NaturallyCurly CurlTalker Vaneda uses hot rollers on a regular basis “They give me lots of volume, which I like. I just grab big sections of hair and roll around the hot rollers, without brushing whatsoever.”
Hair rollers are used to achieve curls and waves without using a curling iron or wand. There are different types of rollers including heated and they vary in length and width. Many who use rollers love the lasting hold they give, especially when creating a wet set. Roller sets also give volume to your tresses and a uniform look if you have different types of curls on your head.
Here are 7 tips for using heated rollers in wavy hair.
1. Get enough rollers for all of your hair
Heated rollers are available in varying diameters and used on dry hair to create long-lasting curls and minimize frizz. Before you start, you will want to make sure you have enough rollers to get the job done. NaturallyCurly CurlTalker thefossilchick found this out the hard way, “One issue is that the rollers vary in size and there are only 4 of the super-giant ones” in her roller set, “If you have long or really thick hair, you’ll have to set half of your hair at a time.” She uses the Instant Heat Compact Rollers from Conair and finds that the rollers work well, but could use more of them.
2. Always use a heat protectant
One of the best tips for using heated rollers in wavy hair is to use a heat protectant. Wavy hair can be prone to heat damage because it can be on the finer side of strands. Whether your hair is fine or coarse, a heat protectant creates a barrier between your strands and the potential for heat damage. Always apply your favorite heat protectant and make sure it’s evenly distributed throughout your hair prior to using heat rollers. We like Cantu Thermal Shield Heat Protectant and Tresemme Thermal Creations Protectant Heat Spray.
3. Should you straighten first? It depends
If your hair is tightly curled or doesn’t take well to heat styling, for example it starts to revert to its natural texture in humidity, you may want to straighten your hair before using the heated rollers. If, on the other hand, your hair takes easily to being manipulated, you can use put the heated rollers into your natural wash and go. CurlTalker macduffy shares “I find the curl stays better without being straightened first. BUT I do like the curl better with my hair is straightened (it just doesn’t last AT ALL”>. Still working on it though!” It’s a matter of figuring out what works for your individual waves and curls.
4. Section hair before rolling
For an even effect rather than having a few mismatched patterns throughout, you should always section your hair with clips prior to rolling to get the best results. This will help to not only create more even patterns, but it will also make it easier for you while you roll. Don’t be tempted to skip this step, as it will make the process much more manageable.
5. Choose your part before you roll
Before you begin placing the rollers in your hair, make sure you create the part you prefer, so when you take the rollers out you will have an easy-to-style result. If you’re looking to emphasize the volume and drama of your bombshell waves, we recommend a deep side part.
6. Roll from bottom to top
When you roll from bottom to top of your strands, you end up with curls that sit at the bottom of your strands while the strand closer to the roots remains somewhat untouched. If you roll from top to bottom, you will still get a nicely defined curl and more volume at the roots.
7. Make sure your hair is completely dry
For frizz-free results, make sure your hair is completely dry before manipulating it. NaturallyCurly CurlTalker Wurlylox advises “Be sure to allow any moisture in your hair to dry before styling it, or it’ll probably frizz up. I’d roll mine, leave the rollers in 10-30 minutes. Then I removed them but didn’t do anything with it until I was sure all the moisture was gone. Then I’d finger comb upside down, flip upright and arrange a bit with fingers or a pick, if needed, and lightly spray with hairspray.” We like DevaCurl’s Flexible Hold Hairspray because it avoids the crunchy, drying pitfalls of traditional hairsprays.
Want to know more about getting your perfect roller set? Check out these articles:

Which Roller Set is Best for You?