Pictured: @wavescurlswhatever
Frizz is a fact of life for all curlies, but it is often more of a problem when transitioning because of damaged areas. These tips and tricks will help you through and beyond the transitioning process.
- Keep those curls moisturized to keep frizz and flyaways at bay.Weekly deep conditioning treatments can add life and bounce to parched curls and keep them from frizzing. When you apply your conditioner, work it in well, and then thoroughly massage it into the ends. Some products that will give your hair the moisture it needs without weighing it down include:
- Genedor Beauty Moisture Resuscitate Deep Conditioning Treatment
- Jessicurl Deep Conditioning Treatment
- SheaMoisture Yucca & Plantain Anti-Breakage Strengthening Masque
- Don’t skip the leave-in conditioner.
Many curly newbies go straight from wash to styler without using a leave-in in between and this can lead to a slight halo of frizz as the day wears on. While a leave-in does not fully seal your hair, it will moisturize it and help that moisture stay put. Leave-ins to love include: - Curl Junkie BeautiCurls Leave-in Hair Conditioner
- As I Am Leave-In Conditioner
- Aunt Jackie’s Curls & Coils Quench! Moisture Intensive Leave-In Conditioner
- After raking your leave-in and styler(s”> through your hair, try using a Denman brush for even application.To ensure you coat every strand of hair with product from root to tip, flip your head over and brush through your thoroughly detangled hair. When you are finished, flip your head back over and brush everything into place. Get your Denman brush here.
- Shingle the curls that tend to frizz.Not only will this help them to stay moisturized longer, but it will train them over time so that they will curl correctly on their own.
- Moisturize your hair when it needs it.You don’t have to wait until wash day to give your dry, frizzy hair the hydration that it needs. Spritz it with a mix of 75% water and 25% leave-in conditioner using a fine-mist sprayer.
- Don’t over scrunch, when the humidity is high. Moist air will break your gel cast for you, and leave you with bouncy, hydrated curls that last.
- Break your gel cast with a drop or two of Argan or Jojoba oil. Rub the oil between the palms of your hands, and then start scrunching. This will help to seal and smooth the hair and add a bit of sheen.
- Get regular trims. Often, we curlies like to skip the salon sessions in order to preserve length. Going months between cuts can be fine once transitioning is complete, but when you are in the middle of it, getting regular and frequent trims is the fastest and easiest route to healthy hair. Find a salon that will work with you on your hair journey, one that is committed to the health and restoration of your curls.
Lastly, if your hair is frizzy at the end of a long day, sometimes your only option may be to thoroughly saturate it with water, apply a bit of leave-in and styler, and scrunch. However, if you have just a few spots that have lost their definition, you can do the following:
- Thoroughly wet your hands, and then rake them through the frizzy areas.
- Spritz with a curl refresher.
- Shingle, and then scrunch, and allow the curls to dry.
How do you control frizz? Let us know in the comments. For more frizz control tips, click here.