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Curly Teens: Curly Hairstyles to Rock the Class

School is right around the corner or, for the unlucky few, already here.

Unfortunately staying home is not an option; it’s kind of the law that you go. So we might as well look super fly from day one, because an awesome ‘do can give us unwavering confidence and set the stage for an amazing school year.

So here are this year’s hottest curly hairstyles that will have people asking you, “How did you get your hair like that?”


More versatile than you think!

Feathers are not just for your jewelry anymore. Many well-known celebs, and one or two super trendy women, have already jumped on the bandwagon. Even our very own Cassadie Blackwell tried feather hair extensions with much success! So, do a little hair hunting and find a stylist that can install the feathers. A bonus is that they can be styled like human hair, which means you can straighten or curl them and create different looks for different days!


For every clique, even yours!

A long time ago, in a far away kingdom, brightly colored streaks were just for the grunge and punk girls. Now, everyone seems to be getting in on the craze. The good thing about this style is that depending on how you do it, you will be able to add as many streaks or as little to suit your style. This way, everyone, from the boldest to the more tame curlies, can enjoy the look.

Plus, if you don’t like the permanence of dye, you can always get the clip-in hair streaks to suit your moods or better yet your outfits.

Fedoras & Beanies

Perfect for hiding bad hair days!

Cute hats are popping up everywhere, and in many different variations. They not only act as a chic accessory for an outfit, but as a way to hide a bad hair day. But, for the big haired curlies among us scratching their heads trying to figure out how to fit their hair under those hats, then check out the video at the end of this article!

Overall, it’s pretty simple. Just choose your the right hat styles for your face shape and your needs: large hats are better to hide your hair under, small and cute are better as accessories, and both come in plenty of colors to go with every outfit!

Random Braids

Show off your creativity!

Bohemian curly hairstyles are very much in this season. All summer we have enjoyed long dresses, feathers and ethnic looking beads and prints. The accompanying hairstyle for this look is grabbing random sections of hair braid or cornrow hairstyles. For the faint of heart curlies who can’t fully commit to this style, try the tame version of simply gathering the front section of hair on one side of your head and doing a loose cornrow and pinning it behind the ear.


…are definitely in!

And not the tame ones either! I’m talking block out the sun, can’t see past you, get banned from the movie theaters, big. As natural hair becomes more popular, more and more women are embracing this style. Whether you achieve it from a wash-n-go or braid/twist out, wear your ‘fro with pride and at its bossiest.

Deep Side Parts & Low Buns

Formal or everyday, rock it!

These styles are just variations of styles we already know and love. The part and bun have been around since women have roamed the Earth. These sleek and easy hairstyles are perfect for looking pulled together and professional, or runway model-esque. But, the bun and deep side parts are not just for formal events. The simplicity of the style allows you to be able to pull off the biggest and most obnoxious accessories without looking overdone. So go out and get the largest, sparkly, multicolored accessory you can find, because you now have the perfect hairstyle for it.

P.S. This style is also perfect for wearing the very popular fedoras!


  • If you are allergic to looking awesome, and tire easily of people staring at your curly hair in longing, do not attempt any of the styles mentioned above!
  • If you are a curly who loves the attention a good hairstyle can bring, then try the above and tell me how it goes!
  • By the way, how was your first day of school, and if you haven’t already started, how do you plan to rock your curls for the first day?
  • Until then ladies, love, peace, and curly haired bliss!
How to Fit Your Hair Under a Hat

Even those with the biggest hair can rock this style!

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Curly Teens: 10 Curly Hair Products for Your Locker

So you are late for the third time this week and your hair is a hot mess. That last night study session really took its toll on you, and after hitting snooze three times in a row, you have just enough time to hit the shower and make a mad dash for the bus. Please, not another bad hair day!

Luckily, you have ten minutes until first period — just enough time to grab your emergency hair care kit and do major damage control. Problem solved.

You don’t have an emergency hair care kit? Well, it’s about time to make one! After all, you have your emergency number two pencil, your emergency flats for when your high heals hurt, so you should definitely have your emergency curly hair products! So, what should you put in it?

Making Your Emergency Hair Care Kit

Your curly hair emergency hair care kit can fit right there, in between those books!

Recommended Products

  1. Hair Tools This seems really obvious, but there are very basic tools that many curlies forget about. I suggest carrying a wide toothed comb, or paddle brush, and a bristle brush to smooth away fly-a-ways on the go.
  2. Multiple Hair Ties If you listen to nothing else, please heed this advice, because you will need it in a bind! A seamless hair tie will help you avoid any metal parts from snagging on your hair, and will allow you to pull your hair back into a ponytail or bun. Just make sure to leave the scrunchies out of it, because they are just not cute unless you’re ten or under.
  3. Hair Accessories Nothing masks a bad hair day more than a distraction. Keep a few really cute accessories on hand at all times. I suggest flowers, bows and headbands with plenty of interest or elaborate designs. Most importantly, have accessories that are big enough to balance out the hugeness of our tresses.
  4. A Hair Spritz This will serve plenty of functions. It can help to dampen hair prior to styling, revive curls from a wash and go, cut the crunch from a wash and go gone bad, or add a much needed pleasant smell to hair in dire need of a wash. Rave reviews go out to Oyin Spritzes that get A’s for their scent and moisture. But if you’re in a bind, mix it up yourself using distilled water and a light oil, like jojoba oil, and your favorite essential oil — skip the oil if your hair does not take well to it. Spray it on lightly, shake, and go.
  5. Gel/Pomade If ever there was a holy grail of curly hair products, it would have to be a gel. Gel can be used for so many purposes, but in your case, it will probably be used to tame fly-a-ways and help reshape any unruly wash and go coils.
  6. Moisturizer You will not believe how many bad hair days can be fixed from simply moisturizing your hair. If you think about it, frizz, dullness and most things that cause a bad hair day are caused by dryness, and can be fixed by simply putting back the moisture into your hair. So pack a moisturizer and give water to those thirsty strands.
  7. T-shirt or Strip of Cloth I bet you did’t think of this one! As a curly you know that water is essential to your routine, whether it’s for moisture or styling. There is nothing worse than being huddled over a sink trying to dampen your hair and trying to prevent your clothes from getting soaked. This must have in your kit will help to catch the drippies, aid in plopping and catch any excess moisture from the hair without drying it out. Make sure to use either a t-shirt or a microfiber towel to protect your hair from breakage.
  8. Curly Hair Diary You might feel weird carrying a little book around with all your hair info written down, but believe me, you don’t want to be pressed for time trying to remember which curly hair products and styling tips make you look fabulous. Whenever you try something new or have a good hair day, write it down so when the countdown begins for first period, you can recreate a style at the drop of a hat with your very own personalized instructions.
  9. Wear a Hat! If you are suffering from a bad hair day that is just unsalvageable, or if there is simply no time, then your last hope is to cover it up. If you are a big haired curly, the best way to get all of your hair under that itty-bitty hat is to put it into a low bun, then wear the cap on top. This solution is best for hair that has a lot of frizz, especially in the crown area.
  10. Decorative Scarf This is your go to if all else fails. Hats and beanies leave sections of your hair exposed, but if you’re having an all out can’t do a single thing with your hair day, then this is your go to as none of the hair is left out. Also, if you are like many curlies, and your hair doesn’t dry come morning, then put a shower cap on it and scarf it! If you missed wash day and the oiliness is out of control, scarf it! If you want to get a secret DC session in before an important event, like date night, then, say it with me… SCARF IT!

Learn How to Scarf It!

Once you learn it, you’ll never leave it!

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