I’m often amazed on how much money we naturalistas will spend on our hair! My own cabinet is testament to this. I am a self-professed product junkie myself and will try just about anything to get my desired results. Searching through the blogosphere researching the newest techniques and products, there seems to be common underlying themes which tend to revolve around two areas—how to maintain healthy hair and how to grow it fast.
My juice prescription for this is my Hair Lullaby Juice! It will not only aid your hair growth but also give some the best night sleep you will ever have.
Hair Lullaby Juice
What You’ll Need:
- 2 cups of spinach
- 4 stalks of celery
- 1 small green apple
- 3 leaves of kale
- 1 small lemon
About a year ago, I stumbled across a little secret that not only speeded up my hair growth after my big chop but also changed the trajectory of my health—juicing. I juiced everything from leafy green and root veggie to fruit. Initially all in an attempt to lose my some baby weight I was hanging on to. What I found throughout the process is that it was speeding up my hair growth after the big chop. My hair growth doubled during my heaviest juicing phases.
When I researched further I found that one of my favorite go to juices was packed with vitamins and minerals that aided in hair growth. It had cucumbers, which are high in sulfur, which is the building block mineral in many of your hair growth vitamins. This juice also included carrots, which are great source of vitamin A and great for stimulating your scalp and thickening your mane.
While knowing how to maintain and take care of natural tresses is absolutely necessary when trying to grow your hair, we often overlook the one thing can help speed up and support this process—what we put in our mouths.
The average American eats 1-2 serving of veggies and fruit per day.
This is well below the 10-12 servings it is recommended. Juicing is an easy way to increase your daily intake.
There is something to be said about genetics and the role it plays on hair texture and growth. I’m not here to negate this fact, but what I can say for those us who weren’t so blessed genetically and need a little help in boosting and speeding up our hair growth, juicing is the way to go. Some added side effects to juicing regularly include weight loss, glowing skin, and added energy.
For those of you concerned about the taste, well you would be surprised at the combinations.
Check out my e-guide JuiceMyFro for a 30-day hair-growth juicing program. This plan includes recipes and weekly shopping lists to make it easy for you to implement daily. Happy Juicing Your Fro!