Do you get frustrated on wash day? I am here to tell you that you don’t have to be overwhelmed by your hair. In fact, caring for your hair can be stress free. I believe that creating a healthy hair regimen once you go natural is a critical part of your journey. Wash day does not have to be an exhausting process that you dread every week. Here are a few ways to simplify your hair regimen and stop being overwhelmed by your hair.
Learn Your Hair
It’s easy to watch YouTube videos and see what other curly girls are doing to their hair, but it’s crucial that you take time to learn your hair. Learn what state your hair is in before creating your hair regimen so that you know what areas you need to focus on. Is your hair always dry? Do you have heat damage? This will help you to determine the best way to care for your hair and what you should include in your regimen.
Find Products That Work and Stick With Them
Finding products that work for your hair can be a hassle, honestly the only way to find products that work for you is throughtrial and error. I know there are a plethora of reviews online for you to read and determine what may work for you, but until you try the products out for yourself, you will never know. Everyone’s hair is different and you need to test the products out to know if they will work for your hair type and with your preferred hairstyles.
Create a Regimen

If you start your journey by creating a natural hair regimen and stick with it, your journey will be so much easier. Now that you have figured out what your hair needs and found products that work for your hair, it is time to implement everything into your regimen. Having natural hair can be very time consuming, that is why it’s important to develop a regimen and schedule time for your hair. I know it sounds crazy, but yes, you need to schedule time for wash day and styling. I like to look at wash day as a spa day just for me. Thinking this way helps to make it less stressful for me. If you choose a day every week for wash day, it makes it much easier because you can plan your schedule out accordingly.
Seek a Stylist, When Needed
I still visit my hair stylist on a regular basis. Quite honestly, she is probably the reason that I continued on my natural hair journey when I wanted to quit. It is important to build a relationship with your hair stylist so that you can ask questions about your hair and determine if you are on the right track with your regimen. I visit my stylist about once every 3-4 months, and it helps me tremendously.
What are some ways that help prevent you from being overwhelmed by your hair?
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