Dear CurlySuzy: I just did the big chop about three weeks ago. One of the main reasons I went natural is because I sweat a lot in my hair. When I am finished working out, my hair is literally dripping. I couldn’t possibly have a relaxer and work out as much as I want to. Now that I am working out about 4-5 days a week, I am not sure how much I should co-wash my hair. I am not sure how to get second-day hair so I co-wash pretty much every day. I feel like my hair doesn’t look good if I don’t co-wash, reapply leave-in and then styler. I am currently using Kinky-Curly Curling Custard but I have a lot of other products that I am going to try. I just need to know if I am doing too much co-washing and is it ok to do it every day.
Dear Alicia: I know a lot of curlies who co-wash every day. That is just fine. Be sure you are using a conditioner that is water soluble so you don’t have a lot of build up. That would be my only caution. If you want a list of good silicone free/water soluble conditioners, I am happy to suggest some below.
One more thought is, are you cleansing at least once a week? You might do that if you think you need to. Otherwise you are doing everything else right, I think.