Search Results: Cristina Cleveland

How to Use Gel on Curly Hair

gel hh

As curly girls we have learned, through trial and plenty of error, that perfecting your styling techniques is just as important as finding a Holy Grail product.  Many curly girls consider gel to be the ultimate curl definer, but if you have yet to master the technique of properly applying gel to your hair, you may not see what the fuss is about.

Here are our tips for the best way to apply gel to curly hair.

Step 1: Start with wet hair

If you’re working with dry hair, spritz your hair with water from a spray bottle. If your hair dries quickly you may want to do this in sections so that your hair doesn’t dry before you get to that section.

Step 2: Test your leave-in first

Before you apply various moisturizing and styling products on your hair, it’s important to test that these products will “play well” together first. How can you tell? In the palm of your hand, mix the leave-in conditioner with the gel you plan to use. If they blend evenly and smoothly, these products play well. If the consistency becomes clumpy, separated or small white balls form, then it’s time to try a different product combination.

Step 3: Distribute evenly

It’s important that all of your hair has an even coating of your styling product so that you do not end up with some curls that feel crunchy with gel and others that are frizzy and lacking definition. There are a few easy techniques you can use to apply your gel, depending on your curl pattern.

If you have Type 4 coils, we recommend the praying hands method. Simply coat your hands with gel and then press them together with your hair in between your hands, then slide your hands down the length of your hair.

If you have Type 3 curls, use the rake and shake method. Rub the gel between your fingers, then take 3 fingers and rake them through your hair from the roots to the ends, but stop just before you get to the ends. Then, shake your fingers back and forth, encouraging your stretched out curls to clump and form curls again.

If you have Type 2 waves, scrunching is your best friend. Rub a small amount of gel between your fingers, then scrunch from your ends up towards your roots. This will encourage your curls to form and help make sure that you don’t end up with too much product on your hair, which can weigh your waves down.

Not sure what your curl pattern is? Take this quiz to find out more about your hair type, porosity and density.

Step 4: Scrunch out the crunch

If you were a bit heavy-handed with your gel application, you may find that you are left with a hard cast once your hair dries. To soften this up, simply take a small amount of oil, we used a light Vitamin E oil, on your fingers and gently “scrunch out the crunch.”

This video is sponsored by Ampro Pro Styl.

3 Ways to Try a Coffee Hair Rinse

Walk into the bathroom of a curly girl and there’s a good chance that you’ll find a stray kitchen utensil or pantry item in there. Have you seen what I did with my strainer? So it may not surprise you that we’ve even found a use for everyone’s favorite source of caffeine.

Coffee is loaded with antioxidants that helps increase your cell turnover, and caffeine is known to block dihydrotestosterone (DHT”>, a hormone linked to hair loss, both of which make this a a great natural way to fight hair shedding. We are not talking about consuming more coffee, unfortunately, but actually applying it to your scalp topically. Another benefit of using coffee on your hair is its rich, dark pigment which temporarily stains the hair. This natural color enhancer can also add dimension and depth to dark haired curls. Brunettes looking for a natural way to enhance their hair color or cover up gray hair should give rinsing their hair with coffee a try.

Coffee Hair Color Rinse

NaturallyCurly user Curly-Kinky uses this rinse because she finds that it adds richness and shine to her brown hair.

What you’ll need

  • 1/2 cup triple strength black coffee (cold”>
  • 3 tbsp non-alkanized cocoa powder
  • 1/2 cup leave in conditioner

Avoid using instant coffee or coffee that has added flavor, as these coffees typically contain additives and sugar that make them less potent for these purposes.


  1. Mix all ingredients together
  2. Pack mixture onto hair after conditioning
  3. Leave in overnight under a shower cap
  4. Rinse the next morning

2 More Quick Ways to Do a Coffee Rinse

You can also do a coffee rinse in 20 minutes or less if you don’t want to wait overnight. Simply brew 2-4 cups of coffee and be sure to let it cool completely before using. Never use hot coffee!

In the shower

Wash and condition your hair as you normally would, then pour the cups of coffee over your hair until fully saturated. Put a shower cap on for 20 minutes, then rinse.

Before the shower

You can pour the brewed, cooled coffee over dry hair at the before you shower, and then rinse it out in the shower and finish up with a leave-in conditioner.

Read next

10 Ways to Keep Your Hair Color From Fading

The Pros & Cons of Henna

How to Cover Your Grays (Without Damaging Your Hair”>

How Caitlin Gets Her Curls to Look So Fluffy AND Defined

NaturallyCurly reader Caitlin shared her photo and routine on StyleNook, and since I live in a constant state of “should I get bangs?” I had to ask her more about her routine. It often feels like you have to choose between volume and definition. I can use a strong hold product for definition, but then you lose out on fluffy, bouncy, touchable curls. That, or I can diffuse my wavy curls for extra volume but have to accept the bit of frizz and loss of definition that comes with it. That’s why I’m always impressed by curlies who manage to achieve both. Here is how Caitlin does it, along with her top secret bang styling trick.


What are your Holy Grail products?

My Holy Grail products would have to be:

Ouidad’s Curl Recovery Whipped Curls Daily Conditioner and Styling Primer

I only use my Ouidad’s product on wash day. It’s the very first product I apply to clean dripping wet hair. I use about a quarter size of product and scrunch it in. I love this because it gives my curls major hydration while prepping it for my styling products.

Dippity Do Girls With Curls Curl Defining Cream

I’m obsessed with the DDGWC Defining Cream because it’s one of few styling products that give my hair loads of definition without the feel of product in my hair. It literally feels like there is nothing weighing my hair down.

Large glitter pik by Tool Structure

Lastly, my purple pik! I have spent money on several piks and nothing compares to this one. I cannot live without it, I literally own 4 of them! One stays in my bathroom, one in my car, one in my purse, and one in my drawer at work. This is the best product to fluff your hair and get that big Beyoncé like volume. Trust me, I’m all about big hair and obviously my girl Queen B!

Are there any tricks or tips that you’ve figured out along the way that have made a big difference in the way your hair looks?

I have learned a lot along the way of my hair journey. I will say the best tip I have is to swap your styling products out either weekly or monthly depending on your curl type. I have noticed if I use my DDGWC Curl Defining Cream for too long that my hair tends to get used to it. So I usually end up with curls that don’t react the way I want them to. It’s like they get immune to product. So I’ll swap it out and use my other favorite styling cream. Which happens to be Curl Charisma Rice Amino + Avocado Leave-In Defining Cream by Briogeo. I love this styling cream because it gives me awesome defined curls while feeling lightweight. It makes my hair soft and leaves no product texture in my curls.

What piece of advice would you give to a someone who’s just starting out in his or her curly hair journey and feels frustrated?

I have felt frustrated many times on my hair journey and that’s putting it lightly. My advice it that your curls are badass and you should embrace them. They are unique and make you stand out as an individual. They have more of an impact than you think. People notice your hair! And most of the time they wish they could have it. Recently a stranger asked me if I hated my hair. Honestly I was offended by her question and proudly said, “No I love it.”  Moral of the story stand up for your curls and be prideful in them. Embrace the uniqueness of them because that is what will help define your own individuality. I’m a fan when someone has confidence and owns their personality and I think hair has a big influence on how someone makes an impression on how others see them.

What’s your styling routine? How do you achieve definition and volume?

My routine is fairly simple. It’s just keeping the definition and volume on point until next wash day, which is the most difficult for me I use my Curly Co diffuser to get instant volume while drying my hair. To keep my hair defined the days after I wash I use leave in treatments, dry conditioner’s/shampoo’s and oils. I really love products that are lightweight and effective such as Curls Lavish Curls Moisturizer and Jane Carter Slumber Party leave in. I mixed these too along with Briogeo’s Rosarco Milk into my hand and scrunch them into my hair. Together they bring life and definition back to my curls.

Do you have any tips for keeping your hair healthy when it’s lightened?

I have naturally auburn hair and I lighten it to so that it is blonde. I prefer my hair lighter because it doesn’t age me as much. It also goes well with my skin tone. My tip for keeping it healthy is to find you a curly hair specialist. I don’t know much about dying/bleaching my hair that’s why I choose to spend the money and go to someone who specializes in it. It is key to have a good hair stylist. They are the expert and are trained to help keep your hair healthy and in shape.

Do you have any special advice for styling bangs?

Bangs are a love/hate relationship for me. Some days I love them and most days I hate them! They key is to not over think them when styling. Lately I have learned the fewer products you apply to your bangs the better they turn out. Let them do their thang girl! If they end up looking wack after they are dried I have a secret weapon. I got it from Wal-Mart for under $13 it’s the Revlon Curl Heat ½ inch curling iron. I love this tool because it’s small enough to mimic my natural curls. I only use it if my bangs act up, or if I have random hairs not acting right.

Thank you Caitlin for sharing your story and tips with us! If you’d like to see more of her looks and routines you can find her on StyleNook and on Instagram

If you’d like to share your own selfie on StyleNook, you can post it here.

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The NaturallyCurly SheaMoisture SXSW Meetup

sxsw curly hair event

There is no feeling in the world quite like walking into a room full of curly haired people. Unfortunately, many curlies still have yet to experience it. We do our best at NaturallyCurly to create that for millions of people around the globe with our online community, but it’s even better when we can meet, greet, and connect with you in person.

Hundreds of thousands of people converge on Austin, Texas for SXSW each year, so this South By we partnered with SheaMoisture to host a meetup for all of the curly, coily and wavy haired Austinites and SXSW attendees.

“It was so powerful seeing so much texture and so many curls and beautiful protective styles in one space” said NaturallyCurly Senior Copywriter, Gerilyn Hayes, “our small textured community in Austin showed up and showed out in full force at this meetup, proving that when we all get together, we make a BIG impact.”

Beyond the power of feeling not only welcomed as you are, but celebrated for it, our meetup offered live music from curly R&B musician Alesia Lani, SheaMoisture products galore, hair styling by textured hair experts, tunes by Austin DJ Kay Cali, cocktails by a curly mixologist, live artwork Shani Crowe, whose work centers around the ritual and beauty of African-American braiding, and so much more.

Taking a look around the event space at all of the innovative ways people were rocking their texture, it was easy to see that traditional media and antiquated beauty standards got it all wrong – textured hair is stunning in all its forms. NaturallyCurly Editor, Alexandra Wilson, feels “grateful to be a part of this generation that is going against the grain to rewrite the rules and pave our own way. Even though we are all on our individual journeys, one common theme we each inherently have is the power to redefine what beauty looks like and make it our own.”

In speaking with guests Michelle Breyer, NaturallyCurly’s Co-Founder, said “everybody I spoke to had been on some kind of journey to get to where they were. Whether they were 50 years old or 20 years old, learning to love their natural hair had been a process, and this meetup was an amazing chance to celebrate where we all are in our journeys.”

Curly haired men and women traded haircut horror stories (we all have them”>, Holy Grail products, and the local salons they trust. “I was surprised by how many stories I heard from curly men that reflected their own unique journeys to accepting their hair in its natural state” Breyer shared, “I spoke to Jared, whose high school basketball coach wouldn’t let him play on his team unless he cut his hair short.” Jared told us that now he’s in the business world, runs a sales team, and considers his afro a part of his style that he takes everywhere he goes.

In our first segment of CurlTalk TV, Gerilyn Hayes took to the streets to see how SXSW festival-goers felt about their hair, and found that not only did many of them embrace their own texture, but they wanted other curlies to embrace theirs too. “It was kind of touching. Just to know that the insecurities they’ve had about their curly hair propelled them to just let go and embrace the curl! And they wanted to share that with other people.” Watch the conversations and check out some of our favorite looks from the event!

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sxsw curly hair event

sxsw curly hair event

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sheamoisture does sxsw with naturallycurly

sxsw curly hair event

sxsw curly hair event

sxsw curly hair event

sxsw curly hair event

sxsw curly hair event

sxsw curly hair event

sxsw curly hair event

sxsw curly hair event

This post is sponsored by SheaMoisture.

Can You Put Coconut Water In Your Hair?

In the natural hair community, there are lots of so-called miracle solutions for your curls. One of the most touted and trusted is that of coconut water.

Used for skin and hair alike for a boost of hydration, this wonder oil is a mainstay in the routines of curlies everywhere. Here’s what you need to know.

“Can I put coconut water in my hair?”

According to a study published in US National Library of Medicine, “The wide applications of this ingredient can be justified by its unique chemical composition of sugars, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytohormones.” The question is: should you put it in your hair? And what effects will this ingredient have on your curls? Coconut water has some hydrating properties which make it ideal for treating thirsty curls. This solution is also anti-fungal, which helps to promote a healthy scalp. While the effects of coconut oil and water have been documented by many natural hair enthusiasts, the benefits of coconut water itself has not been substantiated.

How to choose the right coconut water

When adding coconut water to your routine, here are few tips to set you off on the right track.

Choose coconut water that is pure and sugar-free. Sugar can be a drying agent for hair and skin, so opting for something pure is always best. Sugar, flavoring, and other additives found in certain brands of coconut water can leave hair sticky as well. With pure coconut water, you might still have a little bit of stickiness, but not enough to be bothersome.

Don’t try to make your own unless you are a wizard at DIY concoctions. You can make coconut water at home with whole coconuts and certain tools, but store-bought coconut water is just fine, and it will give you the same benefits without all the work.

One of the best things about making a DIY beauty product is you know the ingredients are safe and non-toxic. When you purchase a hair or skin care product at the store, you have to study labels to find the ones that meet your standards. Sometimes, even products that claim to be all-natural have added ingredients such as fragrances which can be grating to your skin or other chemical compounds that are not necessarily great for you. With at-home blends, you know the ingredients are natural!

How to use coconut water on your hair

Use coconut water as an after-wash rinse.

The best thing about using coconut water is that you literally just open the bottle and pour it onto your scalp and strands. Massaging it into the scalp is always a good way to get the antifungal properties for the full benefit. Then just rinse your hair and you’re ready to go.

Use coconut water as a leave-in conditioner.

It provides a silky texture that combines coconut water with penetrating natural oils to provide maximum moisture and shine in a lightweight, non-greasy formula. Of course, this will only work with pure coconut water to avoid a sticky mess. Transfer it to a spray bottle. Apply evenly to strands, and experience hydrated hair all day!

NaturallyCurly Editor Cristina Cleveland tried the coconut water leave-in (pictured above”> to refresh her curls by pouring it into a Curly Hair Solutions Spray Bottle and evenly coating her dry hair. “I honestly thought it’d be a sticky mess, so I diluted it with water in my spray bottle just in case. I was pleasantly surprised with the results! It was NOT sticky at all, and it even gave my hair a light amount of hold. It was great as a curl refresher, but the likelihood that I’m going to keep going to the store and buying new bottles of coconut water is pretty slim.”

Would you put coconut water in your hair?

Browse coconut products for hair at our SHOPNaturallyCurly

Grace’s Wavy Bob Haircut Transformation

It usually starts with noticing a supremely confident woman (IRL or on Instagram”> rocking an amazing wavy bob haircut. Then you start idly Pinning photos of short hair to your inspiration board, and holding your hair up to imagine what you’d look like. These are all signs you’ve caught the haircut bug.

Over the course of 1 week, no less than 5 of my friends have cut their long hair into short bobs. I don’t know what’s in the air, but if you’ve caught it too then you might be exhibiting the above symptoms.


“I hadn’t gotten a cut in about six months and I felt like my waves were getting weighed down by the length and weight of my hair,” our Video Producer Grace explained. “The longest I had ever had my hair was a long bob, and I figured since summer is on the way it would be fun to see if I could pull off a shorter cut than I’d ever had!”

She scheduled an appointment with her curly hair stylist, Brooke Michie of Lyric Salon in Austin, and the nerves set in.

Of course Grace had nothing to worry about, her cut is fierce, just watch to see what happened.

Not only is Brooke an expert at cutting hair, but she’s also an excellent teacher to her clients, “Every time I see Brooke I learn a new styling technique or product trick,” Grace says. When I joined her at the salon on the day of her cut, I realized Grace was right. I learned many new styling techniques – apparently I’ve been doing it all wrong. I’m styling in the wrong part of my house, I’m using the wrong product, and I’ve never even heard of glazing.

First, turn down your water pressure

“I like to encourage people with looser textures or finer hair to turn the water pressure down on the shower head at the end of their shower,” The strong stream of water can often disrupt the curl pattern when you have wavy or fine hair. Allowing a light stream of water to flow over your curls helps them to clump.

Styling starts in the shower

According to Brooke, styling starts in your shower, “I recommend that people actually coddle the hair as they’re rinsing. Then squeeze it, release it, and move to the next side.” These steps can go a long way in encouraging your loose curls or waves to form.

Apply product in the shower

Once you’ve coddled (gentler than a scrunch”>, it’s time to apply your leave-in or styler, yes right there in the shower. “Whatever your step one is, whether it’s a spray, a glycerin-based product, whatever your favorite styler is, there are so many ways to do it depending on what your goals are, just make sure you apply it before you get out of the shower.”

Don’t scrunch, glaze

“Glazing is taking enough product to essentially coat the palms of your hands only, a light coating, and then gently swipe it over the surface area of very wet hair without applying pressure – no squeezing, scrunching, or praying hands.” That gives you a good initial distribution of product, especially for frizz-prone people. Then you can apply styler to the hair – whatever your favorite is – and scrunch it. Brooke prefers this method because “When you apply your product to wet hair then you have more control over the outcome.”

Bring back the hairspray

I stopped using hairspray years ago, but Brooke changed my view on the product when she chose to use hairspray on Grace’s waves. “Spray hairspray from about a foot away from the hair, lightly coating the hair. DevaCurl Flexible-Hold Hairspray is a flexible hairspray, water-soluble and workable, it doesn’t stink” Brooke said of her hairspray of choice. She likes it because it gives light, touchable hold on day 1, and can be refreshed with just water on day 2 and 3. “I love refreshing with straight up water in a mist bottle. If you don’t have that, just wash your hands, and glaze your hair with water. Touch it like a harp. Give it a scrunch and it’s good to go again.”

Grace’s gorgeous cut is giving me the urge to go from long to short again!

Let us know in the comments – have you caught the wavy bob bug?

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos from us.

Read next: Can you pull off a short curly haircut?

We Tried the Jackie Aina Highlighters, Here’s What We Thought | VIDEO

jackie aina highlighter

As NaturallyCurly Editors it’s our job to test co-washes, mousses, curly custards, and on occasion, highlighters created by women we deeply admire! When Jackie Aina released her Artist Couture x Jackie Aina highlighters we scrambled to get our Product Junkie hands on them, and we’d thought it’d be fun to give you our first impressions on camera. If you love everything Jackie-Jackie-Jackie-Jackie-Jackie-Jackie-Jackie too, then read on to see what we thought.


As someone whose skin is nearly always the lightest shade in any collection of foundations, I didn’t expect either of Jackie Aina’s highlighters to work for me. I knew for sure La Bronze wouldn’t work for me, and was doubtful about the “universal highlighter” claim of La Peach. I usually use Fenty’s Killawatt Highlighter in Lightning Dust or Fire Crystal, which are both pearlescent shades. I find that these are the only ones that usually work for my skin (in general, the closer to white they are, the better they work”>. When I tried La Peach, it was definitely too dark to be a highlighter for me. It would look great as a bronzer and I love both of the highlighters used as eyeshadows because the orangey tones bring out the green in my eyes. I’m disappointed that La Peach isn’t truly universal, but I understand how hard it is to make a highlighter that looks good on all skin tones.


Normally, I highlight with my Milk Holographic Sticks! Since they’re in stick form I can’t mess up nearly as much as I can with loose powder, which is great for me, but they’re also very cute and effective.

I was so impressed by the color load on these, although it’s true I kind of loaded up the brush extra hard, so I might not be the best reviewer. Still, considering the source, I really wouldn’t expect anything less. As the video shows, I’ve got a long way to go before I can be trusted with the ‘big girl’ products, but once I got things semi under control, I really liked the way I looked!

I loved these highlighters! I was surprised by the fact that I liked the La Peach better than the La Bronze. I’ve had misadventures with too-light highlighters making me look more ashy than glowy when I’d try a more delicate look with pink ones, but the lighter La Peach was actually exactly what I needed.


I have oily, acne-prone skin so I have spent a lifetime trying to mattify my skin, not highlight it! But I’m over trying to cover up my face and ready to start having more fun with my makeup. Lately, I’ve been highlighting with the gold eyeshadow that comes in my Lime Crime Venus palette – I don’t like having to buy any more products than is absolutely necessary! This is my first time using a loose powder highlighter, mostly because I find that loose powders tend to wind up lightly coating everything in my makeup bag, my purse, and eventually, my entire life. But this highlighter was easy to use and the shimmer is so pretty I wouldn’t mind if everything had a light dusting of La Peach. While I initially thought La Peach would be the better match and La Bronze would be too dark, when I tried them on I liked both colors and La Bronze didn’t pull brown or dark on my skin.


I really liked the Jackie Aina Highlighters, especially once I mixed them it gave me a beautiful shimmering glow.

I’ve always preferred a powder highlight. Ever since Fenty came out, I’ve been obsessed with the entire line and use the Match Stix in Rum and Killawatt Highlighter in Mean Money/ Hu$tla Baby. Since this was my first time using a loose powder bronzer, I thought it was going to be high pigmented and leave me covered in shimmer, but that wasn’t the case. I first applied the La Peach because that’s what I thought would look best on my skin tone, but it was actually too subtle for my style. So, I applied the La Bronze on top and that gave the bronze glow I was looking for!

Have you tried Jackie Aina Highlighters yet? Let us know what you think of them in the comments!
Try This New Way to Sleep for More Volume Than a Pineapple

I will be very honest with you up front: I don’t do anything special with my hair when I sleep. I’ve tried the pineapple, but pulling my hair up into a pineapple stretches out my waves and curls. I’ve tried a braid out, but that leaves me with misshapen curls. I’ve tried sleeping in a plop, and while the results are alright, the t-shirt never stays on my head.

safety pin tshirt turban infographic

As a wavy it sometimes feels like the best way for me to sleep is just leaving my hair down and refreshing the flattened waves in the morning. So I was keen to try CurlTalker serasgf’s sleeping method for extra volume when she shared it in our forum and Gretchen wrote about it in an article. We got clarification from serasgf on exactly how she ties this t-shirt turban, and I tested it out myself.

tie turban

Step 1.

Start with dry hair (this is not a method for drying wet hair overnight”>. Take the bottom of the shirt (the end without sleeves”> and wrap that at the base of your neck. Take the two corners of the shirt and bring them together at the middle of your forehead. There may be some overlap of the fabric, so cross one corner over the other.

safety pin tshirt turban

Step 2.

Take a safety pin and secure the corners of the shirt at the center of your forehead.

This was my least favorite part, because I was poking a safety pin towards my face without being able to see very well what I was doing. It’s probably the one deterrent for me from using this technique.

tie tshirt turban

Step 3.

Now that the shirt is securely fastened, take the sleeves of the t-shirt and tie them in a knot.

It took me a couple tries to get this step right, because my hair was getting caught in the knot.

tie tshirt turban

That’s it!

Serasgf says “your hair should be sticking straight up and spilling from the front towards your face. I try to keep it tied well above my eyebrows/forehead, whatever feels like it is lifting my hair further from my head.” Remember the goal for this method is volume, so you want to keep the hair lifted at the roots to avoid flatness.

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A post shared by Cristina Cleveland (@cristinacleveland”> on

What I thought of the method

My first impression is that this turban feels very secure. Much more secure than a plop or a pineapple does for me (since you’re only supposed to tie the pineapple loosely”>. I also like that it creates a good amount of lift at the roots, since my personal goal with my hair is for it to be as big as possible. When I took my hair down the curls and waves were pretty much in tact, with just a tiny bit of refreshing and tweaking needed in the morning.

The one drawback for me is the safety pin, I just don’t feel like poking a safety pin towards my face every night. I did try a few other ways of fastening the t-shirt, such as different kinds of clips, but none of them worked in the way the safety pin does. Even though I think this method works, candidly I think I’m too lazy to keep it up and will probably go back to sleeping with my hair down.

If, like me, you haven’t had success with pineappling or plopping, then I would definitely recommend giving this method a try. Chances are you have a t-shirt, and a safety pin, so why not?

If you try it please let me know how it works for you!

Knowing our community, there will be even more innovations on this hack and I can’t wait to see them.

You can learn serasgf’s full nighttime routine, including the products and she takes before and after this turban here.

Read next: I tried diffusing with a strainer, here are my results.

Watch Cara’s Wavy Wash & Go Routine + Her Shameless Review

shameless review

I sit next to NaturallyCurly Graphic Designer Cara, and it really seems like she has a different curl pattern every day. Sometimes it’s close to straight, many days it’s a mix of straighter and curlier bits, and some days it’s very curly. The variation is a testament to the wishy washy tendencies of Type 2 naturally wavy hair. If you’re a Type 2, you’ve probably experienced some of this. So it was interesting to me to watch Cara’s recent Watch & Go, the show where we review shows we’ve watched while we do our wash and go, on our NaturallyCurly YouTube channel.

I asked Cara a bit more about her wavy routine, here’s what she had to say.

You have a mix of curl patterns – how do you deal with that?

I have Type 2a, 2b, 2c and maybe some 3a curls. And I don’t know how to deal with that yet! Mostly I treat them all the same.

Do you typically use a co-wash instead of a shampoo?

I co-wash when I want to refresh my hair between shampoo washes. I usually wash with shampoo on Sundays, and sometimes – but not always – co-wash mid-week. That works out to me co-washing my hair about 2-3 times a month.

What do you find gives your waves the best curl definition?

Time and effort always give my hair more definition, but I’m pretty lazy and low-maintenance about my hair, so I usually just put it up in a bun. Washing my hair in the morning and diffusing it and plopping always help to create greater waves, but I usually wash at night because it takes so long to dry.

Washing my hair in the morning gives me much better curl definition than when I wash at night and sleep on it. Plopping it until it’s dry or diffusing it until it’s dry give me my best curls.

What are your favorite products for waves?

I really like the Eden Bodyworks Peppermint Tea Tree Hair Milk, I use the “microfiber Dyakim microfiber towel, and I’ve recently been using Ouidad Advanced Climate Control Heat and Humidity Gel for frizz control. I really like the Briogeo Curl Charisma Rice Amino + Avocado Hydrating Shampoo and Conditioner, and also their Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Shampoo.

Any techniques or tips that have made a big difference in the way your hair looks?

I use a lot of scrunching and plopping. Before I started working here I washed my hair all the time, but I’ve since found out that using better products, and even wavy-specific products, work better for me. I had bought products for curly hair that were full of oils, and those weren’t working well for me.

How would you recommend Shameless to someone who hasn’t seen it before?

It’s really funny and dramatic, but moreso funny. It’s basically a complicated family that still loves each other. They cover a lot of current event sort of topics and social issues, especially substance abuse and mental health issues, but in a funny way.

I Tried Diffusing with a Strainer, Here’s What it Looked Like After

Curly girls are no strangers to using items typically relegated to the kitchen in their hair. We use flaxseeds and aloe vera to style with, avocados and honey to deep condition, and chopsticks to dry. Now there’s a new tool to make the transition from the kitchen to the bathroom: your strainer.

HolyCurlyRiRi on Instagram recently shared on her blog that she diffuses her hair using a strainer. This may sound crazy to the the non-curl enthusiasts, but when I shared it with my NaturallyCurly teammates they mostly nodded and said, “yea, I can see that.” It’s brilliant really.

Why use a strainer?

Curl definition

This technique gives Riri “perfect little ringlets that look like I used a curling wand.” The trade-off is that what you gain in frizz-free curl definition you lose in volume. Wavy Instagrammer @Annabananas3474 tried the technique after seeing Riri’s post and reported that she gets better definition too, “More shrinkage (no stringy separated ends which can be the bane of my wavy hair existence”> and the clumping I work SO hard to achieve but usually kind of falls apart was just not an issue. The smaller sections really allowed the clumps to stay, well, clumpy!”

If, like me, you don’t mind giving up definition in order to achieve big hair, then you may want to stick to your regular diffuser, but if you’re looking to cut down on frizz then grab your strainer and give this a try.

Faster dry time

After trying this with her own Ikea strainer, Lulu, aka @curlicue_lu, shared that “I seem to get a lot of air flow around my curls, and more control by moving the strainer toward or away from my head. With more drying surface area than my normal diffuser, I’m able to dry more hair at a time.” This sounds extra-appealing to me because after years of air drying my hair, the extra step of diffusing (for volume”> is a real drag on my morning routine. Anne also noticed the time-saving benefit, “My hair dried SO fast!”

What kind of strainer?

Riri uses a big strainer, and says that a smaller strainer still does the job but just takes longer. Just make sure whatever strainer you use is not too deep, “The first time I tried it, my strainer was WAY too deep and my hair just kind of blew around in there. Reminded me of a cotton candy machine” says Anne. Like Lulu, I used the metal mesh strainer you can get from Ikea.


How to diffuse with a strainer

Using your strainer, cup a section of wet curls into the strainer and bring it up towards your scalp, then point your blowdryer at the hair without the diffuser attachment and turn it on. Follow the pixie curl diffusing method, which means you cup the hair, turn the diffuser on, then turn it off before you move onto the next section. Then cup the next section, bring it up towards your scalp, turn the diffuser on again, dry for a minute, turn it off, and repeat. I recommend using this method when you use a diffuser attachment as well, it really cuts down on frizz!

Keep the strainer still to fight frizz. Anne says “I imagine Curly Girls with more defined curl patterns and thicker hair could probably move the strainer around more, but I found I needed to keep my hair stable or it would’ve been a frizz fest of epic proportions.”

Depending on the type of strainer you have, you may need to follow up with your diffuser attachment. Lulu says “I like the strainer I’m using because I can get it very close to my head. [However] it’s difficult to get to my roots, plus I don’t want to smash them, so I end up using my normal diffuser at the end to lift the roots.”

Watch HolyCurlyRiRi diffuse one half of her head with a diffuser attachment and the other half with a strainer to see the side by side comparison.

I want to hear from you, have you tried this? Or do you have some other household item that you’re using to diffuse with? Let me know in the comments.

Their results

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A post shared by Anne (@annabananas3474″> on

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A post shared by Anne (@annabananas3474″> on

“I got MORE definition, MORE volume, MORE curls as opposed to waves,and the curls are holding up beautifully. My hair dried faster and had hardly any frizz. I’m so in love with this technique and I’ll be doing it more often than not, I think.” – Anne

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A post shared by Lulu's Curly Chronicles (@curlicue_lu”> on

“This allows me to dry a bit faster. I also seem to get about the same definition and volume as my normal diffuser.” – Lulu

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A post shared by Holy curly (@holycurlyriri”> on

“I can’t even describe you the amazing definition I get! Perfect little ringlets that look like I used a curling wand. The volume isn’t as good due to the amazing definition and no frizz.” – Riri

I gave it a try

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A post shared by Cristina Cleveland (@cristinacleveland”> on

I’ll be honest, I was mostly trying this for kicks. I’m pretty devoted to my universal diffuser attachment so I didn’t think I could be converted by a kitchen hack. But then… it actually worked! Yes, it was awkward holding a strainer and drying my hair (especially when I had my phone in my hand trying to Instagram story it”> but once you get the hang of the angles it’s not so bad. I personally didn’t think it dried faster than my diffuser attachment, but I may have had the strainer on too tight or the dryer too close to the strainer (I was trying to prevent frizz”>. I’m definitely willing to give this a few more tries.

These are my results below. With some more fluffing and flipping upside down, I was actually able to achieve a good amount of volume – albeit fleeting volume as a wavy – and that’s ultimately my goal. When I diffuse with my diffuser attachment I find that my waves form tighter ringlets than they do when I air dry. I can achieve 3a curls when I diffuse, and way more lift and volume. With the strainer, my waves actually formed bigger S-shaped waves than I’m used to. You can see them in the photo below. I think this may be because the strainer works almost the way plopping does, bending the hair accordion-style to fit into the bowl shape of the strainer, and creating the big S-waves. The biggest selling point for me was when my coworker told me my hair looked like a lion’s mane. That’s what I’m going for!

This technique gets my thumbs up, and I’m excited to see what other curlies think of it.

Have you tried this? Did it work for you too?

Read next: I tried this new technique sleeping, and it worked better than a pineapple.

My Boyfriend Does My Curly Hair | Video

boyfriend doing curly hair

I’ve had the great pleasure of working on many articles and videos during my time here at NaturallyCurly, but the day I got to interview our Graphic Designer, Fran, and her boyfriend while he did her hair just might be my favorite. Topped only by the day my dad came in to do mine. We can talk co-washes and pre-poos until the sun goes down with our NaturallyCurly colleagues, but can the same be said for the men in our lives? We enjoy putting them to the test to find out just that.

Fran and Devan have been together for two years, and in that time they’ve quickly become our favorite world traveling, photo taking, #relationshipgoals making couple. As curly girls, our hair can tend to play a role in our romantic relationships. Whether it’s our nighttime routine, the space our products occupy in the bathroom (and kitchen, and bedroom”>, and everything in between. We just wanted to see how closely Devan’s been paying attention.

I asked Fran how she thought it went, and I’ll also include a few of my favorite snaps of them so you can see the level of cuteness we’re dealing with her. And be sure to watch the how it all unfolded – especially his innovative use of styling products.

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A post shared by Fran (@somegirlfromtexas”> on

What were your expectations going into this?

A little anxious. I have hair products all over the bathroom, I would assume he would generally know what to use, when to use it, and how to use it since he’s around a lot of the time I do my hair… but you never know. Thankfully my hair isn’t too difficult so I feel like there’s a lot of room for error with it still coming out “okay.”

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A post shared by Fran (@somegirlfromtexas”> on

Did you two prepare for the video at all?

Originally Devan and I were supposed to practice… so at first I had high hopes that he’d nail it! But we weren’t able to practice… so we just had to wing it.

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A post shared by Fran (@somegirlfromtexas”> on

Any other funny stories/tidbits you’d like to share?

He loves to call my hair plopping towel a “durag!” Sometimes before we go to sleep and I’ve just washed my hair he’ll be like “You’re not going to put on your durag tonight?”

What did you think of the final result?

It wasn’t bad! Simple wash and go, a little flat a the top near my roots but the curls looked good. I didn’t have the volume I normally like to achieve with plopping + clumping… but that’s okay :”>

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A post shared by Fran (@somegirlfromtexas”> on

What did Devan have to say after you shot the video?

We discussed his logic on why he thought it was okay to start with a styler on my dry hair first and laughed about it all. He said he had over thought it and started second guessing himself as soon as the camera was on. Overall he had a fun time and might even consider doing my hair again if I asked him. :”>

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A post shared by Fran (@somegirlfromtexas”> on

Ok NaturallyCurly World weigh in… would you ever let your significant other style your hair?

Let us know in the comments! And happy Valentine’s day from the NaturallyCurly family!

Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more shennanigans like this. We make videos every week!

These Are Our Editors’ January Monthly Favorites
We’re constantly testing products, reviewing shows, and sharing our self care practices with each other in the NaturallyCurly headquarters, and we thought we’d share our findings with you! In exchange, we want to hear your favorites down below – and there’s something in it for you ;”>
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A post shared by Cristina Cleveland (@cristinacleveland”> on


The Ordinary

I know I’m late to the bandwagon on this one, but what finally sold me was beauty expert Nadine Baggott’s glowing reviews of this skincare brand. As she explained, most skincare is exorbitantly expensive, packed full of fragrance, and labeled with misleading marketing claims of “exotic” ingredients that have not been proven to work. The Ordinary is reasonably priced at around $5 a product, and the ingredients are transparent and high quality. I’m loving the way my skin is feeling. All skincare should work this way.

Shopping secondhand

I did a 1-year Secondhand Shopping Challenge last year and judging by my recent trips to Savers and Goodwill, I’m going to keep riding that wave right through 2018. I’ve discovered a newfound creativity to my style through secondhand shopping, not to mention it’s WAY cheaper! You can follow my thrifting adventures on Instagram if you’re curious about giving it a try too.

Redavid Orchid Oil Dual Therapy

When NaturallyCurly Intern Kiana came into work with particularly poppin’ curls I had to ask what she had in her hair, and she said it was this Redavid Orchid Oil Dual Therapy. I’d never heard of the brand before, and probably wouldn’t have picked it up on my own if it weren’t for her recommendation. The innovative packaging is made up of one tube with two different pumps, one with oil and one with cream. You can create your own custom formula based on how much you want of each. (Keep reading to see how you can try it out for yourself”>.

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A post shared by Lauren (@thegleauxup”> on


Black Girl In Om Podcast

As an avid anti-podcaster (I prefer to listen to music”>, there is one that I must pay dues too, as it captures my attention from the jump. The Black Girl in Om Podcast founded by two women of color based focuses on all things wellness, health, glowups, and so much more! I love listening to this on long drives or when I’m cleaning my apartment because it inspires in sometimes the most subtle of ways or will have me shouting! Recommended Listening: Their interview with Roe of @brownkids (one of my fave insta pages”> on minimalism and intentional living”>!

Biossance Squalane + Antioxidant Cleansing Oil

This oil has saved my face! I was always one of the oily skin people who did not think I needed an oil to cleanse, because duh I’m already oily, but one stop at Sephora and my skin and budget have decided otherwise. I use this oil now as the first cleanser in my 8 step skincare routine, and it has helped my skin look more even, feel extremely moisturized, and remove impurities in a non-abrasive way for my oily, yet sensitive skin. Plus! It’s main ingredient squalene comes from 100% plant-based, renewable sugarcane.

Apple Watch

Is it weird to say that I find my apple watch to be extremely grounding, in an almost “technology is taking over everything” kind of way? lol In all seriousness though, I decided to purchase one, because I thought it would help elevate my workouts, but a hidden gem in the form of the Breathe app has helped with so much more. I have Generalized Anxiety & Panic Disorder, so often my heart rate spikes and I’m so wrapped up in the moment that I don’t immediately recognize what’s happening. My watch’s technology catches these spikes though, and then sends me a little notification to breathe for at least 10 minutes, forcing me to calm the f down and take a chill pill. It might be a tad big brother-ish, but no complaints over here.

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A post shared by April The Aries (@firstchurchofapril”> on


Low-Sugar Treats

I’m still loving my low-sugar desserts!
I combine:

  • Unflavored yogurt
  • Thawed berries
  • A handful or two of hemp hearts

and then top it off with a dash of cinnamon. It’s actually very filling and satisfying, and with enough hemp hearts it actually works as a full meal!

*Editor’s note: I’ve seen April eating this in the office and I can attest to the deliciousness of this snack!

The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up: A Magical Story

I’m currently trying to keep up my post-move decluttering efforts, so I bought the manga version of Mari Kondo’s house clearing methods!

The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying Up: A Magical Story is really cute, and it seems like it’s going to help me out! Also, even though romance isn’t my genre of choice, I thought it was super sweet that the clutter-loving main character might get the guy in the end now that she has space in her heart and her house.

Overnight Sensation

Harley Deville’s album Overnight Sensation changed. My. Whole. LIFE.

It’s somehow full of the kind of jams that could lull you to sleep, but also leaves me daydreaming about doing cocaine and going on road trips through the deserts in roofless cars (both of which I absolutely should not and will not start doing, but still”>. Is ‘sexy disaffected elevator electronica’ a genre? It might as well be. And Harley is the pioneer.

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A post shared by devri velázquez (@devrivelazquez”> on


IPKN Radiant Cream Primer ($28 for 1.35 oz”>

I have been looking for a good primer for a while now because I’ll admit, sometimes I skip that step. I’m not far from 30, so extra protection is not necessarily something my skin can afford to miss out on. Then I stumbled upon the IPKN Radiant Cream Primer, which has SPF 15 in it and gives my T-zone a healthy shimmer. This reminds me of one of my all-time holy grails, NYX Liquid Illuminator, but with the added skincare benefits. Since a little goes a long way, so the price point is justified.

Innersense Hydrating Cream Hair Bath ($28 for 10 oz”>

Innersense has held a special place in my heart for years. I enjoy the salon quality products that make my hair actually feel healthy — not just smell good. The new Hydrating Cream Hair Bath is a great clarifying cleanser for the moments when you’ve realized it has been an entire week since the last shampoo session and the grimy buildup is out of this world.

Plant Apothecary RE: FRESH Organic Toning Facial Mist ($9.60 for 2 oz”>

Who isn’t a sucker for a refreshing facial toner with aloe, cucumber, and rose water as its top 3 ingredients? Plant Apothecary’s mist is the perfect size for carrying literally anywhere so I can give my face a quick boost on long treks throughout the city. This product has easily become one of my favorites over the past 5 months or so, lasting me well into two seasons with more than enough left in this tiny bottle. I also use it as a makeup setting spray.

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A post shared by Alexandra Wilson (@queensconquer”> on


Pomegranate & Honey 2n1 Face Cleanser & Scrub

This cleanser and gentle scrub have my skin clearer than it’s ever been! I use this to wash my face in the morning and evening and I absolutely love the smell and how soft and moisturized it leaves my skin feeling. I mean who doesn’t love waking up to the fresh smell of pomegranate and honey?

Kenyan Coffee Face Polish Exfoliator

I’ve never been a skincare guru or even had much of skincare routine, but now that I’m becoming more intentional about taking care of my skin it’s essential to create something simple and easy to use. I love this exfoliator because it not only removes all the dirt and make-up residue off of my skin, it leaves my skin smooth and soft.

Mielle Organics Honey & Ginger Styling Gel

I never thought I was a gel kind of girl. I would use light-weight leave-in conditioners and heavy butters and creams when I wanted a more defined look, but lately, I’ve been trying gels and I’m actually surprised how well they work on my hair! I’ve been trying several gels in the past few months and this one takes the cake for provindig curl definition, moisture and managing my frizz.

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A post shared by Cara Logue (@cuur”> on


Carmella Marie Deep Conditioner

I’m into the Carmella Marie deep conditioner. It smells good, is thick and really soaks into my hair. It looks like a delicious strawberry smoothie, and a lot of the ingredients are edible (but not all”>. It’s got honey hibiscus to “naturally soften and smoothen hair.” It’s cute packaging, too for a small brand.

The Hair Flair Brush

The Hair Flair brush we go in with two different bristle types is one of the best detangling brushes I have used. I had some pretty ratted up hair and it trucked through it without ripping or breaking my hair and minimal finger detangling mixed in. It’s nice and gentle on my fine hairs.

Grace and Frankie season 4

Grace and Frankie season 4 is on Netflix now and I just love Lily Tomlin. It’s like a cheesier much-later sequel to 9 to 5. But really, I would like to be friends with Lily Tomlin.


What have you been loving this month? Leave a comment with one of your favorites down below for a chance to win the Redavid Orchid Oil Dual Therapy to try for yourself!

This giveaway ends Wednesday, February 7, 2018 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

*Please make sure you have liked us on Facebook, so that we can notify you if you’ve won.

The Best Ever Ways to Stay Warm This Winter | Video

best ever ways to stay warm

In our latest episode of The Best Ever, our Texan, warm-blooded editors share our survival methods for braving our 60 degree lows. It’s true, we don’t have winter bomb cyclones, but we do have a pretty temperamental air conditioning thermostat in the NaturallyCurly office.

The good news? Two of these methods come completely free, and the other is less than $10 at drugstores.

According to April, her Hot Hands are worth the investment because they will “keep you from dying.” She loves that “they don’t just cover you against the elements, they warm you right at your extremities. Frostbite can beat it.”

Gerilyn is a bonafied layering champion. You can find her wearing at least 9 stylish pieces of clothing on any given day, “I don’t like big coats or puffy jackets – I don’t like to feel bulky! So instead I layer until I’m warmed up.”

And now that I’ve irreparably damaged my reputation by showing you how I dance in the privacy of my own home, all I ask from you in return is a comment. Do you live in an actual cold climate? How do you deal?

To see more from us (yes, including how we do our hair”> subscribe to NaturallyCurly’s YouTube channel!

For more articles like this, sign up for our newsletter!
This is What Giving Up Sugar for 2 Weeks Feels Like

curly woman drinking juice

Elisaveta Ivanova — Getty Images

Congratulations ladies, you survived the NaturallyCurly No Sugar Challenge! The NaturallyCurly team (and over 7,500 of our community members!”> gave up sugar, artificial sweeteners, high glycemic fruits, and refined flours for two weeks and lived to tell these tales.


I was expecting the hard part to be social eating. I had a birthday party at Olive Garden to go to (looking at the menu I could have water, lemons, and maybe some salt”>, and a girls’ trip that’d involve a LOT of eating out. But due to medical interference canceling my attendance at both of those, the temptations of social eating never came up much. So I think the hardest part was that this struggle summoned some kind of Monkey’s Paw/Be Careful What You Wish For type spirit.

Also meal prep was a little difficult. I’m still pretty unorganized, so there were a lot of nights where dinner was just fruit and Kefir. No regrets though.

My biggest takeaway was how fortunate I am not to have developed any food allergies. For some people reading ingredient boxes, apologizing to restaurant waitstaff, and risking hospitalization due to something as simple as a Starbucks order accident is a way of life. The constant reading and checking and brand deception drove me crazy at first, but support from my friends with dietary restrictions really put the fact that this was only 14 days out of my life in perspective.

I actually do intend to stay mindful of ingredients after this—I’m still salty about the brown rice noodles I picked up that contain white rice. Moreover, due to my negligent flossing in college, I have fillings that are sensitive to sweetness. Through this challenge, they haven’t twinged at all, and that’s been GREAT. I still want macarons, but maybe adjusting my shopping habits more won’t kill me.


Real talk: everything, from the mental preparation to reading food labels was difficult. What put me off the challenge was the constant thinking about food; it’s not something that I concentrate on (yes, I know that I have #skinnb*tch privilege”>. Regularly policing my eating habits was annoying, and for that reason alone I was done with the challenge after a day and a full afternoon.

I learned that going a day without sugar is not akin to going a day without water; depriving oneself of too much sugar is doable. If anything, this challenge has made me more aware of my soda consumption. I was able to go without drinking a Sprite or Dr. Pepper for 13 days… it was hard, but I did it (at least I did something, gosh!”>.

Even though I was a complete failure at this challenge, I can say that I am more cognizant of sugar’s presence in almost every food available for human consumption.

Even though I was a complete failure at this challenge, I can say that I am more cognizant of sugar’s presence in almost every food available for human consumption. Knowing this, I am going to choose my meals and snacks more wisely, but you may still have to pry a Big Gulp of Sprite from my hands every couple of months or so.


The hardest part was giving up white flour and starches such as bread, potatoes, rice, and pasta. Those are staples in my diet and I didn’t realize how much I ate them until this challenge. I tried my best to limit my intake, but definitely failed when it came to those foods.

My biggest takeaway from this challenge was the importance of being mindful of what I put in my body and taking a moment to read the ingredients before I throw it in the bag. There are so many foods that have added sugars in them that I wasn’t aware of until doing this challenge. It has definitely caused me to be more conscious of how much sugar I’m consuming daily, especially since I do have random sweet teeth. So after this instead of grabbing something sweet, I’ll try my best to grab fruit instead.


The hardest part was cooking all of the time. Cooking a meal every night, times three meals a day plus snacking, is not something I am in the habit of. It’s so many extra dishes! At the beginning I picked a bunch of recipes out, and I think I made about four of them. Most nights I just kind of improvised and sometimes the food tasted great, sometimes less so.

Snacking actually wasn’t too hard. I ate a lot of berries, nuts and cheese. Or blue corn chips and hummus.

Cooking a meal every night, times three meals a day plus snacking, is not something I am in the habit of. It’s so many extra dishes!

What I got from this challenge is being more aware of what’s in the foods I’m choosing. I had always been more partial to foods that are healthier, but this just added another layer to that. I never got to a point where I felt the “benefits” of not eating sugar. Basically, I was just doing this challenge to prove to myself that I could do it. It was hard saying NO to free cookies and juice samples at the smoothie place and that day someone brought in homemade gorditas. Starting again today, if it’s something that I want to eat, I am going to eat it.

I’ll definitely keep up with choosing the healthier option of foods that are comparable. Like, a taro chip vs a Dorito. Or a sugar-free/homemade salsa vs the kind you can keep in your pantry for a few years and it’s still good. But is there a sugar-free milkshake you can offer me that tastes just as good? Ok, I’ll stick with this milkshake.

But like really, did we need to cut out bananas?!


The hardest part was cutting out sugar completely. I didn’t realize how much energy it took to pay attention to all of the food that has hidden forms of sugar in them. I had no problem doing the act of cutting sugar out of my diet, but I’m not one to be mindful of reading instructions. I am too impatient, so that was my biggest challenge during this process.

I didn’t realize how much energy it took to pay attention to all of the food that has hidden forms of sugar in them.

I need to continue practicing patience and have a better game plan ahead of time. I also realize that cutting a habit cold turkey doesn’t always work, and sometimes it backfires completely.

My life is complicated enough minding a chronic illness, so I don’t have the physical energy trying to monitor my daily sugar intake. I will continue rewarding myself every now and then with a slice of pie or some midnight hot chocolate. Hey, the heart wants what it wants.


The hardest challenge was cravings for items I couldn’t eat. I got through it by eating the foods I could eat and trying not to overthink what I couldn’t eat. I was also hungry all the time so I tried to eat every couple of hours.

My biggest takeaway was awareness of how much food had added sugar and which foods are high glycemic. I’ll definitely be super aware of it going forward and keep that in mind even after the challenge when making decisions on what I’m eating. I don’t want to go back to how much sugar I was intaking because I did feel less bloated on the challenge.


The hardest part was having to watch my friends eat bread and drink wine at a restaurant and not being able to have any of it. I learned that in order to survive this, I had to eat a pre-meal before the restaurant meal. This worked for the purposes of the challenge, but am I going to keep that up after the challenge is over? No way.

My biggest takeaway was just how difficult it is to figure out what’s in the food we buy, especially processed food and the food we eat in restaurants. I did it for 2 weeks for the challenge, but if I had a serious dietary restriction it would be prohibitively difficult to go out to eat socially.

Overall I found this kind of diet way too restrictive, making it unsustainable.

Overall I found this kind of diet way too restrictive, making it unsustainable. I think the best way to approach “wellness” is by making it something you actually enjoy and that suits your lifestyle.

We want to hear from you! Have you ever given up sugar? How did you feel about your results?

Join Our NaturallyCurly No Sugar Challenge

The NaturallyCurly team has been excited, anxious, and nervous about our upcoming No Sugar Challenge. We will be giving up sugar from January 5-19, and we sincerely hope you’ll join us! There’s nothing to keep you from reaching for that can of soda like thousands of encouraging women behind you in solidarity. So far over five thousand of you have committed to the challenge (so I guess we can’t back out now!”>.

You maybe wondering what exactly “no sugar” means, does it just mean black coffee and no desserts? As it turns out, sugar has snuck into the ingredients lists of processed food items we never dreamed would be sweetened, and yes, that includes “un-sweetened” and “sugar-free” foods too. We’ve created this helpful guide to shed some light on what to eat, and what not to eat, for the next two weeks.

We’ll also be sharing a recipe meal plan, tips and tricks to help you stick with it, and updates on how we’re faring throughout the challenge.

How to Join

Sign up to join the challenge here, and we’ll send you everything you need to stay motivated.

What Not to Eat

Avoid sugars, sugar substitutes, artificial sweeteners, drinks and sauces with added sugar, refined flours, and high glycemic fruits. Here is list of examples of those foods, as well as what we can eat.

what to eat no sugar challenge

You may be tempted to eat all of the sugar in sight before you start (I for one am eating a rum cake as I write this”> but it is highly recommended that you slowly wean yourself off of sugar gradually. We have one editor who started her challenge early in December, and so far she says it’s not as hard as it sounds. We shall soon see!

Will you be joining our No Sugar Challenge?

Follow us on Instagram @NaturallyCurly for Live Stories from our editors.

The Holiday Hairstyles We’re Obsessed With

Whether you have short hair that can’t make it into an updo, are rocking extensions this winter, or are a real life rainbow unicorn, we have the curly party hairstyle that will help you turn heads when you walk into your next function. You can quickly tell with just one look that our editors had fun with these holiday hairstyles, and so will you.

leslie short hair updo


What inspired your holiday hair?

90’s R&B singers and girl bands. Plus my hair’s short so I was trying to figure out a way to still do an updo with my short hair.

Tell us about your hair style

The hairstyle was second day hair, and we twisted the back up and secured it with some bobby pins. The ends of the hair were left loose, since I have short hair that’s all it took to put my hair up. We used gold bobby pins along the hairline as accessories, and that stayed put! So if I wanted to leave it in for the next day I probably could have.

leslie short hair updo

What’s one hair trend you’ve been loving?

I’m always fighting myself not to go pixie, and I’ve been seeing a lot of cute pixies lately. I’ve created a Pinterest board to keep me busy instead of cutting it.

april victory roll braids


What inspired your holiday hair?

My holiday hair was inspired by ’40s pinup queens! It’s kind of a box braid take on victory rolls, with a little twist and LOTS of pinning.

Tell us about your hair style

Mommy always asks me to get my hair out of my face, so I thought ‘Let’s see just how out it can get!’.

april victory roll braids

What’s one hair or makeup trend you’ve been loving?

I’ll always be a sucker for rainbow hair. It belies my usual ‘too goth to function’ aesthetic, but I do find myself drawn to the ‘so obnoxious it’s perfect’ kinds of looks.

Who is your beauty icon, and what do you love about them?

I have too many icons to count, but Shrinkle of Sugarpill comes to mind most immediately for this look. I want to be EXTRA extra, and she always looks so day-glo perfect!

cristina curly updo


What inspired your holiday hair?

Honestly all I could think of was space buns, but since I’ve already tried two buns I decided I should shake things up with… three buns. This look is just 3 buns going down the back of my head, forming a fauxhawk.

Describe your holiday beauty philosophy.

I think of it as a time to try out looks I don’t have the time and patience to do in my day-to-day life. If I could stick little star freckles to my cheeks every morning before work I absolutely would, but given my time constraints, a swipe of mascara and lip balm usually has to suffice.

cristina curly updo

Tell us about your hair style

I wanted my curls to show, so instead of twisting the hair into traditional buns, we just gathered the hair into three ponytails, one on the top of my head, one at the back, and one near the base of my neck. Then the hair was pinned loosely with a bunch of bobby pins.

Who is your beauty icon, and what do you love about them?

@iconaccidental on Instagram. She is unapologetically fierce and doesn’t play it safe. I aspire to own my look as well as she does, even if that means something different from one week to the next.

gerilyn rainbow unicorn braids


What inspired your holiday hair?

The longing for Springtime is the inspiration behind my hairstyle. Bright, punchy colors and fresh floral sprigs give me a sense of happiness, especially in the wintertime when things seem bleak and gloomy. This look livens me up and I love it!

Tell us about your hairstyle

As my obsession with box braids grows, so does my desire to experiment with super fun, bright colors. It is also fun to learn how to box braid; I installed these rainbow-unicorn box braids myself, with a little help from my mom who also has never braided hair. Although I was a bit apprehensive about the bold color, I knew that once I started installing the very first lime green braid, I was locked in. It is one of the wildest choices I have made, aside from shaving my head in 2003.

gerilyn rainbow unicorn braids

Who is your beauty icon, and what do you love about them?

Nina Simone. EVERYTHING. Do I need to go into detail? I mean, goodness… she’s perfection. Her heart was the only accessory she ever needed. However, she did have that iconic cat eye, and I do love that.

What’s one trend you’ve been loving?

Don’t slap my hands, but you know what I’m going to say…. BRAIDS :”>

alexandra long wavy extensions


What inspired your holiday hair?

Vanessa Simmons inspired my holiday hair. Since I have a sew-in with wavy extensions I wanted to amp up the volume and create a voluminous curly hairstyle.

Describe your holiday beauty philosophy.

The holiday season is usually the best time to be a lil extra. So I’m all for being extra glamorous, sparkly, bold and fabulous. Why not? I do like to switch up my look and get glam, that’s always the fun part seeing yourself transform and embrace a new side of myself I don’t always see.

alexandra long wavy extensions

Tell us about your hair style!

My hairstyle was a part down the middle with big soft curls. To keep the curls defined my hairstylist, Christina, curled my hair, used a light hairspray and then pin-curled them until the very last before the shoot.

What’s one trend you’ve been loving?

I’m loving the undefined, fluffy, fringe curly hairstyles on women such as Tracee Ellis Ross.

What hairstyle are you partying in this holiday season?

Photos by @dahliadanda for NaturallyCurly

The Final Stop of the Curl Revolution Book Tour: We Sold Out!

curl revolution chicago

Stylist Cally Raduenzel

The 13th and final stop of the 2017 portion of the The Curl Revolution book tour perfectly summed up everything that has made the past two and a half months so special.

Women of all ages, all ethnicities and all curl textures came together at Curls and Co Salon for the 2-hour event. Founders of different brands – Cortney Sigilai from TréLuxe, Aisha Crump from Honey Baby Naturals and Aishia Strickland from 30-Day Hair Detox – bonded over their shared passion for curls.

This kind of fellowship and entrepreneurship was exactly what I wanted to celebrate in The Curl Revolution: Inspiring Stories & Practical Advice from the NaturallyCurly Community.

curl revolution chicago

Cortney Sigilai, founder of TréLuxe

By night’s end, new friendships were forged and each attendee left with a bagful of curl products. We sold out of books!

A highlight of the night was meeting curl expert Cally Raduenzel, who has amassed a loyal clientele who travel from all over to get their curls and coils clipped at the salon. This stylist/singer has brought together a creative collective of stylists specifically chosen because of their talent, training, personality and devotion to curls, coils and waves.

“It doesn’t matter what age or sex you are; dudes, college professors, professional folks, musicians, comedians, barista’s and bar staff, accountants and chess nerds…you have a new place to call home when you need our skills! We will not make fun of you if you want a mullet or to look like George Stephanopoulos or Sid Vicious,” according to the Curls and Co. website.

curl revolution book tourcurl revolution book tourcurl revolution book tour

I am so thankful for our tour sponsors – As I Am, DevaCurl, Aunt Jackie’s, Paul Mitchell, Curlformers and Ouidad – who made this tour possible, enabling me to travel from California to New York and points in between.

You can order “The Curl Revolution” now from SHOPNaturallyCurly. Use the code RUSH24 for an extra 24% off!

We’re Giving Away Natural Hair Coloring Books for You AND a Friend

anoelcreates coloring book

We’re getting dangerously close to mid-December. Do you have your gifts sorted out yet? Do you feel stressed about that? I have something that I think will help you on both counts.

Artist Andrea Noel is a soulful creator who is publishing a coloring book celebrating Black women’s hair. The act of flipping through the book and seeing Noel’s illustrations is joyful in itself, but to color them in and set your own creativity free may be just what you need this season. I interviewed the artist about her path to publishing this, and we have a special giveaway at the end for you as well.

What has your journey been to this point, have you always been an artist?

I began drawing 15 years ago. Initially drawing was only a pastime and way to de-stress from my Chemical Engineering curriculum at Howard University. But in 2008, I was asked to draw a piece as a gift for someone and since then, I’ve drawn thirty commissioned pieces. I began showcasing my art in 2013 and to date I’ve participated in 25 art shows. The art market is tough, but I am determined to make my brand successful and I spend as much time as I can creating, marketing, diversifying my services, attending art shows and partnering with others to make my aspirations as an artist and entrepreneur a reality.

Can you tell us about your creative process? Where do you draw inspiration?

I get inspiration from my story and the stories of others. I love bold, thick lines and bright colors, so my medium of choice is sharpie markers on watercolor paper. My creative process involves getting clear on my subject or theme, sketching pencil drafts and creating bold thick lines to ensure that the main image(s”> stand out. Then I weave intricate patterns in and around the main images. My final step involves applying bright colors to the art piece, or on rare occasions I leave the piece in black and white.

pages of a natural hair coloring book

Coloring book illustrations in progress

What inspired you to create this coloring book?

Inspiration for the coloring book came from customers and people I encountered at art shows who frequently said that my work would make a great coloring book. The theme for my book came to me when I made a decision to grow my hair out after wearing tapered haircuts for a few years. Then I thought about the many hairstyles I’ve rocked throughout the years and initially wanted the book to chronicle my hair story. However, after I created the first 10 images I considered how versatile black hair is and decided to celebrate the different styles black women wear. That’s when 10 images grew into 30.

Why is it important to you to incorporate soul and spirituality into your artwork?

Connecting with my soul/spirit I’m inspired to authentically express me; it also gives others permission to be who they are. I also believe that soulful connections promote and sustain our spiritual, mental and physical wellbeing. I endeavor to help people soulfully connect with themself, others and the Sacred.

Are there lessons you’ve learned or challenges you’ve overcome in this process that you’d like to share with our readers?

The most important lessons I’ve learned as a creative entrepreneur are:

1. I have everything I need to be successful; the Universe will always provide whatever I need once I am open to receive it. Being open helps me recognize when the Universe is offering me what I need. Often times I am so attached to what I want I’m unaware of what I really need.

2. One reason we do not achieve our dreams is because of fear. Fear is useful since it can warn of apparent dangers, but when we allow our fears to hijack our lives it cripples us. We can overcome fear by facing them and making them our friend. Yes, I befriend my fears. I talk to them and get to know them. Learning where my fears come from helps me rewrite the stories that keep my fears around.

3. Love will carry you whenever you can’t stand on your own. When I am at my lowest it’s my love for creating art that keeps me trying. I keep creating and selling my art because I love sharing meaningful art. Whether I make $500 or $10 in a month I keep working on my art, and business, because I love what I do. I love how my art can inspire others and connect people to self, each other and God.

Coloring book illustrations in progress

Coloring book illustrations in progress

Do you have any advice for aspiring artists or creative?

Keep creating, no matter what and don’t hide what you create. Your creations are your gift to the world. Sell your work, trade it for other meaningful things; display it in your home, workplace, on social media and wherever it can be seen. Your creative spirit is needed to heal others and make this world a better place. So never hide what you create.

What is your vision for this coloring book, how would you like to see it used by those who buy or win it?

My vision for the book is that it helps black women love their hair and most of all love themselves. I also hope that it encourages them to practice ways, like coloring, to take a meaningful break from their busy lives. In order to care for others, perform our best at work and be our best selves we have to take care of the spiritual, emotional and physical parts of our life and coloring has been proven to be a way to positively impact those aspects of life.


2 lucky winners will win two copies each of Kinks, Perms & Afros: A Coloring Book Celebrating Black Women’s Hair. One for yourself, and one to gift to a friend.

All you have to do is comment below telling us who you’d like to gift your copy to!

This giveaway ends December 15 and is open to U.S. residents only, as per our Terms and Conditions.

*Please make sure you have liked us on Facebook, so that we can notify you if you’ve won.

You can also purchase your own copy of the book on Amazon now.

Thank you so much to Andrea Noel for sharing your coloring book with our community. You can follow more of her work at @anoelcreates.