If you’re transitioning from damaged hair to healthy curls, you might value the importance of rapid hair growth remedies. I’ve got an unlikely one with a secret ingredient that’s packed with benefits for a healthy scalp and healthy hair.
The main ingredient: Cinnamon
Not only does it help with rapid hair growth, but cinnamon is also a huge factor in preventing hair loss. This powerful remedy stimulates circulation to the scalp by improving blood flow. It’s also packed with essential nutrients that your body–and hair follicle–needs for proper function. Applying cinnamon mixed with other scalp strengthening ingredients will ensure that your new growth curls will be strong, less prone to breakage and growing at a faster pace.
The hair & scalp benefits of cinnamon
- antibacterial
- antifungal
- antiseptic
- anti-inflammatory.
Another fun benefit of cinnamon
Cinnamon has been rumored to naturally lighten your hair. In many cases, you cannot see a difference unless you step out in the sun. Personally, I have never seen a change in my hair color.
Do a patch test, first
It is important that you test a small area first before committing to applying this DIY cinnamon paste to your entire scalp, as with any homemade beauty recipe. Unfortunately, most people who have sensitive skin won’t be able to tolerate cinnamon application to the scalp.
The ingredients you will need to make this cinnamon paste is:
- 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- 2 tablespoons of Warm extra virgin olive oil
Mix all of the ingredients together to create a dark brown paste like treatment.
Apply to your scalp in areas that are most prone to breakage or where your hair seems less dense. If you have been experiencing thinning edges or bald patches, focus on applying some of the treatment in those areas. I have fine, low density curls and the area in which my curls are least dense would be the very top of my head and areas surround my face so I make sure to focus there. I then apply the treatment along parts in the different sections of my hair or rather anywhere that I can find a deep part. Once you finish applying the treatment, let it sit for about 20 minutes and wash it out thoroughly with a good cleanser and then afterwards a conditioner.
Try this out around once a week or before the next few washes. Do you have a personal favorite remedy or treatment that helps with hair growth? Let us know in a comment section below. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel, RisasRizos!