My natural hair journey has been incredible, but it’s also had its ups and downs. I’m still on my natural hair journey because I feel like the journey never ends. Things will always change and you will have to learn new ways to take care of your hair. Some things that may have worked in the beginning may not work on your hair now. Many times you only see the highlights of someone’s natural hair journey and never get to see or hear about the styles that were a fail or products that didn’t quite work the way you thought they would. I had many moments on my natural hair journey when I wanted just to give up and call it a quits, but I decided to press on.
Why I chose to transition
I transitioned for two years with the help of my stylist, who specializes in natural hair. I decided to long-term transition because I always had long hair and I didn’t want to cut it all off. At that time in my life, I was self- conscious and didn’t think that I would look pretty with short hair. During the beginning of my transition, I had no idea what I was doing with different hairstyles or products. I visited my stylist every two weeks and got my hair straightened because that was all that I knew. One day, I gained enough courage to start doing my hair myself in between my stylist visits. My first twist out, and every hair style that I was trying for the first time, didn’t turn out like I thought they would.
What inspired me to go natural
I was inspired to go natural after realizing that I didn’t need to perm my hair. I honestly thought that once I received a relaxer one time, I had to keep getting them. I didn’t know that I could transition back to my natural hair. I started researching online and stumbled upon CurlyNikki’s website back in 2009. I admired her hair, and she was one of the first bloggers that I followed. Her hair tips helped me and also inspired me to begin my blog.
What I’ve learned about myself
I have learned so much on this natural hair journey. One of the biggest lessons that I learned while going natural was to have patience. Everything takes time. I was eager to achieve the perfect twist out in the beginning, but it definitely takes practice. Everything is a trial and error process from hairstyles to products, you have to try things out to determine what will best work for you. I wanted results right away in the beginning and I became frustrated with my hair very quickly. I also learned to love myself no matter what. Everyone didn’t accept my natural hair in the beginning, but it is okay. I love myself and my hair and I don’t need the approval of others to feel beautiful in my curls. I also learned that being consistent with my hair regimen is critical. I learned this recently when I had to get a major haircut due to several reasons. I have been consistent with my hair regimen, and I have noticed a major improvement in my hair.
To my curly girls in that awkward phase and also to the transitioners, my number one tip for you is do not compare.
My advice for transitioners
To my curly girls in that awkward phase and also to the transitioners, my number one tip for you is do not compare. Don’t compare your hair to another curly girl because not one hair texture is the same. Everyone has different hair textures, porosity, and curls. You have to learn your hair and figure out what products and styles work for you. My second tip is to visit your hair stylist. Seek a hairstylist when needed. We get wrapped up in caring for our hair ourselves all the time, but it’s a good practice to visit your stylist and develop a relationship with them to care for your hair.
What have you learned throughout your natural hair journey? Have you ever just wanted to give up?
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4 Fails That Almost Made Me Give Up Being Natural
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