
Top Natural Hair Gurus Share Their Wellness Goals for 2017

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We get it, you probably get constant advice to just move forward and “never look back.” At NaturallyCurly, we think it’s important to make future plans partially based off of successes or failures from our past. Just as it is important to remember which products did and didn’t work for your hair to build your arsenal, the same goes for goals! We spoke to these Natural Hair Gurus and they gave us a little insight on real solutions that worked for them in the past and how they’re going to tweak them to fit their goals this year.


Ashley H

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

For 2017, I want to be more active! Since I work from home and spend a lot of time on the computer, I very rarely move from one spot to another. I want to start getting up earlier and being more active — taking longer walks and going to the gym! I also need to learn to “clock out” of work. I’m an entrepreneur, but that doesn’t mean I have to work 24/7. I want to take time for myself so I can breathe without crashing!

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

Staying organized and working diligently! I don’t really talk much about what I’m doing; I just do whatever it is and let it speak for me once it’s completed. I also keep an agenda book and notebook handy to jot down ideas. This way, I can look back on things later and add to them, rather than trying to remember what they were.

Do you have any advice for the NaturallyCurly community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

Get an agenda book and use it! Get one that has a large calendar area, but also breaks down the months in a weekly layout. This way, you can map things out and plan accordingly, rather than trying to remember when you have projects and dates coming up! Also, stay positive. Nothing happens overnight. As long as you have your goal, keep chipping at it until it becomes a reality!


Nia Pettitt

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

It is my last year of being a teenager so I definitely want to enjoy my youth as much as I can. I am so in love with what I do that sometimes I forget to stop working and just have fun. I want to travel more and go on trips with my closest friends to create fun memories!

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

Writing lists. I’m so big on daily To-Do lists, it keeps me focused and motivated to tick them off and move onto the next mission.

Do you have any advice for the NaturallyCurly community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

Don’t speak about doing something, just do it. The thing you want to do the least, do it first so you can focus on the other things. The small details make up the bigger picture so invest in YOU.



What is your wellness goal for 2017?

In 2016 I had a very difficult year health wise, so my primary goal for 2017 is to take restorative steps as well as prevent any lasting health impacts like the ones that I suffered last year. To that end, I’m working on strengthening my shoulders and upper body through stretching/exercise, as well as eating better. We’ll see about eating better. I always say I’m going to eat better. Anyone? Anyone?

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

I’ve found that achieving my goals requires both a diligent structure and kindness towards myself. I check in with myself (and a buddy! I always assign a buddy”> weekly to gauge my progress. When I fall short, I’m not hard on myself. It also really helps me to not set a goal that is too vague (I’m going to spend less money! I swear!”> or enormous (I’m never going to eat sugar again! I swear!”>.

Do you have any advice for our community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

My advice, for myself and for this beautiful natural hair community, is to leave fear and doubt in 2016. I put in a lot of work and pushed through a lot of doubts last year. I’m sure you did, too. This year I wish for all of us that we step into our power. Put in the hard work, and be ready to endure.


Jasmine Rose

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

One of my wellness goals for 2017 is to drink more water. I’m aiming for 1 gallon a day! Drinking more water is great for skin, hair and flushing out toxins from your body. I’m really curious to see what I look and FEEL like after 30 days and beyond. I wanted to even do a photo journal of my experience on my blog.

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

A couple of things worked for me when it came to achieving my goals. The first is writing my goals down on paper and placing it in an area of my place that I most frequent (the refrigerator, bathroom mirror or a screen saver on my phone *lol”>. The second thing I like to do is create a vision board that encompasses all that I want to accomplish for the year and hang it up like a work of art in my room. My vision board has both words and images because I find them both effective in getting into my subconscious. Lastly having an accountability buddy to keep me in check helps to light a fire under me.

Do you have any advice for the NaturallyCurly community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

I have TONS of advice for the NaturallyCurly Community! Having a planner or a place where you can take notes or jot down ideas I find works great for me. I’m the type to have lots of ideas running around in my head and I need to get them on paper. I started bullet journaling and definitely recommend people give it a try! It’s a flexible and easy way to see my daily, weekly and monthly lists of things to-do.



What is your wellness goal for 2017?

My wellness goal this year is to put myself at the top of my to-do list. I wear many hats. I’m a wife, mother of two young children, and entrepreneur. All of these roles demand a lot of my time. I always make time for these things but I usually put my personal needs and myself on the back burner. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten to do something as simple as eat.

This year, my self-care is a priority. I’m not waiting until the last minute to schedule time at the gym, manicures, or lunch with friends. To kickstart my wellness goals, I’ve scheduled 3 days at the Crossfit gym for 30-days. After a 2-month hiatus, I needed something to get me back in gear. This will give me a good idea of how this works with my schedule so I can make adjustments if needed.

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

I’m very driven and goal oriented. What works for me is clearly defining my goals in all areas of my life. I outline what things I want to achieve. Then break that down into smaller actionable task. The last two years I’ve used the Visionary Journal to help me with this.

I’m also a visual person, so writing things down and creating a vision board motivate me to take act daily. You have to walk it out one step at a time.

Do you have any advice for the NaturallyCurly community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

Make the decision to do something different and then take action! You don’t have to know all the steps to achieve your goal, but at least you can move in that direction.

Also, be kind to yourself. Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither were Oprah or Beyonce´. Ultimately, you are in charge of your life and you have the ability to make it what you want. You just have to do the work. No one can do it for you.


Avielle Amor

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

I will do my best to sleep more. I find that many nights that I am up until 5 or 6 in the morning. That cannot be good for me, so I look forward to more rest. Another wellness goal for me is to continue going to the gym and to meditate more.

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

LISTS!!! I try to write down every step that it goes into completing one goal, so that when I do accomplish it, I can check it off. Just seeing that check visually shows me that I am moving forward, and that motivates me to make more LISTS.

Do you have any advice for the NaturallyCurly community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

I encourage communication. It’s funny how connected we can be via social media, yet we are still so disconnected in person. I will be starting #AmorConversation this year, and these events will facilitate open dialogue with young entrepreneurial creatives to help build their brand, network, and growth.


Whitney Garcia Devers

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

In 2017 I want to increase the intensity of my training program and increase my strength. My goal is to increase my muscle volume and endurance. I want to share my journey and vegetarian lifestyle on my YouTube channel and blog.

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Partly because I want to prove that everything is possible as long as you invest time and effort. On the other hand, I want to take my stand against eating disorders.

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

Patience, determination and passion. In 2014 I moved to the United States temporarily and gained quite some weight. I felt unhappy, my health starting deteriorating and I started to receive remarks from my surrounding. Consequently, I fell in a long-lasting cycle of emotional eating. Around March 2016 I suffered severe pain attacks on my stomach because of my unhealthy lifestyle. I began having panic attacks frequently. I decided to become a vegetarian, because in my perspective the lifestyle would solve the health problems I had and it contributed to the wellbeing of animals. By April 2016 I decided to start my fitness journey with great success: I lost over 15kgs and my fat percentage dropped by 7%.

My fitness journey made me stronger, not only physically but also emotionally. It improved my stress-resistance and it changed my view on life. I have a no-waste policy at home and try to do as much as possible in order to contribute to a better environment. I think that I have achieved my goals, because when establishing them I had taken into consideration my self-interest, the interest of the whole and my passions.

Do you have any advice for our community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

You should not keep postponing your goals. Time is a valuable possession and it should be utilized wisely. Be grateful for having the ability to work and achieve several goals. Remember that each time you fall you will become stronger. Investing time and effort in your passion and goals will lead to great things, I promise!


Bianca Alexa

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

I definitely want to take better care of my self this year. I have horrible eating habits — I’m always stuffing my face with fast food, pizza and donuts, which isn’t bad, but when you do it constantly you should at least balance it out with an active lifestyle or some veggies. I really want to develop a healthier lifestyle, and not just look physically fit, but I want to feel healthy and balanced emotionally, spiritually and physically.

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

I would say having a strong support system is what really helps me, because I can set goals for myself and make plans to achieve them. One minute I’ll be charging full steam ahead and the next I can feel uninspired or unmotivated. While, I’m sure we all have those moments, some times it’s harder to get out of the funk. It’s those times when having a strong support system (like my hubby”> really helps me push through and get back on track.

Do you have any advice for our community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

You can make this year amazing by making yourself feel amazing. Wake up each morning being grateful for where you are and where you want to be. Then take action and plan on the steps you need to take towards achieving that dream or goal you have. Make sure you celebrate these steps, however big or small they may seem, because as long as you keep moving forward then you’re still making progress. Be your biggest supporter! You will see how things will start falling into place, and when you tell God the desires of your heart, and work hard to achieve them, you will surely receive them.


Flávia Santiago

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

My new years resolution for 2017 is to literally get my life together and turn it all around! I just finished college and now real life begins! I intend to take my time to figure out how to adult and grab this new world by the horns! Every year is a new chance to have a new attitude towards life.

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

Not caring about the haters and the downers is for sure the best thing I did in 2016. Just do you boo and be happy without apologies!

Do you have any advice for our community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

2017 is probably going to turn out ugly and crazy, maybe worse than 2016, so be prepared for it. Focus on your goals, whatever they are (fitness, transition, professional, sentimental, academic”> and just remember no one has to go through a struggle alone. Keep your friends and loved ones close, but don’t forget to kick some negative people outta your life if you need to!


Maureen Powel

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

My wellness goal is to drink more water. Water purifies so much and it’s good for the body and soul.

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

It motivates me to go on and to not give up when I look back and see how far I have come and know that it was worth the struggle.

Do you have any advice for our community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

Keep believing in yourself, even when it becomes hard or things don’t come right away. Focus on yourself and don’t compare yourself to others. Some people need more time than others. All that matters is how you use YOUR time.



What is your wellness goal for 2017?

My wellness goal for this year is to meditate more and go on as many retreats as possible

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

Either holding myself accountable or having someone else do that for me is incredibly helpful. It just helps to keep you in check!

Do you have any advice for our community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

Take all the time you need to focus on yourself. It’s so easy to get caught up in all of our “to-dos,” but taking a break every once in a while is much needed. Not only are we able to make decisions for ourselves with more clarity, but we are also able to handle any situation that arises with love and kindness.


Style Feen

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

My goal for 2017 is to continue to progress in all my endeavors.

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

What has worked for me in conquering my goals is consistency. I believe consistency is the key to success. I think in whatever you are trying to achieve, it’s important to work hard and stay on top of your goals in order to progress.

Do you have any advice for our community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

Stay true to yourself and love yourself for who you are! Whether it be your hair or your career, do what makes you happy! Also embrace the frizz — there is no such thing as a perfect hair day.


Nikia Phoenix

What is your wellness goal for 2017?

I like that we are talking about wellness goals and not fitness goals. This year I’m really hoping to feed my soul and enrich my spirit with journaling and meditation, and hopefully that will exude throughout my body. That also means paying close attention and being respectful of what I put into my mind and into my mouth. Absolutely no toxicity!

What has worked for you in the past when it comes to achieving your goals?

I believe in consistency. I believe that if you genuinely want something and if you stick to it daily that you will eventually reach your goal. I leave little reminders for myself that not only do I want to do this but that I can do it. Sticky notes and affirmations… do it all to remind yourself of the end game.

Do you have any advice for our community on what would help them make 2017 their best year yet?

It’s really simple — just be you and do you. When you live in your authenticity every single day, you will be the person that you always knew you could be. You’ll be living for you instead of someone else. That will lead to not only a great year, but a fruitful life.