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Lorraine Massey Just Released a New Curl Product Line: CurlyWorld
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Have you been eagerly looking for clues as to what Lorraine Massey’s been cooking up in her botanical kitchen? Going to daily to see if the bomb has dropped yet? Clicking refresh 20 times in a row, just in case?

Yea, me too. So it is with great excitement that I report: it’s finally here! Lorraine Massey’s new curly hair product line, CurlyWorld, has released. Massey is the co-founder of Devachan salon and pioneer of the DevaCurl product line and CurlyWorld cutting technique, so it’s safe to say the curly community has been eager to see what she’s been working on. While it’s too soon to give you a full review (we do have products on the way”>, we did want to share what we know so far.

The line

The brand new line is described as “artisanal… crafted with Curlove & is deeply personal to Lorraine.” The motivation for the line is to “inspire a more natural and authentic relationship with the hair that you were born with.” In an interview with NaturallyCurly earlier this year, Massey shared that “This is a Curly Girl line that offers more natural ingredients with a lower pH. I’m going back to simplicity, back to the basic 3 steps. However, I do have quite a few new disruptive curl products and curl-centric implements in the works, all dedicated to making the lifestyle of curlies logically easier.”

The products

There are three products in the line, with a 4th on the way:

  • Sham-Free Hair & Scalp Cleanser ($30 for 12 fL oz”> – A sulfate-free “dirt agent” that provides a “tingly fresh hydrodrench for every curl.”
  • Terms & Conditions ($34 for 12 fL oz”> – An “all inclusive conditioner for every curl.”
  • With or Without Hue ($34 for 12 fL oz”> – A “cool blue illuminating condiTONER” for naturally silver or dyed hair that banishes yellow and bl’orange tones.
  • Leave-In Lover – This product is not yet listed on the site, but it I have seen it mentioned on Massey’s Instagram and in the other product descriptions as a “frizz-free conditioning shine gel.” Coming soon!

All of the products are made with pure coconut water, and I have not yet found an ingredients list but by zooming in on the photos it looks like they are all free of:

  • Sulfates
  • Silicones
  • Glutens
  • Parabens
  • Mineral oil
  • Synthetic fragrances

There’s one more ingredient on that list that I can’t make out, but I will update this article as I learn more.

The sulfate-and-silicone-free cleanser and conditioner are no surprise, as Massey is the mother of the Curly Girl Method, a method that discourages the use of those ingredients in curl care. Those of us who follow Massey closely will see the “condiTONER,” With or Without Hue, as the natural extension of the book Massey released this year, Silver Hair: A Handbook. All three products come in soft plastic bags with nozzles containing 12 fluid ounces. I can’t wait to learn more about the Leave-In Lover, and I expect this will be a multi-purpose leave-in and styler.

How to use them

Lorraine Massey Just Released a New Curl Product Line CurlyWorld

Step 1. Cleanse or pre-cleanse

The Sham-Free Hair & Scalp Cleanser is meant to be used as the first step or pre-cleanse step in your routine. To cleanse, the instructions recommend applying just over the canopy of your wet hair, “allowing it to absorb. Add extra to fingertips and go direct to the scalp and massage well, gently removing dirt residue, sweat, or build up. Rinse.” To pre-cleanse, apply the product to dry hair instead.

Lorraine Massey Just Released a New Curl Product Line CurlyWorld

Step 2. Condition

Terms & Conditions can be used as either a conditioner or a co-wash, or a leave-in, or a detangler. This line is all about the multi-use products! The instructions recommend that you apply a generous palmful (none of that quarter-sized amount stuff here”> to the canopy of your freshly cleansed hair. If you’re wondering, the canopy is the top layer of the hair. Next, you’ll “allow hair to absorb for a few minutes, then gently comb and glide fingers through to detangle and release knots. Rinse or use as a co-wash or a leave-in.”

Lorraine Massey Just Released a New Curl Product Line CurlyWorld

Step 3. Tone

This product was formulated with botanically infused ingredients to address the hair concerns of highlighted, color-treated, candy-colored, and naturally silver hair. If you’ve ever lightened your hair, then you’ve probably experienced dryness, dullness, and orange or brassy tones. This condiTONER was made to moisturize and protect these unique needs. Before using it, do a strand test to check the tone for any damaged or over-processed hair. To use, after cleansing and conditioning apply a shallow palmful “over entire hair canopy or directly target brassy, yellow or bl’orange areas. Comb through with fingers then squeeze scrunch into the hair and allow to absorb for 2-5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly.”

Where you can get it

Right now, the products can be purchased from the CurlyWorld website. Purchasing all three will set you back nearly $100, so I personally would love to see sample sizes to try before you buy.

We will be publishing a comprehensive review by our contributor Lindsay Wilson, so you know it’s going to be thorough! Until then, we’d love to hear your first impressions in the comments below.

My Experience with Curly Girl Method | Before & After Photos
The rules, the expensive products, deciphering the technical names of silicones and sulfates –  is following the Curly Girl Method all worth it?

As with all things curly, it depends! For some curly girls, their hair isn’t phased by a few silicones, while others see a world of difference when they quit the cones. Some curlies enjoy the hunt for the Holy Grail and love discovering the ingredients their hair performs best with, right down to the individual polyquats.

The only way you’ll ever know what works best for you and your hair is to experiment, and that’s exactly what our reader Raquel, aka RockynCurls, did. Here is a day by day break down of her experience with the CGM, complete with before and after photos.


“before “before

Before the CGM: Dry from sulfates, heat damaged, weighed down by silicone

What was your hair routine like before you went CG?

Regular shampoo and conditioner occasionally because my hair was so oily.

What was your hair like before CGM?

Very frizzy, poofy, oily, dry on the ends and had a lot of split ends. It was wavy and not very curly I had a lot of heat damage from round brushing and flat ironing. It was very unmanageable and took an hour and a half to straighten, so I only did it for special occasions and mostly left it in a frizzy bun because I didn’t like how curly stylers felt greasy or sticky on my hair.

What lead you to your decision to try it?

I saw a picture of my hair that had turned into a giant frizz ball in the humidly. It was very disheartening because it looked good before I went outside in the heat. I thought I have read a book on how to do all kinds of things, I wonder if there’s one about how to take care of my curly hair? I found Curly Girl: The Handbook on Amazon and downloaded it onto my Kindle app on my iPhone right away.

Day 2

“before “one

You already started to see some positive results in just a few days, what did you notice?

It was curlier, shiner and less frizzy.

I was washing my hair with sulfate free shampoo once or even twice a day because my scalp was so oily. From reading the book, my hair appeared to be wavy, so I was using conditioner only from the ears down, only on the ends where my hair wasn’t oily.

Week 1

“one “one

You deep conditioned on day 5, what did that do?

I used the SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque. It made it super curly, softer, less frizzy and shinier.

Had you been co-washing?

No, my hair was a greasy mess at the roots. It was over-producing oil in a cry for help since I had been stripping it with harsh sulfates for so long.

What gel and sulfate free shampoo did you use?

I used EDEN BodyWorks Peppermint Tea Tree Shampoo, homemade flax seed gel, and LA Looks Sports Gel.

How was your scalp dealing with the co-washing?

Well, I didn’t even attempt cowashing for a couple weeks, then I start rotating with cowashing and sulfate free shampoo every other day, then went to cowashing once or twice a day since it was so oily. I was using dry shampoo constantly.

Week 2

“two “two

During week 2 I started using SheaMoisture products.  I tried all of the Raw Shea Butter line and all the Coconut and Hibiscus line. I loved them all.

Month 1

“one “one

I made my own flax seed gel.  I was part of the wavy community on Facebook, and they have beautiful results using flax seed gel as a curl enhancer, so I wanted to try it.

I have the recipe on my blog RockynCurls.


How was your scalp reacting to co-washing now?

Finally, by week four my scalp started to calm so I could cowash once a day. By week 6, it started to calm more where I wasn’t using dry shampoo constantly throughout the day, just a couple times a day.

What was your co-washing routine?

Massage the scalp with lightweight silicone free conditioner (Suave Naturals or Essentials”> for 3-5 minutes, adding a little water halfway through to distribute the cowash better.

During week 6, you accidentally used silicones, how did you hair react?

It went back to being less curly and more frizzy. I had this coated feeling on my hair. It was the silicone building up since I wasn’t using shampoo. I was using a silicone on accident. I clarified it out with a sulfate and deep conditioned to get back on track quickly.


“one “one

What’s your opinion of the CG Method now?

Still love it. I don’t think I will ever go back. I think it’s the only way for a curly girl to go. I can go without washing my hair up to 5 days. They aren’t always perfect hair days, but it’s a great time saver when you’re tired or busy.

Did you find any part of it difficult?

Drying the hair can be time consuming since I use much more products than I used to, it takes much longer. Sometimes I hate air drying because I don’t like wet products touching my back and neck for hours, but it’s ok.


How has it affected your hair?

My hair looks healthier and better than it ever has and it is easier than ever to style. I love how healthy and soft my hair feels. It doesn’t feel like straw anymore!!

Do you ever modify the CG Method by using silicones, sulfates or heat?

Yes, I diffuse with high heat sometimes when I am in a hurry and my hair is very wet. I don’t flat iron, but I don’t judge if you want to switch it up sometimes. I personally don’t enjoy how long it takes. I have to use an occasional sulfate to remove build up from hard water and Shea butter build up or I get an itchy scalp. I use water soluble cones sometimes; but not water insoluble because they are too hard to get out of my hair, dry my hair out and they weigh my hair down. Even water soluble cones usually don’t feel as good on my hair, so I usually avoid them.

What would you say to someone who’s considering the CG Method?

Please try it! You won’t regret it once you find your perfect products!! You can learn to love your hair too!!

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A post shared by Raquel Bolin (@rockyncurls”> on

Two years later

My curls have transitioned into more 3a now but those tips and styling methods still apply! My favorite products include:

You can follow Raquel on Instagram @rockyncurls

Do you use the CG Method? How long have you been using it?

How Amanda Gets Her Type 2c Wavy Hair to Look Like This

As a Type 2c wavy, it can be surprisingly difficult to find other wavies with my hair type who rock their natural waves without a curling wand. I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit searching for photos, closely studying curl patterns, trying to identify fellow 2c wavies (though I suspect many in our curly community have done the same”>. As you can imagine, I was very excited when NaturallyCurly reader Mandapandaxo shared her photo on StyleNook. I immediately contacted her to see what she uses and ask her how she styles her hair.

What are your Holy Grail products?

Are there any tricks or tips that you’ve figured out along the way that have made a big difference in the way your hair looks?

The tips I’ve learned that have helped me greatly to style my hair are

1. Applying my products to soaking wet hair

2. Brushing my products through or using the praying hands method to help my curls clump together to achieve more definition. Using a Denman brush or one similar to it, (in my case I just use my Shine brush by the brand Wet brush”>, can help greatly. If you still want to skip out on the brush then the praying hands method is such a great way to not disturb your curls but get them to clump together well.

What piece of advice would you give to a wavy who’s just starting out in their curly hair journey and feels frustrated?

Give it time! As much as you want to put your hair back in that tight ponytail or bun don’t do it and as much as you want to straighten your hair don’t do it! Stay positive, keep a hair journey album so to speak so you can keep track of your progress and look back at them when you’re feeling down or frustrated with your hair. Another thing that helped me a ton  was joining the Our healthy hair Journey FB group created by Felicia Jones (@Hif3licia on instagram”>. Every time I have a question about a method, my routine, or a product, there’s always another curly girl there to help me!

How do you get your waves and curls to look defined?

I simply apply products to soaking wet hair (I always use a leave in, cream, and then a gel”>, brush it all through or use the praying hands method, scrunch, and then diffuse. I take my time diffusing, it’s important not to rush that part especially with wet hair. Also, if I see a section or curl becoming frizzy I make sure to stop and wet that area a bit, smooth it out, scrunch and then I proceed with diffusing.

What made you decide to start your healthy hair journey? What has the change in your hair and routine been like?

The only reason I began straightening my hair constantly was because a stylist unfortunately ruined my hair with a relaxer WITHOUT my consent. A lot of people don’t believe that to be possible but if you check on google you can clearly see I’m not the only one! My curls were gone, they were lifeless and at the time I had no clue how to get them back so I turned to the blow dryer/flat iron. I was only 14/15 at the time so of course I didn’t know about using heat protectant or deep conditioning and so on so I added heat damage on top of the salon nightmare. Curly girls on youtube/Instagram like Sunkissalba, Muchmorethanbeauty, and Hif3licia taught me so much about how to Properly take care of my hair since they went through the journey themselves! Last year I decided that enough was enough and I was going to put all my hot tools away and get my curls back! It has been 6 months now and I still have a long way to go but looking back at how my hair used to be, there’s definitely no way I could even think about going back to constantly straightening my hair.

2015 vs. 2017 I only began my Journey 6 months so i still have long way to go but if I can do it SO CAN YOU!

The change in my hair and routine has definitely been a little hard at times, finding the proper techniques and products is and will always be trial and error i feel like but I’m loving my journey and the curly community so much! I’m so happy I decided to finally completely love and take care of my natural wavy/curly hair!

You can see more of Amanda’s routine on YouTube and follow her on Instagram as @mandapanda_xo.

All the Curl Envy at Curls & Cocktails in NYC

There’s a certain amount of good-natured curl envy that comes with attending a curly hair event, but we reached new heights at the Curls and Cocktails event hosted by PHYTO SPECIFIC and NaturallyCurly this month in New York City.

Curls, coils, and waves of all lengths, shapes, and styles mingled happily at Mark Garrison Salon in NYC where PHYTO SPECIFIC celebrated their Curl Legend line. The curl-focused line is full of botanical ingredients, 95 percent natural, and free of the silicones, mineral oils, parabens, and alcohols that many curlies avoid.

All the Curl Envy at Curls & Cocktails in NYC

Natural hair influencer Coral, better known as @curlswithcoral, and I shared our thoughts on the Curl Legend line with attendees, who each went home with a bag of full-size products from the line. I just love when the goodie bag products are full size.

Attendees received the Cleansing Care Cream, Curl Energizing Spray, Curl Sculpting Cream Gel, and the Baobab Oil. I’ve used all of the products in the line, and especially appreciate how moisturized the Cleansing Care Cream leaves my curls and waves. It can be used as both a cleanser and a conditioner, and the pointed nozzle means that you can direct the product right at the root when cleansing. I wish more cleansers did that!

All the Curl Envy at Curls & Cocktails in NYC

The Curl Legend Curl Energizing Spray is the refresher you’ve been looking for. It’s a light leave-in that revives curls and gives soft, touchable hold that won’t build up on day 3, 4, and beyond.

Cream gels are my personal styler of choice because they give you the curl definition of a gel with the moisture of a leave-in. PHYTO’s Curl Legend Curl Sculpting Cream Gel has the added benefit of nourishing proteins that deliver bouncy, defined curls. There’s no residue or sticky, crunchy cast most of us try to avoid in our stylers. 

Try using the Baobab Oil for your next pre-poo treatment. This 2018 Editors’ Choice Award-winning formula is super moisturizing for your hair, scalp, and body, and the perfect addition to your summer routine. It works to protect your hair from sun damage, and PHYTO Educator Theadora Guzman even uses it on her arms and legs for that perfect summer glow.

All the Curl Envy at Curls & Cocktails in NYC ###### Attendees reacting to the scalp analysis screen

Guzman also hosted one of the most popular parts of the event: the scalp analysis station. At NaturallyCurly, we talk all the time about the importance of scalp health as a foundation for healthy hair, but there’s nothing quite like seeing your scalp blown up on a computer screen to really drive this home. Using a tool that she placed on the scalp, Guzman could show attendees an extreme close-up view of their scalp on a computer screen and identify the level of buildup, dryness, or irritation that they may be dealing with. She also recommended ways they could improve their scalp health! Attendees also enjoyed having their hair dry styled in some of our favorite looks for summer.

All the Curl Envy at Curls & Cocktails in NYC All the Curl Envy at Curls & Cocktails in NYC All the Curl Envy at Curls & Cocktails in NYC

In addition to free products, styling, and expert advice, one of the best parts of attending an event like this is the connections you make with fellow curlies. No matter where you are in your path to healthy curls, we can all use a boost of inspiration and a reminder that we’re not alone on this journey. Follow along and learn more about PHYTO SPECIFIC on Instagram at @PHYTOUSA.

All the Curl Envy at Curls & Cocktails in NYC

This post is sponsored by PHYTO SPECIFIC.

6 Mistakes You’re Making When Putting Oil on Your Skin
6 Mistakes Youre Making When Putting Oil on Your Skin

I have extremely oily skin. I’ve tried mattifiers, powders, blotting papers, setting sprays, milk of magnesia (thanks Wayne Goss“> and practically every anti-oil product on the market. One anti-oil product that I’ve just started dabbling in is the most counterintuitive of all: oil. I’ve been hearing for a while now that oil is actually a good way to treat oily skin, but seeing as it goes against all of my natural instincts, I wanted to be sure I was doing it right. As it turns out, many of us aren’t. I spoke with skincare expert and founder of Nyakio, Nyakio Kamoche Grieco, to learn about the mistakes she sees when it comes to using oils on our skin.. Here are the mistakes Nyakio said she sees the most – and how to avoid them.

  1. Not using oil when because you have oily skin

“When I’m in the store consulting people they’ll often say ‘I’m afraid to put oil on my face, my skin is already so oily and I’m prone to breakouts,” or maybe it’s rosacea, eczema, or any sort of skin issues – each and every one of us has something. What I say to them is that when people have oily skin that’s prone to blemishes (and I’m not talking about cystic acne”> it means your skin is working way too hard to produce oil. Your skin is working in overdrive and when you’re producing too much oil that causes breakouts or blemishes. So just by feeding a couple of drops of oil into our skin it signals to our skin ‘it’s time to relax, you got this.’”

  1. Choosing the wrong oil

“I say that no two oils are the same, and not all oils are great. Within the Nyakio line we used certified fair trade organic cold-pressed oils. We cold press them in the same way that you don’t want to heat broccoli in the microwave, doing this removes all of the nutrients when you overheat them. You don’t want to overheat the oils when you extract them. By cold-pressing the oils you’re extracting all of the best nutrients and preserving what those specific oils are meant to target, so you’re getting the best results.”

  1. Applying skincare in the wrong order

Nyakio recommends applying skincare products in the following order.

  • Cleanse
  • Exfoliate – “Everyone should be exfoliating at least 2-3 times a week. You never want to over-exfoliate, if you have sensitive skin use a gentle exfoliator. Both of the exfoliators in our line are formulated for daily exfoliating.”
  • Apply oil
  • Moisturize
  • Wear sunscreen – “Always wear sunscreen! I recommend sunscreen 365 days of the year.”

“Our skin is made up of oil and often we’re using cleansers that are dehydrating our skin and exfoliating can also be drying, so we want to replenish that moisture immediately after we cleanse and exfoliate. It balances out the skin.”

  1. Using too much oil

“One thing I see is that when people want to try oil at our counter they fill up the whole dropper and you really don’t need that much oil. I always say 2-3 drops for your whole face. In the same way you don’t want to over-exfoliate, you also don’t want to over-oil. You want your skin to naturally know what to do with it by only feeding it what it needs.”

  1. Using oil just for your face

“People often forget that anti-aging is head to toe. Never ignore the décolletage. And I’m a side sleeper so I always include my neck so I don’t get circles on my neck.”

“Oils can be used for many reasons. My grandfather was a medicine man, so he had the ability to go out into nature and extract oils to treat the skin. It worked for different ailments, skin, hair. I use my maracuja oil as a scalp relief. I use it on my split ends. I use it as a pre-shave before I shave my legs. I have eczema so when I go to sleep, it starts behind my ear and goes down my neck, I pat it into those areas to soothe. Because our skin is made up of oils you can use oil everywhere. Don’t be afraid to use it in other places that need to be hydrated or balanced.”

  1. Drying your skin out when you cleanse

“I’m a big believer that, especially as we age, we have no business depleting our skin of moisture because it’s just inviting those signs of aging to come in. I love cleansing with balms and I use our Sweet Almond Cleansing Oil Balm to melt my makeup off. I know I grew up in a generation when we felt our skin was clean once we’d completely depleted it of moisture. And as we age, from our 20s to our 30s to our 40s, that kind of behavior and dehydration of your skin causes you to break out more. I’m not asking you to give up your favorite cleanser, but I recommend using a cleansing balm first. I say a cleansing balm is the laziest and easiest way to cleanse your face, I do it sitting on the couch watching TV with my kids. You just apply it to your skin, massage it in, and it will literally lift your makeup and impurities off your face. Then you just wipe it off. Then if you’re still in love with your cleanser and psychologically you still feel like you need to use it, then use it after the cleansing balm, because the cleansing balm gives you the moisture you need. Use the balm as a pre-cleanse. I think we can all take a cue from Korean beauty with their double cleansing method.”

Using a pre-cleanse treatment to moisturize before you strip your skin of moisture sounds very similar to pre-pooing, so the Korean skincare and curly hair care communities must be onto something!

Thank you very much to Nyakio for sharing your oil expertise!

Tell me, do you use oils on your oily skin? Share how it’s worked for you in the comments below.

30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018

Brooklyn was treated to a parade of tens of thousands of natural haired women (and a few men, too”> entering Prospect Park for Saturday’s annual Curlfest, hosted by the Curly Girl Collective. Judging by the impressive line that wrapped through the park, it’s hard to imagine this event was started just four years ago by the five founders of the Curly Girl Collective, Tracey Coleman, Melody Henderson, Charisse Higgins, Gia Lowe, and Simone Mair. Image activist Michaela Angela Davis told Pix11, the collective “really exemplifies what sisterhood can do.”

This year festivalgoers were greeted by the Brooklyn United Music and Arts marching band, performers, art, music swag bags and activations from some of our favorite curl brands; but the main attraction of the festival is hands down the attendees.

You won’t find your standard festival looks here, if there’s a trend to be found at Curlfest it’s the pursuit of individuality. Forget every trend and beauty standard you’ve seen before, Curlfest-goers came ready to celebrate their natural beauty in all its forms.

Photographer Saphir Kone says “As a photographer I think it’s important to capture black women in their natural state, and there’s no better place to do that than Curlfest. It’s like black girl magic everywhere. I feel gorgeous, I’m glowing, people are glowing, the men are glowing, it’s just beautiful.”

30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018 30 of the Best Looks from Curlfest 2018

Photos taken by Karston Tannis for NaturallyCurly.

Ayesha’s Pre-Poo Recipe for Bouncy, Shiny Waves & Curls

As someone who had a bad experience with not being able to rinse olive oil out of my hair for a week in high school, pre-pooing has always scared me. I know that pre-pooing can help your curls hold on to moisture and I’m familiar with all the benefits, but I was skeptical that my Type 2c waves would thrive under all that oil. 

That was until I saw Deidra’s healthy, happy waves. Deidra told me in a recent interview that one of the secrets to her healthy waves was Ayesha Malik’s pre-poo recipe. As a fan of both of their curls, I had to find out more!

Ayeshas Pre-Poo Recipe for Bouncy Shiny Waves & Curls

Just look at Ayesha’s waves & curls!

First, what is a pre-poo?

A pre-poo is an oil treatment that is applied to the hair before shampooing to prevent the cleanser from stripping your hair of its moisture. You can apply them right before you cleanse, but many curlies, including Ayesha, pre-poo overnight the night before they wash.

Here is what Ayesha had to say about her pre-poo recipe.

Why do you pre-poo?

“Because my ancestors pre-poo’d! We South Asians are known for our thick, long, healthy hair. My mother and her mother before her, were taught to do this. The oils change every generation, but the process remains the same. Yes, I have had countless professionals in the hair industry tell me that oil is not good for curly hair…. and the facts they present me are solid. Scientifically, it does make sense and it leaves me looking like a fool in front of them. But these results, my family history, and my intuition tell me otherwise.”

What ingredients are in your pre-poo?

“I use Tropic Isle Living’s Jamaican Black Castor Oil & their Red Pimento Oil on my scalp. I use any brand of organic coconut oil just as long as it’s unrefined.”

How to apply the pre-poo

  1. I apply a thin coat of JBCO on my scalp first.
  2. Then I liberally apply the red pimento oil on top of the JBCO until my scalp fully covered in oil.
  3. Massaging it in is important because it stimulates hair growth.
  4. After I’m done taking care of my scalp, I take warm coconut oil and apply it everywhere else. The easiest way is to dip my hair into a bowl full of oil. I’m done applying the oil until my hair is drenched.
  5. I wrap my hair up in a towel and go to sleep.
  6. In the morning, I wash it out.

Are there any modifications you make, depending on how your hair feels?

“No, I apply the same amount every single time.”

How often do you use this pre-poo? 

“Once a week.”

What cleanser do you typically use afterward?

“I use DevaCurl’s No Poo Original Zero Lather Cleanser. I don’t use regular shampoo and I haven’t for years. I can’t help but think the reason why my curls look shiny is because there’s always a little bit of oil on them – at all times!” 

What if you have a hard time rinsing out oil from your hair? 

“Some of my followers have a difficult time washing the oil out. I suggest they modify my pre-poo routine to find the perfect amount for their own hair. Also, they should swap out the No Poo Cleanser with something else like, Tropic Isle Living’s Strong Roots Shampoo. There’s JBCO & red pimento oil in the shampoo, but surprisingly it leaves your hair squeaky clean.”

You can find out more about Ayesha on her Instagram @spisha.

10 Curly-Approved Ways to Moisturize Your Hair All Summer

Moisture is hard to come by in the summertime. Add humidity and sun exposure to the mix and you have a recipe for frizz and dryness. We each find our own antidote and since every curly head is different, that means every curly girl’s moisturizing routine is unique. If you ask 10 curly girls how they moisturize their hair, they will give you 10 different answers. And we did!

Here are the tried and tested ways in which we moisturize our hair in the NaturallyCurly office.

For moisture lovers

Fran (pictured above”> is the newest addition to the NaturallyCurly team so she has been experimenting with many products for her first time. Through it all, this failproof conditioning combination has never failed her 3b curls.

“I use a combination of leave-ins and deep conditioners to keep my hair moisturized in the summer. For the most part I use Kinky-Curly Knot Today as my leave-in conditioner and DevaCurl Melt Into Moisture Matcha Green Tea Butter Conditioning Mask as my deep conditioning hair mask.

On wash days, I apply a deep conditioner and leave it in for about 30 minutes to an hour. After I rinse that out, I rake my leave-in conditioner through my hair and that’s it. For moisture boosts throughout the day/week I use a spray bottle filled with half water and half whichever leave-in I’m using at the time.”

Read more about Fran’s routine here.

For frizz sufferers

Jamie’s biggest hair issue is “frizz, frizz, frizz and puff!” These can be caused by dryness in the hair, or just the unrelenting Texas humidity. Here is how she keeps her 3b curls defined in the summer.

“I like to use gels in the summer because they seem to have a better hold than mousses or creams. Right now I’m into Ouidad Advanced Climate Control Heat & Humidity Gel. I also like super moisturizing conditioners like the CURLS Coconut Sublime Conditioner when I wash my hair. I will keep it in my hair for a few extra minutes and comb it through. If it is a really humid day and my hair is not cooperating, I will stick my hair up in a bun and use the DevaCurl Flexible-Hold Hair Spray to help keep my frizz controlled.”

For ingredient snobs

Amanda is a NaturallyCurly editor who is picky, picky, picky when it comes to her ingredient labels. So if she vouches for a product, you know it is full of only good things.

“I struggle to maintain moisture in the summer because the sun’s rays are excruciating in Texas. I combat this by making sure I deep condition regularly with the Bee Mine BEE-U-Ti-FUL Moisturizing Deep Conditioner.”

For dry scalp & hair

Kami has mastered the curly cocktail for her 4b coils (she also just got a new haircut, which we are all loving in the office”>. These are her go-to summer cocktails, the non-alcoholic kind.

“In the summer I have dry, dry, dry hair and scalp! I love being outside, swimming, hiking, lounging on patios – the sun just cooks my hair after being outdoors all day. But I definitely don’t want to compromise my summer fun because of my ‘do.

I’ve learned that cocktailing my butters/oils/leave-ins is a must-do over the summer for me. I customize the formula based on what I’ll be doing that day. I add a few drops of Darshana Natural Indian Hair Oil to pretty much any product I use. For an oil at a lower price point, I really like the Mixed Chicks Replenishing Oil a lot, too, and have been using that often. Obia’s Twist Whip Butter has also become a go-to for me. Another fav is Aunt Jackie’s Quench! Moisture Intensive Leave-In and their Curls & Coils Don’t Shrink Flaxseed Elongating Curling Gel.

I’ve been working out more recently so my scalp has been especially dry. I usually start my day by putting a few drops of Darshana on my fingertips and massaging it into my scalp. From there, I customize my routine based on the day’s activities. If I won’t be in the sun much, I’ll combine my leave-in with a little butter and massage it in. If I’m headed out on the town, I’ll combine the leave-in with the gel for extra definition, along with a few drops of oil. If it’s a pool day, my butter is the star of the show to lock in the moisture.”

For short hair

Priscilla has her 4c coils cut into a bald fade, so her summer hair concerns are slightly different — she loves the humidity, but deals with oiliness. Here’s how she beats her summer issues.

“Actually my hair usually feels great in the summer! It’s the humidity here. My curls love it! When my hair was longer and I tried to do stretched styles like twist outs, those didn’t do so well or they got really puffy. Now that my hair is short and all close to my scalp, I need to make sure I wash more often. With this length of hair, my hair actually gets really oily so I use good cleansers that don’t strip out the moisture in my hair.

I’ve been using Elucence Moisture Benefits Shampoo, and I like it because it gets rid of sweat and sebum buildup without stripping my hair. I also like to polish off my wash day curls with a great oil like Darshana to seal in moisture and give great summer shine!”

For easier detangling

Nikki has long, 3c hair, and she knows the detangling struggle. Dryness can make this worse in the summer, so she looks for products with plenty of slip.

“I struggle with tangles in the summer, so I have to switch my regimen to products that are extra slippery.

I use moisturizing conditioners and leave-ins like Elucence Moisture Balancing ConditionerCurl Junkie Curl Assurance Smoothing Lotion,  SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strengthen & Restore Leave-In Conditioner, and Kinky-Curly Knot Today.

In the summer, I just replace my other conditioners with the Elucence and apply my leave-ins to wet hair. These products make it easier to detangle even my Day 5 hair.”

For dry, wavy hair

Susonnah has 2b waves with highlights, and in the summer she likes light stylers and refreshers that won’t weigh her waves down throughout the week.

“My hair gets really dry in the summer because I love to go swimming and sit out in the sun. I’ve been using Obia Curl Hydration Spray and so far so good! I also love Briogeo Curl Charisma Rice Amino + Avocado Leave-In Defining Creme. I love that it’s a leave in and a definer because I don’t have to pile on too many products in my hair. Plus they are both glycerin-free, so they are perfect for hot, humid summer days.

I use the Obia Curl Hyrdation Spray like a moisturizer and a refresher. On wash day, while my hair is still wet, I apply it before my styler. As a refresher, I use it on second or third day hair to give some life back into it. I use the Briogeo Leave-In Definer while my hair is still wet, and I scrunch it in with my hands. I can be pretty heavy handed with this stuff, and I find that it’s okay because the product is very runny and milky. You need a lot to get great definition.”

For unpredictable weather

Evelyn wears her 4c coils in a twist out every. single. day. She knows what works for her and she does not stray. But that does not mean her regimen doesn’t change.

“In the summer my biggest challenge is managing the weather change — sometimes it’s hot and dry, so I lose moisture fast. Other times it’s hot and humid so my hair is so moisturized I can’t keep a stretched style for more than a day.

To fight dry hair, I make sure my deep conditioner is really nourishing, I like Ouidad Melt Down Mask. I deep condition my hair every time I wash it and use a shower cap or hair therapy wrap for a heat deep-conditioning session for 30 minutes to put the moisture back in my hair after being exposed to the sun all day.

To fight the humidity, I avoid stylers that list glycerin and other humectants high on the ingredients label. Obia Curl Enhancing Custard and Kinky-Curly Curling Custard provide hold that lasts!

Afterwards, I apply a leave-in conditioner to clean wet hair and use the stylers to define my coils and twist if I feel like it.”

For color-treated hair

I bleached my hair last summer and now that I am transitioning the damaged hair out, it tends to feel straw-like, so I am using more moisturizers than I normally would on my 2c waves.

Deep conditioners are especially important for me during this time, and one of my old standbys is EDEN BodyWorks Jojoba Monoi Deep Conditioner. I apply it and either leave it in for 3-5 minutes while I’m soaping the rest of my body, or if I feel like a longer, deeper conditioning session, I’ll put on a Heat Therapy Thermal Wrap and leave it in for 20 minutes or more. After the shower I’ve been applying ApHogee Moisture-Rich Leave-in to my wet hair, and finishing with Kinky-Curly Knot Today. Knot Today isn’t really a styler, but I find that it gives my waves great definition and enough hold while moisturizing them.

For LCO-method followers

Devri is a die-hard fan of the LCO method for her 3c curls. This is a method of layering your products in order of liquid, then cream, then oil. You can read more about the LCO (also known as LOC”> method here.

“I always get a huge frizz halo in the warmer months because of humidity. To combat my frizz and keep my definition, I love using the Briogeo Curl Charisma Rice Amino + Avocado Leave-In Defining Creme as my leave-in, SheaMoisture Yucca & Plantain Styling Milk as my cream, and almond oil as my oil for my summer LCO method.”

No surprise here, Kinky-Curly Knot Today wins the day for most mentions in this article. What’s your go-to summer product?

This article was originally published in 2015 and has been updated to incorporate reader feedback.

How to Be a NaturallyCurly Model

Photo by Karston Tannis for The Curl Revolution

One of the top questions I get in my DM’s is “how can I be a NaturallyCurly model?” and I’m happy to say we are always looking for models to feature in our articles. You’d be surprised (or maybe you wouldn’t”> how difficult it is to find photos of natural curls, coils and waves – coming from someone who’s spent hours, days, and probably weeks of my life searching for photos of curly hair. So we have a need, and if you’re interested in filling it, here’s what you need to know. 

What are we looking for?

We are looking for models who have previous photoshoot experience and are comfortable working in front of a camera. We are looking for models of all ages, ethnicities, genders, sizes, skin colors, and curl patterns. We want our photography to be as representative as our community is diverse.  It is particularly challenging for us to source photos of women in their 40s and above, so if this is you we want to hear from you! 

Our primary requirement is that you must be located in the Austin, Texas area, as that is where we are based and where our photo shoots take place. 

How to reach out to us

Fill out our application form [here](″>. It includes all of the necessary information we need for our selection process, such as:

  • your contact information
  • your hair type
  • headshots of your hair in its natural state

We have photoshoots quarterly, so we will reach out to you if you are a fit for an upcoming photoshoot we’re planning. For example, if our next photoshoot is for mothers and kids, we will review our submissions and reach out to those models.

We look forward to hearing from you!

How Deidra Used the CG-Method to Get Juicy, Dye-Free Curls
How Deidra Used the CG-Method to Get Juicy Dye-Free Curls ###### Left: Deidra’s curls 1989, Right: Deidra’s curls 2017

What was your hair like before you started the Curly Girl Method?

Oh I had ruined my hair! When I was younger, it was my pride and joy. It was long, full and beautiful, it was healthy! But I was vain. I never saw a mirror that I didn’t like. One day I bent over to tie my daughter’s shoe and my mother gasped in horror! I thought it was a Spider! She said “No, you have gray Hair!” I went out and bought a box of hair dye that day. I started coloring my hair and continued to color my hair for the next 16 years. I even went through a ‘real housewives’ phase for a minute so I would use a box perm solution to straighten my hair. As my hair got worse, I started pulling it back. All these things I was doing to my hair eventually lead to it falling out and developing bald spots right above my temples. 

What lead you to your decision to pursue a healthy hair journey?

I wanted to be dye-free by the time I was 50. But I couldn’t do it in the state my hair was in, so thin and frail. A couple of years ago, I switched from permanent dye to semi-permanent thinking it was less damaging to my hair. I started experimenting with conditioner washing. I even jumped on the Wen bandwagon for a while, but couldn’t get used to the smell or the idea of conditioner washing only, so I would still use a sulfate shampoo every few washes. Nothing was getting better so I started searching Pinterest for ‘curly hair’ and ‘healthy curly hair’ and found the term, Curly Girl Method and pictures of @mycurlychronicles and @ck_frias. I was intrigued!

How Deidra Used the CG-Method to Get Juicy Dye-Free Curls ###### Deidra’s hair in January 2016

How long was it until you started to see some positive results? What did you notice change about your hair?

I read, researched and watched YouTube videos for months before finally committing to the curly girl method. It was probably about the 6 month mark when I started to notice a change in my curls. I could see a lot of new growth sprouting up, I had a lot of extra volume from the new growth, the bald spots were starting to fill in and it just looked better. I was actually slow to commit to weekly deep conditioning (it took months before I decided I needed a satin pillow case”> so I was slow to see real results. But, once I found a routine that suited me and my curls, things just started to change. 

What was your experience switching to co-washing/no-poo? How did your scalp deal?

Ah, this is where I’ll probably get into trouble with the some curly girls. I hate cowashing! I just couldn’t let go of the lather. I need lather to know my scalp is getting properly cleansed. I had horrible breakouts along the nape of my neck when I tried to cowash only. Thank goodness there a section in the Curly Girl Handbook dedicated to what to avoid when looking for cleansers/shampoos. I currently use a sulfate/silicone free cleanser twice a week: Wednesday and Sunday. That’s part of my routine now. My curls are happy with that schedule!

Tell us about your curly hair routine now!

Sunday is my wash day, but I will pre-poo Saturday night and sleep on it. I follow the @spisha recipe (because when it comes to hair, she has the locks of a goddess!”> I use a little Righteous Roots oil and Tropic Isle red pimento oil on my scalp and coat the hair with a coconut oil/conditioner mix. In the morning, I will cleanse with a sulfate free cleanser, then deep condition with heat, usually my Hot Head Thermal cap. I do this every week. Once a month I use a sulfate shampoo to clarify. Wednesday’s are my wash and go’s so I’ll only pre-poo for a couple of hours before cleansing. For styling, I prime my hair with a little Aloe Vera juice/distilled water mix and then apply a leave in, curl cream and either a gel or mousse. I prefer volume over heavy defined curl clumps. The weight of the curl clumps will pull the curl out, so once the products are fully distributed, and the curls properly scrunched, I go back in and rake my fingers through to break the curls up into smaller clumps. Then I diffuse completely, which is usually upside down. It sounds unorthodox but it really helps with the volume. I then use a little Argan oil to scrunch out any cast, shake and lift at the root with either my fingers or my pick.

How Deidra Used the CG-Method to Get Juicy Dye-Free Curls ###### Deidra’s curls in October 2017

What are your Holy Grail products, and how do you use them?

Holy grails? Oh that’s hard, but I’d have to say one of the things that have made the most impact in my journey would be my Thermal Hot Head. It makes deep conditioning quicker. It really helps lift the cuticle and get the product in there. Another would be my satin pillow case and satin bonnet. I don’t subscribe to the daily refresh and wouldn’t be able to get day 3 or day 4 day hair if I didn’t preserve the curls properly at night. Plus, I don’t mind the little bit of frizz that comes with not reapplying product daily. Another HG would be my diffuser! I haaaate air drying! I keep trying but I always go back to my Xtava Pro and Orchid diffuser. I love them!


What challenges have you dealt with in your curly hair journey? Have you found solutions that work for you?

In the beginning, I was plagued with frizz caused by product build up. I tried different things to combat this, but after reading about @reallifecurlygirl and how she incorporated clarifying with a sulfate shampoo it into her routine, I started clarifying too. It just made sense for me and allowed the products to work so much better for my fine hair. But, the biggest challenge for me has been learning to love my hair again! It’s hard, especially while you’re in that transition phase. Not every day is a good hair day, and I have to go to work and help clients at our shop. I’m always afraid I’m going to scare someone, but luckily people don’t see our flaws the way we do! Or being down here in the South, they are too polite to say anything. But, that’s where my Puff Cuff comes in handy! They are just the best. You can pineapple without the pull or tug of a ponytail holder. I’m guessing that would be another Holy Grail for me! 

How Deidra Used the CG-Method to Get Juicy Dye-Free Curls ###### Deidra’s curls in October 2017

How is your hair now, 1 year into your journey?

Juicy! Haha, no but much better! I have curls, actual ringlets. I don’t think I realized how curly my hair it truly is. It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen my hair in its natural state. I’m still transitioning. There’s still a lot of damage up there that has to grow and be trimmed away. And I don’t have a Curl by Curl stylist near me. So about every couple of months I do a little dusting myself. That doesn’t always work out! LOL! But my curls are very forgiving. Before starting the CGM, when I would wear my hair curly, it would be dry, frizzy and crunchy. I thought that’s just the way my curls were. That’s been a nice little surprise!

How Deidra Used the CG-Method to Get Juicy Dye-Free Curls ###### Deidra’s curls in May 2018

Tell us about your transition to not dying your hair. What would you say to someone who wants to start embracing their natural color?

Seeing how well my curls responded to the CGM, I thought I could do better. So I made the decision to stop coloring in January of this year. I was afraid the gray would make me look OLD. Some friends told me not to, that I wouldn’t like it. I ordered Lorraine Massey’s Silver Handbook for some courage and inspiration and I was shook. I was in awe of all the beautiful silver haired beauties in her book. They all look so happy. I wanted to be that happy! 

How Deidra Used the CG-Method to Get Juicy Dye-Free Curls ###### Deidra’s curls in June 2018

What would you say to someone who wants to start embracing their natural color? 

To be honest, it hasn’t been bad at all! Today, I am 6 months dye-free and I haven’t been tempted to pick up a bottle of dye the first time! It’s truly liberating! I feel more comfortable in my skin (and hair”> now at 48 than I did at 28! I’m loving my silver streak! It gets just as much attention as my curls do! Anytime someone reaches for my curls, I lean in and let them. So many curly girls are singing the “don’t touch my curls” anthem, but not me. I love it! It’s usually a sister curly girl looking for answers. They are definitely a conversation starter. I wish I had embraced my curls/silver sooner! If anyone is contemplating embracing their curls or their gray, I say, do it! Just do it! You won’t regret doing it but you will regret not doing it sooner!

What Kimberly Schlapman of Little Big Town Uses On Her Curly Hair

It’s not often we see a celebrity with natural curls break out in the entertainment industry, and then continue to rock those curls throughout their career. We were all thrilled when Taylor Swift emerged onto the scene, and subsequently grew disappointed when her curls disappeared in favor of what the media called “chic” and “grown up” straight styles. Ariana Grande and Jennifer Lopez have both given us sneak peeks of their curls, but these glimpses are few and far between. At NaturallyCurly, we acknowledge that all women have the right to play with their look and wear their hair the way they like, and that includes straightening, but there is one curly songstress who I have never seen straighten her natural curls, and that is Kimberly Schlapman of the country band Little Big Town. Kimberly embraces her voluminous, blonde curls on stage, on the red carpet, in interviews, and on the cover of her cookbook Oh Gussie! Fans of the band – and fans of beautiful, natural curls – are clamoring for more information on Schlapman’s signature curls, and here is what we found.

Kimberly Schlapman’s Hair Holy Grails

We recently came across a video in which Schlapman shares her high-end Holy Grails and their drugstore dupes. Celebrities, they’re just like us! Every day she is approached by fans who say “I hate my curls but I love yours – what do you use?” and Schlapman revealed that she has used many products over the years, but one of her favorite products is Indian Gooseberry Oil by Neil George. If you are not familiar with Indian gooseberry oil, perhaps you have heard of its other name Amla oil. Amla is also sold in powder form and is popular in the curly community, you can find out more about it here.

The Neil George oil that Kimberly uses is a salon product which may be difficult to find for some (though we did find it on Amazon“>, but she also likes MoroccanOil, which is pricey but available in many stores and salons, and FrizzEase which is a comparable drugstore dupe you can find anywhere. Kimberly applies the serum to her wet hair and then detangles and brushes her hair. She says “the only time I ever brush my hair is when it’s wet, I never brush it dry.”

Kimberly then follows up with a curl cream. Her favorite is MoroccanOil Intense Curl Cream. Her drugstore dupe for the MoroccanOil cream is Rusk’s Wired Flexible Styling Creme. To dry she sometimes allows her hair to air dry, but admits she does not do this often as “it takes forever to dry.” Most of the time she speeds the process up by alternating with a diffuser.

Kimberly Schlapman’s Best Kept Style Secret

Kimberly’s unique drying technique is to alternate between diffusing and air drying, so she will diffuse it for bit then stop and let it air dry, then later diffuse some more and then air dry again. If it begins to frizz during this process she’ll touch her hair up with a small amount of the curl cream. It really is that simple.

In addition to products and drying technique, Kimberly stressed the importance of getting your curls cut by an experienced curl specialist, stresses that you should avoid razor cuts, and laments the phenomenon of shrinkage. This woman knows her curls, and it shows!

Here are a few of our favorite curly looks from her Instagram, and you can watch the video below!

"This is precisely why one should never put a brush to curly hair! :”>"

Watch the Video

Watch the new video “Curl Talk With Kimberly” and find out some of Kimberly’s secrets to keeping her curly hair looking good.
How Fran Washes & Styles Her Type 3B Curls
3b curly hair routine

While NaturallyCurly’s Co-Founder Michelle and Senior Graphic Designer Fran both have Type 3b curls, you can easily see that their hair is completely different. That’s because curl pattern only makes up one aspect of your hair type. In addition to being Type 3b, Fran’s curls are also high porosity and super fine, meaning her individual strands are thin. All of the different elements of Fran’s hair type determine which products work on her hair and which haircuts and styles she likes best. Keep reading to see which of the Editors’ Choice 2018 Award Winners worked for her hair type.

Not sure what your hair type is? Take our quiz!

3b washing curly hair routine


I wash my hair once or twice a week and if I have time I make sure to give it the full treatment especially in the summer. The Amika Velveteen Dream Smoothing Shampoo literally is a “dream.” It leaves my hair manageable and ready for conditioners without feeling stripped.


If I have time, I’ll go straight to DevaCurl Melt into Moisture Matcha Butter Conditioning Mask. One of the things I loved the most about it was the Matcha, since I’m Matcha-obsessed! I usually pair the mask with a Hot Head Thermal Hair Care Cap and let it soak in for about 30 minutes before rinsing out.

3b styling curly hair routine


As far as styling goes, it all depends on how I’m feeling that day. A must always is a leave-in conditioner, and my current favorite is Mielle Pomegranate & Honey. It smells SO GOOD!

Since cutting my hair, I’ve been trying to achieve more volume. More volume for me means way more product than I’m used to. So these days I’ve been playing around with adding Treluxe Hi! Definition Curl Enhancer Styling Gel to my roots, and sometimes cocktailing it all with either the Virtue One for All 6-in-1 Styler or the Curl Junkie Spiral Lotion Styling Cream and to my surprise I’ve been getting great results with both!
I’ve found that using the gel has allowed my hair and definition to last a few more days between washes.


Nubian Heritage Abyssian & Chia Seed Hand & Body Scrub is hands down the smoothest and most gentle… but extremely exfoliating scrub I’ve ever used. When I’m feeling like my skin needs a renewal it’s definitely my go-to. I feel like a brand-new woman after each use.

The SM 100% Virgin Coconut Oil Micellar Water is my go-to’s for when I’m about to go to the gym and I want to remove my sunscreen or makeup from that day. It just does a really good job of getting everything off while still keeping my skin moisturized.

I use The Urban Skin Rx Even Tone Cleansing Bar roughly 2-3 times per week depending on how my skin feels. When it’s feeling a little rough and needs a bit more exfoliation, this product with the little cleansing sponges do a great job getting everything feeling smooth to the touch.

I always follow up and finish up my skincare routine religiously with my toner: Hada Labo Gokujun Hyaluronic Lotion, Essense: Missha Time Revolution Essense, Serum: Drunk Elephant C-Firma™ Day Serum, Night Serum: Yangu Beauty Even-Tone Serum with YMB Complex (I just like to use mine at night”>, Moisturizer: SheaMoisture African Black Soap Gelee Moisturizer, and lastly Sunscreen: Biore UV Aqua Rich SPF 50+

Kiana’s Type 3C Curly Hair Routine | Editors’ Choice 2018

As a bleach blonde curly girl, Kiana’s Type 3c regimen is all about making sure her curls stay healthy and poppin’ despite her color maintenance. Through her journey as a blonde, Kiana’s discovered the products and tricks that boost her moisture and tone the brass. Check out what she voted for in this year’s Editors’ Choice awards, and how she uses them.


Wash Routine

Pre-Poo: The Mane Choice Heavenly Halo Herbal Hair Tonic & Soy Milk Deep Hydration Pre-Poo

Because purple toning shampoos can be drying to her curls, Kiana likes to pre-poo with a hydrating oil like this one from The Mane Choice.

Shampoo: Up North Naturals Clean Curls Cleanser

Kiana doesn’t have a set washing schedule, so she waits until her curls feel the need to be cleansed. Once they do, she reaches for something that won’t dry her out any further.

Conditioner: Eden Bodyworks Citrus Fusion Conditioner

This rich conditioner is super moisturizing and just what Kiana needs to make her curls feel bouncy.


Style Routine

Styler: Redavid Orchid Oil Dual Therapy

Kiana has converted almost everyone in the office to using this Redavid Orchid Oil. The unique dual pump means that you cocktail just the right amount of cream and oil for your curl on any particular day.


Once a Week Routine

Treatment: Olaplex No. 3 Hair Perfector

While this is technically a rinse-out treatment, Kiana finds this works best for her when she leaves a little bit in. She uses it a few times a week after getting her hair bleached, and then she uses it wash day once a week.

Deep Conditioner: DevaCurl Melt Into Moisture Matcha Butter Conditioning Mask

This mask is a luxe weekly treat that Kiana leaves on once a week for 10-15 minutes before rinsing.


Refresh Routine

Tool: Curly Hair Solutions H20 Water Bottle

While Kiana’s brushing her hair out and applying her products, she likes her hair to be soaking wet. If it starts to dry during her styling process she rewets it with this fine mist water bottle. She also uses this to refresh her curls for the rest of the week.

Leave In: Mielle Pomegranate & Honey Leave In Conditioner

Kiana loves the way this leave-in smells, and that she can uses it as a light refresher throughout the week because it gives her hold without the crunch.

Watch Kiana’s full routine below.

Find the full list of Editors’ Choice Award winners here.
20 Clarifying Shampoos Gentle Enough for Curly Hair

If your hair feels like it’s stopped responding to all of the moisturizers, stylers, and products that used to work so well, it might be time to use a clarifying shampoo. In order for your curly hair products to work, your hair needs to be able to absorb them, and if your hair has a layer of built up product residue or silicones sitting on the surface then your curls simply won’t look or act their best. The first step in many curly girls’ journeys to healthier hair is to distance themselves from their shampoo bottle, but occasionally using a clarifying shampoo that’s gentle enough for curly hair can do your hair and scalp a lot of good.

Clarifying shampoos & sulfates

Clarifying shampoos can contain sulfates like sodium laureth/lauryl sulfate in order to remove the buildup of ingredients like silicones from the hair, but they don’t have to. There are sulfate-free shampoos that use gentler, non-sulfate surfactant ingredients such as Cocamidopropyl betaine which, according to cosmetic chemist Tonya McKay, “can effectively remove most dirt, oils, and silicones from the surface of the hair.”

What about natural sulfates?

While sodium laureth/lauryl sulfate are known to be the harshest, most drying sulfates, sulfates that are derived from oils or natural sources aren’t necessarily going to be good for your hair. According to cosmetic chemist Erica Douglas, better known as Sister Scientist, “it ultimately does not matter whether the source of the alcohol is from a natural source or not, it is the sulfation process that makes the surfactant potentially harmful.”

Using a clarifying treatment too often can be drying, so be sure to use yours sparingly. How often you need to clarify will depend largely on how dry your hair is and lifestyle factors such as how often you exercise or swim, how hot the climate is where you live, and whether you have hard water in your area.

Whether you choose to use sulfates when you clarify is up to you, we have both options listed below!

20 Gentle Clarifying Shampoos

Watch Us Talk to Our Moms On Camera – Try Not to Cry

NaturallyCurly World, I think this is my favorite piece I have ever had the privilege to work on. How often do you get to bring your coworkers’ mothers in and see for yourself why they turned out the way they have. Meeting someone’s mother can be so revealing, as they often play a major role in shaping the way you think – and of course the way you look.

Our Editor Alexandra and our Social Media Manager Leslie agreed to invite their moms to Austin to have honest, face-to-face conversations about beauty. About 3 minutes in, all of the cast and crew were in tears – and if you hit play, you just might be too.

Why is this subject so touching? And what is it about looking directly into the eyes of someone you love and telling them how they make you feel? “I know why I love my mom, why I find her beautiful, and what I admire about her, but it’s rare that I ever vocally articulate it” Leslie said after the shoot. It’s true, I talk to my mom every day. We talk about what we’re making for dinner, what happened in our day, we vent, but do I tell her how much I appreciate everything she has done for me? Not enough. 

Alex’s mom is her “best friend, #1 fan, ride or die, and motivation for it all.” After the shoot, she said “funny thing is my mom was more comfortable on camera than I was!” Her favorite part was that they “were able to be ourselves on camera, express our love for each other, share our truths and be transparent about my childhood and growing up as bi-racial young woman.  Losing my father at six-years old has impacted my life in many ways and it most definitely reminded me the value of family.”

I think what struck me was how vulnerable these women were, despite the cameras, microphones, and other people in the room. Leslie said “Sitting down and being 100% vulnerable with one another created a conversation I will always cherish with my mom. I hope through seeing these videos, more people will have a desire to be open and honest with the people they love.”

It’s my hope that you’ll take a moment this weekend to tell your mother, a mother figure, or just someone you love and value what it is you love about them.

This post was originally published in 2017 and we are sharing it for Mother’s Day.

How to Become a NaturallyCurly Writer

Storytelling and information sharing are what the NaturallyCurly community was built on, way back in 1998. Frustrated by the lack of information on curly hair and the limited products available in the marketplace, two journalists from the Austin American-Statesman, Michelle Breyer and Gretchen Heber, started NaturallyCurly to empower other women who shared the same frustrations by sharing the information that mainstream media was missing. They’ve done that with input from beauty writers, cosmetic chemists, stylists, social influencers and community members.

We are currently sourcing for expert freelance writers. If you have beauty writing experience and useful tips to share with our community then we want to hear from you! Your stories have made NaturallyCurly what it is today. Here’s how to share your pitch with us.

Dos & Don’ts of Becoming a NaturallyCurly Writer

DO use our [application form](”>.

It contains all of the information that you would need to be chosen, so be sure to fill out all of the fields if possible for your best chance of being published.

DON’T email our editors.

Please use the form to submit your interest, that way we can keep all of the applications organized and accessible when we review submissions for the week. If you email us there is a greater chance that your submission will be missed.

DO provide writing samples.

If you’ve been published by other major publications or blogs, share your work with us! We’d love to get to know your voice and your breadth of knowledge better.

DON’T commit to more than you can submit.

We want to know how many articles you can submit to per week. Please be honest and realistic! If chosen, you will be expected to submit assignments that satisfy our editorial standards and meet deadlines. This is critical to being a NaturallyCurly writer.

DO tell us why you want to write for us.

We’d love to hear what drives you and why you’ve chosen NaturallyCurly as a platform for your work.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Fill out our application form [here](”>.

How to Use Gel on Curly Hair

gel hh

As curly girls we have learned, through trial and plenty of error, that perfecting your styling techniques is just as important as finding a Holy Grail product.  Many curly girls consider gel to be the ultimate curl definer, but if you have yet to master the technique of properly applying gel to your hair, you may not see what the fuss is about.

Here are our tips for the best way to apply gel to curly hair.

Step 1: Start with wet hair

If you’re working with dry hair, spritz your hair with water from a spray bottle. If your hair dries quickly you may want to do this in sections so that your hair doesn’t dry before you get to that section.

Step 2: Test your leave-in first

Before you apply various moisturizing and styling products on your hair, it’s important to test that these products will “play well” together first. How can you tell? In the palm of your hand, mix the leave-in conditioner with the gel you plan to use. If they blend evenly and smoothly, these products play well. If the consistency becomes clumpy, separated or small white balls form, then it’s time to try a different product combination.

Step 3: Distribute evenly

It’s important that all of your hair has an even coating of your styling product so that you do not end up with some curls that feel crunchy with gel and others that are frizzy and lacking definition. There are a few easy techniques you can use to apply your gel, depending on your curl pattern.

If you have Type 4 coils, we recommend the praying hands method. Simply coat your hands with gel and then press them together with your hair in between your hands, then slide your hands down the length of your hair.

If you have Type 3 curls, use the rake and shake method. Rub the gel between your fingers, then take 3 fingers and rake them through your hair from the roots to the ends, but stop just before you get to the ends. Then, shake your fingers back and forth, encouraging your stretched out curls to clump and form curls again.

If you have Type 2 waves, scrunching is your best friend. Rub a small amount of gel between your fingers, then scrunch from your ends up towards your roots. This will encourage your curls to form and help make sure that you don’t end up with too much product on your hair, which can weigh your waves down.

Not sure what your curl pattern is? Take this quiz to find out more about your hair type, porosity and density.

Step 4: Scrunch out the crunch

If you were a bit heavy-handed with your gel application, you may find that you are left with a hard cast once your hair dries. To soften this up, simply take a small amount of oil, we used a light Vitamin E oil, on your fingers and gently “scrunch out the crunch.”

This video is sponsored by Ampro Pro Styl.

WATCH: How to Do the LOC Method

Our community loves talking about the LOC Method, which is the order of applying your leave-in conditioner or liquid, an oil, and then a curl cream. If you are interested in giving the LOC Method a try, here are the tips and products that you’ll need. If you find that this doesn’t work for you, then modify it, personalize it, get creative with this template! We always love to hear what you come up with.

How to do the LOC Method

Start with freshly cleansed hair. Nikki used the Avocado + Quinoa Co-wash instead of a shampoo because she wanted to maintain her moisture as she cleansed. When co-washing, be sure to use the pads of your fingers to gently massage your scalp, this will help to lift and remove any dirt or residue that you may have. This is also a great opportunity to use your fingers or your wide tooth comb to detangle while your curls are saturated in the co-wash. This will leave your hair feeling clean, soft and free of tangles.

L is for Leave-in (or Liquid”>

The next step is to apply your leave-in conditioner or liquid.  Our curly community members have their own routines whether it’s using a leave-in conditioner, water in a spray bottle, or aloe vera juice – find what works for your hair. Nikki used the Rosarco Milk spray leave-in because her hair has been in desperate need of moisture and softening since she colored it a dark blue this summer.

O is for Oil

Next apply your oil to seal in the dose of moisture you have just given your hair. Oils act as a sealant that will help prevent you from needing to apply additional layers of moisturizing products to your hair every day. When choosing an oil, make sure to avoid non-water soluble silicones or chemical additives and opt for an all-natural oil instead. This is especially important if you are co-washing your hair rather than shampooing regularly, because non-water soluble silicones require a sulfate shampoo to be removed from the hair. Nikki chose to use Rosarco Oil, which is a blend of  natural oils like rosehip, argan and coconut oil.

C is for Cream

The final step is to apply a cream. The cream will act as a final sealant over your oil, locking in the moisture, and depending on the product you choose could provide the hold you need to style your hair. Look for a product that will hydrate as well as define your curls, like Briogeo’s Curl Charisma Leave-In Defining Creme. Several of the curly girls (with curl patterns ranging from loose 2C waves to 3C curls and coils”> in the NaturallyCurly office swear by this cream because it provides hold as well as moisture.

Watch Nikki’s LOC Method

What about LCO?

Many curlies in our community prefer to apply a leave-in, then a cream, and finish with an oil. There is no right way to moisturize your hair as long as it leaves you loving your curls. So give both methods a try and see which version your curls prefer.

Have you ever tried the LOC Method?


This article is sponsored by Briogeo.