The Causes of Thinning Edges
Prevention attributes the main causes of hair loss to pregnancy, postpartum, drastic weight loss, stress, hereditary, hypothyroidism, chronic illnesses like lupus, iron deficiency anemia, hormone imbalances like polycystic ovarian syndrome, scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, alopecia areata, and excessive tight styling.
Many women, whether natural or relaxed, are experiencing thinning edges due to excessive styling and/or bad styling habits. First off, do not feel like you are alone. This can happen to anyone and may happen regardless of doing everything right. Sometimes we see the problem occurring before it gets too bad and we curtail whatever the problem is.
Do not make the problem worse!
I must start off with this because I know this can be an embarrassing situation to find yourself in – everyone can see when you have thinning edges if you do not cover it up. Well, covering it up may worsen the thinning, so forget the embarrassment and concentrate on regrowing your edges rather than hiding the problem. You are not the first person with this problem and unfortunately you will not be the last.
Scalp massages
Scalp massages stimulate the skin and encourage the blood vessels to increase blood flow and boost circulation to the scalp and hair follicles. This increased circulation brings more nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles and may aid in hair growth. Which oils to use is less important than the actual act of massaging, and this can be done without oil, as the purpose is to encourage circulation.
Scalp stimulating oils and treatments
Rubbing the thinning areas with oil or oil mixture treatments can also aid in re-growing hair in those areas. These treatments will reduce the damage on your edges by repairing the follicles and encourage hair growth. According to Livestrong, rubbing your scalp with vitamin E is a great way to stimulate growth.
There are other ways to repair your edges with essential oil, carrier oils, and protein treatments. “Try a light protein treatment mixed with moisturizer and massage it into your scalp to stimulate the growth,” says celebrity hairstylist and SheaMoisture Beauty Ambassador Diane C. Bailey. “The SheaMoisture Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque is great. You can warm it up a little bit and massage it into your scalp. Also, black castor oil is an emollient that coats the hair and scalp and it has vitamin E which helps to replenish the skin.”
Use healthy or natural products around or near your hairline
Try and keep facial cleansers, moisturizers and makeup away from your hairline, as they may cause more damage to the fragile area you are trying to regrow hair. Some acne treatments advise not applying the product to your hairline so check the back of the bottle.
Take hair supplements (consult a physician”>
At the very least a daily multi-vitamin will aid in hair growth, but many swear by taking hair, skin, and nail vitamins or biotin. There is no supplement that will give you instant hair growth but many have claimed hair vitamins or biotin will encourage hair growth. Wondering if biotin and castor oil really work? Read what Sister Scientist has to say. Always consult your primary care physician before trying a new supplement and increase your water intake to combat a potential increase in acne.
Sleeping on a satin pillowcase
Start sleeping on a satin pillowcase instead of a cotton one because the cotton pillowcase will absorb the natural oils and moisture right out of your hair. The friction between your hair and cotton pillowcase can lead to breakage. Your edges need those oils and moisture when they are thinning, so pamper them with the right nighttime treatments.
Wearing tight and/or protective styles
It very well may have been these styles like braids,weaves or even tight ponytails that caused this problem. Of course we want our style to last (especially if we spent a ton of money on the installation”>, but the tighter the style, the more tension you are applying to your scalp and those fragile edges cannot tolerate it. Face the facts: you know when the style is too tight and often overlook it when trying to regrow your edges.
Using glues, adhesives, or wig caps
These glues, adhesives, and wig caps are not allowing your scalp to breathe, and yes it needs air! Some women are even experiencing allergic reactions to the glues and adhesives, which do not always appear immediately. If you are trying to regrow your edges, I suggest you steer clear of them.
Wearing tight satin caps with non-satin borders
If your satin bonnet or cap is too tight or is not satin around the edge you are doing more harm than good. Just sleep on the satin pillowcase or wear the satin bonnet inside out to keep your edges from rubbing against thread from the bonnet. Bonnets or caps that are too tight around your edges are not a good idea either for obvious reasons.
No brushes, no edge control
Back away from the brush, gels for your edges, or accentuating baby hair. Keep the baby hair for your baby and leave your edges alone.
If you’re experiencing hair loss or thinning and in need of more resources, check out the following articles:
Look for these Anti-Hair Loss Ingredients in Your Products
Learn more on What You Need to Know About Temporary and Permanent Hair Loss
Have your tried this? Use Ginger for Your Thinning Edges