C’mon. Who doesn’t want long, luxuriant lashes?

Photo — Jaroslav Devia
And if we’re gonna be totally transparent, the longer they are, the better! Yet beyond full and lengthy lashes being the ultimate beauty statement, have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself, “Why do I even have eyelashes in the first place?”
No pun intended, but the long and short of it is 1″> eyelashes help to keep small debris from getting into our eyes and 2″> eyelashes can send a subtle “warning” to us if something is getting too close to our eyes (like if something happens to brush up against them”>. So, beyond them being something pretty to look at, eyelashes actually serve a fully functional purpose.
Although the length of lashes vary (a big part of that has to do with genetics”>, if you happen to clip them or pull some of your lashes out, it will take at least 7-8 weeks for them to grow back. That’s why, before getting into what you should know about lash extensions, it’s important for us to put on record that you take care of your natural lashes, no matter what.
You can steep some green tea, let the tea cool, soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply it along your eyelids of your eyelashes. The flavonoids in green tea will help to clean out your eyelashes’ follicles so that your lids will remain healthy.
Something else that you can do is apply some castor oil on your eyelids in order to provide them with the nutrients they need in order for your eyelashes to remain strong and flourish.
Now that you’ve got a little 101 on your own eyelashes and how to properly care for them, if you want to visually take them up a notch, eyelash extensions may be the solution.
Here’s the skinny on them.

Photo — Haley Rivera
7 Questions About Eyelash Extensions—Answered
Why Get Eyelash Extensions?
There are all sorts of reasons to get lash extensions. For starters, if yours are naturally short or thin, lash extensions will help to give your lashes more length and volume. Another benefit is if you have a photo shoot or special occasion coming up, lash extensions will not only make your eyes appear bigger and brighter, they will provide a dramatic effect too.
Another thing that’s awesome about lash extensions is you can leave your mascara in your cosmetic bag. That will not only save you time when it comes to putting on makeup, but it can increase the chances of you keeping your eyes healthier (since you won’t have to worry about how old your mascara is or how much bacteria may be on your mascara brush”>. On almost every level, extensions are a win.
What Kind of Options Are There?
You might think there’s only one kind of eyelash extension available; actually, there are three—mink, silk and synthetic. You can also choose the length and amount of curl that you want your extensions to have.
How do you decide which option is best for you?
Synthetic extensions are best for people who already have a fairly thick set of natural lashes because they are mostly used to enhance what is already there. Not only are synthetic extensions considered to be the sturdiest of all of the options, but they’re the shiniest too. If you want a very dramatic effect, synthetic extensions will provide you with that.
Mink extensions are very fine and silky—just like most real fur is. A lot of people like these kinds of extensions because they are so light that they feel a lot like natural lashes. Plus, when they are applied correctly, they are long-lasting too. If they have a “downside”, it’s that they tend to take longer to apply than other options. So, if you do decide to go this route, be prepared for it to take 1.5-2 hours out of your day. (By the way, and if the thought of putting mink on your eyes creeps you out, you can go with faux mink extensions instead.”>
Silk extensions are in between synthetic and mink when it comes to their weight. They are more flexible than synthetic ones and are best for individuals who may have weak or fine natural lashes. Another plus with them is they last longer than synthetic lashes do.

Photo — Oladimeji Odunsi
What Does the Application Process Entail?
As far as the application of a full set goes, it’s so intricate that we included a video for you to check out (here“>. But the gist of it is it involves faux eyelashes, eyelash glue, and tweezers. One lash at a time is dipped into the glue and then, with the help of a set of tweezers, it’s applied to the base of your eyelashes, near the roots of your natural ones.
As far as the risk of the glue getting into your eyes goes, your eyes should be closed for most of this procedure, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Just make sure the products that are being used do not contain formaldehyde because that could cause harm. (A professional will know this, though.”>
What if you happen to experience all allergic reaction to the glue? No worries. At worst, you’ll need to see an eye doctor to get a prescription to treat the allergy.
How Much Does It Cost?
We’ll be honest with you—eyelash extensions are not the cheapest thing in the world. Typically, they’ll run you somewhere between $150-400 for both eyes. As far as touch-ups go, be prepared to spend between $50-200 for that. (Yep, this definitely falls into the luxurious pampering department!”>
How Long Do They Last?
If you go to a reputable professional and you take good care of your extensions once you get home (i.e., keep water and oil-based products away from your extensions”>, it’s not uncommon for them to last up to six weeks. However, on average, you will need to get them touched up about every three weeks or so.
What Kind of Maintenance Is Required?
Immediately following your appointment, it’s important to avoid water at all costs for 12 hours. This includes washing your face and even crying if you can help it. That way, the glue has time to completely dry. Beyond that, so long as you’re “water conscious” around that part of your face, you should be fine.
Will They Damage Your Natural Eyelashes?
As far as your natural eyelashes go, you’d have to put real effort into causing damage to them while you’re wearing extensions. That’s because when eyelash extensions are properly applied, there is no risk of them harming your eyes or your lashes.
The only real exception to this is if you spend a lot of time pulling or tugging on your lashes. If you do that, your extensions may fall out and you could run the risk of damaging your natural lashes as a direct result.

Photo — Prince Akachi
How Do You Find the Right Person to Do the Job?
Out of everything we’ve shared, we hope this is what you remember most. When it comes to getting eyelash extensions, you need to make sure that you select someone who is great at applying eyelash extensions.
What that means is you should find an individual who is certified in this field; they also need to provide some legitimate referrals. True professionals will be licensed technicians who can provide you with before and after shots of some of their clients.
If who you’re considering does not have any of this on hand, keep searching until you find someone who does. Your eyes are far too precious and money is too hard to come by to settle for anything less!
Have you ever had lash extensions done? Tell us about your experience in the comments section below. And if you’d like more natural-growth ideas, check out this article.