Search Results: Ashley Glenn

The DIY Hair Growth Pre-Poo

dried coriander seeds

Many curlies enjoy using the ingredients that we find in our kitchens to create or improve hair products. Kitchens are spaces that help us become more creative and find more solutions that can be affordable or improve the overall health of our hair and bodies. DIY recipes and hair cocktails are not strangers to the natural hair community. We are always on the lookout for new ingredients to use in our mixtures to help promote the health of our curls. Looking for a new ingredient? Look no further. This herb may surprise you just like it did for me. Coriander is an ingredient that can improve the overall health of hair.

Coriander, also known as cilantro, is a leafy green with a pungent smell. You may have tasted this herb in many dishes such as Asian and Mediterranean cuisines. Coriander contains antioxidants and also has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying coriander to the scalp will calm irritation, which is great for curlies that have a dry and itchy scalp. Applying coriander to your scalp will also increase blood circulation that will promote healthy hair growth. Scalp massages with coriander oil or even a hair rinse with cilantro leaves and warm water (allow the rinse to cool before applying to your hair”> can help promote a healthy scalp.

Are you curious of the benefits of coriander and want to try it for yourself? Check out these hair products that include coriander or coriander extracts in their ingredients. It is a great start, especially if DIY recipes are not your thing.

Products with Coriander

Scalp Stimulating Pre-poo Oil

via The Beauty Gypsy

  1. Add 1 tablespoon powdered coriander seeds to your hair oil and let them infuse for a week.
  2. Use this infused oil to massage your scalp at least twice a week. 

You can consume coriander in other ways such as your diet. You can add cilantro in your green smoothies, salads, and yummy meals for flavor while also receiving health benefits for your curls. Adding coriander to your diet does not have to be boring. There are many great recipes that you can search for that will help you use coriander in many different ways in your meals.

Have you ever used coriander-infused oil for your hair? If so, what are the different ways that you incorporate this ingredient in your hair regimen?

How to Use Acai Butter for Hair

acai berries for acai butter

Hair butters are no strangers to the curly hair community. We use butters to help seal in moisture from the leave-in conditioners that we apply to keep moisture locked in our hair. Some popular hair butters include shea and coco butter, but there are also less popular butters that also nurture your beautiful curls. Acai butter has great benefits and this super fruit can definitely improve the health of your curls and your body.

Acai is a purple fruit that comes from the acai palm tree. When you first take a glance, it looks like a blueberry. It has a tangy taste and it provides many health benefits like releases toxins and aiding in weight loss. What does this super fruit do for the hair?

The Benefits for Your Hair

This fruit helps strengthen and grow the hair with zinc and folic acid, which prevents hair loss.  It also contains omega fatty acids and proteins that can also strengthen the hair. You can consume acai by including acai berries in your diet through smoothies, supplements, or just by eating the berries itself. You can also include these berries in your hair regimen by using acai butter or acai oil.  

Products with Acai

Now that you learned some of the benefits of acai, are you excited to include it in your hair regimen? Below are some products that contain acai butter and/or acai extracts:

DIY Acai Butter

If you prefer to DIY, you can create a hair butter that includes acai butter or acai extracts. Our very own Evelyn shares a recipe for whipped hair body. You can add acai butter or acai oil and modify the recipe to cater to your curls needs.

What You’ll Need
  1. Combine the shea butter and jojoba oil in a bowl.
  2. Boil a pot of water and place your bowl inside the pot to create a double boiler, stir until soft.
  3. Add less than 10 drops each of spearmint and lemongrass essential oils.
  4. Whip the mixture with a handheld mixer.
  5. Create a piping bag by placing a Ziploc bag inside a large cup.
  6. Scoop the whipped mixture into a Ziploc bag.
  7. Cut a hole in one of the corners of the Ziploc and squeeze the mixture into a container.

Acai butter can provide many strengthening benefits for your curls, including the use of acai berries to rejuvenate your curls and stave off dryness. Acai can also provide many health benefits and will help contribute to your overall health.

Do you use products that include acai butter or extracts? What are your favorite ways of incorporating acai to your hair regimen?

6 Things You Should NOT Do While You Transition

Transitioning can be difficult and frustrating. This is the time where you are trying to figure out your natural hair while maintaining your relaxed ends. The two textures can be overwhelming and you may not know how to handle it. You may be discouraged and see the textures of other curlies and wonder why your hair does not look like theirs. However, it does not have to be as difficult anymore, in fact, some of your frustration may relate to things you are doing to your hair. Here are some helpful tips and some things that you should stop doing.

Combing dry hair

This has to be one of the worse things that you can do while transitioning. Due to the two textures in your hair, you may find difficulty detangling your hair. However, detangling dry hair is not the way to go because it can cause breakage. When your hair is dry, it is not at an elastic state that makes combing your hair easier. Combing your hair when it is wet and coated with conditioner or moisturizer is the most helpful way to detangle and save your strands.

Using a small tooth comb

This topic transitions well from the previous one. You may be used to using a small tooth comb during your relaxer days, but that should not be the styling tool of choice as a transitioner. Using a small tooth comb can pull more hair than you actually want and cause breakage. Using a wide tooth comb or fingers will allow you to glide through your hair with more ease. You also have more control while combing.

Trying to figure out your curl pattern

Yeah, you may think that your hair is a particular curl pattern, but you will never know until you chop the rest of your relaxed ends. Your relaxed ends are weighed down due to the two different textures. You will not be able to see the actually curl or coil until the relaxed ends if cut off. You will not be able to see how your hair reacts to certain products like styling gels and curl creams until you cut the remainder of your relaxed hair.

Consistent heat styling

You may result to heat styling because you are used to it, especially while styling relaxed hair. However, using heat styling can cause more harm than you think. Constant heat use, especially without a heat protectant, can cause heat damage. This can result in damage that causes breakage and loosen the curl pattern. Try to limit the heat use to a couple times a month. An alternative to heat styling can be roller and rod sets. You can still use diffused heat by sitting under a hooded dryer, but you will not have to use direct heat like a flat iron.

Skipping trims

Trims can sometimes sound scary and frightening, but they do not have to be! If you skip trimming sessions, it can cause split ends and damage to your hair. Some tend to hold on to damage ends to keep the length of their hair. Holding on to damaged ends will not make your hair grow. Remember, it is best to have short, healthy hair than long, damaged hair. While transitioning, it may be easier to trim your hair little by little. It will help you manage your hair because as your hair grows, trimming will allow you to manage less relaxed hair.

Skipping deep conditioning

Deep conditioning sessions are essential for transitioning. Deep conditioning will moisturize your hair and help with elasticity, which was previously mentioned. You may experience a lot of shedding during your transition. The use of heat may help expedite the process and penetrate the conditioner in your strands. Weekly deep conditioning sessions can help minimize your shedding and help maintain healthy hair during your process. 

Read more: 4 Transitioning Vloggers You Need to Follow and Top 10 Deep Conditioners for Transitioning Hair

Are you transitioning and are becoming frustrated with your hair? Have you transitioned and have some tips to share?

You Know You Need to Dilute That First, Right?

We have so many products and our go-to curly regimens, but sometimes we do not notice that we can misuse some of our products and practices. Dilution is a method that can be easily overlooked and can definitely play a huge factor in the health of our hair and scalp. Why should you dilute certain products? Some products or ingredients can create an imbalance with the pH level of your hair and scalp.  

The pH levels are the measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of an ingredient. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral (water”>. Numbers that fall under 7 are considered more acidic and numbers that are over 7 are considered to be more alkaline. The scalp usually has a pH level that ranges between 4.5 and 5.5. Curlies tend to use a lot of products, including shampoos, conditioners, and stylers, and these products have a variety of pH levels, which can cause a pH imbalance. It is important to be aware of these pH levels because it can cause scalp conditions such as dandruff, fungi, and even hair loss. Here are some products that you should dilute before use.  

Castile Soap

Castile soap is an olive oil based soap that has been used for many purposes including shampoos, body washes, and household cleaning agents. Popular brands include Dr. Bronner’s and Kirk’s. Castile soap is alkaline and can range between 8-10 on the pH scale. Castile soap is concentrated, so a little can go a long way. However, if you use the soap without diluting, it can leave the hair really dry and stripped of moisture. It is best to thoroughly rinse the hair before use and make sure your hair is drenched. A great way to measure is 3 parts water, 1 part castile soap.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV”> rinses are no stranger to the natural hair community. It is used as a healthy and natural alternative to cleanse the scalp, remove product buildup, and to enhance the hair’s shine. Apply cider vinegar is considered acidic and ranges between 2-3 on the pH scale. Apple cider vinegar can be used to help restore the pH balance of your hair. But it is best to dilute before use because it is still acidic. It can irritate your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. Another reason that you may want to dilute before using on your hair and skin is if the smell is too strong for your preference.

Harsh Shampoos

Diluting a harsh shampoo before application will allow you to receive the best results while cleansing. Some curlies have no luck even with the sulfate-free shampoos so this a great tip. Diluting the shampoo with water will allow the product to lather and distribute evenly throughout your hair, which helps with cleansing and removing product buildup. It can also prevent the shampoo from stripping the moisture out of the hair and that squeaky-clean feeling with your curls. Diluting is also a good idea if you are using a more concentrated shampoo. Another benefit is that it allows your shampoos to last longer, which means saving more money.


Diluting the mentioned products will help the overall health of your curls and scalp. It will keep the pH level of your curls balance, which will help promote healthy hair growth. A simple method, such as diluting, can play a huge role in your regimens and can make products more effective for your hair journey.

Which products do you dilute?

4 Things Curl Products MUST Do for Me

Shopping for hair products has changed drastically throughout the process of becoming a curly girl. At first, I would purchase products that were trendy and I had a serious case of being a product junkie. As time went by, I paid more attention and I finally learned what maintains my hair’s health. It took a lot of trial and error. I also took a lot of time to journal and photo document my journey. I learned that I preferred more natural and organic products in my regimen because I was able to recognize those healthy ingredients. I can finally say that I mastered my hair care regimen and this is what I look for in the products I need.


My curls love moisture! I prefer to use shampoos that include moisturizing ingredients such as butters and oils, because they do not make my curls feel dry and stripped of their natural oils. My scalp is also dry and it can get flakey, so I also like shampoos with peppermint oil or tea tree oil to reduce the itch and help with flakes. Since those oils are usually formulated in clarifying shampoo, I try to use them before my moisturizing shampoos.


My daily conditioner has to have one important quality: slip. When you have a conditioner with slip, it makes your wash day extremely easier. It can also affect your styling session. Thoroughly detangled hair allows for an easier styling session and prevents over manipulation. My daily conditioner has to also have moisturizing ingredients. When applying conditioner, I like to apply generously to make sure there is an even coat of product on my curls. Due to this practice, I try not to spend too much money on a daily conditioner since I will use more products then directed.


It can be really challenging to find a deep conditioner for my regimen because slip is still an important quality for me. Deep conditioners or masques tend to have a thicker consistency than daily conditioners. Due to my thick hair, I prefer having a deep conditioner because they are more hydrating and keep my curls defined and shiny, but I need more slip to make it easier to detangle and apply thoroughly to my hair. I also love deep conditioners that smell amazing! I like to think of my deep conditioning sessions as relaxing sessions and a tropical fragrance can make me feel like I am in paradise.


My regimen is pretty low maintenance. The only styling products that I use are a leave-in conditioner, oil, styling cream, and an edge tamer. Again, all products need to be moisturizing due to my thick curls. I prefer for my leave-in conditioner to have a loose consistency because I do not like thick, white residue in my hair after I apply my products. A loose consistency leave-in is also a great base for DIY hair cocktail mixing (shout out to my curly mixologists”>. Coconut oil is my stable and Jamaican black castor oil is a winter favorite. I like for my edges to look polished for my twist outs and buns so an edge tamer is a must. It has to have a great hold and it cannot leave my hair flakey or dry. A styling cream is also essential because it weighs my curls down (in a good way”> to help reduce some shrinkage.

If your curls are similar to mine, I hope my product expectations have helped. I realized that a minimalist hair regimen helps, especially when you are trying to figure out what products work best for your curls. It allows you to easily see what you need to change in your routine. Also, while shopping for products, always remember that the price does not always matter. I have tried expensive hair products that have done nothing to my curls and budget friendly products that are now my Holy Grails.

What are your product expectations? Have they changed along your hair journey?

What You Need to Know About Antibacterial, Antioxidants, Antifungal, and Anti-inflammatory Oils

Our cabinets are full of our Holy Grail shampoos, conditioners, styling products, and oils. We use them because our curls respond well to them and when our curls are happy, we are happy. But have you thought about the purpose of the ingredients in your favorite products? We come across great DIY recipes for our curls that include so many great ingredients, but do we know why we are including some of these ingredients? Are they antibacterial or antifungal? Do your products include antioxidants? Here is a simple guide that can help you determine the purpose of your favorite ingredients.


Antibacterial is anything that will kill bacteria. Antibacterial ingredients are often found in cleansing products. However, there are natural ingredients that you can use for antibacterial purposes. If you have scalp conditions including dandruff, antibacterial ingredients may be in your shampoo to remove bacteria from your scalp.

Antibacterial ingredients:

  • Peppermint oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Tea tree oil
  • Rosemary oil
  • Cinnamon oil


Ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation. How does this relate to our curls? There are times when our scalp can be red, dry, and itchy. These are signs that the scalp may be experiencing inflammation. Anti-inflammatory oils are calming and can help reduce inflammation. Try giving yourself a scalp massage with an anti-inflammatory oil or product containing those oils. Products that include anti-inflammatory ingredients can help reduce inflammation and irritation. Here are ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties:

  • Lavender oil
  • Thyme oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Rose oil
  • Bergamot oil


Oxidation is the loss of electrons. When this happens, this can produce free radicals. Free radicals can latch onto electrons in your body from other cells. Free radicals can also cause harm to your body, so consuming foods with antioxidants can help reduce free radicals in your body. It also helps eliminate toxins from the body if used daily. The use of antioxidants can improve your skin and the health of your body. Antioxidants include:

  • Pomegranate seed oil
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Carrot oil
  • Lemon oil


Antifungal is anything that kills fungi or prevents the growth of fungi. There are many antifungal creams and lotions that are offered over the counter and prescribed to treat many needs. Antifungal products can be used on your scalp to eliminate fungi (such as ringworm”>. Again, scalp massages with an ingredient that has antifungal properties can help treatment. Antifungal ingredients include:

  • Coconut oil
  • Clove oil
  • Sage oil
  • Tea tree oil

Now, the next time you are shopping for your favorite products or making your own products, you have a better idea of how to care for your hair and scalp. Also, remember to discuss your symptoms with your doctor to discuss if these oils will be the best way of treatment. Essential and carrier oils have properties that can help with your hair, skin, and nails.

What are your favorite essential and carrier oils? Are they antibacterial, antioxidant, antifungal, or antiflammatory? How do you use these favorite oils?

Top 15 Paraben-Free Products

One thing that I noticed is the longer I have been natural, the more I pay attention to ingredients in my hair products. Admittedly I did not read the labels on my products early in my journey, and I quickly realized how that played a huge role in the health of my curls.

What are parabens?

Parabens are used as preservatives that are commonly used in cosmetic and beauty products. In our article Why Do People Avoid Parabens? The Answer, According to a Scientist, Sister Scientist Erica Douglas explains that although “researchers from the University of Reading in United Kingdom found that nearly 99% of cancerous breast tumors had evidence of some form of parabens,” evidence is still inconclusive as to how the parabens are reaching the tumors, whether it be absorption, digestion, or other causes. Currently more research is still needed to determine the link, but in the meantime some people are choosing to avoid parabens whenever possible. Paraben-free products are easily accessible and do not have to cost a fortune. Not too sure where to start for your product search? Check out these top 15 paraben- free products.

More: Why Do People Avoid Parabens? The Answer, According to a Scientist

As I Am Cleansing Pudding

It can be tough to find a shampoo that does not strip the moisture out of your hair. You may have found your match now. As I Am Cleansing Pudding will cleanse and moisturize your hair. You will not have to dread wash day anymore!

Aunt Jackie’s Curls & Coils Curl La La Defining Curl Custard

Here’s a curl custard that will leave your curls moisturized, defined, and shiny. This is not a product that will leave your curls soft and frizz free, not crunchy.

Camille Rose Naturals Curl Love Moisture Milk

The Curl Love Moisture Milk is lightweight and will replenish your hair with moisture. This is a great choice for a leave-in conditioner for warmer months, so it should be on your spring shopping list to keep those curls happy.

Carol’s Daughter Black Vanilla Hair Smoothie

This moisturizing and sweet smelling conditioner is a great choice for transitioners. The hair smoothie will provide moisture for both of your textures and will ease manageability. It will also provide your hair with lots of shine.

Carol’s Daughter Monoi Repairing Conditioner

This product contains monoi oil, which moisturizes your hair. This conditioner has a rich and creamy texture and the smell is amazing. Your curls will shine and bounce and it can help repair damaged hair.

Darcy’s Botanicals Avocado & Honey Twisting Cream

If your curls need a lot of moisture then this will be a great choice for you. The twisting crème has a thick consistency, which is great if you enjoy heavier products. This product is moisturizing and will help define your curls.

Design Essentials Natural Honey & Shea Edge Tamer

The Natural Honey & Shea Edge Tamer is moisturizing and has great hold. The product will help keep your edges sleek without drying your hair out.

EDEN BodyWorks Coconut Shea Curl Defining Creme

This curl defining crème is great for twist outs, braid outs, and wash and go’s. Your curls will be defined and moisturized. Coconut oil is formulated in this product to help strengthen the hair.

Jane Carter Solution Nourish & Shine

This product is a great choice for curlies who have dry hair or dry scalp. It is lightweight and will help replenish moisture on scalp and hair. The texture is smooth and the product smells great!

Karen’s Body Beautiful Sweet Ambrosia Leave-In Conditioner

The Sweet Ambrosia Leave-In Conditioner has enough slip to help detangle your curls. The leave in conditioner also includes jojoba, avocado, and coconut oils to keep your curls moisturized and shiny.

Nubian Heritage Honey & Black Seed Heat Protect Leave-In Conditioning Cream

This conditioning cream is a great choice for heat styling. Before heat use, it is important to moisturize your hair to prevent breakage. It will provide your hair with moisture and protect your hair from heat damage.

OBIA Natural Hair Care Curl Hydration Spray

The Curl Hydration Spray is moisturizing and will help refresh your curls. This is a great product to have for refreshing your hair in the morning before heading out the door. It can also be used for detangling your beautiful curls.

Ouidad Curl Recovery Ultra Nourishing Cleansing Oil

This foam cleanser will help remove dirt and oil from your hair without leaving the hair stripped of moisture. Coconut oil and silk proteins are included in this product to help protect and moisturize your curls.

Oyin Handmade Honey Hemp Conditioner

This conditioner will provide your hair with moisture and shine. It includes honey to provide the hair with moisture. It also has a lot of slip that will make detangling your curls a breeze.

SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Style Milk

This product is a great choice for a leave in conditioner. It includes silk protein, coconut oil, and neem oil to prevent frizz, moisture and protect your hair. The smell is also great and will prepare you for the spring!

If you choose to use products that are paraben-free, you have many to choose from! Brands are starting to pay attention to requests of their consumers and are starting to create paraben-free products. This allows us to make healthy choices and for us to have more control of what we would like to put in our bodies.

Which is your favorite?

5 Products You Can Feel Really Good About Buying
I must admit, shopping is one of my favorite past times. I find enjoyment in searching for great additions for my home, wardrobe, and of course my curls. You can find me in the hair care aisles for hours. Well, not exactly hours but you get the point. There is a great satisfaction that comes with finding a product that does amazing things for your curls and even more satisfaction when I know that the brand is involved in philanthropy. It gives even more incentive to support the brand. Check out these brands that engage in great causes.
Image from The Style and Beauty Doctor

Ouidad’s Pink Curl

During the fall season not only will you notice the leaves changing colors but you will also notice more pink. The Ouidad Curls for a Cure campaign with NaturallyCurly is no stranger for the online curly community. The pink curl extension graced a lot of curly selfies that followed with the hashtag #curlsforacure. Ouidad has donated over $425,000 to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation through Curls for a Cure since 2002.

SheaMoisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil 

SheaMoisture participates in fair trade and ethical buying for their products, and recently they even released a special limited edition collection in Target stores as part of the Made to Matter Community Commerce campaign. It does not just stop there for SheaMoisture. SheaMoisture also engages with the community in other ways. One way includes a foundation called the Sofi Tucker Foundation, which provides financial grants to organizations that support women and their families in the United States and Africa.  

MORE: Do You Know Where Your Shea Butter Comes From?

Yes To Coconuts

Yes To Inc. provides hair and skin care products that are at least 95% natural. They have different lines that cater to different needs like Yes to Carrots, Yes to Coconuts, and Yes to Cucumber, and you can feel good about buying any of these. This brand has a fund called Yes To Seed Fund that provides 50,000 meals to children around the world via Blessings in a Backpack and Mama Hope. Blessing in a Backpack supplies children on the federal Free and Reduced Price Meal Program with backpacks filled with easy-to-prepare, ready-to-eat foods, like granola bars, juice boxes, mac and cheese, and oatmeal. Mama Hope helps to support schools, health clinics, clean water systems, food security, and children’s centers in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Ghana.

LUSH Charity Pot Lotion

Lush created a hand and body lotion called Charity Pot in 2007. 100% of the purchases go towards supporting causes around the world including environmental, animal rights, and humanitarian. According to their website, “Since its launch, Charity Pot has donated close to five million dollars to more than 400 grassroots charities in 35 countries – and there are no signs of stopping!”

Design Essentials

Design Essentials partners with The Heart Truth to raise awareness to women about heart diseases. Design Essentials emphasizes the importance of having a healthy lifestyle. Their campaign, Design Essentials Goes Red for The Heart Truth, empowers consumers with information to live heart healthy through heart-inspired initiatives, events, and education.

It is great that so many brands are supporting such great causes! It makes you want to support these them and be inspired to volunteer and make a difference in your own community!

What are some of your favorite brands that support great causes?

Why Do Brands Put "Extracts" in Your Products?

We have all been there before. Pacing the hair care aisles while we search for the perfect product to make our hair look its best. Finally, a product catches our eye, we grab it off the shelf and search the ingredients until we land on something familiar. You may see an ingredient that you are familiar with, followed by the word extract. What exactly are extracts? 

The extraction process

According to an article by Shirea L. Caroll, “Extracts come from the actual extraction of the nutrients and essential elements of the ingredient. The extraction process can vary greatly, depending on the botanical and which part of the botanical contains the essential nutrients.” It is also possible that the extraction process can take away some of the nutrition of the ingredient and that amount varies depending on the actual extraction process. Some common extracts that are found in beauty products are:

If you want the full benefits of an ingredient and prefer to use all-natural products, then read the ingredient lists on your products and research the extracts you are unfamiliar with. Some brands share their extraction processes, so you can find out exactly what you are putting on your hair.

So why do brands put them in products?

Erica Douglas, also known as Sister Scientist says, “Extracts are basically ingredients that are derived from a natural source and are usually the most active or concentrated part of the fruit or plant. Due to the fact that this is usually the most potent part of the natural source, it definitely can have functional properties. However, it is usually very hard to amass a large quantity of these extracts from one source, which is why they can be so expensive. If used at a high enough level in a product, extracts may have some functional benefits, but in many cases extracts are just used to enhance the natural ingredient story.”

Extracts may have some functional benefits, but in many cases extracts are just used to enhance the natural ingredient story.
Erica Douglas, Sister Scientist
If you like to prefer to be in control of your own formulas, then you can DIY your products by mixing varying levels of essential oils. This is a great way to experiment and see if extracts do have a functional benefit for your hair or not. They can also be used to add scents to your favorite DIY recipes. Don’t like making your own products? We understand. Many hair brands use extracts as ingredients in our favorite products. Check out these cult favorites products that are formulated with extracts.  Do extracts give you good hair days? [prodmod]
Have Hard Water? Use this Oil on Your Scalp

magnesium oil for hard water

There are many products, vitamins and treatments on the market that promote hair growth. But have you considered trying minerals? Magnesium is an essential mineral for our bodies, and one that you may have overlooked. Not only does magnesium strengthen our bones and hearts, but it also has benefits for your hair and scalp.

Are you getting enough magnesium?

Magnesium consumption can be overlooked, which makes it possible to have magnesium deficiency. Signs of magnesium deficiency include fatigue, anxiety, inflammation, dizziness and more. How do we become deficient of magnesium? If you eat highly processed foods that lack nutrients, this can lead to a magnesium deficiency, so making sure that you include foods in your diet that contain magnesium will help you meet your recommended daily intake. The recommended amount will vary based on your age and gender, so for a full list check out this factsheet by the National Institutes of Health.

Magnesium for the scalp

Try using magnesium oil to massage your scalp. Scalp massages help promote blood circulation and therefore aid in the prevention of hair loss. Magnesium oil dissolves the calcium deposits in the hair follicles so it has been used to fight hair loss as well. If you have hard water, then your hair and scalp may be suffering from a buildup of calcium so applying magnesium oil would can help to dissolve this buildup. Chelating shampoos can also help to cleanse your head and scalp of buildup from hard water, for a full list of chelating shampoos read here. We recommend that you talk with your doctor about your hair loss before you try any treatments or supplements, so that you can rule out scalp conditions first.  

Ways to consume magnesium

You can find magnesium supplements and magnesium oil at your local drug stores, or make your own with the recipe below. You can also incorporate magnesium oil in your lifestyle by including it in your diet. If you feel you have a magnesium deficiency, then the next time you make a trip to the grocery store, bring a list of magnesium enriched food items, such as:

  • Seeds and nuts
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Dark chocolate
  • Bananas

Magnesium Oil Recipe


  1. Boil the distilled water. It is important to use distilled to extend the shelf life of the mixture. 
  2. Put the magnesium chloride flakes in the glass bowl or measuring cup and the pour the boiling water over it.
  3. Stir well until completely dissolved.
  4. Allow to completely cool and then store in the spray bottle.  
  5. Store at room temperature for at least six months. I keep in my bathroom to use daily. 

Scalp massages with magnesium oil may help with hair loss, but always remember to first consider your lifestyle and diet, as these habits have direct effect on your body. In addition to scalp massages with magnesium oil, eating healthy foods and maintaining an active lifestyle can improve your health and the overall health of hair.

Have you tried using magnesium oil? If not, would you incorporate this into your regimen? 

Top 8 Temple & Nape Treatments for Thinning Edges

Thinning edges can be a traumatic experience, especially when you are not sure of how to treat them. Thinning edges can be caused by hairstyles that pull the hair too tight, constant friction on the edges, and improper hair care practices. It can be quite frustrating, but it does not have to be any longer. Below you will find eight temple treatments that will help to restore your edges.

Eden BodyWorks Peppermint Temple Balm

This temple balm will provide your hair with moisture and hold, while making your edges stronger. Peppermint oil is formulated in this balm to stimulate the scalp. If you want a treatment that will protect your hair and help smooth your edges, this is a good choice.

SheaMoisture Jamaican Black Castor Oil Strength, Grow, & Restore Edge Treatment

The organic shea butter is included to retain the hair’s moisture and Jamaican black castor oil is included to repair the hair. This product has a jelly-like consistence, which stands out from usual edge treatments. No flaking or crust here.

Organic Root Stimulator Fertilizing Temple Balm

Herbal extracts are included to repair thinning hair. Gently massage the product on the thinning areas. This product is a good choice that can be easily accessed in your local beauty supply and drug stores.

Dr. Miracle Temple and Nape Growth Balm

Dr. Miracle’s Temple and Nape Growth Balm will help stimulate blood flow, which aids in hair growth. This product can be applied to the temples and nape. This is also a product that is easily accessible and affordable, so this is perfect for our budget friendly curlies.

Nubian Heritage Indian Hemp & Tamanu Grow & Strengthen Edge Taming Taffy

This product can be used to strengthen and smooth edges. Bamboo and garlic extract is included in this edge tamer to make the hair stronger. Apply to edges and smooth gently. Using your fingers would probably be the best choice but if you like to use a brush, make sure the bristles are soft.

Carol’s Daughter Lisa’s Hair Elixir Restoring Hair Oil

This hair oil includes basil oil and peppermint oil, which increases circulation in this scalp. When your scalp’s circulation is increased, it may promote hair growth. Apply this oil to the temples and edges that are thinning.

SheaMoisture Yucca and Baobab Anti-Breakage Strengthening Masque

Yucca aids in thicker hair with hair growth. An anti-breakage mask is a product to invest in when growing healthy and full edges. Deep condition hair and generously apply the condition on the edges weekly. Remember to be gentle while applying the treatment to your edges.  

Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil

Looking for a simple treatment? Use Jamaican black castor oil daily on thinning edges. Jamaican black castor oil will strengthen your hair. If you are a curly that is looking for a simple solution and want to use an option that does not include many ingredients, this will be a good option. We’re trying out the Castor Oil Challenge here in the office and have really enjoyed seeing all of you share your progress, be sure to use the hashtag #heycurliecastoroilchallenge and tag @NaturallyCurly so we can see your results. 

What are your favorite temple and nape treatments? What are your favorite regimens to help restore and maintain healthy edges?

Double Tap These 9 Instagram Artists Now
Our Instagram timelines are often filled with beautiful curls, but are they filled with beautiful artwork made by our gorgeous curlfriends? These artists are definitely worth checking out and would even give you some inspiration. Get ready to hit the follow bottom!

Stella Blu

Stella Blu’s watercolor portrait paintings are super detailed with a settled color palette. In her portraits, her eyes portray a lot of emotion. Her watercolor paintings are definitely an eye catcher and are worth checking out. Her beautiful artwork has been worn by Prince and featured on Jimmy Fallon.

Follow ByStellaBlu

Lauren Muller

Lauren Muller’s abstract paintings reflect a lot of emotion and her color palettes are in sync with the emotion as well. The human body is often the subject of her paintings. She also has a unique way of incorporating design in her artwork. Her big curls also make her stand out.

Follow laurnx_ 

Keturah Ariel

Ariel has created some popular natural hair paintings, including the Natural Hair Evolution. She has also created some images for NaturallyCurly. Her bright colors and use of lines definitely make her artwork unique. She also has artwork that features children.

Follow Keturah Ariel 

Nicole Updegraff

Nicole Updegraff’s illustrations reflect the personality of the character so well! Her lines and colors are very clean up and make her artwork stand out. Her illustrations of the Black-ish cast are personally my favorite.

Follow Cotton Candy Playground

Erin Ogarro

Erin Ogarro’s use of the color and blending is breathtaking! She uses a variety of colors and blends them to make the most eye-catching combinations. If you enjoy portraits and love color artwork, check Erin’s pieces out.

Follow Ogarrox

Ash the Painter

Ash the Painter has a unique style that makes her different. In her paintings, the eyes are usually the first place you look at. Her bold colors are also alluring in her artwork.

Follow Ash the Painter


Yagazie’s illustrations will make you laugh, especially because you may be able to relate with her characters. Her illustrations show the many moments of our natural hair journeys. Check her artwork out!

Follow Yagazieemezi

Sharee Miller

Sharee Miller shares many different illustrations on her Instagram page. Her illustrations feature a variety of curls, which is awesome! Her illustrations also feature children, which I am sure the curly moms definitely appreciate!

Follow Coilyandcute

Veronica Miller

Veronica Miller’s illustrations are bright, bold, and sassy! The colors are eye-catching and enjoyable. Veronica is a fashion illustrator, which is definitely reflected in her paintings. The clothing that the characters wear is so cute!

Follow VeronicaMarche

Who are some of your favorite natural hair artists?

"Your Hair is Juicy" – My Most Embarrassing Hair Moment

When I first decided to grow my relaxer out, I was super eager to try all of the hairstyles and products that I researched. I literally had a folder that contained links to products and hairstyles. In the beginning of my journey, I was not knowledgeable of products, techniques, etc. There were few resources available compared to now. A lot of my embarrassing hair stories are from the time when I was just trying to figure my hair out.

Once, I tried a new product combo on my TWA before I was heading to work.  The products did not fully dry before my shift and I still had white residue in my hair. I did receive strange looks from people all day and a co-worker even attempted to touch my hair before asking for permission. Her excuse? “Oh, I just wanted to rub the stuff in so it can go away.” What lesson did I learn? If you do not have the time to experiment without rushing, push it off for another day.

You are probably thinking that I learned that lesson really fast, right? Nope, the same thing happened again not too long after my first moment. This time, it was right before I was heading to my boyfriend’s house. He actually put his fingers in my hair and kept calling my hair juicy. It was awkward.

I really enjoyed using lot of hair accessories and I probably went over board with some. Yes, I had plenty of flowers clips that were probably bigger than my afro. And again, people stared a lot. I wore a lot of headbands, and scarves (I was called Jimi Hendrix a few times when I wore my scarves”>. I was just having a lot of fun with my hair. But I do have my moments when I look back at old photos and I wonder why did I wear that? What lesson did I learn? Be yourself, no matter what others say or do. I enjoyed these hair accessories at the time and they really made my hair journey easier.

We are all going to have embarrassing moments, but it may be easier if you are prepared for them a little. Here are some tips to guide you through an embarrassing hair moment:

  • Remember, this moment is temporary and will end at any second. Yes, you may replay this moment over and over again like your favorite song, but eventually you will forget about it and laugh in the near future.
  • Be confident! You know who you are. Just smile your way through it. 
  • Try to find a lesson. Did you learn something that can probably help you with this in the future? We can always learn something. 

What are some of your embarrassing hair stories? How did you and your curls bounce back?

The Trick to Getting the Most Out of Beeswax


Curlfriend, you may want to know the uses and benefits of beeswax. Beeswax comes from the honeycomb of the bee, and you can find it in many of your styling products from gels to pomades. Beeswax can give your hair products a natural source for hold, but the trick to getting the most out of beeswax is not to use it every day, as it can lead to product buildup. If you do choose to use the beeswax products daily, you would want to cleanse more frequently with a clarifying yet moisturizing shampoo to remove the product from your hair. Be sure to use a clarifying yet moisturizing shampoo.

According to the North Carolina Cooperative Extension, “Beeswax is also insoluble in water and resistant to many acids, but is soluble in most organic solvents such as ether, benzine, benzol, chloroform, and turpentine oil and after warming, in alcohol and fatty oils.” This means beeswax does not dissolve in water. After use, be sure to cleanse the hair properly to remove the beeswax.

Beeswax and locs

Beeswax has also been used for locs and is formulated in loc products (also known as dreadlocks”>, as it aids in the locking process of the hair. Keep in mind that beeswax alone will not lock your hair. Depending on the texture, hair usually takes months to loc, so using products with beeswax will not cause your hair to instantaneously lock because that comes with time and lack of detangling.

Should I use beeswax?

It really depends on your reason for using it. If you would like to use beeswax as an edge tamer, then go for it! It would be best to mix your favorite carrier oil with the beeswax before applying to your edges for additional benefits. A boar bristle brush or a toothbrush can be used to smooth your edges after you apply the beeswax to your hair. At night, apply a scarf to your edges to keep your hair smooth and to avoid daily application of beeswax. If you enjoy using natural products and love mixology, creating your own pomade with beeswax would be a fun project for you! There is 100% organic beeswax that you can use. Remember that a little beeswax can go a long way as to avoid product buildup. If beeswax is not your first choice, there are many great edge tamers to check out. Here are some products formulated with beeswax.

Should you use beeswax for a couple of fly aways?

Again, go for it, but you may want to add oils or butters for additional nutrients as previously mentioned. If you are looking for hold with your hair and you want to apply the product throughout the entire hair, you may want to proceed with caution. There are plenty of products that can help with long lasting hold for your curls. Applying beeswax may weigh the hair down and cause product buildup.

Have you tried using beeswax? If so, please share your tips and the reasons your use it!

Your Hair is Talking, but You’re Not Listening

We have all been there! Between work, school, friends, family, and trying to find “me” time, we can totally disregard things without noticing. This can even include ignoring signs from our curls. We can easily forget when it is time to give them love and care. But no worries, below is a guide of simple signs when you know you should give your curls extra love and care.

Itchy Scalp and Product Buildup

Cleansing is essential to maintain healthy hair. Whether you choose to use a shampoo or cleansing conditioner/co-wash conditioner, cleansing will keep your scalp healthy and clean. If you start to notice product buildup on your scalp and hair, it is definitely time to cleanse. If your scalp is itching and flaking up, it is time to cleanse to reduce the itch and remove the flakes. It may be best to cleanse your hair with a product that includes tea tree or peppermint oil. You may notice that your hair is bigger and reacts the way you want when your hair is dirty, but remember that you should include cleansing in your regimen at least 1-2x a month. Licensed cosmetologists recommend cleansing at least once a week.

Read more: Confession: I Have Curly Hair and I Use Shampoo

Dry, Limp Hair

Deep conditioning is also important to keep in your regimen. If your hair is dry, limp, and not retaining moisture the way you like then it is time to deep condition your hair. While applying your deep conditioner, make sure to pay attention to the problematic areas or the areas that are not absorbing moisture the way you like. You should also deep condition your hair if your curls are frizzy and dull. Consider covering your hair with a plastic cap and allowing the deep conditioner to sit for at least 15 min. to bring your curls back to life. Use this method if you experience dryness frequently, as your body heat or sitting under a hooded dryer will help the conditioner penetrate your curls.


Protein treatments are great ways to care for your curls. If you are experiencing breakage, then you should consider incorporating protein treatments in your regimen. However, you should set a schedule for your protein treatments. Frequent treatments are not the most ideal for protein sensitive hair. If you are not sure if your hair is protein sensitive, try using a protein treatment twice a month. If your hair has protein overload, it will be hard and stiff. After your first month, it will be easier to determine if your need the protein treatments more frequent or not. You should also try a protein treatment if you think you have heat damage. If the protein treatment revitalizes your curls, then you do not have heat damage. It may take up to 2-3 sessions to notice a different. If you do not notice a difference by then, you more likely are suffering heat damage.

Read more: Does Natural Hair Need Proteins?


This can be a tough one. It may take time to notice if you need to change products. Be sure to take notes of any changes with your hair because you may need to go back to them. If you are no longer receiving the same results with your hair, it may be time for you to change products or simply shampoo your hair. Your hair cannot get use to products but what you are using may have been reformulated without your knowledge. If your have is limp, dull, then you should start looking for something new. The products that you used for your relaxed hair may not work for your growing natural hair. For example, you will need a conditioner with more slip to help glide your fingers or comb through your two textures.

Read more: Top 10 Deep Conditioners for Transitioning Hair

Dry, Snagging Ends and Single Strand Knots (SSKs”>

There are a few signs that can help determine if you need to trim your ends. If your ends are dry and your favorite hairstyles like twist outs and wash and go’s are not looking the best, it is time to trim your ends. If the ends are not trimmed, then the style can look a little weighed down and dull. If you are twisting or braiding your hair and your ends are constantly snagging, then that is another sign that it is time to trim your ends. In addition, if you are experiencing many single strand knots, it also may be time for a trim. Some curlies use the search and destroy method. However, it is also great to schedule sessions for a trim and try not to go to long without one.

How do you know when you hair is ready for a change?

5 Natural Hair Rinses to Stop that Shedding (and More)

box of herbal teas for hair rinsing

Rinses can give your hair an extra boost that you desire, especially when you thoroughly cleanse and condition your hair. Whether you are looking to reduce shedding and add shine, elasticity, and bounce, there are a few rinses that you can use to help with your desired result. Check these rinses out, and if you wish, add your own mixes to cater to your needs.                     

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV”>

ACV is no stranger to the natural hair community. For some curlies, it is a replacement for shampoo. Apple cider vinegar can be used to gently cleanse the hair and remove product buildup. It balances the pH of your hair and scalp. You can use a spray bottle or an application bottle to apply it. When diluting it with water, it will be best to start your measurements with 1 part ACV, 2 parts water. I use parts as a measurement because it can vary with length, density, and width of your strands. Apply the mixture on your hair, preferable after cleansing. You can also add your conditioner after you apply to mixture to moisturize your hair. Let the mixture sit for at least 15 min. and rinse. Yolanda Renee shows how she applies her ACV rinse.

Black Tea/ Coffee

Black tea and coffee rinses can be used to reduce hair shedding and both are easily accessible. The caffeine in the tea and coffee helps block DHT, which is the hormone that is responsible for hair loss. Black tea contains more caffeine than coffee, which may be a deciding factor when it comes to choosing a rinse. Simply apply the rinse after you shampoo or condition your hair. Some curlies like to leave the rinse in. Other curlies like to apply the rinse while they are deep conditioning their hair. Jenell Stewart shows how she applies her black tea rinse.

Read moreCaffeine for Hair Growth: Is it better in coffee or shampoo?

Green Tea

Green tea can also be used as a rinse just like black tea or coffee and they have similar benefits. It is a great alternative if the other two rinses do not work for your curls. AuCurls Naturelle shows how she creates her green tea spray that can be used as a rinse.


Yes, you read that correctly. Beer rinse can help improve the elasticity of your hair. If your curls are looking dull or not popping like they used to after using heat styling tools, then a beer rinse can help improve your curls. The malt and hops in beer includes proteins that can help repair the hair. Chime Edwards shows how she applies her beer rinse.


Oil is another product that is not strange to the natural hair community. We spend so much time sealing our hair with oil, some may not have thought about oil rinsing. If you have dry hair, especially during this time of the year, oil rinsing may be a great addition to your washday. It will help moisturize your curls and keep them shiny. Simply apply oil to your hair after cleansing (choose an oil that works best for you”>. Again, you can also apply conditioner to your hair to add more moisture. Leave the mixture on your hair for at least 15 min. and rinse. SheDel, also known as MyThiftedCloset, shows how she oil rinses her hair.

Which rinse is your favorite?

7 Gorgeous Styles to Stretch Your Hair

One of the great things about having curly hair is that we have a variety of hairstyles to choose from. We can wear our hair straight, curly, wavy, and even in updos. We can wear a wash and go or manipulate our curl pattern with stretched hairstyles. Are you interested in revamping your usual go-to stretched styles? Looking for a new style to try? Check out this guide for stretched natural hairstyles.

Twist Out

Twist outs are very simple and are a popular go-to style for many naturals because they’re so easy. Part your hair in sections and apply your favorite moisturizer and styler. Detangle your hair and proceed with the two-strand twists. For best results, leave the twists in overnight. The longer you leave the twists, the more defined your curls will be. Before unraveling the twists, apply light oil to your fingers to help prevent frizz as you untwists. Samantha, also known as Ahfro Baang, shows us how she achieves her twist outs. This is a perfect tutorial for those that want to revamp their technique.  

Read: 8 Reasons Your Twists Out are A Hot Mess

Flat Twist Out

Flat twist outs are a little more advance than the twist out. However, there are so many tutorials with this style. Flat twists are achieved by twisting the hair in cornrows instead of braiding. Breanna, also known as Mini Marley, has a great tutorial on flat twisting. If you are bored with a twist out, then try a flat twist out.

Braid Out

Braid outs are a great option if you want more stretch or want to prep for an updo. From my experience, braid outs stretch my hair more than twist outs. If I am interested in a style that shows most of my length, braid outs are the way to go. Jessica, also known as Mahogany Curls, has a great tutorial for a braid out.

Heatless Blow Out

A heatless blow out is easier than it sounds. You achieve bigger hair without using heat and therefore do not have to worry about heat damage. You are probably wondering, how is this possible? Whitney, also known as Naptural85, shows how to achieve a heatless blow out. It is simpler than you probably think.

African Threading

African threading is another technique that you can use to stretch your hair. You simply section your hair, use thread and wrap it around the section of hair. African threading can be used as a protective style to help retain length and grow healthy hair. Dephne Madyara demonstrates the process in the tutorial below.  


Banding is a technique that will require some time and quite of few hair ties. Simple section your detangled hair and secure hair ties along the length of that section. Depending on length, width, and density of your hair, you may need 2-5 hair ties per section. This is also a great option for a blow out look that does not require heat. Classcie shows us how she bands her hair.


Curlformers are curlers (similar to rods and rollers”> that help you to achieve bouncy curls. This is also a great way to stretch your hair. Before installing Curlformers, make sure your hair is detangled and moisturized. Install Curlformers according to the instructions that came with the product and leave them in until your hair is dry or your desired time. Curlformers are great for spiral curls or to prep for another style. They come in a variety of sizes and lengths for hair of all types. Mae, also known as Natural Chica, shows how to install Curlformers.

What are your favorite stretched styles? Are there any that you want to try now after this guide? Please share!

Holiday Bathroom Stuffers from Your Favorite Vloggers

The weather is colder and your hair is starting to change. The products that you usually use are no longer working on your curls due to the weather change. Need some inspiration? Better yet, are you doing some last minute holiday shopping for your curl friends and family? Check out these winter favorites of these bloggers. They will be great stocking stuffers or great additions to your holy grail!

Gena M

Also known as GlamMeUp8, is a beauty blogger with beautiful Type 3 curls. Her videos include great makeup tutorials, hair tips, and fashion hauls. Here are some of her favorite winter products.

  • Cleanser- I stick to sulfate-free shampoos. My favorite is the Aveda Be Curly ShampooIt is hydrating and does not leave my hair feeling stripped.
  • Daily Conditioner– I use the matching Aveda Be Curly Conditioner. This conditioner pairs perfectly with the Be Curly shampoo and has just the right amount of moisture. It does not weigh down my curls either, so they still are bouncy and soft.
  • Deep Treatment– I use the Aveda Damage Remedy Deep Conditioning Mask. I have color-treated hair that gets really dry in the winter months. The Damage Remedy Mask is thick and ultra hydrating. It is perfect to use once or twice a week.
  • Butter or Oil– I swear by using organic extra virgin coconut oil. It is so moisturizing and can be used for so many different things. I coat my hair in it about once every two weeks, and let it sit for at least 20 min. before washing my hair. 

Amber and Carissa

NaturallyGG share a variety of video tutorials involving hair, beauty, and health! Below are their favorite winter products.

  • Cleansers – (Amber”> I’ve been using the same shampoo since I’ve been natural (i.e. SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl and Shine Shampoo“>. It cleanses the hair really well, but it doesn’t strip my hair of moisture and it feels really soft afterwards. I sometimes forget I need conditioner! (Carissa”> I’ve been loving the Giovanni Smooth as Silk Shampoo. It does a great job cleansing without leaving my hair feeling stripped and dry!
  • Stylers – (Amber”> My staple conditioner is the SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie. Again, I’ve been using that ever since I’ve been natural. It leaves my hair so unbelievably soft! It is thick enough for my thick hair! No product can quite measure up to it. (Carissa”> I really love the Cantu Shea Butter Coconut Curling Creme. The formula is super moisturizing and it smells amazing!! Not only does it make my hair really soft, but it does a good job in defining my set styles!
  • Deep Treatments – (Amber”> I’ve been loving the SheaMoisture Tahitian Noni & Monoi Smooth & Repair Nourishing Hair Masque. This stuff smells amazing and it leaves my hair feeling incredibly silky soft. If I am feeling creative, I will go in the kitchen and blend food ingredients for my deep conditioner. Check out our DIY Deep Conditioning Treatment/Smoothie tutorial on our channel. video on our channel explaining our favorite deep conditioner recipe! (Carissa”> If I do not make my own deep conditioner, I will reach for the Cantu Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque. This product is super thick and it moisturizes my fine, dry hair very well.
  • Protein Treatment – We do not do protein treatments very often in the winter, but if we feel like our hair is feeling weak and brittle, we will do one. We like to add an egg or two into our homemade deep conditioner for protein. Also, the Giovanni Smooth as Silk Direct Leave-in is infused with proteins to strengthen the hair!
  • Butter or Oil – We are both fans of shea butter! We love using products that are shea butter based to really seal in the moisture. Check out our Moisturizing Dry Natural Hair LCO method video on our channel for more details about the LCO method. Our favorite oil would have to be coconut oil because it is very light, it softens, and it creates a beautiful shine!


Also known as NaturalMe4C, shares a variety of videos on her channel including hair, family motivating, and inspirational videos. Below are her favorite winter products.

  • Cleanser- As I Am Coconut CoWash cleans my hair really well without stripping. The SheaMoisture African Black Soap Purification Masque also cleans really well without stripping my hair.  It also aids in detangling.
  • Daily Conditioners– SheaMoisture Yucca and Baobab Volumizing Conditioner and SheaMoisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl and Shine Conditioner smell great and adds a nice boost of moisture to my ‘fro. I use them as a leave-in conditioner. 
  • Deep Treatment I like the Gaisie Body Essentials Avocado Deep Treatment because it softens and strengthens my hair. It has an awesome texture and is easy to apply. It also absorbs easily into my strands. I also use this as a light protein treatment at times.
  • Protein Treatment– I love the greek yogurt mixed with avocado butter and coconut oil. My Greek Yogurt Protein Treatment & ACV Rinse video will show you how I like to use this mix.  I love it because the combo strengthens my hair without being drying or harsh. It’s also affordable.
  • Butters or Oils– I love avocado butter because it is multipurpose. I have used this butter for things like as a step in my moisturizing/sealing routine, deep conditioning, butter/oil rinsing, adding shine, styling, stretching my hair, etc. The texture is really easy to work with even though the butter is thick and creamy. A little goes a long way. I also love this avocado oil because like it agrees with my hair. I use it just like I use the avocado butter.


Also known as Summer Kellsey, shares beauty, fashion hauls, and hair tutorials to her followers. Below you will find her favorite winter products.

  • Cleanser– My favorite right now is the SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Moisture Retention Shampoo. I like this because it isn’t drying at all but it is still cleansing. The shea butter really keeps my hair conditioned.
  • Daily Conditioner– For conditioner I use the Giovanni Tea Tree Conditioner. This conditioner has great slip & makes it very easy to detangle my hair. Also the tea tree helps with dry flaky scalp.
  • Deep Treatment For a deep treatment I like to do a hot oil treatment with coconut oil or olive oil and let it sit for an hour or so. I like to use heat with this so it can really penetrate my hair for long-lasting moisture.
  • Protein Treatment– I don’t use protein treatments often because of the porosity of my hair, but once a month I will use Carol’s Daughter Monoi Repairing Hair Mask. This leaves my hair stronger and helps with any damage.
  • OilI have been loving black castor oil. It’s pretty thick but it makes any product I pair it with work so much better. My hair is super soft and moisturized because of this stuff!

What are your favorite winter products? Will you be gifting them?
