As naturals, we have the luxury of versatility and creative styling with our hair. Natural hair can also be a treat in the bedroom too. There’s nothing worse than trying not to mess up your hair while having some playtime with your mate. Since February is the month of love, take a moment to consider these kinky twists, braids and buns that won’t disrupt your make-out sessions!
High Bun
Keep it simple and classy in the boudoir with a high bun or top knot. Not only is it a super chic look, it is a very friendly style for the bedroom. You hair is up and out of the way which allows easy access to your neck, ears and shoulders. Even when you’re lying down, your hair won’t be crushed and will still look sexy from any angle.
This look can also be achieved in a short amount of time which is a plus. In less than 5 minutes you can have your hair styled and be ready for action! Pull you hair up to the top of your head and secure with a pony tail holder. You can leave some bangs out in the front or pin them to the side. Don’t worry about making it neat – I’m sure your lover won’t mind if it’s a little messy!
Sexy Braid
If you want a low maintenance style for the bedroom that can hold up on a great night, a sexy side braid might be the perfect choice! A looser, messy braid can be created in a pinch, but still allow you to look effortlessly sexy. It’s fun, it’s playful, and most of all it can be quite durable. Your man may even be tempted to give it a tug when things start to get hot and heavy!
You can even choose to do a kinky twist instead of a braid. If you’re comfortable with flat twisting, add a side part and flat twist across your crown. You can either continue the flat twist into a side ponytail or simply secure with a scrunchie and you’re ready to go.
Wild & Free
No time to style you hair before getting it on? Well, one of the advantages of natural hair is the ability to go with the flow when the time is right. Having some alone time with your mate can be a breeze without having to stress about messing your hair up. Sometimes it’s okay to just go with it, let your hair be wild and free and just enjoy the moment!
Now is where having satin pillowcases will come in handy! These satiny smooth bed linens not only benefit your hair care regimen, they also make the best accessories when it comes to getting busy in the bedroom. Now those spontaneous make out sessions won’t wreck your hair as much.
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Final Thoughts
Your hair doesn’t have to hinder your love life. As a natural woman you should embrace your curls in and out of the bedroom. These playful kinky twists, braids and buns will keep the hair out of your faces and be a hit with your significant other. It helps if you have a few minutes to prep before the deed, but there is nothing wrong with improvising on a whim. Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect; your mate will probably be more than pleased no matter how you hair is done! Happy styling!