I’m inspired to share these books after a recent encounter with a mom; she told me her four-year-old little girl, who has gorgeous, kinky-curly golden coils, was starting to notice and questioning the difference between her hair and other little girls. It was at that moment I remembered all of my insecurities while growing up in a Hispanic neighborhood, where best friend had silky, bone-straight hair which easily grazed her tailbone. The difference for little girls now is the plethora of positive reinforcers to encourage them to be just who they are — beautifully kinky-curly.
5 Story Books

Lola has really really REALLY big hair, much bigger than the other kids at her school, but that doesn’t stop her from telling anyone who will listen just how much she LOVES her hair! It´s not always easy being a kid. Designed to boost self-esteem and build confidence, this beautifully illustrated picture book is aimed at boys and girls who may need a reminder from time to time that it’s okay to look different from the other kids at their school.

This whimsical, evocative story about a girl named Keyana encourages African-American children to feel good about their special hair and be proud of their heritage. A BlackBoard Children’s Book of the Year. Full-color illustrations.

Penny wanted to wear her hair “down” like all of the other girls in her class. She wondered why her friends had long straight hair and she did not. Feeling different made her feel sad. Penny’s mom assured her that her hair is perfect. Just because her hair is different from her friends hair, it didn’t mean that it was bad. Penny’s mom decides to style her hair in puffballs, magic puffballs. Penny learns though a series of fun adventures, that wonderful and magical things happen when she wears her puffballs.

Promise, Hope, Grace and Faith appear to be very different, but there’s one common thing they share. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice they ALL have curly hair!Hope’s hair is blonde and wild, spiraled in beautiful ringlets. While Promise’s hair is tightly coiled, she wears puffs and barrettes. Faith’s hair hangs down her back in looser curls and waves. And Grace’s hair is much, much curlier, the color of a fiery blaze. Join these curl friends in fun adventures and everyday activities and by the end of this fantastic story, you’ll know what makes their hair so HAPPY!

I’M A PRETTY LITTLE BLACK GIRL! introduces adorable Mia, who wakes with her hair just-a-going every which-a-ways! With her abundant energy and joy leading the way, readers follow Mia as she plays with her friends who are all shades, shapes and sizes. There’s tall Kia, Keisha the reader, Charlotte her best friend, Dina Rose-Marie the artist, Imani the dancer, Anna who loves sports, Ruby the singer, and honey-haired Tracy. Mia finds that Pretty is within herself and her friends, and being pretty is way beyond what the mirror shows.
What other titles do you recommend?
Written by Confessions of a Blog Vixen for CurlyNikki