,0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15″>; margin: 1px; max-width: 658px; padding: 0; width: calc(100% – 2px”>;” data-instgrm-version=”7″>Are you newly natural and trying to find the perfect hairstyle while you transition to natural? When I first went natural the first two hairstyles that I learned about were twist-outs and braid-outs, and I still wear these hairstyles all the time. These two styles are probably the most popular hairstyles among naturals. I have always wondered whether naturals think one style is better than the other, so let’s take a look at each and talk about the pros and cons.
I probably do this style the most. I think that it is probably the most popular style out of the two in my opinion.
Pros: I prefer twist-outs because I feel that they give me the curl definition that I am looking for. I prefer a curlier look and I get that from twist-outs. Also I love that my twist-outs last a long time. I am able to get seventh-day hair when I install twist-outs. In order for me to get seventh-day hair, it is vital that I pineapple at night or retwist at night. I also notice that when I do twist-outs my hair does shrink a bit, but that is ok because I love my shrinkage. As the days go on my twist-outs start to look even better.
Cons: Sometimes twist-outs can get frizzy if you don’t take them down correctly. Also, if you don’t like shrinkage, then this style may not be your favorite. Also, twisting your hair can be time-consuming, so if you are not willing to put the time in for this style, then it may not be for you. Make sure you hair is properly detangled before twisting your hair.
Braid-outs really stretch my hair and give me a wavy look versus the curly aesthetic from twist-outs.
Pros: Braid-outs give your hair more elongation, so if you don’t like shrinkage, then braid-outs might be the choice for you. Braid-outs are typically known to be less frizzy than twist-outs.

Cons: Sometimes it is a hassle to take down the braids without causing frizz. Also, I find that it takes my hair a long time to dry when I do braid-outs on wet hair. Try it on dry, stretched hair for a quicker set time and more elongation.
I don’t think that one style is better than the other. I believe that it’s simply a matter of preference. Some naturals prefer twist-outs while others prefer braid-outs and that’s perfectly fine. Both styles have their pros and cons, which will differ from one person to another. The products you choose play a major role in your definition and the longevity of your style.
Which style do you prefer? Twist-outs or braid-outs?