Transitioning back to your natural hair state is always an educational journey. Beyond learning about your hair texture and curl pattern, you get to actively sample products that work for you. Unfortunately, transitioning can be an expensive task. Process of elimination regarding shampoos, conditioners, and leave-in conditioners can cost a pretty penny. The truth is, most of the ingredients found in your everyday hair products are sitting right in your kitchen cabinet or refrigerator. If you’ve decided to go natural and want to experience your transition with superfoods that are proven to strengthen and nourish your hair, then look no further. Here are three homemade products you can use during your transition from processed to natural.
Aztec Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo Mask

Image: Getty images
Both Aztec Clay and Apple Cider Vinegar work wonders independently. Aztec clay, when mixed with other products, can serve as the ultimate face mask. ACV is used as a disinfectant that purifies everything it comes into contact with. When both products are mixed together, they form a superpower cleaner. This isn’t your traditional shampoo. Mix an equal amount of Aztec clay, ACV and warm water in a bowl. Apply the clay to the scalp of your head. Once your entire head is covered, sit with the formula for approximately 30 minutes. Thoroughly wash the clay out of your hair. This mixture completely cleans your scalp but it can strip it of its moisture. To rehydrate your hair, try this homemade deep conditioner.
Avocado Oil Deep Conditioner

Image: Getty images
One of the most important functions to your transition is using an effective deep conditioner. Now, more than ever, your hair needs to remain hydrated. A deep conditioner will restore moisture from root to ends. If you want to cut costs and moisturize your curls, mix a ripe avocado and a few tablespoons of olive oil (some alternative options are coconut & castor oil”> to make your own deep conditioner. Comb the mixture through your hair, sit with it for approximate 30 minutes and then rinse. Do this weekly to promote growth, retain moisture, and alleviate frizz.
Olive Oil Leave-in Conditioner

Image: Getty images
Now that you’ve washed and deep-conditioned your hair, it’s time to find a leave-in conditioner that’ll continue to promote healthy, hydrated, beautiful curls! This recipe requires more items because it will help sustain your hair between washes. Take 2 cups of water, 1 cup of witch hazel, 2 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin (purchase online or at a natural food store”>, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and a quarter size of aloe vera gel and mix it together in a bowl. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray in your hair after or in between washes.
Despite all the work that goes into transitioning from processed to natural, the benefits of beautiful, healthy hair makes it all worth it. The consensus in the natural hair community has been that natural hair care maintenance is timely and expensive. It doesn’t have to be. Using the right products can reduce costs and time in half.
What do you think? Would you transition your hair with natural, homemade products?