Caring for your child’s natural hair can be a journey. You spend so much time learning about your own natural hair, what products and styles work for you, and now you have to do the same for your child’s hair. Believe me I know the struggle is real, but it’s totally necessary when caring for your child’s hair. My overall goal for my daughter’s hair is to use products that are not harsh and make sure that I practice low-manipulation styling. I focus on the heath of her hair over anything else.
I began really focusing on the styling of my daughter’s natural hair when she was about 18 months old. Before then, there was not really much to do to her hair. I didn’t use many products before then. Her routine was simple, which included washing with a mild baby shampoo and applying a little oil to her hair afterwards. I brushed it with a soft brush and that was it. She is 2 years old now and I have developed a regimen that incorporates products. I always get tons of questions about what I use on my daughter’s hair, but it’s equally important to know what I avoid.
$$AD$$Products with harsh ingredients
I use the entire EDENBodyworks Kids line on her hair. None of their products contain harsh ingredients. I don’t use any shampoos with sulfates that are drying to textured hair. EDENBodywork products work well for her hair, as her hair continues to retain length and maintain its health.
Certain hair accessories
I am not a fan of using a lot of hair accessories on my daughter’s hair. I only like to use headbands and ouch-less bands for her ponytails. I never like to put any barrettes or objects on the ends of her hair. Accessories can cause breakage to children’s hair and should be avoided if possible, especially along her edges. I try to keep it simple and cute.
$$AD$$Harsh gels

I prefer not to use gels with extreme hold on my child’s hair. I feel that gels with an extreme hold are too harsh for her hair and will make it very hard. To hold her styles in place I use EDENBodyworks Coco Shea Berry Natural Smoothing Gel. It doesn’t have harsh ingredients like some of the holding gels on the market for adults, and it gives her styles a smooth finish.
I do not use any heat on my daughter’s hair. I also don’t use a blow-dryer or any tools that require heat. She is only 2 years old and I don’t think I will be using heat any time soon. I want to avoid heat damage. Heat is not on my radar for the styling of her hair at this stage.
What products or tools are a no-go for your little one’s hair?