Curly nicknames. It’s one of those things that bond us together. These names were the bane of our existence growing up. Now, we take this opportunity to celebrate them.
We asked you to tell us some of your favorites. Although it was hard to choose, we selected 10 of your answers.
- “When I was in grade school, there was an older girl in the advanced ballet class that always used to taunt me with “natural curl girl.” This phrase was said all sing-song-y and in a super snotty voice. (Scary that many many years later I can still hear her very clearly in my head.”>”
— Rubycakes
- “In college (back in the early 90’s”> I was dubbed “Poof Pup”. All the girls on each floor of our dorm had different names, ours all ended in “pup.” It was not by MY choice mind you! — Discobug
- “I was “Frizzle Face” for many years in elementary school. It was painful at the time, but I love thinking now about how successful “Miss Frizzle” from “Magic School Bus” has become, and also that I, too, became a teacher! — RebeccaK
- “When my mom finally let me have my own way with my hair (about 7th grade”> I chose to wear it down and curly instead of up and in a pony tail and a braid. We were studying mythology at that time so the kids would call me Medusa. I didn’t appreciate that at all because I thought they were essentially saying that I turn people into stone with my gaze. — Elissad
- ” ‘Mushroom Queen’ — I had a short bob, and my hair is pretty thick, so at times I had a mushroom head!” — CoxPlus2
- “Last night I was laughing about something and my boyfriend said “Laugh it up, fuzzball.” (from Star Wars”>.” — Trixie
- “My mother said this to me so many time in my life that it feels like my nickname — WILL YOU PLEASE DO SOMETHING WITH THAT HAIR!?! She still says it and it makes me laugh.” — Jeepcurlygirl
- “My “little” sister used to call me Fuzzy Wuzzy, and taunt me with “Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear.” It hurt all the more because my mother had me scalped on a regular basis (1″ pixie cuts”>, whereas my sister was allowed to grow her hair. When I graduated from nursing school, my family started calling me “Nurse Beth Fuzzy Wuzzy.” — MorganAdcock
- “My best friend would always call me Sideshow Bob! It was funny to me because it was fairly accurate. Especially since I had these roaring red highlights at the time. My whole head glowed when I was in the sun.” — Miss_Rae6357
- “I divided mine into categories:
Things you buy at the store
– Brillo Head – Q-tip – Cotton Bald (I have thin hair that shows scalp if worn certain ways”>“Celebrity” Comparisons
– Bozo the Clown – Krusty the Clown (my FIRST short cut ever — very encouraging”> – PuffyMovies & Mythology
– Medusa (I never minded this one. I had some snappy comebacks for it”> – Curly Sue (not bad at all, really”>Just Plain Silly
– Oingo-Boingo – Pube Head (a bit inappropriate — and that came from 13-year-olds!”>National Geographic
– Cave Woman – Wildebeast – Wild Thing (what my SO calls me now as a term of endearment”>”— MickeyB603

Several readers remembered being called Bozo.

“Medusa” is apparently another popular nickname for curlyheads.