Search Results: Alexandra Wilson

Here’s The Solution for Mothers Who Have Kids with Coils, Curls & Kinks

When I moved to Austin almost two years ago, it took me a while to find a natural hair stylist that I could trust to care for my curly hair. Through many recommendations and the law of attraction, I connected with Kenya Kirk, the owner of Kenya Rynea Salon, who strives to educate her diverse clientele on the importance of #hairgoals. I remember the first time I walked into her salon, she asked me, “What is your daily hair routine?” I immediately got nervous and gave a blank stare because a stylist had never asked me that before. Honestly, I was never educated on how to maintain my natural hair and didn’t have a hair regimen. Being of mixed heritage, my mom wasn’t aware of how to care for my naturally curly hair and was advised to perm my hair at the tender age of three years-old. It wasn’t until in my early 20’s that I started rockin’ my natural hair, free of chemicals and extensions.

When I found out that Kenya does not only educate her clients on ways to maintain their natural hair, but she also created a program called Mommy & Me, for mothers to provide a solution to care for their daughter’s hair, even if they have a different hair texture. I knew there was a reason we got connected and this was simply confirmation, I couldn’t wait to learn more!

Photo Courtesy of Felicia Reed Photography

Share your background and how you got to Austin. . .

“I am originally from Upstate New York. My mother moved my sister and I to Austin, Texas in the early 90’s. After I graduated high school I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go to college to be a scientist in the marine biology field or not. Before I made my decision, I went to Georgia and visited my cousin, who was a salon owner and hair stylist.”

What inspired you to become a hair stylist?

“I’ve done hair in high school here and there for friends and teammates, but it wasn’t until one afternoon I was at my cousin’s house in Georgia. I was flipping through a hair magazine and an image grabbed my attention, so I decided to recreate it on her mannequin. Afterwards, my cousin told me I was very good for someone who just looked at a picture. It was then, that I was encouraged to sign-up for beauty school and felt this was the perfect path for me.”

Photo Courtesy of Felicia Reed Photography

What is unique about Kenya Rynea Salon?

“Kenya Rynea Salon enjoys providing clients with an innovative and educational experience to ensure clients with a unique hair regimen that works for their hair texture. We make it a point to talk about goals, the commitment and consistency required to meet their goals.  A client’s smile and happiness is the best advertisement.”

How important is it that you educate your clients ?

“Education is essential for me to provide the best services, techniques and products to my clients. I carry various products curated around my clientele to educate my clients on maintaining a healthy hair regimen and ways to style their hair. I don’t just ‘sell’ products, I educate them on how to effectively use the products to work for them and their lifestyle.”

Photo Courtesy of Felicia Reed Photography

What inspired you to create the program, Mommy & Me?

“As a stylist, I hear stories all the time from my clients about their hair experiences and how they struggle with their natural hair. From finding the right products to knowing how to maintain a healthy hair regimen, clients were in need of solutions. It was also becoming more apparent how mothers felt that styling their daughter’s hair was a hassle and would take hours because they were unaware how to style their hair. So, I wanted to provide a stress-free solution. Mommy & Me is a program to educate mothers how to successfully care and style for their daughter’s hair and learn basic styling terminology on how to communicate with their hairstylist, if they have to take their child to a stylist.”

What do you see as the major challenges Mom’s experience with daughters who have textured hair, how does Mommy & Me provide a solution?

“The major challenges mothers experience is the long styling time, finding products that work and understanding the versatility of their daughter’s hair texture. Our Mommy & Me program provides a step-by-step hair regimen from beginning to the end of how to properly wash their hair, and recommends products to use, depending on the density and porosity of the hair. We even talk about tools to use for all versatilities of weather and easy hairstyles.”

Now that I’m older, I look back and wish my mother would have been educated on how to care for my curly hair rather than perming it at such an early age. Ironically,  I learned that my mother’s hair was extremely thick and tough to manage as a young girl, so her mother permed her hair as well. This goes to show the importance of education and how it effects us young girls, who grow up as women who yearn for that sense of identity. Let’s continue to educate and empower our daughters to rock their natural crown and love their beautiful coils, curls and kinks.

Does your daughter have a different hair texture than you? Share how you care for her hair and any advice on how to maintain her natural hair.

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10 Ways Oprah Taught Me How to Be a Trailblazer
Illustrated by @Cuur | Photo Courtesy of AP Images

What does it mean to be a trailblazer?

When I hear the word trailblazer, I immediately think of fearless and resilient women such as Oprah Winfrey who have paved the way for generations to come by living a life that is much greater than her. She not only represents women of color, but all women who have conquered adversity and created opportunity for women to shine bright and be represented in all aspects.

Before Oprah was named the first African-American billionaire, she endured many trials and tribulations that included a painful childhood, being fired at 23 and a battle with weight loss, but she turned her pain into power and continued to rise above. She is one of my biggest inspirations not only for her success as a business woman, philanthropist and producer, but because she uses her platform to shine a light on what matters – empowering those around her to share their story.

I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint- and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah is a trailblazer who continues to break barriers and reminds us that we are LIMITLESS! Here’s what I learned from Mama O aka Oprah Winfrey:
  • Listen to your intuition.
  • Only say yes to what you intend to do. Your intentions determine your results.
  • Keep your feet on the ground, no matter what shoes you can afford.
  • You are your greatest competition, run your race!
  • Know your power. Use your power. Don’t let it use you.
  • Use your work as an expression to shine a light on what matters.
  • When things go wrong, it’s an opportunity to set you up for something better. Trust the process!
  • Allow the energy of the universe to lead you.
  • Serve with a purpose that’s bigger than you. Your legacy is every life you’ve touched.
  • Remain true to yourself. No one is you and that’s your power.
Photo via giphy

In her latest interview with David Rubenstein she shares her remarkable journey and proudest moments in her career, which have nothing to do with her accolades, but the power of being her authentic self. I truly believe that the more we become aligned with our inner self and share our truths, the more we can achieve. Here’s to all the brave women that embarked on untouched territories and blazed a trail of greatness! If you haven’t had a chance to see her interview, check it out here.

Who’s your favorite trailblazer? Tell us how she’s inspired you.

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