No matter where you are on your natural hair journey, many curlies have considered using the Curly Girl Method at some point to revitalize their tresses. Here are 15 curlfriends that have traded in their damaging habits for healthier and better-looking hair, here’s what they have to say about the Curly Girl Method.
Devi Renée @deviwl33
“Falling in love with myself changed the way I approached my natural hair routine. I was always insecure about having “big hair,” especially in corporate America, however, after embracing my most authentic self, I approached my hair routine with health, love, and care. It’s been a process, but well worth the journey!”
2. Sharmeen Aly @sharmeenaly
“Before being introduced to the world of the curly girl method, I thought all products were the same and I would have frizzy, uncontrollable hair my whole life. After 2 years of following the CG method, I now understand the difference that the right products and proper curly haircut can make. Deep Condition Sundays are REAL and my hair is now my favorite thing about myself!”
3. Ely Maldonado @ely.s_sauce
“I started the Curly Girl Method in 2014, and after almost four years, I can finally see improvement. It’s healthier and growing like crazy (it’s almost to my hips!”>. I’ve never seen my hair grow so much, so fast. I stopped straightening it (except maybe 2 or 3 times a year”> and for the first time in my life I love my hair!!”
4. Amanda Irizarry @amandajayla
“Growing up I didn’t know how to “tame” my curls, so I got rid of them instead. From Japanese hair straightening treatments to flat irons and weekly trips to the local Dominican hair salon, I did all that I could to turn my uncontrollable frizz into straight, well-behaved hair. It wasn’t until half-way through college that I started to explore the curly girl method. I swapped my shampoo for co-wash and my flat iron for weekly deep conditioning treatments, constantly researching what worked best for my hair. It took a lot of dedication and patience, but eventually I started to see results that I was happy with. The investment I’ve made in my curly hair journey has been an investment in my overall wellbeing. Embracing my curly mane has allowed me to practice self-care, prioritize self-love, and gain an immense amount of confidence.”
5. Lauryn Prieto-Sanchez @prietaflowerchild
“I have low porosity hair so I had to learn what products contain hydrolyzed proteins and light oils that my hair can absorb easily. I have a lot of hair yet very fine individual strands that are sensitive to heat and color damage. I learned how to love my hair and care for it. Honestly I think my natural hair journey is an ongoing lesson and I’m still learning what she likes and what she doesn’t. Although I’m a natural I do use heat, but very, very rarely, to stretch my hair before braiding up. After several months of using the curly girl method and routinely doing mini-chops, my hair began to flourish, and I finally saw curls before my eyes.”
6. Whitney Henry @mixedgirl.with.curls
“The Curly Girl Method changed my life. I grew up disliking my curls and always wanting to straighten my hair because it was always so hard to manage. Before following the curly girl method, my hair was frizzy, undefined, and unmanageable. After only a short period of time of sticking to the CG method, I have seen my hair transform into beautiful, defined curls that I never thought were possible. I’m so thankful, and I continue to stick to this routine every day.”
7. Ari Kim @arigamii
“Chopping off all of my dry, fried, and damaged hair was tough at first but definitely worth it. I used to struggle a lot with trying to get my natural hair to curl, but it was always frizzy and undefined so I ended up flat-ironing it or putting it in a bun. After cutting it, and following the CG method more regularly, my curls spiral and are more defined!”
8. ShaiLynn Morales @curlyhair_shai
“I used to straighten my hair every day, due to what society told me was “better,” but I began to undergo a self-love journey and with that, the Curly Girl Method was included. I stopped using heat two years ago, and I only use products that are free from toxic chemicals. This change has improved my hair and allowed me to embrace who I am—including my beautiful curls.”
9. Genesis Rosa @genessirosa
“The Curly Girl Method helped me to no longer conform to societal beauty standards, and stick to a regimen that brought out what’s natural of me.”
10. Danyeli Rodriguez @afrodominicanxthings
“The most drastic change to better the health of my hair was cutting my ponytail off in 2013 and slowly transitioning out of heat. I never relaxed my hair, but Dominican salons use so much heat that my curls were permanently damaged and tamed.
I began following the Curly Girl method slowly after I cut my ponytail, at my own pace when natural hair was not as buzz-worthy as it is now. At first, I stopped straightening it every week. Eventually, I’d straighten it once a month, then once every two months, then three, then six, until I had no need to do so anymore. Currently, I am two years and a half natural. I wear all natural products, and apply a hydrating masque every single wash day (once a week”>. I sleep with my hair in a silk bonnet, and never on cotton fabric. Overall, the CG method has taught me to be patient, in my untangling and wash days. My hair is so much healthier for it.”
11. Bella De La Cruz @def_curls
“Although it’s no secret that I don’t follow all the natural hair rules, the Curly Girl Method has served as a helpful guide throughout my journey. With proper care and patience, my hair is better now in my 40s than it was in my 20s. I am living proof that it is never too late to embrace your curls.”
12. Jennifer Flores @jenniferxf_
“The best part of using the Curly Girl Method has been understanding that my hair needs to be treated gently and loved in its own special way. After over 10 years of heat damage, moisturizing and caring for my hair properly helped transform my heat damaged curls and restore them to all their glory!”
13. Icelee Russell @_naturalee_
“I never put much care into my hair but now that I’ve been following the Curly Girl method, I’ve found that moisturizing has been major key for my hair’s growth and growth retention.”
14. Danica Liriano @littlel8y86
“Transitioning to curly hair was a little difficult because my hair had to figure itself out. The Curly Girl method helped my curls become more defined, but I still had to go through the awkward phase to reach this point, so all I can say is, patience.”
15. Walkiria Reposo @walki86
“Sticking to the Curly Girl method can be a bit difficult at times, however, many will tell you that patience is key in this journey. My curls improve every day.”
The common ground for most curly girls is having the patience throughout this journey for healthier hair. It’s not easy going from an accustomed look that isn’t your natural curls to an awkward phase that will get you to prettier, naturally curly hair, however, one thing is for sure: you’re not alone in the process.