Search Results: Christina Patrice

If you’re anything like me, growing up you sat between your mom or grandma’s legs, head resting on her knee while you winced and whimpered as she combed, brushed, styled, braided, or pressed your hair. “Tenderheaded” was your middle name as a child, and as an adult, you get a little teary-eyed at the thought of sitting through braids and other styles.
Coping With a Sore Scalp
The second my stylist took a hack at my heat damage and I saw 4+ inches hit the floor, I panicked. I had second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth thoughts about what I was doing. I knew going in that when I emerged from the chair, my hair would be considerably shorter than it had ever been.
I was terribly self-conscious because I had only chopped all my hair off once, and it was straight, blonde, and fly. This, this chop thing was totally different. Even though I had 21 months of growth, my hair was extremely curly and shrunken thanks to the multiple textures of my mane. But nearly 3 months later, I look back and wonder why I was so worried. Big chopping, although nearly 2 years into my transition, was the best decision I had ever made for my hair.
In the world of natural hair, there are two ways to go about taking your mane from a damaged, and sometimes unhealthy mess to a head full of gorgeous kinks, coils, curls, and waves. One method is transitioning for a given amount of time, and then chopping your ends whenever you feel comfortable. The other, more gutsy method is to big chop. Big chopping involves straight up cutting all your hair off and starting from scratch. It can be exhilarating, fun, edgy….and a total nightmare.
In a culture where beautiful hair is the currency, it can be absolutely difficult to feel attractive after getting rid of something you’ve had your whole life — long hair. And even if prior to chopping your hair didn’t go past your chin, you still had more then than you have post chop. I won’t pretend to know the feeling of waking up the morning after BC-ing, and realizing that there is no more than an inch of hair atop my head. I transitioned for 21 months to avoid that very feeling. But because I chopped before my goal length, I know exactly what it feels like to have less hair than you’ve ever had, and to have to actively work at loving your hair and feeling beautiful.
Before you big chop:
These tips will be vital to big chopping with confidence, and being armed with information will help you navigate the first stage of your hair journey.
Will you transition first? For how long?
Most TWAers transition anywhere from 1 to 6 months to avoid a super low cut.
The TWA Stage
Understand how long you will be in the TWA stage. Depending on the texture, amount of shrinkage, and growth rate of your hair, the TWA stage will last anywhere from 1 to 4 years. Be prepared for that.
Your Regimen
After you’ve made up your mind to chop, be sure to take the time and develop a regimen for yourself that works. Because a TWA (although thick”> is not tons of hair to play with, selecting products that work well at keeping your hair moisturized, strong, and growing will be key. The TWA stage is the best time to experiment with products for moisturizing, nourishing, and styling the hair — because if you don’t like a product, doing a 2nd or 3rd wash day in a row won’t be a terrible nightmare. Enjoy that product experimentation now, because as your hair grows, detangling, washing, and styling will become more time consuming.
Hide your stash
Alongside developing your regimen, be sure to trash or put away all the things that will have you second-guessing your decision. This is a piece of advice I offer to long-term transitioners as well. If after you chop, there is still a relaxer kit somewhere in your house, throw it out. Stash your flat iron somewhere you’ll forget about it, give it away, or put it in someone else’s care for the time being. The same goes for hair tools you won’t have any immediate need for, like scrunchies, updo clips, and even fine toothed combs. Do everything possible to prevent going back on or getting down on yourself about your decision, by removing those things from around you. Also, if you’ve decided to pursue an ingredient-conscious natural hair journey, be sure to chuck any products that contain ingredients you won’t be using–such as isopropyl alcohol, petroleum, or mineral oil.
Have fun!
Once you’ve got your regimen together and your no-no products and tools out of sight, you’re ready to have some fun with your TWA. The TWA presents a unique opportunity to be fashion forward, edgy, and daring with bold prints, bright colors, and eye-popping designs. Even if you aren’t a fashionista at heart, there are certain accessories and pieces you can use to amp up the flavor and feel gorgeous –like super cute earrings, a studded headband, or dazzling statement necklace. And don’t forget the makeup! You can also use your TWA time to experiment with colors and hair dye that will add richness and dimension to your cut — especially as it grows out.
WATCH: Priscilla’s 2nd Big Chop!
TWA Maintenance:
Moisturize daily
Although the TWA is less hair, the moisture from it evaporates quickly. Daily refreshers with a light water-based hair moisturizer or spritz is ideal and will keep your hair hydrated between washes.Protect your TWA at night
If you aren’t a big fan of satin bonnets or scarves, at least sleep on a satin pillowcase. No need in drying out the hair prematurely, and cultivating bad hair habits now!Clarify, strengthen, and do deep treatments
Caring for your newly natural TWA will involve much more than cowashing and moisturizing. Make sure that at least monthly, you are using a clarifying treatment or shampoo to thoroughly cleanse your hair and scalp to remove buildup. Deep treatments will be useful in helping to nourish, moisturize, and strengthen your hair as it grows.Be your own kind of beautiful!
This tip is above all, he most important. Define your beauty for yourself, be confident in who you are, and the decision you made. Hair grows, life goes on, and at the end of the day, you have to be comfortable in your own skin. Embrace your beauty, courage, and determination as a woman who has decided to embark on a personal and hair growth journey. You were beautiful before you cut your hair, you are beautiful with your TWA, and you will continue to be beautiful as your hair grows.

Sometimes, the ingredients listed on products sound creepier or more confusing than they actually are. Thanks to an overabundance of information on sulfates, silicones, parabens, petroleum, and other potentially naughty ingredients, products that don’t have plainly understood ingredients like coconut oil and botanical extracts are often frowned upon by curly girls.
What is Glyceryl Stearate?
Glyceryl stearate is the end result of reaction between glycerin and stearic acid. We all know what glycerin is and does (generally vegetable based humectant”>, and stearic acid is a fatty acid compound extracted from a variety of vegetable, animal, and oil sources such as palm kernel and soy. The end result of the reaction with glycerin and stearic acid is a cream-colored, waxy like substance.
What does Glyceryl Stearate Do?
Glyceryl stearate helps give products the creamy smooth feel we love
Glyceryl Stearate is a popular cosmetic ingredient in everything from mascara to conditioner. But for hair products in particular, glyceryl stearate helps give them the creamy smooth feel we curlies love, and softens our hair. Additionally, glyceryl stearate helps form a protective barrier on the hair to prevent moisture loss, and also fight free radical damage.
Is it Harmful?
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG”> database, glyceryl stearate has a rating of 0, which means it poses no risk. There are no associated organ toxicity (reproductive and non”> concerns, no potential for environmental toxicity, or bioaccumulation hazards. Additionally, it has been recognized as safe for use as an additive in food by the FDA (although I can’t understand why anyone would want to eat waxy stuff”>.
What Products Contain Glyceryl Stearate?
There are tons of products that contain glyceryl stearate. Some hair and cosmetic products I’ve encountered include Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Lavender Mint Moisturizing Conditioner, Aunt Jackie’s Knot on My Watch, OGX Nourishing Coconut Milk Conditioner, Design Essentials Natural Curl Stretching Cream, ORS Curls Unleashed No Boundaries Leave-In Conditioner, and As I Am Coco Shea Spray.
For many of us, it might as well be a four letter word. Some of us avoid it until our hair is on the brink of disaster, while others may do some form of it a few times a week or even daily. We all know the dangers of pushing detangling sessions too far back — from breakage and matting to cutting out clumps of knots. But what about detangling too frequently? Is there a such thing as doing too much detangling?
There’s an old adage that says, too much of anything is bad for you. By and large, that tends to be true. Detangling is great for releasing shed hairs, making the removal of buildup easier, and not to mention, it is the cornerstone of every fabulous natural hair style. But when done too often, detangling can lead to the following:
Hygral Fatigue
Every time we douse our hair in water, the shaft expands to accommodate the uptake in water. As it dries, the shaft contracts and returns to normal. This is a regular thing for all hair, and does not typically cause damage–except for when done in excess. Constant expansion and contraction (from doing daily wash and go’s or daily soaking wet detangling”> can cause damage to the cuticles and cortex of the hair, weakening them to the point of premature breakage. This does not mean that you should avoid moisture at all costs — just pull back to spritzes of water or a refresher, or light moisturizers and creams instead of dunking your hair in water. The best way to tell if you have hygral fatigue is to take a few strands of hair the next time you wet it, and pull them gently. If your hair springs right back to its kinky, coily, or curly self, then you’re good to go. If the hair takes a while to retract back (like an overstretched scrunchie”>, or just breaks in your hand, you’ve got hygral fatigue.
Excessive Cuticle Wear/Thinning Ends
Another pitfall of excessive manipulation via detangling is wear on the cuticles — especially the ends. Every time we touch our hair, we take a little cuticle with us. So even if you’re doing the most gentle, coconut oil-only, 3 hour painstakingly slow detangling session, you’re still causing your hair damage. When done on a regular basis (not excessive”>, the results should not significantly impact your hair health and length retention. But if your hands are in your hair detangling constantly, expect every move of a comb, fingers, or denman to chip away at the cuticle of your hair. You may not notice it at first, but gradually the ends will begin to thin out and look wiry.
You may even find that your hair is having difficulty retaining moisture, because excessive detangling/combing has led to chipped cuticles along the shaft, causing moisture to be lost. If it’s not too late, cut back on detangling and combing sessions now. To prevent further damage, begin incorporating protein treatments (like Eva NYC Therapy Session Hair Mask, Hydratherma Naturals Amino Plus Protein Deep Conditioner, or ApHogee Curlific Texture Treatment“> into your deep conditioning regimen, and use leave-ins with protein (like It’s a 10 Miracle Leave-In Plus Keratin, and ApHogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructurizer Spray“> to help patch up the cuticle.
All breakage is not preventable. Our hair wears and tears with everyday life, but that doesn’t mean everyday detangling is okay. Excessive manipulation via detangling and combing leads to more breakage than necessary — whether it be from hygral fatigue, worn down cuticles, or just mechanical stress. Hair without a white bulb on the ends (regardless of length”> is breakage. Seeing more bulb-less wisps of hair than not? Time to change up the routine.
Unnecessary Hair Loss
Even if your hair isn’t breaking excessively, chances are with every tug of a finger detangle, or move of a comb, you’re uprooting hair that isn’t ready to leave your scalp yet. Shed hair that has left your scalp and needs to be freed from entanglement will always have a white bulb on the end. Have you ever encountered a hair that had a dark brown or blackish bulb at the end? That’s a hair that was plucked directly from your scalp before it was ready to go! Everyday combing and detangling increases the likelihood of removing hair from your scalp that could still be well, hair on your head. Over time, hair may appear thinner and if done excessively, can cause trauma to the follicle to the point where hair will not regrow.
So, How Much is TOO Much?
The painful truth here is that there is no right answer. Just like detangling methods (wet, dry, damp, oil-only”> and tools (fingers, comb, Denman”>, the frequency with which to detangle is totally individual and only found through trial and error. Generally speaking, shorter TWA length hair of any texture, and looser curls and waves can be detangled more frequently without as much concern for adverse consequence. But for those looking to retain maximum length, or that are on a growth journey, less is always more.
I typically detangle and wash my hair every 4 to 6 days because I have scalp psoriasis and I work out regularly, so I need to remove sweat and dirt from my scalp. I have found that this works for my hair. Some detangle weekly and wash monthly. It’s up to you, and what your hair can handle. But for most textures, I would recommend not detangling more than twice a week. Overstepping this occasionally won’t wreak havoc on your hair. But remember what we discussed earlier? Too much of anything is bad for you and your hair.
The Bottom Line:
Our Hair Never “Fully” Detangles
One last thing to take into consideration before your next detangling session is: that our hair never fully detangles. Our kinks, coils, and curls looooooove each other so much that they’d rather buddy up together than remain apart. This is the main reason why many naturals wash and detangle their hair in sections, and twist or braid each section up as they go along. So even if after 2 hours your hair isn’t 100% tangle-free, that’s okay. We’re never going to get each and every single tangle out of our hair — it is an impossible task. So save yourself some time, a few broken hairs, and a heap of conditioner by aiming to have your hair between 80 and 90% detangled each time.
Christina Patrice is’s resident 3C product junkie, who documents her healthy hair journey through her blog,
As a product junkie and blogger, I read tons of ingredient labels. I’m also keen on marketing tactics that cosmetic companies use to hook ladies looking for the perfect tresses. From label fonts and coloring and pixie dust extracts (you know, the ones featured prominently on the front label, but that are actually listed as 28th of 32 ingredients”> to peddling promises that can’t be delivered, thousands of dollars are spent to connect their products with your wallet. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against marketing products at all. I’m just not a huge fan of watching people be misled, especially when it comes to oils and serums for the hair.
In many drugstores, beauty supply and salon stores, there are serums everywhere that are labeled as oils, and many ladies using them as though they are pure oils. Often times, they’re infinitely more expensive than the raw ingredients they tout on the label. To help you safeguard your wallet and get the most out of what you put in your hair, let’s dive head first into a quick savvy shopper lesson on oils vs. serums.
Oils Vs. Serums
Method 1
Recommended for early transitioners or naturals looking for 100% texture blending
This method involves braiding the satin strip into your hair from the root. For new transitioners, this look creates texture and uniformity from the root to the end–with the added benefit of not having super tapered, crinkly-looking thin ends that most regular braidouts result in. For naturals, this method also creates that same texture and uniformity all the way down. It is perfect for any texture of hair, seriously! Satin strip braid-outs on looser hair textures will result in increased definition, and tighter, coily or kinky textures will see more elongated hair.
Watch the video tutorial:
Method 2
Recommended for long-term transitioners and naturals
This method carried me and saved tons of time at the later stages of my transition. Once you have a significant amount of newly natural hair (transitioning for 9 months or more”>, you can begin a regular braid and then integrate the satin strip at the line of demarcation. This method is perfect for creating the illusion of 100% natural hair. For naturals just looking for an extra oomph at the ends of hair, this method is perfect. If your ends don’t stay braided, twisted, coiled, or you find yourself looking for perm rods to hold your ends often, this method is for you.
What You’ll Need
Satin Strips – 18-20 cut from a satin scarf, about 1.5 inches thick each
ACV Spritz – for shine, body, and to help close cuticles
Lawrence Ray Concepts Mega Bounce & Body Leave-In Conditioner – water-based moisture
Rapunzel The Future of Hair, Hair Lotion – for extra moisture
Jessicurl Spiralicious Gel – for hold
Rapunzel The Future of Hair, Hair Silk – to seal ends and fluff/separate
You can definitely feel free to use any combination of moisturizers and definers that you choose. Some of my favorite stylers that I’ve used previously are EcoStyler Gel (green”> and Obia Curl Enhancing Custard. Or, for a much softer (and not nearly as long lasting”> result you can use moisturizer only and a little bit of butter of choice. You can also read my product reviews for both
Read my product reviews for these items in the “product review” section of my blog,
Watch the video tutorial:
And finally, a few tips before starting your own satin strip braidout:
Start on freshly washed and conditioned hair. The style can be achieved on dirty hair, but will yield better and longer-lasting results if the hair is clean.
DO NOT SEPARATE THE HAIR! The magic in the satin strip braidout happens when the hair is kept together. For Method 1, the satin strip forms 2 sections of hair for the braid, and the hair itself is the 3rd section. In Method 2 the same concept applies, but only after braiding your hair to the point where you want to include the satin strip.
Make sure your hair is 100% dry before taking down, or else the braid-out will swell and lose definition– resulting in a short lived style (unless that’s the look you’re going for”>.
Good luck satin stripping! Wait, that didn’t sound right…
If you search the hashtag #naturalhair on Instagram, you’re guaranteed to come across some jaw-droppingly gorgeous kinky, curly, and coily manes. Not only do their curly fros, twist-outs, and updos defy gravity, many social media naturalistas are rocking eye-catching hues on their manes, from golden blonde ombre to sizzling red and cool blue. If you’re anything like me, you look wistfully at these photos and begin contemplating what products you can hold off on buying in order to save up for a professional dye job. But then you chicken out, not only unsure of committing to a color, but somewhat fearful of ruining the natural hair you worked so hard to grow.
Check out these 6 much safer alternatives to add a little dimension to your hair. Fair warning: they won’t give you drastic color lift/change, but it should be enough to satisfy your curiosity. Plus, they are all fairly affordable and relatively easy to do at home.
next page: Henna
Body Art Quality Henna
BAQ Henna is a personal favorite of mine. Not only do I use it monthly to help keep my scalp psoriasis at bay, I also love the rich reddish tint that the ground up leaf deposits on my hair. Although not entirely invisible in indoor lighting, outdoors my henna color is gorgeous! Not only will henna give you a little reddish color boost, it also conditions the hair, thickens it, helps promote shine, and make it stronger.
My personal favorite Body Art Quality brand is Jamila because the sift is super fine, making it easy to apply and rinse out. Before discovering Jamila, I tried Light Mountain brand henna, and each month was a fiasco in terms of trying to get the grit and twigs out of my curly mane. Also do note that pure henna that won’t harm your hair or skin only comes in one color: red. Anything else (black henna, brown, etc.”> may contain additives and chemicals that could cause irritation, so beware. If the box does not say 100% pure henna/lawsonia inermis, put it down and slowly and back away.
To see how I mix my henna, click here.
next page: Indigo
In a similar vein to henna, indigo comes from ground plant leaves. When mixed with liquid (water”> and exposed to air it turns blue. Don’t worry though, indigo actually turns the hair deep black, and has been used to do so for thousands of years. Indigo requires a firm commitment; once you’ve use it you can’t go back for some time until it wears off.
If your hair is a lighter color than brown, it is advised that you henna hair first, then apply indigo.
For more on indigo, check out Shelli of Hairscapades and her 2-step henna/indigo process.
next page: SheaMoisture Ammonia-Free Hair Color
Shea Moisture Moisture-Rich Ammonia-Free Hair Color System
Shea Moisture is everywhere these days! When they decided to launch a hair color system, the entire natural hair community was thrilled. Finally, a hair coloring solution that catered to the concerns of kinks, curls, and coils!
Since many textured beauties already have challenges retaining moisture and porosity issues, the fact that this color system is ammonia-free is a huge deal.
Ammonia is the ingredient in most hair dyes that lifts your cuticle so that the peroxide can penetrate and zap your natural pigment. The ammonia-peroxide duo can leave hair dry, straw-like, brittle, and of course, with irreversible cuticle damage (leading to more porosity and dryness issues”>.
next page: Ion Color Brilliance

Ion Color Brilliance Semi-Permanent
If you used to get your hair professionally done back in the day, you might remember having your stylist do a super conditioning and tinting treatment on your hair, known as a cellophane. In high school I lived for the cellophane color because it was the only color my parents would allow me to have –because it was non-damaging, not permanent, and not “too grown” (haha”>.
There are tons of brands out there, such as Jazzing by Clairol that serve the same function– but the Ion Color Brilliance line is my personal favorite pick. Because I henna my hair regularly, I have no particular need for colored cellophane. But what I do enjoy is that brilliant shine that a dose of this product in clear gives. Ion Color Brilliance is ammonia and peroxide free, making it ideal for non-damaging coloring.
next page: Manic Panic Cream Color
Manic Panic Amplified Cream Color
If you’re into hot hues and bright colors without the commitment, Manic Panic is definitely worth considering. This semi permanent hair color comes in shades ranging from Cotton Candy (hot pink”> to After Midnite (deep navy blue”>. Lighter color hair will always yield the best results, but you can always take some inspiration from the wonderful Evelyn From the Internets on how to get bright colors on dark hair.
next page: DIY Hair Lightener
DIY Hair Lightener
Of course, no article about hair color is complete without a DIY recipe. Check out this homemade mix to gradually lighten your hair.
- 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice
- 2-3 cups of strong chamomile tea
- Mix one cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice with three cups of strong chamomile tea.
- Soak your hair with this mixture.
- Air dry on the sun then rinse out and condition well.
- Repeat this 2-3 times per week for best results.
A quick search on google for “vitamins for hair growth” yields countless results and brands, all promising to help usher in strong, vibrant, and growing hair. Amid proprietary blends and secret formulas, there is one ingredient at the core of every hair boosting vitamin: biotin.
But does Biotin have what it takes to give you the hair length you want? Instead of searching endlessly through Google to find the answer, we went to Erica Douglas, also known around here as Sister Scientist.
“Biotin contains high levels of Vitamin B. Vitamin B helps to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and amino acids from our diet into energy, which supports cellular metabolism. This process assists with healthy cell formation and growth, leading to healthy hair, skin and nails when the proper nutrients are in the body. Vitamin B deficiencies have been linked to hair loss, so it’s important that you consume enough of this vitamin in your diet,” says Douglas.
But does biotin have to be in your diet to work? Or can it be applied topically? Douglas says applying it topically will only give the illusion of thickness.
“I believe that biotin is most effective for the purposes of strengthening hair when used internally. Follicles of the hair are linked to blood vessels that absorb nutrients from the body. It’s these nutrients that help to determine the hair’s thickness and strength during the Anagen phase of hair development. Although topical treatments containing biotin can bind the biotin molecule to the hair giving the illusion of more thickness, at the core of it all, you also want the hair to absorb biotin while it is still connected to the blood vessels in the follicle to provide actual improvement of strength and overall hair health,” says Douglas.
“You will need fewer products that promise the “illusion” of strength and thickness if you maintain a proper diet that contributes to physical improvements from inside the hair.” For more information on biotin and castor oil, head over here.
Although most vitamin blends contain 500mcg or more of biotin (and some supplements alone go upwards of 1000 or 5000mcg”>, the daily recommended dose of biotin is about 2.5mg (2500mcg”> for adults. You don’t necessarily need to take a special supplement to get the beauty benefits of this vitamin though — there are plenty of food sources such as wheat germ, whole wheat bread, swiss chard, salmon, chicken, eggs, and dairy that contain biotin. Deficiencies in biotin (although somewhat rare”> can lead to brittle nails and hair loss.
With all the information out there, how can you be certain that a hair growth vitamin or biotin supplement is for you? Let’s take a look at some of the more definitive pros and cons:
Affordable and widely available
Helps the body process energy and and transport carbon dioxide from cells
Can help strengthen nail cuticles and hair, warding off thinning and breakage of both
Supports skin health, and can help ward off psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and other rashes
Believed to aid in weight loss- when paired with chromium the vitamin supports a quicker breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, leading to a higher resting metabolic rate
Improves blood sugar regulation
Can lead to skin breakouts, acne, and rashes (if overdosed”>
Raw eggs interfere with the absorption of biotin
Interacts with some drugs, specifically those for cholesterol and antibiotics
By and large, it appears the benefits outweigh the potential consequences (of course, unless you are taking a specific drug known to adversely interact”> of taking biotin. If you are concerned with acne outbreaks and rashes, here are a few tips on how to help keep your skin clear:
Start out at low doses. Anywhere under 500mcg is ideal. If your body tolerates it well, you can move up as far as you feel comfortable doing.
Try taking biotin alone at first, instead of as a part of a multivitamin. This can be difficult to do, but it will help you better assess how your body tolerates biotin. If you feel all is well after a few weeks, it should be safe to incorporate biotin into a multivitamin regimen.
Be sure to get adequate levels of vitamins A, C, E, and Zinc. All these vitamins and minerals assist in the production of healthy skin cells, collagen, and acne treatment.
Drink Apple Cider Vinegar. This is a personal anecdotal piece of advice from me — I drink a 1-2 tablespoons of diluted ACV every night before bed. It has helped keep breakouts at bay, and even got rid of some pesky bumps I had along my jawline before I began taking the vitamin.
- Paying around $70 (or more!”> every two weeks to have a professional hairdresser wash, condition, and straighten your hair.
- Visiting said professional regularly, and despite being in their care and following their instructions, never seeing any hair growth past your shoulders.
- Receiving conflicting or counterintuitive information about how to best care for your hair in their absence.
- Suffering from dryness, breakage, and stalled growth.
- Thinking that your hair could never be long and thick.
When I first visited their website, I wasn’t sure if this was a brand I should review because all of the women have straight hair. Gorgeous hair, but straight. But once I began seeing all the rave reviews on social media (seriously, just search the hashtag #rapunzelthefutureofhair on Instagram”> and looking at pictures of Rasheda’s naturally curly mane, I was convinced that I needed Rapunzel in my life. I was all the way thrilled when I received the Hair Lotion and Hair Silk to test drive and review, along with a soooo right-on-time tape measure for my hair. Without further delay, let’s jump in to this review!
Hair Lotion
Product Claims
Rapunzel’s Hair Lotion is a deep moisturizing cream made with Shea Butter and other natural oils to help stop breakage, repair split ends, adding manageability and shine with every application.
When used daily as directed, Rapunzel’s Hair Lotion helps promote long healthy hair growth by protecting the hair from heat damage through hydration and moisturization. Perfect for natural, relaxed, and transitioning hair.
Ingredient List
Water, Persea Gratissima (Avocado”> Oil, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut”> Oil, Stearyl Alcohol, Cetrimonium Bromide, Sorbitol, Cyclopentasiloxane, Steareth-2, Santalum Album (Sandalwood”> Extract, Phellodendron Amurense Bark Extract, Hordeum Distichon (Barley”> Extract, Cetyl Alcohol, Mangifera Indica (Mango”> Seed Butter, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter”>, Macadamia Ternifolia (Macadamia Nut”> Seed Oil, Panthenyl Hydroxypropyl Steardimonium Chloride, Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E”>, Allatonin, Sodium PCA, Fragrance (Parfum”>, Dehydroacetic Acid, Benzyl AlcoholFor natural, relaxed and transitioning hair
Leaves hair soft, light and shiny
Non-greasy formula
- Moisturizes dry hair without leaving a residue
Top Ingredients 411
- Avocado Oil: Moisturizing oil that is high in omega 6 and 9, which helps improve elasticity, strength, and shine in hair.
- Coconut Oil: Oil high in saturated fats (which is why when cold, it is solid”>. One of the few known oils to penetrate the hair shaft and truly moisturize hair. Coconut oil helps to moisturize, seal, and prevent breakage.
- Stearyl Alcohol: Fatty alcohol that acts as a thickener, and emollient. It gives conditioner its velvety feel without making hair greasy. Also used to keep product ingredients from separating.
- Cetrimonium Bromide: An ammonium salt used in hair prevents static build-up that causes flyaway hair. It is also able to penetrate and condition the hair, and acts as an emulsifier and preservative.
- Sorbitol: Naturally occurring element in fruits and veggies, but can also be synthetically made from hydrolyzed corn starch. Much like glycerin, it adds slip to a product, as well as functions as a humectant and a thickener. It helps cosmetics from drying out in their containers.
One of the best things in the world for me is when a product actually does what it says it will do.
The Hair Lotion is incredibly creamy and moisturizing without weighing hair down. The consistency is rich and creamy, but not greasy. My hair is a huge fan of avocado oil, so the fact that it was the 2nd ingredient was a definite plus. In fact, the second I put it on my hair, it just soaks right in and leaves it feeling super soft, fluffy, and moisturized.
The Hair Lotion played an epic role in my satin strip braidout, and in my wash and go’s. In fact, I recently OD’d on my favorite curl definer (TIGI Catwalk Curlesque Curls Rock Amplifier”> during a routine wash and go, and it left my hair feeling super crunchy. I applied Hair Lotion on top of it, to soften it up and it worked like a charm! My curls felt amazing afterwards, and had so much body and bounce!
The one thing I’m not wild about is the fragrance. It has a grapefruity, passionfruit, floral-esque fragrance that I found to be a little to strong for my liking — but definitely not a deal breaker. The smell doesn’t linger too long in the hair, and it didn’t trigger any allergies.
Overall product rating: 4.5 Stars! I love the Hair Lotion, but had to deduct slightly for scent. Not a deal breaker, but I’d definitely prefer something a little milder.
Hair Silk
Product Claims
Rapunzel’s Hair Silk smooths ends, conditions and, with daily application, you will notice less breakage and damage caused by chemicals and heated styling.
With combined usage of the Hair Silk and Rapunzel Protein Conditioner, hair will be more manageable, with a “silk-like” luster all the way from root to tip.
Non-greasy formula
- Soft, silky, smooth hair and extra shine
Ingredient List
Olive Oil, Castor Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Safflower Oil, Wheat Germ Oil, Fragrance
Top Ingredients 411
- Olive Oil: Olive Oil is rich in high levels of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which is good for hair growth. Both mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E are good for moisturizing, protecting and nourishing hair. Olive oil makes hair grow stronger and its emollient properties prevent hair loss.
- Castor Oil: Emollient and humectant oil, touted as a treatment for thinning hair, hair loss, dry, and itchy scalp. Has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.
- Sweet Almond Oil: Nourishes hair, smoothes hair cuticles to control shedding, promotes hair growth and thickness, prevents hair loss, and boosts shine.
- Safflower Oil: Protects hair, nourishes hair follicles, moisturizes, and stimulates blood circulation to promote hair growth and thickness. And it is extremely beneficial for natural as well as dry chemically treated hair.
- Wheat Germ Oil: Ceramide rich oil that helps replenish moisture and strength within the cuticle, helping to ciment them. Great for sealing and correcting porosity issues.
Hair Silk is a godsend. When it comes to oils and butters, I don’t know how to act. I either end up using way too much (and staining my scarves and pillowcases”>, or not enough to make a difference.
Hair Silk literally saved me from myself. What I love about Hair Silk is that the blend is spot on, and works perfect for those in need of conditioning and softness without the hair being weighed down and feeling greasy. As I’ve mentioned in other blog posts, I suffer from dry end syndrome. This is new to me, because as a transitioner, my ends were heat damaged and straight, which oddly enough, allowed them to retain moisture better.
Once I got chopped, I had to work a little harder to maintain my ends. Heck, I still have to work a little harder. Applying Hair Silk has been nothing short of a miracle. I use it to seal my ends every time I style, and around every other night as a part of my bedtime routine. My end roughness has not emerged since! In fact, my ends are in better condition now than they were when I chopped–seriously. They are smooth, silky, and don’t feel rough in the slightest. The curl on my ends has even improved, and I am seeing less and less of those thin whispy breakage hairs that come from your ends when you detangle. The fragrance of Hair Silk is mild, powdery, and slightly floral — definitely not as strong as the Hair Lotion. I’m not wild about this fragrance either — when it comes to oils I’m a huge fan of peppermint essential oil, rosemary, and other herbal-esque fragrances. Again, this is totally a preference of mine and in no way preventing me from using Hair Silk down to the last drop!
Overall product rating: 4.75 Stars. Seriously, the fragrance is the only thing keeping Hair Silk from getting 5 stars. Fragrance aside (which is not overbearing in the slightest…I just am not a huge fan”>, Hair Silk is a total win. Total!
See more of my product reviews for transitioners & Type 3s here on my blog,
At some point in your natural hair or transitioning journey, you will likely do a blowout. Blowouts are incredibly versatile, and have the added benefit of allowing you to work with stretched and detangled hair for styles like braidouts, twistouts, bantu knots, updos, and even flat ironing.
But there is a right way and a wrong way to do a blowout. The correct products and methods will yield a full, voluminous, bouncy, soft, and moisturized blowout. The wrong stuff will leave you with a blowout that is stiff, greasy, crunchy, and brittle.
Blow drying with heat causes a “flash drying” effect, which literally zaps the moisture from the surface of the hair as well as the water deep within the cortex.
As a result, the cuticles of the hair become dry, stiff, and brittle. When the hair is flexed or moved, the pressure of the movement causes the cuticles to crack.
In this weakened state, the hair is more susceptible to breakage during manipulation such as styling and combing.
1. Preventing Damage
There are a few ways to help ward off the damage and dryness that can result from a bad blowout.
Start with CLEAN hair
This one is particularly important if you are using your blowout as a stepping stone to flat ironing or further straightening the hair. Why? Hair that is freshly cleansed with a sulfate-free shampoo will be free of oils and product buildup that might not be caught by cleansing with conditioner alone. Good sulfate-free shampoos include:- tgin Moisture Rich Shampoo
- Koils By Nature Refreshing Tea Tree & Mint Cleanser
- L’Oreal Eversleek Intense Smoothing Shampoo
Always deep condition
As a naturally curly girl, you should be deep conditioning regularly anyway! But in preparation for a blowout, you definitely want to amp it up some more and hit your hair with a protein and moisture combination that will help strengthen your hair, and deeply infuse moisture within the cortex that will help prevent breakage later on down the line.- ApHogee Curlific Texture Treatment
- Hydratherma Naturals Amino Plus Protein Deep Conditioning Treatment
- Palmer’s Coconut Formula Deep Conditioning Protein Pack
Never skip the heat protectants
When it comes to blow drying the hair, there are three major ways to prevent damage — by retarding the departure of moisture from the hair, strengthening the hair, and delaying the transfer of heat to the hair. The first step in retarding the departure of moisture from the hair is to use a heat protectant with humectants like glycerin or propylene glycol. To help strengthen the hair, a heat protectant with cetrimonium chloride is able to penetrate the hair shaft and upon meeting direct heat, crosslink with the keratin in the hair and strengthen it from the inside – making it more breakage resistant. Lastly, heat protecting serums with silicones are excellent at delaying the transfer of direct heat from blow dryers to the hair. Some of my favorite picks in these three areas are:- Tresemme Heat Tamer Spray
- ApHogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructurizer Spray
- Blow Dry Addict
- Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Moroccan Sleek Oil Treatment
Once you’ve done all you can to protect your hair in, then it is time to blow. I did not make any mention of oils and butters because I am a big believer that oils and butters on their own are more inclined to cook the hair than protect it. There is a lot of misinformation out there about smoke points of oils (like Grapeseed”> and the ability to protect the hair.
In truth, all a smoke point is, is literally, the temperature at which oil begins to smoke — signaling the breakdown of nutritive properties and rancidity. This has no correlation to heat protection, all it means is that the oil itself can withstand heat to a certain temperature before smoking and breaking down.
2. The Steps
After using your moisturizing heat protectants, it is time to blow dry! Here are some simple tips and steps to go by:
- Always allow hair to air dry or use a t-shirt/microfiber towel to dry at least 50% before blow drying. Blow drying hair that is dripping wet can lead to the formation of bubbles within the hair shaft that can lead to mid shaft splits and breakage.
- Blow dry in sections. Doing hair one section at a time makes hair more manageable and helps prevent tangling.
- Blow dry on no higher than medium heat, at high speed. The higher the heat, the more at risk you are for heat damage and drying the hair out completely.
- Don’t dry the hair 100%. When your hair is about 75-80% dry, stop. Leaving some water in your hair will help better retain moisture and ward off dryness and breakage. After each section is nearly dry, hit it with the cool shot. This helps lock in your volume in place, and cut down on frizz.
- After the cool shot, apply a small amount of moisturizer and a sealing oil and then prepare to loosely braid or use the banding method to keep hair from reverting. Selecting a light, penetrating moisturizer will help keep your hair nourished and moisturized in its blown out state. Moisturizers like Rapunzel’s Hair Lotion, Curls Curling Soufflé, and Camille Rose Naturals Fresh Curl are great for this purpose. Sealing with a light oil after applying moisturizer will help keep your hair soft and smooth. My favorite oils for this are jojoba oil, Rapunzel’s Hair Silk, and Darshana Ayurvedic Oil.
- Shake and enjoy! Look at you, being all fabulous with your blowout!
Alternative Methods
If the thought of applying dry heat to your tresses makes you apprehensive, there are two other methods to achieve blow outs that pose a lot less of a threat to your hair than the standard blowout. The first option, is blow drying the hair on cool. Because there is virtually no heat used, it does not dry hair out the same way, or pose any threat whatsoever in terms of heat damage. You can still follow all the tips above, just dial the heat setting down. All the way down.
The second method involves a special little tool known as the Q-Redew. If you don’t have this handheld steamer yet, I highly suggest investing one. The Q-Redew gently infuses the hair with moisture, and helps improve elasticity and hydration. Beyond that, it has 8 prongs that can be used to detangle the hair and of course, produce a super soft and moisturized blowout! Because dry heat is not involved, you don’t need to worry about heat protectants! Just use the Q-Redew to blow out, and apply a little leave-in if you like, and seal with a light oil!
For the majority of the time I spent transitioning, I never bothered purchasing a leave-in conditioner. Not a single one.
As far as the blogs were concerned, leaving some of my regular conditioner in my hair after washing, or mixing some concoction of conditioner, water, and oil was good enough. While there are certainly benefits to the aforementioned methods, now that I am completely natural, I tend to rely more on products that are labeled exclusively as post wash leave-ins. Why? We’ll get to that in a second. But first, let’s break down a few facts:The Foundation of Moisture Retention
I’m sure you are familiar with the LOC, LCO, and other methods of layering products to maximize moisture retention.
The L in both methods is often interchangeably referred to as “liquid” or “leave-in”. Essentially, the idea is to first apply a water-based product to the hair.
I like to stick firmly to leave-ins for this particular step of the method, because I can be assured that the water content in the product moisturizes my hair, while the conditioning agents soften, tame frizz, and help eliminate snarls and tangles. All the while I can be confident that the product won’t weigh my hair down, coat it too much, or make it feel waxy when dry.
It’s Not All the Same
Leave-in conditioners are actually formulated differently. They tend to be lighter, and more watery than standard rinse-out conditioners. Regular and deep conditioners are designed to have certain ingredients stick to your hair after washing out, which can lend itself to buildup if used regularly as a leave-in.
Leave-in conditioners are designed to well, be left in the hair and do not contribute so easily to said buildup. Because rinse out conditioners are “stronger” in a sense, they also have the potential to cause irritation on the scalp due to being left in.
And depending on which conditioner you use and how much, it can result in white flaking on the hair (from personal experience”>. Both irritation and white flaking are unlikely with specified leave-ins, because they are created to serve that exact purpose in remaining on the hair.
Do You Really Need Another Product?
The honest truth is, maybe. I know, such a cop-out answer, right? But it is true.
Whether you need a leave-in, DIY concoction, or to repurpose regular conditioner is totally dependent upon your hair and what works best for you.
In my DIY days, I found that concocting my own mix was perfect for moisturizing and softening my transitioning tresses that I wore in protective styles 80% of the time.
But as a fully Type 3-something natural who relies heavily on 4 and 5 day wash and go’s, I can’t afford to risk buildup from regular conditioner. Nor do I want to further aggravate my scalp psoriasis.
So, leave-in conditioner it is for me! But if you are going to go the DIY or regular conditioner route, heed the following:
DIY Conditioner
If you make your own mix of conditioner, water, and oils, be sure to make only enough for a few days (3 max”> at a time. Because the preservatives in the product are diluted from their original formulation (due to the water and oil”>, your mix can go bad in a few days. Prolong the shelf life with tea tree oil, Vitamin E oil, and store it in a cool place away from sunlight (fridge not recommended for mixes containing oils that are solid when cold”>.
Repurposing Product
If you are going to use regular conditioner as a leave-in, avoid the scalp (it is best to start 1 – 2 inches from the scalp”> when applying product. Also, avoid using conditioners with silicones in the first 5 ingredients if you do not regularly use shampoo. If you are a regular shampooer, silicones are not an issue.
Leave-In Recommendations
In case you were wondering, my favorite leave-in conditioners right now are
As a product junkie and blogger, I’ve been very aware of Jane Carter Solution products – especially since they are available at places I frequent like Target and Vitamin Shoppe. I never made the leap to try out any of the Jane Carter Solution products, primarily because I wasn’t entirely convinced that they would work for my 3b/c hair.
Imagine my surprise when my boyfriend’s mom told me that Incredible Curls was her new staple, and I had to try it. So I caved in. We took advantage of the Jane Carter Solution online sale, and while I waited for mine to arrive, I went ahead to Target and purchased a tube.
I told you I was a product junkie. Was my “while I wait” purchase justified? Keep reading to find out.
Ingredient List
Water (Aqua”>, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea”> Butter, Glycerin, Glycerly Stearate, Hydroxypropy Trimonium Chloride (Guar Gum”>, Ceteareth 20, Simmondsia Chinesis (Jojoba”> Seed Oil, Persea Gratissim (Avocado”> Oil, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Cetyl Alcohol, Citric Acid, Caprylyl Glycol, Sorbic Acid, Phenoxyethanol, Anthemis Noblis Flower (Chamomile”> Extract, Symphytum Officinal (Comfrey”> Leaf Extract, Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail”> Extract, Urtica Dioica (Nettle”> Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary”> Leaf Extract, Humulus Lupulus (Hops”> Extract, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Tocopherol (Vitamin E”>.
Ingredient Analysis-
Shea Butter: Emollient fat from the nut of the East or West African shea nut tree used to moisturize and soften hair.
Glycerin: Vegetable-based humectant, absorbs water from the air to help maintain and retain moisture in hair and prevent dryness and breakage.
Glyceryl Stearate: Glycerol ester of stearic acid (coconut derived”> that is an emulsifying agent and surfactant.
Guar Gum: Legume-based thickener and conditioner that does not build up on the hair.
Ceteareth 20: Emulsifier derived from fatty alcohols, used primarily to mix oil/water/alcohols, and help evenly disperse ingredients in a product.
Jojoba Seed Oil: Emollient that coats the hair shaft (its molecular structure prevents it from penetrating the cuticle”> and aids in providing slip and protection. Jojoba oil is also the closest in composition to the sebum that our scalp naturally produces.
I’ve seen Incredible Curls on CurlMart and on shelves at Target, but I purchased my particular tube at during one of her recent sales.
On CurlMart Incredible Curls is currently available for $15.00 for an 8oz tube, while the same size product on the Jane Carter Solution website is $20. Considering my innate heavy-handedness, I’d feel a little better about a 12oz tube of product for the $20 price tag.
Product Claim/Description
“Curly wash & wear styling cream for fine to medium curly hair. Incredible Curls is the perfect curl definer for finer curly, wavy, and coily hair. It gives your hair great hold, drying soft and shiny with great curl definition. It is a great product for curly hair that gets weighed down easy. It’s the perfect creamy consistency, making the application process quick and simple. Shea butter and Avocado oil seal moisture into the cuticle giving you bouncy, shiny, manageable curls. This product never flakes or builds up.”
Although I do not have fine hair, I was hopeful that Incredible Curls would provide some sort of definition and hold. Because it is creamy in consistency, I did not expect tons of hold on my hair. I followed the instructions and applied the product liberally (and I mean liberally”> to my freshly detangled and cowashed hair while it was dripping wet. The product did go on easily, but it does have a slightly tacky quality to it. Not quite sticky, not thick and goopy, but an ever so slight stick. If you rub a little between your fingers and pull them apart, you’ll see what I mean. After my hair dried, it was definitely soft and defined, although not as defined as I would like for it to be. This product is definitely for fine textures of hair. I had to use half the tube to get through all of my hair, for a moderate hold as the end result. I didn’t particularly mind though – all it meant is that I would have day 3 or 4 wash and go hair on day 1.
I’m not wild about the fragrance. I’m not sure if it is the chosen essential oil blend, or the extracts themselves that result in the earthy, herbal cologne-esque fragrance. The scent isn’t overbearing, just not what I expected. Luckily, it doesn’t linger in the hair.
I do like the fact that if I am seeking a more defined curl and more hold, Incredible Curls plays nicely with other products. I can layer it with tgin Twist and Define Cream, or Soultanicals Curl Blaze Hair Glaze without issue (no flakes or balls of white goop”>, and get a wash and go that lasts 4 days or more.
Bottom Line
Incredible Curls is probably one of those products I will revisit when my hair is longer, and has more weight to it. As it stands, I can’t quite fit it into my regimen, but it is by no means a bad product. I will definitely finish out the tube, and there is always the possibility that I will buy more if it goes on sale. It is truly a product for fine curly hair, or those who seek big hair on day 1. It won’t give you multi-day hold, but it will definitely define your curls.
Best Practices
If you’re going to try Incredible Curls, I definitely recommend applying the product to soaking wet hair. It will not clump curls together the same way on dry hair that it will on wet. Also, be sure your hair is detangled thoroughly, as the product does not have a lot of slip.
Happy curl defining!
For more product reviews and curly hair tips, visit

Cream and Coco is a family-owned product line, and brainchild of Victoria Vick. Victoria has always had a passion for natural body care that was intensified during her time of studying science as an undergraduate in college. Since her young days crushing dandelions and daffodils, Cream and Coco has grown from a hobby to a full-scale brand with dozens of high quality products for hair, skin, and baby. Cream and Coco products never contain petroleum, mineral oil, and parabens. All fragrances used are phthalate free.
To test drive the Cream and Coco line, I was sent a small collection of moisturizers and cleansers, including two soap bars; including the infamous “Pink Cookie”. Read more on that here. But for the purpose of this review, let’s focus on two kinds of products naturals are always on the prowl for: gentle cleansers and effective moisturizers.
CocoMallow Cowash Fluff
The CocoMallow Fluff has all the yummy hair softening detangling benefits of our cowash bar blended into a rich cream. Packed with organic cocoa butter that slides across your hair, but rinses cleanly away in the water leaving amazingly soft hair.
Water, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Cetyl Alcohol, Butylene Glycol, Cocoa Seed Butter, Shea Butter, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cetearyl Alcohol, Stearalkonium Chloride, Aloe Leaf Juice, Avocado Oil, Glycerin, Parfum, Cocoa, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Nettle Leaf Powder, Marshmallow Root, Caprylyl Glycol, and Sorbic Acid
Top Ingredients 411
Behentrimonium Methosulfate: Mild detangling ingredient made from the rapeseed (canola”>. Known for great detangling without leaving product buildup on hair.
Cetyl Alcohol: Fatty alcohol and emollient conditioners known for giving products a creamy, thick texture and feel.
Butylene Glycol: Slip-providing agent and humectant similar to propylene glycol, but lighter.
Cocoa Seed Butter: Antioxidant rich butter that improves shine, body, strength, and elasticity in hair. Also a powerful emollient and softening agent, and provides some protection against UV rays.
Shea Butter: Emollient fat from the nut of the East or West African shea nut tree, used to moisturize and soften hair.
Apple Cider Vinegar: Raw and unfiltered vinegar with an acidic pH, which serves as an antifungal and antimicrobial agent, promoting scalp health. Also helps lay down the cuticle, promotion smooth, shiny hair that better retains moisture.
In all the time I’ve spent blogging and becoming a product junkie, I’ve never seen anything quite like the CocoMallow Cowash Fluff. It has a pudding-like consistency, and smells of a decadent perfume. It definitely fits the cowash mold, but where most cowashes are white and focused on looking like conditioner, Cream and Coco takes pride in making their cowash stand out. The cowash is effective for gentle cleansing (and great smelling hair”>, if you don’t have a lot of buildup or just want a quick cleanse between washes. I wouldn’t recommend it to do heavy lifting and removing serious buildup. It leaves hair super soft, shiny, and feeling as though conditioner isn’t necessary. I has some pretty good detangling ability as well. If you want to try a different kind of cowash, check this one out. You won’t regret it!
Island Nectar Cleansing Milk
Creamy coconut soap blended with rich oils and shea butter to gently cleanse and moisturize at the same time.
Water, Saponified Oils of Soybean, Olive, and Coconut, Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Castor Seed Oil, Shea Butter, Aloe Leaf Juice, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Cetyl Alcohol, Butylene Glycol, Honeyquat, Parfum, Panthenol, Xantham Gum, Amla, Propylene Glycol, Diazolidnyl Urea, Idopropynyl, and Butylcarbamate
Top Ingredients 411
Saponified Oils: Oils cured with a base product (generally sodium hydroxide”> that produces soap and glycerin.
Hydrogenated Soybean Oil: Cost-effective carrier oil of the soybean that can be used to soften, nourish and impart shine to hair.
Castor Seed Oil: Pressed oil of the castor seed that has antibacterial and antifungal properties, that can help with dandruff and other scalp ailments. It is also a great moisture sealant, and promotes hair thickening and growth.
Shea Butter: Emollient fat from the nut of the East or West African shea nut tree, used to moisturize and soften hair.
Aloe Leaf Juice: Acts as a natural conditioning agent that restores the hair’s sheen, luster, and shine. It not only makes the hair soft, but it also enhances strength and suppleness. The low pH of aloe vera helps seal the cuticle and retain moisture within the hair.
Island Nectar Cleansing Milk is something like a sweet tropical dream. I used it from head to toe, and I can’t stop sniffing the bottle. It definitely does not look, feel, or smell like a shampoo. It is incredibly versatile and truly can be used from head to toe. It is a great alternative to both shampoo and body wash, for a gentle cleanse that doesn’t dry either out. It is definitely better at lifting buildup on the hair than CocoMallow Cowash Fluff, but does not leave the hair stripped – a total winner in my book! It also had a nice amount of slip, and helped keep my hair from getting super tangled during cleansing.
Gooseberry Aloe Pudding
Soothing botanicals, amla and avocado oils nourish curls giving definition, body, hold, and shine. This pudding is thick & rich, perfect for stretching out curls that want to shrink up and rolls with naturally wavy hair patterns. It gives fabulous hold without making hair hard or crunchy. Defines almost every curly hair type with beautiful results.
Pure water, Persea Gratissima (avocado”> Oil, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Cetyl Alcohol, Butylene Glycol, Butyrospermum Parkii (shea butter”>, glycerin, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Cera Alba, xanthum gum, perfume, dl-Panthenol, hydrolyzed oat protein, Equisetum Arvense Extract (horsetail”>, amla, Ulmus fulva (slippery elm”>, Phenoxyethanol (and”> Caprylyl Glycol (and”> Sorbic Acid
Top Ingredients 411
Avocado Oil: Moisturizing oil extract that helps improve elasticity, shine, and softness.
Behentrimonium Methosulfate: Mild detangling ingredient made from the rapeseed (canola”>. Known for great detangling without leaving product buildup on hair.
Cetyl Alcohol: Fatty alcohol and emollient conditioners known for giving products a creamy, thick texture and feel.
Butylene Glycol: Slip-providing agent and humectant similar to propylene glycol, but lighter.
Shea Butter: Emollient fat from the nut of the East or West African shea nut tree, used to moisturize and soften hair.
Glycerin: Vegetable-based humectant.
This is another one I can’t stop sniffing. The sweet berry vanilla fragrance is especially welcome at this time of year. Formerly known as Curls for Days, this thick creamy pudding is an exceptional moisturizer and curl hydrator. My hair loves avocado oil and aloe vera, so this product was a welcome alternative to a lot of coconut oil based products out there. It definitely defined my curls, but didn’t provide much in the way of hold. I tend to gravitate toward gels and jellies for wash and go’s because the fixatives in them allow my curls to last 3-5 days. If you are looking for definition and moisture without hold, this is a great product for that. I love how moisturized my hair was, so I will definitely continue using the product. I just know that to get the kind of long-term style I want, I need to add a defining product on top. It can also be used to refresh curls and add moisture to hair mid-week. Did I mention that it smells heavenly?
All in all, the Cream and Coco line is pretty awesome, and contains some of the most unique products I’ve seen to date. If you’d like to get your Cream and Coco on, visit!
Product photos courtesy of
For more curly product line reviews, visit
For naturally curly girls suffering from conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and seborrheic dermatitis, finding effective treatments can be tricky. Medicated shampoos that contain coal tar, salicylic acid, and pyrithione zinc are affordable, over-the-counter solutions that can help lift flakes, and soothe irritation. On the up side, they are affective. According to Dr. Susan Stuart, board-certified Dermatologist, “some of the best over the counter shampoos contain coal tar as in ingredient in concentrations of 0.5 – 5.0%. It has been used as a safe remedy for decades.” Dr. Stuart also notes that, “a scale softener that contains salicylic acid can soften the thick, stubborn patches of psoriasis” – which will help ingredients designed to help penetrate better.
On the downside, many medicated shampoos can leave your curls going from bouncy to brillo pad in 2 seconds flat. They’re harsh, tend to have multiple sulfates, less than stellar inactive ingredient lists, and very few natural oils and extracts (if any”>. So what’s a flaky-scalped curly to do? Here are some tips for getting the most out of your medicated shampoo without ruining your curls:
- Coat hair (not scalp”> in conditioner or oil (or both mixed together”> first. If you pre-poo with conditioner, just up the ante and absolutely lay it on thick! That way, when it’s shampoo time, you won’t have any major stripping and dryness.
- Detangle hair well prior to using shampoo. Do not, by any means apply medicated shampoo to your hair before detangling it. I don’t care what stage you detangle at in your regimen, when using medicated shampoo, your hair MUST be detangled as much as possible prior to. Medicated shampoos aren’t concerned with slip, and as a result, your hair will tangle and mat like nothing you’ve ever seen – unless you detangle first. Bonus: if you coat your hair with a super slippy conditioner, you can get a 3 for 1 deal: coated hair, a pre-poo, and detangle!
- Oil scalp generously prior to washing, but after you have already wet your hair and scalp. “A common way to soften and loosen scalp scales is to apply oils, lotions, creams, or ointments to the damp scalp”, says Dr. Stuart.
- Dilute shampoo in an applicator bottle, and apply to scalp, not scalp and hair. If you can help it, an applicator bottle with slanted nozzle will help target the scalp directly, minimizing the amount of drying shampoo that ends upon your strands.
- Always deep condition. Whenever you use a shampoo, and especially when using a medicated shampoo, a good deep conditioning is always in order. To help restore the moisture balance in hair, opt for deep conditioners or intensive masks that are rich in softening ingredients like fatty alcohols (cetyl, stearyl, cetaryl”>, butters, and oils, and cationic surfactants that help correct the charge of your hair (like behentrimonium methosulfate”>.
Hopefully, by following these steps, you’ll be able to walk away from the shower with a clearer scalp and beautiful hair!
Have you heard? The Fetish Fix Box is a bi-monthly subscription box of handcrafted Purgasm Shop goodies, free of phthalates, parabens, petrochemicals, sulfates, artificial dyes, colorants, and more.
Priced at $25 every other month, it is a great way to experience the best of Purgasm Shop, as well as try out exclusive for-Fetish-Fixers Only products.
November Box contained:
- Wild Cherry Curl Poppin’ Gel, 2oz
- Wild Cherry Treatment Hair Truffles, 6 count (featured item”>
- Island Rum Soap Bar
- Honey Mud Soap Bar
- Pink Blossom & Sugar Scrub
- Exfoliating Glove
The inaugural box theme is “Fan Favorites,” and contained some of their best-selling goodies. I couldn’t wait to dive in.If you’re looking for great value and a simple way to experience the best of the Purgasm Shop brand, look no further than the Fetish Fix Box.
In terms of value, the truffles alone pretty much cost the same as the box itself ($22 for 6″>. The other products aren’t full sized – which gives you just enough to experience what Purgasm Shop has to offer.
Let’s break down the box contents:
Wild Cherry Curl Poppin’ Gel & Hair Treatment Truffles
I’ve already done a full review on Purgasm Shop before, and the quality and performance of both products remains consistent. I do however have a new update for the Hair Truffles: I’ve found a new way to incorporate them into my regimen!
They are excellent as a stand-alone deep treatment, however, when I incorporated just one truffle into my conditioning henna treatment, my whole life changed. Normally when I henna, I use Jamila Body Art Quality Henna, conditioner (Trader Joe’s Nourish Spa or Suave Professionals Almond and Shea Butter”>, unrefined coconut oil, and hot water. This time around, I decided to experiment and throw in a truffle.
Boy, am I glad I did. All of that amazing softening and conditioning that the Wild Cherry Treatment Hair Truffle did on its own significantly enhanced the results of my henna. My curls were moisturized, soft, lightweight, and full of body.
All of that was great, but here’s the best part: I didn’t need to condition my hair afterwards. Normally after a henna treatment, I have to deep condition my hair to ensure softness and manageability. Not this time – and I totally attribute it to the truffle. For more on that, click here.
Island Rum & Honey Mud Lather Bars
As far as the Island Rum Lather and Honey Mud Bars are concerned, I found them to be on par with the Cocoa Yogurt bar I previously reviewed. Both bars are gentle, effective, and multi-use. The Island Rum Lather Bar smells amazing – and I can see why it is clearly a fan favorite. The added bonus of the turmeric infusion boosts the bar’s already natural ingredient list by incorporating anti-aging, elasticity-improving, dandruff-fighting, and acne healing properties to the multi-use bar. I have psoriasis and not dandruff, so the bar did not help improve my scalp condition. It did however, effectively clean and impart shine to my hair.
Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Safflower Oil, Glycerine (kosher, of vegetable origin”>, Shea Butter (refined naturally crushed”>, Purified Water, Sodium Hydroxide (saponifying agent”>, Sorbitol (moisturizer”>, Sorbitan oleate (emulsifer”>, Honey, Soy bean protein (condition”>, and Titanium Dioxide (mineral colorant”>.
The Island Rum Bar contains turmeric, while the Honey Mud Bar is filled with rhassoul clay, yogurt, and yucca – which add qualities of purifying, conditioning, and strengthening to the hair and skin bar.
The Honey Mud Bar is definitely my favorite of the two – not only because it is infused with rhassoul, yucca, and yogurt, but because it was psoriasis-friendly.
I love smell-good stuff, but synthetic fragrances can agitate conditions like psoriasis. Of the two shampoo and skin bars, I found the honey mud bar to be more mild, which makes it a great option for gentle cleansing. The only down side to either bar is that they don’t have tons of slip.
I personally prefer super slippy shampoo bars, but that shouldn’t be an issue if you detangle thoroughly pre-shower. Either way it goes – super shiny and soft hair is on the menu after using the Honey Mud Bar.
Pink Blossom & Sugar Scrub
Although not haircare related, the Fetish Fix Box does include an amazing and exclusive skin exfoliator. I found myself fascinated by the scrub, because it looked very coarse and had flakes of what appeared to be flax seeds in it. I thought it would be good for my skin, but definitely to abrasive on my face. I was wrong!
Although it was an exfoliator, it felt incredibly soft. It didn’t have that stiffness that can sometimes happen with other scrubs. This was definitely not your run-of-the-mill sugar scrub. Though I have not been able to get my hands on the full ingredient list, I can tell you that the ground flax seed, oats (I believe”> and other natural exfoliators make a ton of difference.
The fragrance is lightly sweet and floral, without being overbearing. Overall, it is a great scrub, and scores different from others that I’ve tried! The exfoliating glove was also a nice touch, and especially right on time for Winter. I use it to target dry skin problem areas in the shower.
Final Thoughts
All in all, I really enjoyed the Fetish Fix Box. Although it is an already great value, I think what would help set this box apart is more full-sized products. Twenty five dollars is an incredibly reasonable price for a box full of goodies, but if the Pink Sugar Scrub or Wild Cherry Curl Poppin’ Gel had been full sized, this box really would have been taken to the next level.
But I still maintain the value is excellent! As I said before, 6 truffles normally runs about $22 (they’re made from incredibly high quality ingredients and well worth the money”>, so Purgasm Shop did a great job of featuring them in their first box. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for December!
If you’re interested in checking out a Fetish Fix Box, visit!
When it comes to naturally curly hair, we know all about oils and butters – which to use for what, nutritive properties, and more. Increasingly, DIY curlies (and some natural hair brands too”> are turning to herbal extracts, leaves, and powders to enhance their healthy hair regimen. Let’s take a look at 8 amazing herbs for your hair that pack a powerful punch.
8 Healthy Hair Herbs
Qhemet Biologics
Back in 2004, Felis Butler began her mission to cater to kinkier textures of hair. She believed that naturals in the 4c category had become the most frustrated with this texture, even though there was no reason to be. Pulling from her background as a historian, she was inspired by indigenous ancestors who embraced their hair in all of its textures. With the right combination of ingredients, Butler was able to create a rich, multipurpose, top of the line brand of products for the ingredient-conscious natural.
Qhemet Biologics was the first natural haircare line to feature MSM, which is essential for hair growth and health. QB is also shea butter-free, vegetarian,cruelty-free, eco-friendly, and formulated specifically to address the needs of those struggling with dry, tangle-prone hair. The products also conform to the stricter EU and Japanese cosmetic safety standards, which means they do not contain mineral oil, silicones, sls, phthalates, parabens, dmdh hydantoin, triclosan, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, diazolidinyl urea, or imidazolidinyl urea.
Burdock Root Butter Cream
The Qhemet Biologics line in entirety is huge, but I definitely have a few favorites in the Burdock Root Butter Cream, Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee, and Aethiopika Hydrate & Twist Butter. Let’s dive in!
Ingredient List
Distilled water infusion of Burdock Root Extract, Nettle Leaf Extract, and Oatstraw Extract, Olive Oil, Vegetable Glycerin, Wheat Extract, Cetearyl Alcohol, Cetyl Alcohol, Stearyl Alcohol, Steralkonium Chloride, MSM, Citrus Limon & Citrus Aurantium (Essential Oil Scent”>, Maltodextrin, Phenoxyethanol & Ethylhexylglycerin (food grade paraben and formaldehyde free preservative”>
“Lighter than the Amla & Olive Heavy Cream, this lusciously rich formula softens and nourishes normal to dry hair. Our Burdock Root Butter Cream is a light, water based leave-in for fine haired naturals, straight styles and those looking for a light penetrating moisturizer. It conditions and softens while nourishing the scalp. Leaves hair healthy, soft and supple!”
Top Ingredients 411
Distilled water infusion of Burdock Root Extract, Nettle Leaf Extract and Oatstraw Extract: Burdock Root is rich in fatty acids that stimulate blood flow to the scalp, nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, to promote healthy hair growth and improve the overall condition of hair. The silica and phytosterols in burdock help soothe irritated scalp conditions like dandruff, decrease breakage and repair hair while adding sheen, hydration and luster. Nettle stimulates the scalp, improves circulation, and helps promote fuller, more radiant hair. Nettles have a long-standing reputation for preventing hair loss and making the hair soft and shiny. Oatstraw has emollient qualities promotes softness, body and shine. It contains nutrients that aid in healthy scalp maintenance and hair growth. Oat straw tea brings out highlights in blond hair.
Olive Oil: Olive Oil is rich in high levels of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which is good for hair growth. Both mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E are good for moisturizing, protecting and nourishing hair. Olive oil makes hair grow stronger and its emollient properties prevent hair loss.
Vegetable Glycerin: Humectant that absorbs and retains moisture from the air.
Wheat Extract: Rich in essential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, and anti-oxidants that promote hair strength, growth, nourishment, shine, elasticity, and regeneration.
Cetearyl, Cetyl and Stearyl Alcohols: Fatty alcohols and emollient conditioners known for giving products a creamy, thick texture and feel.
Stearalkonium Chloride: Cationic surfactant derived from stearic acid, a fatty acid found in plants and animals. It is an antistatic agent, and positively charged salt that attracts and binds proteins, which are negatively charged. It is found to increase luster and improve the condition of wet or dry hair, often serving to detangle the hair.
I love everything about the Qhemet Biologics Burdock Root Butter Cream. As indicated in the description, it is an awesome alternative to the Amla and Olive Heavy Cream – which although incredibly nourishing, I found to be a wee bit too heavy for my transitioning tresses. The Burdock Root Butter Cream is creamy enough to thoroughly moisturize my hair, while being light enough to not make it feel greasy or weighed down. A little bit definitely goes a long way, which means the 8.5oz jar will definitely last a long time. It has an airy, citrus scent that doesn’t linger and won’t bother allergies (I’ve discovered that my eyes itch line crazy and I sneeze forever if fragrances are too strong”>. I love to use the Burdock Root Butter Cream when my tresses are especially parched, as a mid-week and sometimes daily moisturizer. It also makes a great foundation for wash n’ go’s, twist-outs, braid-outs, and other stretched styles. The thing I love the most about the Burdock Root Butter Cream is that my hair soaks it up – leaving it light, moisturized, soft, and strong, minus the grease-coated feeling.
Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee
Product Claim
“Our thick, rich cream softens and detangles with pure Cocoa Butter and nourishing botanicals! Restores manageability, softness and elasticity to normal to very dry hair. Smooths cuticles, improves combing ability and reduces breakage.”
Ingredient List
Distilled water infusion of Nettle Leaf Extract, Barley Extract, Horsetail Extract, Pure Cocoa Butter, PPG-3 Benzyl Ether Myristate, Cetyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Behenamidopropyl Dimethylamine, MSM, Butylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol & Ethylhexylglycerin (food grade paraben and formaldehyde free preservative”>
Top Ingredient 411
Distilled water infusion of Nettle Leaf Extract, Barley Extract, and Horsetail Extract: Nettle stimulates the scalp, improves circulation, and helps promote fuller, more radiant hair. Nettles have a long-standing reputation for preventing hair loss and making the hair soft and shiny. Barley is high in niacin content, which promotes and stimulates hair growth. It is also known to make hair incredibly shiny and improve elasticity by laying down the hair cuticle, thus improving moisture retention. Horsetail is nourishing and hydrating, stimulates blood vessels in the scalp and has been used for centuries as a hair growth herb. The silica in horsetail helps to keep hair strong and adds shine and luster to hair.
Cocoa Butter: An anti-oxidant rich, nourishing, moisturizing, shine enhancing, and UV protecting emollient known to help reduce damage to hair, soften, and stimulate growth.
PPG-3 Benzyl Ether Myristate: shine-enhancing emollient and plasticizer found primarily in hair care products. It provides a silicone-like feel, can enhance shine in hair products, and high solubility of UV filters, improving SPF value.
Cetyl Alcohol: Fatty alcohol and emollient conditioner known for giving products a creamy, thick texture and feel.
Behentrimonium Methosulfate: Mild detangling ingredient made from the rapeseed (canola”>. Known for great detangling without leaving product buildup on hair.
Behenamidopropyl Dimethylamine: Vegetable oil-based (rapeseed”> cationic surfactant used to condition the hair, smooth the cuticle, and provide slip without excessive buildup.
First things first: the Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee smells heavenly – thanks to the cocoa butter. When I think about detangling products, the first things that come to mind are thinner consistencies, a little runny (if not liquid entirely”>, and definitely containing ingredients like marshmallow root with tons of mucilage and slip. Definitely not a shiny, light-buttery looking product. Needless to say, I was skeptical. However once I used it, I definitely saw why many naturals and bloggers rave about the Detangling Ghee. It works. Well!!! I prefer to use it on freshly washed damp hair to finger detangle or in conjunction with my Q-Redew, although it works well on dry hair too. It really does somehow melt the tangles away and make it easier to catch shed hairs. Because of the awesome nourishing ingredients, you can feel free to leave it in as a moisturizer, too! My only wish is that the Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee came in a 16oz jar, because I’m so heavy-handed with product.
Aethiopika Hydrate & Twist Butter
Product Claim
Use this thick, rich butter to soften and maintain twists, braids and loose hair! Ideal for dry, highly porous hair! Use as a body butter too! Softens thick, extra dry hair with an ultra rich blend of Pure Olive Oil, Mango Butter and Rice Bran Oil! A touch of plant wax helps reduce frizz and smooths edges and soy extract adds humectancy. Use sparingly. A little goes a long way.
Ingredient List
Olive Oil, Mango Butter, and Rice Oil Blend, Behenyl Esters, Cetyl Alcohol, Soy Extract, Plant Wax, Phthalate Free Fragrance
Top Ingredient 411
Olive Oil: Olive Oil is rich in high levels of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which is good for hair growth. Both mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E are good for moisturizing, protecting and nourishing hair. Olive oil makes hair grow stronger and its emollient properties prevent hair loss.
Mango Butter: Rich in beta carotene, essential fatty acids and vitamins A and E. This ingredient also helps to treat dry skin and protect against future dryness.
Rice Oil: Vitamin E rich oil high in ferulic acid and esters that stimulate hair growth. Rice oil also contains antioxidants, such as omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, that have been shown to nourish hair and improve elasticity and shine.
Behenyl Esters: The end result of the hydrogenation of castor oil, acting as an emulsifying and conditioning agent.
Cetyl Alcohol: Fatty alcohol and emollient conditioner known for giving products a creamy, thick texture and feel.
For me, a reoccurring theme with the Qhemet Biologics line is “things that shouldn’t be possible but are”. An ultra nourishing cream that isn’t to heavy for transitioning hair. A cocoa butter based detangler. And now, with Aethiopika Hydrate & Twist Butter, we have a butter that really doesn’t act like a butter. What I mean is that it looks like a whipped butter, but the consistency and performance is so far above and beyond that of a regular butter, I almost want to call it a thick pomade. It is super creamy instead of really oily when rubbed between the hands, and makes an excellent sealing product as well as styling – especially for stretched styles like twist or braid-outs. It leaves hair shiny and soft without feeling greasy or full of buildup. It is also great to sleek edges for a polished bun, puff, or ponytail. I also love the mango-y tropical and slightly floral fragrance. A little bit of Aethiopika goes a long way, so you can count on having that 5oz jar for quite a while! As an additional bonus, I accidentally left my Aethiopika Hydrate & Twist Butter in my car one afternoon in the blazing hot sun for hours. When I returned to my car, I panicked and hoped to high heaven that it hadn’t melted (sometimes product consistency and performance changes when they melt”>. I was SUPER relieved that the consistency of the butter had not changed whatsoever. It was warm, but not liquidy, gooey, or melted to any degree. Amazing!
Have you tried any products from the Qhemet Biologics line? What are your favorites?
Don’t get me wrong — all of the small businesses I feature are phenomenal. But I have a soft spot for a few businesses in particular; and Soultanicals is one of them.
Soultanicals owner and creator Ayo Ogun-McCants adiates love and positivity, and those vibes spill out of every product in her hair, bath, and body line. Inspired by her love of cultures, traditions, and the natural richness of African design, the Soultanicals line features products with botanical ingredients, bright designs and fun names, inspired by Ayo’s own earthy, fun, and afro-original nature. Soultanicals products are made for naturals of all textures and lengths who want to experience high-quality handmade natural products, while promoting self-love and wellness.
A little over a month ago, Ayo reached out to me about sampling some Soultanicals products, and I couldn’t be happier. It was perfect timing — I had just seen my hair crush HeyFranHey raving about the line, and I was looking for more high-quality businesses for the 2nd round of my small business features. Ayo provided me with some amazing products to try out: Curl Blaze Hair Glaze, Knot Sauce Coil Detangler, Honey I Shrunk the Frizz Strand Poo Bar, Fluffalicious Curl Nutricious, and Knappylicious Kink Drink. Of all the products, Curl Blaze Hair Glaze, Knot Sauce Coil Detangler, and Fluffalicious Curl Nutritious were my absolute faves. But in totality, all the products were AWESOME. I could go on and on forever…but for the sake of time, let’s explore my favorite Soultanicals products!
Curl Blaze Hair Glaze
Product Claim
Slip into natural hair bliss with this moisturizing, shine-enhancing and oh-so-curlicious plant-based hair gel. Define with blue malva & marshmallow root, acacia honey and silky smooth plant gum to create a ph-balanced, frizz-free, hydrating experience- certain to hold your curls in heavenly cloud 9. Awesome slip & Crunch-free.WARNING: Extremely Curl Reactive!
Top Ingredients 411
Ingredients List
- Distilled water Infusion of Blue Malva and Marshmallow root
- Aloe Juice
- Vegetable Glycerine
- Guar Gum
- Panthenol
- Sclerotium gum
- Sodium Lactate
- Meadowfoam Seed Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Organic honey
- Citrus Essential Oil and Fragrance Blend
- Potassium Sorbate
- Citric Acid
- Blue Malva and Marshmallow Root Water Infusion are noted for their ability to strengthen and moisturize hair, while providing tons of slip due to their high mucilage content
- Aloe Juice acts as a natural conditioning agent that restores the hair’s sheen, luster, and shine. It not only makes the hair soft, but it also enhances strength and suppleness
- Vegetable Glycerin is a vegetable-based humectant that absorbs and retains moisture from the air
- Guar Gum is a white flour-like substance made from an East Indian seed. Use small amounts as a thickener, binder, and volume enhancer
- Panthenol is a form of vitamin B known to moisturize and soften hair. It’s also able to penetrate the cortex of the hair shaft, but cannot repair or thicken hair
- Sclerotuym Gum is a gel-like thickening agent and polysaccharide produced through a fermentation process (basically fermented sugar”> that acts as a conditioning agent for hair
When I first opened up the Curl Blaze, I thought it was going to be one of those “light” hold curl defining products that left me with some definition, but mostly frizz. I. Was. Wrong. Don’t let the liquid-y nature of the product fool you. It has tons of slip, and glides easily on top of and throughout the hair. It mixes with virtually ANY moisturizing product, making it ideal for mixing and layering. My curls were super defined, shiny, soft, had tons of body, and lasted for days. I loved this product so much, I went ahead and ordered some more already! I mean, just check out the definition and shine on this wash n’ go!
Knot Sauce Coil Detangler
Product Claim
A Nappilicious Reinvention of A Natural Hair Detangler, Super-Naturally Emphasized with Blue Malva Herb, Brocolli Seed Oil & Coconut Nectar for Excellent Comb-Thru Spreadability & Extra Softness! A lusciously creamy, delish blend of cake batter and butter icing with a hint of vanilla. The Proof is in the Sauce!Ingredients
Distilled Water Botanically Infused with Certified Organic Blue Malva, Nettle, Horsetail, Slippery Elm, Oatstraw, Chamomile, Coltsfoot & Marshmallow Root, Certified Organic Aloe Juice, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Flaxseed Gel, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Cetyl Alcohol, Cocoa Butter, Brocolli Seed Oil, Crambe Seed Oil, Pro-Vitamin B5, Guar Gum, Algae, Coconut Nectar, Leuconostoc/Radish Root Ferment Filtrate, Natural, Fragrant & Essential Oil Blends, Potassium Sorbate, Black Willowbark Extract, Citric Acid, an extra pouring of soulistic flava & LOVE!
Top Ingredients 411
- Blue Malva, Nettle, Horsetail, Slippery Elm, Oatstraw, Chamomile, Coltsfoot & Marshmallow Root Water Infusion: Blue Malva, Slippery Elm and Marshmallow Root provide slip, shine, and nourishment to hair while Nettle, Horsetail, Oatstraw and Coltsfoot promote strength, shine, and combat breakage. Chamomile sooths scalp and softens hair
- Aloe Juice acts as a natural conditioning agent that restores the hair’s sheen, luster, and shine. It not only makes the hair soft, but it also enhances strength and suppleness
- Meadowfoam Seed Oil is an incredibly stable oil of the Meadowfoam plant, known to provide softness, shine, and seal in moisture
- Coconut Oil is extracted from the meat of coconuts. It is unique in the sense that it is one of the few oils that can penetrate the hair shaft to provide moisture. It also reduces protein loss when used as a pre-poo treatment.
- Olive Oil is a moisturizing oil extracted from the meat of olives. It can penetrate the hair’s cortex, so it may make hair stronger.
- Flaxseed Gel is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that promote shine, strength, elasticity, and also provides slip.
I think here would be the appropriate place to take a time out and pay tribute to how AMAZING everything in this line smells. It is gentle and sweet without being overbearing or irritating to those with sensitivities to fragrance. Knot Sauce is no exception. It worked amazingly well as a detangler and a pre-poo, making my hair feel nourished and moisturized. It is strong enough to melt tangles (especially when paired with the amazing steaming effects of the Q-Redew”>, yet light enough to act as a mid-week moisturizer or even a leave-in.
Fluffalicious Curl Nutricious
Product Claim
Known as some of the “world’s best ingredients for Curly hair” (one scoop and you’ll know why”>, this creamy nutricious hair fluff nourishes deep within the strand with hair-strengthening wheat germ oil, moisture-boosting blue malva herb and strand softening calendula leaf. Especially loved by Thick Curly Hair in need of Maximum Nourishment!Top Ingredients 411
Ingredients List
- Distilled Water Botanically Infused with Calendula and Blue Malva Herb
- Organic Aloe Vera Juice
- Cetyl Alcohol
- Vegetable Glycerine
- Rice Bran Oil
- Behentrimonium Methosulfate
- Avocado Oil
- Wheat Germ Oil
- Pro Vitamin B5
- Potassium Sorbate
- Citric Acid
- Natural, Fragrant Blends
- Blue Malva and Calendula Water Infusion strengthens and moisturizes hair while providing slip, and Calendula is soothing to sensitive scalps, rich in plant minerals that protect the hair from free radicals, and protects the scalp from bacterial growth while conditioning and adding shine
- Aloe Vera Juice acts as a natural conditioning agent that restores the hair’s sheen, luster, and shine. It not only makes the hair soft, but it also enhances strength and suppleness
- Cetyl Alcohol is considered “fatty alcohol” — NOT to be confused with drying alcohols such as ethyl. Acts as a lubricant, thickener, and emollient. Provides velvety feel without making hair greasy. Also used to keep product ingredients from separating
- Vegetable Glycerin is a vegetable-based humectant that absorbs and retains moisture from the air
- Rice Bran Oil is a cerimide-rich oil that helps strengthen hair similar to protein without the drying effects. Also promotes elasticity and shine.
- Behetromonium Methosulfate is a mild detangling ingredient made from the rapeseed (canola”>. Known for great detangling without leaving product buildup on hair
For me, this product absolutely defies logic. In my hands, it feels very rich and creamy. But when I put it in my hair, it is light as a feather. It packs a super moisturizing punch without weighing hair down at all. I can’t think of a better moisturizing product for transitioners, or anyone dealing with medium to fine strands of hair. After using Fluffalicious, my hair feels immediately nourished, softened, and most of all — stays that way. I can go 2-3 days without reapplying the product. Because my hair isn’t weighed down afterward, it has tons of body to it. This is the perfect foundation for a great wash n’ go or refresher!
Bottom Line
All in all, the Soultanicals line of products is definitely one to experience. All of the products are handmade fresh with 100% botanical (vegan”> ingredients. They do not include phthalates, parabens, sulfates, petroleum, mineral oil, glycols, or other controversial ingredients. The products are all 100% toxin-free, cruelty-free, vegan, and do not contain artificial preservatives, fragrances, or dyes. The Soultanicals line of products is great for the ingredient conscious, vegan, or for those with allergies and sensitivities.