We have a thousands (literally, thousands”> of helpful articles on NaturallyCurly.com but sometimes you just want to get your question personally answered. We know how you feel. That’s what our Q&A section is for! You can ask specific NaturallyCurly Editors your questions and we’ll answer them for you, like this question from Erin about her 2C pixie cut.
[quote cite=”Erin” citeurl=”https://www.beautycon.com/ask-a-curl-expert1994/help-with-styling-short-curly-hair” align=”aligncenter”]I just got my hair cut short and I really like it! It’s great when I straighten it but I’m not crazy about it when it’s curly as you can see in the photo… I need something for shine and how do I make the sides less poofy?[/quote]I answered Erin’s question with styling techniques for keeping the sides from poofing: my secret is bobby pinning the hair when wet, and if the hair is already dry use a travel sized straightening iron on the back and sides – the plate is small enough for short, pixie length hair and mine doesn’t get as hot as a normal straightener.
Erin shared that she uses Marc Anthony Curl Envy Cream and diffuses it to dry, but she was looking for product recommendations for shine and definition. These are my favorite oils for shine and curl creams for hold and definition:
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If you have questions for me or any of the NaturallyCurly staff ask your own question here!