Our Q&A Section allows our dedicated curly community members to post, ask, and answer questions all things hair related. Be sure to stop by to engage with others like you and earn points while doing so! Member TaylorAmor posted this question recently:
My hair is extremely POOFY & DRY! What can I do to reduce poofiness & add definition & hydration?
Well Taylor, let me start off by saying that we all here at NaturallyCurly think “poofy” hair is pretty awesome. Sometimes, bigger is better! Rock that hair with confidence, girl.
Regardless, I understand you may not want the “big hair” effect. Reading your question, I’m making the assumption you do not… therefore I will suggest to you these tips in helping you reduce your chances for frizz and poofy 3B/3C curls. There are two techniques for applying your hair products that can help decrease the “poof:” the shingling method, and the LCO method.
Method #1: Shingling Method
Shingling is a way of applying your products to your hair, smoothing the product over your hair from root to tip in sections:
- Section your freshly washed and conditioned hair into about 4 large sections.
- Seal in moisture with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO”>, found at your local drugstore or grocery.
- Grab your favorite styler (a curl definer like the ones below”> and literally rake the product through your strands from root to tip.
- Elongate and smooth your strands, starting from the middle of the length of your hair and working your way up. Focus on the tips at the end of the section.
- Do not touch your hair during the drying process.
Best products for shingling:
- Bee Mine Bee Hold Curly Butter
- Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk Pudding
- Miss Jessie’s Curly Pudding
- Ossat Naturals Curling Custard
- African Pride Shea Butter Creme
- Obia Naturals Curl Enhancing Custard
Watch the Video
Curly hair guru MoKnowsHair demonstrates the Shingling Method on type 3 hair below.
[prodmod]Method #2 LCO Method
The LCO Method is an acronym for the order in which you apply your products. LCO stands for liquid, cream, oil.
- Apply a water-based leave-in. Regular ol’ water usually does the trick for curly hair!
- Seal in the moisture onto your hair with a cream.
- Use an oil for a healthy sheen.
Best products for LCO:
- SheaMoisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie
- Miss Jessie’s Leave-In Condish
- Camille Rose Naturals Curl Moisture Milk
- Yes to Carrots! Leave-In Conditioner
- Karen’s Body Beautiful Heavenly Jojoba Oil
- Eden Body Works All Natural Jojoba Oil
Watch the Video
NaturallyGG sisters show how to use the LCO Method for dry, natural hair.
Do you have a question about your wavy, curly, and coily natural hair? Visit NaturallyCurly’s Q&A Section (where it says ASK”> here and post it now!