I hope you checked out the seven curly kids books suggested to read with your child for naturally curly hair acceptance. But the list doesn’t stop there! Scouring the Internet produced seven more books the kiddies will love! Some are specifically about curly hair, while others just feature a main character with lusciously springy locks! Try to find these at your local public library, and if you come up empty-handed, try Amazon or eBay.
MORE: Curly Kids
7 More Books for Curly Kids
Sugar Plum Ballerina Series
by Whoopie Goldberg
These are short chapter books appropriate for those around a first grade reading level or higher. Alex moves to a new city and her mom makes her take ballet. The books have age appropriate scenarios like adjusting to a new city or school, learning to make friends and be a good person to others. I chose this book because the girls in the illustrations have fabulous curly hair tucked neatly into cute ballerina buns!
$4.99; AmazonWhat I Like About Me
by Allia Zobel Nolan
Great book to teach our little ones that unique characteristics make us beautiful! The story includes different quirks and traits, like braces, big feet, and different types of hair. Ask your child to say what he likes about himself, and point out that even though we may look different, we’re all pretty great!
$6.29; Barnes and NobleThere Was a Little Girl,
She Had a Little Curl
by Harriet Ziefert
Have you ever walked into a room only to find that your son or daughter is chopping away at their precious hair with a pair of scissors? Kids will test boundaries and express their independence — sometimes with hilarious consequences. In this book, Isabel finds some scissors and cuts her curls off! Read the book to find out how Isabel fixed her haircut.
$11.80; Barnes and NobleDaisy’s Perfect Word
by Sanda Feder
Daisy loves words and wants to give her favorite teacher (who’s moving away”> the gift of the perfect word. What will she choose? I chose this book because it’s another positive representation of curly hair. The book does not focus on hair, but it’s always good to see ourselves in positive illustrations, isn’t it?
$10.91; AmazonCurly Like Me
by Teri Laflesh
This is more of an instructional book that the whole family can appreciate! Teri Laflesh is the creator of the “tightly curly method”, in which you leave your favorite conditioner in your hair for awesome shine, bounce and definition. Keep this as a reference for your curly kids, and teach them how to build the perfect curly hair regimen for themselves. As they become more independent and don’t need you to wash and style their hair, they can refer to this book for encouragement!
$11.53; AmazonAnnie’s Curly Hair
by Rosie Muñoz
Red haired Annie looks in the mirror and wonders why her hair curls up. She wants long, flowy hair like her friend! It’s not fair! When she gets rid of her curls, she finally has straight hair but doesn’t know what to do with it — it still doesn’t look quite right. That’s because your curls are made especially for you, her mailman friend explains!
$19.99; Barnes and NobleWanda and the Wild Hair
by Barbara Azore
Wanda adores her curly hair! Too bad everyone else doesn’t. Her mom thinks curly hair means unkempt hair (false!”>, her dad jokes that he’ll take her to a poodle parlor for a trim (rude!”> and her teacher threatens to make her cut it (can you spell l-a-w-s-u-i-t?”> Wanda just can’t be bothered because she loves how bouncy and soft her hair feels. Does Wanda have to get a hair cut? Will she miss her curls? Read to find out!
$7.95; Amazon