There are so many beautiful natural hairstyle options for our different hair types, and sometimes it can be difficult to tell the difference between them. We have read quite a bit about the versatility of traditional locs from loc experts, and Sisterlocks are another loc’d style that the world should know about.
I reached out to a few lovely loc’d ladies about their experiences with Sisterlocks and traditional locs. As they shared their experiences, it became clear that Sisterlocks and traditional locs have much in common.
Image Source: @locdnurse
What made you decide to lock your hair?
I saw a lady working in a bank who had beautiful salt and pepper locks down her back – she had grown them for 10 years. She was the reason I went natural. I was natural for almost ten years before I decided to lock my hair. My choices then were to cut off my hair or lock it. I chose locs.
Explain the process of locking your hair (Do you do it yourself? Are there tools involved? How long does it take? What does maintenance include, and how often?)
I went to a certified Sisterlocks consultant to have my locks established. It took her 36 hours (over three days) to complete my hair. She used a tool that they provided during their Sisterlocks training. Every 4-5 weeks I have to retighten my roots. Initially, I went to my loctician to do my maintenance, but now I maintain them myself.
What are some of your favorite styles for your Sisterlocks?
I’m really low-maintenance. I either wear my hair loose or in a high, messy bun. For formal events, I curl it using Flexirods.
Image Source: @only1teneil
What made you decide to loc your hair?
I had pondered on getting locs for about five years before I did it. However, I was afraid I would miss my loose natural hair & be able to straighten it and see my length. But I finally got tired of wasting $150+/month each time I wanted to get my hair blown out for it to last two days.
As the years went by and my hair got longer as a loose natural, I got tired of doing it, and I was wearing a bun or pony all the time. I wanted my hair always to be done or cute. I chose Sisterlocks because I knew I would still have the luxury of some of my loose naturals still being out for a while. So I could still enjoy my curls.
What are your Sisterlocks’ best qualities? What are their most challenging aspects?
The best thing about my locs is that I NEVER HAVE TO DETANGLE AGAIN!!! I’m still so thankful for that! I’d been natural for almost ten years before I decided to loc. So, products and detangling were my life. I don’t worry about either of those anymore. One of the most challenging is making sure I do what I need to do to avoid slippage.
Because my locs are still kind of new (even at a year and four months), I still braid my hair down every time I work out. There are occasions where I’ll put it in a bun and wrap it up real good to go workout, but that’s only if I know it will be something light where I’m not sweating that bad. But, it can be tedious to have to keep braiding your hair when you know you’ll be around water, or you may sweat badly. But, I’ll take that one con over all the cons of being a loose natural.
What are some of your favorite styles for your Sisterlocks?
I’m so simple! I love my middle part. I love to take some, put a little pony on the top, and let the rest hang. I love the deep part on the side (I think that’s so sexy. Yet simple). I love pulling my locs all to one side and always love my puff.
Image Source: @sisterlock_diva
What made you decide to loc your hair?
It was not planned. One weekend, I took out my micro braids to try some styles with my natural hair. Doing loose natural hair was new to me, as I always took my braids out and put them right back in. I attempted to do a twist out, but after two days, my hair was still wet. I had no patience to do anything else, so I decided to get Sisterlocks.
What advice would you give someone thinking about locking her hair?
I would advise being patient and not expecting overnight growth or being locked in a few months. It’s a journey that you’ll have to embrace at every stage.
What are some of your favorite styles for your Sisterlocks
I don’t do much styling or updos, but I typically do a braid out or a twist out.

Image Source: @thepamela252
What are some of your favorite styles for your Sisterlocks?
I don’t do much styling or updos, but I typically do a braid out or a twist out.
What made you decide to lock your hair?
I was a loose natural for 10 years, and I reached a point where I was just kind of over it. I had two options: cut it off or lock it up. I did a lot of research first, and initially, they were going to be traditional locs. But I stumbled across Sisterlocks, and here I am.
What made you choose Sisterlocks over other natural styles?
Initially, I was going to get traditional locs, so I did about six months of research. I’ve heard of Sisterlocks in the past I just neglected it for some reason. And while I was researching traditional locs I stumbled across a Sisterlock picture. I was instantly attracted. I love the versatility of being able to flat iron or curl your hair. I’m a believer that all locks are actually beautiful. But for me Sisterlocks were the most versatile. Versatility with low maintenance was exactly what I was looking for.
What are some of your favorite styles for your Sisterlocks?
For the first year, I didn’t do very many styles. I wanted to do low manipulation and allow my hair to thicken up. This may be really basic, but I love her braidouts! It is super nice to spray your hair with water and achieve a bomb braid out! That never happened as a loose natural for me.
Image Source: @locsandberries
What made you decide to lock your hair?
Honestly, I loc’d my hair because I experienced a breakup and wanted to try something that was outside of my comfort zone. I wanted to be the opposite of who I was in that relationship, including my look.
What are some misunderstandings that people have about locs?
One misunderstanding I think people have about locs is that you don’t have to maintain them; you just let them knot up, and that’s it. Also, the most mind-boggling misunderstanding I’ve heard thus far, which was also offensive, is that having locs means that you’re not a clean person. I’ve heard things like, “Ohhhh, so you never wash your hair, right?” Like, wow! That doesn’t even make sense!
What are some of your favorite styles for your locs?
My favorite style for my locs is the two-strand twist. It looks so neat, and it helps my retwist last longer because I work out often. I also like braiding my hair in plaits to give me the crimpy look.
Check out some of the ladies’ favorite products on their locs!