Type 4C coily lady, you are a total babe! You most likely have a completely separate budget for products, as your goal is all about moisture (and tons of it”>. You can also shock people when you show them how long your hair is when stretched and essentially have 2 completely different styles without buying expensive extensions. Products with lots of slip are important to you, as they lubricate and detangle your hair, while adding extra moisture. Your coils are similar to a 4B in shape, but are much denser and more prone to shrinkage.
Oftentimes 4C coils are fragile, as they can dry out, which causes them to break easily. Solve this by moisturizing (x1000″>, avoiding any styles that can break hair easily, and staying away from harsh chemicals. Since 4C is typically the same coil shape as a 4B, most women have combinations of 4C and 4B coils on their heads. Some even have types from the whole 4 category.
Remember, most women have several curl patterns on their head, so you will see many women with a range of curls and coils here.
Here are 20 gorgeous women with everything from strictly 4C coils, to the whole 4 family. Do you see yourself in any of these ladies?
1. @beingupile
2. @silverwears
3. @avielleamor
4. @not_so_diva_like
5. @authentically.b
6. @maureenpowel
7. @daynabolden
8. @gath21
Curl friends with the same hair type, but different looks!
9. @luna_lotuslove
10. @discoverdiaries
11. @gzy.wav
12. @_sherzy
@_sherzy’s 4C curls look fabulous with this tapered cut!
13. @youhadmeatbacon
14. @mztee2011
15. @missshanielmckenzie
@missshanielmckenzie’s fiery 4B and 4C coils are gorgeous.
16. @asnegritinhas
Coils on coils on coils! Aren’t these curlfriends just the cutest?
17. @naturallytemi
18. @thari_manhissa
19. @alex_elle
If you want type 4 inspo, @alex_elle is a must-follow.
20. @naturally_nakyia
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