My name is Olivia and I’m from Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands (in the Caribbean”>. I’m an Accountant by profession, but my true calling is really to exist in the Fashion World. I have a penchant for all things creative- art, music, fashion and if you consider food and travel creative, then include those too :”>.
How would you describe your style?
I don’t believe that my style can be summed up in a specific way simply because it’s all over the place. Sometimes classy, sometimes modest but sometimes risque. Sometimes girly or flirty. Sometimes chic, boho, retro, edgy, feminine, glam etc. I dress according to how I feel and not necessarily according to what’s in.
How do you decide what to wear in the morning?
Most of my thoughts come alive in the shower. I’m not sure why, but they do. At times, I’ll wake up completely clueless as to what I’m going to wear and as soon as I’m in the shower, voila! a complete outfit comes to mind. Very rarely do I mentally plan my outfits the day/ night before.
What are your favorite wardrobe pieces?
Well, that’s a tough one. I’m really not sure actually. Because I live on an island and it’s ALWAYS hot, I’d like to say that I tend to grab for anything hassle free, preferably iron/ wrinkle-free (I HATE ironing”> and most importantly, cool and comfortable.
Where do you typically shop for clothes and accessories?
ONLINE!! Living on a tiny island has some great perks, but also some major disadvantages when it comes to shopping for clothes, so I’ve mastered the art of online shopping.
Let’s talk hair. How long have you been natural? What is your normal regimen?
I’ve pretty much been natural all of my life. I’ve relaxed/ permed my hair, maybe twice. I’ve been loc’d for almost 10 years now though. As for a regimen, I don’t necessarily have one. I wash my hair whenever I feel like (no strict routine”> or when it really needs it and apply Argan oil to the locs and castor oil to the root. That’s about it really…oh, and I interlock maybe once per month.
Despite what the masses may say, locs are very versatile
Do you have a signature hairstyle?
Anything up and out of my face is my signature. My big bun is always quick and easy and it works with every single outfit.
How does your natural hair work with your style?
Despite what the masses may say, locs are very versatile and very much fit right into how creative I can be with my personal style. To me, it’s the perfect fit.
How can we stay connected with you?
I am literally on almost all social platforms
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