If you’ve ever wondered…..
From covering grays to enhancing your curls with color, NaturallyCurly + Bigen (pronounced “bee·gn” or “be·ghen””> understand that hair dye and color techniques face icky myths. That’s why I asked Bigen to dispel a few of them in this post so that you can color your curls with confidence!
MYTH #1: All permanent hair dyes, including Bigen Powder, damage hair.
Most general permanent hair dyes have a lifting and depositing function; that is, they remove natural melanin present in your hair, then adds back artificial colorants. This lifting function is primarily where the damage happens.
Unlike the aforementioned hair dye type, Bigen is a deposit-only hair dye that uses water to open up your cuticles for adding color. It does not require hydrogen peroxide and is designed without the function for lightening your hair, which is often unnecessary for those who simply want to cover grays, achieve darker shades, and/or restore fade. This makes coloring your grays safer than most dye products and it won’t damage your hair.
MYTH #2: All permanent hair dyes have a nasty odor.
Since it’s free of ammonia, a nasty-smelling dye is not a part of the Bigen formula.
BONUS FACT: Lack of ammonia is not exactly related to the product being gentle on hair or causing damage. Many people misunderstand that ammonia-free equals damage free, but it actually only serves to eliminate unwanted odor in hair dye products. This is true for non-Bigen products as well!
MYTH #3: Bigen Permanent Powder is made of henna.
It’s a common misconception that all powdered hair dyes come from henna. Bigen Permanent Powder does not contain any henna; this plant-derived ingredient source only comes in a reddish tint, and simply does not perform to do what Bigen does best – offer permanent, full gray coverage for those with naturally black and brown hair.
MYTH #4: Hair is hair, regardless of where it’s growing; I can use permanent hair dyes to color any hair on my body.
Most hair dye products, including Bigen Permanent Powder, have been designed exclusively to color the hair on your head. Hair dyes often come in contact with the skin. Skin sensitivity varies across different parts of the body; this is why you shouldn’t use hair dye on other parts of the body unless the product specifically has been assessed for and labeled as safe for such use.
To dye hair like eyelashes or the eyebrows is simply too dangerous given its proximity to your eyes!
Always read the cautionary statements on your products to make sure you are using them only as intended.
MYTH #5: Hair dyes use synthetic colorants – therefore, they cause allergies and are unsafe.
People can be allergic to commonly used products and ingredients, both natural and man-made. Regardless of their origin, substances have the potential to produce an allergic reaction in certain individuals, but not on others. Peanuts, a wholly natural plant food source, is a delicious source of nutrition for some, and a fatal allergen for others. Synthetic preservatives can protect products from dangerous bacteria to ensure safety, but again can also be a potential allergen for others.
Long story short, our world and bodies are way too complicated to simplify under the common assumption, that ‘natural is safe and synthetic is dangerous.” It also doesn’t help to simplify synthetic as a synonym to chemical and antonym to natural; from a technical point of view, all substances are composed of chemical compounds. Vitamin C, a natural nutrition found in abundance in lemons, is comprised of chemical compounds carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (C6H8O6″>.
The best way to ensure your health and safety is to read and follow all instructions for safe use, including the 48-hour patch test procedure. This applies to all hair dye products out there and is not unique to Bigen.
MYTH #6: I have always used hair dyes, so I will always be able to use hair dyes.
What complicates matters even further in addition to the Myth #5, is the fact that you can develop allergies suddenly at any point in time; many of those who had been perfectly fine as a child may suddenly experience hay fever (allergy to pollen”> as an adult. This is why a 48-hour patch test is required each time before you color your hair, regardless of previous results.
Unfortunately, once you develop allergies to a particular substance, you are permanently allergic to it.
What people often don’t realize is the fact that the majority of permanent hair dyes across various brands share the common colorant p-phenylenediamine. Consequently, once you develop allergies to hair dyes, switching brands most likely will not resolve the matter; moreover, continued exposure can worsen your symptoms over time so if you ever experience an adverse reaction, it’s important to stop use immediately and to consult a dermatologist for formal diagnosis and advice.
Are there myths Bigen didn’t address that you have questions about? Let them know!!! How? Leave a comment, curly!
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