For about a year now, I’ve been quickly becoming a big fan of the bubbly, witty personality on MTV’s Girl Code, Nicole Byer.
As if this show isn’t funny enough, Nicole definitely adds a bold perspective on everyday topics pertaining to young women, like dating, guys, and makeup.
Nicole is known for telling us like it is on Girl Code. She might be a lot of things, but afraid isn’t one of them.
The other day as I was indulging myself in a recent episode from this season, I noticed my fave cast member missing something in her interviews. Her curly wig was gone! Now Nicole was sporting a platinum-blond TWA. As if she couldn’t become any bolder.
And I’m not the only one who noticed…
“Just saw you take your wig off on Girl Code…Awesome! I like your natural hair and that color looks good on you.”– Tiffany Owens
“Saw Nicole’s natural hair for the first time… she’s a beautiful woman.” -Kevin Rowe
“I just saw you take your wig off and you look great! Rock your natural hair girl!” -Becca Gordon
“As many others have said, you look great in a wig…but you look AMAZING with your natural hair!” -Kimberly Notgrass Symock
The curly community is definitely rooting for you, Nicole! Now, more than ever, I am a fan of Nicole and her comedic spins on things we all deal with as ladies.
Even though she wasn’t afraid to hold back before, now Nicole seems freer and I’m almost certain that this season, she will up the ante, wig-free and without shame!
MORE: So SNL Hired a Black Woman… And She’s Natural!