As New Years approaches, I’m sure we all struggle trying to find that just right simple and chic hairstyle. This semi-braided updo will surely give you a sleek and classy look that will turn heads.
What you’ll need
- 8-12 bobby pins, an elastic headband, and an edge control of your choice (I used Curls Blueberry Control Paste“>.
- Start off with a nice defined twist-out or braid out–my choice was a twist-out.
Part your hair down the middle, and section two square pieces in the front that you will use for your two braids. Make sure you grab enough hair to braid with in both sections.
Now that you have both front pieces braided take your braid and pull it back on top of your hair and place a bobby pin on the braid to secure it down. You will do this for both sides, you may need two bobby pins for each braid.
Once you have your two braids pulled to the side, grab your elastic headband and place it on top of your head like a crown, making sure none of your hair is over the band.
Now it is time to start pulling your hair back and tuck and cuff it into the band. Remember to make sure your two braids are still showing while you do this. You also want to make sure you grab a couple of bobby pins to secure the hair as you tuck into the band.
Once you’ve tucked all of your hair, you will see that your band is showing at the top, simply and gently pull it down to meet with your tucked hair and add/hide it into the tucked hair and place a bobby to secure.
Now that you have your Classy Semi Braided Updo, grab your edge control and sleek those edges down. You can also pull a few pieces out in the back to have a couple of dangly curls to add an even cuter holiday look. Happy New Years!
Follow me on Instagram- @JD_Winters for more cute, simple and sophisticated natural hair styles.