion shows, to trend showcases, entertainment and workshops for beauty and fashionbloggers, the ‘Fro Fashion Main Stage Attractionswill be the hotspot on Saturday, Sept. 7.  The Main Stage Attractions will also offer attendees premium shopping opportunities at the Main Stage Marketplace, featuring fashions by up and coming designers along with indie beauty, hair and skin care brands.
‘Fro Fashion Week Spring 2013 themed
Acid Summer

NYC Presents the Official Fall ‘Fro FashionShow (Sept. 7th”>:

As the pinnacle to ‘Fro Fashion Week, the Fall ‘FroFashion Show 2013 will deliver a bold, dramatic and showstopping runway show themed GOTHIX. Showcasing texture hair at its finest with fiercefashions to match, the ‘Fro Fashion Show will feature couture and street fashion collections from designer lines.  Following the fashion show, attendees will gather at the Brooklyn Terrace located at the Sheraton Brooklyn New York Hotel for the “After the Fashion Show” Mixer.

Rise & Shine Bloggers Breakfast (Sept. 7th”>: 

The Rise & Shine Bloggers Breakfast will close out the extended weekend festivities on Sunday, Sept. 8th. Sponsored by Dr. Miracles, this event will convene natural hair, beauty and fashion bloggers attending ‘Fro Fashion Week for an interactive and empowering session on doing business with today’s beauty brands.

“At the ‘Fro Fashion Week events I’ve attended, the women come out in numbers, dressed to slay, ready to learn, and ready to buy the hottest products made available to them,” says natural hair celebrity blogger Afrobella.

‘Fro Fashion Week NYC will be held at the Sheraton Brooklyn New York Hotel (Sept. 5-8th”> and the NYC Fro Fashion Show will take place at Kai Studio (Sept. 7th”>. Event passes, including 4-day andSaturday passes, are available for sale by visiting

For more event information including showtimes, visit

Get to Know FAT CURLS

Introduce your company to the Naturally Curly world!

Hoyu America Co., the international manufacturer of FAT Curls, FAT Hair and Bigen hair care and color products, is dedicated to providing innovative and affordable products to women of all ages and ethnicities. Hoyu is also one of the leading providers of hair color and hair care products in more than seventy countries worldwide. With unending passion of caring for hair for over 100 years, Hoyu strives to lead the way by setting high standards and utilizing cutting-edge technology to continually develop and  introduce user-friendly but technically advanced products that address the needs of consumers.

Can you tell me a bit about how FAT CURLS got started?

To answer the emerging natural hair trend, Hoyu developed a line of lightweight curl care solutions to target the strongest frustrations expressed by the curly-haired consumer. In March, Hoyu launched FAT Curls, the curl maintenance system that helps create, nourish and keep the ultimate curls.

Let’s talk a bit about the products!

The FAT Curls line features four new products that contain Macadamia Seed Oil and Taurine to repair and restore moisture to hair, while providing shine and protecting hair from further heat damage and controls frizz. Taurine penetrates into the hair to repair and strengthen each hair shaft. The result is healthier, manageable, bouncy hair, with more elasticity to prevent breakage. Macadamia Seed Oil protects from heat damage and provides shine.
  1. Curl Enhancing Crème conditions and lengthens curls, creating soft, smooth, shiny, natural, healthy-looking curls.
  2. Curl Reactivating Spray reactivates curls, creates shine, repairs damaged hair and protects curls against heat damage. Keratin protein helps to strengthen hair fiber.  This lightweight spray is designed to control the frizz, define your curls and restore your hair’s health and shine.
  3. Curl Defining Gel helps you control over processed, dry and lifeless curls. This advanced formula gel conditions, restores, defines and creates shiny, tighter curls.
  4. Curl Creating Mousse is humidity resistant, lightweight, alcohol-free and designed to maximize curl shape and definition, while repairing damaged curls. It controls the frizz giving you shiny, healthy-looking curls.
The FAT Curls product line retails for $8.99 at Rite Aid, Kroger, Kerr, and Navarro.

Who was your product line developed for?

It was created for Curly-haired women of all ages who struggle with their hair. They are always searching for hair products to help them with dry, unruly and frizzy curls. FAT Curls offers them a Solution – Curl Care that “Defies the Frizz!” The Fat Curls products are ideal for curly haired women. The unique formula contains Macadamia Seed Oil and Taurine to restore moisture, repair damaged hair and protect curls against heat damage. It nourishes the hair, leaving curls smoother and shinier. Curly hair becomes more manageable and easier to style.

Want to try it for yourself? Print this coupon for a discount off of any FAT Curls styling product!

Devri’s Hair & Health Journey: Misdiagnosis
Devri Velazquez

When newly natural NaturallyCurly employee Devri Velazquez began noticing changes in her appearances, she adjusted her beauty routine in search of answers. Follow Devri in her exclusive series for NaturallyCurly, “Devri’s Hair & Health Journey,” as she deals with an extremely rare autoimmune disease, from her symptoms and diagnosis to treatment and the way this has affected her looks and self esteem.
I grew anxious with each day that passed by in anticipation of my family’s annual reunion. I was in search of a quick fix to my sudden changes in my hair, skin, and body. What had always been self-confidence within me was turning into self-doubt.  I did not want to come to terms with the fact that my health was too. It was literally happening right before my eyes. I looked into the mirror every day at a stranger. My rapid heartbeat inside me reflected more than a sense of being awestruck.

I started wearing makeup for the first time to conceal the yellowness in my complexion. After only a few weeks, my impatience got the best of me and I started trying luxury brands. Even the finest of tea tree oils or the purest of seaweed extracts delivered minimal results. My confidence—and now, money—were diminishing as quickly as the natural luster of my skin. I remember waking up one day drenched in sweat for the first time. It was like somebody had thrown a bucket of water over my entire body. I kept the air conditioning pretty cold in my apartment, and I didn’t feel hot at all, so I was confused as to why my body was reacting in that way. I also noticed my heart beating incredibly fast, even though my body was at rest. My adrenaline pumped like I had just crossed the finish line in a marathon. I opened my eyes only to see what looked like squiggly lines floating on the ceiling above me. The brightness in my vision flickered, as if somebody was switching the lights on and off. My head throbbed while my arms tingled and my legs stung. The sensation felt like a million ants crawling up my arms and legs without me having the ability to brush them off. I remained calm to the best of my ability and got up out of bed slowly. For the first time in my whole life, getting dressed felt close to impossible. 

MORE: Natural Hair Envy Brings Devri to Big Chop

Devri Velazquez

The rest of my day I ignored the inconvenient changes happening throughout my body and continued with my normal routine. Later that night I had a friend over for dinner. Out of nowhere I felt like I was suffocating. I inhaled and exhaled faster and faster and couldn’t catch my breath. My chest felt so heavy and my fingers curled up while my lips turned blue. In a panic, my friend rushed me to the ER.

The doctors thought I might have had asthma, so they administered a nebulizer treatment for about twenty minutes till I regained the color in my lips and feeling in my fingertips. When they conducted an X-ray of my chest, there were no signs of pneumonia or inflammation. I rested for a few hours, and once I was able to breathe normally, I was sent home.

MORE: Devri’s Hair & Health Journey Begins

When I got home I traded in my porcupine boar brushes for one with softer bristles, lessened the number of times that I washed my hair per week, and even created a crash diet for myself with optimism in appearing leaner and fit before the reunion. My physical energy did not allow me to do any type of cardio excercise, so I relied solely on my eating habits to whip me back into shape.

I have always considered myself a very independent person, but this was a moment that I knew I needed to finally suck up my pride and reach out to my mother (who is a nurse”> for reassurance that everything was going to be ok. She calmed me down over the phone, caressing my confidence with her words of encouragement. I asked her to bring her medical tools to take a look at me once she got into town on the day of the reunion.

With my exhaustive attempts to conceal my deteriorating looks and health, I imagined myself being a lost girl stuck in a maze in search of the Devri I knew my whole life prior to these months. Mentally, I was running out of options. I continued to study at the local university and work part time but it wasn’t long before my life would take a drastic turn and force me out of both.

To read the rest of the articles in Devri’s series, click here.

Devri’s Hair and Health Journey

When newly natural NaturallyCurly employee Devri Velazquez began noticing changes in her appearances, she adjusted her beauty routine in search of answers. Follow Devri in her exclusive series for NaturallyCurly, “Devri’s Hair & Health Journey,” as she deals with an extremely rare autoimmune disease, from her symptoms and diagnosis to treatment and the way this has affected her looks and self esteem.
Prior to working at NaturallyCurly in early 2012, everything I had known in my 23 years of living had absolutely nothing to do with embracing or caring for my natural 3B curls. I have always considered my personal style a bit unpredictable. My hair, makeup and clothing might represent simplicity and elegance one day, and bold, colorful confidence the next. But no matter what I tried, there was always something missing that I just couldn’t grasp.

A month or two after joining the NaturallyCurly team, I realized that I needed to let my hair be free! Free from the hostage that flat irons and relaxers had on me for 18 years. The emancipation of overly processed, damaged and bone-straight strands came with more splendors than met the eye.

You may notice that I look different than my last appearance on NaturallyCurly. My body, face and hair change on almost a monthly basis. In the summer of 2011 I was diagnosed with an extremely rare autoimmune disease that is a type of vasculitis. My heart and blood vessels are directly affected, and my immune system attacks itself whenever I have simple illnesses like a cold. The moment it was discovered by my team of doctors, I dove into a rigorous form of treatment to keep myself alive.

As a result of the many medications, chemotherapy and treatment plan I’m on, restoring my hair to its original state means so much more than just keeping up with the trends or making a fashion statement. Ever since my Big Chop in April of last year, I have been able to take better care of my entire body, starting with my hair. Starting fresh with a new outlook on life has been a golden opportunity for me to start fresh with new hair, beauty, and fashion routines. Despite being on chemo on and off for more than a year, my locks are thicker and fuller than ever. Not to mention, the overall health of my hair and skin has improved drastically.

MORE: A House Divided: One Natural, One Relaxed

Devri Velazquez

It wasn’t until I started really immersing myself into the natural hair community that I realized how much I could experiment with my curls. For almost a year now I have allowed my spirals to extend themselves out of me like an extra limb, helping me to be in touch with a side of myself — and a world — that I otherwise would have never known.

I officially invite you into a part of me that, until now, has been hidden, locked up and kept away from the everyday world in a series as I write about my curly hair and health journey here on NaturallyCurly.

Whether you are transitioning, planning on doing a Big Chop, or are already a loud and proud curly, be who you truly are because you are the absolute best at playing that role. Let your natural hair, beauty, and personal style be your backbone of strength. Make a declaration to yourself that 2013 — and every year that follows — will be the time you let go of insecurities, self-doubt, or uncertainty.

Instead of focusing on what you are not or what you think you should be, take the time to embrace your flaws, enjoy your shortcomings and celebrate your quirks! Those are what make you, YOU!

MORE: Natural Hair Envy Brings Devri to Big Chop

Create Volume for Fine Curls with Pantene Pro-V

Not every curly girl was born with big voluminous curls. If you are a fine-haired curly with thinner tresses, you may find that you’re always looking for ways to plump up your curly coiffure. With the right tips and tricks, you can pump more volume into your hairstyles!

Celebrity hair stylist Tippi Shorter has a few tricks up her sleeves. Watch as she takes beautiful, but rather limp locks and styles them into gorgeous lively curls with some of Pantene Pro-V’s new curl-friendly products. Here are some tips on how to achieve the look:

  1. Shampoo and condition your curls with Pantene Pro-V Relaxed and Natural Shampoo and Conditioner for a fresh start.
  2. Detangle your hair with Fine Hair Solutions Anti-Breakage Detangler and wide tooth comb, your fingers or a detangling brush to improve your detangling process.
  3. Smooth and scrunch your curls with a cocktail of Pantene Pro-V Curly Hair Style Curl Shaping Gel and Pantene Pro-V Normal-Thick Style Flowing Body Mousse for excellent body and curl definition. Use only a bit of the gel and more of the mousse so that your fine curls don’t get weighed down.
  4. Attach some duckbill clips or small claw clips to the roots at the crown of your head and sit under the dryer for a few minutes to start the drying process. This little trick will create lift and volume at your roots. You can leave the clips in as you continue drying your hair to ensure maximum volume forms at the roots.
  5.  Blow dry your curls with a finger diffuser attachment, gently scrunching curls up towards your scalp with the diffuser as you dry. This will encourage volume in the body of your hair.
  6. While hair is still damp, flip your head over and diffuse upside down, still using the same scrunching motion with the diffuser. Diffusing upside down to finish the drying process will create natural lift and volume throughout your tresses. Leaving the clips at the roots for the whole drying process will aid the roots in lifting up off the scalp to create even more volume. Remove the clips when hair is completely dry.

Visit the Pantene Facebook page for more info on these curl-friendly products and look out for more videos with tips this week on how to get the looks by Tippi yourself!

Pantene Pro-V How To: Type 3 Hair

Pumping up the volume for limp curls

A House Divided: One Natural, One Relaxed
Woman with long, curly hairDevri before.

Having an African American mother and a half Hispanic, half Italian father made it difficult for my sister Dee-Dee and I to relate regarding our physical appearances — especially when it came to our hair. My mom has been straightening her 4C hair for years, and my dad’s hair was fine and straight. Dee-Dee and I somehow ended up right in the middle, with wild 3B curls.

I barely made it past age four before my mother officially gave up on trying to tame my locks. Although my sister is only one year younger and had the exact same hair type as me, my mom chose to book me a hair appointment at the tender age of five. For years she had been going to a stylist by the name of Stallin. At five-years-old, I thought his name was “Styling.” Even though I had no idea what he would be doing to my hair, I felt like I would be in safe hands.

I climbed Stallin’s chair in anticipation of receiving my first relaxer — whatever that was. I had no idea what was going on until he spun that chair around and let me see myself in the mirror. My hair was beautiful. It was straight, silky and I could actually run my fingers through it with ease! I was excited to go home and show my “new” hair off to Dee-Dee.

Sure, she appeared to be happy for me. During playtime, she would brush my hair and help me style it for fun. My ego inflated, and from that point on, I received a relaxer for the next 18 years, while my mom kept Dee-Dee’s hair natural.

I enjoyed it, but sometimes I would wonder what I’d look like if my mother had decided to keep my hair curly, too.

 Although I presume it will be challenging, I am ecstatic about letting my natural locks come back to life.

One day, I decided to share my feelings with Dee-Dee. She admitted to me that she felt the same way towards me; she had always wondered what it would be like to have straight hair. She told me she was extremely jealous of the fact that my hair required little maintenance and was easy to style. I told her that I was envious of the fact that her hair had a gorgeous texture, volume and bounce. I suddenly felt deprived of what I could have had naturally as well.

Woman with long, curly hairDevri after.

Now that I’m 22, I feel like I still have a chance at revisiting my roots — no pun intended. After years and years of processing, dyeing and solely relying on my relaxers to take care of my hair for me, I feel like there’s going to be a long road ahead of me in this transition phase. Although I presume it will be challenging, I’m ecstatic about letting my natural locks come back to life.

When I first shared the news with my family, Dee-Dee was excited for me. She recently decided to get her first relaxer, so we’ve agreed on giving encouragement and tips throughout this new process for both of us. My mother, however, expressed her feelings of concern. She warned me of the difficulty of maintaining my naturally curly hair, but she’s supportive of my decision either way.

I can’t wait to get back in touch with the “original” me. After all these years, I can say that I am more than ready to embrace my wild and crazy locks!

I guess the grass — or hair — isn’t always better on the other side, after all.

5 Romantic Hairstyles and Accessories for Valentine’s Day
Jessica Biel

Jessica Biel with long and loose waves

Alexa Chung

Alexa Chung with a messy updo

The season of love is here and while many of us worry about getting our significant other a gift that will show them how much they mean to us, others worry about much more important things—like how they will look on Valentine’s Day.

I will be the first to admit that I use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to buy a new outfit, but just as important as the outfit is how you will wear those curls. Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to bring out your romantic side and show off a romantic hairstyle and some accessories.

Long and Loose Waves

Wavies, here is your chance to shine! If you have longer waves it can be hard to get all of your hair to corporate for an updo, so just work with what you have and keep your hair down. If you feel like you that is too boring because you wear your hair down frequently, consider changing up your part or adding an accessory to complete your look. Which leads me to the third idea . . .

Messy Updo

If you can get away with an updo, this is the perfect night to go for it! However, prim and proper is not the way to go. Let some curls hang loose and don’t worry about perfecting the look. Loose curls will help frame your face and also give you a softer look.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks

Zoe Saldana

Zoe Saldana

Add a Flower

If you’re like me you are not a huge fan of getting flowers for Valentine’s Day because—let’s face it—that is completely cliché! Instead of asking for flowers, get your own and wear one in your hair. Pink and red flowers are the easiest things to find right now so take advantage of the accessibility and use a flower to complete your outfit for the evening.

Half Up Half Down

This is an easy look that goes great with curls and also shows off your face. Similar to an up do you can make it as messy or as smooth as you would like it. For a more romantic look, go for the messier option as it will soften your face and give you a flirtier look.

Low Bun or Ponytail Paired with a Scarf

Buns and ponytails are a common work place hairstyle, but a low bun or side ponytail is your key to romance. Add a scarf that acts as a headband with your outfit and you will have a classic look that screams “Chic!” If you’re feeling extremely into the Valentine’s Day spirit, find a scarf with hearts. Like pink and red flowers, they are no hard to find this time of year.

4 Grow-Out Tips From Jessicurl
Jessica McGuinty

Jessicurl Founder,

Jessica McGuinty

Jessica McGuinty, CEO and founder of Jessicurl, provides four key tips to get long, strong curls.

Jessicurl’s Confidence Collection:

Define Your Curls, Define Yourself

This amazing collection includes:

Hair Cleansing Cream

Confident Coils

Too Shea!

Weekly Deep Conditioning Treatment

Like a watched pot never boiling, once you decide to grow your hair out, it can seem like a never-ending process. There are some aspects that are in your control, however, so follow these tips and you’ll maximize your hair’s natural speed of growth.

1. Diet. Don’t neglect your diet. You need to nourish your hair from the outside and the inside. Make sure to get adequate nutrition, and supplement with biotin, as it has been shown to increase hair growth. I can attest to this personally. A few months after starting to take biotin, I found I was having to touch up my roots more often because my hair was growing noticeably faster.

It is also important that your diet contains enough protein and fats, as with too little of either it can become dry, brittle and more prone to breakage.

Jessicurl Too Shea!

Jessicurl Too Shea!

Extra Moisturizing Conditioner

2. Be gentle. As you grow out your hair, you want to avoid anything that will cause the ends to break off. This means limited brushing and combing. Curly hair really shouldn’t be brushed when it’s dry as it will make it frizz and kill your curl definition. You can sufficiently detangle with a wide-toothed comb in the shower while the hair is saturated in conditioner. The conditioner will create slip that allows the comb to glide through without snagging or breaking. Start at the bottom and gently work your way up.

3. Limit heat styling. If you need to use heat tools to dry your hair faster, be sure your blow dryer has a diffuser on it to keep the hair from getting blown all over. It’s really best to avoid flat ironing altogether as it will really dry out your hair and lead to breakage. If you have to do it, try to limit it to 2 times a week. The goal is to keep the hair as moisturized as possible throughout the process. That leads me to…

4. Moisturize it! Soft hair is healthy hair, and healthy hair grows faster. Once a week do a deep conditioning treatment for at least 30 minutes to infuse your hair with more moisturize than it gets daily. Regular scalp massages are also recommended as it gets the blood flowing to your scalp and helps stimulate growth. Jessicurl Stimulating Scalp Massage Oil was created for exactly this purpose.

By eating right, treating your hair gently and giving it lots of moisture and TLC, you’ll notice it growing in no time!

Remember — You Have The Right To Remain Curly!

For more information on Jess and Jessicurl products please visit

— Jessica McGuinty, founder of Jessicurl

3 Simple DIY Holiday Hairstyles for Type 2s and Type 3s

Every year there are several holiday parties that you attend. Some you have to; some you get to, but for each one of them, you want to look your best. Most people curl their hair for events like this, so you are already half way there! If you are like me, you get stuck wearing your hair down far too often and parties give you a chance to change up your style a bit. Anna from Trashy Roots Salon & Spa in Round Rock, TX, helped me create these three simple DIY looks that you can wear to any party this holiday season.

Fish Tail Updo:

This sophisticated look is great for wavy, unruly and frizzy hair.

Fishtail One

  • To create this couture look, tease out your entire head and spray all over with an aerosol hairspray.
  • Fishtail Two

  • Pull out a section in the front and clip aside, this will be French braided across the head.
  • Take the top crown section and from ear to ear and tease heavily.
  • Twist each side inward and use bobby pins to secure in place.
  • Fishtail Three
  • The bottom section will be the fish tail. Grab uneven pieces to give it a messier look.

  • To fish tail: Gather the hair into a pony tail and split it in half. Start with the left half, take a piece from the outside of the section and cross it over to the right side.
  • Fishtail Four

  • Do the same thing with the right half by taking a piece over to the left. Alternate back and forth until you run out of hair.
  • Fishtail Five

  • If you want the messy and unfinished look, take a boar-bristle paddle brush and run it over the fish tail. Spray all over again with hair spray.
  • Fishtail Six
    Fishtail Seven

Natural Curls Pin Up:

This look is for those of you who want to use your already-styled curls and just put them up. It won’t ever look the same way twice.

Pin Up One

  • Simply diffuse your hair with a scrunching gel, to create hold.
  • Use booby pins and loosely pin the curls away from your face face, leaving the hairline out to create the sexy loose look.
  • Lightly twist sections back and stay with the curl pattern. Don’t try to make it look perfect and don’t break up the curls.
  • Pin Up Two

  • When pinning the top back, try to create lift, so don’t smash it down on your head.
  • Pin Up Three

  • This should be a loose, sultry look. Leave a curl or two down in the front to help frame your face.
  • Pin Up Four

  • When you are finished, spray with a light finishing spray to prevent frizz.
Pin Up Five

Loose Curl Up ‘Do:

This look is great if you want to change up your curl pattern and go for more of a loose curl.


  • Using bobby pins, twist and pin back each curl separately creating a bun like near the hair line.
  • Up

  • Repeat this until you have a full bun with each curl separately pinned back.
  • Up

  • French braid the front section framing the face and then to the back.
  • Up

  • This sleek style is perfect for any hair type and can be accessorized with hair clips or flowers.
  • Up

  • Spray with an aerosol hair spray when finished.

Each hairstyle takes about 10 minutes but will give you the perfect look for any holiday party.

De Fabulous Reviver Hair Repair Shampoo and Conditioner Review Video

Meet Danielle, aks AlohaKiwi—another one of’s natural hair video bloggers.

In this video, she reviews De Fabulous Reviver Shampoo and conditioner.

How to Select A Wedding Day Hairstylist: My Story

If you are like me, you are a busy person who is trying to fit wedding planning in with your daily activities. I am in graduate school and preparing my wedding, so my time is very limited and can’t spend hours in front of a computer doing research to find the right hairstylist.

Although I did not know (and still don’t know!”> what hair style I want for my wedding day, I knew I wanted someone who could do all types of curly hair. My mom, my sister and I are planning on doing our hair together, but we all have very different types of hair so whomever works on us should be skilled with tight and loose curls.

I started my search by asking my wedding coordinator for a few names. Unfortunately, the woman whom she suggested and whom she trusts the most was already booked for that day. I moved down the list and booked an appointment with another contact my coordinator gave me. The stylist was very nice and seemed to be knowledgeable but I was not fully convinced that she would be the one I would want to have doing my hair and make-up. I should have mentioned that I love make up and although I am not a compulsive obsessive bride, I am striving for flawless work when it comes to my wedding hair and makeup (as are most brides, right?”>.

Tips for choosing a stylist

  • Allow plenty of time before your wedding day to select a stylist. The ideal amount of time is about 6 months. This is strongly advised in case you decide to grow out or crop your hair and then need time to settle into your new style.
  • Ask for referrals. Friends and family members you trust should be able to steer you toward at least one reliable and talented hairstylist.
  • Find friends, coworkers and even acquaintances with hairstyles you really like and ask them for referrals. Feel free to ask strangers about their hairstyles, as well! They’ll probably be flattered to hear how much you admire their hair.
  • Compile a list of four or five hairstylists and their phone numbers. This step helps you stay organized when calling and interviewing potential stylists.
  • Check out one or more of the hairstylists on your list. One of the best things to do is to observe stylists on Saturdays, when they’re often their busiest.
  • Schedule a consultation with each stylist. Be sure you know what the consultation will include. For example, some consultations include a cut and style, while others do not. Find out the exact charge, if any, for a consultation.
  • Make an initial appointment with the wedding day stylist you finally choose. Express any concerns you have about your hair, and do not let him pressure you into anything you don’t want.
  • Maintain a respectful and productive long-term relationship with your wedding day stylist. Be clear about dates and scheduling, and treat her with respect and courtesy.

Since I was not successful with the coordinator’s list, I turned to my curly friends to ask them about a hairstylist. Most did not know one since they are not getting married anytime soon and the one friend who is tying the knot three weeks before my wedding has very different hair so this approach did not work either. After feeling a bit frustrated, I decided to use the Internet to find my “perfect” stylist. Recently, I have learned that consumers’ reviews are very powerful since people tend to express their true feelings about a product or service when they are online.

So I searched for all-inclusive salons (hair and makeup”> that specialize in bridal sessions. This is where I found Keep Austin Gorgeous. I loved the fact that they have before and after pictures with all kinds of brides with different hair types. This tool allowed me to have a vision of what I could look like the day of the wedding. I visited the place and realized that the studio is comfortable and nice, although a little bit far from my hotel.

The hair stylists—who are also makeup artists—are courteous, reliable and do great work, according to the online reviews. What I like the most is the fact that you can have the entire place for your group if you have a party of five or more getting their hair done. This means that I can bring mimosas, fruit, light snacks and anything else I want to the salon while enjoying a nice time with my family and girlfriends. What else could I have asked for?

I am looking forward to enjoying my wedding and I am very excited about spending a fun time with my loved ones while getting my hair and makeup done in such a fun place. This will definitively complement our Mexican/Colombian wedding, which will be by far the most exciting wedding anyone has ever attended!

How to Get Beach Waves

Summer is coming, and curlies are craving waves—beach waves, beach hair, and that loose, flowing look.

While for most curlies it’s not about straightening, it is about redefining: reshaping their natural curl from tight to loose, from a zig zag to an s-curve.

Different methods for loosening curls abound.


The least invasive, and possibly easiest, is simple braiding. CurlTalker Bekkapoo is a pro at this method.

She recommends that curlies “start with damp or wet hair and braid it into a single braid. Let it dry completely and then undo the braid. Smooth over flyaways with an oil, butter, or moisturizing creme.”

Though uncomplicated, the braid-out method does require a slight amount of advance planning.

“It will definitely take longer to dry in the braid, so it’s good to do this the night or day before you want to wear it,” says Bekkapoo. “With really short hair (under 6 inches”>, pin curls or bantu knots might work better than braids. If it’s ‘in between length’ (i.e., not quite to the shoulders”>, several chunky braids in large sections could work well, too. You could also try adding large rollers (1.5 in. and up”> to the ends, which often gives a more voluminous wave.”

For those determined to work a looser curl, keratin treatments present a more lasting option.

Shannon Scipione, a stylist with type 4 curls, works at Mario’s Hair Studio in Willoughby, Ohio. She not only offers keratin treatments for her clients, but also served as the salon’s demonstration model for the process.

Learn more about keratin treatments

“It’s not a straightening system,” Scipione says. “It’s a smoothing process. Hair is straighter at first because the extra keratin makes the cuticle lie absolutely flat.

“Because keratin is what hair itself is made of, no damage occurs when it’s applied. Though users initially experience straight hair after a treatment, it’s very easy to achieve a loose curl right away; just add gel or your usual styling product, then scrunch or diffuse. That way, you’ll retain something of your usual look, but without any accompanying frizz.”

Depending on frequency of cleansing, and whether the keratin aftercare system products are used, treatments generally last about three months.

“After six weeks or so, your natural curl will definitely begin to reassert itself,” Scipione says. “But you’ll still have a looser, wavier look than you would without the treatment.”

The keratin process is neither brief nor cheap. Prices start at $250, and three and a half hours is the average time spent “in the chair.”

Pravana also offers its new Beach Waves process, an innovative salon service designed to provide long-lasting, soft, natural, undulating waves. This unique application and gentle formula contains no Thio, and utilizes natural Cysteamine, a natural amino acid, to realign the hair’s internal bonds to create a soft sensuous wave. This gentle formula is safe for color-treated hair and infuses hair with silk and human hair keratin amino acids, which strengthen, protect and add shine.

So, while going from curly to loosely wavy or “beachy,” does take some planning, it’s a look easily achieved by most curl types. Whether by braiding, pincurls, knots, or keratin, don’t be afraid to take a chance to play with your beautiful curls. Beach waves may be your choice for a day, a week, or a month—whatever your method, you and your hair are sure to have a great new look for summer.